So this is how /his/ felt when Notre Dame burnt down.
So this is how /his/ felt when Notre Dame burnt down
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Notre Dame is much easier to fix.
Don’t start the same one never
notre dame was a building, not people
Why didn't they just escape to the roof?
"Not a big loss for anime." - Hayao "the Akihabara annihilator" Miyazaki
Buildings usually last longer
>comparing priceless human history to a cheapshit jap building
Very appropriate if you compare anime to real art
a lot of shitposting praising the arsonist?
>escape to roof
>suffocate from smoke
My only complaint was that he got caught. He should have moved on to ufotable next.
The roof heats up like a frying pan during a fire. They would have melted.
who cares. it was the work of many more people, it held much more signifcance, not that modern europeans give a shit. This time we lost bad taste and bad taste creators
I don't know about /his/, but I definitely know what French Maghrebis felt like when they saw Notre Dame burnt down.
and buildings can be rebuilt, unlike people.
Why didn't they just jump out of the window?
the rebuilding process is work for many people
Fuck you, Notre Dame was one of the most significant buildings in the world for its architecture, religious significance and historical importance.
More like why didn't they just jump out of the building? The human body can survive a fall a building twice that size especially if you hang from the edge and drop down. I'm guessing the windows were locked.
>see a couple of cherry picked pictures
>eee guys they must all be like this crusade now
Based retard.
I don't remember /his/ having much of a shitstorm though? Broke the 25 year rule anyway.
Nobody died in the Notre Dame fire. Buildings can be rebuilt, but you can't bring back people's loved ones.
and yet its just a fucking building
oh yea, I forget you fuckers will kill others and yourself
And was rebuilt over and over again, and is being rebuilt now.
Notre Dame is a stone frame with a few wooden parts. You can fix that in like five mins.
Notre Dame is a deliberate French insurance scam, so basically Friday.
This is an attack.
Kinda scary that people can see a dude starting a fire in a 3 story building but they still die.
>moeshit studio
Not a big loss for anime.
Notre dame housed some art and original ideas though
What should we sing for them?
It's also had fires before this last one. Big whoop.
Subconsciously they knew their occupation slated them straight for hell and they decided to embrace it.
Nah, I've seen stats. I know French Maghrebis are more assimilated than not, but that makes my opinion of them worse, not better. I'd actually have some respect for them if they harbored historical grudges towards the society that screwed and continues to screw over their home countries. House Arabs baka.
Japan uses super strong windows that you can't open a lot, it's extremely likely that only a very small amount of them could be and the glass of the others were too sturdy for the guys to break.
>tfw not having the technology
You know its still up right? Like sure it lost the roof but they plan to fix that within five years and the interior is basically safe so...
You kidding me? /his/ hates the french
Do remember not to give a fuck about any fire in France.
Most of time it is caused by the owners.
Fire insurance scam is a huge issue there.
Notre dame is owned by the state and uninsured.
Last time I was there, it was the perfidious albion that they hated.
>And was rebuilt over and over again
It wasn't, it's one of the few old buildings that never had anything significant being destroyed.
The attic that burnt down was the original, it never was changed, the wood inside was more than 600 years old. Shit was so sturdy that they didn't even need to alter/strengthen it outside of adding a hole when they added a spire.
The spire collapsed and was rebuilt in the 19th century.
The museum in brazil that burned down would have been a better example, m8
It had literally millions of pieces, entire archives of dead or dying languages, etc. Unironically probably the biggest single historical loss of all time.
Only thing that would close would be the mass destruction of the books, records, art, etc of ancient latin american civilizations by the Spanish, which itself was hundreds of times worse then the Library of ALexandria which everybdy always cries over, since it was the torching of not just one but hundreds of libraries and is more analogous to if literally every library across greece, rome, persia, babylon, sumer, assyria, and egypt had been burned, 80% of their art demolished, and all their cities reduced to rubble. We pretty much lost out on an entire third tree of human history and civilization alongside The West and The East; to the point where nobody even cares or realizes how much of a loss it is or how much those civilizations accomplished
Though despite this there's also way more records on specific ones like the Aztec and Maya then people realize, see , butr the fact that we know as much as we do in spite of the loss just shows how much more we could have known otherwise: from 8 Mixtec books alone we can trace the political history of the main area of Mixtec civilization going back around 800 years; and thousands of books in total were burnt.
see pic for examples of aztec poetry, to get a taste of this.
>These people also made use of certain characters or letters, with which they wrote in their books their ancient matters and their sciences, and by these and by drawings and by certain signs... they understood their affairs and made others understand them and taught them. We found a large number of books, in these characters and, as they contained nothing in which were not to be seen as superstition and lies of the devil, we burned them all
Might have been locked.
Latin America is nothing compared to the works created in Greece, Rome and the cradle of civilization. Fuck off spic
That's a topic on which historians have heated debates, there was no absolute proof inside the building that there ever was one before the 19th century one but Notre Dame was indeed depicted with one way before that. Some speculated that it was originally planned so people where already depicting what was supposed to be a completed Notre Dame but it was never added in the end.
Well, it's not now that you crackers burnt it down.
The point is that by all accounts they were on a trajectory to achieve similar things if left alone for a while longer.
>The original spire was constructed in the 13th century, probably between 1220 and 1230. It was battered, weakened and bent by the wind over five centuries, and finally was removed in 1786
This doesn't sound very controversial to me, buddy.
BREAKING NEWS: Yasuhiro Takemoto, director of Amagi Brilliant Park, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, Full Metal Panic The Second Raid, High Speed! -Free! Starting Days, Hyōka, and Lucky Star confirmed dead.
>one of the most memorable historical buildings in Europe
>the same as some shitty jap building and bug people who drew shitty cartoons
Ok kid.
>reading comprehension
Oh look, another 白豚 talking shite about dead people.
Not a spic m8
And you say that, yet Mesoamerican civilizations had cities that rivalled what you see in Classical Anitquity in size and population: Tenochtitlan, Teotihuacan, Caracol, El Mirador, Tikal, Calakmul, Cholula, Tlaxcala, Texcoco, etc all had populations upwards of 50,000, with a few of those in the 100,000 to 200,000+ range. Teotihuacan in particular literally exceeded Rome at it's height in physical expanse, and, while less populated due to the lack of multistory restidential structures, had all of it's citizens in fancy palace complexes, litterally with the lowest inquality levels of any urban site in recorded history. It also might have been a represenative democracy or republic based on that and a few other pieces of evidence; and we know that Tlaxcala was a republic of 4 unified city-states, complete with a legislative senate whose legislators had to undergo a series of public beatings and months of legal and ethical training prior to being able to act as senators. In general, pretty much all Mesoamerican socities were formal goverments operating out of cities by like 1500 years before the Spanish showed up.
As that image mentions, you also had intellectual circles of philsophers and poets meeting in many of these cities, teaching at elite schools for nobles, etc. You actually started to see what appears to have been political satire in the past few decades before the Spanish showed up and we have some surviving texts on ethical philsophy and philsophical metaphysics. Stuff like interconnectec canal, aquaduct, resvoir, and drainage systems were also pretty ubiquitous in moderately large to larger cities, with even the region's first proto-urban centers from 1400BC having some of these, and by 200 AD or so, you see toilets, running water, plumbing, etc
I'd actually argue that they were just at the start of their own sort of analog to classical anitquity, they were already comparable in plenty of ways as outlined above.
