>Literally my favorite Kyoani shows
its not fair
No more yuri shit yay
user, he's almost certainly dead. Not even baiting.
AKA. Cant identify corpse
Based arsonist, saving anime.
hated that shit series and its faggot fans
Good riddance.
he is a faggot that crossdresses, he ain't straight
he is still based tho
I mean, I wasn't expecting a second season for lucky star, but...
So even waifus can perish.
Life really isnt fair. All or most of the anons (me included) should have died instead
He's dead dumbass
shut up
The attack was terrible but lucky star and maid dragon are pedo bait so it's ok
Voyeur on underage lesbians isn't pedo. And none in Lucky Star is underage.
>Pedo Coping
Like always
ok pedo
this whole thread is proof that Yea Forums is getting raided by twitterfags and redditfags
having no empathy about the death of a bunch of innocent people wont make you look cool, and calling everyone that disagrees with you a pedo wont make you look cool either
Pedo buttblasted lmao
Kobayashi's Dragon Maid was godawful. Can we please admit this now?
Nice to see that EOPs are retarded, like always.
Twitter is throwing out all the condolences user
>this argument again
What, you really think he's going to pop out of the building in a couple of hours or something? Fucking idiot, he's dead.
I can intellectualize that what has taken place is an atrocity but I am also autistic and possibly a sociopath so I feel zero empathy. I imagine a good slice of Yea Forums is the same as me.
i saw alot of faggots happy about the place burning down because
>anime bad
>loli bad
twitter is as bad as reddit
does this mean no dragon maid s2?
It was worth all 12 episodes and no bad characters sorry user
I guess this counts as a win for the left. don't draw underage characters or else...
So he’s just not confirming his safety with loved ones and police for fun? It’s not like he got kidnapped or something. Best case he got out of the building and is passed out in some alley way; worst case his remains are burned beyond recognition.
the only bad thing about the maid dragon series is that fafnir or ilulu didn't get a spin-off, everything else is perfect
literally the perfect manga/anime
me included
UN failed tho, because thats mostly a stupid ideia
need a pic of kanna-chan eating kyoani
It's Shounen's time to shine now.
Based, both were normie tier shit that were intended to push western degenerate culture on glorious nippon.
>in a burning building
Kill yourself.
Blessed post
a-user, your newfag is showing!!
How does it feel to be the one of the few with an actual brain?
lucky star got me into anime
UN failed because the council members involved were arrested for being literal pedophiles who kidnapped children and raped them.
>Not even a mention of the guy's name
Haha whoa epic
why were they fucking council members, what the fuck
>Clickbait Complex
Speak for yourself retard, and learn to have some self respect.
based natsu does it again boys
hahaha i hope he stays in jail forever, fucking disgusting
Genuinely saddened by this. Takemoto was probably the best director KyoAni had.
That's kinda fucked up man...
Good riddance
>this whole thread is proof that Yea Forums is getting raided by twitterfags and redditfags
Yes, because Yea Forums is the epitome of empathy, the site that memed and reposted a dead girl's head and claimed that she deserved it. You're in denial if you think reddit and twitter are somehow less empathetic than Yea Forums.
shouta was a gay faglord for not plowing the mexican tittydragon
not every board is Yea Forums, /pol/,Yea Forums and Yea Forums user
>taking a group of six years old children to watch a play about two gay men giving explicit oral sex to each other is perfectly fine and progressive.
I'm not believing shit until I get a confirmation.
they definitly fucked in the manga
There is death penalty in Japan, right? how probably it is that the guy will get it?
>every board on fore-chan is the same
you want to know how I know you're a tourist?
"Missing" means that the body hasn't been identified yet...
Almost certain. An arsonist that killed less people a decade ago got the death penalty.
This was the biggest mass-murder in the history of modern Japan. He's already a goner.
Isn't all "X is alive" are pretty much fake news and all we know at this point is about 33 ded people. We don't even know his motives. Yes "train" shit sounds like fake.
Why is Saudi Arabia the current head of the UN Human Rights Council? UN is a joke.
Some survivors made posts on their social media after the incident.
>don't pay attention to me abusing real children
>pay attention to people possibly having impure thoughts about imaginary children!
He should have joined the catholic church, they'd at least help him cover it up.
was it confirmed Kyoani was the studio making season 2 of maid dragon ? i can't find a source anywhere
are you fucking serious ? lmao
>You are now imagining Kanna saying "Ko-ba-ya-shi"
>You will never hear that voice again because she's dead
So sad bros
>In September 2015, Faisal bin Hassan Trad, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, was elected Chair of the UNHRC Advisory Committee, the panel that appoints independent experts.[178][179] UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer said: "It is scandalous that the UN chose a country that has beheaded more people this year [2015] than ISIS to be head of a key human rights panel. Petro-dollars and politics have trumped human rights."[180] Saudi Arabia also shut down criticism, during the UN meeting.[181] In January 2016, Saudi Arabia executed the prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr who had called for free elections in Saudi Arabia.[182]
UN needs a nice big fucking nuke up the ass.
Bunch of corrupt cunts, the lot of them.
Globalist scum.
If murder in video games is okay I don't see why drawings wouldn't be okay
keep spouting what y**tubers tell you
Because it means fat disgusting landwhales don't get hot dickings.
That's the whole reason for the "pedoscare" from the late 80s onwards - fatties feminazis that became the modern-day SJWs.
I don't even care much for loli itself, but fact is, it is vastly better being legal than not.
It's an escape.
Without it, more people WOULD act out on urges in real life.
The potential for that turning someone to child rape while legal is insanely small compared to it being illegal, so much smaller.
Same shit happened with violent media like games, violent crimes dropped.
It's shitposting user. No different than consolewars on Yea Forums and cpu/gpu wars on /g/.
>for the left.
Fuck off to /pol/ you underage retard.
All this shit is pushed by right wingers.
Getting tired of you low IQ dumbfucks bringing your ignorance over to Yea Forums. Stick to your designated retard zone.
It isn't, you retard. That user is right.
The UN are the Allies from World War II. The job is to keep the big nations from murdering one another.
>being retarded
Why don't you first read a book on right wing and left wing politics before spouting drivel like a retard.
The censorship of questionable content is right wing. The people pushing for the ban of loli are religious nuts. If you /pol/tards had half a brain cell you'd realize you where blindly supporting the people who would ban everything you like because they seem it offensive.
>The people pushing for the ban of loli are religious nuts.
B-but muh SJW!
Kyoani fire was an inside job to punish lolis.
Fuck the Olympics.
You're an idiot. The political left in both the United States and Europe has become more committed to censorship in the last 20 years than the political right. Also, you should have learned by now that the best way to avoid more /pol/itics in Yea Forums is to ignore the initial crossboarder.
Based. Get fucked moefags.
fuck off, no one cares about politics
go to banning lolis is bad tho, no matter who does it
Trump literally blames vidya for gun violence.
You just demonstrated that you have no understanding of American politics.
Lucky Star, Maid Dragon and Nichijou are the only good kyo ani shows
Good. Kyoani ruined the industry
i ruined your mom last night you retarded faggot
It's both left and right nutters that are pushing for the ban.
It's not an "A vs B" scenario.
In fact, anyone that even uses "left" and "right" is a fucking moron, there's no such thing.
There's a bunch of different groups that think they are "true Xists" and everyone else are just [opposite side].
SJWs regularly attack other leftists, for example.
There's so many child groups that spawned from the Alt Right shitfest that it's hard to keep up.
It's not binary.
