This getting canceled or delayed?
This getting canceled or delayed?
What an unfortunate turn of events.
Just watched the first episode too, this is AOTS material.
non, 3 days is "good" cooling time.
If anything it's getting a huge ratings boost
The producer already announced the next episode is getting delayed.
This is kind of ironic isn’t it?
Given what we know now it will 100% get cancelled.
It definitely won't get cancelled. At most I'd expect a week delay. Just have to wait and see.
You think they are going to air a show about people suffering and burning to death within weeks of this happening?
Especially given there is going to be a focus on fire safely in building in the aftermath ahead there is no way this show will be aired again for at least half a year. Why would they even want to?
life goes on idiot
I know you really hate this show, but just stop
No this show was actually pretty good and was planning to watch it.
Just remember that Japanese companies tend to think about money second when it comes to things like this.
>life goes on
Not for the victims
They'll probably put an "in loving memory" at the end
Can be used for fire prevention ads
>someone else noticed this
was it viral marketing? what are the odds the anime industry has a conflagration with 33 deaths the same season an anime about fucking firefighting is out? what the fuck?
i'm going to watch it now.
>"in loving memory" at the end
Doubt it all the other show will do that at least if not more but this one is unfortunately going to have to be canned.
It just won't go down well with anyone if they continue to air it.
Just unlucky. Many movies and games got cancelled after 9/11 as they did more locally for other natural disasters.
I'd like to see this/others as a push to recruit more firefighters and new safety standards.
Cute firefighter gurls
I imagine them adding "fire safety tips" post credits starting next cour
Source? There hasn't been anything posted on the official website or it's twitter
You do realize this show is about firefighters not arsonists right? That's like cancelling cop craft because a murder happened
damn those drifts on the car were amazing
That's not 'unlucky', it's called 'cowardly'.
It's entirely different from the tsunami. They aren't going to stop everything because 1 building burned.
>this is AOTS material
no. its dumb with maka boobs
yeah but fire is a touchy topic regardless, japan is a passive agressive country, I think they'll cancel it
So AOTS material with maka boobs. Nice improvement.
they will, it's the worst mass murder since post war
it's a promare rip off
I like this show but I don't see why they put fanservice in it, it's good enough it doesn't need it but at least it's fairly light
>firefighters not arsonists right?
Sure but it will also have lots more scenes of people crying over there loved ones burning to death as well as innocent people effectively burning to death and being put out of there misery by firefighters. This show will be relying on the shock value of the buildings on fire and the risk to human like as part of the entertainment.
>they aren't going to stop everything because 1 building burned.
Of course not but this is very much inside the anime industry and will hits close to home. I agree perhaps some anime will be cancelled for a week but the rest of things will likely just go back to normal after a week. This show however has almost no chance of continuing.
>If we give it a fancy name it's a big deal
The amount of people affected aren't even 1% of the ones affected by the tsunami
The only reason Madoka was delayed(not even canceled) was because of the mass amount of people who react negatively to it immediately after the tsunami and Ken-sama's sacrifice
I don't get it why would it get canceled, isn't the studio making it David Productions?
It already got delayed once, a much larger than usual percentage of it is already done. David Pro can't afford to cancel it. If there's still backlash I can see people from Kyo Ani giving it their blessing; everyone in the industry knows each other, and nobody will want to help the arsonist do even more damage by fucking over a huge project like Fire Force. They know exactly how much work goes into every production.
they're closely related enough that a short break would be in good taste
I agree though, if anything this show is about combating fires, so it should be seen more favorably than before. if anything these events will be a boon to this show
Someone is gonna cry when she joins the crew.
When who joins the crew? do they add some dedicated heavy fanservice character or something?
>boobs are bad
Grow up
>can see people from kyo ani giving it their blessing
They are dead bro they aren't giving their blessing to anything.
>can't afford to cancel it
Hasn't stopped Japanese companies doing what they think is the right thing in the past even if it costs them a fortune.
Because the author wanted to draw boobs.
Nigger I watch fucking high school dxd
There is no need for the fanservice in fire force
Best girl
I guess I can accept that reason, I would have just drawn other boobs instead but it's better than if it was just added because they weren't confident in the mangas ability to sell without it
Literally everyone dies eventually and life goes on, shut up.
There is for me
because he is friends with Hiro Mashima
Have sex incel
There's no reason to be scared of the female form.
So AOTS material with maka boobs, and trigger ripped it off? Great improvement.
Doomposters just want it to be cancelled which is why they're repeating themselves nonstop and comparing it to incidents 100 times bigger
Nothing but hot firefighter dudes
It’s a Promare ripoff with maka boobs.
The amount of westernized rose tinted glasses in this statement would be funny if it did not stop so many from seeing the much needed truth.
Thirty five people out of a hundred and fifty. There's plenty left, including the president who can give it a public okay, and like I said they'll be willing to do it. And how many examples are there of things being outright cancelled this deep into production? I know Eva and MGS2 had to change things because of terror attacks, and pokemon skipped an episode, but that's a far cry from cancelling a 48 episode series that got extra time and budget.