>I'd actually argue that they were just at the start of their own sort of analog to classical anitquity, they were already comparable in plenty of ways as outlined above.
also for reference here is a timeline of mesoamerican history. Andean civilizations (Inca, Nazca, etc) have their own seperate one.
There's really no direct comparsions in terms of technological or social progression between mesoamerican and andean civs and european ones, since they developed entirely indepedently witrh different envoirmental and cultureal influencers, which is why they seem really behind in some ways (never inventing the sail, for instance), but really advanced in others (Aztec had probably ythe most advanced saniation, medicine, and botanical science on the planet, see
Again, doesn't match up perfectly, even in the postclassic they were only comparable to bronze age civs in a lot of respects, a few not even, but then others more on par with classical or medivial ones, etc
and yet it's still a structure that can be and has been repaired multiple times over the centuries
dont equate human life with a building you fucking sociopath
Sorry about that, mezoanon. I should've known, you would have made your way here.
The director of Hyoka? Holy fuck
Now he sleeps forever.
>waah waah waah muh mesoamericans
holy shit can you not contain your autism for even a single goddamn post? try to stay on topic you fucking retard
Look at this nerd.
Yeah? if they're so good why did they not develop an advance enough civilization to counter Europeans or even sail the seas to conquer distant continents like them? Even chinks managed this and only stopped because of their massive collective bugmen autism.
Not a great loss. Not even their descendants give a fuck.
Based mesoamerican poster. I love you.
Yes. Except the Notre Dame was actually important. KyoAni is just a bunch of dumb nips making childrens cartoons.
Not him, but it could be argued that cultural artifacts are more valuable then human life precisely because it can outlast them and enrich people's lives theoritcally for centuries or milenenena.
On the flip side, though, there's the arguiement that because human lives are temporary, that makes them more valuable, not less.
sorry user, can't give you a reply because the janis slapped me with a warning (even though it's no more off topic then the notre dam comparsions and I don't think any of those people are being slapped with warnings or bans)
if you are really interested in hearing my answer or learning more, shoot me an email at [email protected]
it's also 100% salvageable and probably made far more money because of the fire than they'd ever need to fix it.
The Notre Dam fire wasn't due to arson though, it was an accident.
>placing some abstract collectivist significance above that of human lives
Fuck off commie.
Accidentally arsoned.
most of them were weak japanese women
>The Notre Dam fire wasn't due to arson though
imagine believing this
If it was so important they wouldn't import a bunch of people into their country that has and will attack sites like the Notre Dame because their religion and culture tell them to. It's not important anymore. It's now just a building even the French entertained in the thought in completely renovating into some abstract post-modern disaster. Nobody cares about the Notre Dame, or Mesoameican cave paintings but you nerds. From their home countries, they no longer inspire and produce great art or celebrations for it like living breathing cultures do. It's only cared for now because "it is old" and something so old must imply importance, but not body cares for them in this modern age, user.
please dont start trying to wax philosophical about this
people are dead who are never coming back
Notre-Dame can suck my dick, Christianity hasn't released a single good sequel for 2000 years.
How many work-in-progress books do you think a Church stores? NONE.
Meanwhile KyoAni lost 5 shows under production, plus directors and technically capable personnel to execute them.
As much as I am indifferent to KyoAni shows, its burning is a greater net loss for humanity than some goth building where people go to SIT DOWN ON BENCHES.
>Ohhh no, where will I ever find another place to put my butt on as I talk to Jesus?
imagine using Yea Forums and believing this
neither has kyoani lol
Kino post.
feels really shitty saying this
but did any "important" people die?
lol is this the start of the tragedy olympics?
KyoAni is moe shit
Fuck, is this confirmed?
According to police, 73 employees were in the building when the fire broke out. Of those 73 people, police previously reported 25 people as confirmed dead, 10 people as critically injured, six people as moderately injured, 20 people as minorly injured, seven people as safe, and five people as unaccounted for. It is unknown where the numbers currently stand for people injured, safe, and unaccounted for now that the fire department has confirmed 33 deaths.
Notre dame was a shitty old building that was good-for-nothing same as the people that went there. The studio created art that millions of people watched while these religious faggotts just did nothing in this useless building. Nobody gives a fuck about the studio itself the talented people is the loss here. If you want to moan about your ancient boy fuck house go to/his/
Turn on the AC first then.
please be joking
The historical and cultural value of Notre Dame is arguably more valuable than dozens of lives regardless of what moralfags say
>almost reaching 50% casualties
What the fuck, how much of KyoAni's total personnel do these 73 employees represent?
This is pretty surreal, a new era has begun.
those melted too
Especially since the deaths of those anime employees is ultimately just as inconsequential like the deaths of all those other Japanese who died during hurricanes and floods.
It couldn't be helped.
>mfw I'm french and loved kyoani
It's not fair
kyoani shows are a negative though
Hhaha holy shit absolutely based, burn in hell animefags. Meanwhile based hentai artists are drawing from their basements while an*me ""artists"" boil in their own fat and their eyes melt closed together like they were meant to. Inshallah.
Nobody died in the Notre Dame fire so who gives a shit about that. Multiple people dead in this fire, loss of life is worth more than a stupid old building in France.
>lose continent to a hundred odd spics
>worth preserving
pick one and only one
I don't know shit about the Aztecs and such and even I know that the Spanish themselves barely did any of the actual fighting.
The spanish showed up, they set off existing geopolitical tensions that had been brewing, and they were able to get dozens of kingdoms and cities to help them who outnumbered the spanish themselves like 10:1 (looking at wikipedia the army that sieged the Aztec captial had like 200,000 native soldiers), and then they all got boned by diseases before they could turn on the spanish
If you think that then let's sacrifice the lives of your loved ones to some demon to restore the notre dame to its former glory.
Triggerniggers escaping the scene
>if they're so good why did they not develop an advance enough civilization to counter Europeans or even sail the seas to conquer distant continents like them?
japan didn't either you moron, in fact i'm pretty sure the Mayans already had fuckhuge cities ands shit when japan was still in a pre-civilizational tribal stage.
only reason japan didn't get wiped off the map or colonized is because unlike the ancient spics, they had diseases resistances to Eurasian pathogens, and because burgerland helped them modernize instead of trying to conquer them.
presumbly had the same situation been true for the maya and such they would have simiarly been able to modernize when spain arrived.
/his/ is a board filled with historically ignorant retards.
If anything the burning got rid of all the disgusting shit they added in the 19th century and gave an opportunity to RESTORE the church the way it originally looked.
And KyoAni produces overrated shit that is liked by the same types of philistines who pretend to care about Notre Dame.
They were going to fucking tear it down anyway until somebody wrote a popular book about it to turn it into a tourist attraction
Name a more obnoxious group of pseudo intellectuals than historyfags, I'll wait.
>"Hey guise look, I've memorized a bunch of names and dates that nobody even bothers to remember. I'm such a genius!"
>the past doesn't matter lol
>just like, live in the now and brainlessly repeat the mistakes of the past
You don't need a triple digit IQ to remember the past tho.