It's as dumb as saying, and meaning it, "centrist". Dumbest fucking term ever.
SJWs hate it because they don't get sex.
Righty nutters hate it because muh Jeepbus.
Reminder kyoani let in the faggot riajuu who go on about le protecc lolis and thicc thighs XD
Kyoani was the gateway
>The censorship of questionable content is right wing.
No, you brain-dead fuck, it's authoritarian. The difference between left-wing and right-wing authoritarianism is their justification. The end goal and result is the same.
Good one user, that make me remember when I was in elementary school
>In fact, anyone that even uses "left" and "right" is a fucking moron, there's no such thing.
Yes there is, you moron. You can spout this bullshit all you want, but if you look at the ideas espoused by Democrats and compare them to those of Republicans, the divide is clear as day.
Why do you hate lolis and thicc thighs?
>I believe that the right wing wants to ban anything that is interpreted as 'objectification of women'
>Why do you hate lolis and thicc thighs?
Why do you hate lolis and thicc thighs?
Fuck off normalfag
It should have been you.
Looks like you're still in it and can't into english, brainlet
>normalfags like lolis
wow this is the best timeline
>pedophile Jeffrey Epstein gets arrested
>director of pedophile anime goes missing
Normalfags only like lolis for le protecc, they get sent into a rage if you show them Prisma Ilya
>All this shit is pushed by right wingers.
He might pass away peacefully in the hospital before police interrogate him.
Let's flip this around. Who has been confirmed to have survived?
>A studio that exclusively pandered to low key pedophiles is gone.
The UN has a long and storied history of housing and enabling pedophiles, I'm not even kidding. The amount of children smuggled off to lives full of rape and torture out of Africa by blueheads is reasonably well documented and criminally underexposed, probably because most of their peacekeeping efforts ended in abject failure for all involved and the only way they save face is not letting it get out that their borrowed soldiers turned kiddy raper in the wild.
>Drumph censors things
What video games has he censored you dumbass?
He’ll get the sentence but will most likely be on death row for 20 years like the 1995 gas attack guy.
Saying you're so sad because bunch of people you don't know died doesn't make you empathetic, it makes you an attention whore.
nice buzzword faggot
Being sociopathic doesn't mean you can't empathize, unless you're socially stunted and dunno how to pick the right response. Also doesn't mean you default to edgy autism either, unless of course you're just an arrogant liar?
a bunch of talented people that made alot of stuff i liked died, they are not random people
>A studio that panders /u/fags and fujoshit is gone
fuck moeshit
>bunch of people
retard go back already
most likely one of the charred bodies
until everyone has been identified and accounted for then should alarms be raised and a 10-mile radius looking for the survivor
Japanese law is infamously stacked against the defendant to the point where even the most clear cut "defendant is innocent" cases generally end with a verdict of guilty. There is zero grey area "did he or didn't he do it" moral ambiguity here, this scumbag's days are numbered.
Re-read that post and slap yourself when you realize why you shouldn't have made that post.
Jesus man.
I haven't slept in 30 hours and I'm still lucid enough to do basic reading.
The point is there is no exact, solid, definition of "leftist" or "rightist" or any other fucking -ist.
There's parties that have views. These vary. They like to claim their are X-wing. They are just a particular flavor of it, not THE thing period because it doesn't exist outside of dumb theories that could never exist in real life but are only there for a complete model.
today was a good day
>to mourn the deaths of the creators of some of your favorite anime isnt conceivable
>must be redditfags
He was suspended. He made another account and another tranny got him suspended also, so he decided to stop drawing.
Reminder to never let any leftard cuck tell you "i-it's the conservatards who hate loli we are totally open minded". Vote trump.
>everyone on youtube and reddit says Yea Forums is the site for edgelords and insane people, so that's exactly what we have to be and if you disagree you don't belong here
Okay, let's hear your secret history then.
So you don't understand what left and right means wings. Got it.
That's the only way you could say that the Democratic Party is as right-wing as the Libertarian Party.
Eat shit edgy faggots and go back to
Yeah, but the loli Trump likes are 3D.
this, fuck the left! they want to censor our chinese cartoons!
>SJWs hate it because they don't get sex.
>Righty nutters hate it because muh Jeepbus.
Go dilate with a flamethrower, fucking FAGGOT!
Good. I've read that the agony that comes from sitting around for years waiting to die can be considered cruel and inhumane.
You are saying that. Nobody else is.
The fact you think political "leanings" are a straight line is fucking hilarious.
No surprise you're a burgerclap.
>Dragon Maid director ded
>People cheering for the deaths
>202 Olympics right around the corner
>People reporting cartoons as cp
I think I'll see you guys later. I need to to chill off a bit.
Fuck the 'le dont lewd le dragon lole' instagram shit
>that memed and reposted a dead girl's head and claimed that she deserved it.
which one?
we livin' in clown world.
don't pay attention to the people parading their deaths because "muh lolis". those people know very damn well they don't belong here.
Thank you arsonist.
user, you are wrong.
Why did this thread get derailed with reddit-tier politics?
>all these retards
Who is pro prostitution, left or right?
Who wants to ban videogames for gun violence, left or right?
Who wants to ban content critical of their religious beliefs, left or right?
The answer to all of these is the right.
Censorship is ingrained in right wing politics. In left politics censorship and the banning of questionable content comes about when you hit authoritarian governments but in right wingers it comes in every form along the spectrum.
Whether it be the religious nut trying to force others to think like they do, or the authoritarian just being an asshole.
If you're actually stupid enough to fall for /pol/ memes then you need to fuck off over there. We do not want to put up with you low IQ inbreds flocking our board.
>Demonizing a studio that made content to rope in kid diddlers is edgy
could be unconscious in a hospital somewhere, but...
>Who wants to ban content critical of their religious beliefs, left or right?
100000% the left. And those religions are Islam and militant atheism.
mods what the fuck are you even doing
>The answer to all of these is the right.
Unironically go to /pol/. Your knowledge of these topics is laughable. At least there you will learn the core basics and how they get corrupted, not this black-white bait you are posting.
The answer to all of these is both
the end
I'm genuinely surprised there isn't any fanart yet
>all Yea Forums boards are exactly the same and browsed by the same people
>all Yea Forums is old Yea Forums and /r9k/
Spoken like a true tourist and newfag. Even people on /pol/ thought the ethot's murder was unjust and evil, and the her killer was an incel loser.
Remider that all these people are the ones that are virtue signaling over anime.
shitposters from Yea Forums and Yea Forums, like always. they're the ones who post pepe in a tuxedo, and say that moe is bad.
>Who is pro prostitution, left or right?
>Who wants to ban videogames for gun violence, left or right?
>Who wants to ban content critical of their religious beliefs, left or right?
Seriously guys, even the anime section in fucking 9gag is being more respectful towards this legendary anime studio. When did Yea Forums become WORSE than 9gag again? Go fuck yourselves.
>Right wing
The hat fits you perfectly.
They don't care if they are Lolis or high schoolers girls they want only to claim the moral high ground over something and anime is their Target now.
Those are probably straight up discordfags, I suspect.
Oh i'm sorry i forgot it was right wing that censored youtube,twitter and other social media platforms with "hate speach" rules to the point that they are unusable.It was also right wing that "sanitized" all games from the west to the point they all became "cinematic experiences" with ugly women.
If you're going to draw garbage like this, then just make porn. Be honest with yourself.
