I knew that Yea Forums was full of degenerates and retards, but edge masters too? And just because you dont like their goddamn animes? Absolutely embarrassing.
Some of you are okay though. There are decent anons out there...
Those people didnt deserve shit
Those are Yea Forums crossboarders.
Oh wow an actual Reddit newfag, usually you people are stormniggers and such now. Anyway go back
why do you care so much?
it's every board raiding us
Are you retarded? All you accomplish with this is getting even more edge posts
>blaming other boards
Come on now.....
Oh yeah, it's always someone's else fault
Stop being so immature
I'm here from pol simply to tell them off, they'll go away eventually.
Shut the fuck up. Blaming others who aren't involved won't change shit.
Holy shit. I hope this event sensitizes Yea Forums into calling shit like this out from now on.
You pirated all their shit. You never appreciated their work. You never respected them. The Kyoani staff is disappointed in you from beyond the grave.
Kyoani desrved to burn, but the people didn't deserve to die
>Some of you are okay though.
If you want people that pretend to care why don't you go to reddit? I am not even joking.
I already post on reddit though?
You can open multiple tabs in a browser, you know
>kids in america get shot
haha lel lmoa be american get shot
>frogs get blown up and shot
13/11 never baguette lmao x-DDD
>japs get set afire
go back
What the fuck is up with these moralfags? Awful posters who don't belong on Yea Forums. There are already a dozen of these fucking kyoani shit. Keep it in there. Seriously, these faggots wouldn't even exist on old Yea Forums. Old Yea Forums and old Yea Forums would have made even more jokes about it, and some would even appreciate that this studio has a chance of dying.
Now we have people actually getting offended by offensive humor. On fucking Yea Forums. Yea Forums used to make posting Naurto threads a bannable offense for a reason.
I have more respect for the edgefags, because at least they aren't pretending to be emotionally devastated like you are.
Wtf does reddit have to do with not pretending to be Coldsteel the hedgehog on Yea Forums?
Pretend posting is worse than samefagging, just so you know.
nice reddit spacing
This but unironically. Americans and frogs, unlike the japs that actually produce content I care about, are expendable.
Because they didn't make the cartoons you liked? Would you shut the fuck up?
They are from reddit, twitter and resetera.
Scum, just fuck them
>old Yea Forums
>old a
Shut your zoomer ass the fuck up. Who the fuck are you trying to impress here?
"old Yea Forums" would have already raised thousands of dollars for help
This. Old Yea Forums was more cynical and caustic in their daily posting, but they would be devastated with something like this and would have done something about it. They always left aside their differences when stuff like this happened.
Old Yea Forums had CP trading and would raid the tribute page set up by the parents of someone who committed suicide. It would also have less of you Kyoani faggots getting all offended over mildly tasteless jokes and trying to be the moral police about it.
Just because anons are pedophiles doesn't mean they're heartless monsters with no empathy. Stop conflating morality into one giant clusterfuck you fucking black and white seeing toddler. Rest assured, however, once you swing I will be one of the first ones roasting you in the facebook tribute page.
>thinking old Yea Forums were some kind of "assholes with the heart of gold"
They were just like my animes
I admit that i do feel bad about the victims, my prayer and wish are with them and their families
but it's also kinda funny at the same time
If you really were in old Yea Forums you're in your 30s or 40s now, you probably have kids and family.
newfags like being edgy
t. newfag from /r/edge
shut the fuck up, you guys are the ones constantly invading Yea Forums with non video game anime thread
It's not about whether or not old Yea Forums would have made jokes about this or been sympathetic. Both would have happened. What is shitty about moralfags is that they can't just be sympathetic in their corner and just ignore the edginess they have to use this as a way to go "this has gone to far you need to change this is serious now" to the edginess. It's like how there's a difference between not being into loli and being anti-loli. Nobody is forcing you to be edgy. You want to force the edge out of others though.
Nah dude, I've seen plenty of edge shit on Yea Forums that has zero to due with studiowars.
Namely Akame Ga Kill and Isekai threads. Mostly isekai threads.
>outing self as the Yea Forumsedditor. Was it worth it?
no one from Yea Forums touches Yea Forums retard
your board is shit on your own merits, no one elses
>make money off otaku bait
>spit in the faces of otakus because fuck off with your virgin worship
>still want otaku money
>make otaku bait except haha she wasn't virgin all along
actions have consequences and pissing off otakus ending in disaster isn't something new
here's an idea: make shit that isn't otaku bait or keep pandering but not both?
ever seen kyoani make an anime about highschool teenage girls discussing their boyfriends? no? I wonder fucking why
the industry created this monster and they can play he victim or act ignorant it doesn't matter because it's not going away
How deluded do you have to be to believe this?
Shut up newfag
Come on, user. Wake up and smell the Yea Forums. We've been polluted for a long time now, and it's not even subtle anymore.
>I have more respect for the edgefags, because at least they aren't pretending to be emotionally devastated like you are.
Instead, they're pretending to be desensitized human beings with no empathy for easy (You)'s.
it's pretty much Yea Forums and /pol/
>blaming others board!
No majority of Yea Forums population is from Yea Forums. Not Yea Forums who visit Yea Forums for game discussions but Yea Forums who visit Yea Forums for shitposting. If you was in Yea Forums you will notice that worst shitpsoters are from Yea Forums. They often have Trigger and Kyoani threads. And you can recognize same shitpsoters by their posting style and image reverse search
>by their posting style and image reverse search
I would argue you've invested too much time into this topic. Is it really important to you which board is more cancer?
>Not a heartless monster
Good one.
Right, cartoons life ruined. That dragon loli will never recover from the horrors of all the 3 inch dicks being abused as they leer at her.
Precisely this. Talking and doing are two different things and toddlers whose worldviews are moulded by the internet instead of the contrast between the webs and IRL always have trouble understanding this distinction.
No. I'm autist and don't like when they bring Yea Forums or /pol/ culture and posting style into Yea Forums. Of course it was always like this, but now their influence is too strong. Not everyone of them are bad.
>implies that Anons are exclusive to one board
>Proceeds to get btfo
>S-shut up N-newfag!
Genuine yikes from me, bro.
>worst shitpsoters are from Yea Forums
That's /pol/, but Yea Forums definitely takes 2nd place.
He's obviously talking about the real deal, or even japanese U-15 stuff, and not your "ravioli dragon loli xD" memeshit
This foreal
They are. Only Yea Forumsedditors touch shit boards like Yea Forums and /pol/
>thinking they deserved it because wahhhh the cartoon girl isn't my ultimate pure dream waifu
i hope you know that you're a bad person
Hello to your first year on Yea Forums enjoy your stay
Are we getting raiding what the fuck is going on? Why do so many people have hurt feelings
>old fags would've been just as edgy
All these flat out lies, while it's not old fags persay even back in 2012 when the Earthquakes happened people weren't this fucking edgy, the unsaid rule was always it's ok to be edgy, joke about loli, cp, and guro all until it affected actual innocent people. This is one of those cases so prove you aren't /vpol/ crossboard scum.
