>33 DEAD
>33 DEAD
Is this one of the biggest mass murders in post-WW2 Japan?

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Other urls found in this thread:


They haven't made anything worthwhile in years

Yes. Its now officially the worst mass murder since for Japan.

What's funny is that it's apparently because of a yuri fan sperging out over the Hibike movie.

There is nothing funny about it, retard.

Second worst after some arson in Kabukicho.

But still horrifying. Over twice as many dead as the Aum Shinrikyo sarin gas attacks.

He was a trainfag who sperged out because Hibike played a baritone sax solo over a train solo.

>Is this one of the biggest mass murders in post-WW2 Japan?
Actually insane that it happened to kyoani, feels surreal.

It actually would indeed be funny if it were some deranged easily triggered otaku, proving the Japanese sensationalist media right.

neither have you, now die


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>the absolute state of japanese fire codes

what about this one

mental illness isn't funny

It's really weird to comprehend. I wonder what the after-effects of this tragedy will be.

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Come kill me then, fucker

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what‘s with all the normalfaggotry

>33 dead
>biggest mass murders in post-WW2 Japan
bruh there's a nerve gas attack in tokyo back in 95 that has more dead bodies than this shit

This is the first mass murder that actually makes me feel sad.

>reading comprehension
How old are you?

That only killed 13, though over a thousand were injured.

>designed to not have girls be sexual during swimming classes
>A-class fetish
Thanks Nippon Goverment

that was barely over 10 deaths despite having 10 people participating in the attack. this current event is the work of one schizophrenic

I'm not sure sure how phrase it properly.
It's just that the one of the largest massacres in Japan was caused by a nutter who wanted to see girls kiss as opposed to something more politically motivated like 9/11.

How the hell did half the people in there die and the other half get injured? No fire escapes? No one jumped out a window or went to the rooftop?

>train solo

Based big dick energy Chad here


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Worst this decade. Can't believe this shit happened to kyoani.

>baritone sax from hibiki
I don't get it.

suspected arson, no one was caught

Wrong, retard.
>The Tokyo subway sarin attack (Subway Sarin Incident (地下鉄サリン事件 Chikatetsu Sarin Jiken)) was an act of domestic terrorism perpetrated on 20 March 1995, in Tokyo, Japan, by members of the cult movement Aum Shinrikyo. In five coordinated attacks, the perpetrators released sarin on three lines of the Tokyo Metro (then part of the Tokyo subway) during rush hour, killing 12 people, severely injuring 50 (some of whom later died), and causing temporary vision problems for nearly 1,000 others.

Meh, I'm more traumatized at pic related rather than this. Literally screaming in Asobi Asobase style.

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This is why we should not enable trannies and faggots in the west.

What's the backstory on pic related?

What does this say?

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Fairy tale cast joins a cult.

Did he expect them to just ditch the source material and make them lesbos?


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A silent voice is one of my favorite films ever. I'm glad Yamada is confirmed safe.

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Liz to Aoi Tori is peak anime


Only an animeonlyfag would enjoy that butchered adaptation of a masterpiece

Some knowledgeable user needs to make a table of their works, with people who worked on it and if they're dead or safe. I'm not autistic enough to remember those people names but need to see it.

No its pretty funny.

Time and a place.

More care for worker safety hopefully? If it spreads to things beyond fire safety that would be good.

he is jolklessly schizophrenia.
even I am Japanese, I cant understand most of what he says
looks like Tetsuota(railway freak)


Wait, what?

You mean the butchered manga adaptation of the one-shot?

region stricted?
I can see

if you browse websites like Yea Forums, you should normally already understand what schizophrenics try to say

yeah an error code for censored pages

Wait is anger over the anime characters actually the motive here? This is so god damn bizarre. It's going to be reported and written down in history books and on the wikipedia article.

451 is the code for censored by the government.