I know you guys have a big stigma against /pol/, but hear me out, I think they might be on to something. /pol/ has a conspiracy that because Yea Forums is the boogeyman of the internet, there might be government officials purposefully shitting up the website to break the culture "glow in the dark CIA niggers" as they call them. keep that in mind.
>/pol/tards are the new furries and need to broadcast to every board they go to that they're "redpilled" and insert that politics into everything. They genuinely think that when they come here and force their politics, they're "enlightening" people.
So are discord trannies, reseteratards and blue checks. It's not because of their politics, it's because they're fucking faggots.
I think he's talking about Bianca.
>mfw /pol/ keeps shitting up other boards
It's more likely Google.
>And those religions are Islam and militant atheism.
Islam is a right wing religion you fucking retard.
Atheism isn't a religion. Are you really this stupid, /pol/tard?
Nice deflect retard.
Keep seething
I use both boards and I can tell you these shitposters aren't from /pol/, even if they claim they are, they only say that to make you seethe. There's definitely a different force at play here. Frogposting isn't even that big on /pol/. People there just post them as casual reaction images.
The cooldown timer for posting on a blue board after posting on /pol/ should be something like an hour.
>he thinks a private company banning people who post racist shit is censorship.
You're retarded
based ancap
>I use both boards
Stay there you stupid fuck
These people are cancer, /pol/tards like you are cancer, fuck off over there and don't come back.
They're a meme group with no actual power over the decisions of nations but they still get money so it turned into a big bureaucracy that spends it's time kiddie fiddling and justifying it's existence by talking about nothing and playing peace keeper in third world, essentially an even worse version of the EU
Good. Another pedo dead.
I'll think of this piece of trash and laugh, when I fap to shouju ramune the next time.
UN is a fucking joke.
They are two board of the same website. I'll go there if I want to see the news and talk about politics and I'll go here if I want to talk about anime.
I wonder how many other anti-lolifags are just trying to take the heat off themselves.
ya, you dont only use Yea Forums, fuck off idiot
No one likes you
Fuck you libshits
Nnah, he was just slightly burned in leg and covered with blisters on arms, literally nothing.
I like that they couldn't even but help to take the bait. Mention /pol/ and the obvious legbeards come out, just like in threads about how people prefer their anime girls to not be sluts.
>slightly burned in leg
His entire foot looked like a white sock
Do you guys just think about sluts all day?
Eat shit loli-haters!
Well shit, I like kobayashi, this makes me sad.
Yea Forums
>last major terror attack in Japan was a doomsday cult trying to usher in armageddon
>this terror attack was by an asshurt middle-aged fan who was mad they made his waifu look bad
The world has become hilariously retarded in the past 25 years.
user mentioned another board and then people couldn't help but let others know their opinions about it.
>This terror attack was by an asshurt demented weirdo who was mad because he didnt patented a term related to his Train fetish and his jacking off spot was 'invaded' by waifufags.
i would give an arm, a leg and my balls just to be able to say that i am making all of this shit off.
>>"multinational multibillion dollar corparations that monopolized internet are private companies and can do what ever they like because i agree with their politics"
Fucking retard.
>mad because he didnt patented a term related to his Train fetish and his jacking off spot was 'invaded' by waifufags
> Switch friend code
apparently, the dude always used or 'invented' in 2ch a term 'barizaku', and Kyoani used that term in a different way in a episode of Hibike euphonium.
also, somehow, fans of the show started to go to different train stations, ruining the dude's most regular spot for Trainsighting.
seriously, even AlQaeda had a more logical reason for the 9/11 attacks.
Holy shit what a massive sperglord autistic this guy is.
He is like those silly little girls that get pissy because people start listening to a band they think only they have heard of.
People like this should be exterminated on first instance they are found by a psych.
No ifs or buts, immediate termination if it is proven.
Fucking nutjobs like this are the reason for most mass killings on these levels.
You're probably not a sociopath - there are other important factors there, it isn't just reduced empathy function. There's also the exploitation of others, emotional manipulation, shallow mimicry of hooman feeelongs - and of course, poor impulse control (though some can hide it, while still doing it).
Yeah but this guy sounds like a japanese version of CWC so it's not really a shock that an autist would go postal over something so seemingly trivial
>Why do people ban me from their place of establishment when I call them niggers and wish death upon then
Take your meds schizo
Oh yeah I love getting all this attention for thinking it's sad that 33 people died in a fire at Kyoani. I'm so popular now, it's really influenced my personal life in the past 15 hours. I got my first gf and she's blowing me right now, while I'm talking to my side chick. Business deals are good, I just shook hands with Tim Cook sealing the deal for a $1000 apple cock ring regulato and desk lamp. Also, my neighbors now love me and invited me to a barbecue
the fact we have to ask "which one" kinda says a lot
it also kinda owns
I agree, we should nationalize all of these services. Full socialism now
I mean, don't wanna sound mean, but "missing" is only another way to say "body too fucked up to identify", just saying to don't get those hopes high, its going to hurt more...
Oh, because being unconscious considering a situation in which a common lung would be flooded with water thanks to injury by smoke, is such a good sign that a person is alive.
The nigger is dead. Haruhi et al is dead. KyoAni is dead.
Literally all of them.
>The cooldown timer for posting on a blue board after posting on /pol/ should be something like an hour.
Holy shit that is such a simple idea but would work so well. Fucking brilliant.
FUCK air
FUCK kanon
FUCK FUCK FUCK luck star
FUCK clannad
FUCK hyouka
FUCK free
FUCK hibike
FUCK maidragon
FUCK chuunibyou
>you can literally start a competitor in your basement
>anyone can just navigate to a different web address
The complete and absolute state of precious /pol/flakes.
Who the fuck is bianca.
The day the anime died. This is a loss to the industry no matter how you like their anime.
I've had my share of hate towards their shows in the past, but then they've produced few of the most emotionally entangling animation moments I've experienced. Definitely sucks to be artist with this kind of animosity smoldering among fans. Time to grow beyond hate.
okay, zoomer
>we livin' in clown world.
underage post
Bet you five bucks resetera is celebrating.
de facto monopolies are still monopolies.
This is Yea Forums not Yea Forums before you talk about literallywho websites
>de facto monopolies are still monopolies.
No, you're just fucking lazy. You want all the convenience and services and don't want to do any work or pay any money and yet have them serve you by your standards anyway. That's never ever how Free Speech has worked, it's not Freedom To Mooch. There are big and small newspapers and guess what even the biggest don't have to print your crazy ramblings. If you don't like you start your own newspaper. Like, literally, that's how a lot of modern newspapers and magazines got their start, someone was fucking pissed about another one and said WELL YEAH I'M GONNA START MY OWN THEN TAKE THAT and then they did. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, but it's not "monopoly". The web is the lowest fucking barrier to entry and publishing in the entirety of human history.
Actual physical ISPs? Yeah that's potentially monopoly territory, or duopoly in some cases. Physical wires/fiber needs to be watched. But the bits and bytes going over neutral net? Swim or sink bitch.
I know Yea Forums tends to over exaggerate over competing websites, but resetera really is that bad... and yeah, a lot of resetera users lurk and post here because Yea Forums is the scary boogeyman neo-nazi website of the internet. They come here to try and do the same thing tumblr tried to do to Yea Forums.
They'll probably make it as a remembrance
You're talking about a time that doesn't exist anymore. The media corporations that run the world today ARE de fato monopolies because they are so big and so rich that it's literally impossible to "just start up your own website in your basement." Go ahead and start a new facebook, user. Make a new YouTube. There's no fucking way. It's not a matter of laziness and you're literally just projecting whatever strawman arguments you feel like onto me because I haven't even expressed a single opinion other than "de facto monopolies are still monopolies" which they are. You CAN NOT compete, which is what makes them DE FACTO monopolies.
