Words fail.
Multiple dead and injured in arson attack on KyoAni
Other urls found in this thread:
A day that will live in infamy.
They prayed to the wrong God
and it burns burns burns... the ring of fire
Poasting in a sticky. Also rest in peace kyoanis workers.
What happened? I just woke up.
Very nice.
Posting in a sticky
>this thread
Ah sheeeit
Pool's closed
>only 5 replies
Yea Forums is dead confirmed
Maybe if they had a fire escape.
this isn't okay
How the fuck does Japan have shittier fire safety regulations than african countries?
>new sticky
what's wrong mods, PC couldn't handle 8000 replies?
There's an old sticky with over 8000, it got unpinned to switch it out for this one..
>another sticky
ffs just make a rolling one
inb4 this thread is filled with trolls
And nothing of value was lost
>Words fail.
no they don't, they're words.
Imagine the smell
revenge for endless 8
nice scam
>Words fail.
What did he mean by this?
I hope Takemoto is okay
>anime dies
>28 posts
This place is fucking dead
Post the floor plan
>yfw moeshit is finally fucking dead
What a day to be alive.
How is the number of casualties so high?
Did they not have proper fire escape routes? 20+ deaths out of 70 is just fucked
Shhh, let her sleep forever and in peace.
It could happen anywhere. Fuck
Based boomer autist saving anime from moeshit.
Tell me who you think did it
It hurts.
Ishihara and Ishidate better fucking safe. Same with Kigami.
first day on Yea Forums, huh?
>Another sticky
Its too early for trolls.
Kyoani arson, about 23 confirmed dead and some directors missing.
Never 4get
what animes did they make?
Oh well, guess another company will take over producing anime in Kyoto.
Kyoani will find a way. They always do
Jesus Christ.
>probably no new episodes of anime for next week
No, it really can't.
Hirano Aya and her band were in the building when it was attacked. Everyone escaped, except for the bassist.
Apparently it was a crazy guy who intentionally threw inflamable liquid.
Ishihara is alive you fucking mong
No, they're not confirmed dead?
Other than top-tier stuff in super expensive buildings, your basic bitch sprinklers attached to the mains aren't going to do shit here, and if the killer burns up the stairwell, there she goes.
entire season to be cancelled?
>Words fail.
hiro is that you?
The day anime was unironically saved
Words can kill. But this time words failed because some people survived.
>Words fail.
I guess you could say that the KyoAni employees got fired.
This is still fucked up
I didn't care much for kyoani work but for this to happen to them is tragic
I'm not sure if this was an arson attack.
They didn't even have a guard there apparently. Literally any person can just get inside.
This wouldn't have happened in America because the attacker would've been shot
God bless America
Fuck Japan
Fuck eurocucks
kimi dake woooooooo
was it him
you mean the next year
RIP Haruhi sequel season.
>Did you hear about what happen in Japan? Terrible terrorism. Sad and terrible. A guy there went and burned a building killing millions of people. Really terrible, and you know what, there was a single problem with how they responded. Not a single man shot that terrorist because you know why?? Japan took away all their guns! Imagine this, if that happened in America, the land of the free, and without those liberal extremists destroying America and freedom that guy would have been shot dead and nobody the wiser!
Reading these threads made realize again that most of you shitheads are either edgy teens or soul-less fucking psychopaths. I really should've stopped spending my time here years ago.
0 source
Ishihara was semi-confirmed alive twitter.com
Please don't tell me that rumors of a nursery on the second story are true.
A very graphic paragraph in a news report got edited and removed.
>[An eyewitness] lady said between sobs, "Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again. Soon they stopped moving against the window and burned into it like a shadow. Then I heard the din of ambulance sirens and helicopters flying by."
lol what's fire safety
What next for KyoAni after this, wikipedia says they have 107 employees 23 dead, that's 21% of their workforce gone overnight and the office completely gutted.
Will they just re-locate or disband and re-open under a new name to move past this incident?
It even made the news in Germany.
Thread song: youtube.com
I didn't watch your stupid show and if by help you mean my boot pushing your dumbass back into the flames then yeah I've got you
Did all the anime papers burn up?
Check images of the building. Only ladders on the side that fire spread from.
>only directors die
nice meme
Ishihara and Ishidate are fine fuckass
I mean, due to mourning, all shows might take a break for at least a week.
This is Japan we're talking about, fire exits take too much space.
>hurrdurr let's make fun of people dying! I'm so cool!
Zoomers are a disease
Its not too late user
Who died? Any "famous" person from KyoAni died in that fire?
You're purposely being facetious but you know it's true.
if only there was some sort of scaffolding buildings should have that could hang below a window
that could be formed into stairs or a ladder
if only such a thing existed
Any news on who died?
we did it shaftbros
Probably didn't want to leave work too early because they wanted that bowl of rice they get paid with
confirmed 16 dead
It's made by the company that licenses KyoAni and confirmed via their twitter.
Moe overload
Fuck you. Stop making me chuckle when this grim shit is happening.
moeshitters get BTFOd by one basedboy with some gasoline.
Reminder before you act like an edgy nihilist faggot that having an attitude like that is taking the easy way of thinking that no one wants to hear about
It's harder to be empathetic and caring than an edgy fuck, you aren't epic just because you don't care
>24 of 70 employees dead
>34% of the studio dead
Did that guy succeed? Or did he faiI?
Will they find a way, lads?
Depends on the number of directors killed.
Chances are they'll call it quits.
>stairs to the roof and wooden
Now it makes sense.
it's 23 now idiot
>over 8000
I'll see myself out
Gee. That's way too forced, kid.
They will still slow down the spread of fire.
Not like the last one had 7000 replies or anything
There's still Animation Do in Osaka.
Fuck off.
i genuinely can't think of any other reason
They should not have mocked DARK FLAME MASTER
So Yamada, Ishihara and Ishidate are most likely safe. How about Takemoto?
>No fire escape
>Plastic windows
>Everything is wood
Is fire safety in Japan really that fucking bad?
Maybe you spend too much time in specific thread. They are okay, I guess
Stop it, user! Bad!
Lmao based this is for making me sit through the endless eight
>Undefinite hiatus, would take 2-3 years to recuperate
>Disband and all remaining talents/workers/directors will be absorded to other studios
>Some of the remaining workers create a new studio
Only choices.
burgers are sleeping
well most of them
i’m not from here, but i cant find this info on the other boards where there are threads on this — what’s the deal with this studio? do we like them? did they make good/bad series?
fucking Carlos
No wonder so many people died.
Terrible news. Doesn't change the fact that they've been putting out garbage for like 5 years straight though.
16 confirmed deaths at the moment.
Look up arson and accidental fires
20 killed is basically the norm for a smaller building.
Fire is serious shit when combined with gasoline/similar and an office full of paper and wood.
>all that paper
>all that wood
fuck sake
even niggerhoods have better fire regulations than this
cry more moefag
Leaks say the arsonist cited a recent movie he did not like as his reason for committing the attack
E8 was a masterpiece, fag.
You forgot to add "let me tell you"
Y'all some dicks, burning alive would be just about the worst way to go out
Elevens need to be stopped
As much as I hate recent-Kyoani nobody should've gone through this kind of event.
It was the Yakuza, the guy had a tattoo on his stomach
Investigate who sold short Kyoto animation yesterday
Stop being so mean I am done with Yea Forums you animals can not respect the dead(s)
Why would you let this destroy your studio?
Why change the name, they shouldn't be ashamed.
Are you telling me there were 70 fucking people in the office and NONE of them thought that maybe stopping that dude a gasoline canister running through would be a good idea?
probably a yurifag
Shut up nerd
Fuck it gets worse.
its not zoomers. i'm a zoomer. but you know the difference? i was here before edgy happening shit and trannies nuked this website to high hell. because i underage posted. i'm 24 now though so it's fine.
>euro faggots larping as burgers
Sorry for the twitter link, but the link itself is moonspeak.
Here you can actually support kyoani, instea of some scam fundraiser
Oh shit we sticky postin’
based and carlospilled
musta been another firebombing by the americans
Maybe their works will have a darker tone after this.
Fuck off.
Not you, unfortunately.
Just how the fuck did the Arsonist even manage to put the whole building on fire with gasoline?
is he fucking invisible?
is this a fucking Town of Salem?
Have we started the fire?
>What next for KyoAni after this
A vacation?
Fire Bombing
Kumiko, answer me, why are you so hot today?
I was thinking the same,
why didn't they all just bumrush the fucker?
are nips really that beta?
He did it. He finally saved anime.
Reminder to not donate to sentai, they are doing it for themselves.
107 is after the death toll, some faggot already changed it like an hour ago
That's some news to wake up to, Jesus
It’s a fire. People die in hospital. The number would not stop there.
Sad for the people hurt and killed, especially all the talent that just vanished in flames, all the hard work destroyed for nothing. But stop pretending like the things the studio released was some top tier stuff.
I told you Fire Force was AOTS
Is japan going to go all tenno heika banzai again?
You can really see how the fire spread, lots of clutter and wood.
Some of the people in this are very, very dead right now.
VGE is the biggest trash bin created for spanish housewives
So what's the likelyhood this guy is getting capital punishment? This is deadlier than the sarin attacks.
Fucking zoomers I swear. Yea Forums wasn't this bad years ago.
Multiple floors.
As much I hate us, nobody should have gone through the shit kyoani was putting out for the last 15 years.
Welcome to Netflix Animation Studio
Yeah how do you exactly manage to set an entire building ablaze so easily?
I agree but I still like some of you and you're far better than the "alternative".
Time stop shenanigans.
Frame qouta is more important than entertaing an sperging retard.
A cute fire fighter anime girl anime to cope
You know, I used to hate having the fire inspector come here and flay my asshole open for tiny details about our building safety, but now that I think about it I'm thankful for it.
Based iron fist regulations Denmark.
The guy had knives on him.
Rent free burger here. We're not all asleep, but there are enough trolls as it is among the other threads. Who are they? Bongs and Fingols?
A very graphic paragraph in a news report got edited and removed.
>[An eyewitness] lady said between sobs, "Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again. Soon they stopped moving against the window and burned into it like a shadow. Then I heard the din of ambulance sirens and helicopters flying by."
How many companies can survive 50% of their workforce being incapacitated?
Kyoani is kill.
Respect for the dead?
>23 dead
For now. Also there were 70 people in that building, I doubt many of them will want to work in this industry again
>all this shitposting
When did this sub get invaded by heartless psychopaths?
Kys faggot, you stole this from the previous thread
KyoAni will have to recover so some anime will be delayed indefinitely. This wasn't HQ.
Ladies and Gentlemen. I present you, the neo-Yea Forumsutists. Also known as, Plebbitus Dropoutists. They're famous for their catchphrase, "Fuck you dad. I'm edgy."
Arson that results in death is death sentence in japan
Based Triggerchad
If this guy prevented even one future weeb being created, it's indubitable that he has done both Japan and humanity a major favour.
Imagine the smell
>no more moeshit
fucking based
old buildings. and also it's a production studio. so there is a lot of inflammable shits there
It's unbecoming. You don't want to look like some ruffian infront of your colleagues.
>some of those cuties are probably dead
There must have been a lot of fuel in the directors room
Nice sprinkle system
>inb4 gasoline fire cant be extinguished by sprinkles
He is gonna hang yeah
just now, retards from other boards begging for attention here
This is exactly why arson used to be a capital offence in japan, too much wood to fuck about
Hell be fine
In Japan they say cardiopulmonary arrest because a doctor/coroner hasn't declared them yet but they are most assuredly dead.
Signed user here at NAF Atsugi
So why did the madman do it?
Did they devirginate his waifu?
What film could it be? How petty can someone be?
yes he is and yes its true if u kill him he dead and no fire, but japan is wayy wayy wayy wayy safer than murica as was proven earlier this year when the safety index was released. fact!
You know it's a mystery how so many people died. I can't put my finger in it. Fuck fire escapes btw or build them from wood.
Seconding this. If you wanna help, go buy from the kyoani shoppu
just ignore the EDGEfags,
it's not that hard.
With fuel and a building loaded with paper and other highly flammable art supplies.
Vocal minority of newfags
this is the studio that made Haruhi and dragon maid
Mentality of go with the flow dont stand out. Fukushima happened because no one dared actually vocally complain.
Yeah, I can't think of a single board edgier than Yea Forums!
Fuck off tranny, go back to your discord group, or heaven forbid, go to sleep.
Not Takemoto dammit. Not him. I mean he's most likely dead but please god, dont do this to me.
Also any anybody part of Air, THAT FUCKING MASTERPIECE PLEASE. Dont die
Pour one out, Yea Forums.
That is NOT okay!
They'll release the material they currently have on new projects in a series of memorial tv shows and ovas, those will be documentaries with unfinished anime scenes intercut into them. If they have any business sense that is. They will begin working on entirely different projects after the memorial "cry for moeshit" project is done.
>the arsonist will be tried for murder
Who needs a trial when he confessed? Hang this man already.
Please don't be Horiguchi.
I guess you can say they do some good "frame" work.
what's the best anime theme for this?
Another sticky? He didnt burn enough of em.
>Finished off victims with his knife
Good desu
Once anime is gone, my heart can finally die for good.
Nah I'll donate my money to some whoever-the-fuck company in Houston Texas. They might somehow not being asshats
Waiting for a list of staff dead or alive.
90% of this place is zoomer scum now. What else do you expect?
>have a front door
>guy with jerry can walks in
>”oh yea come in”
This is the biggest terrorist attack in Japan for a long time. Just horrible.
They just released a photo of the killer on the news
Imagine getting this mad about cartoons that you download for free
>All those office cakes that got roasted
>making '''''''''moeshit''''''' in the last 6 years
Am I living in a different universe to these faggots??
>used to be
It still is. Arson carries a minimum sentence of 5 years and a maximum of life in prison or death, and that's without anyone getting killed.
Dude is going to the gallows for certain.
Never change, SC comments section.
>other boards
You mean "other sites"?
Well, at least it's just KyoAni.
dumb frogposter
>winding stairwell made of wood
Literally a fire trap
They were one of the best studio. Almost all of their stuff is well made.
The loss of talent is a tragedy, but I highly doubt it would be enough to stop one of the biggest studios in the industry from ceasing to exist.
something about kyoani ripping him off or something
they just wanted to make anime
The pessimistic era that will come would give rise to the renaissance of moe as depressed old man requires MORE escapism ever before. Haven't you learned during the Great Recession which gave birth to K-On? Manimefags never learn
Does this mean no Dragon Maid season 2?
Fuck off frogposter
>all these similar posts about edgyposts and zoomers
>there's like 8 edgy posts so far
Moe has exist since the 70s and it will continue to exist forever. You cannot defeat it user, but it can defeat you.
uncalled for.
Roasties getting toasty
Oh yeah what the fuck? Shitposting in the sticky?
Why are you newfags so dumb, it's been this way for years
do they even have fire extinguishers?
Ironic. You probably came from one of those sites cos someone told you about this cool place on the internet where everyone is an edgy memelord. Fuck off
How would you get yourself out of that building if you were on the 2nd or 3rd floor when it went up in flames?
>being so mind broken by a bad anime movie you literally torch the animation studio
Not in near future.
Not a terrorist attack, just a mass murder.
Terrorism needs an ideology behind it.
KyoAni produced some of the most basic entry level garbage imaginable, almost as bad as triggershit, but people don't deserve to die in a fire because of it. It's one of the most horrific ways to go.
go back
Is it safe to assume that they have a vault with all their masters far away from their HQ?
I was listening to this on my walk back this morning and had to try hard not to cry in the middle of the street.
those who survived probably gonna get traumatized
Condolences to the families.
Objectively brought animation to a new level in the 2010's
Almost assuredly.
Yes, fuck that normalfag trash.
Slow down the fire.
Where the fuck is alternative escape route? Answer: this building is old.
Where is fire ladders? Answer: is expensive.
>no reports of people jumping from windows
What a shitshow.
> deleted
Truth hurts.
this is what anime does to people
The building had 70 people in it. At least 1/3rd of them are dead and with the folks that have been maimed/severely burned, it's inevitable that they've lost at least half of the workforce for that location.
That is not a small number, user.
is that a famas?
Who was it and why he did it? And who and how many die?
The fujos did this.
Where were they for Chuu2 and Maid Dragon?
Nothing of value was lost.
Okay retards, stop pretending to be retarded. This sub has rules and OJs thread will likely be the last one
Whole Japan is watching so keep it civil please
It's already the deadliest of all time.
So Kyoani is really dead now? They won't make anime anymore? This seems surreal.
Is there any chance at all that they'll survive this? Maybe that it'll have some influence on their future works and make what remains of the studio go in a new direction?
>walk in entrance; pour gasoline everywhere; light on fire
>do same to stairwell
>do same to 2nd floor
>do same to 3rd
>use knife to ward off anyone trying to stop you
I wish you had burned to death instead
Let me fix that for you
>Did you hear about what happen in Japan? Terrible terrorism. Sad and terrible. A guy there went and burned a building killing millions of people. In Japan, of all places, been there, beautiful place, wonderful people. Really terrible, and you know what, there was a single problem with how they responded. Let me tell you something not a single man shot that terrorist!! because you know why?? Japan took away all their guns! Imagine this, if that happened in America, the land of the free, and without those liberal extremists destroying America and freedom that guy would have been shot dead and nobody the wiser!! It's terrible what happened to Japan, great people, good leader, Shinzhou, but terrible tragedy
>Trigger won
Typical Madoka shitter
I'm happy and sad at the same time they made great animations and really good art style but fuck them for all the moeshit
There was one entrance and zero fire escapes. It looks like the door to the roof might have been locked, too, since most of the bodies were found in the third floor stairwell.
