Because punishment by hanging feels a little too easy, post the best choice of punishment for a death sentence
Best Punishment for Death Penalty
Burn him alive in front of relatives of dead.
watching endless eight 8 times
Drop him into a crowd of angry otaku.
Why are americans so bloodthirsty?
Be declared a national hero
Talion Law is the fairest punishment in history.
Forced assfucking by a man in a Shuichi cosplay on live national television
Have to watch kyoani
death by 1000 cuts
Have him watch VEG 24/7 for a month.
Why do you worms fantasize about vigilante justice? Are you all third worlders? You're powerless and irrelevant, and your bloodlust only makes you sound like a freak at the perps level of mental cognitive ability
cause their mostly black and retarded
That's too sadistic even for the Japs
set him FREE, so he can finish the job
Human dignity is inviolable
Everyone deserves a quick and respectful death
Fucking hell look at how happy they are in that image... this is depressing.
Regardless, I don't support the death penalty. Life in prison with no parole.
I like the person in the plaid shirt on the right
Bullet to the neck, unmarked grave, name removed from all records, never mentioned by the press, like it should be with any terrorist.
Go back to a flag board you obsessed retards.
If there is no ambiguity on who the killer is then there is no reason to not killing outright. I mean, what's the difference if they will never return to society? Allowing them to live on the taxpayer is unfair to everyone else.
blow it out your ass you faggot tranny.
Just found out that nips death sentence is done in a way where you dont know exactly when youre gonna get offd. Lowkey, its the best choice of punishment
You're right in a case by case sense, but I don't think it's worth having people live with the knowledge that their government can kill them in the unlikely event they're convicted despite being innocent. This guy is a piece of shit and I'd probably want to kill him personally if I was a relative of one of the victims, but I'm talking about government policy.
hanged, drawn and quartered. Can't beat the classics.
Have you considered awarding the man a medal?
This. He should also receive a cash prize for his heroic service to the nation
>The ip count didn't go up
>Honey, your daddy died writhing and screaming just like this
I'm not saying we should let him go, but I think your idea needs some refinement.
This is the only acceptable answer.
I already posted previously in the thread, big guy
Let his infection kill him slowly
Dilate and have sex
Scourging and Crucifixion
Mess with their anime, they get all autistic and edgy
Scaphism, already mentioned but truly a fitting way to kill someone who kills people that just want to bring joy into the world. Especially a world where Scaphism is a thing.
Lotsa nigs and BR spic apes in this thread.
>Life in prison with no parole
Why? So tax payers can support some piece of shit? Fuck that. This guy should be publicly executed with people cheering before his death. Doing away with the death penalty was the most cucked faggot shit the West has done.
There is no death penalty in Brazil.
this but he should be set on fire and then put out with water and done 1 time for each murder until he finally dies. every time he gets put out he should be told that his punishment is over, he should also have salt and vinegar poured on his flesh between burnings
cringe thread
the perfect death penalty is hanging, you cannot measure how much worse one murder is over the other.
doesn't mean that many brazilians don't support it
You know he's 100% going to die, right? The nips don't fuck around and they're as first world as you can get.
Death penalty is not enough. The damage has already been done.
>nips dont fuck around
Debatable. Concrete assholes is still walking around scott free
No let this fucker watch yaoi anime and boku no pico for whole life. And don't make him commit suicide. Death is too good for mass murderers.
Guy literally saved anime
I think the guy should be chained to a wall, fed through IV and have his eyes held open at all times. Then the remaining Kyo Ani staff just make anime for him for the rest of his life featuring beautiful animation and attention to detail. Have them research this guy's preferences and interests and just make anime after anime of custom tailored characters for him and then when he's good and invested, have them die horribly or get NTRd or raped. Then do it again and again and again.
How about an old way of punishment that happened in Cinderella? We get some metal shoes, heat it up and force him to dance until he dies.
I know it's not an ideal outcome but it's the least bad. Knee-jerk reactions shouldn't be government policy.
Bad is subjective. Having this guy leech off peoples work is far worse on everyone than just killing him outright.
There is no knee-jerk reaction. The dude preemptively murdered 32 people with the goal of murdering all 70, locking exits and splashing gasoline on anyone that attempted to escape all because his shitty LN got rejected. You're a fucking faggot if you still think the guy should just sit in a cell while people pay for him to stay alive.
Japan allows the death penalty and mass murder by arson would likely qualify
Uhh life in prison with TVs showing his most hated anime 18 hours a day. Not forced to watch anime but only have shit anime as his entertainment.
This way no one can complain about human rights violations.
>trusting government with executions
I'm not even saying government is malicious. There are incompetent people in government and I'm terrified at getting killed by their fuck ups.
I believe that was due to the criminals being juveniles.
Nothing personel kid
That's metal as fuck. I like the way you think.
burned alive after viewing a short animation of his waifu berating him for his crimes and reminding him he will burn in hell for all of eternity
What? Hell no Im white.
A fair trial and prison time for him.
You know what is the best punishment? Actually heal his mental illness, make him aware about what he did and turn him into a human being who is now completely accountable for his crime. Once cured he is going to live in a constant state of shame and contrition. Awareness and responsibility are the worse punishment. I am not talking about just a sense of regret because he was captured or didn’t manage to die. But a deep understanding of his crime. Of course that would be almost imposible because you can’t cure psychopaths.
That sounds like a wonderful life. I'm actually jealous.
Fucking based.
Woah he just burned Kyoani down bro calm down
Burning them in masswith purifying flames for producing such disgusting LGBT children cartoons. CalArts should be next.
As satisfying it would be to see him scream as his being cut into pieces, that would just be inhumane and same as he did. Just erase that trash from the world as quickly as possible and burn his dead body because he doesn't deserved funeral
I just woke up. I'm guessing the arrows point to the perps?
