"spread joy all over the world and across generations with their masterpieces"
What's does moe attracts so many wealthy chads?
"spread joy all over the world and across generations with their masterpieces"
What's does moe attracts so many wealthy chads?
that's the most virgin guy i've ever seen
Literally who?
Tim apple.
>tim cook is a weeb
what's happening
Nice of him to say something supportive.
>moe chads
nigga is gay so he probably watchs FREE instead
Wtf i kove gays now
because they are pedos
Reading this from my iPad
AppleChads rise up.
White people are disgusting
If Tim Cook is a fan of moe, with his money he could single handedly make anime real. I hope he does it.
Fucking based.
What would have Steve Jobs said about this?
What a soulless response, doubt he even knows who they are.
That was really nice of him. He brought it to the attention of a lot of people who wouldn't have heard about it otherwise. And it's true, KyoAni's staff were some of the best in the world, even if they were heading in a direction I didn't personally enjoy.
His husbando is Rin.
Calling their works masterpieces wasn't needed at all. He's a fellow kyoanus licker.
Have you considered that it's completely normal for a human to be attracted to cute things? If you hate cute things there's probably something wrong with your head.
>What's does moe attracts so many wealthy chads?
Hmm why does the pedophile elite like moe I wonder
K-On is a masterpiece
Tim Apple isn't a pedophile. He's just a fag.
>Tim Cook
Looks like I needa smoke more of that estrogen infused bud before I can be as retarded as you, OP.
>What the fuck is anime?
Do these california types still think japanese is trendy or something?
>this tragedy wouldn't have happened had they used apple products
>actual homosexual
Cool Apple, wanna share some of your trillion dollars to help?
>CEO of one of the biggest company in the world
He could literally buy all your female relatives if he wanted.
Nah probably because Apple is huge in Japan, template corporate message
>Tim Apple is a Kyoanifag
>Elon Musk is a Shinkaifag
>Oculus Rift owner is a Remfag
>Kim K. is a 02fag
>Kanye is an Akirafag
What is happening to the west
He could buy everyone in this thread, all of their assets, and their entire extended families. Bezos, however, could buy Tim Apple.
Implying there's a difference. 55% of homosexuals are child molesters, that's just a statistical fact.
Literally yes. Every major population center in california is full of 'trendy' japanese-themed vegan restaurants and shops owned and run by korean immigrants, and everything vaguely japanese, from cheap dollar store candies to "imported" alcohol that's brewed locally, is priced like it's high culture luxury material.
What's the difference?
But isn't South Korea the in thing now?
Moe is an energy field created by all cute things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
I bet he will donate a bunch of apple computers to the company
What's the difference?
creator of microsoft
kill yourself
kpop is trendy but south korea doesn't produce any culture of its own or any real products worth importing outside of the music you can listen to on youtube and the phone brands that the average californian doesn't even realize comes from korea.
Fuck of paedo
Apple makes 100,000x KyoAni's profit. It wouldn't be very hard for them to just buy out the company. Especially since they need content creators for Apple TV+.
Nah, just a hipster bullshit.
Wish this guy would die like Steve Jobs.
Imagine selling a fucking tablet stand for $1000.
I know a lot of celebrities, especially those involved in technology, are secret weebs.
They could have just included it with the monitor, charged $6000, and continue to say "yeah, so it's basically a reference monitor for a fraction of their prices" and everyone would have been fine.
It's funny how they can market the shit up so many times and people will still buy it.
Of course he send his condolence. Animation studios are the biggest customers for Apple's computers.
hello /g/ satania poster
stay mad poorfag
This isn't really for consumers, it's a pro level monitor for people who can't yet justify spending 20k, at least, on one.
anime is normie's thing now
Its not moe, it's tragedy. Anybody who wants to seem important will offer their "condolences" online for free publicity.
That's really some sappy language. And he's doing it only for brownie points. Social media are cancer.
based and sataniapilled
Holy shit! My god
Gays can get decent action because they know where to look for each other.
But with a face and a name you have to be accountable for being a heartless dickbag, unlike Yea Forums.
It's called PR you fucking imbecile reddit scum.
They are not "OMG THEY ARE JUST LIKE ME XDD", they just retweet that garbage to make more money of idiots like you.
how many normies, tim cook including are confusing them with Studio Ghibli
fag running a company that produces overhyped shit praises company that produces overhyped shit
Fuck off faggot. Don't use this tragedy as an excuse to start shitty Yea Forums tier twitter threads.
What else do you expect from retards who think the tweets from a CEO or other top management personnel are genuine and not just public relations?
Wonder if he watches anime or is just attentionwhoring.
There is only confirmed proof Steve Jobs was a weeaboo since Steve Jobs visited Japan when he was younger and hung out with Japanese designers
We need Kanye to speak up now and possibly donate. He's a huge weeb and an MC in one of their anime.
Where the hell did this come from? Is this person known to like anime or something?
I feel sad for the tragedy but calling Masterpiece is fucking bullshit
KyoAni is the Apple of anime studios.
t. reddit
Apple does nothing wrong, it's the people who buy their products that suck. Apple is a company in a capitalist country, they are providing a product that idiots are buying.
Japs eat Apple shit up.
>And he's doing it only for brownie points
why do you assume this? why is it so hard for you to imagine someone being genuinely empathetic for the victims of a horrible tragedy?
>musk tweet anime
>tim cook tweet anime
they really all out with their car market.
He's an overweight loser so he thinks that everyone who likes anime must be too.