Damn him
How were they anti-lolicon?
Jumping out of the second floor window shouldn't be too bad.
Yeah. The people who made it had are disfigured/dead, all the already made materials for it are destroyed.
Why are these tourists so easy to get baited?
>user complains about the shortcomings of a certain group and how that affects the quality of their posts (whether it's for satire, comedy, or philosophical)
>lol shut up this is Yea Forums
Eh, sure.
No it's an AR-15
objectively wrong. kill yourself
Passed onto another studio possibly.
Amagi Brilliant Park Season 2 never ever.
>Fire Force tweeted that it would be airing with a previously schedule 15 minute delay after news of the arson had already spread
An army of otaku are going to storm the jail and lynch the arsonist
Couldn’t they just jump out of the windows? It was a 3 story building, you can survive that, maybe with some broken bones etc, but certainly better than being burned alive for certain.
Dude, Kanna is well done now ;_;
suck me off, nigger
How did so many die? It's one guy with a can of gas. Why was the lower floors so flammable? Did he bar all 3-4 exit doors (and fucking how)? A building that size would need at least 3-4 fire exit doors just to be up to code. Impressible kill count for a small 3 story building with a fuck huge car park, just how overcrowded is this facility?
Has anyone from Yea Forums been at the site yet?
>Who was it and why he did it?
Me, it was to falseflag /u/fag so Kyoani can stop making shitty yuri shit.
I'm willing to bet they will recover, because stopping would mean the idiot who did this wins.
Not even American recording artists like eminem get that
Who done it
it makes them die from fire?
I'm sure they heard you.
It is now reported that the criminal think Kyoani stole his idea
Ishihara and Ishidate confirmed to be safe. sauce: twitter.com
I like how 4channel is always quick with "kill yourself"-like comments but the moment something like this actually happens everyone immediately switches gears.
>n-no mr random mangaka don't kill yourself you have so much to live for :(((((
>no OP even if you posted jokingly how you will kill yourself you shouldn't do it think of your parents :((((((((((
>all these poor people I never even thought about of before died I am so sad now :(((((((((((((((((
At least reddit is honest with themselves, you fucking feefee retards are worthless hypocritical trash. Kill yourselves (and I mean it unlike you).
Hopefully this forces KyoAni into bankruptcy
The death toll is 16 now and none of them can be identified
the police can't even tell their genders
They must have been burnt so badly
So now people will no longer be using "Die in a Fire" here I assume.
don't forget that they had at least 2 years worth of projects in production and that's now a total loss, animation studios are generally running in the red with short term loans until they can submit their deliverable, they're fucked
all over anime
Their current works already do.
>there are actually dead people
oh god no
Let's assume that the remaining missing are dead and that a few of the injured die from injuries. That's 30-40 lost. Then assume that the remaining injured will have permanent physical and/or emotional trauma. Another 20 unable to work.
Then factor in that those that did escape without injury might have lasting emotional trauma. Not just from the escape, but losing a coworker etc. Like another 10% of them are affected.
How many are left?
Kyoani will take 1-2 years to start animating anything again. For now those who are uninjured and strong enough will simply try to salvage the archives and keep assets afloat.
Whoever burned them down and for whatever reason did them dirty.
For what? He saved anime.
I mean they're fighting fire, not starting it, I don't see how that's insensitive.
Fucking why, they already get mistreated and payed almost nothing. Why the fuck would you go after anime staff
I would rather there not be an S2 than it get J.C. staff'd.
>Nishiya Futoshi
fuck everything
I don't think Yea Forums is weeb enough to fly over to fucking Japam
146 dead. The man who started the fire was an illegal south korean citizen staying in Japan
is he wrong though
That's what should happen ideally, but since they probably didn't even have backups because this is a Japanese animation studio we're talking about, aren't they pretty much fucked now?
the whole anime industry needs to burn down and start anew. there hasn't been a good show for a decade now
The website is very unresponsive, it is probably burning as we are posting kyotoanimation.co.jp
>anime industry has gone so far to shit, the only way to save it is burning down studios
When did everything go so wrong?
Wonder how long it takes for dental records to get checked.
Never go for the roof in case of fire, you will be cooked alive, literally.
At least EVAspamming in this broad got curbed a little bit, thanks Kyoani.
I hope the qt with the long hair in the middle is OK.
I thought there was 24 confirmed deaths now? No news on that?
slit your throat retard
no words...
>fire's been news for several hours now
>sticky got made an hour ago
Is that how long it takes for news to reach this place nowadays?
>a random tweet
For fucks sake.
>"yeah, I'm treating you like shit and I'm going to treat you like shit from now until the end of time. the fuck you gonna do about it bitch nigga?"
>[sets building on fire]
Serves them right.
You guys think its some mentally ill fan of anime or a former employee who got fired?
reputable source?
Netflix would "save them" with a biyout
And just like that anime is dead
It's the first time something like this happens to the anime industry, right?
Not an argument.
Throw yourself in a fire while you're at it.
They died like they lived
Hunched over their desks
Unironically redpilled
Anyone checked what 2chan is doing?
I am the god of hellfire and I bring you
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
I'll see you burn
You fought hard and you saved and earned
But all of it's going to burn
And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you've really been so blind
Now's your time, burn your mind
You're falling far, too far behind
Oh no, oh no, oh no!
You're gonna burn
Fire, to destroy all you've done
Fire, to end all you've become
I'll feel you burn
You've been living like a little girl
In the middle of your little world
And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you've really been so blind
Now's your time, burn your mind
You're falling far, too far behind
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
You're gonna burn
You're gonna burn
You're gonna burn, burn, burn, burn,
burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
Fire, I'll take you to bed
Fire, I'll take you, fire
still feels surreal bro
the first one had 8k posts
Her season 3 will be alright, r-right?
No security, maybe no one in reception are at the time or no one that bothered to think who he is.
This got stickied cos THEY want to see these special needs kids fight each other
It's reported that the 41 years old bring 2 bottles of 20L gasoline together with a hammer and 6 knifes with him
One exit, no fire escape, and tons of animation cels to fuel the fire.
Japanese fire code is shit.
behind what?
Toasting in sticky.
They probably tried the stairs, and by the time they got back the place was engulfed. Any those that made it to the windows were probably already dead, so yeah.
Yeah fire contorts the body and reduces it to what has been described as ash mannequins. DNA/dental records are probably going to be the best bet for body identification, that and just checking who is accounted for /who isn't.
season 2 of maid dragon canceled?
It’s fucking bizarre that Kyoani ended like this. I haven’t enjoyed their anime in the past few years but this is just fucked up. All it took was one pathetic faggot to ruin their lives and futures.
Based and truthpilled
>400+ posts in less than 20 minutes
Where the hell are all these people even coming from?!
Kyoani is basically fucked from this, even if they'd only lost maybe around ten people. That's still ten people they all knew, let alone the building burning.
Fuck, man.
As a SHAFTfag all I could do was to laugh. Get fucked, Kyoani was the cancer on modern anime and Im glad someone stopped it
My only regret is that he will end up like Mami instead of getting the heroes treatment he deserves. What a upstanding fellow, bless his soul
It's a fucking studio, one third is dead leaving two third demoralised to continue drawing
sxarp lost house
Fuck off
They're all sleep-deprived, so their alertness and reaction time is always low
Yu Yu hakusho
It's a show about dragons
I guess you could say, they played with fire
sxarp lost life
The anime is about people dying to spontaneous fire, and many plot point is sudden fire happening. And technically the main antagonist is a super arsonist that planning to burn the whole country.
Well japan sensitivity what can be done huh
That's very sad.
This legit breaks my heart
Have you ever been to Japan or know how the Japanese work? They don't need to fence themselves off because people just keep to themselves or don't go out of their way to bother people.
Remember the police in Japan are actually there to assist the public, and not just be a paramilitary force to suppress certain groups.
A psychopathic arsonist is way out of the norm.
>operate in a field thats filled with mentally unstable people
>have no security
Oh, I have no doubts about that. They probably trampled a dozen interns on their way out.
Ishihara Tatsuya Director
* AIR・Suzumiya Haruhi series・Kannon・Nichijou
* CLANNAD・Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions・Sound! Euphonium
Ishidate Taichi Director
* Kyoukai no Kanata・Violet Evergarden
Takemoto Yasuhiro Director
* Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon・The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Kawanami Eisaku Director
* Free!-Timeless Medley-・Free!-Dive to the Future-
Nishiya Futoshi Animation director
* A Silent Voice・Liz and the Blue Bird
* Nichijou・HYOUKA Character Design
Kadowaki Miku Animation director
* Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon・Tsurune・Kyoukai no Kanata Character Design
TL;DR: KyoAni ceased to exist this day.
how so?
It's really a shame that innocent people had to die over this, but I really hope that this opens some eyes over there and local governments start taking fire safety more seriously over there. This is absolutely unacceptable even at a quick glance.
It's the least I can do.
/k/ reporting
are you me user?
Honestly I love kyoani but they've gone from god tier studio to so damn shit over the years that I don't even feel so bad, of course it's sad but it's not like any good anime has come out of kyoani since they stopped adaptating kadokawa stuff in 2012-2013
Well, except for when there's a fire and they need to find the emergency exit
>go into building
>sorry sorry hai hai I just need to pour this liquid here in the corners of the room, totally seifu your building is infested with bugs, we need to pour this totally seifu, kills bugs
>hai hai your way through the building
Not that hard really, people don't question authority figures, just wear something that looks like a uniform
SEAmonkeys who don't go to work or school.
Sit down wagie! No escape from the cagie!
Stop posting this it's fake
>Kept you waiting, huh?
oh, what they had right as this happened is probably gone, but you can always start over.
This marks the end of an era anons, everything will change from now on for the anime industry
You don't make my cartoons. Please end yourself kudasai.
Ah, I had a feeling there'd be a first sticky. Link?
Yea Forums was my main board 10 years ago, only came back to see what people were saying here
>not being even a little bit numb to this kind of thing by now
Either you're a dumbass or you're made of tougher stuff than most
It's Japan, why would they need it? Also I have no idea where you are from but its really not that common in Europe/East Asia to just have on hand security.
>implying Kyoani is the only moe-based anime studio
One unknown project lost in fire, so yeah.
I haven't watched a kyoani show since the kyokai no kanata movie and amaburi But they made some really memorable shit back in the day.
Please donate for the sake of those who've lost friends and family to the fire.
Very nice.
The ratio of those two are likely 99:1
All me.
I just got off a 16 hour flight and this is what greets me. RIP
if i remember arson investigation training the easiest undetectable way is using a plastic bag filled with flammable gas strapped to your body under your shirt while a tube connecting it runs along your leg
This is not a third world shithole like America
Okay. Name a single objectively good thing KyoAni released after 2011 that is without a doubt extremely good and part of the essentials that need to be watched.
WARNING: This is a lot harder than you think.
Jesus, who the FUCK designed this poster? Loos like a 10-year-old did it.
by you.
>burn ~40 other people that were treated like shit
I'm in kyoto so tomorrow I'll leave some flowers. Just curious if any other Yea Forumsnons were here too.
>tfw the new talents will have bigger shoes to fill
I can't for the life of me, imagine how it would be like if you're working at KyoAni after this mess.
Madoka is textbook cancer.
/alter/ here
I know everyone in here is memeing about this incident, but this really could be it for KyoAni. After losing their entire office and dozens of staff how do you even recover from that especially if you've lost your whole archive of material and have nothing left?
Yesterday we were just waiting for their new projects to be released, today those project might never be released and we may never seen a new anime from KyoAni again. That could be it, the "golden age" of KyoAni could really be a thing of the past now and all we have to look forward to is mediocre seasonal anime.
Hibike Movie could really be their swan song.
Can we start calling this the ANIME 9/11?
Shut the fuck up shill
I just want to hear the arsonist motive, what is taking the police so long to put out something.
crazy yurifag? disgruntled associate? mentally ill otaku?
How though? KyoAni doesn't even do original stuff
>people dying in the worst possible way who worked minimum wage to enable your hobby and you act like they deserved it
nu-Yea Forums is fucking cancer, I think I'm taking a very long break, see you legit anons, if there even are any left
Hard not to with all the soot.
Just admit it, you won't give a fuck if everyone who died are gaijin freelancers.
They'll come back from this, don't worry, it'd just be a shame if talented directors or animators were to die from this
Trigger better watch their back in case ack gets any ideas
No. It's because Japan is a safe place and putting a guard is considered overkill
It's sad but that's literally the biggest reason. If progressive safe Japan where crimes are virtually inexistent in common life there's no need for a security guard
These crazy japs don't even have any checkpoint security at the entrance in both Narita and Haneda for fuck's sake.
What could you expect from them if they don't even feel the need to check people entering international airports?
The only thing there was is an occasional security officer in ten meters by the wall.
There hasn't been an objectively good anime series since 2010.
I'm. Not. Even. Kidding. They are literally spamming /pol/ with this right now and spamming backlinks to Yea Forums.
BIG DIC /CRIC/ vs smol coc /hoc/
Anime is also going to see a global explosion in popularity due to the 2020 Olympics, I wonder how it's going to change
Who could have done such a thing? I don’t understand.
lucky star nnd videos
holy fuck i feel ill
Kill yourself phoneposter.
fuck off with your scam
this isn't even a fire code issue
japan has a serious mental health crisis and it's reaching critical mass and they're not going to do shit about it
Its all speculation. Officials in japan cannot confirm any death before the bodies are identified and doctor pronounces them deceased.
fuck off
>Over 20 dead and possibly still counting
Has there been a recent case that was as bad as this? This is tragic.
Is it though. Is it bizarre that the studio that pandered to the mentally ill was mass murdered by a mentally ill person?
Old Japanese buildings (ie. All of Kyoto) are made out of thin wood and haphazardly glued together.
he was screaming about being "ripped off" or some shit
The arsonist put balloon filled with gasoline then destroyed it in front of entrance door which is the only exit door. Then he poured gasoline then put fire.
NHK have reported that another 10 people have been found in cardiac arrest on the 3rd floor of #KyoAni Studio 1, this is on top of the 12 confirmed dead.
Holy fuck how are American school shooters so shit? Some of them can’t even kill 10 people yet this one nip can kill 22 with a jerry can of gasoline
They’ll use it even more if anything
You hardly need to douse the whole building. This is an animation studio with a wood interior. They would have tons of flammable art supplies, and a lot of that could possibly put out toxic chemicals when it burnt. From what it sounds like, a lot of people did get our or try to get out, but some were trapped or overcome getting to the roof.
I hope they get enough otaku support to start over. I bet it was an otaku who did this and there'll be a new discussion about it. But otaku can act the other way too.
I'm in Ise right now but I was thinking about briefly visiting there some time.
I saw some news articles mention him saying something about KyoAni plagiarizing his work.
>edgy teens or soul-less fucking psychopaths
This is exactly why I came back to Yea Forums for the first time in years.
Even with how insane otaku are it's rare for them to actually do anything more than send empty threats.
They're much more likely to kill themselves than other people.
Org. Crim. aren't that fucking stupid. Though you might be onto something. The arsonist might have shorted and worn a fake tattoo. Not sure if he hid his face but maybe he thought he could escape.
>have no security
How could they do this?
Fuck you plebbit. You're not even born yet when that happened.
He was in some kind of LN competition, he lost but claims that Kyoani used some of his ideas and butchered them. IMO he's probably just a schitz.
Kyoani finds a way...
except for the way to fire exit
The criminal was tattooed.
Were they even working on a show this season?
Don't worry, Kumiko will debut with a tan in season 3.
Literally the safest country in the world, of course they don't do that, they don't need to, usually
Fukushima happened because of shitty plant design mate, which was done by GE. They placed the back up generators in the fucking basement close to the waterfront aka killing electricity supply in an eemergency.
I think a large studio should backup the works somewhere. It's very unlikely that they haven't been doing this
I'm the only living person who remembers Munto because of the ED theme youtube.com
This is a tribute for you, KyoAni.
Don't come back.
You obsessed retard.
>that spacing
Wow user the most terrible thing about this tragedy is how it personally made you feel after your flight
my deepest condolences, you are truly the victim here
Dragon Maid is cute, funny and wholesome. A Silent Voice got me emotional.
Don't (you) me.
>one guy with a knife
>pouring gasoline all over the building and on living people
>none of these fujos and moeshitters could stop him
This is the perpetrator
He seems like a balanced individual
Frail Japanese bones would snap from a 10-m drop
My 8yo laptop crashed twice for that thread .
Kankerwoordspeler Bruine Karel!
based on that pic i assumed you linked shana s3's opening instead.
also i hate myself for listening to that, but i'm always down to listen to some initial D music
That's a good impression. I read it in his voice.
>Name a single objectively good thing KyoAni released
But that's easy you shit
>after 2011
What's the point. It's impossible. Even if you account for all the studios, so it's not really their fault alone.
Lost multiple competitions, became super paranoid KyoAni was plagiarizing his work, 40 years old.
Forget the fucking anime, their directors fucking died.
>It's Japan, why would they need it?
Because cases of insane otakus going on murder sprees aren't exactly uncommon in Japan
So who paid for the hit?
This niggers didn't learn a thing from Operation Meetinghouse
The two directors (Tatsuya Ishihara, Taichi Ishidate) reported missing have been found and are safe:
what is this hackerman?
It's a fucking devastating event. Everyone on Yea Forums is going to care.
The amount of baiting is still disturbing though.
RWFS need to save Japan studios NOW!
