I warned you. Why didn't you listen? Now go outside.
I warned you. Why didn't you listen? Now go outside
But if I go outside, some insane train autist might pour gasoline on me.
In the end, you were right, Abe-san. No fictional worlds can replace the real one. KyoAni burning down is a reminder of how easily we can lose our beloved creators and how little anime matters in the grand scheme of things.
The absolute madman
Have children
japfag here
i still don't understand how this meme happened
what's with abe and having children
declining birthrate
Why are Japanese people so ugly.
But has Abe actually done anything to increase birth rates? I mean concrete measures, not saying "go have children to save Japan"?
Fatoshi got cucked.
you mean has he done anything about the hostile work culture?
don't be silly
You mean besides destroying kyoani?
Declining brithrate + economic stagnation + aging population + shrinking workforce has lead Abe's government to promote "family-healthy" media and policies. It's mocking desperation - to a point where Abe's ready to roam Japan as a one-man fertiliser to save the country.
memes dont have to make sense they just need to be repeated over and over until they take hold
people liked thinking abe wants people to breed even though he has not enacted a single policy to promote that
Not sure. Seeing as how Abe has no children of his own, it really says a lot.
>has lead Abe's government to promote "family-healthy" media and policies
Literally wrong
His policy is "controlled decline"
Is a meme from incels who envy japanese waifus and lifestyle, so they shill in every forum about birthrates declining for a little hope of being choosen for breeding.
>to a point where Abe's ready to roam Japan as a one-man fertiliser to save the country.
Hentai of this fucking when?
What policies though? Is he giving tax benefits to couples with children?
I see this said a lot but when asked nobody knows *what* he's actually doing.
Fuck that, weeb shut in for life. Eat shit Abe.
I highly doubt anyone envies japanese lifestyle
Shit is horrible
What about the recent visa policy changes which will enable more foreign workers to supplement the workforce? (or are they just a temporary measure? I'm unsure if you can apply for permanent residency in such circumstances)
Nothing, he is not doing anything, its a meme that makes no sense and its based on nothing
Yea Forums just thought it was funny if it was true and keeps reposting it
You mean the one that does not let said workers ever being citizens nor bring any family with them and that kicks them out once their job is done?
their policies are temporary, they get kicked out the moment the contact's over cause they don't want shitty gaijins to stay. Even the most prominent policy, the one where they give permanent visas for 4th generation japs has a ton of bureocracy and barely anyone qualifies for it
Japan doesn't want foreigners
>go outside
>have children
>form a nice family
>some psycho kills everyone
Thanks Abe
There's no time to date and start families because everyone is working 10 hours a day 24/7/365
Ah yes, I'm re-reading about it now (2018 Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act). It seems like it will remain a revolving-door scenario of foreign blue collar labour. I wonder if it can be a viable long-term solution to, as said: "controlled decline".
Good point
>not throwing gasoline on them first to gain a strategic advantage
>I wonder if it can be a viable long-term solution to, as said: "controlled decline".
Japan is very crowded and is ahead of most of the (relevant) world in terms of automation.
Controlled decline is only an issue if you're a GDP whore. China put in place actual controlled decline (as in very restrictive as opposed to just not promoting children) for decades and it has not prevented them from booming in any way.
This just gives me a reason to go from shut-in to full hikki, Abe,
It's interesting, China's one child policy actually had little to no effect on population. The main driver, as always, is economics. Growing economy, industrialization, economic opportunities for women, urbanization, all cause birth rate to plummet. It's something China will have to worry about this century: not having enough young people entering the workforce.
It had insane effect on the average age of the country though
China is more fucked than japan in the mid term
user, look at the graph.
The people decided that they didn't want to have more children. The policy itself didn't do anything.
So they were screwed either way? Alright that makes sense too
The insectoids would have no trouble massacring the elderly if it came to this.
Besides having many old people is only an issue with our retarded pension systems.
>Besides having many old people is only an issue with our retarded pension systems.
Because savings are worth shit when there's no youngsters out actually producing things?
Who taught you economics and what did they smoke?
But i'm nt a nip, How would me going outside help with the declining rates of Japan?
There will be hundreds of millions of younger people, and their productivity will be higher due to the accumulated capital. A 2050 farmer will produce enough for 10k people.
There is no difficulty feeding and parking gorillonz of elderly even through the most inefficient gibsmedat system. The issue only comes from boomers wanting the fancy retirement lifestyle. Things will come back to reality with old people becoming poor as soon as they stop working except for those that have productive investments.
Maybe not date, but more than enough time to fuck. Fuck families, just fuck and have kids and let the government raise them and shit lmao
>old people becoming poor as soon as they stop working
So, precisely "the issue" that you say does not exist.
What you are doing is simply a moral judgement ("fuck these people"), not offering a solution.
>go outside
>find gf
>find a job
>life is good
>autist barges into your workplace and sets you on fire
If you didn't grind your fire resistance to level 8 at least by now, then you have only yourself to blame.
Seriously, lighters are cheap, and everybody can afford to spend a few minutes per day burning their fingers.
There is no 'solution' to be found here because there is no problem.
People that don't work and can't live from exchanging their already owned assets will indeed be poor, this isn't a problem. In previous eras they might have been sustained by their children, but they decided not to have any. It's not like we are talking about a paraplegic guy getting neetbucks, these old people had their whole lives to do something about it.
>What policies though?
You elaborated on your moral statement. Many people do not agree with you.
>abe-sama has no children of his own
why is he such a hypocrite? He should have dumped his barren wife
>not going old-school and getting a mistress to act as a surrogate
You should've listened
3D are ugly greedy skanks
I've never been fooled into a "relationship" and never will be
As long as I have anime to worship glorious 2D waifu I will never go past being acquaintances with a woman