I lol hard @ them

Come at me fucker, I'm waiting for you

None probably, asians in general are very prone to sweep bad memories under the carpet and keep on working

Stop believing everything you read on Yea Forums.

fan culture will never be the same

>studio responsible for moeblob bullshit that permanently ruined anime and continued to pump out yuri/yaoi trash gets burned down
>creators literally dead (punished by god)

imagine not celebrating joyously

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He thought they stole his song about trains, and got really mad.

take your meds you schizophrenic faggot

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What's funny is that the arson made a statement about his motive and people will ignore it to make up whatever bullshit lets them shitpost more. He said he did it because of Kyoani's plagiarism.

What did they plagiarise?

His song for their sax solo.


Do we know that for sure yet?

>He thought they stole his song about trains
That's even more autistic than the other suggestions.

See >

I don't see anything. Is this your first ever incident, sweetheart?

The fire probably spread very quickly
t. Professor


like you

>Error 1009
Good job, 5ch. Keep the ignorant blocked while the intelligent can just change IP.

We have a winner so it seems, we got 2x kills a couple of years ago by some dude saying that people die when they are killed but this one takes the cake.

>Imagine being this much of an incel

Train otaku 33, anime otaku 0.

Worse than those cult gas attacks in the 90's?

If it was indeed a yurifag it absolutely would be hilarious.

Sounded funny to me


No you retarded zoomer.

It would be funny if they were destroyed by the monster they created


Ironic giving the manga was NTR garbage where Shouko goes off to fuck random guys in tokyo

>How the hell did half the people in there die and the other half get injured?

Lots of tightly packed desks. If you've seen some older documentary footage: lots of _wooden_ desks with wooden paneling, apparantly.

It's also an animation studio, and even if it's mostly digital nowadays, they are bound to still have lots and lots of older archival material around on paper; reference drawings; artwork on walls; etc.

Paper, in particular older paper, flakes easily and creates miniscule dust particles in the air. Much like sawdust, it is prone to situations where a massive sea of fire can rush up in seconds, almost like an explosion.

Add to that the fact that the arsonist poured out what is believed to be petrol, as an accelerant, which would have gotten the initial fire to spread and grow very quickly.

According to several reports, knives were also found at the scene. The arsonist may have also tried to stab anyone attempting to flee.

Ok, I just wake up. Yesterday only was 1 person confirmed dead, what happened? Fuck, will Kyoani recover from this? Any important director/animator/compositor have died?

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And last week someone mass murdered 20 and injured many more. Japan is having a societal collapse. Let's see them how they PR their way out of this mess since they can't blame immigrants on this one or the last week one.

>all this misinformation going on
The only thing we know for sure is that he complained about plagiarism, everything else is just theories built around 2ch shitposts

Do you seriously think the trauma directors would continue to work again, knowing that their colleagues has passed away?

choo-choo chud apologist.

We Must Wipe Out the Train Otaku Menace


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I still find it hard to believe something so fucked up happened, if it went the way they wanted it would’ve been catastrophic



absolute tragedy.

The director for Hyouka, Lucy Star and FMP Fumoffo did.

Damn it Yea Forums, what did you do

/u/ did it.

Imagine it's 2045.
On a history book, you read
>At the time when concerns for the stale economy and a future demographics crisis, in July 2019 Japan saw what was the worst mass murder in the country after WW2. The uproar over such an unprecedented crime related to the anime industry, along with the concern over the upcoming Olympic games in Tokyo in the following years, were the primary causes behind the...
How does the sentence go on?

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It was /o/'s fault

Why the fuck are these moralfags even here?

Neither the place nor the time.
Show some respect, please.

Also: wrong.

Hayao Miyazaki's execution.

didn't those guys have like russian military helicopters and other serious shit?

>was caused by a nutter who wanted to see girls kiss as opposed to something more politically motivated like 9/11.
Seems more of a reason to get angry than anything political.

they haven't gotten a motive yet, shut up

feeling bad that people who just like to draw cute things died tragically is being a moralfag ? take a good look at yourself dude

It's actually surreal to see KyoAni on your local news station, not to mention it being directly involved in Japan's biggest mass murder. Unreal honestly.