Holy fucking shit. May the gentle souls of these employees rest in Heaven. Who is the attacker?
A building can always be rebuilt.
But these were highly talented, creative individuals. They're much more valuable.
Notre Dame has priceless historical documents and paintings, it is not as easy to fix at all. The only thing here that isn't easy to fix are the people.
Either a disgruntled former employee or Aum Shinrikyo, because they're psycho and Japan still buys into their bullshit that they aren't terrorists at times.
memorizing shit isn't what's important about learning history, it's understanding different cultures, their politics, economics, social systems, etc and how they intersect with themselves and each other and how that illustrates how societial forces functon and how stuff plays out.
though I will note that the euro-eastasiatic-centiricsm in history often defeats the point of this goal by exclusively framing history and political trends/events from those perspectives.
doesn't kyoani have some of the better polciies for their employees tho?
It's not like they keep any documents in the area that was burned.
only the roof got burnt and prolly some stained glass but everything else are either repairable or unscathed
Only the roof burnt
Any important documents were probably kept in the basement
At least people aren't trying to rebuild Kyoani as some modern Frankenstein abomination cause muh poor refugees
Things are irrelevant.
People are relevant.
Notre dame can be fixed, people can't.
Notre Dame is an 800 year old building. If your society hasn't progressed enough to produce something that invalidates something created using the rubble of Roman buildings because they weren't smart enough to maintain or replicate them, that's a failure of your society and not something to be proud of.
KyoAni, love them or hate them, were actually making something to be judged on its own merit, not waving around the creations of people nearly a millenia ago to validate themselves.
>as some modern Frankenstein abomination cause muh poor refugees
Don't even bother posting if it's going to be some retarded shit like this.
And the fucking spire, France doesnt even the trees that were big enough to build that roof in the first place anymore
>invaluable piece of history that still had the remnants of technology we cant replicate
>some fucking cartoons
A long long time ago
I can still remember how
Those pictures used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people smile
And maybe they'd be happy for a while
But July made me shiver
With every tweet I'd deliver
Bad news on the frontpage
I couldn't take one more shitpost
I can't remember if I cried
When I read about this burned place
Something touched me deep inside
The day that anime died
That hardly compares. The Notre Dame fire destroyed a far more complex structure than the materials destroyed in this fire. However people died in this fire, unlike Notre Dame.
>architecture that was a thousand years outdated when it was constructed during the literal dark ages by savages that would scrap the ink off of mathmatical papers to write scripture on them instead
>architecture that was a thousand years outdated when it was constructed
>dark ages
christ you're retarded
>one of the biggest acomplishents of architecture in history
>that doesnt matter because some scriptures were lost during its construction
>a fucking building where cartoons for children were drawn is somehow more important
no, this is more like muricans during 911
lives are priceless, dipshit.
>ND had priceless historical document and paintings and kyoani didn't
why are you even here
depends on the lives I suppose
I'm pretty sure there are other people who will make your funny chinese cartoons now.
Probably not even one of the top 10 churches in Europe.
/his/ are a bunch of faggot modernists
this is closer to how us /pol/ felt when notre dame burnt down
but it was a world wonder in most of civ games
>a building which was restaurated +5 times
>some of the most talented Directors of the time
>not JC Staff
>restaurated means complete a rebuild
sure the statues and paintings might have been fixed up and restored, but not the actual parts of the building like the roof and the spire
France doesnt even have the materials to make it a complete rebuild
>biggest acomplishents of architecture in history
The Greek and Roman architects a literal thousand years before construction started would like a word. Or are you going to argue for all the precious historic art and sculptures inside that were literally removed when France went through its secular phase?
Must be nice being so genuinely ignorant, but having the confidence to argue anyway.
Locked. It's why 19 people died on the stiarcase.
and what are those examples of greek and roman architects that rivals Notre dame
>lol its just a building, guys
Are you people so fucking dense that you can't comprehend the concept of historic and cultural value? Yea Forums literally can't tell the difference between Notre Dame and the convenient store on the corner of their street.
How the fuck did they not get out.
Was there no secondary exit, were the windows that hard to break through, were the fire department that slow?
What a tragedy.
are you not aware that you're commenting on a thread of some otaku burning dozens of people alive?
dumb saitamaposter
>some dude decapitate some kids
>japan bans all form of dismemberment from their media
will they ban fires now?
Hagia Sofia, its big enough to enclose the statue of Liberty in it
The aqueducts
Numerous bridges that are still in use today
Who cares? Human lives and actual, steady content is more important than some faggot's paintings in a smelly old church
/his/ here
Only French/Church faggots got butthurt.
Unironically more important than notre dame.
Kyoani might be completely finished because of this and will have a huge impact in the anime industry.
sorry but the hagia sofia isnt even close to notre dame in terms of complexity
You either laughed or thought "who gives a shit?" when a piece of human history was destroyed.
Now it's my turn to point at all of you who shrugged and the assholes who laughed and say "Get fucking fucked, weebs. who gives a fucking a shit about fucking cartoons"
>muh pretentious cultural cement
LMAO Notre Dame was fucking irrelevant, K-on season 1 has more value to humanity than that piece of shit ever did.
What about those of us who thought "Who gives a shit?" about both?
>some cartoons are more valuable than a cultural artifact
are you fucking 12
Who gives a shit about what you think bro
>comparing notredame to some weeb studio
just go sh**t up a sch**l already incel
>muh cultural artifact
You mean a "useless waste of space"?
yeah because your culture in particular is irrelevant trash that no one cares about these days, frogfag
If you literally need someone to spoonfeed you Greek and Roman architecture, you're not worth my time.
Hagia Sofia was done during the same time as Notre Dame and was Byzantine. Despite being objectively better than Notre Dame in everything from load bearing geometry to sheer size and art, doesn't really further the argument that ND was already invalidated by architecture done 1000 years prior though.
and cartoons are a useless waste of time
who gives a shit
American "education", everyone.
>make a claim
>wtf why am I expected to support it, do your own research lol
Notredame is no more than a old French building though, while Kyoani actually contributed to humanity by producing great anime series.
no one died in the nortre dame fire, 36 people died here, no one gives a shit about a piece of wood in france or in japan, it's a much bigger tragedy because people died you deranged retarded memeing faggot
Jesus Christ I hope you are trolling.
>guys, look at me, look at how I downplay and devalue the stuff you care about!!
Grown up.
There were people with actual talent in there who have created some of the most influential fictional media of the last century. Notre Dame was history, a tourist attraction, it already served its purpose. Kyoto Animation was a symbol of the modern animation scene, and now it may never recover.
you have to go back
They're actually entertaining and serve use as catalysts for storytelling.
The reddit filename should give you people a hint of who you're replying to.
>a decrepit church is more important than actual human lives, grow up if you disagree sweety xo
nice spot user, thought it was some /pol/fag
He's right.
they're gonna use mortar/bricks for the reconstruction if I'm correct. Also, the spire was a 20th century addition
he's right
do these retarded french think we're mourning the main building of kyoani or are they seriously comparing lives to some useless building ?
>doesn't kyoani have some of the better polciies for their employees tho?
It's still Japan, they have notoriously bad work hours and practices, especially for an animation studio. Too much crunch time in Japan. It's a big problem in Japan and largely why most of them are depressed and emotionless zombies.