Fire Safety Enforcement and Drills!
see on your r/anime bro, sick of all the mean faggots here
First official statement of any sort from KyoAni
>New Free! 2020 movie teaser originally scheduled to show with the Free! RW movie currently in theaters on July 19 now canceled.
Actual cancellation of the movie is unknown at this time.
It's been over a year now and we still don't know the motive of the Las Vegas shooter that killed dozens of people. Feel lucky if we even hear a motive within the week.
>only one exit - the main entrance
The absolute state of this deathtrap "building".
The moe proxy war has begun...
Deviant detected.
Why are you showing us your top?
Rent free.
>falling for 2chan memes
Confirmed yakuza
>studio that pandered to the mentally ill
>japan's most normie studio
Go Het, get rekt
Came here after reading the headlines, a friend of mine lives nearby. Kinda regretting it desu too many weebs
this is one of the best countries in the world lol
This wouldn't have happened in America
Stay mad faggot
>yfw new studio called Tokyo Animation appears the next year
incredible find
The material isn't the issue, reading how shitty the incident was I wouldn't be surprised at all if most of the 70 who were in the building aren't traumatized for life, so they would have to replace their staff heavily and kyoani isn't like any other animation studio meaning they don't really use freelancers.
Kyoani won't be the same, they'll keep existing but it won't be the same Kyoani.
Unironically RIP, F, etc.
>muh bolice oppressing da black men who dindu nuffin
just fuck off back to chapotrannyhouse
>wake up to this
This. Why the fuck do people think that the arsonist first poured gasoline in the entire building before lighting it up? Given the place is an old animation studio, there's probably a lot of inflammable things. He just need to torch one place and it will spread fast.
No that's not him you nigger faggot. That pic is some crazy fuck that murdered a pop idol.
How did he get out then?
>people mourning is moralfagging
Fuck off
After 2011
Okay fine.
>Dragon maid and Silent Voice
Here's your (You) you plebian trash.
No it isn't, retard. Reverse search that image and you'll get results from 2016.
I-Is our guy okay?
They should have put Toei out of its misery instead.
He's 41 retardo
looks like he could stand to eat a few less degeneracy burgers
In all the excitement, I forgot to post my comment.
I surprisingly had no trouble loading the previous sticky, even though it had over 9000 posts
You can sorta run from shooters, especially if it's not a shock when it happens anymore.
If you're trapped in a burning building with little ways out and not thinking clearly, it's kinda easy to die in that situation.
doesn't mean they have to give any or all of it to them
Based jani building that wall.
Japan isn't a nigger infested hellhole like America is
Reminder that if you have a shit PC to enable this if you have Yea Forums X
>Tatsuya Ishihara found safe
Thank fucking god
And why is it safe? Everyone keeps to themselves and the system, for all its flaws keeps people from resorting to crime. or if they do, it's through semi-legitimate forms.
Also, if you do manage to fuck up and run afoul with the law, they will find a way to put in jail with how their courts operate, and the prisons in Japan are brutal in terms of how they're run.
>8,000+ replies in less than 3 hours
>not even the fastest thread in /pol/ history during the 2016 Presidential Election moved that fast
>and that was during when /pol/ was moving 200+ replies every 30 SECONDS
No seriously, what in the living HELL is going on? Even if every single poster and lurker from Yea Forums posted in that thread, it wouldn't have even reached 1/10th that speed. Even if every single poster and lurker from /pol/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums invaded Yea Forums, it STILL wouldn't have reached that speed.
What piercing?
Fuck. Just fuck.
WTF?! I love /jp/ now!
>new sticky
Why not just make the other thread a rolling sticky if they were going to do this?
Schools are huge with many exits and windows. This building was a multi storey tin can
his eyes are 80% closed. Maybe he entered the wrong building
/h/ here i guess
Any news on the motive behind the attack?
(you)'re right.
you don't get to complain about "nu-Yea Forums" if you weren't here before 2010
BuT tHeY pAy ThEiR eMpLoYeEs WeLl
They are probably going to wind up shutting up shop and selling all IP's.
Is this supposed to be bait
I legit can't tell after seeing the sickle and hammer
jannie might get mad
>That face
>Swings knives and throws fire
Oblivion characters are rising up
Hello newfriend. Want a tour of this place?
The man even the Bogdanofs bow down to.
Anything that had a milf in. Kyoani milfs are 10/10.
he's not wrong, you know
Yuri on Fire
If those people refuse to apologize for the nuclear bombing of civvies then yes, they are moralfagging. Either you care for japs or you don't and apparently you don't
Let's hope that they did the back up.
that shit was beyond anyone's paygrade, the less we know the better.
Not to mention two threads prior that got 1000 and 765 replies
fuck you for making me laugh
That sucks.Shits looked bad from the outside too.
Name a single objectively good anime released after 2011
t.reddit tourist
This. We need ID of that cutie and her live status ASAP.
go back to your idol containment board retard
Jumping and breaking some bones beats what happens if I stay in there
deja vu...
Dock the dead workers pay, as expected of the Japanese.
Or more preferable otakuism goes the way of kyoani.
A shooter can only be in one place. A fire can spread through an entire building in a matter of minutes.
Cardiac arrest is code for they're dead but we don't know why yet in Japan, they likely died from smoke inhalation
Mods with shitty potato-tier PCs
Yea Forums started the fire
Almost like this is an anime website
So what you are saying is that nothing of value was lost.
I'm not going to agree with you because this is a weeaboo's website. Heart and reputation might not mean much difference now, but I'd at least hope so.
False on the 1st part, but everything else is correct. you can't argue with this and not come off as a newfag.
LN submission confirmed. He claims that his LN was used by KyoAni and butchered as an original story.
Which waifu got together with their love interest recently? Its gotta be some neat shit
Do you think KyoAbi would most likely cancel and postpone most of their upcoming anime because of this?
Seeing how KyoAni has built themselves, they would certainly recover. But, how long?
Was the suspect cringe or based?
There are witness accounts of burned and charred people screaming from the windows before getting caught in the flames racing through the windows and melting.
Shit was FUCKED
>do what you must, the Grand Champion has already won
Everyone on 4channel is a weeb at the end of the day, and the modern Japanese are too innocent to have this happen.
>reported crimes are virtually non-existent
Ftfy, the Japanese are so against standing out that most crimes that do occur just get swept under the rug.
That's no excuse though. You should always take all possible hazards and emergencies as a possibility. Security, even something stupid and tame like a mall cop with a rubber bat, should be a must.
What are you even rambling about, autist?
Nobody has any idea what happened yet, least of all a basement dweller halfway across the world like you.
wait a second
There are two trending tags on Twitter about kyoani
Which one?
I lurked when the thread was stickied all the way to unstickied. Its normal. Tons of deleted posts too. Mods and jannies doing work.
based retard.
Humor is a great cope for tragedy
>Cry to anime song
What are you? a faggot? haha
Read the replies, dumbass. The guy himself says that he doesn't have a source and he's just repeating something somebody else told him. Ishihara and Ishidate are probably dead since they still haven't spoken for themselves.
You got me there user.
I already posted this on /k/ but
My heart goes out to the families. No one would ever imagine that being an animator is something you might not go home from.
Fuck off man, you already posted this on another thread. I want real news.
>was looking forward to hibike S3
probably all gone, no way a small nip company does offsite backups
>twitter memes
fuck off back to r/anime
>i'm so much better than you because i care more ;(
Here's a (you)
based doomposter
>entire Yea Forums is filled with weebs
ayy lmao
Not sure how I should feel about this. On the one hand, they really haven't produced something really good other than nichijou and maybe maid dragon for the past decade, but on the other hand, I want to feel bad people died but can't because people die every day and I couldn't give a fuck. So I'm going to tentatively say RIP but not really mean it since I have no emotional investment in them.
Stop being so retarded and new
When Yea Forums will be removed?
If you a fall from 3rd story your expected to die as well, why did they not go to roof
>Because cases of insane otakus going on murder sprees aren't exactly uncommon in Japan
Might wanna brush up on your statistics kiddo
Yea Forums has the highest post rate on Yea Forums at the moment (unsurprisingly).
>"All the animation material and equipment, servers, voice work and talent is OK since they were located in the Uji city building. Their library is also there including all the hand drawn original stuff. "
Kill yourself, frogtard.
He looks chinese. Why do the chinese hate the japanese so much? WW2 was more than half-a-century ago.
Cringe schizo who thought KyoAni was reading his mind / sapping his brainwaves to steal ideas.
Are there any Japanese here? How is 2ch reacting?
I really don't give a shit about anime getting cancelled, i feel sorry for people
All of them.
So Hyouka season 2 will never actually happen right!? Fuck...
Do voice actors record at the animating studio?
i feel like you could have told them to go back to somewhere else
like the place you first mentioned
Why did something happen?
They have a different studio, stuff will be delayed but they'll probably try to get stuff out
Why big company like KyoAni doesn't have Fire Safety System? Didn't Japan have safety regulation.
It's late, nigger.
The 22/7 anime project was pushed back one time too many.
You're on anonymous imageboard man, posting about grieving here is meaningless, just enjoy the happening.
nips in general avoid the cloud like the plague
Nevermind it say it's just one possibility
People were found collapsed in the stairwell.
Maybe it was clogged.
So he was a disgruntled former employee?
O shit its happening, post your happening face quickly
Explains all the Yea Forums tier falseflagging and shitposting
Is it really normal in burgerland to have security at "normal" companies?
I understand banks, government run buildings etc having security guards, but a simple animation studio office?!
Not every country has feral "urban people" running around, so we don't need security at every corner.
since when burgers more important than anime
>all other board activity is down
No surprise this thread is so shit.
Fukushima happened because those retards didn't get it sorted out before the backup generators failed.
Even if you cared about the anime more then the people, this is the smart decision. Kyoani invested heavily in their human capital, literally killing that talented workforce has ended the company. No institutional memory, no backups etc.
I said unsurprisingly, user. I find it interesting when something happens, and the post rate goes up.
anime & manga >>> your normalfag """entertainment"""
When people said KyoAni's LN division would destroy the studio I don't think they meant it literally.
froglodyte, leave
So nothing of value was lost.
Are mods retarded? Why even bother unsticking the other thread when another is getting stickied right after?
Please be safe, Taichi Ishidate.
Fuck, getting raw bbq'd and asphyxiating at the same time. I hope the other studio look for putting in those ceiling sprinkler, better dead drawing than dead for real.
fake news.
Still combing Twitter for comments from industry people and I wish I understood moon
Why would there be one? What else would they do?
I remember reading a while ago that futaba hates kyoani nowadays so they're probably mostly scared of some animators or directors' deaths
All of that is useless if the creative minds are dead.
>sperged out over chinese cartoons
>got heavily burnt in the process
>will get hung
>will go down in history as the deadliest terrorist on japanese soil
>only people he's not outright despised by are western weebs
Yeah... I'm thinking he's cringe
That's fucking terrible. At the same time all the Kyoani goods will skyrocket in market value. Arsonist fucked up.
I'm here from /pol/, donated to the gofundme, and I don't even like anime. The Japanese are our brothers.
legendary anime studio that shaped a lot of Yea Forums culture just fucking burned down
Nice one carlos you really burned them good.
how could /pol/ do this!!!!!!
How safe was the building? Haven't read the entire thread but I've been to Japan and I always felt some smaller buildings were ridiculously prone to hazards happening because of how cramped they are.
How fucking new are you if you think 8k replies in a sticky under 3 hours is the fastest it's ever been
e3 threads are much faster than this.
Shit breaks after 10k replies
Jesus are you 7?
It wasnt rolling sticky. Shit was getting to 8000 Posts
> see the news
> "japanese studio burns"
> fuck fuck fuck, please don't be the one that makes Made in Abyss, I'm waiting for S2
> it's not
nothing of value was lost
The hero we didn't deserve.
too bad people that use those things are now cinder
A lot of KyoAni haters rejoice at this news and they just want to rub it in our faces.
So was anything of value lost?
I'm sure hitler would've loved anime, unironically
>trumptards and Yea Forumsermin incels invading the board
>thread quality goes to shit
>praising the deaths of people, homophobia and the rest skyrockets
>all the ironic weebs from the other boards coming here to shitpost
KyoAni shouldn't have released Keit-Ai.
Wonder how 2ch is taking it.
Same, KyoAni's been pushing out mediocre crap for years now. Still feel bad about those overworked animators and production assistants though.
Did somebody snap when they realized Haruhi S3 isn't coming?
you know what else
Probably an old building. I don't think a newer building would have gotten fucked that bad and it'd have more than one goddamn exit.
>new sticky
this is reaching new levels of retardation
Remember when you used to have to visit Stormfront to find half of the shit you see nowadays? It's crazy how much the narrative has shifted.
Takemoto Yasuhiro, Kawanami Eisaku, Nishiya Futoshi, and Kadowaki Miku are still not accounted for. Here is hoping that they and the rest of staff are somewhat safe.
What makes you think Japan has bad fire safety regulations?
dude everyone has a gun here, no need for a guard when u can pull out ur m4 and go to town on the culprit
He's rigth
This is what they get for the yuribaits.
Condolences tho.
If they don’t, the site hosting this can hold them legally accountable.
Fuck, not sally
It seems KyoAni stole his work and then made money off of it. The guy was right to be pissed, although burning people alive is a tad to extreme. Maybe he should have knifed them to death before burning them a second time.
>thinly veiled recommendation post
Oh please. Like with every accident that has ever happened to anyone not involving you or people you actually care about, you won't even remember this happened in a month or so. Do keep pretending to be sad though, this is Yea Forums after all - the most sympathetic and empathizing place on the internet.
Don't need to, I remember the cases. This phenomenon doesn't exist in the west. People don't burn game studios or run around gamestops stabbing people or kill voice actors. In Japan this happens once a year basically.
When will you fags ever shut the fuck up?
I didn't realize how bad this place has gotten
If Hitler were alive, he'd be one of moebutas.
Well at least that's some good news.
Not as childish as 4channel
based but cringe, his effort could be used murdering people responsible for saturating market with isekaishit
wow water really doesn't do anything to a gasoline fire
This wouldn't have happened in America because America has fire escapes and security guards, not because America has guns. If Japan allowed guns but the rest of the situation was still the same, the people inside would still be defenseless while the attacker waiting at the sole exit has a machine gun instead of a knife.
No exits except for main entrance.
So what's cancelled for now.
Other then Haruhi S3
lmao what a retard.
>try to leave the building before boss
>get fired
Imagine what'll happen when it comes out that his reason was just an otaku gripe like "Kumiko didn't get with Reina".
They'll have a sudden "otaku panic" like we're curently going through an "incel panic" in the west.
>Made in Apiss
Sentai CEO needs a new yacht
"If Kyo-ani declines, animation will flow to Korea and China more and more! !"
>23 confirmed dead
who? who did we lose?
Aye, I hope he's safe.
BBC says at least 23 dead, NHK says 16 dead.
The duality of man.
I think anime just died
just like any american house
wow there's never been any homophobia on Yea Forums before they raided!
Trigger always wins baby
moeshit is cancelled
>mfw I wake up and see this
Probably the most loved anime studio that shaped Yea Forums in the golden age in 2005 to 2012 has been put in fire and many great staff members might have died, no shit it's way more important than some retarded election in a third world country
The fucker also apparently dosed victims in gasoline, not just the building.
He seems based to me, still a fucker.
I didn't know int was so big. I expected tv to be almost on v's level.
If it wasn't moe shit and degenerate like today. Show him AoT and LOGH and he'll oblige.
biggest trash fire ever
Nah, it ticks off like two thirds of the degenerate art list.
Fuck, they are doing shit lately but this is too much.
You're retarded then, he liked classical art and considered modern stuff abominations.
Thats what you get for making VEG
Nice Social Experiment you got here.
Give everyone who's ever posted on /pol/ the lethal injection. The site would instantly become better.
Stop projecting your disgusting fantasies and go back to the you belong, weirdo.
funny and original
unfunny tryhard
You bring nothing here but imbeciles, schizos and other untermenshes. No matter who you support, you're a degenerate that makes this place worse.
the fuck are you talking about?
How hard would it be to hire new animators?
More proof that we need to kill all ink degenerates
Also no otaku would get a tattoo
Based Abe trying to pin shit on otaku to clean them out of the country before the olympics
I guess we just have to wait a little longer.
What's the point of pretending to be ack? There's no love in this copy pasted post
>No Building Fire Safety System
>Only one exit (Main Entrance)
Yup, that's fucked up
But we don't know that for sure. I'm waiting for his testament and his actual work that was plagiarized to be revealed. Its going to be quite interesting at the very least, for sure.
rent free
Yea Forums in its deep heart is still a otaku and anime board.
Pretty much every board is here to pay respects and see what news Yea Forums ha, also lots of people from off site.
This is not reddit
Did they not evacuate because
? It's a 3 story building in the middle of 1st world country in 2019 how do you die from arson?
There were other ways to get out, like the balconies, but they also look like they burned.
>every post i don't like on this fast moving sticky is some tripfag
are you genuinely mentally ill?
Abysschad here, please don't make fun of this tragedy, thanks.
I stopped coming here on the regular years ago but figured I'd see how Yea Forums is taking it. I'm actually pleasantly surprised to see how much genuine sympathy there is here still even if it's mixed with obvious crossboarders.
That's too 2014 "mildly on-topic" and not enough incoherent 2019 babblespeak.
I just want to say thank you Yea Forums mods and jannies for your hard work during this trying time.
500k wouldn't get you a yacht. Fuck, it don't even get you a beach home.
It's 5ch can you people stop going on about 2ch and 2channel. 5ch is the real thing
Is there list of victims?
Your English.