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I wonder when is ACK gonna go full terrorist mode and start killing everyone who he thinks are !Akemi.

It's going to be ok

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Lol cry more

It doesn't even feel real.

>Is this one of the biggest mass murders in post-WW2 Japan?
How many died in the sarin subway attacks?


It just had to happen to KyoAni. What the fuck.

ACK is the one pushing that it was motivated by yuri

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Japanese government's purchase of a 35% stake in Rough Draft Studios.

>mfw this is the beginning of the end for sjw anime

Like 12, small time compared to trainaustim

They make anime real

The 2001 Myojo 56 building fire had a higher number of victims than this.

>bring in studio wars in a time like this
I want Yea Forumstard edgefags to leave.

R*dd*t is crying about this I fucking love it

Worst confirmed.
A suspected arson in 2001 killed 44 but no one was caught.

No, but being upset that people crack jokes about it or can laugh at certain circumstances around it is being a moralfag.
And yes, there is something funny about it being an /u/-sperg. The absurdity is funny.

I hope the killer survives and is rehabilitated so he can one day apologize to the families of the victims

God I hated the moe shit and I wanted it to die or at least become more underground.
But not like this, man...I still have resent for moe, but now I actually feel bad for all the shit I used to talk about it.
Hope the fucker that did this is ready for the time of his life before he gets executed.


Read, nigga, read.

>t. Libshit

it had nothing to do with yurifags, though. literally just making shit up
he did it because he thought they plagiarized his light novel

>still believing shitposters' lies about him being a /u/fag

You can say it's gonna be ok, but it really isn't. Those people in that building who were alive yesterday are not alive today, and all because of some stupid "saxophone" or something.
Think about it, the use of a certain musical instrument in one anime was what made a bunch of animators who'd spent their lives doing but cutesy anime die inside of a burning building.


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the guy who did it accidentally burned himself in the process. he's in a medically induced coma and is likely to die within the week. there's some really grizzly pictures floating around showing him with 3rd degree burns all over

Stop this shit.

He thought Kyoani stole something he wrote. He may never have actually written anything, it may all be in his head, but that is what he was ranting when he was carried away.
He also soaked his own shoes in gasoline while spreading it and they ignited when he started the fire. He appears to have destroyed his feet. Last word is he is now unconscious, probably medically induced.
BBC is quoting Asahi Shinbun a old and internationally respected newspaper who are citing named eyewitnesses.
Take the yuri delusions and trainfaggin somewhere else.

it's manslaughter, not murder

>There is nothing funny about it, retard.

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Local news played three seconds of the K-On! OP

Have seen nothing about "about to die" but the photographs obtained by Asahi Shinbun of the suspect lying on the pavement being treated showed only burns on his feet-his left foot so bad it had turned charcoal grey- and his pants burned off to half way up the knee, and burns to his hands. The rest of his clothing was still intact. I believe the medical coma part because of the foot burns. He could have inhaled flames and burned his lungs BUT he was shouting loud enough that people beyond the ring of police and paramedics could hear him and give those quotes to the paper.

Nope, earthquakes are far more devestating

I'm sure he uses the toilet often. Some of his shits must've been good.

No its murder, he hauled 4 ten liter containers of petrol to the building, spread it, and lit it. That is murder since it required planning an preparation to carry out.

Yeah but there is plenty hilarious about it

imagine if he livestreamed it. i guess japs still aren't mentally up there with all their tech.

Is anyone else just kind of baffled at all of this? Who the fuck sets fire to an anime studio because they don't like it? It's one of the most random things I can think of, it seems like something that would happen in, well, an anime, not IRL.

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That's like when Clannad AS ended each episode no matter how depressing with Ushio's bouncing thighs

Mostly women tho so no real loss

Kyoani now has the honor of getting an user to burn an animation studio for his waifu. This in itself is very funny.