Is the VEG director and Haruhi directors okay at least?
You're genuinely a shill, aren't you?
>You're talking about a time that doesn't exist anymore.
No I'm talking about the present time.
>The media corporations that run the world today ARE de fato monopolies because they are so big and so rich that it's literally impossible to "just start up your own website in your basement."
I literally run my own ESXi server off my own home connection with an instance of NextCloud, WireGuard to handle VPN, and my own email and minimal personal website (even a toaster fronted by a trivial firewall and a simple fully static page can handle a ludicrous amount of visits, more then I'll ever need to worry about). And VPS are widely available and dirt fucking cheap too. Anyone on the planet with general internet access could reach me and read my dumb shit or get my emails. It's just not that big a deal user.
What you're whining about is not having a built-in audience. You're mad about having to actually work to get attention. You want all the fancy tools other companies have built for free. It's IDENTICAL to a small local paper complaining that the Wall Street Journal gets more views and saying "oh it's impossible to compete".
The only "compete" you deserve is "put your ideas out there, somewhere, and anyone could in look at them if they WANT to." But you have no right to force anyone else to want to, to give a single shit about anything you have to say, to ever even know you exist.
>VEG director
He's alive, don't know about 'okay'.
>Haruhi directors
Ishihara (Clannad, Chuuni, Hibike, etc) is also alive. Takemoto (Hyouka, FMP, Lucky Star, Amagi, Maidragon, etc) is pretty much confirmed dead. Oficially he's missing but that only means they haven't identified his body yet, since he would've confirmed his safety already otherwise.
damn look at this post from 2001
fuckin moron, no one right wing is censoring shit at this point, good job not reading the news in 18 years
>You're genuinely a shill, aren't you?
No, just not a lazy retarded faggot. I just plain don't use Facebook or twitter. It is not, in fact, difficult. I do my best to make sure I'm never completely dependent on any 3rd party service.
Again, we live in a fucking golden age of speech. It's crazy how free and easy we have it now to put our stuff out to a global audience. The tools we have to create and publish with are beyond what the richest of the rich would have even a few decades ago. If you can't make something happen with all that, the problem is YOU.
Not only that, In Japan, if you are on death row, you can't have a TV, you are rarely allowed to go outside, solitary confinement, only 3 books allowed, no physical exercise in the cell.
And best of all, they don't tell you the date of execution until the day of the rope... For 20 Years.
>all this sycophancy over one of the studios that helped fuck the entire industry
I know they're dead but have some self-respect.
>>No I'm talking about the present time.
>There are big and small newspapers and guess what even the biggest don't have to print your crazy ramblings. If you don't like you start your own newspaper. Like, literally, that's how a lot of modern newspapers and magazines got their start, someone was fucking pissed about another one and said WELL YEAH I'M GONNA START MY OWN THEN TAKE THAT and then they did.
Really, because I thought we were talking about social media and video streaming services on the Internet? Running your own server for some shit is not the same thing as maintaining a social media corporation that the entire fucking worl uses because it's the only fucking one that everyone else uses. Once these ompanies because the first big thing, they became the de facto ONLY big thing. They become the ONE place that actually matters because they host everything and everyone uses them. Do you not know what de facto means?
>The censorship of questionable content is right wing.
This isn't 1920s Romania
>It's crazy how free and easy we have it now to put our stuff out to a global audience.
Through means controlled by massive corporations.
Anyway, I won't respond to you again. After I'm 60% sure you are getting paid for this.
>The answer to all of these is
In fact nowadays the right is less retarded about this topics but the answer is both
>Japs dont like donations.
This is a fucking scam
>The people pushing for the ban of loli are religious nuts.
>reddit, infamous for being blatantly left wing, bans lolis and seethes at the mere thought of lolis
Really makes you think
We definitely do not live in a golden age of free speech when most of the world practices speech through services that censor them according to political preferences. You are clearly a libshit who's just glad that all the big tech companies in silocon valley are run by other libshits.
>inb4 nah uh I'm so freedoms and you're poor and lazy lol
Bros. I-I-..
I don't think I can watch anime anymore.
Based Shoko-san
kyoani wasn't working on s2
Is this even legit?
Like, the term left and right is in of itself retarded for such a classification.
Left or right in what country?
Which politician do you mean?
The left-right spectrum is retarded anyway.
Collectivist vs Individualist is a much better way to classify them.
Collectivist ideologies:
Communism, Nazism, Fascism
And on the other extreme, radical individualism:
Libertarianism, Anarchism
We created the clown world meme for a reason. The world has become a giant joke, and the only way to really get it all is to laugh.
>Through means controlled by massive corporations.
Uh, no. What the fuck? Every major bit of backing software has free and open source solutions, and often that's the only and best option too (nearly nobody uses proprietary web servers, it's all apache/nginx/lighttpd/whatever). Encoders, servers, languages, creation tools like blender or gimp or libreoffice, everything you need.
The only place some people MAY have to deal with "massive corps" is at the actual physical infrastructure level, which I already said is a natural monopoly. That's not the level that web services operate at though.
>Anyway, I won't respond to you again
Good, take your lazy ENTITLED anti-Free Speech bullshit and shove it back up your ass.
It's legit alright, but I'd rather buy merchs to keep the economy of those anime running while KyoAni recovers.
>waaaah, I can't use someone else's infrastructure to easily spread my bullshit without any effort, waaaah
>waaah, why don't I get a free panel on every newspaper, waaaah
>waaaah, literally 3rd reich
>wait, they were the good guys, right, /pol/?
You fucks are both dumb and pathetic.
>Really, because I thought we were talking about social media and video streaming services on the Internet?
>Running your own server for some shit is not the same thing as maintaining a social media corporation that the entire fucking worl uses
No, but you can start with a small group of
The UN literally owns the ICANN.
>my autismal definition of politics based on my arbitrary axis is better because I say so
You're just ignoring the word de facto at this point. If I wanted to play pilpul I'd look for Jews on /pol/.
>massive censorship of political opinions on social media is evidence that we live in a golden age of free speech
>They become the ONE place that actually matters because they host everything and everyone uses them
they don't though. like HERE WE ARE RETARD. there are tons of other sites where people go and stay. there are still tons of actual blogs out there and personal sites. there is still lots of real work done on mailing lists or irc or whatever.
this is like saying
>"new york times is the ONE place that actually matters because everyone reads them therefore government must force the nyt to publish my screen again niggers"
cry more
nobody can stand against japan now that the lolicon beam technology is perfected
>someone throws a huge party at their house, everyone attends, I take a huge dump in the middle of the room, how dare they kick me out
Cry more, cucky.
It was never confirmed they would be doing it.
Because it's a made up meme you're using to justify being a lazy entitled shit who cries about Free Speech but is unwilling to actually deal with any effort or financial expenditure for it. To the extent you have any point (you don't) it's self-fulfilling prophecy territory: you refuse to support anything except megacorp stuff, then whine about how much audience the megacorps have. You won't start with any smaller communities and try to help them get larger then cry about them not being large.
I just want to fap to drawings without going to prison...
>massive censorship
It's not censorship it's Free Speech. Being able to control my own soap box and decide who and what gets printed there, just like you can, is at the heart of free speech.
