Part 3 is boring because it's all fights and no character development.
Can I just skip to part 4?
Part 3 is boring because it's all fights and no character development.
Can I just skip to part 4?
>Skipping parts
You disgust me, OP
part 3 is fun
no you tard
Polnareff has tonnes of character development though.
He starts out only in it for pure revenge. Doesn't give a fuck about anyone else. Eventually warms to the guys and considers them friends than is totally crushed when Avdol gives his life to save him. It weighs super heavy on him from then on out and then he eventually decides to not just seek revenge but to go the distance with and for his friends.
This. Part 3 tends to be overrated because it has the most exposure and was the first one to be massively successful in Japan and it's by no means perfect but the feel of the adventure far outweighs any of the negatives.
>Can I just skip to part 4?
My friend tried to skip part 2 because he thought it was dumb as fuck and had a lot of asspulls.
Originally Hol Horse was going to join the party after fighting Justice in the mountains of Pakistan. Araki bailed on this idea because Avdol ended up being more popular than he expected so he rewrote it that he survived and then the Judgment chapter happened.
I kind of wish that Araki stuck to his guns on the original idea. I like how Polnareff's character arc would have started with him seeking revenge against someone that killed a loved one and not caring about anything but his own revenge quest but then saw the bigger picture after Avdol dies saving him.
Then his character arc would have completed coming full circle with it ending in the Vanilla Ice fight where when fighting for a greater cause he forgives a man who killed a loved one when he saves his life in the end. Hol Horse pushing Polnareff and Iggy out of the way would have been pure kino.
Araki said he always planned on bringing Avdol back and that he wasn't that popular. Also he said Hol Horse was too similar to Polnareff.
Part 3's character development is mostly in Dio's mansion
What a faggot. The Colosseum fight alone proves that asspulls can be an art form when done right.
Tell me about it, and then he said he doesn't want to read the manga too.
Part 3 would've been improved if Dio felt more like a villain than some shadowy antagonist hiding in a building until the last few episodes.
I get that it was about the journey, and I liked the Stand of the week format, but I felt that it was an aimless journey until they found Dio's mansion.
>Part 3 tends to be overrated
no clue where desu
This. Dio is better in Part 1 because he has presence and actually does evil shit. The first episode alone is enough to make you hate him. Dio in Part 3 is just an end of the road obstacle
never heard anyone praising him
Don't skip it. Read the manga for better pacing.
Part 3 is much better than 4
4 has the better villain tho
Debatable. But Kira was the only memorable villain from part 4.
Part 3 had lots of cool stand users.
>Kira was the only memorable villain from part 4.
>proving his point
Why did you do it user?
More than half the stand users in Part 3 only had a motive of just "I WANT TWO-MILLION DOLLARS I'M EVIL!". There were a few exceptions though, like Anubis, Enya, Vanilla Ice, etc.
Even Arabian Fats, a stand user where the whole joke is that he wasn't ever on screen, is more memorable than 95% of the stand users in part 4.
>Originally Hol Horse was going to join the party after fighting Justice in the mountains of Pakistan. Araki bailed on this idea because Avdol ended up being more popular than he expected so he rewrote it that he survived and then the Judgment chapter happened.
This is just a rumor
Incurable shit taste.
He is right though, story didn't pick up until Echoes act 3 appeared. While every moment of part three is a classic.
fights are character development too
Define and give an example of character development
Part 4 is fucking awful besides Kira.
>skipping parts
I wish you were at KyoAni today user
>skipping parts
besides you kinda need part 3 as a baseline for the rest of the series, kinda like how you need part 1 as a baseline for part 2.
Don't skip
Never skip
Part 3 has some amazing parts, but I'm trying to make a definitive "fights you can skip" list for my friends trying to get into Jojo.
Devo the cursed is obvious
Cameo is an awful fight, but it reintroduces avdol
tower of grey
dark blue moon
wheel of fortune
the sun
good list?
>Skipping fights
Be off with you.
Iggy and Polnareff had huge character developement, but whatever if you dont get it youre opinion is invalid anyway, go watch DBS tier shows please
>reading Sun
>reading that fucking fight with the guy on the car
Oh come on, a lot of the shitty fights are super inconsistent or ass pully anyways. Probably Jotaro just punching his way out of an issue, or silver chariot being massively nerfed to uselessness. Maybe if the part 3 anime's pacing wasn't so shit.
dont need to develop characters if they are already well developed.
skipping devo and anubis is criminal
I just finished Stone Ocean, did part 1-5 happen or was everything erased/reseted to a universe where Dio doesnt even exist?
Part 3 is shit but
>skipping parts
Only Joseph and polnareff were well developed
devo was probably my least favorite of part 3. It would actually be cameo if it wasn't for avdol's return, but what the fuck could you possibly say is good about devo?
If you feel the need to skip parts JoJo clearly isn't for you
Part 3 is about the experience of travelling
It's the journey, not the destination
The latter. The universe was basically accelerated to the point where it ended and got reborn. It all still technically happened, but it may as well be an alternate universe, which part 7 introduces
Anubis was awesome faggot.
look at this and dont tell me this is cool as shit
part is the peak
Eh, I mean it had potential. I'm still just pissed it's another conflict resolved by "I'm jotaro and I'm going to just punch something really hard and fast to automatically win"
Damn thats really sad to know that all the JoBro "gangs" never existed, but on the other hand its kind of a happy ending to know that the Joestars never had to go through all these struggles
When do skipfags get the boot?
From my biased perspective ebony devil literally got me into jojo. I picked up a random english copy of part 3 from the library in like 08 or 09 and the suspense and horror was so unique for a shonen that I was hooked from there.
As for the actual fight, it has some of the best animation in the entire adaption for one. Also a cursed shaman assassin stand user is one of araki’s more memorable concepts from part 3.
part 3 is the best up until 7 so you better stick through with it
When avdol fucking sacrifices himself the second time I was fucking crushed
At least watch the Dio fight, but really watch or read it all.
Also this is one of the few threads about anime, the kyoani incident has proved how many fucking normalfags there are on Yea Forums and /jp/
Should i wait rewatching part 5 until the last episode is out or should i do it now?
>Rewatch part 5
Rewatch it when the BDs are all out
Is there a reason they don't sell these blu rays online digitally eventually? I'd absolutely buy all of jojo at a decent price digitally. Fuck these expensive ass boxsets though.
>Skipping a montage of ORAORAORAORA punches for an arc that has an episode entirely dedicated buying clothes for an invisible baby
You disgust me
KyoAni is Yea Forums's official studio.
No it isn't you fucking riajuu
Sounds like a good enough motive to me. Two million dollars in 1989 is a lot of money.
YES. The only interesting parts of Stardust Crusaders are the first and last ~4 episodes. All other episodes are flavour of the week mediocre enemies. The last Dio parts are amazing though.
Watch the superior OVA instead. Animation is much better. It trims down the part to the bare minimum, but it's still a fun watch. DavidPro is just a bad studio that doesn't do the series justice. They add some nice touches here and there, but the animation is abysmal at times and I'd rather someone like Madhouse (with a decent budget) handle it instead.
>Boring because it's all fights and no character development
Is there a way to make character development meaningful and unforced if there's no driving conflict?
Watch non action trash