Realistically speaking, what effect will this have on the industry going forward
RIP Kyoani
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Things will be alot better now that the biggest industry cancer is gone. Now we wait for the the same to happen to trigger.
Literally sell all you sakuga stocks right now shit's going down.
No more /u/
No more moeblob
Manime makes a comeback
Abe reveals Japan's secret nuclear arsenal by nuking Akihabara
Japanese birthrates skyrocket to Nigerian levels
How about stricter fire protection laws especially on old buildings and anime studios with a shit ton of flammable things inside.
no more moeshit
all is good in this world
Probably half of the seasonal anime is gonna stop for a couple of weeks.
most likely anime studios will hire security guards and make their buildings more fire safe
This but unironically.
>no more /u/
>no more moeblob
there are people who seriously believe this and it really shows how much of Yea Forums never venture out of their shounen generals and how uninformed they are
>no more moeshit
>when Dogakobo is still alive and well
You mean no more fujopandering
>Niger levels
YT Animeguys will go confused
Hopefully less moeshit
no more gay swim anime
Deterrence my friend.
Hopefully studios will now pay creators instead of stealing from them.
For that to happen you would have to get rid of /m/ as well.
>No more /u/
>No more moeblob
Doga Kobo and Silver Link is still alive, user.
How about paying a fucking armed guard.
A fucking bullet to the head would have prevented this.
hetshit banned forever
Moe bad! Isekai and shonentrash good!
>No more /u/
>No more moeblob
Kyoanus does neither, dear shounenteen Yea Forumsedditor
>what effect will this have on the industry going forward
Pretty much zero. KyoAni did few series per year, it won't even be noticeable.
Some studios will probably steal talented animators but that's all.
none, all chinese cartoons are the same in the end of normal people
besides, I believe Kanpaku Abe is just getting started.
Try harder
>their last moe anime was 9 years ago
>all they made recently was fujo and het
They really don't.
KyoAni was a fujo/hetshit/LN studio for years you retarded ape.
I don't think it will have much of an impact since no TV station would air moe that already burned 33 people.
The only good KyoAni show in years was Maid Dragon and it's getting S2 anyways.
dubs and JC staff gets it next
hopfully anime industiry shuts down for a few years, just in time for olympics, so i can finally work on my backlog
The minimum should be:
1) some form of building security in other studios
2) recognition that some otaku are genuinely batshit insane
>whole event literally triggered by /u/bait
Moeshit should be the only criteria for picking the next
not after this incident. or atleast not in like 5 years while they recover.
>2) recognition that some otaku are genuinely batshit insane
Everybody knows that!
Kanna died, no S2.
Hibike was shit and movie flopped hard. They did this to themselves.
It's not though, it was literally a schizophrenic train-fag
Knowing and acknowledging are two different things.
otaku genocide would unironically make the world better and everybody here knows that
>No more moeshit
That's when i stop watching anime, anything else is garbage Isekai or trashy average re-hashed shounen with shit writing. If you hate moeshit you're litreally reddit and cringe
It's being made by JC.
More money spent on security instead of quality, less animators in the long run because a dream isn't worth getting burned alive
so /n/ finally made a proper bid for the high score?
Literally one security guard with pepper spray could have prevented this
No more Kyoani anime.
Netflix will want to secure their assets, so the US invades Japan
rolling for trigger
Go back to Yea Forums
No CITY anime for 1 more year
an extinguisher and a fire escape could have fixed this
Do they not have mandatory fire exits in Japan?
Why is Virginia Tech Yea Forums
If only it could have been Toei.
Fuck Toei.
Kyoani pretty much kept to itself, they made everything in house, so I doubt it'll have a big impact on other studios productions. And despite how they were trying to change the standards in anime production, no one was trying to emulate them, so their legacy in that front will be almost nonexistent too, sadly.
They chose to isolate from the industry, so it can go on without them.
I'm not sure why people are saying the studio is dissolved. A lot of the creative staff are alive, and there's also its sister studio Do.
Doomposters, KyoAni will recover and live on.
Take Ufotable off that list. Or else there will be serious consequences.
A big chunk of their staff is dead, including directors. All their current and future projects are likely cancelled or indefinitely postponed. A big chunk of their staff will probably have permanent damage from horrible burns that will cripple them. They likely lost tens of thousands of drawings and animation material from recent projects, no computers or paper survived the fire. And their CEO and founder might be arrested because they allowed the security to be turned off that day.
Would have ignited gas fumes from gun flash. Unless you mean you would have shot the guy while was just walking up to the building.
>being this huge of a reddit fatefag
>Kyoani has no /u/ whatsoever
ehhh that's not true
And what will you do, kid? Burn Yea Forums down?
Nothing. A foamer was responsible, not anime otaku.