Disgruntled ex-employees?
Life time Prison and every day hard work until he die.
Being locked in a room and forcefully being made to watch the Hibike movie over and over until he dies of malnutrition or suicide.
He killed over 30 innocent people and left everyone else in a hospital. I can't think of a punishment cruel enough to deal with someone like that
100% this.
the attacker should be rehabilitated for 1-2 years at most, then allowed to go free to contribute to society
>Anyone that doesn't agree with me is a tranny
Is a life sentence worse than a death penalty?
Survivors / family take turns stabbing him in the gut until he bleeds out or there is nobody left in line, hanging if he's still alive after everyone gets a go
This but unironically
And I’m not apologizing
This is the only correct answer. Electric chair is also a valid option. Anything that takes a while to actually put them down is a valid option
Reminder that in every country that has the death penalty at least one innocent person was executed
Force him to watch hentai of his waifu being raped all day.
>wtf i hate the death penalty now!
>amputate arms and legs
>remove eyes and tongue
>rupture ear drums
>feed through tube
It would probably take like 3 days to go insane
In America this happens all the time
>I am a great soft jelly thing. Smoothly rounded, with no mouth, with pulsing white holes filled by fog where my eyes used to be. Rubbery appendages that were once my arms; bulks rounding down into legless humps of soft slippery matter. I leave a moist trail when I move. Blotches of diseased, evil gray come and go on my surface, as though light is being beamed from within. Outwardly: dumbly, I shamble about, a thing that could never have been known as human, a thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for the vague resemblance.
I think tis would be a fitting punishment, sadly medical technology is not yet here and even if it was, no surgeon would be allowed to do it.
Who are you quoting?
Rupturing ear drums wont make you deaf
He should be lit on fire. Then they should put a way to put it out somewhere just out of reach, so he has to struggle while burning to death. So he can experience one extra little bit of pain before his worthless life in snuffed out.
Have a Kappa remove his asspearl on live television.
I hope they execute him by fire
The UN would throw a bitchfit but fuck the UN.
Put headphones on his the plays depsacito 24/7
Have they not suffered enough?
Yes but it's rarely a white person
people also sit in prison for 20+ years while being innocent
not like that's any better
Put in a jail and make the jail go down the number of deaths he caused, let him breathe one last breath and leave him to drown
brutal but redpilled
No one cares faggot
And it's why I can't trust it. Being in a cell the size of a parking space for the rest of your life is its own hell.
It's not terrorism though.
So what’s this about the attacker committing the crime because of trains?
Not much different form the life you are living now.
But if we kill him we'll be just like him.
How's it the least bad? I have zero respect for my government, and one of the main reasons among many others is the knowledge that it is ready to tolerate the most inhumane crimes that anyone could think of. Some psycho could get caught skinning and dismembering toddlers and keeping them in pet crates, and all that would happen is that he'd get to live the rest of his days in comfort with all his expenses paid for out of my taxes, including fucking reinsertion programs, which is always the objective of imprisonment, not punishment. He would also keep being a citizen with full rights, something that used to be a privilege, and rightly so.
A civilized society needs to draw the line at some point. There should be made clear that there are certain crimes from which there's no way back into society, that will make you lose your status as a person and a citizen. Forcing the victims of violent crimes to provide food, shelter, medical attention, education and entertainment for their tormentors is purely immoral by every definition of the world and makes me sick every time I think about it.
Hand him to Saudis or other Middle Eastrens. Words won't even describe what they will do to him before cutting his body up.
Put him in a cell with sound isolation, with the lucky star opening playing on loop
That's the worst thing that could possibly occur me, at some point he'd be driven to insanity to the point he'd kill himself
This picture looks 15 years old
At least they have the hope of being proved innocent someday
It could be you, edgelord
Or it could be you tranny
Well why dont you pay for his legal fees and beg the UN to release him and then adopt him and then bring him home so he can breed with your wife and daughters.
Oh right, you wont, because hes not dark skinned
fuck you racist.
depends on the person/prison. It could arguably be crueler, but at the same time that means the govt is footing the bill for his life until he dies of old age or kills himself
That word lost its meaning decades ago, like nazi.
have the animators animate the scene where haruka loses her virginity with her looking at the screen and laughing at the perp afterwards. and play it on a loop for a couple days before the execute him
Good idea, but encourage drawfags to do this and exclusively mail him this shit while hes still alive.
Getting set on fire will burn his nerves so it's mostly just wasting time after the first couple attempts.
>my fellow white people
I wondered who could be behind this post.
Jokes on you gay boy there is no death penalty where I live
In the sense of large-scale attack on civilian. The motive hasn't been stated yet, so I admit it's too soon to call it terrorism.
It is unironically a fair price to pay. And you faggots always make it sound like it has a way bigger fail rate than it has anyways.
right wing culture of zero forgiveness
Then burn him in parts, start at his hands and feet and work your way to his face
desu i don't think death sentence is a good idea by the time it's carried out a lot of people will unironically forgot about him the guy from Sarin died last year and if someone was born in 96/99 they would be in their 20s right and think it was cool a fatso was hanged because they have no memory of the attack shit takes way too long to serve as a good example of the power of the state i say leave him there for life this way his death wont be seen as spectacle
Daily cage matches against other monsters like him. Pic related had the right idea.
>mfw people are seriously arguing this in this thread
Yea Forums is really gone.
Have the surviving animators resume work immediately.
Ya need to interrogate the guy and find out if he committed more crime, and is possibly part of a greater network that plans or commits that stuff, instead of immediately killing him.
they should release him so he can continue his holy mission to remove moe from this world
would be cool to watch though