The only good Yea Forumsincel is the death Yea Forumsincel.
And when Yea Forums is shit it's always other boards' fault right?
Kill yourself retard, you have no idea and a simple reverse image search and the fact that all the popular memes and buzzwords are popular here as well prove you wrong.
well clearly you didn't read my post since kyoani sure made enough money off people who care about pure waifus before they decided they had had enough but for some reason thought they could keep milking otaku market
>He's obviously talking about the real deal, or even japanese U-15
Gross, but as long as they're not actively molesting or financing show me the morally bankrupt. Also, fuck you. That was a sick meme.
I think you need more hobbies besides watching anime.
You are absoluteley correct, but you should check out the sticky. It's pretty much how you described old 4chins.
Yeah those dick pics sure didn't affect anyone.
Yes, actually, retard. Stay in your containment boards, redditors
Go back to cancerbook Juan.
No one wants you here, filthy mexican
Go back to your shithole faggot.
>le epin seethe cringeing yikes cuck dude soiboi chad XD
>not Yea Forumseddit aka shounentards
Anyways, regardless of the board crossboarders are the fucking worst
Yea Forums has thousands of Yea Forumsedditors and is pretty r*ddit itself the
Well, at least you're honest with yourself. Best of luck with your crusade, user.
Actually look at the posting style of the being arguing for and against. The people getting offended are the crossboarders/normalfags/newfags.
/vp/ /pol/ here can confirm.
But I don't do edgy posts, since I admire Japan too much.
>Stay in your containment boards, redditors
Yea Forums?
>it's an Yea Forums blames Yea Forums for its problems episode
Shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up.
most of us don't want them to die but rather their medium
if I could push a button to resurrect kyoani employees but wipe out all moe anime, I would smash that motherfucker
Based Californian public school user, spreading his retardedness far and wide
Ironical edge was always a part of Yea Forums. Lurk moar.
Every board is shit because every ironically shitposts to the point it isn't ironic anymore and just the norm.
Man smells like /vpol/ in here
californians are pretty much the userbase of the v, pol and tv monoculture cancer
reminder that laughing at edginess is a telltale sign of immaturity
even if you are over 18, your mind is not yet adult
No, I am not.
>make endless 9/11, holocaust, and pearl harbor jokes
>the owner of the site is commonly referred to as Hiroshimoot
>a few dozen animators die
I always had the theory that 100% of Yea Forums plays video games and maybe 20% of Yea Forums ACTIVELY watches anime.
When a big new hyped up game comes out do you guys get a shitton of video game threads here? Because I can't even begin to count for example how many Goblin Slayer threads I saw on Yea Forums because you guys were jerking off to that 24/7.
It also doesn't help that everyone is a newfag now. If you tell people that "x cancerous behavior" is Yea Forums posting style they don't believe or understand you because they come from a time after it became ubiquitous all over the popular parts of Yea Forums.
Kyoani is full of libshits that are pushing sjw, pedo and antisemitic taking points we are fucking glad it happened
Weebs are a mistake.
Yea Forums only cares because it was shitty slice of life anime that plagues this board like Kobayashi and K-on.
I guarantee you, that if Toei or Trigger burnt down everyone on this board would be laughing and cracking jokes, but since SoL shit plagues this board, everyone here has to act like they are sad despite the fact that they literally live across the globe and nowhere near this event because that means they can no longer pretend their life has any meaning or substance outside of pretending that they are these characters in these god awful animes.
I'm 2007 user and am against it.
>you're not
picrelated. But am 30 years old now and just can't be edgy
Video games aren't really posted here unless it has an adaptation like Idolmaster.
I think you got that backwards.
>wants to be an adult
>posts on Yea Forums
Comedy = tragedy + time
Do you understand now or do I need to draw you a map, mr. premature memejaculator?
That's because Yea Forums has nothing against off-topic posting. This is not an Yea Forums thing. People don't discuss video games here because they get told to fuck off. You don't do this on Yea Forums.
Is time to delete Yea Forums and ban all the crossboarders. Do your job hiro
No, he's right. People whose brains haven't developed yet can't process emotions and default to humor to tackle the uncomfortable feelings they're experiencing. After 25 if you're still sitting here edgelording you're actually emotionally stunted and fall into the category of not being well adjusted.
this, if any studio that made action anime burnt down Yea Forums would praise it. But since it was a studio that primarily does SoL anime, they act like they are sad.
Would the same sadness be felt if Bones or J.C burnt down? Probably fucking not because those don't have cute girls that fat neckbeards can latch onto.
They would fuck off if you stopped giving them attention and free (you)s
same for moralfags that make the same kind of posts OP made knowing the trolls will also hand out massive (you)s
I'll fix that, comedy = tragedy + time x distance.
please can all the tourists that decided to show up during dragon maid anime fuck off?
kyoani always was called out on being pandering shit after lucky star, which became self-evident after fucking free
Those have ton of cute girls. You don't know what you're talking about.
Yea Forums gets alot more Yea Forums posts than Yea Forums gets Yea Forums posts
But this doesn't make me uncomfortable and I'm not even laughing, I just want to make you feel bad.
Finally the moe era is ending, what a time to be alive
The fight is not over, sjws and demonrats still have a hold of shonen and other genres
Right, why would anyone lie on the internet.
>I just want to make you feel bad.
Maybe subconsciously you don't understand how to process the "bad" feeling so you want to make me feel "bad" so you can monkey see monkey do a reaction since you can't actually process the information but still need a point of reference. Sleep on it, or don't. I don't give a fuck.
Incels and this of edgy weren't even a thing back like they are today. New an Era of post 9/11 kids raised by the internet.
>People don't discuss video games here because they get told to fuck off.
No, they don't discuss it because mods delete it on sight most of the time, not because you tell them to "fuck off"
Daily reminder that /ck/ is the best board
The ones that don't get deleted on sight get spammed until they do. While telling OP and the people discussing it seriously to fuck off.
/ck/ is the best board, but it's the slowest so pepe and wojak posters with their inane garbage plague the board and stay up for like 10 days straight.
If mods banned wojak and pepe images /ck/ would be god tier
/ck/ is a shit hole now. /pol/fucked it up so bad. Post anything and it gets onions posted into oblivion, like every fucking thing gets shit posted
What do you think the distance variable is at for people whose core self main feature is chinese cartoons?
Reaching adulthood literally defines the point when a creative personality dies.
People posting blatant Yea Forums threads get told to fuck off all the time, but obviously not enough, but it's not like they're deep sea or animal webm threads where everyone joins in.
That said, there are a lot of you anons that come to Yea Forums to just to post NOT SO STEALTHY anime threads because your fellow Yea Forumsssholes didn't want to talk about TTGL of something for the billionth time.
Sounds right. Yea Forums is probably my 3rd most visited board but I don't remember seeing any "What anime character would make a great cowboy, Yea Forums?" threads with a Red Dead Redemption 2 OP
>I don't give a fuck.