I'm an art historian, my specialty is Western European art 1000-1900 AD
This is a shit post
New humans are born every minute, but no one will ever have the drive to build something like Notre-Dame, as it is a relic of a now dead culture. Thus it's irreplaceable. Unlike mass-produced anime.
no one likes k-on anyway lol
>some of the most influential fictional media of the last century
literally never heard of them and I even googled what they produced
The artistic merit of the people who died is priceless. The ones who did Notre Dame lived their lives, finished their work and died along their family (or were executed for some medieval shit). I wasn't a big fan of KyoAni other than their earlier works but now they're not coming back, they'll never be the same.
>art historian
so a fucking nobody
>no one will ever have the drive to be such a cuck for religion that they'll waste time and resources to make a giant autistic building over it
>instead, people actually write stories and make beautiful films and anthologies for them now
That's a good thing.
how would you not know unless you've never been to this board bef
I am a fecal matter engineer, my specialty is cyberfeces in eletrocnical warfare
This is a shit post
>Western European art 1000-1900 AD
That's not what a specialty is, sweaty.
kyoani shaped modern anime, and you're on an anime website fyi
Akira Toriyama was found dead :(
I only watched Jojo, first season of titans and initial D
the rest doesnt interest me
As an actual art major I don't think you understand the literary differences within that vast amount of time, especially for the seven arts, nor do you understand waht the word specialty means.
The Chinks would build 10 copycat Notre Dames and it wouldnt make a difference to fucking anyone.
>Things are irrelevant.
>People are relevant.
Things like Notre Dame are what give people worth, leaving great things behind for others is one of the most meaningful things you can do.
France is literally Africa now. That worthless church will get demolished in place of a mosque sooner or later.
You just know this wont happen in an anti-white anti-christian nation!
and we'll still have 30 drabonballESL threads 24/7
Hey faggots here is a fun fact.
KyoAni, Notre Dame, and the Brazil Nation Museum burnings all fucking suck. It all sucks. That's it, it all sucks.
Japan is a 3rd world shithole
In America this wouldn't have happened
>a copy is the same as an original
a fucking ten year old can trace around the frames in the anime and copy the script, it wouldnt make a difference to anyone
What about the the Mongol's utter destruction of Baghdad? Apparently it was so bad the Muslim world still haven't recovered from that to this day.
We literally have fires across the west coast nearly daily, Detroit's fucking river of trash burns constantly, etc.
Besides we don't really have anything worth a damn to burn, also 9/11 happened. BUT IT CAN'T HAPPEN TO MERICA YEEHAW.
That's beside the point. What I was saying is that it must be protected precisely because it's irreplaceable. Like the Abu Simbel temples or Himeji Castle. Your personal feelings about the people who built Notre-Dame and their ideology is irrelevant. It's still part of human culture.
You sound like a ten year old yourself, Zinedine.
No one cares about your shitty building till it burned down, kek. Just like no one cared about your dirty dogshit filled country until the terrorists did first.
Every shit I take is also technically irreplaceable under the same conditions.
I don't care, though. I flush it and try to do and create things that are worthwhile.
The only thing worth of note the Middle East has are the Pyramids/Tombs of Egypt and once upon a time the Tower of Babylon and Alexander's Great Lighthouse.
I suppose if you had been in Notre Dame that day you would have put the structure over your life and let you die.
>waste of resources
>ignoring all the wages for the workers who fed multiple generations with the funds the church provided to build these cathedrals
>n-nah man, only the pretty pictures of underage girls matter
it's not about the building but the people inside it that died jesus christ you are a fucking nigger go pray to your wizard in the sky that nobody rapes you in the ass soon
In the west tragedies like this happen all the time, what the fuck do you mean lul
Shit like this is big news in Japan because it almost never happens.
Fucking this you dorks.
Google whether the Notre Dame was more of a use of money than a gain, then get back to me.
>implying a life isnt worth the notre fucking dame
let me guess, you're american and dont actually have anything even close to as remarkable as old medieval architecture
lol they can just hire new people
so was the guy like the Japanese Chris Chan?
in a millenia k-on will be considered a cultural artifact too
what then?
so far as I can tell, all this studio made was garbage weebshit pandering marketed towards otaku neets
so yeah, exactly the same feeling
More importantly, can we now ask the weeaboos donating to Kyoani; Where was this money when niggers were hungry?
it doesnt matter if it was a gain of money, it produced value, it produced wages for the stonecutters, glass blowers, artists, builders, architects for well over 3 generations
Am I the only one who don't know what the fuck that is? I heard there's a musical about some retard inside it but that's about it
For KyoAni probably, for Japan, not at all.
Right, because Every fucking 10 year old has that ability. Every 10 year old dedicates their lives to work in animation and produces original creative process. The mark that an artists leaves is exactly identical to anybody else's.
If you weren't a useless piece of shit yourself you would realize most people are irreplaceable. You, yourself are not.
go outside and ask people if they know notre dame, then ask them if they know k-on
which one is actually known and which is just being praised on the internet
When did niggers make stuff I like?
>Pyramids/Tombs of Egypt
They're not tombs.
>heh i am an uncultured retard what are you gonna do about huh?
okay retard
>Every 10 year old dedicates their lives to work in animation and produces original creative process
you said that chinks could copy it so its irrelevant
a child can draw over a drawing and copy a script so by your logic the cartoons are irrelevant as well
So you can't back up your claims? Besides, that was then and this is now.
user, there are tombs in Egypt that are priceless historical structures that are separated from the Pyramids.
Yes it will be, unless anime is ded in the next ten years which won't happen
>go outside and ask people if they know notre dame, then ask them if they know k-on
go outside and ask people if they know notre dame, then ask them if they know naruto
it still produced an enormous amount in value because of tourism , and its still valuable to the church
No, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Detective Conan, Naruto, Gundam, Pokemon, etc.will be vastly more important culturally and remembered for far longer.
/his/ user here, the Godless French had it coming. Notre Dame is a glorified museum. Churches are closing every day in that country, the Notre Dame would have been another
So the past is worthless because it doesn't fit your narrow view of what's acceptable. Got it. Good thing those who came before us did not share your philosophy, or we would still be living in holes.
>Knowing about some old church makes you cultured
Top kek, religions are a fucking joke.
Based. I don't understand why weebs don't understand this fact. 856 years of historical importance >>>> Studio that produces moetrash.
There is not caring about things and then there is being a bitter faggot about it.
The amount of people saying notre dame has no value or that it deserves to get burned makes me lose hope in this shitty fucking board, just how fucking pretentious and shallow do you have to be.
People in the past did share that philosophy, history repeats itself. Those people are just ultimately irrelevant in the vast majority of things and actually moving forward.
why didn't they go out the fire escape?
thanks fren you can crossboard anytime
the cartoons still have 800 years to go if they want to overtake notre dame
>implying anyone over the age of 20 will know what the fuck naruto is
im going with notre dame
It's not about the religion entirely, it's like saying shinto shrines aren't important in japan for historical purposes because lol religion. It's retarded.
>Detective Conan
what the fuck
who actually watches that shit
cool so go back to /pol/
>religions are a fucking joke.