>is evidence that we live in a golden age of free speech
No, the evidence is that you can be here spouting off, or go out and in a matter of minutes whip up your own website with anything you want and then have it be able to be viewed by billions for the cost of pennies. Name a time period in all of human history where it's been easier to reach so many people for so little money and effort? Seriously. What do you imagine you would have done to publish your views and talk about it 50 years ago? 100? 200? 2000?
>censorship is the heart of free speech
We've sure some a long from from "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" huh?
The reason it's a bad definition is because left/center/right is based on the composition of the French assembly during the Revolution up until the leftists killed the rightists for being counter-revolutionaries.
It has very little to do with politics in 2019.
Stop spouting lies. That is not even close of what happen. Even the meme rumor of 5ch is more accurate.
>>censorship is the heart of free speech
No, censorship is only when FORCE is used to prevent you or punish you from saying something.
>We've sure some a long from from "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" huh?
You notice how that is "I'll defend your RIGHT to say it" not "I'll PAY FOR YOU to say it"? There is a difference there user. Your right to say something doesn't mean that something isn't fucking stupid, that people won't mock you and spit upon you for it and socially reject you, that nobody will want to give you a single shiny nickel for it, etc. Free Speech is the MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS and here's the thing about markets: there are products that are good and hopefully succeed, and products that are shit and hopefully fail. The point of Free Speech is to let the people overall and over time determine the value of speech, rather then force being used against it. But it's that "determine the VALUE" part, not "all speech is equal".
he's also dumb because he misses the stabbing spree where that guy attacked a bunch of school girls a few years ago.
That is trivia, not an indictment of what the terms mean in the modern day. Left means anti status quo, centre means pro status quo, right mean pro status quo anti
fuck moeshit 2bh
Are we concerned at all about the fact that this is clearly fake? The pics are all from 2016 and most of the corpses are "burnt behind recognition". Riiiiight... very convenient. Don't be so gullible.
This line of argument right here is faulty from the start. Ted Cruz discussed the issue two days ago.
Republicans are going after Facebook/Google through 3 avenues:
1) Internet platforms are given benefits and exemptions so long as they remain politically neutral. They haven't done that, so those benefits should be removed.
2) Anti-monopoly laws already exist, and it's being discussed if Big Tech fit the requirements for enforcing said laws as they have been in the past. It seems they do, and Google is already economically larger than this law's previous targets.
3) If Facebook/Google censors content through dishonest manners and for content which does not truly break the official site rules, they are breaking their contract with the consumer.
a hell of a lot more relevant to the board than esl is
The only reason the Internet Hate Machine meme that Fox News played on Yea Forums was funny was because it is just a site filled with a bunch of retarded weeaboo misfits, not fucking serial murderers and psychopaths. Those people were originally retained in /pol/ until they spread their shit all over the place
Ask me how I know you came in 2016
>No, censorship is only when FORCE is used
According to? Looks like a convenient made up definition to me. All it takes to censor is to supress the offending media, however you do it. You don't need to do it by force. You can just delete it. Then it's gone. It's supressed. It's censored.
>Your right to say something doesn't mean that something isn't fucking stupid, that people won't mock you and spit upon you for it and socially reject you, that nobody will want to give you a single shiny nickel for it, etc.
Which isn't even what we're talking about. You're doing the pilpul shit again. No one is arguing that you shouldn't be allowed to disagree however you want. The argument is that you shouldn't be able to avoid the debate entirely by just removing the offending viewpoints.
The Irony with this is unreal, hope he has fun with Tyrone in jail ;)
>Internet platforms are given benefits and exemptions so long as they remain politically neutral
Nope. Section 230 was passed precisely so they wouldn't have to be neutral. "Neutral" is a made up bit of bullshit in the context of platforms. "Neutral" is a thing for Common Carriers.
>2) Anti-monopoly laws already exist, and it's being discussed if Big Tech fit the requirements for enforcing said laws as they have been in the past. It seems they do, and Google is already economically larger than this law's previous targets.
Yeah by butthurt dayjob """"""free market conservatives"""""" who want a new scapegoat to create red meat over. And America at least doesn't have anti-monopoly laws, it has anti abuse of monopoly laws which isn't the same thing.
>If Facebook/Google censors content through dishonest manners and for content which does not truly break the official site rules, they are breaking their contract with the consumer.
Pffft. Every last one of those contracts has a "we can moderate for whatever we want whenever we want and change these rules at will because it's our service" provision or ten. Because it is in fact their service.
Damn, and Dragon Maid was one of my favorites.
This is punishment from Allah for their twisted ways. You can only push sexual deviancy for so long until the heavens strike you down. May Allah bless Barisaku-kun for showing these infidels the righteous path.
Your tastes are godawful
Some part of me refuses to believe this is real. I know it IS reality but my mind refuses to fully accept this fact. This is the path of "progress" and Modernity huh. If so, Humanity is absolutely headed for total degeneration into realms of yet unimaginable levels of subhumanism. The human race itself is rotting.
>According to?
The Founding Fathers and US Constitution and everyone else that knows anything about the topic.
>All it takes to censor is to supress the offending media
Your argument is that if I go onto your property and put up signs advertising my own stuff or my own political views and you remove them you're "censoring" me. That's fucking stupid user. What word would you then use for "I was thrown into prison/'reeducation camp'/beaten up by police for my speech" then? Or do you think that's the same thing?
>Which isn't even what we're talking about.
It is. Here's the thing people like you keep seeming to miss: Google and Facebook and all their employees ALL HAVE FREE SPEECH TOO. It's infinitely recursive. Free Speech means any organization and all of its members (except for the government because of the force thing, and I don't mean that aspriationally I mean that legally too, government and government related has different rules) also has the right to host or not host what they wish.
>The argument is that you shouldn't be able to avoid the debate entirely by just removing the offending viewpoints.
From YOUR OWN speech? Yes, your own speech and your own services can support or not whatever you want. How the fuck can you not get that? Those "offending viewpoints" can be put up somewhere else. That's why I posted that sentence you claim "isn't what we're talking about", it is! It's other people who are offended by your opinion refusing to support you or associate with you. That's free speech too! That's how value judging works. The only problem is if force is used to stop you from ever trying to convince anyone. But if you are ostracized, that's the Marketplace of Ideas at work. Yeah, maybe you're a misunderstood genius who will be republished and hailed 50 years down the line. More likely you're not, but time will tell as long as force doesn't interfere.
look in the mirror, from the point of view of normals you're the reflection of what you hate. both you and that screenshot are the same thing just different sides of the coin.
>The Founding Fathers and US Constitution and everyone else that knows anything about the topic.
Or we could use a dictionary, and not a vague appeal to authority with no source. But of course, the actual definition of the word censorship doesn't support your argument, so we can't do that.
>Let me tell you what you're talking about.
Maximum overkike.
>Google and Facebook and all their employees ALL HAVE FREE SPEECH TOO. It's infinitely recursive.
Which is why the should delete comments they don't like, because those opinions that they don't like are somehow infringing on their own rights to have opposite opinins.
Top kek. Thanks for this debate fren.
Where did you get this information from? I've been reading and watching news about the attack all day and couldn't find anything about his reasons
Bringing /pol/ back was a mistake
nice bro. >>>/leddit/
>dude why don't you just start a new google? You're just fucking lazy
You're a special kind of a retard, aren't you?
>Which is why the should delete comments they don't like
Yeah, it unironically is. I wouldn't let you put up signs for whatever fascist you're support in a given year up on my lawn either. I also wouldn't be shocked and upset if you wouldn't let me put up American flags and signs supporting freedom on your lawn, because just because I love freedom and you hate it doesn't mean you are forced to support my point of view.