Right, why would anyone lie on the internet.
Thing is your theory is just a partial explanation, and quite wrong in my case. I felt really bad for an hour or so but then I moved the fuck on. Me feeling bad doesn't solve jack shit nor does virtue signaling about it unburn the victims.
I don't care about the world salad either. I offered you information, do with it what you want. I am not here to invest time into recruiting you into my way of thinking. Don't take it personally, we've just met.
>there are a lot of you anons that come to Yea Forums
Wait, did you actually make Yea Forums a boogeyman for Yea Forums? Holy shit you are delusional.
Yeah, look at all those people spam this thread and telling OP to fuck off
>Some of you are okay
Whoa OP, put down the gun... Easy... We don't want another school shooting now, do we?
Yea Forumstard crossboarder here.
I make edgy jokes and shit all the time about worldwide tragedy, but I never do it when it's related to something that actually matters to me. I'd laugh my ass off if 100 people died in a office fire at EA headquarters, but Kyoani staff burning to death or any anime studio staff, isn't a laughing matter because I still actually care about this industry and am not nearly as cynical about it.
I'm genuinely interested in psychology, in particular internet related stuff. I took your information, as I said it is a partial explanation, but there seems to be more to it. I was lead to believe being in control of your emotions, not having them last for hours or days over something you've read online instead of witnessed live, is the normative reaction.
This, I've seen other boards raided by them and you can clearly start to see a pattern in their posting style, etc. Althought I'd argue Yea Forums is responsible too, but they most likely main 2 boards, one of them either /pol/, Yea Forums, or /r9k/
>/pol/tard admires the most cucked country in the world
Makes sense
Seethe more libshit
Japan is one of the last countries not tainted by leftists
Based /pol/ and Yea Forums driving Yea Forums into a state of constant neurosis
I was actually legitimately surprised being called that, but i guess those shits are what you guys only think about, you and your stupid tribalism politics
They are so confused and hurt by this that their only way of coping is to joke and be edgy. Please be understanding as this is part of their grieving process.
Doing God's work by driving libshits and moefags of a cliff
but back then you would've been an edgy teen/early 20s just like the edgelord zoomers now. what's your point? the site has always been full of edgy retards.
>the people making the anime threads aren't anime fans
Not a real boogeyman, but I'm not talking about shitposters or "Hey, soooo I just watched Perfect Blue and Akira..." threads. These people genuinely talk about and enjoy the shows they post about. They usually reach a few hundred posts. Why make anime threads on Yea Forums instead of here? I don't know. Maybe they got chased off Yea Forums for some reason.
>Ip's not changing
Surely you guy(s?) have more to live than shitposting 24/7
Take all those negative feelings you feel and now imagine how others felt when you laughed at holocaust jokes or 9-11 or whatever other immature shit you laughed at in your life. Only now when it affects your waifublob cartoons do you care. You're the one who needs to grow up OP. Yea Forums has always been a shithole for laughing at tragedy.
Alright, let's take your definition for the sake of argument. So a normal person who just found out about this tragedy is expressing empathy about the events and they are in the allotted (by your definition) "hour" of feeling distraught over the events.Now when you go out of your way to "make you feel bad." shitposting you're communicating that the "allowed" time authorized by you has passed. This brings up two questions.
1. Why does it fall on you to police how long someone griefs?
2. What makes you think everyone found out about the news at the same time?
Most people who posted edgy shits did it to rile up others to give them (You)s. Just stop giving them attention and they'll get bored sooner or later.
its almost like this board is filled with newfags and unironic morons
Hipocricy and double standards? What next, shitposters? People pretending to be edgy for you's?
Yeah because they're Yea Forumsfags who don't like Yea Forums. It's not like talking about things other than video game is strange on Yea Forums. I don't know if Yea Forums still does this but I know that at one point blogging about your personal life was commonplace too.
>Only now when it affects your waifublob cartoons do you care
You're right, I'm a selfish piece of shit who only cares about tragedy when it's over stuff that actually matters to me, that's just how I am.
2d lolis aren't CP. Yea Forums was always hate 3dpd.
>Moral Fags on Yea Forums
What happened???
In not some poor shitskin like you, I can live my life doing what I want
>Now when you go out of your way to "make you feel bad." shitposting
I lied, I haven't made a single edge post, but I read a few and enjoyed them.
>1. Why does it fall on you to police how long someone griefs?
>2. What makes you think everyone found out about the news at the same time?
Same answer, flipping it in reverse. Who are they to tell us we shouldn't have already stopped grieving? That edge posting should be banned because the alloted time they think hasn't passed yet?
That's because some anime have video game adaptations, while there's almost no video game who gets anime adaptation.
>mc chicken and jolibee spam
>best board
It affected something that matters in their autistic NEET existance.
Kyoanus literally invited the hoards of normalfags and ironic "protecc le loli xD" faggots to anime, only riajuu think this is a disaster
Moeniggers can't take the heat after they dished it on multiple occasions on other boards.
How is this any different from a hypothetical response to Anno dying? Mourning the death of artists and creators of media you love is different from being a moralfag over faceless strangers dying in a terrorist attack.
>Yeah because they're Yea Forumsfags who don't like Yea Forums. It's not like talking about things other than video game is strange on Yea Forums.
Yeah I guess you're right.
and the blogging still happens frequently. People talk about everything from wageslaving to alcoholism to having or not having friends, and so on. I don't know if it's gotten worse, but it's still there and still annoying.
Compared to Yea Forums, Yea Forums always, always, always, had fucking atrocious self-moderation.
I use crunchyroll, so I'm ok, right?
>artists and creators of media you love
i fucking loathe anno and sure as fuck don't love kyoani nor what they've done to the industry
now why should I mourn them again?
>If you only care about things you care about, you need to grow up.
That's how it works, moron.
>By the way, this place is for laughing at tragedy
Laughing at tragedy was fun years ago, but we all have to grow up some day.
>Who are they to tell us we shouldn't have already stopped grieving
No one is telling you to stop. We're calling you attention seeking manchildren cashing out (you's) from a fresh tragedy and you don't like that.
>That edge posting should be banned because the alloted time they think hasn't passed yet?
No, but I am still going to roast you about it because while you reversed the questions you haven't answered them which indicates you're looking for a way to justify edgelording instead of exploring your interest in internet psychology. You're coming of as disingenuous and I am regretting investing my time in this discussion now.
>he hasn't been here long enough to be desensitized to absolutely everything
feelfags get the fuck out
>You need to think about how you laughed at immature shit.
>Grow up and laugh at immature shit.
What is wrong with you?
These are the kind of people kyoani allowed into anime
reminder that chasing some arbitrary goals set for you by other people is the most immature thing you can do
Anime trannies shocked that there are crazy people in the world. It's sad but it's nothing important to someone on the opposite side of the world
Oh hey its an outsider social media normalfag invading Yea Forums
>uncomfortable feelings
what makes you think anybody here is the slightest bit uncomfortable? the only emotion I felt when I saw this happening was slight amusement at all the shinzo abe related memes I could post
I wasn't talking about your taste specifically, I simply used a famous figure to make my point. Would you still complain if it was over (insert your favorite director/creator/artist here) that died in a tragedy?
