What is Miyazaki doing here?

What is Miyazaki doing here?
Is he the mastermind behind it all?

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why does the most prestigous anime studio in japan work in something that looks like a favela

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Miyazaki would probably be saddened that young animators suffered such a fate.He is not as bad as Yea Forums makes him to be

Imagine being a pathetic onions boy beta cuck trolling about a devastating incident. I hope you die you low life virgin piece of shit

why are you attacking Yea Forums on every thread tho
any proof it's a Yea Forums tard trolling?

But really though, why is he there?

Anime which doesn't target normalfags and doesn't run for 1000 episodes makes no real money

Is it actually him?

Based Miya-sama. Japan doesn't deserve him and neither do we

This is just his first step towards correcting a great mistake

He had to go see the tradgedy for himself.

This might inspire him to stop talking and start doing when it comes to reforming animation in japan and making it source of national pride again.

>Every wrinkly white aired old man is Miyazaki

Dumbass, that's obviously Colonel Sanders.

Miyazaki's art evolving even further. No longer content with mere film, he spreads his message pf salvation in the last unused medium: fire


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It looks a lot like him.

>most prestigous anime studio
Not even sure if you people are baiting anymore. This is just downright sad to watch.

He took the matter into his own hands

I think that's the guy who was taking all the pictures in the Haruhi DVD extras where they visited all the locations used as references for backgrounds.

rip waifus

Based Miyazaki stopping moe filth from spreading.

God dammit, I shouldn't be laughing so hard.