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maybe he just wanted to burn down the building?
if he didn't want to harm anyone, it's manslaughter by every definiton of the word.

It's legitimately frightening how ignorant a lot of people are on this board. Like I know a lot of you literally only use Yea Forums and you're shut out from every other news source, but the stupid shit some of you idiots will actually believe is mind blowing.

didn't he pour gasoline on people too? igniting that gasoline is murder whatever he wanted to do.

Honestly I expect at least some of the people on here are half-cocked enough to do something like that, but they're too lazy or distracted to ever pull it off. Those sorts being distracted by consumer media until they die of strokes is literally the best outcome for all of us.

yes , they had become extremely powerfull , they had politicians etc members of their cult

he poured gas on people, blocked the exits and stood outside with a knife to stab people

What a fucking mad lad. Not as good as our guys though, we get some amazing nutters over here.

If arsonist was a really otaku the new wave of otaku hate will rise in Japan

didn't know about that. what a faggot.

Yeah, it's incredibly hard to believe that a lunatic would torch an anime studio of all things. Doubly so if the current theory of him doing it because Kyoani fans on pilgrimage 'ruined' his fucking trainspotting place.

good, japan should round up NEET and force them into wage slavery

also each raid should take note of what anime/manga they have and ban that type of material from being made

problem solved within a year

>He thought they stole his song about trains, and got really mad.
So we blame Yea Forums for this?

Haven't they made anime/manga about that?

I was in disbelief, but if it really was a denshaotaku that's possibly the only case where I could actually believe it because jokes aside the level of medical-brand autism in that community is unmatched.

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Unemployment concentration camp, ended a few months ago
It was breddy gud

Why are yurifags so violent?

This shit is always bound to happen given how pissed off people can get at anything but i'm more surprised it happened in japan and not america

Don't they already basically force you to go to meetings and job interviews if you receive financial help from the government for unemployment?

I know what you mean. I don't think any of it has sunk in for me yet because this level of violence is pretty much unheard of in connection with anime of all things.

In America he would have just shot the place up. Which, actually, might have been better off. People still would have died but so much of the studio's work wouldn't have been lost.

If he just wanted to burn down the building I don't think he would've done it in broad daylight

Yeah. Anime fucking studio. It is just ridiculous.
Like robbing homeless man


The victims were otaku too (who do you think goes into animation?) and train otaku and anime otaku don't really overlap much.

Actually based

Probably would've got fewer kills too, most mass shooters have a lower score. Geez fire is a superweapon.

No they were mostly women.

>I myself created this term
>there's absolutely no way in hell that anyone else ever can think of it as well even if it’s in a different context
>only I am allowed to use this word
>anyone who uses it aside from me needs to die

Wew lad.
Prepare the fucking straight jacket for this guy.

>he's in a medically induced coma and is likely to die within the week.
He needs to be publicly burned to death and have it simulcast around the world. Dying in a coma is getting off way too easy.

>wikipedia now has a whole article on the incident
Holy fuck this got way bigger than I thought

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Banning moe anime and extremely harsh restrictions on /u/

>The victims were otaku too
They were women you retard

Where does it mention Barisaku?

It's the biggest mass-murder incident in Japan in the last 17 years. Of course it was gonna get a Wikipedia article.

No, /n/

you crossboarding mongoloids can't tell the difference between otaku and NEET

>Women can't like anime
That's wrong as fuck, from my personal experience

I spent the day at work watching the article grow. Wikipedians work fast.

Yeah, it's been on its frontpage for a while. Wikipedia makes articles about small 3 dead rampage shootings, this isn't surprising at all.

What really happened? Who was the arsonist?

Never doubt the wikiautis, those fuckers are the archivers of the highest degree.