You should have never had faith in Yea Forums. This place has been shit for 15 years. People love to shitpost and rile other's up out of their own boredom. People think the internet anymore is just some little domain to say whatever the fuck they want because saying this shit in person/irl would get them mocked and ridiculed for being absolute retards.
This is such a retarded fucking logic, how the fuck is society supposed to progress if you don't look at the lessons of the past?
It's like a physicist trying to learn physics while disregarding Newton.
Wall of Jericho, ancient cities and ziggurats, lost cities, earliest written languages in tablets lying around etc..
A lot of people over the age of 20 know what Naruto is.
Fuck you, I wouldn't trade my life for a building
Hell, I wouldn't trade my life for all 7 wonders of the fucking Earth.
What does that have to do with /pol/ you retarded fag.
>OPMtards are redditors
Well colour me surprised!
>cartoons are worth more than one of greatest architectual achievement in history
>its not even high quality cartoons with great art just fucking anime of all things
well you probably wouldn't be moralfagging if you were crossboarding from /r9k/
If you hadn't a sub 80 IQ you would understand. I won't even bother anymore since even if you did understood you'd keep spewing shit for entertainment. Animation is a creative process, and everything fucking burned, the script, the storyboards, nobody can copy them because they fucking burned and its author fucking died. Someone may pick up the story later on and it won't be the fucking same. The old ass building that is Notre Dame has been there for a thousand years, it's been studied to death by more than 30 generations of architects. It was sad to see the original roof go since it was original, but as long as the French will it, it can be rebuilt just like it was. In fact it has been rebuilt digitally so even cyberniggers from centuries beyond visit it after it's rot. Tell me that any work in progress there can be copied now that they fucking burned down without ever being completed.
I meant that people like that guy disregarding the past isn't anything new, we get these people every generation, they're just irrelevant because they'll do nothing with their lives as we move forward and learn.
Besides, humans have an uncanny ability to understand things and learn from the past, and yet still repeat the same tired old mistakes. It's quite amazing actually.
Get the hard numbers and we'll see.
Read Victor Davis Hanson' Carnage and Culture, it might change your mind on the subject.
I don't care about jokes, I couldn't give two shits about that.
I care about you retards being so fucking shallow and bitter for no reason.
God's temple is within, not in a state building where your banned from performing Nativity plays in public
>all shonenshit
That's why they get no budget whatsoever. K-on on the other hands make anime what it's known about today and there have been tons of copycats trying to recreate its success and failing miserably. In a few years no one will care about shonenshit but moeshit is here to stay
Not even the rest of the boards want /r9k/, they're complete and utter trash. I'd honestly rather be Chris-chan than those retarded and psychotic druggy fucks.
>architecture isnt a creative process
>the art inside the cathedral wasnt creative process
you lost some fucking stories, when the stained glass went, we lost the last remnants of a technology we cant replicate
>greatest architectual achievement in history
>old, fragile church that's caught fire hundreds of times
Pathetic species
I am not religious, you faggots should stop assuming bullshit.
Ask random shmucks on the street if they'd defend KyoAni's studio or Notre Dame, and only either or.
Everyone would pick Notre Dame except 99.99999% of the population.
Then you are a coward who values his own worthless and fleeting life over the achievements of the better men who lived before him.
Nothing to be proud of.
Not him, but there is a reason most of the things he named are Olympic fucking mascots over K-ON. Those anime have way more sales, cultural impact, etc. especially DB, Gundam, and Pokemon.
maybe reddit is more your thing
I didn't say you were, I said you were retarded for hating on a building solely because of religion.
wow. you really feel zero empathy for the 33 dead people, huh
>who cares about the quality of the board
>let's just let the redditors and underage b& reign free
This is how you sound, fucking retard.
Seconded. What a great comment. I've been on this site for over 10 years, and still to this day, these kinds of people leave a sour taste in my mouth when I read their shitty fucking comments and posts. They are literally everything wrong with humanity and deserve to be purged.
That wasn't me you were replying to, I'm the one that posted the wojak post that got deleted for no reason. Fuck you dumb janitor
>hating on a building
He has a point, lives are more important than a building. Whether he does something worth of note with that life or not is entirely up to him, but that life is far more important than a building. A building is just a material thing that can be rebuilt, especially in this day and age with technological/industrial advances.
They're dead, I'm not, fuck them. If you're going to pretend you'd even seriously consider giving even a limb for some fucking French cathedral that's on you.
no one knows what either of those is you dumbass
>survived revolutions, 2 world wars and a fire
meanwhile the ''greatest animation studio'' gets BTFO'd by the french when it comes to animation and art quality
>no reason
I see the crossboarding is in full force today.
Feeding niggers only creates more niggers to feed
your cartoons are fucking awful Anton, please don't embarrass yourself more
He's not the one who originally brought up the comparison. Faggot OP did.
Please let this be bait
>japs cant even animate above 30fps
Are wojaks banned on Yea Forums? Even then it makes no sense wasn't deleted.
You're the same people who would watch Notre Dame/KyoAni burning with your phones from the sidewalk or continue walking pretending you have nothing to do with it. Saving those people's lives in KyoAni was more important than the building, just the same as it would be for Notre Dame if the first was that bad. The shit can always be built back, those lives can't, people who recklessly try to put out a fire just to save said building, rather than the people inside, their lives can't be brought back.
Lives > Building.
Nigger, We took pictures of the stained glass. Are you meant to say we absolutely lost all fuckin knowledge of how to make stained glass and that stained glass cannot be made ever again?
The value of the technique to make the stained glass doesn't come from the quality of the glass, it comes from knowing what process people used in the past. But yeah, i know the glass also was art that it was sad to lose, the same thing as the cels and scripts that were lying around in the kyoani building. The difference is that the glass was finished and the stories were fucking not, they'll never be because the people involved are fucking dead.
If you cared so much about your glass technique you'd have preserved it and recorded it anyways, you had a fucking thousand years to do so. Paris was never ravaged by savages.
Wojaks are a shitty Yea Forums, /pol/, and /r9k/ incel meme.
it's easy to have high fps when your designs are deformed retards with sticks for limbs kek, that's why no one watches that shit btw
Why are you pretending you are better than them?
fuck your church, you are shitting up the board
yes, notre dame is important, yes i was heartbroken watching it burn. that doesnt preclude me from feeling for murder victims and vice versa
this is 33 people making the entertainment this website was created to celebrate burned to death in their workplace by an angry fuck with gasoline. this is the deadliest mass murder in japan since 2001 if you count suspected arson or wwii if you don't.
i know asking for some humanity is a longshot on this godforsaken website, but at least try to hide the fact that you're a sociopath
>A building is harder to fix than over 33 lives of some of the most prominent animators in the industry, including the irreparable damage it has caused to their families, friends and children.
>b-but it survived
After countless people sunk money and labor into it. Truly pathetic.
>BTFO'd by the french when it comes to animation and art quality
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Come back and tell me that when we have a board for frog "animation".
Maybe because I have a fiance and a comfy job? I don't know user, who would ever guess why I think I'm better than the likes of /r9k/ and /pol/.
And Luxor, Karnak, Saqqara, Mennofer, Weset, Al-Amarna, Faiyum, Uruk, Ur, Babylon, Nimrud, the Mittani and Hittite remnants, and a thousand of other things.
Jesus Christ, the entire dawn of civilization is there.
