Those cringey pieces of shit haven't made a single production I didn't hate or didn't care about. Just a bunch of melodramatic moe teen bullshit and garbage that pandered to lifeless otaku fucks. I know of a few other studios that I hope it happens to as well.
KyoAni, lol
You are a massive faggot and deserve being alone.
I hope it happens to DEEN too. Also fuck KyoAnus.
Honestly just Yea Forums here reporting in for a happening hoping to see some rekt.
Enjoy your ban.
eat some yakiniku
Reported. Enjoy your ban, retarded outsider.
I remember being 15 too.
Epic facebook meme you can go back to Yea Forums now.
OP confirmed microsoft edge user
>I've watched 3 whole animes in my life by the way
>haven't made a single production I didn't care about.
Haha someone mad a tv show I don’t like let’s joke about there deaths that were fucking useless. Let’s fucking joke about all of the families hehe. Yeah fuck moeshot amitite
Human life has no value, pussy.
who are you to make that decision?
Go back
Haruhi and Lucky Star were the furthest I got into their catalog, that was enough for me
Based honestposter. I'm just here to lauhh at all the jokes people are making.
who are you to disagree?
god this isnt even like a average underage poster this is legit like a 13 year old ifunny user
>having shit taste
>being angry at people with better taste for feeling sad
KyoAnime may not be as good as they were a decade ago, but OP is a faggot.
Its mass murder, it's inhuman.
This. KyoAni has talent and used on moeshit. They deserved it.
Imagine being so edgy over dead people.
>haven't made a single production I didn't hate or didn't care about
so you love everything they‘ve ever made?
lrn2talk faggot
OP is indeed anfag, but mass murders are very human. show me other animals that go on a killing spree on their own kind
>haven't made a single production I didn't hate or didn't care about.
lmao you're a fucking moron
They DIDN'T make anything which he DIDN'T hate.
You stupid illiterate fuckshit.
Trips of truth, you can't win against that.
i like this man, he probably masturbates to lolis.
Like any cultured gentleman.
You have all of reddit and twitter to shit up with your buzzwords, why do you fuckers keep coming here?
Whoa so edgy and cool you're so unique OP can I suck your penis please OP-sama?
This event just confirms moe haters are mentally ill incels.
You will kill youself, guranteed pathetic trash.
Nice blog faggot