Japan doesn't release the names and faces of mass murders.
It isn't America which plasters our terrorists all over the media.

headlining on bbc world news right now
wonder if it'll get a footnote on any us national nightly news programs

>scouted out location beforehand
>lit the fires precisely to ensure maximum damage
>blocked exits
>roamed the premises with a knife to attack wounded employees trying to flee

What the hell, was this guy a regular on 2ch's version of /k/? This is some Operator shit, lack of gun notwithstanding.

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It was an easy target.
- No security
- Poor fire countermeasures
- Flammable building and interiors
- Passive victims

This is why I watch shounenshit. No one gets this mad over shounenshit.

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>what is the Hall of Anal Devastation

He was a trainaspie who got upset because people used engrish to say "baritone saxophone" as "barisaku" because he made up some stupid catchphrase about looking at trains.

33 people died because he was angry at Engrish.

get fucked trainman

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>all these normalfaggots, women and r*dditors

wow, its really over for Yea Forums, this site is really over for funny jokes and memes.

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Same reason why mass shooters choose gun free zones.

You don't want anything or anyone stopping you, it's all about maximizing damage.


People really, REALLY, underestimate just how fast a fire can spread in some situations.

Good point.

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So they deserve to burn?

That gas attack had "only" 12 dead.

>implying that user has ever done anything worthwhile
I have to respectfully disagree, user.

Fuck off asshole

Black comedy is a thing.

Fucking trainspotters man.

They are ironic. I fucking pray they are.


Shirobako S2 is gonna be dark


have sex

i will once you log on your r*ddit account and never look back

true. this site is really over, makes me sad because you can really tell people are being moralfags to the point is not funny. back then you could make jokes, feel bad and still try to do something about it, people here do nothing but write moralfag messages that some anons will forget in some few weeks and attention whoring threads. its like r*ddit 2.0

this site really died, lol.

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it was shit

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wow user you're so cool and edgy I hope to be as based and redpilled as you someday !!

This. If you want to fucking cry and moan I am sure reddit has a few hundred threads to do just that.

Naruto's romantic choice

makes sense

what's worse is it was done by some train autist who thought he owned a phrase. He lived 41 years of life just to make a center of art go up in flames, murdering so many, and for possibly the lamest reason you could ever imagine. How did he survive this long? It will be interesting to learn if he had prior communications with Kyoani. Either he was already threatening them or he really went and killed all of those people over something they could never even begin to understand.

I was just watching the evening news over dinner and they covered the fire, they even put various clips from KyoAni shows to go with the report. I was literally just having dinner and suddenly Haruhi is on national TV, this entire day just feels surreal at every level.

>hating based Pedro

I was having a bad day at work and this just made it worse
I think it's time to go

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He emailed threats.
Hopefully this is not just an important lesson in fire safety but also cointerterrorism safety

I usually don't care about these news like the wtc or the shootings because it's to shit people but it's a cool studio now I'm sad.
I look back and it's weird how something bad happens and there's... always the number, 33. I look at a bad news and there is the number somewhere. So there it's another time...

>mass murder

33 absolutely incredible people fucking burned alive. I can't believe this is real


I assumed "these cheese tastes funny" usage

Far less wounded, but more dead.


ikr. it's like /x/ stuff but bad, it's always 33 people or 33 in the number of the plane crash wtf

If it is, they need to step up their game. Those are shamefully low numbers.

What's the reason for this mass murder? I see something about Hibike Euphonium, but I still don't get the complete picture.

>Bomber was a train enthusiast whose slogan was バリバリ観光してサクッと撮りましょう (energetically sightsee and take pictures quickly), abbreviated to バリサク (barisaku) which also became his nickname
>In the Euphonium anime a baritone sax solo was played and popularized the term barisaku as baritone sax instead of his slogan
>He trolls 5ch with mentally deranged comments about trainspotting, KyoAni and barisaku
>Carries out an arson attack on KyoAni, shouting "you ripped me off" (referring to them "copying" barisaku)
>Trolling stops on 5ch after the attack

For peaceful modern Japan, yes.

