But is there a single KyoAni character that can defeat Madara Uchiha?
user STOP
too soon
Do not bring my husbando into this mess!
Is this gay?
no its a shadow clone
Nice. Now watch this
best one so far
why did he do it bros
He’s Hashirama’s husband
No. Just no nigger.
But she could.
Also Haruhi shouldn't even exist for being the worst thing since Numa Numa and Kingdom Hearts.
This is taking village feuds to another level.
Niggers and the MC infest the pixiv tag rather than based uchiha men.
Yet this board still talks about them like their popular anymore.
Fuck you faggot that's too far. Talking shit on Numa Numa is a crime.
Was the original Numa Numa the chicken little AMV?
it's incest