>no one knows what notre dame is
Ok bro
How do you have any idea what I or the other poster would do? Obviously lives are extremely important, but I would happily lay down my life to save a world wonder, or to save those at KyoAni before myself. I would trade my life a million times over to save art, and many others throughout human history share the same sentiment. Some things are above and beyond a simple human life.
It probably got deleted on account of it being off-topic.
so the worldwide support for and billion dollars in repair and rebuild funds are for what, exactly?
>Notre Dame was one of the most significant buildings in the world for its architecture
>build new roof and spire
>poof done
You don't actually have to replace all the wooden beams that no one ever sees like an autistic faggot.
Make it from metal this time like Rheims, so that it'll never burn down again as well.
Does this affect Jojo? If not then who cares
my fucking trash is better than /r9k/
user, that's 83% casualties.
>>lol its just a building
Yes, that is correct.
It was a fat fuck
Its sad and all but people die all the time, chill out
I find the mourning-fags here either insincere, weak or in the wrong place.
When you're not contributing to the discussion of the events or how the prevent such events repeating, I take it you're just venting and making yourselves feel good about it. Or you're weak, in need of a support group and suicide counselling. OR in the very rare case, you actually have a reason to be upset as the tragedy is personal to you, then you're in the wrong fucking place to discuss about it.
we know how to make stained glass, we dont know how the original craftsmen stained that glass to create the required imperfections inside the glass that bounce off the light in a desired way
we dont know the process that was used and we've been studying it for centuries, its like making proper damascus steel. We lost the recepie
comparing the actual stained glass to what we can do today is like comparing mona lisa to a printed jpeg of mona lisa
sure we know how it was should look like in the end, but we cant actually do it
If art was so important to you then why didn't you immediately try to order a plane ticket to either Notre Dame or KyoAni to try and help out? Why are you not donating all your money and things to help fund the rebuilding projects? Why are you actually doing nothing other than sitting on Yea Forums talking about how you'd do something if you actually cared so much about these places?
You wouldn't do shit when it actually came down to it if a historical place was burning to the ground before your eyes, stop trying to act like a bigger man than you actually are.
>Thinking weebs give a shit about niggers
>i'm an art historian
>uses AD and not CE
you didnt even put any effort into that bait
>"hello, miyagi-san i think you need to tweet it in english, because your tweet make people in overseas believe mr. Yasuhiro Takemoto was passed away. but it wasn't from official from policeman or on headline news. thank you :)"
Yeah. People are easy to replace.
>but duh families
They'll get over it
People like you, you mean, who have not made an achievement in their fucking lives. The people at KyoAni had a legacy and they worked to bring happiness to worthless people like you.
Hmm so THIS is the so called eu culture.
I disagree. Human life is short and plentiful, while centuries-old architecture is not.
Sure, we may still have the skills to build this kind of things today, but do we have the drive to do it? Here in France, we sure don't.
So what we have left from this culture must be preserved at all cost, for as long as possible.
Just like we don't shit on graves, we don't let this kind of relic, wich is also a grave except for a civilisation and not a single human, go to ruin.
Fuck. Confirmed.
>every person in Kyoto Animation Studio 1 being accounted for.
People can be replaced but talent cannot. There won't be another Da Vinci or Caravaggio for example.
>people are easy to replace
>they'll get over it
You need to see an actual psychiatrist because there is something extremely wrong in your brain.
>a judgment of quality is if Yea Forums has a board for it
I guess MLP is a masterpiece then
do. do you have any idea where alexandria even is?
Your edge is showing. Yea Forums is 18+ only.
How the fuck are you supposed to help out when a fire in the other side of the world is going on and people died inside? Come on, nobody here is a necromancer.
My country replaced the wooden beams in our main gothic cathedral back in the 19th century, precisely because people feared it'd catch fire. It even has a sprinkler/fire alarm system installed because these things burn really well.
>but I would happily lay down my life to save a world wonder
Then you're either a retard or legitimately insane or, most likely, lying.
Whether or not one would or should give their life for the life of another, or even multiple lives, that's a genuine moral question that would weigh heavily on someones mind, a building, or a statue, made by people who likely wouldn't have considered their works to be worth more than human life? Fuck off.
I know this is Yea Forums and all but I don't know how anyone can reasonably argue a building, with completely subjective value that wouldn't be lost since we can and do rebuild such things, is more important than human life.
/his/ is to history as Yea Forums is to videogames, nobody there actually knows anything about outside of what they see in movies, so you have insanely low quality discussions with the addition of pepe and wo*ack being the most popular thing over there because they're majority off-siters
>People are easy to replace
Japan is a little short on people, user
>valuing a building over your own life
People already suspected your insecurity but this post just cemented it.
>Better men who lived before him
Fuck off retard, you ARE history. History washes itself. Protect yourself, make yourself better, make your world better. History is important but fuck this retarded narrative of the old world being separated from oura
Thanks, user. Here's a (You) back at you. Save that one for someone who actually cares
Might as well all give up your lives, we'll turn France into a large graveyard of culture that nobody will be around to preserve whatsoever. ND could be nuked at any time in history from this point forward, it pales in comparison to the aftermath and lives that would be utterly ruined. Its just a building that can be rebuilt, lives may be plentiful, but there is only on of them, they'll never be replaced, ND can.
Is it really that hard to conceptualize that both lives and cultural achievements have incredible value?
>Check all the stuff they made
>All this s()yboy romance shit
Good riddance, hope they don't recover
To be fair I'm french and one of the few remaining christians in this country so I'm definitely biased.
But I sure hope to God that if I was given the choice of dying or letting, say the Terracotta Army turn to dust, I would have the courage to choose death.
>Here in France, we sure don't.
this is surely some /pol/nigger falseflagging as a frenchfag
who gives a shit, you're gonna die one day anyways
Westerners are too cucked to give a shit about their culture tho
Kyoani fucking sucks, they literally never made anything artistic worth. They just churned out shit designed to make a buck of lonely virgins.
Everybody thought /his/ would be a bad idea because it would essentially be /pol/ 2.0 and they were right. The board does nothing but argue about skin colour and what counts as "white."
this thread keeps insisting that i can only choose one or the other to *actually* care about sincerely
>japs dont have fire exits
Talent is not easily replacable.
YOU are expendable sure, but the people at kyoani are not.
Both things and people are irrelevant, embrace the abyss.
Not my point, why are you not donating to the relief effort right now? Did you donate to Notre Dame in any way, did you personally fly over to try and help rebuild afterwards. I mean art and culture is so important to you right? Why are you only talking of helping or making any effort whatsoever than actually ya know, helping or making any effort whatsoever? I know, its because you want to feel good about yourself as if you were some higher cultured being who has more wisdom than the average man because he happens to be "cultured' and "artistic", when in reality you're a scared little boy on the internet with an ego problem because he's insecure about everyone else around him and feels the need to demean everyone and everything for his own sense of self-worth while talking a big game that he'll never actually do even if the situation presented itself, because it's nothing more than a deluded fantasy to keep you happy in the moment and feeling like you're more important than you actually are. That's why kiddo.
go away
I see what you're saying but all they did was make cartoons, it's not like the human race suffered this massive loss. They did nothing important. Not all talents are equal.
