Fire Force

It's gonna be real fucking awkward broadcasting/watching this now, won't it

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They are going to cancel it.

nah its a show about firefighters, the heroes of this tragedy. if anything it'll get more respect.

>broadcasting/watching this now
user, I...

Is this the next NICE BOAT?

>implying it wasn't an elaborate ploy to both advertise the show and to eliminate the competition

It's gonna be real fucking awkward to continue listening to this now, won't it
Party is over

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They better not. Besides the show actually treats the fires seriously and not as a joke so we should be fine.

I'll be surprised if this show isn't cancelled. Japan takes this shit seriously.

It's gonna be real awkward lighting a match after the tragedy lmao.

Fires kill people everyday.

Implying anyone in japan gives a shit about this show

They are gonna delay the episode and put a memorial at the end of it.

>kyoani ruins another anime
nothing new

It's gonna be really hard to watch Anime at all

No chance this doesn't get cancelled or at least massively delayed.

KyoAni took one for the team so nobody has to watch this garbage

But the intro is lit af tho

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Or this

That's not how society works, it'll get a gigantic audience boost

>Fire force
It was coming and everyone knew big fire would happen.

Not how Japan works

Literally no one in japan is talking about this show before or after the fire. Kyoani is a major studio and this is a literal who shounen adaption.

they might just skip this week or some shit, life must go on

>Fire force
This season is on fire

OP "Inferno" released yesterday btw
Talk about timing

In he US that’s how it works
Not japan

Did they get it blocked or am I just third-world trash?

so will it be delayed or cancelled?

It's up for me in Brazil

Probably delayed, they already worked on it and they'll probably put a memorial of some sort for what happened. Also life goes on.

Nice Boat

>Mrs Green Apple
Fucking BASED
Their Arc-V ED is god tier

If is not cancelled, will it have a "very special episode"?

8th Brigade aren't firefighters but one of many fire demon killing staff.

No. There are good chances of the series being cancelled or broadcast stopped for a while.

Already happened in the past, Japanese are kinda oversensitive to that kind of thing

DP will have to postpone the show. Stone Ocean production will begin immediately and air January 2020. Screencap this

No one of Jojo staff is working on Fire Force.