Tarrant is /fit/? huh?
he should just replace Breivik
Based grug
Get fucked moe bitch
why they make anime with nigger
Stop, it's already dead
That is not a nigger, that is the pinnacle of all of Asia.
Get ready for a renewed media attack on otaku.
No. That would encourage more crazy otaku to start gasoline fires.
The attacks on otaku were always deserved, just way too wide in scope. Grouping in every person who watches anime, or even the more dedicated hobbyists like much of Yea Forums, with the deranged bottomfeeders of society with no standards whatsoever was the problem. But the media does that all the time with everything.
how the fuck is tarrant /fit/ he was literally a poltard manlet
ufotable is next. I've had enough of fateshit.
We should worry, to fill the role of the deceased they can use french shit (remember there was some kind of deal where japan would accept some?) Other than that, being such a famous studio this is the chance to fill someone's agenda and instead of moe stuff with great art we will have gay shit with negative messages.
How the mighty have fallen
We won't see anything that KyoAni would have ever produced. How can you rebuild a studio without the actual people? You can't replace that ever. KyoAni is dead, yet I can imagine that things going forward will possibly change. Lessons will have been learned.
I never really watched moe anime. I mostly watch mecha or card game anime. Is the appeal of moe is that its comfy or something?
Based, fuck redd/u/ters
we did it lads, kyoani is saved
Even if the remaining staff still continue under the same company name and even if they get some replacements, Kyoani is dead and will never be the same. It's more likely those who choose to stay in the industry will splinter and be absorbed by other studios, or they will leave and rebrand themselves under another name (while still never being the same Kyoani). It's done. I wonder what they will do with their current projects if they still have the work for them saved somewhere, and I wonder if other studios would dare touch the adaptations they were working on. Dragonmaid s2 now is probably as dead as Haruhi s3 was.
So where is all that money going to
This looks particularly bad with the Olympics coming
studios will now have mandatory fire drills and other fire prevention measures
they will also most likely hire security guards
Please don't tell me that pathetic "weebs" raised $750,000 to give to a fujoshit LN-milking animation company.
user, you're asking questions that aren't necessarily in your own best interest
God, I wish. I just want to see glorious passionate heterosexual romances between handsome guys and bishoujo forever and always. Remove faggots and the cunts with a fetish for them, as well as average-looking protags meant to pander to mediocre masosub nerds who never work out.
Gun flash is not gonna ignite gas fumes unless you were pouring it on the gun
There's a good chance Kyoani won't even accept whatever portion of it actually makes it to them.
If only dogakobo studios would burn too. Moeshit would decrease so much.
Is Kyoani going to have to go the way of Ufotable?
Unfortunately for the crossboard shitposters, it'll mean a noticeable decrease in material aimed at people who like men, and a marginally higher proportion of low budget adaptations of cute girl series, since this studio had an extraordinarily high number of female employees, attempted to shift out of the usual otaku niche in recent years, and lead the way in improving industry working conditions.
For other studios, the working conditions issue will be the only relevant effect, since people won't be able to point towards a working model anymore, and KyoAni will have to use more conventional business practices while rebuilding. Hopefully they'll start adding fire escapes to their buildings.
>How can you rebuild a studio without the actual people?
You do the same things you'd do when starting a new studio from scratch, except with the remaining employees and resources as a starting point.
It should go to the victims and their families. Fun fact: the average funeral costs $25,000 in Japan (Japan Consumer Association, 2008
And they deserve every bit of it.
>that guy who starts a fund for Kyoani and pockets the money to spend on gunpla and Blurays to rip and upload to torrent sites instead
I think people underestimate the emotional impact shit like this can have. The Kobe Earthquake changed anime in a massive way, and Tohuko also caused some changes in spirit. The second largest murder spree happening to an anime studio will echo.
>improving industry working conditions
>work inside a death trap
I know what you meant but it's still funny.
No they raised $750,000 to give to an american licensing company so they could give it to a fujoshit LN-milking animation company.
>studiowarfags don't even watch anime
Imagine my shock
>The Kobe Earthquake changed anime in a massive way, and Tohuko also caused some changes in spirit. The second largest murder spree happening to an anime studio will echo.
pretty much this, there's some changes will happen soon, aside from studio protocols
media will fucking eat this story and shit things will happen
Everything JC touches now turns into shit (if it wasn't already)
Hopefully fire prevention and actual security guards
train otaku will be public enemy #1 for the next few years. 20 years later, they'll start making a movie out of this event.
the only good thing to come out of this is hopefully better security/fire safety regulations
japanese people will need a mental health LOICENSE to watch an*me
>next few years
Train otaku has always been hated for being weirdos
Now they probably won't even exist in the future
And it's director is literally dead.
they have back up on cloud 100%
This. I’m a security guard and it would have been so easy to prevent this. He had to get inside the building at some point to do this. All you need to prevent that is fucking keycards on the entrances, and no one’s going to let someone with a gas can piggyback in.
