Since I think we can all agree animators being murdered in terrorist attacks is not a sustainable state of affairs, how would you change the industry to stop events like the Kyoani arson from happening in future?
Animators are a dime a dozen, they can be replaced easily
Nerve stapling, genetic engineering, trans humanism etc, etc.,
>how do you stop a cultural thing so rooted
it's morally impossible to change a country's tradition.
your best chance is to get china to integrate japan like what they are doing to HK
?? It's sustainable
Stop catering to a niche of deranged people. They're partially to blame for what happened.
Shut it down. No anime, no problem.
Its what they get for making yurishit and moeshit. I only hope this deters other studios from this in the future.
The attack was made by a mentally ill dude, nothing could've prevented it other than stricter security measures.
Fire safety standards in office buildings
install sprinklers. kill off schizoposting/kill schizos
Not a terrorist attack you dumb nigger
Ironically, the animators are safe, it's the directors and management staff that died. Which means that yes, KyoAni is dead, because middle management is the lifeblood of a company, whereas animators are easily replaced.
A single person at a front desk to stop random people from entering the building (or at least ring an alarm) or an emergency fire escape on the back of the building would have done wonders to reduce the loss of life here.
Maybe having more than one fucking exit would help
this, there was no political goal
Werent there water sprinklers installed or shit like that? I though building in japan had to be built to withstand natural disasters and shit.
everyone has to carry a gun
Make Japan get gut at damage control already. There, done.
They had to choose between paying their animators slightly more than other animators in order to boast how they're treating them slightly more humane than other studios, or installing vital infrastructure that would save people's lives.
They chose the former, and now all the people there are dead.
It was a gas fed fire in a primarily wood and paper building and he let some of the gas vaporize first so it exploded when it caught. Sprinklers would never had a chance. If they had any they probably hadn't been tested in a long time either.
ban gasoline! I mean we have to do so anyway, might as well start now.
No more animation studios. All anime is now 3DCG so it can be cheaper with all modeling and animation outsourced to India, Korea, China etc. Voice acting will begin a gradual change towards 100% synthesized voices.
>wood and paper
>terrorist attacks
Not a terrorist act. Disgruntled/maverick individual committing criminal act.