Why is everyone calling KyoAni's fire the "death of moeshit"? Every other studio does way more (and better) moe shows...

Why is everyone calling KyoAni's fire the "death of moeshit"? Every other studio does way more (and better) moe shows, and that has been the case for years now, in every single season.

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Shitposting and newfags.

this will provoke a public outcry against pedo otakus
ordinary japanese are very reactionary


Because KyoAni has done nothing but moeshit since Haruhi and attracts the worst of the moeshit otaku.
At least other studios change it up from time to time.

I agree lol, I don't watch anime just here rn

Also Kyoani hasn't done moeshit in a long time.

Crossboarders and redditors.

Yea Forumseddit spillover

Because happenings draw tons of shitposting crossboarders.

its literally this. fucking idiots who use words like inc*l and shit.

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No one would be sad if everyone rightfully called it a death of fujo/yurishit.

so families deserve to be shattered over some raging incel?

You're right OP trouble is the people making these threads don't watch anything by KyoAni and probably don't even watch anime aside from maybe DBZ.

He was a train autist tho. The japanese will ban all trainspotting.

yes user, everyone is an inc*l because they dont like that word spammed everywhere

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cross-board/site idiots don't understand how the industry works.

I'd be surprised if even half of Yea Forums's current userbase could differentiate between studios from their art style.

He was a train autist.
Moe haters are mentally ill incels.

>calling people incels still
go back to Yea Forums or Yea Forums retard

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They can't. Most studios don't even have a specific recognizable style. Most anime are heavily outsourced anyway.

I am really looking forward to anime becoming uncool in the west again. Hopefully then we can finally post cute girls again without having to deal with a bunch of attention-starved class clowns shitting this place up with their social media lingo and images.

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Shounen niggers who don't actually know anything about anime and faggots who stopped watching new shows 10 years ago but are still stinking up this place have trouble letting go of their ancient memes.

>anime becoming uncool in the west again
The cat is out of the bag. It will only get worse.

Yes, exactly

I wish, but face it: the new will be all over it

How's that? Because Fortnite is all the craze these days?

It happened in the 00's, and it can happen again.

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Anime has been mainstream in the west for quite a few years. I know fair amount of absolute normalfags who are into it. Of course they're limited mostly to shounenshit, so it goes without saying that that's the kind of anime we'll be getting more of as a consequence.

So long as nips keep hollywood, disney, and any other jew away from their mangu/animu who gives a shit whether or not it's popular in the west?

>they're limited mostly to shounenshit

Are you retarded? Most people watch anime nowadays. And with the olympics next year, there will have to be a culling on moeshit. I really hope dogakobo burns down next. Step by step. Eradicate all moeshitters so people like you will have nothing to live for and will hang yourselves to visit gensokyo or something.

>He only read shounen

Retards think kyoani only made lucky star and keion.

Honestly I'd rather it was kyoani than more or less any other studio. No other studio consistently produces stuff so unwatchable.

Yea Forums isn't known for its high IQ

But they won't. There's still tons of untapped revenue in the west.

I watched animax growing up, they had varied shows

Just Yea Forumsermins are saying that. Notice how it's often accompanied by HxH or DBSpic pics.

It's not about all the other moe shows.
It's about sending a message.

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It's because Yea Forumstards and newfags have no idea what they're talking about and most likely haven't watched a single KyoAni show. They just hate anime altogether and want to jump on the next edgy hate train that they think will rake in all the "based"s and (You)s. Ask any one of them to properly explain how KyoAni could possibly cause a decline in the industry, and their acorn-sized brains would probably liquefy. To prove my point, they're going to respond to this post with any given variation of "cringe", "seethe" or "cope".

I hope you realize that Kyoani made it popular to begin with

Newfags who don't even watch or know anything about anime and most likely join every studio wars thread.
Basically, Yea Forums is getting fucking exposed.

Just Yea Forums.

Because they don't actually watch anime and just came here to shitpost after seeing the fire mentioned on other boards.

cringe, seethe and cope

this also

People from the 24/7 up shounen generals

They're crossboarders and retards pushing the agenda that the arsonist was a moefag/yurifag crazy anime fan.

Meanwhile he was actually just some train otaku who hates anime and got pissy kyoani played a cover of a famous train jingle in Hibike and altered it to include a sax solo.

have sex

crossboarders only know kyoani

>Meanwhile he was actually just some train otaku who hates anime and got pissy kyoani played a cover of a famous train jingle in Hibike and altered it to include a sax solo
Curious, is the arsonist a confirmed train autist or are we still just speculating?