Someone like you, who were assed enough to waste 3 minutes on a google captcha to respond such irrelevant shit perhaps? I tip my (You) back to you sir! And for your information, it was very much worth it.
>reading anything by Hanson
Hanson's hot-takes on history literally reads like Snyder's interpretation of how 300 went down. He's a boomer faux-historian who wanks off western values and military at literally any opportunity by just ignoring data and evidence that doesn't support his propaganda-approach to history.
Fuck user went in hard.
>its not a pasta
wew, user's post hit a little too close to home i guess
The Notre Dame didn't make me less suicidal, fuck that shit.
A lot of people here would gladly destroy every single historical record, artifact, art, building, natural wonder and culture in the world to save a life.
>comparing moe chink animators to actually important and influential artists
Made me laugh, thanks anons
>Oh boy, here we go. Actually, I'm a woman
didnt read lol
While there were definitely people who thought Notre Dame was overrated I don't think anyone disliked it.
>I'm a woman
get the fuck out of my board fucking stupid whore, i hope you die a slow and painful death
Does anyone have a pic of him? Or why he did it?
>A lot of people here would gladly destroy every single historical record, artifact, art, building, natural wonder and culture in the world to save a life.
imagine being so subhuman you'd consider doing this
>Oh boy, here we go. Actually, I'm a woman, first of all.
Irrelevant to the discussion, but if it makes you feel better then.
>little girl
There ya go.
As for your point, your point was that art was so important to you that you would lay down your life, so why is art only so conveniently important to you that you wouldn't sacrifice other things in your life, to help rebuild such glorious historical and cultural artifacts? Ya know why, because it doesn't actually matter to you, you're saying this shit on Yea Forums of all places to feel better about yourself. Also the coward post, wasn't directed towards me at all, that was another user. Now with that said, again, if all this stuff is so important to you that your life is meaningless in an effort to save it, then get off your ass from your computer chair and actually go and fucking help to save it and rebuild it.
Does this basically mean the end of KyoAni?
Would they see it wrong to continue to work as such studio after what has happened?
I've hard they drop the characters whose' seyuu has dies in Japan so I can only guess that losing half of your stuff would be even worse.
Do you think they will create a new studio?
>in like five mins
I only knew it by name and literally didn't give a shit.
>There won't be another Da Vinci or Caravaggio for example
user, nobody cares
Exactly but anyone with self-worth would prioritize their own longevity over a building's.
Yes, Notre Dame's destruction was a horrible tragedy and I was distraught, but KyoAni is inherently more because it is a living breathing loss, not just a cultural or sentimental loss. Beyond the obvious sadness of the KyoAni studio burning and the 33 lives lost, they were insanely talented people who were actively creating content. Again, Notre Dame is sad but its actual contribution has not been lost. KyoAni had so much more to offer and now that may be gone forever. 33 innocent people dying is always terrible, 33 people from fucking KyoAni? Insane. Literally immeasurable how much has been lost fuck this.
Oh no, an old building
kys nigger
Geez, Easy on the projection there mate. I didn't help then because i'm not from a rich country, my family is not rich, and i'm needed here in my country working as a doctor for peanuts (for free actually). My talent can't be used either in Notre Dame or at KyoAni, the most i can do is feel for them, even if i know that doesn't really help them.
I would doubt someone as assblasted and useless like you would understand rather than excuse yourself by pulling others into your worthless philosophy though.
And that building can be fixed one day too, I won't. So I'm gonna be here for as long as I possibly can unless it involves actually saving another person's life.
Nobody was in danger in Notre Dame.
It doesn't have cultural value, it's a tourist attraction and they were going to fucking tear it down before the hunchback of notre dam turned it into one
Oh no
Don't mind the dumb French faggots sperging out because someone would rather take human lives over their useless piece of scrap.
>you ARE history
No, I am not. Those who are History are those who MAKE History. Kings, emperors, popes, generals, and so forth.
The common man's life is supremely important for his family and friends, but it amounts nothing to human History, as harsh as it sounds.
He's confirmed to be a disgruntled foamer who felt that the studio attracting anime otaku was in the way of his favorite train-spotting location, and that it plagiarized and altered Hibike's train song he "composed".
Fucking based
Notre Dame's fire was an arson. They tell you the contrary to avoid a civil war between christians and muslims.
Boo hoo, a bunch of chinese cartoon creators got burnt. Remember that 2 nukes weren't enough.
>Pseudo intellectual
Nah that title goes to modern philosophers (and my Modern, I mean everything after the Greeks).
Pose-moi n'importe quelle question à laquelle seul un Français pourrait répondre.
>gothic architecture
>less evolved than ancient architecture
tainted by the christian dogma, so who gives a shit
> Kings, emperors, popes, generals, and so forth.
without the people under them they wouldn't be able to do shit, there would be no notredame for you if it wasn't for fucking slaves. imagine being this braindead
>nobody here is a necromancer.
How do you know? What if someone here has already gotten necromancer class after being isekai'd and is posting from another world?
I thought only deaths accounted as casualties, you learn something every day.
I don't think it was the Muslims that caused the fire, user...
i can tell the difference i just don't give a shit. well, i mean i got ass creed unity for free because of it so i might be a little biased.
>tainted by the christian dogma
>tainted by the very thing that inspired it
>this makes it irrelevant
anime is tainted by weebs, who gives a shit
All the more reason. Never has Western culture been in such mortal danger, so we must protect it with more stalwartness than ever.
this is why nobody goes to /pol/ and no one from there should ever escape.
yes, now leave
No, most of /his/ celebrated the destruction of fr*Nch monuments.
Why do your dogs shit on the streets?
>to save a life.
What the hell does that even mean? "A life" is a broad term, who's life are we talking about? Some worthless shitfaced sociopaths or old pedophiles or some life worth saving? Surely you're not going to pull the "all lives matter equally" card because that's the biggest bullshit in human history.
You're projecting your own feelings onto others. You are in fact the one who wants to feel good about himself, that's why you're trying to spin it that others are doing the same. You're probably the type of guy who cheats on his girlfriend, then accuses her of cheating because you think everyone cheats, because you cheat too. You're allowed to value, love, and cherish art and culture without throwing money at it. Also, come on... "kiddo"? What the fuck is that? Are you really using that word non-ironically towards strangers online? Uhg, you're the exact breed of person who I avoid like the plague in my own life.
>The Notre Dame fire killed its architect
You never went to that board during that incident, did you?
Fuck off /pol/
What does it say? Is it basically a repeat of his post?
Any church is literally useless and I wouldn't bat an eye if they all burned down.
If you haven't moved past religion entirely, you're a cuckold.
But you said art and historical culture was more important than your life and most people's lives, so why should it matter to you where you're needed or how much money you have?
Now as for my supposed uselessness, I gave $5000 of my own money towards Notre Dame and I plan to send at least $2000 of my own relief money to KyoAni after this, but hey, I guess you believe art is more important than I do. Even if I hadn't given money to this, you literally said that your life was less important than a building, as if you were the only thing that could prevent its fire and destruction of culture, as if it could never be rebuilt. That's an ego problem, just as you have an ego problem by even mentioning that you work as a doctor in some poor country for free as if you were a local pariah. You want to actually not have an ego and feel better about yourself, then get out into the world and actually do something worth a damn for your supposed interest in the arts and historical artifacts. I commend you for being a doctor as that's an admirable thing to do, but don't sit around and act like you'd actually give your life for a building in any extreme circumstance when you wouldn't, especially when a doctor is far more valuable than a building that can be rebuilt.