Autism of the highest level.

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Absolutely and unequivocally fucking based

Ban on trains.

see looks like it developed very quickly and the heavy amount of smoke would make it practically impossible to navigate. One or two breaths of the smoke is probably enough to knock you unconscious. Most of the staff likely didn't have time to react.

>33 dead
thats like the death toll of a few hours in chicago

Absolutely based

Well Chicago is a liberal shithole. Not a civilized area.

No one gives a fuck about Chicago.

The biggest victim in all of this is anime it self.

we're talking about 1st world countries here

>”if you don’t jack off to and celebrate people dying you’re a fucking normalfag!”
People like you deserve to burn, desu.

>n-no u

ban assault fires

>not understanding that some people cope through black comedy
You are a fucking idiot

Typical Americans only knowing 1 definition of a word

Damn, that user got TOLD HARD

Smoke inhalation is the main cause of death in a fire

are you doing le epic markdown spacing on purpose or are you really just this retarded

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post the full image faggot.

meanwhile the US is yawning at school shootings they get every fucking month


Oh my gosh, you value human life and have empathy? How quaint! Run along back to church now with mother, little boy! Us elevated IQ nihilists are going to have a dick-measuring contest over who can be the least sympathetic towards mass murder.

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Anime was a mistake


Sick burn, user.

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This and their fans are the worst.

How is that not mass murder anywhere?

If anything its the start.
His attack will be used to persecute anyone under the "otaku" umbrella.
Netflix will probably step in to buy kyoani and push their anime angle harder because their company is dying and anime is all they have left.

>because of a saxophone
I thought it was because of yuri pairings. Explain.

Some kid killed himself over itachi a few years back

US standards are 3rd world tier

That's just an average trip to work in the USA

he burned it down because he submitted a LN to kyoani and accused them of plagiarizing it

If it was Koreans would you appreciate a good Korean bbq joke?

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>tfw no maid dragon s2

Trainfags need to be gassed

the site hasn't changed, people are just more adapted to the internet, Yea Forums is more important than you may think

i was literally about to watch this yesterday @_@

Hi !Akemi

Sure is reddit in here

Fuck off, faggot

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I googled and sure enough. Many were wounded (50 or so), but 13 people died in comparison to Kyoani's 33 (so far)

The people circlejerking over a industry-damaging studio's smoldering remains is definitely reminscent of the worst of the Reddit echo chambers.

He actually raises a really good point

Well arent you just a nigger


a bloo bloo

Even my local news station mentioned it
they played a clip from violet evergarden
normie news network just showed anime

kyoani style

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I hated everything by KyoAni after Clannad AS (Yes, even Disappearance) and watching shows like K-On, Chuu2 and Hyouka roll past made me sick to my stomach becuase I couldn't stand that shared visual style they had. I remember thinking, "KyoAni are just going to continue shitting out the same kinds of shows that will look exactly the same but with increasingly better animation" and being annoyed realizing that I could be watching it in my 60s still complaining about KyoAni sameface - They were my least favorite studio after SHAFT.

Now they're gone and everything feels so empty. I never wanted it to be like this, I was always secretly proud of how well they treated their staff and how it genuinely felt like they were pushing high quality animation forward. Even if they continue, it feels like the end of an era.

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I'm glad to see the recognition of basedness on this board. Gives me a little hope for this shithole

>Integration of a international oversee organization of the UN to supervise the Japanese goverment and influence it to the enforcement of international law and the newly revised Japanese Constitution, which important points of notice where the removal of the freedom of association, leading to the fall of the entretainement industries and hobbie communities in the country, as well as the total prohibition of any kind of pornography.

Technically pornographic materials are already banned in Japan. Why do you think all the genitals are censored?

>>baritone sax from hibiki
>I don't get it.