Can you not read? I literally called this place a shithole. I'm just not naive enough to believe that this event is an exception to the rule.
>Kyoani lover
No need to say the same thing twice
I'm desensitized alright, my response is more of a selfish "these people can't make more media I'll like anymore".
>Only now when it affects your [things you care about] do you care
That's how it is even for adults.
>Yea Forums has always been a shithole for laughing at tragedy.
Wrong. That was how it was portrayed from the outside, and the newfags bought right into it as the new edgy place to be. Those newfags eventually became olderfags, but never grew up, and never really fit in.
>laughed at holocaust jokes
Yeah, why would people laugh at an event they thought was built up by lies? It's completely the same as laughing at a studio they love.
Most people aren't autistic and have empathy. Describing what that is and how it manifests wouls be lost to you.
>Would you still complain if it was over (insert your favorite director/creator/artist here) that died in a tragedy?
does that answer your question? I don't pointlessly emotionally invest myself into this sort of shit
>a bloo bloo you don't have a heart you monster
How fucking new are you? Edgy jokes are fine and are a way to cope with tragedy. Those unironically praising the death of 33* people are very few in number, just ignore them and move on.
Because we're not reddit and don't operate on hivemind ideology. You feeling something isn't indicative of the collective. However, tragedy has been known to universally cause distraught feelings. Smart money is on the fact that you and the other children are the odd ones out.
>Wrong. That was how it was portrayed from the outside, and the newfags bought right into it as the new edgy place to be. Those newfags eventually became olderfags, but never grew up, and never really fit in.
>Yea Forums was secretly always moralfag
>Yeah, why would people laugh at an event they thought was built up by lies? It's completely the same as laughing at a studio they love.
>Impyling this isn't an insurance scam hy Kyoani to cut animation costs and rebuild a building that would've cost more to renovate.
And around we go
It is YOU who is the outsider here, retarded faggot. Remember the Tohoku earthquake where hundreds of thousands died? Yea Forums was pissed only because anime episodes were delayed. Satire is made out of anything - the bigger the tragedy, the stronger the shitposts. Better get used to it fast, newshitter.
If you're looking for crying over someone's shoulder or holding a gay ass candlelit vigil, may I recommend r/anime or facebook where you will find literally billions of like-minded sensitive, normalfag dipshits like yourself?
I wasn't looking to call you some monster, I'm simply trying to explain that people being sad over this aren't just following some cult-like "lets all be sad to fit in" response, but because they genuinely enjoyed the things these people created. If that kind of emotional investment/connection to media doesn't exist for you that's perfectly fine, just understand that for others it does.
>How is this any different from a hypothetical response to Anno dying?
Anno actually made one good anime in his life, unlike KyoAnus
You mean the shit Yea Forums and /pol/ popularized, are in half the posts on thsoe boards and suddenly everywhere all over the site in lesser quantities?
Unironically kill yourself, we don't need you in the genepool
>No one is telling you to stop.
You're lying or blind.
>We're calling you attention seeking manchildren cashing out (you's) from a fresh tragedy and you don't like that.
That would actually be fair but then "our" retort is your moral highground is false and how virtue signaling is exactly what you described cashing (You)s, etc, and we all have fun. At a meta level nothing is wrong if both sides are equally mad.
>No, but I am still going to roast you about it because while you reversed the questions you haven't answered them
I showed you that the questions were biased, the answer is that time to grieve is subjective and nobody can judge, and that applies to both sides dumbass. Regardless, and not that bans matter, I heard edgeposting gets 3 day bans.
> which indicates you're looking for a way to justify edgelording instead of exploring your interest in internet psychology.
Nah, you asking them indicates that about you. I'm interested in discusing lots of stuff, that's just what you gave me to work with.
>You're coming of as disingenuous and I am regretting investing my time in this discussion now.
Well, too bad, cause I clearly just said my intent was not in fact to make you or others feel bad like regret, specifically to signal I do want to discuss. I won a game I wasn't even playing, sigh.
I rest my case, OP
Can you? You claimed something should grow up because they aren't acting immature. Twisting.
You have created that rule because you're an idiot who can only understand a simple version of the world. This place is usually a shithole, but sometimes it isn't. The world is complex that way. Hell, sometimes, it's damn near pleasant except for a few wandering autists.
Except you have provided literally no evidence that this should be the case. I am a clear data point that shows your assumption about feelings being universal is wrong. Why is it so hard to understand that most edge posters probably feel the same? Just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean everybody does.
I thought empathy was supposed to be you redditors' strong suit?
The bigger the tragedy the less people will emotionally respond to it, but as soon as you put a face and name to a death the response changes if that face and name actually mattered to you beyond a surface level.
Don't try to pretend that you are empathetic to all people equally. It is easier to empathize with the people you care about, or in this case, people who have created things you care about.
>You claimed something should grow up because they aren't acting immature.
No I didn't but thanks for playing.
>I knew that Yea Forums was full of degenerates and retards, but edge masters too?
And you just now figured this out?
Right, like I said. You're not interested in exploring psychology you're more concerned of recruiting me to your side or proving a point that originated with you. Something I've stated I have no interest in here.
I offered information and set up a thought experiment in order to explore these ideas. You took that information and twisted into us vs them.
Congrats on your win.
These are not the same posters.
>I knew that Yea Forums was full of degenerates and retards, but edge masters too?
>Except you have provided literally no evidence that this should be the case
Think about this statement for a couple of seconds. Do you wish for me to provide evidence of tragedy causing grief? Is that really something we need to establish in this conversation?
>I am a clear data point that shows your assumption about feelings being universal is wrong.
You're an anecdotal and biased data point. That holds no merit to me. I know it seems like a lot to you, but only because you're you.
>Why is it so hard to understand that most edge posters probably feel the same?
Because you just undermined your own point with "probably" which indicated you don't know and you're guessing.
>Just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean everybody does.
Right, that was my point when addressing you.
> thought empathy was supposed to be you redditors' strong suit?
You're the one with reddit spacing and mentality, my guy. Maybe projecting isn't the strongest play here.
Holy shit now that's a blast from the past
people with something called empathy should leave
the longer you stay here it will only get worse
>OP's theisis statement is hat you shouldn't be edgy. You say he needs to grow up. Therefore, you claim that being edgy is growing up.
>You say that laughing at 9-11 - being edgy - is immature shit. Therefore, you claim that being edgy is immature shit.
> When the two statements are combined, you are saying that you must be immature to grow up, and have therefore contradicted yourself.
Jesus what happened to this board?
>l knew that Yea Forums was full of degenerates and retards, but edge masters too?
I think the edge is mostly an answer to the hypocrisy and the display of fake grief we are witnessing on this board currently.
Both are retarded though.