>he doesn't know
>he doesn't know
The chance of this happening was stupidly low. Japan is a very low crime country.
Less fujo and yuribait anime. Less shit anime. More fire safety measures introduced.
doesn't know what?
>actually doesn't know
Why are the people nowadays so fucking dumb? Why didn't they buy merchandise from Kyoani instead of this? I wan't to go back to the 90s when anime was an obscure hobby in the west.
The building has security swipe cards to open the doors, except it was turned off for the day because of visitors and big suits coming in to visit apparently.
Now why it was turned off I don't know, usually when big dogs come in security should tighten.
They mustn’t let KyoAni vanish, otherwise he will have won.
Probably none, different thing is it's fucking KyoAni. You can love them or hate them but they were always important part of Yea Forums.
On the real, how long would it take for the japs to make a nuke? A month?
Its a complicated situation.
Yeah its a victory for him and dangerous reinforcement that these actions can fuck someone over if the studio just dies.
Yet it certainly is dead at the moment.
Let's not forget:
Japanese anime/manga/music are literally government-funded propaganda designed to help exert cultural influence overseas after the fall of their political military atrocities of WWII.
"[Cool Japan] has been described as a form of soft power, 'the ability to indirectly influence behaviour or interests through cultural or ideological means."
"Japan hoped they could improve their economy and national image by distributing their pop culture throughout the world, specifically through Eastern Asia in order to increase their reputation and alliances with the neighboring countries. As opposed to their history of being a fierce military power, they were taking the route of establishing themselves as being a soft power, which they believed would change the perception of their nation."
Japan never stopped after their lust for political power over Asia. This is sad for the individual lives lost in the tragedy, but the art and media they produce are propaganda pieces to help the world think they are the best nation in the East. Their insidious war crimes are swept under the political rug, and denied by Japanese governments, historical textbook authors, and citizens.
At least they make anime. Hans is still importing sandniggers and just reestablished Reich.
why do people pretend to care about war crimes
S-should I sell my Kyoani stocks?
Because not everyone is uneducated, ignorant zoomer.
They kind of have no choice user they lost 60 plus of their work force, a burned building god only knows how trumatized the other employees are now they're probably either gonna quit the place for another studio or flat out quit the anime industry in general,, there is no way Kyoani is going to recover from this and still be the one people loved.
Roosevelt (and Churchill) were the ones who forced japan on the path of war so if we're being honest to history all of that blood is on their hands.
The Locomotive Lighter has lit a beacon from which to guide the industry.
Where were you last week when there was no national tragedy to piggyback off of? Were you still preaching about Japanese warcrimes? Funny I don't remember seeing you anywhere here? Hmm I dunno but it makes me think you don't actually care about the warcrimes and are just using this national tragedy to shitpost. Hmmmmm maybe BACK TO /POL/ WITH YOU
Ran ran ruu
I bet you think the hall of cost happened too.
He's a burger, they always use events like this to spout some political pandering
The actual Chinese on Baidu are mourning for Kyoani you retarded falseflagger
get fukt new IP-bitch
Unironically, there's a non-zero chance that this event killed the industry.
Abe is a fucking beast, and he has an axe to grind with Otaku, NEET's and everyone else who refuses and/or is incapable of breeding. I could see the industry being regulated in a kneejerk reaction to prevent Otaku pandering resulting in such demented nutjobs, and eventually sanitizing Animu until it's just a soulless, grey slop that's safe for consumption by everyone.
It might seem insane, but this event is fast on track to becoming the biggest act of terror slash mass murder in post-war Japan.
Thinking that by next month it'll be business as usual is naive.
People seem to be talking about damage to moeshit in regards to Kyoani disbanding, but what about the Japanese tendency to censor anything that could even vaguely remind someone of a tragedy or taboo? I know sources now seem to indicate the attacks weren't because of a moefan waifufag being mad his waifu was despoiled, but that rumor is out there, and the Japanese tend to regard their taboos based on appearance and stereotype rather than reality (just look at how they treated nuke victims out of belief they were still radioactive). Could series that pander to cuteness/virginity/moe become one of these taboos now because of association with and reminding people of this attack? I'm just worried that stupid Jap sociology and politics will do even more damage to the inductry than the attacker himself did, anime and otaku are still associated with negative views caused by that otaku who kidnapped some girls in the 90s if you need to see how long lasting this kind of stigma can be.
They have their Free movie that they are postponed from launching today. I'm pretty sure it'll be shown later and will make enough money to keep them afloat while they are recovering.