>because those opinions that they don't like are somehow infringing on their own rights to have opposite opinins.
No, their right is to associate or not with whatever they want. They can be as biased as they want, just like you.
>Top kek
The real top kek is what fucking hypocrites you are. You'd be the first to start crying if stormfront was forced by the government to start putting up LGBT or whatever opinion pieces.
it really was. they're the modern furfags
I flaseflag as an edgy and moral fag.
>I have to be google's size to serve text/images/video to my fellow dozen group of faggots
>wah big gubmint plz come socialize the property and turn it over to me
It's been a while since I've seen someone as slimy as you. You're such a fucking snake. Keep pushing for censorship while claiming you're ackchyually the one who loves freedom. Nobody is buying it.
Good riddance
Gotta make that money bros
those are some big boobies shes got there
What the fuck, reddit and twitter is a complete hivemind of brainless empathy and tolerance
Your post is extremely ironic given the spacing, I would guess you are new here.
So Kyoani will go from being known for Haruhi to being known for moeshit to being known for pandering to fujos to being known for loli dragons to being known for a tragedy that wiped out a fifth of their workforce?
Based and redpilled, dicklet fetishes are the worst
Pontificate in relativism all you want but I know when I see something diseased. Nevertheless, whatever survives in the end will be judged as "right". I just hope that something worthwhile remains of humanity by the time Modernity is done with sucking everything it can into its maelstrom of self-destruction.
It's amazing how consistent projection is a thing for you fascists. You reveal your disgusting colors so consistently yet never change strategy.
Luckily you're also irrelevant and have no chance to repeal the First Amendment however much you want to. Not that you won't use that very freedom to then sob about it (on other people's websites of course, never your own).
retard alert
Yes, its jewed. But the tranny mods will ban you here for saying that so I have to watch what I say
You can stop posting on Yea Forums whenever you like if you hate Modernity so much.
They're posting anonymously here then reposting that on social media and screeching about how terrible it is for likes.
lucky star in't yurishit.
>dragon maid s2 delayed for sure.
>maybe cancelled.
There wasn't a /pol/ back then, newfag. It was Yea Forums.
Uh, money?
It wasn't /pol/, it was people from all boards going there, getting redpilled, and bringing it back to their home boards.
This was the case for 99% of all the political posters you see here
If you were a pedophile who wanted to kidnap and rape children, then being a part of an organization which advocates on behalf of abused children is a natural choice. It provides access to particularly vulnerable children, and it also provides a sort of camouflage by making the individual appear virtuous.
>up on my lawn
TOTALLY THE SAME THING. Eat shit corporate money kike.
>claimed that she deserved it
>implying that the ethot didn't deserve it
Not him, but here.
lol you leftards only started posting here when the mods went full fash
are you ready to take the fight against icky things straight to japan my friend we must fix their barbaric and misogynistic culture.
>I want to put up american flags but you won't let me
now that's what I call gaslighting
>Property doesn't count if I want to use it!
Although I guess "property" might be a confusing concept for numale like yourself, you can't count your parent's place as yours after all :^)
I will if it turns into something like facebook/twitter. Right now Yea Forums is free-speech and thus anti-Modernity.
>tourist who arrived after /n/ was deleted and remade pontificating and crying about what lets the site exist
Every time.
Hey man I don't force you entitled brats to hate freedom, you do that all on your own. If you ever want to stop I'll be the first to say thank you!
>This was all a ruse done by Kyo-Ani themselves to get firefighters shounen taken off the air.
What a fucking faggot. I hope he's exaggerating.
Why the fcuking trainfag dont killed this faggot?
>Right now Yea Forums is free-speech
Yep, with lots of bans and rules. Which is free speech like I've been saying.
>and thus anti-Modernity.
Yea Forums is the epitome of Modernity. Anonymous, global source, based entirely around technology and easy flow of information. Nothing like it could have existed in any previous era. Almost all of it would be banned as "degeneracy" or "subversive" in less Modern polities. Deal with it my fellow Modernist.
The internet and all social media platforms are public forums. This is why the courts made Trump unlock your people on Twitter. It's only a matter of time before that's a legal fact, and not just a de facto one.
>Deluded, secluded weirdo everyone ignores in japan makes shit up to artificially bloat his self-worth with gullible idiots.
It's resetera, he's dead serious
Nightmare reality
Sentai Filmworks, Texas based company
Do you retards actually think KyoAni will see a single dime of this money ? This company will disappear in a month, and the money will be gone.
>The internet and all social media platforms are public forums
Nope. They can include public forums created by government, but they are not public forums themselves. "Public forum" has an actual for real meaning user, not just your head canon meaning.
>This is why the courts made Trump unlock your people on Twitter
Nope! The GOVERNMENT taking action is entirely different from a private actor taking action. This is long, long established pre-internet. If for example a town select board temporarily rents part of a private establishment to hold a town meeting in while renovations happen at town hall, that specific part for that specific time is a public forum and the town my not ban the public just because it's on private property, nor accept it any other way. But that is still private property, and the property owner may still choose to discriminate in any legal way anywhere and any time else they want to.
You need to actually fucking READ the opinions you're quoting.
>It's only a matter of time before that's a legal fact, and not just a de facto one.
Like I said, it's always been legal fact. But it's a restriction on the government, not private entities. There is no "fairness" or "equality" there, the government is not equivalent to a private actor. WE have rights vs the government, not government control over us, that's the foundation of America. Very curious you find that so hard to grasp!
At least click one the link on your result page, faggot.
Stop feeding the troll hired by Google.
Citizen's United was a mistake.
thanks a lot
Modernity is a broad term for societal changes that came along with industrialization. Many of those changes are increased state control over the population through things like mandatory state-schooling, state-media, vastly increased regulation, vastly better central enforcement, vastly more taxation, etc. It's about taking control and autonomy away from individuals and communities. Certain parts of Yea Forums are unmistakably "modern" indeed, but its spirit and societal effect is anti-Modernity (despite being part of it in a sense) since it's about giving autonomy and control back to the individual.
obsessed. I never use /pol.
Wasn't S2 of maid dragon supposed to be done by a different studio?
The voice actors don't record at the animation studio you fucking moron.
You're right about the guy being retarded for trying to drag politics into Yea Forums where it doesn't belong, but then you're retarded for doing the exact same thing.
And then you're doubly retarded for being this fucking wrong.
Never confirmed either way.
>Another terrible adaptation from a terrible source is fucked
Fantastic news
>novel plagiarism
What makes you think it's Free?
>be a lobotomized SJW
>live in SJW paradise of commiefornia
>learn about Japan, a somewhat still "traditionalist" and ethnically homogeneous country
>sounds like your hell on earth
>obviously, choose to move there
>subject yourself to constantly being offended, triggered and being confronted by "oppreshun"
what did it mean by this?
You stupid faggot. All you did was post a source for what the other guy said.
How do you justify your retarded existence?
All the better to keep knocking them down.
>terrible source
Eat shit
It's called RetardEra for a reason: everyone talks out of their ass.
You have no idea how hard it is to identify a charred body. Fire is truly a force to be reckoned with.
Source: Dude, trust me
Also, 5 months is a very short time to affiliate with expats that no one cares about.
right but if they select what is and isn't on their platform according to their political ideologies then they are no longer a platform and are then a publisher which means they are responsible for what gets put on their website.