You seem obsessed
it's the best adventure anime/manga ever, Berserk can't even compete.
redpill me on this shit please what is going on
Have we started the fire?
You nigger blatant crossboarder, fans of anime studios always comb for their studios' work every season (People commented that KyoAni works has been absent for almsot a year). People WILL remember this atleast for awhile, especially consider ALL of their works will go further in indefinite hiatus
>Kyoto Animation damage assessment.
A>ll the animation material and equipment, servers, voice work and talent is OK since they were located in the Uji city building. Their library is also there including all the hand drawn original stuff.
>The attack was at KyoAni's historical building, now called the Head Office. were they had all their business meetings and their organization meetings. That's why so many directors died.
>24 people died so far, among them there were 8 directors. Including the Mad Dragon director, the Hibike director and the Violet director.
>No seiyuu were harmed or died so far.
>Apparently the attacker is schizophrenic. The guy studied the floor plans for the building, blocked the emergency exits using chains and padlocks and then set the fire and explosion on the main exit. Most people died because of the smoke.
based untermensch
Already hard enough because no one wants to be an animator anymore, but good fucking luck replacing the directors and other higher ups.
Because it's KyoAni. The most polarizing studio known to all weebs across all generations. When something unthinkable like this happens, it's bound to make waves.
>You bring nothing here but imbeciles, schizos and other untermenshes
for you
Haruhi season 3 cancelled
He turned it into a real madhouse
When has KyoAni ever released an anime involving parallel world lovers?
That man is crazy.
>JC Staff will now take over Dragon Maid Season2 from scratch
Fuck off idiot
Anime is CLASSICAL art
>muh regaynessance
>leaving Yea Forums
How the fuck do you manage?
>Yamakan Twitter
The doors were locked and there was someone outside waiting to stab runners, also he was dousing anyone running in gas. Think before you post
provide source or this is just reddit bait
It's probably akemi himself making this post, trying to get some attention because everyone is worrying about kyoani instead of looking at him, he's just an obnoxious piece of shit, ignore him
there was 1 (o n e) exit and emergency escape was unavailable according to high speed 2ch shitposting
Finland too.
user, Hitler had German painters smuggling paint because it became forbidden to create anything outside of a very strict guideline. He wouldn't have liked anime, metal music or 90% of the shit you like.
read the post i replied to, you dumbass?
How shitty is your anime that someone has to burn down your animation studio?
>i just saw the burnt corpses
There it is
The absolute state of letting your triggering boogeyman have complete ownership of all property in your cranium
Not even just here. Even world wide it trended.
You idiot, kyo ani was the best studio in terms of pay, work conditions etc. If you care about Japan then they deserved it far less than other studios.
All of these dumb faggots complaining about yuri shit because they're too new to understand that KyoAni literally made this board what it is. Rest in peace, you crispy nips. I'll miss you.
the bigger question is why didn't someone tackle a guy pouring gasoline all over the place? I don't care if he had a knife it was 40 people vs 1.
Go back to your discord faggot, /pol/ likes anime too.
I came to this godforsaken place because of lucky star you fucking retard.
Source: trust me, dude.
It's Japan and their work etiquette. You can literally NOT leave your workplace before your boss does.
>Want to give to kyoani
>Lets donate to some American licensing team!
Brain-dead tards are the worst
it's nearly like you trannies discovered that Yea Forums is an anime websites with containment boards for the rest
Wait, people didn't think a company of that magnitude had offsite backups?
And nothing of value was lost. It's been 7 years since they made something I cared about
Not really, the shitposters had their fun with the first thread and have mostly left this thread alone, and it's not hard to see where the wojacks and buzzwords were coming from.
Animation studios aren't recording studios
So this is what they get for being the one studio in the industry treating their workers well, huh? There really are no good things in this world.
Too detailed but probably bait
>VEG picture
Assumed troll until proven otherwise
It's just wood and paper building.
This is an anime website. Always has been, always will be. Kill yourself.
stop spamming this shit no one cares
Karma for making the worst shota shit
How do you even know? Japan is always full of cataclysms such as earthquakes and fucking typhoons. It's not unnatural to think that they would prepare for such events.
Yeees. The fire rises!
It's over for kyoani, most of the remaining staff are probably traumatized from watching their friends and co-workers burning alive to death, and it'll take many years for them to recuperate to recover from that and a lot of them probably never will.
Finland mentioned
who are you quoting
Source me you big gaywad
hes a faggot but not wrong
I forget every time that you're the center of the universe. How could I forget again
Talent isn't fungible. KyoAni, for better or worse, had an extremely unique style that is now in all probability lost for good.
Sadly, this
And this.
>especially if you've lost your whole archive of material
Wait, what? Everything they've ever made is gone?
Stop fucking posting this shit over and over without a source other than le reddit.
Backups of original cels?
haha lol is this a jojo reference? XDDDD
Always wondered if that car was coal-powered
Moeshit flag studio paid the price.
Even if I were an animator in a different studio, I'd definitely rethink my life now. Would I want to work hundreds of hours of overtime with shit pay and risk getting burned to death? Fuck that. Learn to live without anime then.
Link please.
This but unironically.
How the fuck did this happen? Nobody noticed or tried to stop him?
>he was armed with knives
Yeah so fucking what? It's knives, not guns. Attack him from all the sides and throw stuff at him to knock him down.
If you need a reason to leave this shithole and rebuild your life, just see this thread. Yes, it is not as great as then. Yes, majority of posters here are edgy teenagers now.
>source: my ass
Here, have a reply. This is what your existence comes down to is it not?
Take it.
If the guy is genuinely mentally ill and he was under the delusion that KyoAni stole his work then this is basically like the Dimebag Darrell murder
first time on Yea Forums or what?
I'm lost for words
Any word on Tatsuya Ishihara? Last I heard, unaccounted for
I'm not from an English speaking country, have stopped reading Yea Forums and watching anime. But I'm still here after hearing what's happened
>look at me guys im so funny reposting the same joke
>LMAO moefags are so pathetic
>moe-hater literally kills people
awwww, did someone get triggered? did snowflake not like what i said? :3
>an anime happening so massive Alex Jones will be forced to report on it
Can't wait
This is the place a lot of us want to be at a time like this.
kys fag
you're not a psycho, you're a child, gouge your eyes and don't come back
>sticky generates 8k posts in less than 3 hours
>wh..why is there a new sticky??
fuck off, this is a sticky thread, which means that has been chosen by the mods to be in topic
The real reason was getting his LN concept stolen.
That's still otaku gripe territory tho.
Enjoy your otaku purge.
KyoAni is pretty popular, user.
Also, weeb website.
BASED edgefags scaring away new/normalfags
If you can’t hang, get the fuck out!
>wow people care about the anime industry in Yea Forums anime board... MUST BE REDDDIT
That shit is too obvious to even be a false flag
>MUH /pol/
>MUH Yea Forums
Hi R*ddit!
Just speculation if they stored everything at the office and the office was gutted by the fire.
This is terrible news. Thoughts and prayers are with their families and loved ones.
This is anime 911, retard. One of the biggest and most important studio got killed over night. Can you imagine how this even impacts the anime industry?
Besides this is quite gruesome on its own.
>faggot runs in with canister of gas and poured it everywhere including on people
>"Oh why couldn't fire safety prevent this?"
If the psycho murders before this didn't do anything, this won't either.
>NHK are reporting #KyoAni President Hideaki Hatta statement that said that the company had been getting threats over the last few days and that the fire broke out "right at the heart" of the company.
Know your place Yea Forumsermin.
Ahh bloo bloo
>Mods actively defending Yea Forumsermin and /pol/tards making fun of the situation
/pol/ goosestepping in
how does sticking your employees in a literal tinderbox mean "treating your workers well"?
and don't throw out that "nobody expects a fire shit"
what if an earthquake hit this shitbox and the ONLY ENTRANCE would get crushed?
Trigger wins. Moeshit is cancer and fuck off back to r/anime if you think otherwise.
>The attack was at KyoAni's historical building
It wasn't.
Post yfw moeshit is dead
>the Phantom World director survived
This couldn't get any worse.
Imagine being mad people are sympathetic.
Imagine having to tell yourself everyone is weird for feeling normal feelings to avoid the realization you are a broken sociopath.
Kill yourself before to shoot up a school
They bought joy to so many, to go out like that just isn't right
>only one exit - the main entrance
Why didn't the employees just leave through the windows? Easily survivable height. If you got to the roof you could easily use the gutters on the outside to climb down.
How the fuck did dozens of people get trapped and die from smoke asphyxiation? This is fucking tragic. They could have survived if they just used the windows.
You're here forever, fag, go cry for your crispy nips someplace else.
Didn't this fire happen like 12 hours ago?
How come we have less than 1000 posts?
Sooo, are we done pretending this isn't karma for no Nichijou S2? Because it totally is.
Every time
Wouldn't help at all, you faggots would still create another boogeyman to bitch about.
Not surprising since Yea Forums has basically self-selected for psychopathy through modern /pol/. I don't mind edgy humor to some degree and am actually socially conservative, but it doesn't take much to see that that place is littered with psychopaths. Sadly, Yea Forums now has terminal cancer metastasized from what was once a containment board.
>stop naming the in/v/aders
It's not time to post pointless pictures of a wall.
If you're not an edgy teen, apologize for the nuclear bombing of Japan
>b-b-b-b-but it was totally different
So you're okay with civvie death as long as it suits you huh, edgy teen. Get the fuck out
>Yea Forums and /pol/
are literally what Yea Forums was at birth.
try harder with the bait
How many years has it been since you made something I care about? Why aren't you dead yet?
I'm also perplexed at that
You have chairs with greater reach and office supplies to throw, like staplers
No of course not
Her director is dead.
I'm half guessing we'll see some official send-off for all the series with dead directors out of respect, that's it.
and they do it all for FREE!
moe shit dead
Long live based Nationalist anime
Amagi Brilliant Park
Tamako Market (at least the movie)
Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Koe no Katachi
Hibike! Euphonium
fuck off
Why is saber sleeping?
They had an otaku panic long ago, lookup otaku killer.
Sarin again?
>edgelords post
>other posters express dismay at the sheer number of edgelords
>edgelords reply: lol go back to pleddit
Listen here, edgelords, this is what a plebbit post looks like: >can we just take a moment to appreciate the hard work of etc etc
Yes kike, we know that’s your plan.
2nd confirmation by Shoji Gatoh that Ishihara is safe
That guys been a lolcow for years
you have my boss's keyboard
>death threats
I've seen someone post that.
It would be an absolute trainwreck if this happened because of Kumiko.
>linking to literal fake news
The guy was an austitic train spotter mad that Kyoani's latest CD track was named take a train wasn't "authentic" enough.
What are you gonna do, ban me?
So was he Yaluza or not???
Hello underage!
How the fuck do you think a single person is able to suppress a giant crowd of people in hostage situations? People value their individual lives more than others. In events like this there has to be a single person who motivates others to fight or else no one will because no one wants to be the guy that risks being stabbed. Also, 70-80% of their staff is women and women don't ever fight back in situations like this.
RIP directors.
no you idiot, this subtracts resources from the entire animation industry. Because if moe needs more animators and directors they will draw it from the other studios
First thread had 8k replies in less than 3 hours
The edgefags are literally normalfags that aren’t allowed to RP as epic badasses on other websites.
>tfw trigger fucking won
I still don't understand how someone who was a complete stranger could waltz in and set up an elaborate death trap.
All shit by the way
Kys newfag
>threads got to shit thanks to crossboarders
>>muh crossboarders
Every. Time.
Get thickskinned faggot. And mods are deleting obvious Yea Forumstard shitposts, the sticky thread had a shiton of them.
Newfags, listen up.
You really don't "have" to be edgy. Stop regurgitating soundbites like "moralfag" and "Where do you think you are?" just because you think Yea Forums is some cool edgy kids' seekrit club. It doesn't make you a cooler person, you just want the dopamine hit of being slapped with a "based". Today is a day of loss, several amazing talents have just died in a fire, and a forerunner studio has had its bedrock shifted. You're allowed to be sad.
>Attack him from all the sides and throw stuff at him to knock him down.
It's not easy trying to overpower a guy with a knife when you don't have any weapons of your own.
Ok Yea Forums, please tell me, which workers of which anime died?
They couldn't open the windows.
It was a death trap.
Something something recoil and squirm.
calling shonen MC faggots isn't an attack on their sexual preference. And we fap to yuri.
no reference, that's actually directly from jojo
This will probably save mroe than a few people from Karoshi atleast.
Bright side of the tragedy.
Phantom world was great, wtf are you on?
Actually their plan is charity fraud.
No, I remember pol threads like the time someone tried to assassinate trump getting like 1k replies in 15 minutes.
Imagine actually calling yourself "Uchiha" in 2019.
Fucking cringe, bro.
Maybe the sticky was a mistake.
He's been accounted as safe if we can trust this tweet
No source, shithead.
>Moeshitters literally seething
So fucking glad moeshit if finally ashes
Yea Forums shall play suzumiya haruhi no tsuiso in memory of the dead.
Koe no Katachi
That's about it.
/u/ would be burning for weeks
KyoAni is famous for having a work force that's mostly female. Do you seriously expect a bunch of cakes to understand how to act when there's a fire? They probably hid under their desks.
They removed the old sticky, probably thinking there had been enough time that the board wouldn't be flooded with kyoani threads and they were wrong.
Moot has left us, don't think we should keep thing the same.
>The man was reportedly seen pouring a flammable liquid inside the building before it went up in flames
>Witnesses also say he was heard yelling "die" in Japanese
A man is pouring a smelly liquid suspiciously around the building and on people, while yelling "die". Wonder what could possibly happen. How could this possibly have been prevented.
Stop joking about it, anons. Okay? Stop. It's not funny. People burning to death isn't funny so stop making shitty egelord jokes. Lay off the funny hats right now.
That could easily just mean he saw the other no-clear-source post.
>le /pol/ bogeyman
Every time
Post the best kyoani doujins to celebrate the best way we can by fapping to their bootleg work.
It only works when the work referencing JoJo isn't JoJo itself.
Those probably that were missing probably hid in the toilets, which is very dangerous during a fire.
>all the r/anime faggots itt crying about /pol/ and edgy jokes
Just fuck off.
Thanks for reinforcing my opinion.
>Three stories
>Easily survivable height
Maybe if they were lucky enough to be on the grassy side of the building.
>i don't even know what im talking about
Kyoani the studio will definitely get government support both because of the studio's status as a symbol of Kyoto and the extremely high media profile of this case. There will definitely be a harsh delineation between pre-7/18/2019 and post-7/18/2019 though.
ye i also don't get that, i know i would be in hardcore panic but i would fucking tank through the office and just jump the fuck out of the window
will probably break my legs but survive at least
even if the dude comes and stabs me, i rather die from being stabbed than burned alive
I would just like to thank staff for creating another sticky while we are being invaded by crossboarders.
He would've used a rifle in the USA and shot everyone. Same difference, retards.
>Easily survivable height.
Broken leg(s) still way better than death.
Are you retarded? Look it up.
Only if you give every tranny on Yea Forums and /u/ the injection too.
>who's this guy and what is he doing?
>must be a new janitor
>oh well it doesn't concern me, better stay quiet
>i still have to 5000 cuts to draw today
depends, how old are you?
>Her director is dead.
You're not believing the fake name list that someone is posting, right? No names were announced so far.
I'm really scared for Tatsuya Ishihara, he's by far their most talented director and he's probably dead, I'd be so mad, rewatching the disappearance of Haruhi with Yea Forums will never feel the same if he really died, this is horrible
Now I can reread the original sticky.
Oh good, at least this thread is a rolling sticky.
8,000+ posts in 2 hours is ridiculous
I liked Dragon Maid and Nichijou, what should I watch next from TokyoAni?
why does Yea Forums hate moe so much?
>radio silence on Nakamura, Sugita, and Nakahara's twitter feeds
I don't like this feel, bros...
Where do you think you are faggot?
>no u
Every time.
You came to this website in the last five years.
>inb4 reddit
>mods will ban anyone who is "/pol/" out of sheer faggotry
Nothing wrong with that.
Also let it sink in that /pol/ has much shorter cool down period for posting than other boards.
As for why so many people are posting about this?
It's almost like anime is a core pillar of Yea Forums and seeing one of the major studios get severely damaged and possibly close down is one of the biggest events possible.
>moeshit was killed by a schizo
kyoani is burning down tonight
moeshitters gonna have a bad time
them shills about to lose their mind
We just wanna see you
Drop dead
You forgot to put Naoko Yamada in your shitty fan-fiction
And they couldn't smash them using furniture? Or get to the roof? How fucking fast did the fire spread? Jesus christ
The creators of moéshit/moéblob are gone. I wanted the trend to end, but not like this. This is sad. They tot not chance to improve in the new decade because of some NEET rage.
>GOOD POST Yea Forums
Stop being so immature
>man is pouring a smelly liquid suspiciously around the building and on people, while yelling "die"
haha stop tanaka san I'm trying to work
They replaced true anime by moeshit and moeshit killed them.
I'm sure we'll learn not even 3 bombs is enough
this. fuck jannies, fuck mods, and fuck moralfags
There goes my appetite for some BBQ.
i am not american
not an argument
No, something got fucked up and it displayed more than 1k posts at a time so you have memory leak.
>Over 1/8 of Kyoani's staff died already
>Dozens more injured, with anything from severe burns and heart attacks to extended smoke inhalation
>Bodycount might keep climbing even higher
>Multiple directors and key animators wounded,their largest studio totally gutted with flame, god only knows how much work lost
How the fuck does a studio recover from this?