Nah. It's a genie in a bottle situation. It will only get more mainstream. I'm just crossing my fingers for future legal streaming options that aren't shit for when jews finally get anime torrents get cracked down on. That's the best hope.

It's a revenge.
A sweet, sweet revenge because Kyoanifags acted like smug assholes and pretended they are better than everyone else for 10 years at least.

2chan speculation based mostly around the fact that before the fire trainfags were riled up about it and a guy made a rambling series of posts that included a detailed plan to burn down kyoani that matches what we know about how the arsonist committed the fire.

Interesting, thanks.

Anime is free, there is no reason to be a kyoanifag or triggerfag like poorfags have to be playstationfags or nintendofags.

Anime is absolutely uncool in the west, it amazes me how people here cannot see this
Anime's peak in the west was the 90s to the early 2000s, this being generous

Anime is more popular than ever in the west right now by a very large margin

>implying people that one joke man and boku no underdog school watch more than 5 anime

>can't make anything better than them
>so burn them down instead

In terms of overall sales its actually gone up and its growing in popularity with teen and young adults. Hollywood has also been trying to tap that market because they're bleeding for new content and its a relatively untapped market in the west.

yes user, I too am a big weeb because I watch shonenshit like DBZ and OPM so that makes it popular in the west

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They don't watch more than 5 anime because there simply aren't more anime that panders to them. Yet. This will change.

>t-they had it coming because their fanbase was full of newfags!
Yeah yeah sure dude.
>having brand loyalty for anime studios

Anime is absolutely irrelevant in the west right now, it's just more accessible
Pokemon and DBZ were literally everywhere, TV, toys, street art, toys, music, etc, they were part of the cultural landscape, can you say the same about Yokai Watch?
Even people that never ever heard of anime knew what "a pikachu" is, what other recent character is as well known?

The American video game market collapse in the 80s was triggered by just one bad game.

who said anything about weebs or shounenshit? you think people don't "like" anime until they've met your specific requirements?

When is the last time Kyoani even did a moe show? That one with the bird? They've been shitting out super serious drama yuri-bait shows for a while now I don't even think of them as the moe studio, that would be Godkobo.


lol what


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>you think people don't "like" anime until they've met your specific requirements?
liking shonenshit =/= liking anime

Pokemon and DBZ are specific anime. Pokemon isn't even really an anime, it's a multimedia franchise. Anime as a whole is more popular in the west than ever before, thanks to the internet, and Yea Forums

>That one with the bird?
Hardly a moe. I wouldn't even call Lucky Star moe considering how even ironic weebs like it.

Yea Forums truly does live up to its autistic reputation

Well, Kyoani is literally Brand Loyalty: the Studio
Their fags are complaining on Facebook right now "It would better have been Shaft of A-1".

If you're using Yuru Camp as an example of a better "moe" show, you're a retard. If you think there are "moe" shows, then you're even more of a retard.

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Yeah yeah, sure it's them and not shitposters who are upset because another studio that animated more shows they dislike wasn't the one hit by this.
Also, the reason you think Kyoani has any brand loyalty is because it's a big studio. It's also usually the first studio newfags recognize when they first start watching anime;

"I like anime because I watch DBZ" is like saying "I like music because I listen to diss tracks on youtube". Both of them are either underage, retarded or both

Funny how this definition is only used by moefaggots to defend moeshit while everyone else use the word the other way and knows what it means for them

Sorry Yea Forums, but sometimes an image is just an image.

A lot of words just to say "moe=cute shit"

Nobody is celebrating the deaths of the employees or the grief of the families
Just the death of KyoAni is a soulless corporate entity

6/7, don't watch oldshit so I had no idea who is Lum.

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Yea Forumsermin doesn't even try to hide.

Exactly. The job is not done yet. Do not stop until moe gets pruned.

this is not very milky at all

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>What Moe Is NOT
>A Method of Pandering
>A Gimmick Used to Sell DVDs
>A Marketing Tool


Except for the fact that Kyoani was one of the few studios known for treating their employees well. But then again they made anime you dislike so they're evil I guess

I'd say they treat their employees well done.

Kyoani= ironic weeb normalfag fanbase

Good riddance

This is so early 2000s

Fuck off Yea Forums.

It's a train autist. Anime otaku have nothing to do with it.

Look at it this way: China contributes more to the industry than any other country.

It's pretty unlikely that moe will get killed. Sailor Moon is one of the Olympics Ambassadors among other popular characters.