This guy gets it, it's not coping it's an even higher moral ground.
>Do you wish for me to provide evidence of tragedy causing grief?
I want you to provide evidence of tragedy causing grief in the demographic of this board, yes. The population of an anime board on an image board is so thoroughly shifted from the mean by selection/survivorship biases in so many respects that you cannot reason about it as if it were a representative slice of the population as a whole.
>You're an anecdotal and biased data point.
Do you understand what a data point is? I am a data point. You are a data point. Now go on and collect more if you want to support your conclusion that an overwhelming majority of habitual Yea Forums users feel uncomfortable because of some house burning down half way across the world.
> you don't know and you're guessing.
Everything is only ever a probability, it's only a question of how high or low the probability is. You are a retarded normalfag and don't even understand this basic fact. You take your own feelings and generalize them as universal, despite compelling evidence in the form of thousands upon thousands of shitposts calling your view into question.
You are not one of the people making shitposts. What exactly makes you presume you understand the people who do? If you thought like we do, you'd be making shitposts too, so clearly you don't.
>Right, that was my point when addressing you.
Except i am not saying that at all. It's obvious that some individuals feel distraught, or at least feel compelled to pretend they are distraught. But I also think it's extremely presumptuous of you to think everybody is like this just because you are like this. I am likely more qualified to comment on the behaviour of those who act like me than you are.
>reddit spacing
ok, so you're a post 2016 election retard? or one of the liberal redditors who came after. either way it doesn't matter.
OP's thesis statement is that it's suddenly not cool for a place that habitually laughs at and mocks terrible shit only once it hit his waifufactory. Everyone knows that this shithole views nothing as sacred and suddenly now he wants to play the empathy card. OP needs to grow up because he's asking for anons to illicit an emotion he never gave in the past. This applies to you as well.
>fake grief
It's an anonymous message board. What the fuck do you gain by larping about being virtuous?
Man I hope the families of the victims sue KyoAni because the building was a fire hazard and drive the final nail in the coffin
people need to be edgy, and fuck that. people died because of a fucking asshole and in the end we lose a producer of a medium, people mourning, and the endless shit. who the fuck cares if it was anime, if this event occurred to a fucking cartoon studio you would mourn it. Give people respect for fucks sake. I dont give a shit if they are male or female they made your shows and you either liked them or didnt. now they are gone and you just want to act like terrible human beings
the fuck is wrong with all of you
Consider the expansion of this site's userbase, and the primary demographics that contributed to it.
OP is clearly bait though. Degenerate, animes, surprised at edginess, ellipses.
It's terrible what happened but are people really that upset over other's "edgy" posts? Who cares.
Yea Forums is the place you go to to make fun of tragedies, you can mourn on your facebook page all you want
im not upset, show some fucking decency
remember when Yea Forums used to be a shocking site without redditors and moralfags infesting their moral ground on us?. zoomers and women were a mistake. hell, i remember the boat incident how funny it was. but alas.
no your right i should be edgy all the time because people died and i need to laugh at them. show no heart at all!
grow some fucking thick skin, pussy
people are going to say things you don't like. get over it. you can't police what people say but you shouldn't let it bother you so much. the majority of posts that make fun of the incident do it because of babies like you that will freak out over it.
>i am not upset but i am upset
do you even know where you fucking are?
Right, I got it now.
The only way to prove you wrong is to dedicate the next 10 years of my life to rigorous research that I will present to you and you will laugh at the sheer level of autism and the volume of pettiness required to even consider such a venture. It's almost bordering on clever. You and I both know you won't win the generalizations because when horrible shit happiness majority of us grief and show empathy. I am right and you know it so you narrow down the parameters as Yea Forums isn't a "epresentative slice of the population as a whole" as we are not part of the population? A statement that is retarded by all accounts. And I know, you will require a research paper of all the data points of the accounts that confirm the retardation of your point.
Too rich for my blood mister. I am out. Congratulations on your win.
Holocaust denial is a lack of empathy. Memes about school shootings is a lack of empathy. Jokes and conspiracy theories about vehicular manslaughter is a lack of empathy. You weren't even trying to empathize prior to your moeblob studio going up in smoke. I'm not someone that believes that you can't joke about certain things but I'm also not making threads about how people on the internet, with the single purpose of trying to piss each other off, need to start acting mature instead of joking about something I find important. Inb4 I'm whatever buzzword is your boogeyman today.
fuck off back to rddit.
>go back to r*ddit because im showing actual feelings and not laughing at the matter
you should be ashamed even if this is fucking Yea Forums. what if that shit happened to you just because some retard doused you in gas?
>account is 3 days old
>show some fucking decency
You're being told to fuck off because you expect us to conform to your moralfaggotry. Go be decent in a mourning thread if you want. You don't get to use incidents as an excuse to boss us around though.
Not only is it about Yea Forums not being the standard sample of people, but it is about Yea Forums not being the standard environment. I said a few posts ago I'm particularly interested in internet psychology and you're ignoring pretty much everything that makes this place different. We are anonymous, communicating through text, not in real time, without body language, etc.
It is expected to see lower empathy in any such environment, and then you also have the culture built up through prolonged use of such an environment, forming organic rules of conduct, of which not edge-posting is definitely NOT one.
I never saw you claim explicitly to be a psych student/graduate but now it is clear that even if you are it is generic shit, and aren't up to date with the research on internet behavior.
You're assuming everyone who is laughing at the incident genuinely means it. And even if they do, why should how they feel about it mean anything to you?
>Right, I got it now.
No, you didn't. You won't conclusively prove anything, this is a fucking imageboard. Nobody has studied this question, nobody is going to study this question. You're used to hiding behind allusions to consensus and perhaps dumping the occasional link, guess what - there is nothing like that to fall back on here. So you either have to argue your case from first principles or fuck off.
Here's what I am going to tell you, I am right. Many anons felt anything ranging from fuck all to glee at the news. Most of the shitposters are doing it for fun. Do I have some way to "prove" it? No. There is no research to support any conclusion. But it's still true, and you know it's true even though you will scream and shout in denial.
Is it a majority? Is it a minority? Hard to judge, but if I were a betting man I'd say a majority is at the least extremely desentized to news of tragedies. But that's not what matters here. Shitposting isn't a way of "dealing with uncomfortable feelings", for many its purely amusement.
>there is no research
>I am right
I like Yea Forums because they don't pretend to be what they are not. I hate Yea Forums because this board is filled with disgusting normalfags and ironic weebs pretending they aren't normalfags. I used to defend this shithole by spamming loli porn inside shitty blogging or narutards thread but I gave up on that because the community changed. It became normal to have a gf now it became normal to blog about your sex life it became normal to allow shounen shitters general threads. I didn't change you're the one who did Yea Forums so you deserve to get shit on.
Why is Yea Forums full of libtards sjws?
Shitskins who are still butthurt about getting roflstomped in new zealand.