Kys samefag
>no maid dragon S2
Actually this though those kids can't even read, user.
It's fucking 2:44 am and I have work in a few hours. Gonna grab some snooze. I hope I don't wake up to a new that a high profile staff member actually died here. At this point, we're just hoping for the best scenario of the worst. 23 dead out of 70 is nothing to scoff about.
>They couldn't open the windows.
You can break them with the chair.
Some people here hate their shows, so in their head this means it's ok to be happy they died. Imagine being like that, holy fucking christ...
I agree, please stop making fun of my dead directors anons
Literal chairs work against knife attacker.
bad anya
>user wants to be hardcore but mods won't let him
As expected of SnKtard.
That’s not trigger you massive retard.
What about the basist?
>yfw Shonenchads won
Damn that sucks. As a swimmer i really liked Free!
This isnt true at all, I work in Japan people step out all the time for smoke breaks or go home early if they arent feeling well
Was there no fire alarm?
...do you not understand how fire works? Are you seriously that much of a shut-in?
K-On and Hibike, followed by Haruhi.
That is because you're a faggot whos time is running out. will be good when it's you being deleted.
>ummmm actually it was okay to kill civilians in that case
Yeah get of that moral high ground if you refuse to apologize
For me, it's Sayaka x Homu
>the Hibike director and the Violet director.
I thought they were confirmed safe
you don't
>when you don't have any weapons of your own
Any heavy object can be a weapon for fuck sake. A chair, a pc monitor, a printer. What the fuck are you talking about?
Maybe this sticky is just a social experiment
>weebs, the most morally bankrupt and edgy crowd on any messenger, any community.
>watching weebs suddenly call for sensitivity and morality when their colourful TV dramas are under attack
rip burn victims though, thats awful
>get to the roof
Just did a while ago. I don't really expect to get these goods but if I do, then that will be nice.
>trusting a random post on Yea Forums just because it's long
Take your own advice. Basically every point he made was wrong or pulled out of his ass.
There is no God in this world.
Two bombs weren't enough but three might just do the trick
Ok well first if you're on the roof you can use the gutters to climb down
If you're on the top floor you might break legs
Middle floor? Might hurt your ankle if you land wrong
it doesn't
They don't learn how to deal with fire and panic can be a bitch.
Remember to let your kids play with bigger fires supervised.
get purged bitch
wee woo wee woo
I honestly can't figure out why you think anyone at would not think you're the problem. Troid literally said he hates Yea Forums and wants to ruin it. So why do you think Troid banning someone for the sake of protecting you, !Akemi, is actually proof they are in the wrong?
Again, do you really think it's not obvious that how not ONCE in SIX YEARS have you ever actually explained why "ack" is the supposedly doing something wrong, while you are openly admitting you're trying to attack people and ruin threads on purpose.
If you posted something I don't like then you're from /pol/ or Yea Forums! Go back to you're own board nazis!
You don't. It's straight up not possible. Even if insurance pays out and you replace all of the lost equipment and hire new animation slaves you can't fill the gaps left by the visionaries.
Keep projecting normalshitter.
stopping by from /jp/ to give my condolences to the victims and families
Thank god
Don't Nips still have the death penalty? I hope the fucker hangs.
Installing more than one fire exit? Put fire safety measures in practice?
We should have seen this coming.
nothing of value was lost. anime is bad and you should feel bad.
>pour gasoline all over a place
>light it up all at once
>wooooooooow the alarms didn't go before the fire how could that beeeeee
trannies seething extremely hard that their t/u/mblrshitting studio got gutted
>i am not american
You're from an allied country though aren't you. You've accepted this terrorist act
The amount of people that just went >based proves the predictable, smart ass nature of this board.
All of you try and impress each other with these funny green text comments, from someone who doesn't spend all their life online, it looks ridiculous.
Fuck this I'm off, don't wanna waste my life on "addictive and funny" Yea Forums.
>i don't know what to say so i just say random things
>Tons of Paper
>Gasoline concoction
It ain't that hard to imagine.
Hopefully it was just the grunts that went up in flames.
From what I could gather, the first tweet was sourced from a somewhat trustable 3rd party, they just cant contact the victims directly to 100% confirm. Everything is still pretty much up in the air at this point though.
The guy used accelerants and a bomb. And once fire catches it just spreads as fast as it can consume material. FWOOOM. Imagine a match head, but a building.
So Yamada, Ishihara and Ishidate are apparently safe, hoping more survived. I'm going to sleep and hope it was all just a bad dream.
fucking based I say. Shame it doesn't happen here with jewtube or fags.
FYI they had a nursery just above the studio.
>they lost everything
Have these people never fucking heard of cloud computing? Or fire extinguishers for that matter.
The fuck.
Italian television said the culprit was "an employee who jumped the work in the last 9 days, he suffered of depression, he had an argument with kyoani boss" and 2 other minutes of absolute bullshit.
And it was Sky, the only reliable italian TV
the state of western media
>In Japan, police do not confirm a death at the scene; instead, the victim must be transported to a hospital and a qualified doctor must first confirm the death before police can officially confirm the death. As such, the death toll is expected to rise.
For moeshit, kyoani only started the fire.
It was everyone else who threw fuel onto it
>guy is trying to torch me alive
>oh, he has a knife, okay then
You absolute fucking retard.
So is that director guy from Clannad safe?
*got no chance
Thanks for the tip user, probably gonna drop in some 1ks there
Ishihara and Ishidate are most likely safe.
Another normalfag filtered, edgefags are fucking based as shit
Funny how easily cornered all the anti-edgy sympathetic posters are
Some unconfirmed reports have said he's safe. We'll have to wait and see.
You're the one crying about the edgy jokes.
Literally just shounen trannycords
Shitposting Yea Forums is the best Yea Forums.
Dont worry user. JC Staff will handle it all from scratch. They've told us that they have new tech to try out for the CGI's
No it keeps the retards contained so people can have actual discussion elsewhere.
>the roof
Fire spreads upward much faster than downward. Toxic smoke rises also, and can incapacitate you, thus you must crawl along the ground keeping your face low
> Italian newspaper
> A famous studio of Anime & **Manga** caught fire
>Over 1/8 of Kyoani's staff died already
1/3 is dead, dude.
Just another thing we can thank capitalism for.
Hey, some of these are pretty good.
It was their building for big shots so at least it's not the hardworking underpaid animation staff, r-right?
>grandpa was hospitalized with what looks like stage IV lung cancer with liver metastasis
>mom and grandma barely hold back tears
>benzodiazepines no longer work
>my psychologist is sick, can see another only in late September
I'll just fight on-
>Kyoani studio burns down
there's just no end to this, is it
Best fucking game.
For you
Kill yourself.
死ね! ! !
Unless you want to be cooked alive don't ever go to the roof.
Are you implying people learn about the mechanics of thermofluids through everyday social interaction?
Thank you /jp/.
If Ishidate had been killed I was going to have to kill myself. I literally just binged through all of Violet for like a third time YESTERDAY.
>weebs, the most morally bankrupt and edgy crowd on any messenger, any community
Who perpetuated this meme? Fiction =/= reality.
>be mod
>see happening ten hours after it happens
>see autismal threads popping up everywhere
>turn one thread to sticky
>woops it's not arolling sticky so autismals won't be contained
>make another one
>actually believes autismals will be contained
>get tendies in the microwave
>start contemplating suicide
>maybe hiro can give a premium Yea Forums pass for the effort
You can thank reddit for this fedora invasion
See you tomorrow you cro magnon
>the tranny rebuttal
>waah waah
See you tomorrow
>tfw no moeshit with just girls anymore
>anime will be back to 80's level with nationalism and fascism added
>nothing of value was lost
20+ innocent people died, you stupid edgelord.
Did they catch the arsonist yet?
Anime os finally saved, lmao.
Is he alright?
>Is this immobile blackened headless corpse dead?
>"Dunno we need a qualified doctor to check"
i laugh at most times when people are making memes about acts of terorism and school shootings. But these were just peaceful japs who wanted to draw cute girls and nothing else. Why are you guys happy about this ? I can't even smile at these joke posts
Abe refuses to take responsibility
>24 people died so far, among them there were 8 directors. Including the Mad Dragon director, the Hibike director and the Violet director
Damn. Chances were already slim but now we're never getting more phantom world.
How noble
Any victims confirmed yet?
polfags deserve it
>It takes a single neet to destroy the most elite studio in anime industry history
Ok guys let's be serious for a second. I know it's fun to make fun off moralfags and moeshitters but what does this tragedy mean for future of anime? I used to like old kyoani shows but their new stuff sucks. If this means less slice of life moeshit then i welcome the change.
trannies love kyoani though
Why do you refuse to accept that nuclear bombing of civilians was a war crime?
>smoldering maidragon smoke
I wonder how the survivors are going to end up mentally, mental care is non-existant in Japan and they'll be forced back to work in a couple of days...
BBC got it right though. What the hell are they doing?
>Kyoto Animation's president Hideaki Hatta stated on Thursday that the company had "often received notices such as death threats, starting a few years ago."
It costed lots of lives but hopefully something will change.
>Dude is going to the gallows for certain.
And that's a good thing.
Yep, derangued people are stronger than they look and the survival instincts tell you to run away from danger, its also harder to remain calm if everyone around is screaming and panicking
keep seething faggot
couldn't someone have burned down jc staff instead
at least kyoani shows were pretty
Where's the fanart of Arson-chan?
>please i hope he gets triggered please i hope he gets triggered
for jew
Kill yourself, normalfag
kek, go to some anime discord server, they apparently will ban you in 2 seconds if you so much as make a humorous aside about it.
Rip kyoanus I guess, can't imagine how they can recover from this.
So many people died or got hurt, financial loss has to be quite massive as well.
>Ishihara safe
I'm fucking crying, I'm not sure how I would have coped if he was hurt
>moeshit studio burns down
literally don't give a shit
KyoAni will find a way to recover.
>(((western media)))
I'm sure that someone will make a virgin chad meme out of this somehow.
I really fucking hate Asian when it comes to their safety regulations, they still handle the soviet: "Why worry about something that isn't going to happen" mentality. Look at that building. Even from the exterior it looks like a death trap. Also, even if the Japs have good fire suppression systems in place (such as at Toyota HQ) it is usually the CO2 kind, which kills you either way.
Fucking bug people.
rip background cuties
Well they are definitely safe because seiyuu are based in Tokyo and have no reason to be in the animation studio. They are silent because they want to be respectful to KyoAni and don’t want to be seen as taking attention away from the incident.
the people who made TTGL formed trigger you fucking faggots
Yea Forums should build a wall to keep the crossboarders out.
He'll apologize as soon as the Japanese do for nanking and their general treatment of POWs.
this is so sad. hope they find a way again.
here comes your crappy isekai bro
They are. Asahara was hanged in 2018.
the people who burned alive were real, not anime, user. Try to stop being like this
He was caught immediately thanks to a KyoAni employee who chased the fucker and tracked him to a building where he tried to hide
the building is full with paper, oil and plastic shit. the building was secured but he slip through the system. shit started in multiple places almost the same time. people evacuated but many got trapped and died by smoke.
Alright, you throw a chair, it doesn't fly further than one meter, you're screwed.
I wonder how you will protect yourself with a heavy printer against versatile knife attacks.
I hated all of KyoAni's work. While no one deserves to go out like this, I can't say anything of value was lost either.
How many died?
Same. This is quite awful.
To the studio of KyoAni strolled a tojo one fine day
Hardly glanced at the nips around him, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, they all took him for a fool
The tojo there among them had a lighter and some fuel
Lighter and some fuel
Can I just take this moment to thank the mods for keeping on top of this huge influx. We love you.
>weebs, the most morally bankrupt and edgy crowd
Morally bankrupt maybe, but definitely not edgy. Unless you count the deflection and butthurt they give to normies who constantly attack their hobby. Weebs are the best at shittalking and turning insults around because we're used to having people attack our hobby.
>n-no u!
Not for the near future thats for sure.
Is this the 9/11 of anime?
You'll only laugh until an angry edgefag kills oda just because gear 5 looks as retarded as expected.
What the actual fuck. This shit seems unreal. How could this many people die when there was so many ways to prevent it? Do they think they are safe from any criminals? Were they that engrossed in their work they couldn't notice a retard yelling "DIE!" and pouring gasoline all over the palce?
Abe is trying to clean up Japan before the Olympics
this is honestly a historic thread
and now that you're here it's finally advanced to stage 4
The people in this sticky don't have backlogs.
oh boy, more shonen now
These are underage subhumans from Yea Forums and /pol/
looks like it's made out of paper mache
>everyone i dont like is automatically /pol/
>everyone i dont like should be banned simply for pissing me off in the same way my boogeyman does who just so happens to live rent free in my head
See , yes
You don't know what cancer is. Would you like to picture it?
Imagine if one of the literal homo western studios suffered this. Imagine the thread.
>it's not ok when japan
Jeez, can you fuckers just calm down and discuss like civilized humans? Getting fired up over some edgeposters won't do us any good.
There's like 2 or 3 anime about fire right now. Really makes you think.
Another W for Manga onlys
Gatoh Shoji just confirmed Ishihara is safe.
Because Africa's problem is economic reliance on agriculture, not their building codes.
23 and many more that are currently missing
Don't believe this shit, it's been reposted since the fire news broke out.
>the moralfags here are trannies
This explains everything
>literally 9/11 of anime
Glad to see you didn’t off yourself user. Don’t remember the thread or the board but I remember you.
See what happens when shitposting crossboarders and legit redditors start to post en masse?
This sucks
Japanese people are not Asian, they are Pacific Islanders
But fire is predictable. And, you know, earthquakes.
Stay strong Yea Forumsnon, times are tough, but there will always be a better tomorrow on the horizon.
People in situations like that aren't going to be thinking clearly and in a fire you have the added problem of limited oxygen, potentially being injured, and it's loud as fuck.
Assuming you can even open the windows there's a chance in a building like that that you end up in a hallway. A largely wooden interior with paper with ignited gas fumes is going to make the building a fucking tinderbox too so you aren't going to have time to come up with a plan.
Fires are really horrifying and a lot of people underestimate them, I'm sure a lot of the dead were fucked the second it ignited with no real hope of being saved.
They should have known there would be consequences for not making haruhi s3
Same. In 911 only people who deserved to die died, but here?
Latest news talk about 25+ casualties
It won't, nowdays it is normal to receive death threats as a company.
Most of them come from minority groups, like the LGBT comunity.
What kyoani based doujin should I fap to lads?
>rolling sticky
Wait why? If something important gets posted and nuked it's not gonna show in the archive.
死ね! ! !
will next ep of fire force be cancelled?
>I really fucking hate Asian when it comes to their safety regulations,
they worked fine there. none is prepared for nut cases where idiots work for hours to get in and then start multiple fires trapping everyone. japanese have very good safety standards.
Men don't show their emotions to anyone, not online or off. It's tried and true and any civilization that disregards it breaks down as we see with the ancients and the present.
That would be nothing but rejoicing.
>he doesn't know
>european/american children get killed in a school shooting
>"hahah lmao lol how funny"
>some japs get killed
>"waaaah waaaah not my grorious nippon overlords"
Cry me a river, fag.
>tfw fire force is going to be delayed because kyoani got absolute decimated and straight up confirmed DEAD by one salty NEET
Please don't post Tae on this shit thread
You get my praise for your effort to be a decent human being. after all you made an effort.
Now fuck off.
Sadly that's the only good thing to come from this. Just wish it didn't come at the cost of some lives.
Just shows how much nu-Yea Forums has to rely on mods to keep the cancer away. This place is truly dead.
Had to go out for a little
Any fresh news? Police press conference yet or such?
The whole thing will probably get moved to next season.
he chained the exits shut, autist was thorough
So...anime is dead now...
From what I've seen:
>Dude showed up, doused the lobby in petrol, then ran up to the offices and started chucking it everywhere before igniting it and fleeing
>Petrol aerosolised and exploded on the lower floor as a result
>People tried to flee, some got trapped on higher floors
According to "witnesses" early on during initial reports or police statements
>Some did jump from the higher floors
>Some people emerged from the ground floor on fire from it
>Multiple people suffered heart attacks while trying to flee
>Knives found at scene may have been used by arsonist in initial petrol dousing
Allegedly from unknown sources or speculative
>Offices were known to be covered in wood and paper from footage of them, thus highly flammable and easily burned
>Some windows may not have been designed to open, as this is not unusual
>Building's fire exits may have been intra-floor hatches, as these are not uncommon in Japan, but these would be severely inefficient if fire was on lower floors already as seems to be the case
Damn. F for the lost and S to spit on the bastard who did this
This was actually tragic.
Elma deserved better.
>mfw edgelords are filtering out the plebbitors
When your company makes you do a fire safety drill once a year and you are inconvenienced when you have to leave the office for a few minutes to check everything works in terms of equipment, evacuation speed, coordination - remember this people. There is a reason health and safety laws exist. So this shit doesn't happen.
I believe it didn't air in Japan.
I just want to thank mods for reading each and every one of my terrible posts.
I can hang, I'm just telling YOU to fuck off
>ummmm I don't have to mourn the Japanese dead because they did nanking
Pick one. Either you care about dead civvies or you don't. You apparently don't. Drop the moralfag act or accept that nuclear bombing of civvies was a horrific war crime
Keep struggling, struggler.
I wonder how many of those are popular in the animation industry
So, do we know who dead yet?
Is anybody HAPPY the studio is gone but SAD that so many lives (24+) are lost?
Not any of the edgy posters that are laughing at people's deaths. But sad they died but happy the studio is no more?