They also take money from the government apparently. These reasons are why it is not a private company and should not be allowed to get away with censorship.
informative post anonoo
Sure, a company who has existed since 2008, had partnership with KyoAni multiple times, now is scamming people because of a disaster which struck their partner for a mere a million dollar.
How about you use your brain sometimes?
Its natural for some creatures to blend in to their environment in their search for prey.
Not that user but if you fuckers were here back in '08 you'd remember the gorespam on Yea Forums that was supported by the mods for a time
Probably all of them
Honestly the /ss/ was the only remotely good part of it. Kanna made a whole new generation of lolifags that should've thrown themselves into the fire too.
exhibit A, seething lolicon
Yeah, it was shit. Its fanbase was a fucking mess.
>Honestly the /ss/ was the only remotely good part of it.
Ah I see, the guy was trying to burn your house down. He just missed, that's all.
Good taste
^This user is probably a 3d loli.
all kyoani haters are circlejerking underaged discordfags from Yea Forums
There are no such things as 3d loli.
I fucking hate Lucky Star in retrospect so nothing of value was lost.
>Collectivist vs Individualist is a much better way
There should also be a Eugenic vs Dysgenic axis.
Libertarianism, Nazism, Fascism, economic collapse, racism, anarchism, tribalism, ancestor-worship religions, ethno-nationalism
Communism, socialism, capitalism, imperialism, globalism, theoracy, progressivism, egalitarianism
"3D Loli"?
oh, there is such a thing, and its illegal.
Cringe fetish for even smaller dicklets
That's a picture of steam, not discord user
I'll believe it when I see it with my very own two eyes.
that doesnt sound biased at all
>last verse
Too soon
I will miss the chorogons
Yes. And though I hate innocent people being executed... I mean, this is the sort of clearcut case where my reaction is “fuck him”. I hope he survives his burns. I really do. It’s more painful if he survives his burns and is then in prison for years with the pain.
shiv liv?
fuck, good ass /ss/ will never come
>war between pro- and anti-Kyoani posters
>jumping to conclusions with foamer arsonist's motives
>doomposters thinking that this is the beginning of the end of anime forever
>endless debates between moralfags, plebbitors, and edgelords
Learn to use google you quadrilateral hypernigger
even just 'bianca' gets you 7 related news stories posted today about the incident
Welcome to /va/. Somehow it's all even further downhill from here.
>communism somehow not eugenic
suppose you think the holocaust actually happened and the holodomor actually didn't?
It hurts.
>using steam instead of discord
>nearly 24 hours later
>still no confirmation one way or the other
it's over johnny, it's over
At a point, there's just no possible way to confirm
Not up to date with Nip news, but who is the suspect or the attacker?
Loli fandom BTFO
Originally it was speculated to be a foamer who was angry at Hibike plagiarizing the train song, but now it may be the work of a LN author.
I guess getting millions of white people killed counts as eugenics.
Based a/non.
>an animation studio is equal to a e-whore
>angry at Hibike plagiarizing the train song
how did so many speed readers take this away from the barisaku posts
>Islam is a right wing religion
Brain fucking dead
Im guessing you think Buddhism is left leaning huh?
They're all dead, m8.
based retard
AlQaedas logic is perfectly reasonable. The US won't stay the fuck out of the Middle East and has killed thousands of their fellow Muslims.
The West was pretty hyped in general about eugenics at the time, but then did a switcheroo and pretended it was only the Nazis all along like all the other distasteful shit everyone was doing. Don't read too much into it.
>White people
Almost a bigger enemy of weebdom than the arsonist.
Every cloud has a silver lining, I guess.
>If you post a homu reaction pic
>You are just as bad as a tranny
user, some of us are well adjusted and well liked. Our only mistake was pretending to be retarded for shits and giggles, which attracted people like you. Don't pretend to know what is normal.
Containment boards were a mistake
um yeah dude. It's yuri shit. If there's no male characters anywhere in the show, its automatic yuri shit, so stop kidding yourself, faggot
>le refrences are funny xD and le lesbian dragon anime
RIP man but your work was trash
Something is definitely over but I can't tell what.
>There's no male characters
Minoru Shiraishi.
It was a completely different theory before the barisaku bullshit.
>even maid cafes aren't doing well anymore
in 2018 the jap goverment passed some laws to tax maid cafes because of how well they were doing and because of how much underage prostitution goes on some of these cafes,
>group of Ex-pats i'm a part of that pushes societal changes
nevermind, he's retarded.
>He's alive, don't know about 'okay'.
Bullshit. It's just a random hearsay on some random tweet.
The only real evil thing kyoani did to the industry was their publishing / prize scheme for Light "Novels".
There's nothing they did before that that wasn't industry standard whether you liked it or not.
Imagine going to a foreign country that you actually know zero about, and trying to change the way they live based on your own screwy code of ethics.
Like a parasite in a host.
lolis did nothing wrong you guys are fags
go back to r/eddit, you'll get protection from "muh underage drawings" over there, you god damn nigger lovers
he's burned that badly?
Al Qaeda wants the US in the middle east since it boosts recruitment. The US also supports Al Qaeda in Syria.
Holomodor was collective punishment because the slavs there were being unruly, Holols deserved it desu.
Resetera is like psychiatric facility. Believing in anything what they say is like believing schizophrenic people (or idiots like Herkz).
Al Quaeda barely exists anymore.
>Yes there is, you moron.
>Democrats and Republicans
>"missing" in quotation marks
Talk about clickbait/shit-stirring.
>lucky star director
you mean yamakan
>someone spent at least 10 minutes putting this together and probably thinking how funny it is
>in those 10 minutes they didn't even think "what the fuck am i doing/what's wrong with me/this is kinda fucked up"
Guys am i the only one who can't get the mental image of those people trying to get out of the building despite it being impossible and their fast realization that they are going to die there when not even 10-15 minutes ago they were working/talking ? I don't even give a shit about this "anime war" because it's only fueled by losers, i only think about those minutes of hell they went through before they died
>lucky star director fired
It means yamakan though.
Think of the people trapped in the twin towers on 9/11
And now it has another meaning.
already did that, and besides this hurts me more because i love anime. I am not american + i was much younger so 9/11 wasn't so impactful back then for me.
It probably went something like this
Fucking newfag, it was Yea Forums, notorious for everything, from a murderer posting a corpse location to the massive use of “nigger”. And since you’re a newfag, before /pol/ there was /new/ which got nuked by moot. He brought back /new/ as /pol/ because he finally understood that it needed a containment board.
Keep on blaming on /pol/, rent free.
>gorespam on Yea Forums that was supported by the mods for a time
newfag here, how did they went from this to the no-fun-allowed reddit mentality they have today
>It wasn't /pol/, it was people from all boards going there, getting redpilled, and bringing it back to their home boards
/pol/dditors actually believe this
He was pretty talented honestly.
Also what's up with the anti-loli virtue signalers. Do they think it makes them more righteous or something? Nobody gives a shit,
>sankaku shitplex
not even once
Spoiler: That guy actually never was in Japan.
>Righty nutters
they also don't get any sex though
That was probably a lot scarier but still as tense regardless of which situation you were in.
America should seriously get bombed.
Most of these cunts live deeper in the white man's burden than even the worst of 19th century imperialists.
take your meds, your tourette is triggered.
jesus christ, please don't post ever again
but most importantly FUCK trump
so long as the basement startup gets government subsidies, connections to shady Chinese companies who want to buy their uses data, and then every major politician is required to have a presence their. it's the same with colleges, as soon as you take government money yourself up to government regulations.
if all the talent survives it may still be salvageable, is their a list of the the confined dead anywhere?