I'm glad people involved with K-On died, I mean it 100% unironically, not glad enough to celebrate their deaths like an edgelord, but I can't help feel what I feel for it is who I am and I like being me
>s*boy wojak (43)
imagine literally saving fucking wojaks and frogs
No, they didnt deserve death.
However, their content was made with the intention of selling exclusively to the degenerate male market, pedophiles and waifufags. Besides from very VERY finite amounts of quality animation, they made pretty fucking mediocre content for the lowest of hanging fruit.
So dont step to me with your virtue signalling, nigga. You never met any of those people, and the majority of you just masturbate to their characters. Disgenuine cunts.
Ironic. Both of you can leave.
I get what you mean but that doesn't make me like Yea Forums.
>aka shounentards
This. You can smell the Yea Forumsermin in every single fucking post in Dragon Ball threads, mods shouldn't fucking allow those anymore
Only Americans laughed at the Paris attacks
i've been gone from Yea Forums in general for a while now, only came back this once to see what was happening with kyoani, it's a fucking tragedy the like of which the anime world has never seen and it's just a horrific event. Coming back and seeing people edgepost and shitpost while this is going on reminded me why the fuck i left this god forsaken website in the first place, it's basically JUST shitposting, you rarely if at all get actual discussion about shows, board culture is pretty much dead and has been killed off by both mods and newfags, we have studio and waifu wars akin to console wars on fucking Yea Forums, and very few people want to promote actual discussion and or original content.
my heart goes out to those people who lost their lives in this tragic event and their families,i sincerely hope kyoani can bounce back from this stronger than ever,no matter if you liked there shows or not you cannot deny the fact that some of their stuff have been so influential to anime as a whole, kyoani treated it's staff well and the have consistently put out very quality animation, the staff is very talented and noone and obviously put alot of love and heart into what they do, not a single person on that staff deserved to burn alive or choke to death on toxic smoke that is a horrible way to die and anyone of you edgy fucks that thinks that it's SO LE FUNNY XD BRO LOOK AT HOW EDGY I AM HAHAHA THEY GOT BBQ XDXDXDX who are over the age of 16 need to actually either kill yourself or seek mental help because you are mentally ill.
to those of who are somehow actually still here on this god forsaken website and are good people, know that you are appreciated, i'd honestly recommend leaving this gargantuan shithole because it has nothing left to offer you, you should spend your time and energy on other things because i guarantee the second you leave Yea Forums for good your life gets exponentially better,
in conclusion fuck Yea Forums, fuck this board, fuck most anons, RIP kyoani.
>old Yea Forums
t. faggot that started browsing in 2016 because of the elections
did you just give yourself a (you)? How fucking pathetic are you? get the fuck off of Yea Forums you fat fucking burger
Fucking mental tranny. We're not here to comfort you faggot. If you care so deeply about some Chinese cartoons, join them and kill yourself. God, you sound more emotional unstable than your fucking mom when I rip into her anus. Which was a mistake cause 9 months later a turd came out; it was you, worst missuse of space. Kill yourself.
Learn grammar you sick fuck.
/pol/ ruined everything
>muh Yea Forums has to be edgy and soulless all the time
Go back to Yea Forums, /pol/ and Yea Forums if you want to be surrounded by garbage human being so much
>muh crossposter boogieman
It's just people who want to get replies for being edgy baiting anyone who feels sad about Kyoani right now. Don't worry about it.
be satisfied knowing that people who have such an irrational hateboner for Kyoani that they are glad this happened probably have shitty lives that they can't escape from. They're already in their own personally made hell and you don't have to do anything about it.
>something only becomes true after some faggot writes a paper about it
you really didn't think this one through, did you?
it sounds like Yea Forums used to be /jp/
This. Moralfags need to stop shitting up this board with their empty words. They don't really care about all the people who died in this turn of events. They only ever cared about the content produced at KyoAni. If this had happened to a lesser known studio, nobody would have bat an eye. It's tragic, sure. But there isn't anything we can do about it. Don't try to play the moral high ground during all of this. You are only upset because they can't slave away to produce the content you like anymore. Your words are empty, and ultimately meaningless. What's even more disgusting is the people trying to benefit themselves from this tragedy. Setting up donations with no clear indicator on WHERE the money is going. Just calm down, and reflect for a bit. Nothing of any value can be done anymore. Just move on.
/jp/ got shittier before Yea Forums because of moot(which he regretted afterwards). I haven't been there in a while but I wouldn't be surprised if now /jp/ is better than Yea Forums though.
What an absolutely pathetic, craven and spineless post. This isn't and never was Tumblr, even if the board is the most heavily moderated on the site.
>these people are only trying to make you suffer
>they're glad that those people suffered
>worry not, however, because we, the good people, can rest easy knowing they will suffer in their own personal hells.
You're the problem. We think you need to suffer because you pretend you're better than you really are/think we're any worse.
Why should I hope that those who find pleasure in the suffering of others do not suffer? Do you think I'm a moralfag or something?
You should not pretend you don't enjoy suffering given context, and I'm saying we have a context as well. We think you're hypocrites, and while you should suffer a little.
I buy merch
You can't get (You)s from crossboard linking, Spiro Fagnew
Good riddance.
What is this hivemind 'we' shit when you're posting as an individual faggot who thinks that posting that innocent people dying in a fire is good will teach moralfags a lesson. Also the fact you actually think you're making anyone actually suffer with your poorly written shitposts is laughable. What's your 'context'? People made an anime you didn't like, and didn't have to watch so you hope that people die to pay for this atrocity? Truly the most intelligent posters are edgy ESLs after all. Sure, people enjoy seeing suffering they perceive as righteous. I think that people who see this particular event that way deserve to suffer, I'm guessing that they probably already do so I don't bother getting angry over the internet.
technically its still his post
You misunderstand, and I don't blame you I was in a rush posting that. I want YOU to suffer, the moralfaggots. We're not posting this shit in Jap and sending it to the victims' families, we're trying to make YOU mad.
And "we" just means whoever also thinks like I do, which is some indescribable number, but people aren't very different and you should learn that and not pretend you're better for having basic human emotions.
This. Although you guys won't admit it, you only care because it affected your anime schedule. No need to shit up this board claiming the moral high ground.
Fuck off, it always another board to you faggots who use this weak excuse of being invade to wash your hands of the shitty behavior of your board.
>We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
>Kurt Vonnegut
Ok, but I'm not mad so you're not even doing your job right. I'm even a moralfag, I enjoy the jokes that people make after tragedies, it just doesn't sit well with me that some people actually are glad this happened just because they hate 'moeshit'
If you're going after a crying moralfag it's not me. I don't think I'm better than anyone just for caring, it seems to be people who don't care that think they are better just because they are 'desensitized'
not even* a moralfag
>but it's the slowest
Isn't there an origami board?
I just hate crossboarders and normalfags. I don't care if people make edgy comments about this unless they genuinely feel good about "moeshit" going away. Similarly I don't care if people feel sad unless it's obnoxious moralfaggotry. This is pretty simple and I'm sure I'm alone alone in this.