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actually based

Burn moe niggs

These no soul bugman degenerate pedophile materialist boomer-mentality muh hard work muh boss muh job imperialist subservient manlet cruel whale murdering dronelike artless depthless incel childless rapist immoral shit philosophy basal in your face dumb imagery nihilist no respect for life dying out objectifying lack of human rights yakuza controlled lying government gook faggots deserved it for the countless atrocities they’ve committed and won’t admit to

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GO back to plebbit like right now.

Spotted the korean

Shounenfags are such cancer.

How the fuck is a multi-billion dollar studio hosted in such shitty, small warehouse? Literal slavery.

A lot of buildings in japan are small like that


>multi-billion dollar studio
it's not
anime isn't a very profitable business

trains are the hobby of peace

Yeah but I mean KyoAni probably got emailed threats on the regular by rectum-ravaged yurifags and fujos.
After the first couple thousand it really makes less sense to NOT ignore them.

Always look on the bright side of life.

>Wait is anger over the anime characters actually the motive here? This is so god damn bizarre. It's going to be reported and written down in history books and on the wikipedia article.
But then again, the cucky Hebdo massacre was also literally motivated by someone getting bugurt about cartoons.

What were mass murders in pre-WW2 Japan like?


>tfw this is the scene that turned a timid train photographer into a berserker KILLING MACHINE

Hydrocarbons are some shit. There's a reason why they can power a car. Look at videos of staged gasoline fires, or the Station fire in Rhode Island to see how fast a fire can spread with an accelerant. In that case the fire was started by foam insulation that was essentially solid gasoline.

Well said.

>How the hell did half the people in there die and the other half get injured? No fire escapes? No one jumped out a window or went to the rooftop
Look at how fast fire and smoke spreads, and this one was not deliberate youtube.com/watch?v=udVrQSHm8mg

You're underestimating how serious severe burns are.

In the same vein some of those who were injured will likely never be able to work again.

This retort is enjoyable.

Did they screw up in some way?

No he's right user's it's not funny, it's fucking hilarious.

This whole incident reminds me a lot about Dominos pizza and the Noid. Back in the 80s a man with the last name Noid thought that Dominos was targeting him specifically so he held hostage a Dominos. Skitzo will do skitzo thing and this seems like another case.

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Ok, then go on Reddit and enjoy listening to retards who can't figure out how to win Bernie an election.

its reddit-tier, so head back there if you like it.

Holy shit, the place is engulfed in dark smoke less than 2 minutes in. That's the real killer.

That should apply to almost all of Yea Forums/nel

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Indisputably based.

This is cringe, and this can be said to you as well user so drop a fire on your home and your parents for creating a useless piece of shit.

>were the primary causes behind the...
pogrom of Japan


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He forgot where he was so sadly he wont be getting any upboats.

IT wasn't enough.
this FPBP

Who would win?
>A well planned religious terrorist group targeting a major transport system with industrially produce nerve gas
>Some crazy otaku with gasoline

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if there is one thing that this event has taught me is that you shounenshitters are fucking mentally ill.

Imagine Anime if CGI faggots got the rope.

>Koycucks coping so hard they think this reply is based.
The same can be said to you retard.

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It is profitable, it's just that other companies in the production committees, like publishers (Kadokawa etc.), take all the money. Actual creators like animation studios are at the bottom of the pyramid.

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I'm starting to thing that modern Yea Forums is the same edgelords we use to make fun of for liking elfen lied


Too based

And it was done by a train autist who would have only hurt himself if he tried it in America.

Wikipedia editors are fucking hyenas. Theyll literally fight each other for the privilege of posting some schmuck's date of death while the body's still warm. This doesn't surprise me in the least.

Kyoanifags aren't implying people that haven't done anything worthwhile deserve to die, though.

Imagine not having basic levels of empathy and actually feeling superior about it.

where do you think we are

Attached: kahn filled with sadness and wishes to lay down and die.png (980x662, 373K)

>33 DEAD
Was this a Masonic ritual?

>Wew lad
Watch your mouth kid

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