Now with all that said, good day to you.
He has an alibi: he was fucking his autistic wife in his Limousin farm when the cathedral burned.
who cares abot the notre dame shit, I'm glad that burned.
people died on the kyoani catastrophe, talented people
What's the source for the train otaku confirmation?
I did, I was celebrating the destruction of fr*Nch monuments with my compatriots.
anime influent more people than those hacks bro, they just happen to be born sooner
t. cuckold
Make sure to give your pastor extra money, good little sissy boy! It's summer and he wants to go on vacation!
he's mad about hibike dirtying his trains
Unironically this, be careful with them janitors tho
Cheating is fucked up regardless of how you spin it, also I feel great about myself already, so don't see any projection there. The point was that if your life has so little intrinsically value over a building's, then why should money and the such matter to you, it shouldn't, that stuff is less important than the supposed life you'd lay down in a blaze of fire, so why not lay it down now?
These anons who say they'd rush into a fire to save a building wouldn't do shit and they know it.
Yes, like all algerians.
And the trannies crawl out of the woodwork. I hear faggots like you are flammable.
>But you said art and historical culture was more important than your life and most people's lives, so why should it matter to you where you're needed or how much money you have?
No i didn't. That was the other dumbass. Easy on this, mate.
And good day to you too, user.
>thinking the sole purpose of a church is for the faith
man it must suck being american with no heritage
Nobody died in the Notre Dame fire, you faggot.
>Does this basically mean the end of KyoAni?
Essentially. They will be deep in debt after paying penalty for contract breach because they can't make new anime in time.
Don't worry lads, I saved Kumiko.
Common mistake; deaths are fatalities.
he wants a new car too, do it for salvation
he's knocked out in a coma
>saying this while emptying his wallet to donate to a couple of dead gooks he never even met
Yikes! Might as well give it to the Africans.
There aren't enough christians left in france for it to be a concern. And the few remaining ones are observing the current Pope's policy of self-destruction with utmost loyalty.
you might need to give that back to them if the masters were destroyed, fyi
>replies to a shitpost
are you?
Just scroll up. In some cases it's NEET shitposters that would not hesitate to erase everything of worth to save their own lives.
>make fun of america for being too religious
>make fun of american for not being religious enough
This is what obsession looks like, in case you didn't know already.
These high and cultured French gentlemen coming to this board to defend their important relics against dumb weebs in the event of 33 animators died, truly classy people if i must say so.
i took pictures while i was there so nope i don't think i would
The nips love Paris. They would let a thousand of their own burn if it meant saving Notre Dame.
Where I live, they don't.
As for the poor quarters, I might have an idea, but this kind of hypothesis does not belong on this board.
Boo hoo no more pointless seasonal garbage SOLs for like an year until they hire new wagie drawfags. How will people ever recover?
>thinking this is about religion
this is about heritage, you've got nothing worthwile in america that even compared to shit like notre dame, the pantheon, sisitne chapel
its not just religion, its the legacy of your civilization, and its way more important than some fucking cartoons
incels were robots of reddit. he's implying you're from reddit but since you're a normalfag you probably are.
meant for
You know what an actual historical and cultural loss? The Library of Alexandria. So much was lost that could literally never be recovered. Notre Dame is a testimony to French decadence and fucking nothing else, Kyoani may not have been the best company but comparing that shit to actual human loss is insulting and shameful.
Any window can be “unlocked” if you really want it to be
You were born after your country peaked, eurocuck. Looking back at when your country was actually good and interesting isn't "heritage", it's literally just yearning for the past.
To whoever banned me for my saying I'm female, I feel pretty sorry for you. I've been on Yea Forums since it went up, I've contributed hundreds of drawings to /d/ and /h/, and I've even created memes that became rather popular on Yea Forums in the early 2010s. Since I know you're here, this is a message telling you that you ain't shit. You can't make people like us go away just by giving us a pathetic little ban. The kind souls, women, minorities, and others that never reveal who they are are what makes up the entire backbone of this website. Keep living in your shit echo chamber and wondering why your life never gets any better, I guess. With that said, your behavior is understandable, have a nice day. Also, I hope your life gets better soon.
History >>>>>>>>>>>>>>MoeGarbage
Fucking mudslime scum
>and its way more important than some fucking cartoons
I say this with a straight face:
Anime is 100000x more important than anything modern Europe is doing.
Europe doesn't fucking matter, retard. Yes, Europe has amazing history.
Just show them its now overrun with niggers and arabs, they'll change their mind in a minute
where do you think you are?
ITT: Apostates and Heretics
this post reeks of incel lmao
>Nobody died in the Notre Dame fire
That's just what they told you to avoid a religious war...
I am surprised an algerian would know od such words as "celebreation" and "compatriot" seeing as you don't bother maintaining the schools we built for you.
I wonder how many Da Vincis and Caravaggios died showelling bullcrap because they were born a sixth sons and so their destiny was to spend their entire lifes as miserable farm hands unable to even discover their talent.
t. amerigoblin
>incels are robots of reddit
You must be from Yea Forums because you don't understand what words actually mean.
Locked, panic, etc
Dumbo europoors still think they're relevant.
Megaupload was a bigger loss faggot
Not an argument, fag.
>implying my country peaked, nah it was always shit, but just because the leadership is corrupt doesnt make the achievements irrelevant
>caused a giant influx of feminized men who would rather jerk off to cartoons is a better contribution to humanity than a building that shows your technological achievements
One European Church is more worth than the lives of all Amerimutts combined
Lucky Star had more artistic value and contributed more to the world of art than the Notre Dame and anything it contained
merely the true faithful
Why are euros trying to make this about themselves?
What a bunch of egotistical faggots, holy shit. I really hate that continent more and more as I see them show their ass on Yea Forums.
It's pretty ironic to see people like you trying to lecture others about heritage when you guys hate your own country and civilization.
> /d/ and /h/
Good riddance. Nothing good comes from those boards.
The Leitkultur of Yea Forums has no race, but is still male, either adapt or whine on tumblr.
Pic or you are lying.
Either, really
Cope harder, eurocuck. No one cares about your crumpling buildings anymore. Even Japan knows Paris is a shithole.
i browsed r9k for 2 years from 2014 to 2016 or so. nobody even called us incels but when reddit deleted their incel board they took refuge at r9k and then everyone started calling robots incels. i don't think i was actively browsing r9k at the time but it always seemed funny how newfags outed themselvess by calling betas incels. not that it matters much.
>hate your own country and civilization
big words from someone destroying your own country and sending your young men to die israel
Only Frogs do that, we British lads are friendly and sympathetic people.
You were not banned for contributing to drawings. You will be banned for ban evading
I wish the arsonist had also burnt down their other studios as well.
Paris is indeed a shithole, but even in a shithole like that the Church stands strong as a monument of the Holy Roman Church
>thinking anyone irl actually gives a shit about a studio in japan beyond saying ''well thats pretty sad I suppose'' and forgeting it 10 minutes later