>35 people had to die because a fictional character from a music anime was not made a virgin.
35 people had to die because a fictional character from a music anime was not made a virgin
I can relate to Arsonist-kun, desu. If it turned out that Holo wasn't a virgin I'd definitely shoot up a mall or restaurant.
>six wolves
This is what happens when you make a career out of dumping emotionally manipulative moeshit on socially deprived incels and otakus.
Not saying people deserved to die over it, it just doesn’t surprise me that their catalog invites degenerates
Doesn't she have a kid with Lawrence?
>killing people because of fiction
Anime is truly a real religion now. Gotta kill a few million more to get with the big boys though.
>simple images from this anime are now 300% prime shitposting fuel
>they might even pull copies from sale if the motive is proven
Shit really? That was the cause? What character?
So which motive is true?
>Waifu being a non-virgin
>Some train song autism
Proof or bullshit
God I fucking hope that's the case.
there still hasn't been one nigger explain what happened with this character in the new film. I guess no one really did go see it
Wow, from now on I will be a Hibikefag
should we tell him or should we inform the studio first?
That'll teach them.
thottery is not to be permitted
This, I'm convinced at this point that it just made upshit, since no one can prove the non-virgin claim.
What are you talking about, it was the train 'tism
I thought it was because of Kumiko not being a lesbo.
I thought it was because he lost a KyoAni competition but they went and used his materials anyway?
Maybe the industry will stop with the unhealthy pandering to purityfags, yurifags and other mentaly ill people.
Wait she's not a virgin?
You're confusing a reason and an excuse.
>That was the cause?
No. He was shouting about how they were plagiarists while he poured gasoline on people. That's all that's known.
the arsonist let them off easy
Y-Yes, t-thank god she is, right? Haha, totally.
I got really mad when they canceled Nichijou s2.
This nipon boomer was ahead of me.
Not the other way around?
I heard this too, honestly this is most logical explanation, yet I want the non-virgin character being the cause.
I own a BD set, we'll see how the price develops *rubs hands semitically*
How is mercantile motivation more logical than an emotional motivation
What do you mean she's not a virgin?
Do I have to personally take a visit and ask the creators at Kyoto Animation Studios?
The train otaku theory seems more possible.
>while he poured gasoline on people
What the fuck japan?
I guess the victims then just sat down to listen to the arsonist's crazy claim because it would be rude otherwise.
It isn't.
>Witnesses say that when asked by police at the scene why he had set the fire, the man said “They did pakirui.” Pakuri is the Japanese word for copying another’s art or creative work, though the indistinct nature of the Japanese language makes it unclear whether the man was accusing Kyoto Animation of copying his work specifically, or that of another creator/creators.
It's both mercantile and emotional. Imagine your favorite artist sampling your music without your permission and making a lot of money over it, not justifying his actions but it's way more respectable than muh purity.
not wrong
The time of moeshit waifus is over
The time of sluts is now
This is something companies helped create, because it was just too easy to make money out of those retards. They got some warnings too, like that whole shitstorm with Kannagi years ago, it was just a matter of time beforeone of those crazy fags to go criminal, but the companies didn't put a stop to that then.
>and who are you the artist of this art that i can keep or mow
>Only an otaku with different job is all the truth i know
>salary of gold or salary of shit , an artist till gets paid
>and i'm paid , a lot my senpai, so much i gets the maids
>And so he spoke and so he spoke that artist of kyoani
>And now the tains weep o'er his studio With no one to scribble
>And so he spoke and so he spoke , that artist of kyoani
>But now the rains weep o'er his studio and not a soul to scribble
She isn't. Now tell me which mall or restaurant you're planning to shoot up.
is it starting again?
the otaku purge?
will anime golden age start again?
People on this board hate /u/ shit because it takes a waifu away from them and hate modern Watamote because Tomoko's not a loser so they can't relate to them. Why are you surprised?
What train autism?
So? They can safely go on. Producing moeblobs is not a crime.
One just needs to properly separate the work force building and the executive one.
>shitstorm with Kannagi
what shitstorm
They played a train song in the new hibike movie
Let's ease it by making moeslut animu.
So this is the power of weebcels?
What would be a kawaii moe symbol for weebs to wear in the concentration camps?
He was a trainfag who came up with his own term for train sightseeing and claims a term used in the anime copied the term he came up with. He also said he hated how Kyoani getting big ruined the spot he liked to view trains from in Kyoto. There was more but the archive thread is dead so only a few pictures remain.
google it
I can''t deny that. Liz and the Blue Bird was great, but the other Hibike! movie sounded so bad I didn't watch it.