Here's a better question: Why is everyone thinking that this is going to become the death of all anime? The industry is too lucrative to go down, and the arsonist responsible was some buttblasted foamer with way too much time on his hands. "Otaku" applies to many other obsessionists besides anime. Your moe will be fine.

There's literally nothing wrong with moe and it has been a big part of Yea Forums since forever. Yea Forumsermin, please fuck off back to your shonenshit generals and your containment board.

Sailor Moon is normalfag.

This, thread should have ended right here.

Lol Sailor Moon isn't moeshit. Everyone knows aboit Sailor Moon. It's literally DBZ tier. Shit like kon, yuru yuri etc. is top moeshit and should be eradicated.

And also summerfags

It's less about the popularity of anime and more about the fact that Yea Forums is full of normalfags from mainstream social media. This is the edgy place where normalfags from reddit, facebook, twitter, and other shitty forums come to shitpost and use words like nigger and faggot without getting banned.
The gamergate shit from Yea Forums and the US election on /pol/ brought way too much attention to this place.

There's no reason to visit Yea Forums anymore. You literally can't make a non-shounenshit thread without Yea Forumsermin instantly ruining it. Mods are absolute faggots.

>posts a wojak in response

>anime get more popular
>Yea Forums is the biggest anime site
>normalfags come here
Not hard to understand that anime getting more popular is a direct problem

>Why is everyone calling KyoAni's fire the "death of moeshit"?

Because they are retarded tourists.

Now he probably feels good about how he baited you, since you gave him a (You). Let's just merge all boards into Yea Forums, this website is fucking dead anyway.

>Because KyoAni has done nothing but moeshit

Are you legit retarded? They did nothing but LN adaptations and fujoshit for years now. Only exception was gay dragons.

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Based SICPposter

>Hopefully then we can finally post cute girls again without having to deal with a bunch of attention-starved class clowns

People are literally getting banned for making Strike Witches threads. Yea Forums is done.

Yeah, it must be anime and not a series of major events that made international headlines. Anime isn't popular just because you watch ironic weebs on twitch.

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Anime is literally available on netflix

What the fuck ? Here in france many young adults watch anime, even normalfags.

>a bloblo Yea Forums is dead mommy
Yea Forums has been fucking dead for a while it always make me laugh when nu-Yea Forums shitters cry about the death of this board when they are probably part of the problem

>be me at wageslaving at the job
>break time
>see one chad nigger watching anime on his phone
>see one other white dude reading manga on his phone
Your hobby is mainstream as fuck learn to accept it.

>niggers are animeonlies and white guys are based reading intellectuals

You dumb zoomers never actually grew up in the late 90s and early 00s where it was considerably more popular. Anime isn't more popular in the West today than it was back then, just more readily available. Yea Forums was born out of the anime craze of the early 00s. This wouldn't happen today.

4chans userbase literally exploded for two reasons, the celebrity nude leak, and the 2016 US election

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>that drop when moot left
>that sudden spike afterwards


They weren't punished for their moeshit. They were punished for their gayshit.

Actually it was for drawing the anger of an insane train otaku.

and like, generally more people browsing the internet in the way we already did beforehand might play into that too, don'tcha think

>Why is everyone thinking that this is going to become the death of all anime?
Because Abe will seize this chance?


>people leave in anger at moot leaving/hiro taking over
>realise they need Yea Forums in their lives and come back

Well, first thisand similar.
Combine this with the fact that KyoAni did pave the way for moe to become so common, so they have a reputation.

Except the white guy looked like a incel skinny ass loser

user, Abe don't want the end of anime, that would be borderline impossible. It's easier to manipulate people slowly through anime.

yeah, the population simply doubling basically overnight during certain events is a mere coincidence right...

>If you think there are "moe" shows, then you're even more of a retard.
By that logic, there are no "yuri" nor "yaoi" shows either; not only that, there are also no romance shows, no horror shows, etc...

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>its antimoe Yea Forumsfag crossboarders
>its /pol/fag happenening crossboarders
>only people who know about the crazy yurishit people would have to visit here regularly
You people are an embarrassment to the board. This is like hearing nintendofags cry about persecution or boomerfags screeching about shills

Fuck off, Yea Forumsermin.

I thought DogaKobo is considered the moeshit studio now, Kyoani at least put some substance into their shows

People are too stupid to separate teen dramadey and sad rain/robot girl (whatever that stereotype people call KEYshit is) from generic 4girl gag comedy/iyashikei series
Besides Maidragon kyoani hasn't produced any explicitly "moe" anime in a while, it's been more fag, yuri and harem shit really