Yeah. It wasn't this shitty when the 2011 earthquake happened.
i shit on kyoani because of /u/ and yaoi. But this is just terrible
When a known author/mangaka dies it gets pinned and the person gets respect.
When a whole animation studio gets burned and lots of people inside shitpost(?). Are you guys ok today?
Nothing wrong with that, you do nothing on Yea Forums aside from provocating and baiting other people.
How are studios going to respond?
>just read this shit on plebbit hope im right
The Sarin gas attacks also did have an effect on public consciousness and anime, but those happened during the depression. Maybe we'll get some animator tribute movie or something like that.
At least now they will actually bother adding emergency exits.
fireforce have nothing to do with the real life arson so no
unlike america
Moealphas were infinitely better than shonenqueers.
Fuck you
Why would it be? It's about fighting fire. But they're going to add some note about KyoAno fire, i think.
23 are dead and they have 160 staff.
The office itself had only 70 however.
>all these posts removed
Fucking based mods and based anons for reporting.
Best wishes for all the victim.
It didn't dawn on me yet, all this. probably gonna drink
Imagine hating fire force so much you set up a studio on fire to delay the broadcast
it been only shitposting and fake stuff for the past hour.
>only redditors hate /pol and Yea Forums
Is this finally the return of MANime bros?
Shitty studio which made tons of sanitized crap for millennial eunuchs.
dilate tranny
Because MODS = CLODS
It's funny until you realize many of them are serious when they post shit like that. You should've seen /pol/ when that guy live-streamed shooting up a mosk.
Fucking this. Weren't past earthquakes so severe because the fires burned away all those fucking matchbox houses of paper and wood?
I despise moeshit as well, but people died. Have some respect
>people that just went >based
Those are all crossboarders.
Kill yourself.
Yea Forums reporting
Why not Marvel or Bendis?
These fundraisers can go beyond the set goal.
>they have one fucking exit
Yeah, "treating their workers well" huh?
>m-m-m-muh japanese furenudusu will not see how much I mourn their dead, purisu save my posts jannie
Is Takemoto safe at least.
1. Its summer
2. There is no age recognition software
3. Reddit
you niggas do realize they will probably halt all anime production for a while to update their fire safety and shit right ? I have a feeling this event will change the industry somehow in the long run
The day anime receiver a grim reminder
And yet people always complain about europes over the top regulations.
>ishidata most likely dead
Life is cruel.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified.
Nothing, the only thing is that now there won't be KyoAni animes. Maybe someone fills the gap they will left in the market, but there will surely be no radical change in the industry.
Americans still build their houses with wood in regions struck by floods and tornadoes, what are you on about?
Huh, Wikipedia says 80.
What is the Mawaru Penguindrum of burning down an animation studio?
Nah, that's pretty pathetic. You aren't forced to watch what they produce, studio wars are fucking retarded.
I'm sad that they died, maybe more sad for the people that are now still alive, literally scarred for life and possibly out of a job. Indifferent to their output, but I was never a KyoAni fan to begin with. I never cared they changed their output at all, I was just indifferent.
良かったな。これで shaftの前で誰も立つことができない
how good was kyoani?
So fuck guess we'll have to wait a week for new episodes.
I bet this was a disgruntled former employee.
I just wake up and it fucked my day already.
If you saw it on /m/, then that's me.
On Yea Forums me and my grandpa are known more for our Christmas cards. We participated in 2016 and 2017.
It probably won't have much impact on the anime industry itself but I imagine there will be investigations into fire safety and regulations. Also Kyoani will be on hiatus for a while.
get fucked moefags
damage control
can you fags not associate jojo with your disgusting posts ? kill yourselves
Can we discuss videogames?
Hahaha epic
>moeshit cancer dying
Based trigger
Still unaccounted for as of now.
>japanese have very good safety standards.
No they dont, they only have the preset regulations that dont adapt for shite. Look at that building. Do you see fire escapes? Nope.
I remember that when the sarin attack happened they kept running the metro and pocket the bag with a stick even when people were dropping dead.
They got the surface covered, but beyond that let it rot. I think that is a very good summary of Asians' mentality when it comes to everything basically.
>This board is pure cancer.
ITT: worked teenagers
You cheeky son of a bitch.
is he ok? he can't get out of this that easily
This image aged well
Fucking this. Grow up, Yea Forums isn't the epic legion you were told it was in high school when your boyfriend wouldn't shut up about how he wasn't allowed to "talk about Yea Forums".
Are you guys seriously saying fire force will be delayed or cancelled. lel.
Why would anyone do that to people providing entertainement to you for free
Like Rockstar Games: great production values, nothing much more to say.
>Italian media
Tons of people die a much worse death literally every second.
No one cares.
* kills your anime *
It seems Kyoani triggered a lot of crossboarders
Same. This is fucked.
girls like it, shut up
Even more so.
Yes, they surely weren't in total panic and it was probably easy to navigate the stairs in such a crammed building with everyone trying to to the same thing. I am sure you would've survived easily.
>this board
you do know that Yea Forumsnons don't use the word based this way, right? it's literal crossboarders.
>"Why worry about something that isn't going to happen"
ANIME studios don't explode. You didn't hear it! YOU DIDN'T!
Best in the industry for living conditions, best pay, regular salary instead of contact work, best for overtime etc. That's all gone.
Yea Forums is /pol/ and Yea Forums you dumb tourist.
What does that mean? Doesn't normal use of Yea Forums entail using numerous boards according to one's interests?
They're almost single-handedly responsible for revitalizing the genre from '06 to '10.
No to both. Fuck off, retard.
>trigger niggers
The madlads did it
these guys make anything good or was it all moe shit?
>but I imagine there will be investigations into fire safety and regulations
Fat chance, they'll just dick around with drills and some safety checks for a month or two before completely forgetting about it.
good they deserved to die fuck chinks
Any more info about the perp?
I mean all their recent shows were flops outside of freeshit so it doesn't change much. When I saw people mourning kyoani I thought they finally went bankrupt.
Wikipedia is severely outdated.
Though that 160 might include stuff like cleaners and other new production staff so the death rate for the creative side could be a lot higher.
takemoto is most likely killed considering his butt buddy gatoh didn't tweet anything about him
Rip fmp and amagi
And J.C. Staff is still intact at least...
>Japan still uses gallows
today I learned something
>~9000 posts for just 7 hours
Holy shit, was the record 10k or something?
Why couldn't they burn down one of these shitty Isekai studios instead and save anime?
>you do nothing on Yea Forums aside from provocating and baiting other people.
I don't do anything. I'm just saying you're full of bullshit. Just because people don't behave the way you want them to isn't an excuse to give Yea Forums's staff more excuse to enforce more control and retarded rules to shut everyone up. This isn't Twitter. Everyone's allowed to say whatever the fuck they want whether we like it or not. People say shit here I hate at times, but I don't want them to get silenced or banned over it. Real life is filled with different people and they'll say mean things that will hurt your feelings. That's life, now deal with it, faggot.
23 people dead holy shit. RIP in piece kyoani
To be fair I don’t think anyone would have thought someone want to burn down an animation studio which is the only one located way out of any major city in Kyoto. Why would anyone be so mad towards people drawing on papers that you want to kill them? Shit’s harmless.
Protect your safespace?
I still hate Moot for enabling shounenbabies (aka Yea Forumstards) by allowing naruto threads.
Is this a deep-op by the Japanese government to get people breeding again?
>edgelords everywhere
>/pol/acks everywhere
This is where he name the Jew, right?
Fuck kikes the Holocaust didn't happen
This is fucking horrible. Fuck.
That's not him, stop baiting, faggot.
Well, at least majority of these teenagers will kill themselves eventually
And I was looking forward to Summer Pockets too, damn.
Honestly, Franxx was better and mroe entertaining than VEG
/pol/ is mostly boomers and people from r*ddit. It can be demonstrably shown in post screenshots from r*ddit and people constantly linking there.
They have a handful murders per year, so why not.
People just get ridiculously obsessed over that shit. Have you never been around fujos or idolshitters?
Is KyoAni done or will they make a comeback? Seems like a devastating loss for them. I don't know how they'll pay the bills being out of action for so long. This industry is cutthroat.
That's the guy who stabbed an idol.
not him
You're a quality 100% high purity retard. I hope you step on a bee'a nest.
retarded reddit refugee.
Not all of them, and nothing trigger has done even kisses the floor that Gainax walked on.
better than /leftypol/ tourists tbqh
hope they unironically hang the perp
Hopefully this'll prompt other anime studios to add fire escapes everywhere. Wouldn't want the same happening to them.
>people who brought me lucky star
That is a deliberate choice and there are evacuations protocols in place. Not a fucking building that has no fire escapes or fire suppression system
Its not free in Japan, they nail you to the wall for torrenting and streaming. Well, thats thanks to studios.
They force you pay incredible sums to watch anime there or face prosecution
All this suffering will motivate him to actually release chapters as he realizes how fleeting life can be.
>i-i-i-i-t was totally fine to burn entire cities full of civvies
Drop the act
Have any industry people commented on this yet, or is it still too soon for that?
all this butthurt makes me happy even if i dont care about what happened.
Not happy that the studio is gone, but I'm not going to miss their output. The deaths are a terrible loss though.
24 now. Expect it to rise further. Fire victims die mostly in hospital later due to burns. This is fucked.
This. Perfect strategy to keep the Yea Forumsermin and /pol/fags in one place.
Hell be fine
You are always bad, but only when it comes to anime
I feel nauseous
>All of these Yea Forumsirgins making the same posts over and over again about how this was divine punishment for making anime don't like.
get new material
>trying to console war with other anime/studios
god damn you guys are boring.
that was my first reaction before i found out anyone died
I sincerely hope Gonzo's going to be next. It MUST be next.
Gotta say I'm a bit burned out by this thread and its shitposting. Sorry if any of you felt singed by all of this. I'm gonna go to bed, and hopefully you guys will have learned to burn this bridge for the better.
How about learning some source criticism before reposting, you underage fucktard? That's not the perpetrator.
and nothing of value was lost.
>admits being a shitposting retard
Kill yourself.
Some of you are alright
Don't go to TRIGGER HQ tomorrow
I thought Fire Force was being done by a different studio.
>Why not Marvel or Bendis?
>anime message/image board
>anime studio and staff burn alive
>"fuck anime"
I'm not a fan of immigrants.
Because these anons are hearing 'attack on [studio name]' and not personal names, anons can act impersonal and shitpost without really getting it
>but I don't want them to get silenced or banned over it.
What are you going to do about it?
>hur dur reddit
You sure fit here you stupid tourist.
It's done. Literally one fire exit. It's a huge scandal and Japan are serious about shit like this
Also the report from the woman seeing someone shouting for help from a window with only their lips not being burned black or covered in soot.
t. literal human waste
literally me
Reminded me of the guy from no country for old men
>Arsonist obviously planned his attack for a long time and made preparations to it
>Was aiming not to cause mess, chaos ant property damage but to especially murder as much as possible in gruesome way, he even made sure to block emergency exits
>Was ready to kill survivors by himself, with a knife, looking in the eyes
To act with this level of both savagery and dedication, one has to be either fanatic already picturing god rewarding him with 72 virgins for his sick body count, or someone fighting against enemies who endanger your very existence and with whom peace can't possibly be an option (Like Palestinians vs Israeli for example). Man just doesn't fucking kill like that because of copyright/trains/c/u/ckery, I simply can't understand why one would. Fucking asians again as far as ayy lmaos from us in terms of mindset.
At this point I believe those are just trolls that picked up that talking about politics is a good way to get free (you)s. You know those dabbing pepes with tuxedos? A lot of people think they come from /pol/ but they actually come from Yea Forums and Yea Forums but they claim to come from /pol/ because they know that board name is enough to get people seething.
you have no soul
Holy kek
fat people are dangerous
First they'll ban train otakus, then trains alltogether. Say goodbye to your shinkansen.
Defense militia service? Idk Abe can do whatever he wants.
>what is JSDF
We don't do that shit here son.
Too real. Great job.
I think I could jump from the second floor, hell, probably even the third floor, but I guess most animators aren't exactly good athletes.
This is goind be fucking insane when it gets steamrolled into news media across the world. Changes are coming for Japan.
3. i hate /n/
>literally the prison island that gave up their rights and saw no significant reduction in gun crime or mass shootings beyond the mean reduction over the years
2nd worst attack since WW2? Us Americans will top that on any random Tuesday...
following fire code and having atleast 1 security guard can make a difference
But muh suicides.
And from a purely economical standpoint they're justified. All of this is unironically good PR. No one is raising up to question the lack of anti-fire measures, security, architectural design or the fact the building itself was an absolute piece of shit that basically served its divine purpose as a smokebomb for slant eyed bugs. Fuck, they're probably going to get three times their operating yearly income without really doing anything, too.
But suicide? Have a single employee killing himself on your offices and you'll get so much bad shit you basically have to turn your buildings into an absolute death trap to prevent it.
So yes, this is the result of modern day late stage capitalism. 33 fujo and fudanshis dead, all under the divine retribution carried out by a single lone hero that went back to zero station once his mission was a success.
Fuck you and fuck me for actually chuckling.
>so is it a gofundme for the company or for the families of the victims or what?
>we don't know!
>we just set one up as soon as we heard because that's what you do!
>oops due to various laws and regulations and red tape we didn't foresee 60% ended up being taxes or disappeared along the way
Probably because fire is fucking hot dude
Would your reaction to hearing about a murder in news is the same as if your neighbour was murdered? And would the two the same to having your own mother or other close relative murdered?
Men are prone to violence
Women are prone to passive aggression
>All assets are stored in the other building
>This building is mostly ceremonial, used for meetings.
At least that's one thing taken care of. Now it all depends on whose lives were taken by the fire. Directors, VAs, writers? Any word on that?
Who are you trying to fool?
we can't make it illegal for only niggers not to have guns then that would be a yearly event
It's not the only studio outside of Tokyo but the only one in Kyoto.
So, no actually talented people were killed.
Mari Yamaguchi, The Associated Press
Published Thursday, July 18, 2019 1:00AM EDT
Last Updated Thursday, July 18, 2019 11:18AM EDT
>TOKYO -- A man screaming "You die!" burst into an animation studio in Kyoto, doused it with a flammable liquid and set it on fire Thursday, killing 33 people in an attack that shocked the country and brought an outpouring of grief from anime fans.
>Thirty-six others were injured, some of them critically, in a blaze that sent people scrambling up the stairs toward the roof in a desperate -- and futile -- attempt to escape. Others emerged bleeding, blackened and barefoot.
>The suspect was injured and taken to a hospital. Police identified him only a 41-year-old man who was not a company employee. They gave no immediate details on the motive.
>Most of the victims were employees of Kyoto Animation, which does work on feature films and TV productions but is best known for its mega-hit stories featuring high school girls. The stories are so popular that some of the places depicted have become pilgrimage sites for fans.
>The blaze started in the three-story building in Japan's ancient capital after the attacker sprayed an unidentified liquid accelerant, police and fire officials said.
>"There was an explosion, then I heard people shouting, some asking for help," a witness told TBS TV. "Black smoke was rising from windows on upper floors. Ten there was a man struggling to crawl out of the window."
>Japanese media reported the fire might have been set near the front door, forcing people to find other ways out.
>Firefighters found 33 bodies, 20 of them on the third floor and some on the stairs to the roof, where they apparently collapsed, Kyoto fire official Kazuhiro Hayashi said. Two were found dead on the first floor, 11 others on the second floor, he said.
men actually have the drive to go to such extends to impose their world view, even if that implies passing down history as a villain. you don't expect women to understand that
It was. All the people saying it wasn't are lying. Sorry mate, you'll have to "yeet" yourself.
Abe plans to amend the constitution soon
>Niggers shooting niggers means guns are bad
Looks like blinds and blackout curtains to me, seem to be fairly common on Japanese office buildings, either to keep people from looking in or to keep sunlight out.
RIP anime I guess
How will this affect Manga?
Anime is the inferior medium desu
Well fuck me. F to all those who died.
>have a security guard with a gun at the door
I can tell when americans are giving advice
>Nearly every Korean male over the age of 18 also has military training.
We get it here in the nordics as well, and I'll tell you right away its almost completely useless for actual war, at best we would be qualified for guard duty behind the lines. The modern battlefield isn't suitable for conscripts anymore
Who is that loser?
Kek.Thats what the jews in Aushwitz said....
The vast majority of military conscription is just getting in shape, having your mind reshaped, and doing basic tasks on orders to build self control and respect the chain of command. Like you dont need to send anyone to war, just have them go through bootcamp and do shit around base
Rants about how KyoAni destroyed a trainspotting location in the area by flooding it with tourists, and that it stole a meme and used it in a completely different context (on accident).
Basically a foamer going on an autism spree.
Stereotypes exist for a reason and that reason isn't what the crybabies that scream "racism/sexism" say it is.
No, but they have a self-defense force(自衛隊)
This is the thought process of anti-yuri waifufags.
All of my hate, just for you
someone want be an summary of last news?
the thead beacame more talk than recent news so i got an bit lost right now
the final solution to the moe question
isn't this the le anonymous Yea Forums video maker Mister Obvious.
Fuck I hate what this stupid website did to internet culture. I would rape his kid sister if I ever found out where this man lives.
>Is Kyoani done?
>Can they recover from this?
Probably. Depends on hard are the balls of the studio's owners. They've made a successful studio once, they can do it again.
>late stage capitalism
Literally chapo terminology.
you're telling me the entire anime industry can't replace 30 people?
>privacy is respected
Rumor has it the arsonist is a train Otaku who got analblasted for an a allegdly rip off.