Is that even enough for a week?
Just fuck off already, insectoid.
They're over.
30% of their staff is ded, another 50% is injured and/or crippled, and whoever as much as scalded his pinky is going to be suing the everloving fuck out of whatever husk remains of Kyoto Animation, because it's patently obvious that the layout of the structure provided a huge contribution to the scale of the event.
Those were people from outside the studio.
Building followed japanese fire safety regulations. And i seriously doubt anyone going to sue.
Is there any good studio left? All of them make either moeshit/CGDCT or shitty anime with too much CGI. Anime is truly dead, manga is the superior form
That just means the regulations themselves are likely to be questioned and there might be some reforms and changes to the law coming in the not so distant future.
>they allowed the security to be turned off that day.
Why would they do this?
>30% of their staff is ded, another 50% is injured and/or crippled
Of that studio or overall? They have at least 5 studios according to Wikipedia, so unless the vast majority worked at Studio 1 the majority of employees probably weren't affected.
Saying KyoAni will close down because of this seems very gloomy but if the majority of their animation directors died then I don't know how they are going to recover from this. Might be easier for the animators to go to other studios rather than invest once again in training new animators.
It took them years to reach this point and to see all those talented people died in one day might be too much for KyoAni.
Studio 1 was where the directors and other important staff members worked. It's even worse than you think.
FATE wins again
They had 130 employees total in 2010.
They have around 150 employees total so its half of the their total staff. They wont go back to work with burn injuries
No more train otaku pandering for a long long time.
Broadcasters might be hesitant to air shows involving fires for a bit.
Kyoani itself basically fucked. Insurance might cover the building's damage, but having to replace 30-70% of their staff while trying to continue pumping out shows to stay afloat financially is probably impossible.
KyoAni approximately have 150 employees, so if that include their general admin and sales staff then I would say the 70 people in their building could be more than half of the animators employed by KyoAni affected.
But without otaku, the entire anime industry in Japan breaks apart, then all those otaku animators would starve to death even faster.
To let in visitors.
>sentai is now able to fund shitty dubs for the foreseeable future
Thanks a lot niggers
Keep crying you fag seasonalshitter moetrash isekaibitch.
None. Other than better security
>Unless you mean you would have shot the guy while was just walking up to the building.
Or you know... when he begins to splash gasoline all over the place.
Less than a year for sure. They've got massive plutonium reserves, rockets that could easily be repurposed into ICBMs and most of the infrastructure required to handle and manfucature nukes in place. Many analysts consider them de facto nuclear.
That is of course if they can't just bum some off the americans.
KyoAni won't accept it and it all goes into Sentai and GoFundMe's pocket.
>replace Breivik
Breivik got way more.
I think that's the point lmao
No more daycares in the office unless they want more dead kids on the news.
A positive one.
Purge the Heretics in FIRE!!
Foolish user. The backlog is never ending. The backlog is eternal.
Their studio that works on Free is fine though.
I've liked 1 Kyoani anime ever so it's not affecting me in any way
Their squid girl dub is 10/10, but that's the only thing I know about them. This was a nigger move by them.
it applies to niggers as well
but you can't say it openly anymore
There were kids at the studio?
He blocked the fire exits before he did it
That show, Phantom World, Amagi,I liked those and that episode of lucky star with the mom, still, Kyoani is done for they lost way too many to recover from this
Its better this way
If anime dies the west can't taint it when the olympics come.
300 iq move by Abe, this was an inside job.
Have an armed security guard to shoot the fucker when he starts dumping 40L of gasoline all over the place. Do nip police even have or carry guns?
Is there any overlap between anime otaku and train niggers in Japan? Obsessing over trains seems way more insane and prone to ridiculous shit like this than anime. Look at this fucking loser
Unconfirmed but it's speculated that there were a few.
>muh moeblob generic garbage
You can get burned too, dog.
This shit gets worse with every update.
Based, I hope this happens so I can get my pathetic life in order.
It's heartbreaking, the famliy-friendliness of the workplace was a point of pride.
I heard something about a 6 year old in a thread earlier but it sounded like speculation
It appeals to retards who can't think and just want to clap like autistic seals at the "cute" shenanigans (read: pantyshots and generic double entendre)
Sentai would commit sudoku doing that.
They would just refund donators.
Women will start fucking male staff more to feel safe there will be someone to protect them.
Or animators will have further cutdowns that will go to security who will be paid more than all of animators to watch them.
based abe terminating unworthy bloodlines
>Would have ignited gas fumes from gun flash
Thanks for confirming you are an absolute fucking retard who knows nothing about how guns, gas, fire, or friction works.
So the kimotaku is actually a hitman working for the chink/gook government?
Inside job.