>it always another board to you faggots
Yea Forums has been complaining about Yea Forums for as long as I can remember.
You. You should be a mod.
>alone alone
not alone*
Sure, there are probably some people that proclaim that they're glad Kyoani burned and actually mean it, but for the most part they're triggering moralfags.
I agree with you 100% so you are not alone alone bro
Agreed, oh and in case anyone forgot what moralfag means it's not about personally feeling that something is right or wrong, happy or sad, but telling other people what they should think and feel.
We don't think we are better for being 'desensitized' to the whole thing. We just got over it already. It's you fags that keep bringing it up. Nothing good will come from these threads being endlessly spammed. You guys just need to move on.
The truth right here but they refuse to acknowledge it because they know it's right.
This. Moralfags need to leave.
Shit just happened and it's big news, you want everyone to resume normal posting like nothing happened while more and more people are becoming just now aware of the news as the day goes on? Yea Forums does not work like that
There's a sticky.
Then keep it to one thread at a time. I don't care if you are slow to the party, and need everyone to hear how upset you are.
Half of , give it a day or two for it to die down.
That said, there's a sticky for that reason
True, but when has a sticky ever kept it all contained? It's just not something you can expect with such a large userbase
Doubt it. Just a bunch of baiters and faggots.
Yea Forumstard here, in all fairness Yea Forums is the first board my mobile chan app opens up to every time, and sometimes I like to lurk and shitpost. It's what we do. I will agree though, is too soon to laugh. Sorry for your loss Yea Forums
Maybe plebbit showed up or something. Or the moralfags are just baiting.
You have to go back.
Fuck off
It's probably because there are so many poorfags here (mostly latin american and europoors) who hate America because it isn't a shit country like theirs.
>muh amerilards
Fuck off.
did I stumble into an /int/ thread?
/pol/ leave
People who died:
>had hopes and dreams
>productive members of society
>individually gifted, talented
>got their self-worth from friends and work
>no ambitions
>not productive
>no talents or individuality
>gets his self-worth from (you)s on an shitty online imageboard
do you people actually eschew the backbone of this site's culture?
Agreed. We should stop making threads out of respect.
Agreed. We should make more threads out of respect.
The election killed this site.
Im alive and they are dead thus im am superior to them.
Stay mad
>ad hominem
you blogposting killed this thread
Fuck off back to /pol/
>normalfags are only now noticing that image boards are pretty muxh the hangout for the scum of society
Aryan warriors rise up. Together we shall exterminate.
It's literally underaged Yea Forumsermin crossboarding discordfags
duke nukem the avatarfag steamcommunity.com
People do it because it hurts you so, its what you get for worshiping these people.
Use it to make yourself stronger, faggotron. /pol/ harbor every board spammed 24/7 so we stole Momiji, made everything a hate symbol, and possibly swung the election. Harden the fuck up.
You're just edgy reddit.
What? I mostly spend time in /tg/ now and haven't been on /pol/ in months so I have no idea what you mean.
People who died:
What benefit will that have?
What benefit will the inverse have?
Not shitting up this board. Going back to actually discussing anime.
We're not serious man, just trolling you around
No one deserves to be burnt alive except for junko furuta's killers and rapists
Literally worse than just pirating it
>Use it to make yourself stronger, faggotron
This. /pol/ is the cancer spreading superpower it is today because of moot's short-sighted actions.
>tfw /pol/ hasnt touched my two most used boards
god bless but im scared
good point
I fucking hate Lucky Star, and I still despise K-On.
That doesn't mean I wanted the people behind them to suffer something like this
You don't need to care about what a person does for a living, or what they can provide for you, to feel bad about them dying in a fire.
I never implied I wanted them to die in a fire. I just feel people aren't genuinely sympathetic. I also feel it's pointless to continue discussing. Let's just go back to discussing anime like how this board was intended to be used.
literally who gives a fuck.
Burn moe niggers and their shitty anime.
>waaaa :(
Fuck off asshole.
IT'S NOT Yea Forums!
We're not /pol/. Don't lump us together with those faggots.
It's also summer.
fuck off retard
Fuck off back to where you came from
This just circle's back to Yea Forums's obsession with Japan.
Japan does something bad?
Japan has a tragedy?
Weebs are cancer.
Nigger it's a thread about the fire. If you don't want to discuss it, go somewhere else.
Nigger everything is pointless when you boil down to it. Just because we can't go back in time to stop the fire from happening doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it.
Nigger this IS discussing anime. This studio fire is literally the biggest thing to have happened to anime all year. They're even talking about it in the New York Times.
And I don't think you WANTED them to die in a fire. But you sure as hell don't seem to feel BAD about it.
So I think I will judge you, after all. I think I will adopt the mantle of a moralfag today. It's better than fishing for nihilist approval points from a bunch of anonymous edgelords. Craving approval from people you'll never actually meet.
If these boards are about being free, if this site is about being able to express yourself without fear of repercussions, then I'm not gonna give a shit about what other people on this board think. I'm not gonna worry about the social expectations and taboos of a website that's all about spurning social expectations and taboos. This is the internet, and I am going to speak the truth as I see it: You are the ultimate faggot, and you should probably go kill yourself.
I like their anime quite a lot but their fanbase are fucking utter cancer for starting studio war thread now and then, or not stopping falseflaggin shitposters.
>moralfags did this
I think you slightly misunderstood this "moralfags" posting in old Yea Forums and just trying to justify shitposting and poorly imitate old Yea Forums. Unlimited threads about
>moralfags MC sucks, Light is best MC
>laughing at 10 yo kid who died in sandbox by trying imitate Naruto
Yes. His parents were retarded.
But in same time Yea Forums was serious when situation was serous. If Aniki died in 2008 Yea Forums would not laugh. We didn't laugh in 2011 either. But we laughed when slav kid killed himself because of Naruto in 2012. Kyoani death is pretty big impact for industry. Of course you can trying to "joke" about moeshit but everyone from Yea Forums knows that Kyoani is not relevant as moeshit for decade. Learn from him if you want jokes VEG style shitposting is just Yea Forums tier shitposting
feel free to call me newfag or whatever
There is nothing on God's green earth more repulsive than a self-pitying sadist
Certain types of mentally disturbed people are sympathetic if they genuinely don't understand the pain that they're causing. But if a person feels pain, knows pain, and instead of wanting to REDUCE pain in the world, actually sets out to create MORE of it... they are the lowest of the low
I don't really necessarily feel bad about it. I just think faggots like you need to leave and vent elsewhere. It may be the biggest event to have happened this year. But can you at least keep it contained in the fucking sticky instead of shitting up the rest of this board. Feeling sad isn't going to accomplish anything.
> I don't really necessarily feel bad about it
So there we go. I guess that's why you fin
>biggest anime related happening in the last few years
>entire board is spammed with threads and a sticky
>it's a bunch of people bawwing about kyoanus burning down
I don't like any of their anime beside Haruhi, but even so I feel sorry for the loss of all those talents
I feel sympathetic with that guy from Inuyashiki, I wish I have his power to shoot all these trolls and edgelords through their screen
The underage b& meme isn't a meme. The average age of this website can't be higher than 17, and that's because it's pulled up by a minority of oldfags.