Boy scouts for adults.
>A witness who saw the attacker being approached by police told Japanese networks that the man admitted spreading gasoline and setting the fire with a lighter. She told NHK public television that the man had burns on his arms and legs and was angrily complaining that something of his had been "stolen," possibly by the company.
>NHK footage also showed sharp knives police had collected from the scene, though it was not clear if they belonged to the attacker.
>Survivors said he was screaming "You die!" as he dumped the liquid, according to Japanese media. They said some of the survivors got splashed with the liquid.
>Kyoto Animation, better known as KyoAni, was founded in 1981 as an animation and comic book production studio, and its hits include "Lucky Star" of 2008, "K-On!" in 2011 and "Haruhi Suzumiya" in 2009.
>The company does not have a major presence outside Japan, though it was hired to do secondary animation work on a 1998 "Pokemon" feature that appeared in U.S. theatres and a "Winnie the Pooh" video.
>"My heart is in extreme pain. Why on earth did such violence have to be used?" company president Hideaki Hatta said. Hatta said the company had received anonymous death threats by email in the past, but he did not link them to Thursday's attack.
>Anime fans expressed anger, prayed and mourned the victims on social media. A cloud-funding site was set up to help the company rebuild.
>Fire officials said more than 70 people were in the building at the time.
>The death toll exceeded that of a 2016 attack by a man who stabbed and killed 19 people at a nursing home in Tokyo.
>A fire in 2001 in Tokyo's congested Kabukicho entertainment district killed 44 people in the country's worst known case of arson in modern times. Police never announced an arrest in the setting of the blaze, though five people were convicted of negligence.
Imagine poor Naoko Yamada... how can she continue? Every line she draw from now on, will remember her deceased comrades for the eternity.
How will she be able to look at Kyoani's happy characters and laugh again.
Poor woman, she deserves all the hugs.
At this point, she is the only one who can revive Kyoani again, she is the pheonix.
And it wasn't even a foreigner. It was one of their own.
Your move, /pol/!
THere are people talking about gun control and arguing about europe and america, all of which have FUCK ALL do with anime. I don't know where the fuck they come from, I just want them all banned.
Fuck, I'm going to hell.
Just seems weird to me because I've never seen both at the same time.
>before you bring up race, mass shootings every other week perpetrated by pasty white boys
Most recent shooting I can remember was some black killing like 13 in Virginia Beach
You are correct on both fronts and most live off of bad publicity.
Seems like a hell of a lot of key animators and people who have anything to do with visual aspect. There was also a meeting at the time so most likely directors and other high staff
>the entire point of Yea Forums is that it's an english-language board
No más gringo, no más jajajajajajajjaja
When they say a person is "missing" in this case, they just cannot identify the charred corpse. Everyone that survived is already hospitalized
never mind, thanks for resume user
I hate anime now
not locking up their employees like convicts
So why did the otaku do it?
I dont follow kyoani shipping stuff maybe? Too many lesbians?
rip off of what
He wan't like that, he splashed some gasoline, got confronted, ran like a pussy and set the gas on fire on his way out. The building was just a tinderbox.
I think it's different because it's a literal massacre, not just some random guy dying. That doesn't have a GoFundMe usually unless the family themselves start it.
dude what the fuck this is shit
the jsdf is not an army
the jsdf is a defense force, Japan is not allowed to have offensive military body. They also aren't allowed to wage war on other countries unless its in aid of an ally.
Holy shit user
/pol/ is the newfag/Reddit refugee board and Yea Forums&Yea Forums are nothing but /pol/ colonies.
That last point is relevant.
Part of the reason this happened is that Kyoani pandered to a demographic that contained a high volume of pathetic, crazy, obsessive weirdos.
One of those weirdos deciding to kill after their expectations weren't met was honestly only a matter of time really.
>shinkalion is gonna get ding dong bannud
damn, granted it's hard to look at hayato's train faggotry the same way after this
>all these lives that could have been spared just by taking workplace safety measures
Some faggot with 80,000 subscribers, $20,000/month on Patreon, makes 7 videos a week, each with 100,000+ views, and is popular on /pol/.
king of manlets
Other than general disdain for otaku, manga probably won't be affected much
Women are just cowards, hence why most women serial killers use poison.
someone who browses /r/Yea Forums for le smug intellectual videos.
Just woke up. Do we have a list of the dead and a motive?
It took you this long to learn that second one?
Japan cares more about earthquakes than train otaku, so aside from keeping a closer eye on them, nothing's really gonna happen.
They were dead before they died.
Kyoani was dead in 2011
This nu-kyoani is not kyoani, fuck LGBTQ++++ i hope you fuckers enjoy that
Yeah. I was pretty disgusted. and the video is 3 hours old, meaning he must have seen it and immediately went: "Oh dang, I can make a clickbait video out of this". Not even wait a day or so, no right to the: "Worse than you think! Click to find out!" video.
Some people are fucked up. I mean what's he implying? "They're feminist and I didn't like their anime so it's ok for them to burn"? Happens a lot when famous people die, too. When TotalBiscuit died, there were a lot of these "I'm glad, because he was [insert stuff they dislike]
When Fukushima happened, a whole lot of American idiots tweeted "serves them right, for pearl harbor" Like they didn't drop two nukes on them for that one already.
I like you too user, fuck that guy.
It's not asians nor some grand scheme. Some people simply are fucked in the head. Many retards are probably ready to kill a man over a spilled beer.
Just woke up lads, can you guys give me an update of what happened on the last 8 hours.
What is the reason?
The only silver lining is that she is still alive, unfortunately I dont think she'll ever be the same again, and might not ever even do anything else
so the conclusion is:
fuck /n/iggers
They always look the same, Satoshi Kon tried to warn us but we didn't listen.
>Satoshi Kon
>Kyoto AnimatiON
to many warnings and we didn't listen
What are ya'll doing in honor of Kyoto Animations?
I'm gonna try and make a Konata x Kagami Lucky star fanfiction where they move to canada and live a happy lesbian life together.
I also thought about the cast of K-On! hosting a charity/memorial concert like how some celebs handle disasters.
but thats the entire industry idiot
Retard, You break every window to vent the fire its the responsibility of the ladder company
>same trips
>people will help others instead filming them with their phones and do nothing.
Uh...unless you live in China.
I love Regu.
>lock roof access door so your overworked employees can't jump to their deaths
>this happens
i'm past caring about it and completely apathetic. i don't care about anything because i care about everything.
he cant amend it by himself, he has to go through the UN and its unlikely that they allow Japan to become an active military body again considering their history.
The US for one will definitely oppose it.
They made his waifu a non virgin
How did the arsonist bastard know?
I actually just took my shinkasen model I bought from Japan last year and threw it against the wall.
Fuck this bullshit. Fuck everything.
>Modern day late stage capitalism
what was Aum then?
God noo!
>it's not an army if you don't wage an offensive war in another country no matter the size or equipment it has
Okay murrilard.
33 dead, 2 died from injuries in the hospital
takemoto ded
>25 people dead
Holy shit, that's an insanely large number of dead people. I thought maybe 3 or 4 people might have died. Damn.
>I suppose this is a bad time to mention that I hate KyoAni with a burning passion.
Yes, but it's not a bad time to neck yourself.
33 confirmed deaths? What the fuck?
nothing, people who were dying are dead now I guess
please be fake
this, probably
/ourguy/ confirmed
At LEAST 1 AK derivative under the desk of every animator.
Oh I remember this
¿Cuál anime es el Estrella Afortunada?
english antiban
just kill phoneposting already
Well they deserve it then
>it's an Australian
How's being irrelevant barring shitposting and losing to emus going for you, you fucking cunt?
>late stage capitalism
Nope it was unlocked
It wasn't even locked.
fuck you and fuck me
>anti-fire measures
in case of fucking arsonist that blocked escape routes it's like being suprised that someone got shot in a bulletproof vest or someone didn't survived bulding collapsing on the head when he wore worker helmet and gloves.
Fuck you for making me laugh for the first time since I saw the news.
>The company has produced several well-known television anime series, including The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and K-ON!
Not fucking K-on
I'm a newfag but I loved some of their works like violet evergarden and koe no katachi and was planning to watch clannad and k-on. Such a fucking shame
>popular on /pol/
um, no? Eceleb posters are fucking retarded. Anyway, just stop posting that eceleb bullshit, nobody cares about some clowns opinion just because a couple of normalfags follow him on twitter.
The surviving directors could possibly channel this tragedy into their future works. I am certain that if they do make a new movie, that it will at least be nominated for the Best Animated Feature Oscar.
You can't account for a man waiting outside with a gas can.
Yes but their penises average 2" shorter.
Half the nips get on a boat and pull a revolving door maneuver on the Koreans, steal their women and by extension their homes leaving the Koreans stranded in the ocean between the two countries.
This would top the 3rd worst mass shooting in US history. Only beaten by the gay muslim shooting up the club and the Vegas attack by the guy previously registered as a Democrat attacking a hillbilly concert or something
Gon have a nice wank to some keyons. I'm sure this is what they would've wanted
Nice LARP nerd
>Between the legs
He delivers their rice balls
Most likely stalking the building every day.
he bought the gas some 30 minutes before and the front door security system was disabled that day for a meeting/interview with outside people. So he probably has been watching closely for a long time
It's 33 and climbing.
33 dead
No namelist released officially but people already know died
Yasuhiro Takemoto is officially still missing but 99% chance he is in the pile of corpse too fucked for early identification
>33 people dead
>36 injured, some in critical condition
>70 people were in the building
Holy FUCK this one guy pretty much killed all of Kyoani. This shit is unreal.
The problem is that the second you open a window you create a fire surge from the added oxyen, followed by a backdraft of superheated air that will cause your lungs to collapse on the spot if you breathe in.
First guy out the window might make it but everyone else in the room is fucked.
Hibike movie added a m*le to the pure yuri story
Is there any actual confirmation that Takemoto has died?
>for its mega-hit stories featuring high school girls.
Come on, CTV. Read the room.
I knew something bad was gonna happen when Netflix announced Alice in Borderland live-action series, but this is too much.
Anime isn't important enough to kill someone over.
>haruhi s3 never
>maid dragon 2 never
>chunibyou people smoked
All others i dont care about especially VEG, fuck that anime and fuck its fans
Oi m8 you got a license for this post?
They are considered a bit entry-level and too melodramatic for my tastes. But it's a shame nonetheless, they didn't deserve to die like that.
Haven't had the chance to post this in 3 years, now feels appropriate.
the jsdf number 1 isn't large and number 2 it can't be classified as an army because it can only be used in a defensive manner
at least try to know what you're talking about before you start talking about it
That doesn't tell me who they are? Name?
thanks, I needed a laugh after all this
>he has to go through the UN
No he doesn't, what the fuck makes you think that?
>The US for one will definitely oppose it.
Wrong again, the US supports it
>lose a war
>lose your right as a nation to have self-determination for all eternity
That's dumb, Germany has had military again since its refounding as a federal republic (though it's weak as shit these days thanks to internal sabotage by hippies and commies), why can't japan?
It's not like they're gonna fucking invade Korea again, their entire national Zeitgeist changed after WW2.
Yurifag went postal.
33 dead, multiple injured.
Building fire measures shitposting.
Sentai trying to scam money out people.
Guy detained.
Biggest terrorist attack in Japan in a long time so it made it into global news really fast.
You are fucked
so, it's kyoany going to respond for the 19 deaths on the stairways ?
That's what we are discussing. Could be something Hibike related Or a Free related. But these are all assumptions for now.
Hope he gets burned alive.
>have a friend who works in office building (europe)
>ask him to go see his boss and politely ask him if their anti-fire measures are in good state
>in span of five minutes learn that their rooftop access is blocked, they have no fire exits, and they don't even have any evac plan
>this is all "okay, stop fussing about it, idiot"
>realize same thing could very well happen in KyoAni studio at any point of time prior to today
Sometimes I can't understand how world still works and we are not all dead or injured yet.
All of those people were individuals, all of those people have individual families, it doesn't really make much of a difference that they happened to die in the same physical location.
I can't find confirmation on this.
He's missing but the whole building was already swept for survivors. He's probably the badly burned one
fixed your image for you
Oh no no no no no VEGFAGS not like this!
People have killed for more trivial things
Get fucked faggot
The difference is that this happens in Japan once in a couple of decades, while in US it's just Tuesday.
But trains are.
Not going to give him extra views.
Directors are a dime a dozen. Who cares?
It's a shame. I was introduced to anime pretty early on, but I think watching Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya was what made me really realize the potential of the medium and made me fall in love with it, because it was more than just an action show like Dragon Ball that everyone liked.
But what about trains?
What are you even doing here?
>in a long time
Another studio already picked up Maid Dragon season 2, so it's fine.
Better than getting shot I guess
>Half the nips get on a boat and pull a revolving door maneuver on the Koreans
you mean like how they got on boats and got annihilated by 16 Korean ships when their fleet had over 300?
How do you kill so many people with only fire?
Were they asleep in the offices'?
Japan has hanging as capital punishment so he will get that atleast
>comparing rare events such as mass shottings commited by individuals in the majoritary group with mass violence and crime commited everyday disproportionally by individuals of one small group
>pretending to be aussie as well
what did chapotrannyhouse-kun mean by this?
So what do we think of kyoani now?
after FREE they easily became my most hated anime studio
You can absofuckinglutely account for making the door to the roof a push door
>Sometimes I can't understand how world still works and we are not all dead or injured yet
Half the world runs on the assumption that people aren't evil assholes.
>impose their world view
>burns animation studio because muh trains
No because that would involve Japan having an army and kicking burger "defenders" out. Burgers want Nips to depend on them
It wasn't locked. Firefighters could open it. This suggests to me that there are no codes saying the fucking door as to swing outwards like they are in the US
What's the news source for the train otaku confirmation?
They would totally try to invade korea. They still have a large conservative base that's obsessed with taking it
Very sad, but hopefully this will make studios think twice about throwing yuribait into adaptations that never fucking had any originally.
The only country in the world with good fire safety for its buildings is the United States.
shitty nip building codes
Why is it always ugly people who do this? From Breivik and Tarrant to Isis terrorists to this guy and the idol stabber. Ugliness is the safest indicator of a deranged monster and we need to start doing something about them
Haruhi made me realize that anime became shit when Dragonball was the standard.
Eh, Tri-yearly at least with the way things have been going.
The only thing you are rich in is irl shitposters Bruce.
>not full on crazy
>Imagine caring about some nips dying
You think whites shooting are a problem because the media gave up reporting nonwhite shooting because they happen so regularly
fuck off
non whites make up 95% of all gun crime
Because those directors didn't work with the same team for 20 years and learn the ins and outs of a studio and all the personalities of animators while bringing them all together to make some of the best artistic creations in the medium's history. That's why people care
>implying Japan's military was good in WW2
Their strength was inflated by their Navy which was promptly crippled after the battle of midway.
is it just me or does that hand look animated?
I'm actually surprised by that too
Yeah, unfortunately is a very common situation that happens because "dude, that shit cost money. Just don't set your wagie box on fire bro"
VEg Director and Lead animator survived so now VEG will be kyoanis flagship so s2 and s3 confirmed
no fire escapes
>moeshit btfo
Based. Triggerchads rise up.
Apparently it was, the mass of people just didnt make it to the door before suffocating and passing out from the smoke.
They were bugs, dude.
did she even survive?
Nobody wants to admit it but men are more violent in general and they're coddled and retarded so they're often taught that their outbursts are normal because they're just defending themselves or expressing their frustration or some dumb shit. Women who troon out and take testosterone pills or injections become like this too and are surprised and sometimes uncomfortable with the change so men are biologically degenerates and they're taught that this is a good thing. Meanwhile when a woman have PMS symptoms they're just grumpy because of the pain, the blood and bits of organs they're losing but they're told they're mentally and emotionally unstable. Even pregnant women aren't as bad a healthy, normal man.
>b-but women commit crimes too!!1!
Not nearly as often, not for the same motives, not with the same methods, and they have less victims overall.
True. Deformities are a sign of genetic problems
Kyoani has been shit for a long time now but what the fuck they didnt deserve this
it took a lot of courage to use this tragedy as a platform to voice this one-off opinion for attention online but im sure glad he did
I've never seen or heard of this faggot.
I think you have your facts a little dickered.
(X) Doubt.
Invading Korea would literally fuck them over on the national stage, you'd have to be insane to even consider it.
The US can't cuck Japan and continue to have them dance for them if they suddenly have the ability to have an army and tell them fuck off.
You think if Japan got back its imperial army that the US would be allowed to have military bases there anymore?
The US worked to strip Japan of its military capabilities because Japan can't be trusted with an army and they want to make sure they can continue to control them through military oppression.
Wait, are lesbians, non-virgin girls, or trains responsible for this? Or is this all bait?
LMAO, no. Nips will simply ignore you and walk on, afraid to get mixed up in your business.
what's up with these posters? i haven't been around lately because i know Yea Forums has fallen quite a lot in the past few years but do people really care to crossboard shitpost something that doesn't even phase them, or are these some shounenfag edgy netflix watching teens?
was it seriously just a pull door, jesus christ
How is it possible that we don't have the names of those who made it out alive yet? It's been 10 hours or something.
I mean they managed to interview Naoko Yamada just fine, I can't believe the other survivors are keeping quiet/not going on twitter etc. I mean like 5 of them were completely unharmed and dozens of people had only minor injuries.
So what's the status on the people that worked on Nichijou?
What did american education mean by this?
So only men get insane enough to kill a bunch of people because those people drew a picture they didn't like?