>Soul Eater has shit and hated ending
>Soul Eater NOT sucked
>This gets Nice Boat'd
Poor Okubo.
It's a tomica rescue fire rip off.
The Soul Eater manga also had a lot of fanservice early on. Bones ended up pruning a lot of it, but the man clearly likes his boob gags.
This. It's just dumb. Very nice looking though. If impressive visuals are the only criteria you rate anime on then I suppose it would be AOTS.
Talking to you,
You fucking cretin
Probably going to get a one week delay and continue as usual
psst Trump made anime real
Imagine unironically comparing this flopshit to the madoka situation. Nips aren't going to care whether or not this airs ever again because it never had any popularity in the first place.
To be fair it can come back later it would just be put back a few seasons though I see your point.
Okubo is a hack who thinks Promare is a fire force rip off
What a shame, I am gonna keep watching though
Does this really count, I don't think it's any more fanservice than the gags in dragon ball
Why don't they just use water? Maybe the guy that burned everything down was a Ff fan, would make a lot of sense.
Every year there's a ton of fires and thousands die. It would be dumb to cancel an anime over one. Hell in Japan just last year over 1400 died in fires
There's a bit of a difference between arson and a fire caused by an accident though.
>inb4 the arsonist was an accident
>He thinks this the only arson in 2019
Its about people burning alive user. Do the maths.
uh oh...
Kyoani literally killed the anime
If anyone thinks this is getting cancelled then they're a complete and utter fucking moron. It'll get delayed a couple weeks at worst.
I want to be optimistic. But it's like people have forgotten the Nice Boat (real life tragedy leads to anime not airing an episode where similar stuff happens to respect victims). That said, the ending to SD eventually aired.
It'll be a delay, but I don't think it'll be permanent cancellation
It's working fine for me
utterly modified from source material
if not canceled
Where the fuck were they?
Why would it be delayed? Because someone was grilled they will cancel every show with fire in it?
Japanese people are really this beta for some shitty kid cartoon if it has to be cancelled because of a real life event
100% chance of getting a trigger warning.
That's their problem.
a couple poeple out of million and millions
>Nice Boat was an emergency delay but didn't change the content
>Madoka had to rush and change it's actual material to something else during the delay
>Fire Force might be fucked as a whole in order to show solidarity
>Cancelling or delaying the show most likely to have good fire escape/prevention lessons included
They'd have to be literally retarded
Did you forget nice boat?
>good fire lessons
>not using water
You're so right! xD
If only the KyoAni employees had thought of that they'd all be alive right now!
Fuck off.
Who the fuck has mentioned popularity? People are discussing the differences in scale between tragedies that have caused broadcast delays in the past
>Good fire lessons
>Put out fire by punching
It's a shounen (which is a popular genre) written by the guy behing Soul Eater (which was quite popular during it's time)
Also, DP's name being famous because JoJo (like it or not, you can't deny JoJo is popular, given you need to be SHSL lucky to avoid obnoxious JoJofags).
And funny you mention Madoka, because most of the people working in FF are people who left Shaft
And anyways, School Days did it and that was a literal porn game adaptation that decided to go for the edgiest parts of the game
Well, kicking more like. That, and plasma sword
You mentioning various things of varying degrees of relation to it but the facts are no one in japan gives a shit about it or is talking about it in relation to this incident. It's no Jojo, Madoka, Soul Eater(which ended up pissing off it's fans years ago anyway) or even school days. It's in no "danger" of being delayed because it's such a non factor in japanese consciousness. Which should be good for anyone who actually likes the trash.
Because they understand that mourning and talking about what happened takes precendence over any possible delay for FF.
They understand there's better discussions to be had and other stuff to be worried about
And SE pissing it's fans was the anime, and when it had to go for it's own ending because the manga wasn't done. So I fail to see how that's relevant
kyoani only has 130 employees and it's 30+ "20+ missing" + severe injuries out of 70 people in the building. Also if any of the key animators get injured all the work is pretty much cancelled until they find someone who can animate on the same level and style with over 15 years of experience (they won't).
Pretty sure that was a joke, autist.
I remember Madoka delaying the last 2 episodes because of the Tsunami back in 2011. This one might get the same treatment.
it will just get delayed, that's all.
Delayed because the studio was fucked from the tsunami
Fucking brainlets in this thread thinking the Fire Force actually puts out fires. Real ass Firefighters were in both the episodes that aired.
user it's an action show about people who turn into firery demons
Cancel? delayed? why? in fact I wait for the second season where they fight resentful otakus that protect the honor of their waifus and saving shit studios of anime to become ashes.
It's basically not about fire fighting at all. With that in mind, yeah it shouldn't be cancelled or delayed.
Picked up.
You have to go back.
> not arsonists right?
Who gives a fuck? How is this Fire Force's fault?!?! The world isn't going to stop because some fujoshit studio got burned down.
Yes, and the anime is heavily saturated with imagery of people and buildings burning. Do you see how that could be considered a sensitive topic right now?
the show will probably be cancelled or delayed.
just a fact.
let me guess, you like dubs more? delusional americans...
nice boat
The series is about fire safety and awareness, so they may keep on airing to promote those.