> I don't really necessarily feel bad about it
So there we go. I guess that's why you find it so hard to believe that people are genuinely sympathetic about this. You can't sympathize with others, so you automatically assume that everyone is just as shitty as you.
Well you can go to straight to hell. If I have to put up with a billion goddamn K-On threads, then you have to put up with this
What is feeling bad about it going to accomplish? This place isn't your personal hugbox user. Shit happens, and you just need to move on. Mentally adjusted people don't dwell too long on the past. Getting upset about things they can't control. You just need to move on. You can only feel upset for so long.
>remembered that KyoAni had a nursery near for a reason
>there's probably mothers, young mothers among the dead
>they'll never see their kid grow up, never see them watch their own work
>if they're already grown (age 10-12), they've lost one part of their life that can't be replaced
>they probably won't even be able to watch anything their parent made without thinking about this
God this fucking sucks ass.
Since this is actual news I just assume 98% of people posting today are people who don't normally come here. The quality seems to reflect that, not that it's normally any good these days.
The we/a/k should fear the stro/n/g.
I hope your right.
All because of one crazy train autist.
It might not accomplish anything. But it's healthy, and natural, and there sure as hell isn't anything wrong with it. Why does it bother you so much?
>old Yea Forums
Man now I know you're a little underaged fag
And he probably dead now
Weebs are not japonese.
Its weird. You think about this whole thing, it didn't come from a /pol/fag like NZ, it didn't come from some /r9k/ faggot like we've had before. It came from a /n/ 2/5chan fag. Not even related to the board they came from.
Fuck. I'm such a pussy bitch for being sad for this, worse for being moral, but fuck this sucks ass more than anything, Death by burning alive.
Why should I care about a tragedy that has happened in the other side of the world? Or about people I´ve never met before?
>some Yea Forumsnons here think burning down kyoani does end the era of SoL and moeshit
>suddenly all other studios who do action, horror, gore, psychological, seinen etc. Anime do a lot of SoL and moeshit as a tribute to the burnt down studio
Idk, but plenty people larp and attention whore even here.
>Yea Forums was pissed only because anime episodes were delayed
Blatant lie. Archives can prove you wrong.
>B-but Yea Forums!!!11!!1!
Shut the fuck up, I swear you absolute fat, neckbeard virgin incels think that you're better than any other fucking board on this worthless shitty website when in reality you're worse than fucking Yea Forums, Yea Forums, reddit and any other website you try to, and fail, to make fun of, trying to be elite over chinese cartoons, and shit ones at that just shows how pathetic, empty and sad your lives are. Come on little bitches, report me, mods can suck my big black cock.
Firstly, it really isn't that healthy to dwell on thing in the past. Depression and suicide are often a result of people making a big deal of things that are beyond their control. Secondly, It bothers me because I want to discuss anime in peace, without some faggot whining about how I should feel bad over something nobody could have predicted. Keep the discussion in the sticky, rather than making a bunch of duplicate threads. Some of us here just get over things faster than others. Sure it's a tragic event. But you don't need to constantly remind us.
We don't think we're better than anyone else. We just don't want other people here. This is not some dumbass competition you dumb Yea Forumstard. It's about not wanting to have your cancerous ass posting here. Anyone who isn't a newfag knows exactly how Yea Forums has been shitting up the place since around 2011.
It's a tragedy but I guess the overly emotional "muh innocent victims" moralfag whiteknights are as annoying as the edgy underage wanabe "oldfags" who are talking about "the old Yea Forums".
Fuck all of them.
I'm just curious if those events willl be acknowledged by other animes or not.
You see I used to think like this I used to defend and protect you Yea Forums by posting loli in unwanted threads but in the end I saw your true color. The majority of you are all hypocrite subhumans pretending to hate normalfags pretending to not care about 3DPD but as soon as you have the opportunity to blog about your sex life and gf you do it. Fuck you and fuck your board, I want 2009 Yea Forums back.
This literally just happened. You'd have to be unhealthy NOT to feel bad about it.
I don't even follow this studio, but I still feel bad about the death of fellow cartoonists. Can't imagine what the fans are going through.
I mean, I guess your concerns about depression make sense. You do seem like the type of person who take shit out on others because he can't imagine how anyone else is in pain.
Look, buddy. You don't have to feel bad about it, but you should respect those that do. You're kind of the last person on earth to tell people how to get over something. I mean for all your hatred of this topic, you sure are spending a lot of time in this thread.
What a way to out yourself, faggot.
>when in reality you're worse than fucking Yea Forums, Yea Forums, reddit and any other website you try to, and fail, to make fun of, trying to be elite over chinese cartoons
>I want 2009 Yea Forums back.
You just /0. Yea Forums always was our enemy. Look at moralfag shitposting. This was started in Yea Forums.
It happened nearly 24 hours ago. I was here while it was still happening. I would respect you guys much more if you kept discussion contained to the sticky the mods kindly gave you. As much as a hardass I may come off as, I can still understand where you are coming from. I just care about the overall quality of this board, and would prefer people keep topics contained in their respective threads.
That's fair. I only just heard about it after coming home from work. So maybe it's older news to you.
Still, isn't this a respective thread? I mean, sure there's a sticky'd thread about this topic, but there isn't one about this ASPECT of this topic. It's not like we're taking over the board
Jesus, virtue signalling on a fucking anonymous website. We've finally hit rock bottom.
Cry more moralfag.
OP is calling people out for not sharing the same opinion. Thing is, many of us have gotten over it already. Problem is that whenever someone late to the party, they immediately make another thread telling everybody how tragic it is. It's gotten to the point where it's annoying when we already have a sticky for the topic.
Funny how Yea Forumsutists unironically voice complaints towards people who don't give the absolute slightest fuck about their cancerous self absorbed melancholy, instead of just ignoring/tolerating the inevitable vitriol during newsworthy events like normal people do
Yes, you are mad at the shitposts, otherwise this thread wouldn't exist with 143 unique posters. Just ignore them because the only control you have is how you respond to it. The shitposts aren't going away during happenings. Weebs are literally the advanced form of redditors
1/3rd of the population was namefags, front page would just spam threads about the big item released instead of generals, and mods would threads about 3d to Yea Forums
This is correct.
No he's not. He's calling out people who are rubbing salt into the wound.
If you don't care as much about it anymore cause you've been hearing about it all day, that's one thing. But being a cunt to people because they're still upset about it?
It's perfectly normal if someone still wants to grieve. These people are not in the wrong, and honestly, this is much less annoying than the billion constant active threads we get about every new starmoe twinklefuck that comes out. If you don't like the topic, go elsewhere
Absolutely no one:
Not a single soul:
Edgy anons: PeOplE dIE evErYday
Making twitter tier posts isn't helping your case