>if all the talent survives it may still be salvageable
>33 Dead
I really doubt that everyone in their creative team is alive and well.
If you go upstairs to escape a fire you're committing suicide.
KyoAnis exceptionally poor fire safety plays a role too. I won't be surprised if they get shed to hell an back?
30 deaths? It's gonna cost them more than the building.
Phone poster or 15 year old. Either way, get out.
He went missing.
His last known location was in a building that fucking burned down.
He's fucking dead user. Where else would he go? If they found him injured the hospital wouldve notified his family. He didnt just run off into the woods and became a fairy. Please just accept it. I know its hard. Im shaken up about this too but you have to know how to let go.
What the fuck man! Now why did he choose to burn down an animation studio, and a good one at that, of all placed?
Fuck man, what a piece of shit.
They are already sizing up the rope.
God took the wrong director
The suspect has a history of mental issuess
O, my phone posting.
Well, Yutaka Yamamoto doesn't work there anymore, so....
kill yourself
>is their a list of the the confined dead anywhere?
No. A list probably won't come out until all of the bodies have been ID'd. In Japan, that legally has to be done by a doctor at a hospital/morgue, so it could take days, especially if some of them are burned badly enough to require checking against dental records and such.
Also, privacy protections are pretty strong over there, so it's possible that names won't be released unless the victims' families/friends/coworkers themselves do so.
Oil. And help from daddy sam probably.
Where did he go, Yea Forums?
He fell through a portal created by the fire and is now trying to figure out his way out of a generic fantasy world filled with harlots that lust for his D.
Sorry, but he went straight to the anime hell.
How do you go "missing" from a fire accident?
Isekai into a better world, hopefully.
Pretty common.
Like in 9/11 where there were a lot of bodies that weren't accounted for.
Nice source, you fucking idiot.
You get burned to dust, blow away by the wind and no one can find you.
if corpse is badly damaged then identification is difficult, though he might be alive but they don't have means to contact him.
>though he might be alive but they don't have means to contact him
He’s dead bro
New thread.
I like how all the replies don't realize that they're the redditors raiding Yea Forums
No update yet?
It's been a whole day.
You are the prep and all was going just as planned.
But they are all public figures. The publisher has the right to know. Imagine if a politician or a CEO of a big company kicked the bucket and the fact wasn’t disclosed.
*public has the right
Because burned charred corpses are so easy to identify. It will take a while before they even find all the bodies in the completely fucked up ruins.
/mlp/ is working pretty well desu
I periodically forget that board événements exist
>implying Cool Kyou didn't start as h-artist
>implying he doesn't still contribute to doujinshi scene
More like Massacre lmao
Not him but that's because /mlp/ is a former shell of itself, meanwhile /pol/ is overflowing.
We can only hope that /pol/ suffers the same fate as /mlp/
>TFW actually like maid dragon but dislike kyoani as well as lucky star
this is a feeling so complicated...
I feel the same, especially for Lucky Star.
Fuck off moralfag
Reddit and twitter have no empathy. They are brainless unthinking drones.
Time ago I red some viral article that tried to pinpoint Girls und Panzer as "pedophillia".
For some reason these retards usually choose shows that don't even sexualize the characters. The day they discover fate kaleid we're fucked
The Director is actually the one who burnt the Studio down
I'm worried, guys.
Not him, you obviously get rid of all the cool/oldfag mods and replace them with your irc buddy.
How long does it usually take for dental records?
The site got way more popular past 2007-2008 and drew bigger crowds, media attention, and law enforcment. Above all the that were the ballooning operating costs, so moot implemented better moderation to allow some advertisers to be associated with the site.
It was either that or an eventual shutdown, because a top 50 site in popularity can't have gore and cp everywhere and still have companies willing to be associated with it.
In addition, do you really want to see gore on Yea Forums? Really? Because back in 2006 the difference between Yea Forums and the other board was far smaller than it is today, and it didn't make the site any better.
>no more legal dragon Loli
We have this discussion on /g/ all the time.
Despite its origins, the internet is massively centralized on every level:
Payment processors
DoS mitigation/CDNs/load balancing
Facebook, Amazon, Google - are basically all that there is.
where there are a few businesses there is a semblance of competition - mcdonalds vs burger king, coke vs pepsi - but wether though outright conspiracy (as in apples ebook price fixing) or through the cold logic of (failed) economics, they do not compete through price or quality (differentiation) but instead increasingly standardize products and services (mindless mimicry of the other businesses offferings and strategies pleases investors and gets ceos paid more, for doing, thinking, and innovating less) while offering an illusory difference in brand names and marketing.
by analogy, in bitcoin there is the well understood failure of the 51% attack.
in business, the breaking point is far less than that. even without a 51% stakeholder, competition is crushed.
I dont (willingly) use these businesses. I MUST use them. google captcha to post, cloudflare MITM to access this site, and NSA/AT&T inspecting every packet. As much as i can, i self-host, use FLOSS, and try to avoid compromising my principles to avoid spying, propaganda, and censorship these incestuously state supported :private: corporations push, but compromise i must, for writing notes that no one will read in an air-gapped computer is not speech any more than an unvoiced thought. Access to an audience (which is free to criticize, or look another way) is essential to speech, and it is sophistry to pretend that it is not.
The botnet wants you to starve.
There's no claim to complete and utter freedom of speech, the argument is whether big companies censoring hate speech on their own private websites constitute a real limit on freedom of speech.
And yeah, you still create you own private website filled with hate speech, index it with google, and have a potential audience.
Ravioli ravioli...
If you dedicated your entire life to animation... even when PSTD chases you for your entire life... what else you are going to do?
I can't imagine that the survivors will choose a different path in life (unless they're young). Either Kyoani bounces back, or they work in a different studio, but for a large portion of them, animation is their life.
>complaining about people being edgy on a site that is infamous for having an edgy culture
Cry harder
>t. newfag
Why are pedos so insecure they need to strawman the most ridiculous of their opposition?
>wow this board that mocks school shootings, terrorist attacks, and other tragedies is mocking my waifufactory burning down
Anime & Manga
>right wingers
Hahah nonsense your ideology is anything but right winged your insane.
But the twitter pedo is probably refering to Neo-Nazis, which hating Pedos is one of their few valid stances.
americans aren't people
I'm not against corporations doing whatever crummy things corporations do.
I am as opposed to all regulations as any neo-con, neo-lib, an-com, or an-cap larping as "libertarian"
(because the powerful write the legislation to their own advantage)
Instead, I act as a consumer.
I avoid them as much as possible (they are impossible to avoid completely) and I hope they die in a fire... or at least get slammed with enough antitrust actions that we get actual competition again.
jurisprudence for decades has been lenient to monopolies, under the belief that monopolies are good for consumers - which up to a certain point is true.
monopolies don't get started with ill intent, nor is it even an intent to become a monopoly.
consumers do that on their own, through the miracle of vicious cycles and unintended consequence.
Yet, absent competition, abuse of power is as inevitable as Chekhov's gun.
such things as "terms of service" that change daily, and never to the benefit of the consumer.
Where a "garage" server with fewer than a thousand users, and facing innumerable competitors, may use discrimination as a point of market differentiation (as would an exclusive nightclub) - No consumers, and no laws, should tolerate or sanction discrimination on the part of a service with millions or billions of users globally.
There is such a difference in quantity, that it also becomes logically, a difference in quality, as medicine to poison, or droplet to ocean.
It is beyond disingenuous to compare tech titan to home server, it is outright mendacity.