Testosterone is a hell of a drug
Yea Forums here. I don't really understand how motivations because I know nothing of anime. Can someone explain it in normal person terms like "kino"?
Because assholes watch them. This fucker will get millions of clicks too.
Any reaction from seiyuus or celebrities in Japan?
They literally have larger army than most European countries. "Defensive manner" doesn't mean shit. Like half of the wars were started as "self-defense" as a pretext or to aid an ally. If Japan really wanted to wage war they certainly could as long as US would back them up diplomatically.
Good times.
Good riddance
I keep monitoring this thread even though I know it's not going to bring back the dead.
>Why is it always ugly people who do this? From Breivik and Tarrant to Isis terrorists to this guy and the idol stabber. Ugliness is the safest indicator of a deranged monster and we need to start doing something about them
It works the other way around. If you are pretty you will always have some level of success in life, meaning that you have something to lose and are way less likely to perform such crime.
But they almost only ever shoot each other
>Whites are niggers now
The truth finally comes out
that happens on every website. it's not /pol/, it's that everyone nowadays is generally aware of the politics surrounding them thanks to the internet.
>Estrella afortunada
So wait, was this guy a disgruntled Yurifag or a mad train otaku?
Even after all this time, let it go man
>Bullets set fire to gas
Only if they are either incendiary or they hit the ground and causing a spark. It's not like the movies. Most of the time the bullet will just slap on through the can.
Massive train autism
I hate moeshit. Yuribait is garbage. Pretty much everything they made was bad
but this shit is fucked up. Being burned alive is one of the worst ways to die. None of them deserved it
Lots of good looking serial killers and criminals existed.
Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, Jeremy Meeks, and so on.
It was someone who was mentally ill
that means lefty
I seriously hope none of you here actually donated to fucking Sentai
>Largest coal deposit in the world
>largest uranium deposit in the world
>Leaders in medical reseach
which one?
Ain't it pretty late at night in nipland?
Because that shit is enforced by authorities and not left to the own device of the building owner
If you don’t have the physical strength gotta find some other way. Not as much cowardice as simply being logical and knowing the means justify the end.
he cant keep getting away with it
mad train otaku
mad train otaku is the most common theory
>n-not true /pol/
kek, /pol/ on the ropes
Toyosaki Aki cried in radio show.
Yes, it was confirmed. In fact, looks like she wasn't even there because she was like, instantly confirmed all right.
it's obviously a PR stunt to raise money
Favoutite Kyoani anime? I don't like a lot of their recent shows but I'll never forget this movie. Rewatched it multiple times
>70 in the building
>40ish people made it out
>subhuman trainfucker burned himself and got caught
>will almost definitely get the death penalty
>based japan still does fast drop and sudden stop executions, no pussy injection shit
I mean take what we can get, I'm glad the death toll wasn't even worse and some justice will come out of it. I just hope the survivors don't get hit too hard with survivor's guilt or actual unironic PTSD
There has been no official statement on the motives but trains seem to be the most likely explanation considering the 5ch post and the arsonist being cofirmed from Kanto.
Wait so it was some dude who likes trains and hates moe anime? Why did he watch Hibike then?
You know, after reading about how bad the society is, in this case this crazy guy (in japan there's almost no mental health help), the thing that if you want to go against the modern slavery they punish you not giving you jobs iin other companies, how little rights jp ppl have, if you want to go against the flow they punish you destroying your reputation/social life leaving you isolated. Like, if you watch all the anime/games etc. its like, at the end it makes me think in reality, there are more bad japanese than good japanese people.
Low tests can't even hope to understand, now bugger off
A korean
Have you actually seen all those videos of armed burger civilians gunning down criminals in stores and such? We may be crazy assholes, but by god we get the job done.
>Estrella afortunada
Carajos con esta gente.
Do we have a kill list?
Big names?
I think we should start by filtering people out based on height. Manlets are the angriest of them all
If a guy is in my house with a gas can you can bet your ass he's getting shot
go home soiboi
Atleast pray no more people die.
Based, I can ship again on this for next years
Why the hell are all these retards arguing about gun control and "muh guns muh freedom" when the crime was arson
superior japanese buildings folded over 10000 times
This is worse than 9/11
can i get a quick run-down on the train theory?
God damn it, I thought I'd look at something else to take my mind off all this
>London Bridge station makes 2019 Riba Stirling Prize shortlist
>The redeveloped train station at London Bridge is one of six buildings up for the 2019 Riba Stirling prize.
ooh, architecture, nice
But then I looked through the photos of the shortlist
>fire hazard
>fire hazard
>looks decent
>fire hazard
fuck's sake
Fuck bros this is tragic. Not even a huge kyoani fan but fuck. F.
I understand if people don't like the works put out by a certain studio, but what messed up fucker actually is happy that people who only want to bring joy to the world die? I understand making dark jokes and all sure but actually being happy? I knew this board was full of autists but I didn't think they were fucking sociopaths
Wait, are lesbians, non-virgin girls, or trains responsible for this?
guess the arsonist went off the rails
hello newfag enjoy your stay.
He got himself on fire as well so gotta wait for him to wake up
There is no Marvel there is only Borg
Man /pol/ shit is really the easiest way to become rich. Just repeat the same fucking red haired feminist video till you die, talk about some bullshit conspiracy theories involving "white genocide" and cherry pick jewish sounding names to proof that everything is ruled by jew and you become a millionaire and can look down upon normal workers for being poorfags.
He cant keep getting away with it.
no one deserves this, hopefully Trainfag gets executed or given lifetime in prison for his crime.
and also, i dont watch any of the Kyoani's works, but i really feel for the fans, and for the death of the Haruhi/Maiddragon director.
a beloved work dying like that is just as bad as the one who created it dying, and even if some other studio picks up and makes S2, theres no way in hell its gonna be good.
>le kusoani onion face
Kyoani be like
Nigger have you ever taken a piece of raw meat and burnt it black? Imagin trying to ID someone when their face is literally charcoal. They’re gonna have to do DNA test at this point to ID what’s left
I think I hear your little sister being raped by a pack of muslims
cite source or fuck off
>Estrella afortunada
>No mirando Libre! o lleno metal panico
>>implying Japan's military was good in WW2
Never implied anything of the sort, where did you get that from?
An independent free nation must be able to hold a military force and possess borders to defend against enemies and maintain itself, or else it's just a vassal slave state, basic self-determination.
maybe it's because ugliness is equivalent of systematic rejection by modern society, and we already live in such a way as to make all of us feel worthless and unnecessary as we are, regardless of success
social rejection leads to isolation, and isolation can easily lead to a whole fucking lot of medical illnesses that usually go unattended, and the rest is history
but keep being a normie I guess
I haven't sketched even the slightest idea of a smile all day and even cried for a bit. Until now. Fuck you.
But uglier and certainly smellier.
Look at this. A house made of cork. CORK.
Rip kyoani
i want to clarify the gravity of the kyoani fire incident this isn’t just about anime fans crying over the loss of creative talent this is currently the worst mass murder in post-war japanese history: 33 lives were lost; in comparison, the sarin gas attacks of 1995 had 12 deaths
Don't forget
>Largest Emu Semen Deposit in the world
Look how clean these pictures of zero two is.
>not posting the ending song with dem lyrics
I guess we'll never get those sequels after all. We lost a giant. We lost too much.
What decade are you from? The United States has repeatedly requested that Japan build its military back up so we can stop spending so much money defending the Pacific. Every overture about this has been rejected by the Japanese, the Japanese themselves are the ones who do not want to rebuild their military forces. The United States WANTS them to build up a military, but they refuse. Why are you even commenting on this when you obviously have no clue what you're talking about and are so stupid you think foreign policies you read about growing up are static, and never change?
If guns were legal he would have probably used them instead of fire, resulting in less victims.
As much as people bash Violet Evergarden it was the third anime I watched and the first one that made me actually realize that anime is more than just some action packed cartoon. It was also the first time a fictional work made me cry so that was kind of a big deal
nah he was the summer camp counselor
Some guy posted a detailed plan on 5ch about how he's going to get from Kanto to Kyoto to burn down Kyoani and the suspect was later confirmed to be from Kanto.
>if japan wanted to wage a war they could
except they cant because they signed a treaty stripping them of that ability and if they did the UN would exile them and they'd become public enemy #1.
>as long as the US would back them up
They wouldn't. The US themselves literally wrote the clause that made it impossible for them to have a war ready military body and stripped them of the right to wage war on other countries offensively.
Wow lots of weebs itt who don't actually know anything about Japan.
based Sol Chadguy
>front door on fire
>windows had decorative shoji screens which lit on fire
>fire exit caught on fire, yes the irony is painful
>panicking crowd jammed roof door
Any news on Takemoto? Confirmed dead or still "missing"?
cuckstralians live in a toddler state
You're a woman, aren't you?
Hyouka, the amount of detail thrown in that series just floors me. You can't make that kind of animation without being fucking passionate about animating.
0 fucks given. They haven't been making any decent CGDCT shows lately so no loss for the anime industry.
>it makes me think
Actually it really is, the effect on decision making that men get at all times from their testosterone has been shown to be equivalent to a woman's decision making when moderately drunk from alcohol.
It's why men are more prone to both aggression and other high risk behaviors.
Source for confirmation of Takemoto?
I just woke up and what the FUCK, this is horrible.
Him and Internet Historian need to go, desu. Also all of the literal whos who occasionally advertise their shit on different boards and IRC.
While that's a big assumption, that would be sad if true. Stupid how such silly things can lead to 20+ people who might have made it to the roof and been saved. 20 people in panic and a door swings inward. After seeing videos of nightclub fires it's crazy how quickly things escalate and how people react and how quickly people can get into a hopeless situation when a fire starts.
It was shit before that
They're dead jim
Updates of the casualties so far? Roll call for those who are dead anyone?
Can't believe Fire Punch got a surprise live action movie
Has it occurred to your single digit IQ self that people can be upset about more than one thing and that not every user on this site lives in a place with a mass murder?
Do we know the motives behind the arson?
Why should I care what happens to people I have no connection to? I'll have you know that I live in a post-national state.
How are people getting information on the dude's motives when he's in a coma
Well, they are most likely suffocated, which is faster and less painful.
Maldita sea ElMundo, ¿por qué eres tan retrasado?
I have no sympathy for the guy or anything, but I've always thought he looked rather handsome.
>Nichijou season 2 dream forever lost
I think ima cry bros.
Kyoani used the same abbreviation for baritone sax solo "barisaku", which coincidentally connected to his "Baribari kankō shite sakutto torimashou" or shortened as "barisaku" two.
A bird cries out
Looking for me within a nameless sky
I will head for tomorrow in this cradle woven from kindness
Be it a day of rain or a day of sunshine
I will be there to protect you
A treasure more valuable than all
A nameless flower lies in peace
A colorless wind is calling
Our birthplace beckons with a familiar scent
Far-off, childhood memories
Hold a warmth like the sunlight
Awakening from a transient dream
Loneliness realizes it's all alone
Flapping the wings we were given,
Let's promise to never stop flying!
We're not alone!
I have only one wish: your happiness
I'll proceed to tomorrow
In the cradle of tenderness I've been weaving
Be it a day of rain or sunshine
So I can tell you I love you
I was born in this city
So that I could meet you
Being born in this city
I was able to meet you
A single bird flies onward
As it searches for tomorrow in a nameless sky
But nothing horrible happens in my city.
True that, rip their studio
>MUH /pol/
Rent free
if you haven't realised it yet, i'm not american.
happy now, fag? nice one, ignoring all my points.
Anime movie based on this incident when???
Preferably by kyoani survivors
why are you all shitposting /n/, they didn't do anything
2ch posts
so is he just a trainfag, or does this somehow have something to do with trains?
Who cares. Escape routes are good.
>cry about Kyoani polluting anime with kawaii uguu shit for years
>someone finally crushes them
>Yea Forums feigns disgust like redditors
You guys are such bitches
Don't forget those plans for wooden skyscrapers
He is still missing. At this point, you should just assume the worst.
Our government are a bunch of retarded shit flinging monkeys, nothing about them is competent, they need these bullshit laws to stand a chance against the rest of us
>>Roof access door opened inwards but the mass of the crowd pressing against it to get out stopped it from being opened
Are you telling me they couldnt just say
"Hey guys step back a rittle bit whire I open this door" and then get saved?
This is some stupid BS are nips this stupid?
2ch post
because Yea Forums's default mode is "hurr durr fuck americans" even when the subject is as far removed from america as possible
go back
I'm young so I haven't worked all that much but here in France I worked in a mall and in a giant head office as a recruiter and there were many trials for exit plans and all the equipment worked. Where's your friend? There are chances the buildings are just not corresponding to current safety laws, maybe there's something that can be done.
those threads were fun
>we can stop spending so much money defending the pacific
defending the pacific from what? The US?
That's why I'm asking about those who are safe, not the dead or seriously injured ones.
All we know for certain is that he was screaming Kyoani plagiarized something
>lleno metal panico
Would be Pánico Metal Lleno, though.
Wasnt there an arson with 44 deaths tho?
How come they didn't get on everyone that was friends with Weinstein when he got busted?
Definitely Hyouka, Melancholy being close second.
Any lists on who died?
They have his ID
They know where he lives
They know he has prior conviction
And yet we still don't have a name. Korean confirmed.
Nope. I just know that looks don’t matter when it comes to committing crimes.
From what I've seen, this fiasco might take one, maybe even two apologies before Japan forgets and nothing get fixed
33 dead 36 injured
Shinkalion got canned already a couple of weeks ago but due to some sport related shit I think, so I gues they are off the hook.
Definitely K-on. Watched it on TV when I was a kid and it helped me relax since I was constantly stressed out. Fucking hell, that show brings back memories. Hope the arsonist gets what he deserves.
That's what I assume but yeah, who knows
From matching posts on 2channel and 5ch
Don't worry lads, I've saved Kumiko.
Train otaku are pyschos. We must stop them before this happens again.
Someone said it was updated from presumed to confirmed, I asked because I haven't seen a source yet
Now that Kyoani is finally dead, time to agree that Lucky Star > Haruhi > K-On and everything else they've made is shit.
probably dead
>Yea Forums is a single person
People who don't get laid harbor deep resentment towards society (mainly women). Shocking.
Have sex.
edge club is two blocks down
Your taqiyya bullshit won't work on me /pol/
>An independent free nation must be able to hold a military force and possess borders to defend against enemies and maintain itself
Except that army didn't do that. It was too busy invading southeast Asia.
I was doing alright until I decided to start the video, fuck you
what is this train thing people are talking about?
An anime about trains? what?
It's an informercial. They could've judt made the kid do that.
It's going to be heartbreaking to see her next work. Most likely, she will do some sort of tribute.
Arsonist is suspected to be a train otaku thst did this over a fucking train dispute bullshit
She's got hairy feet?
If being s normalfag means not killing innocent animators and looking like a human, I'd rather be a normalfag
If anyone can't read nip, he's basically upset that Hibike "dirtied his trains".
well sleeping beauty at first we were told it was an explosion, but then we found out it was just a fire. As the hours passed, more and more people were confirmed dead. It is not happy day.
Hormones are what cause that, brainlet.
>want to start a war
>whoops looks like we can't because of a piece of paper! Whoops lol!
China. We are constantly contesting with them over who has rights to what in that region.
artists are unironically better than your average humans.
for you
looks like a budget version of the oklahoma thing in 1993
supposedly he was a frequent online poster and probably made some vague mention of things beforehand.
That's some galaxy brain logic.
Thankfully Japan is a Capital Punishment country.
>I just hope the survivors don't get hit too hard with survivor's guilt or actual unironic PTSD
As someone with a family friend who survived a fire that killed several others i don't think there is any way the survivors will avoid that.
They will never be the same again, they might be able to return to a somewhat normal life in time but never the same as before.
Thanks, guess I'll be even more depressed for the rest of the month now.
Whats a train otaku?
Jihad against train otakus when?
I mean, they literally try to disprove the horrid death count of communism while simultaneously using Stalin and gulags as shitposts.
Literally the "the holocaust didn't happen but it should've" of commies.
>career suicide
>70 in the building in total
okay, this is epic
Apparently he was a mentally ill trainfag who was upset about Kyoani ruining a trainspotting location and a song by featuring it in Hibike Euphonium.
Moeshit is a cancer. This is Trigger's time to shine.
>33 japs dead
Ok but any humans?
Japanese people really are not prepared for mayhem, are they?
>Guy comes in with a billion barrels of gasoline
>Guy padlocks and chains all the exits and fire escapes
>Guy starts pouring gas on people as well as stairwells
>No security at all in the building to stop him
>Somehow no one smells the gas fumes
>Guy was acting very obviously unhinged and screaming stuff like "die"
How the fuck did these Japs let it get this bad? In America he would've been shot dead before he could even light a match.
ACK did this, it's why hes been gone for so long.
He finally ATTackED
If anything, the reason why I mentioned women transitioning to "become" men is because I hate trans people and I think they're absolute retards for fucking up their healthy bodies just because they're perverted men who want big porn star tits or they're butch lesbians in denial.
Nobody cares, you stupid faggot. Get over it like the rest of us have or hang yourself already.
Jesus christ man
What does this mean? what's a train otaku? what does it have to do with all this?
Imagine being THIS mad at haruhi S2
Take good care of her, user.
muh bbc
Treated, compressed lumber doesn`t burn all that fast due to its low surface area. It`s wood pulp, insulation foam and similar shit that burns rapidly.
except those aren't half as popular
>all the buttblasted moralfagging weebs
Based literally who
This. This is important.
Haruhi obviously.
The consequences of 9/11 were catastrophic.
There was nothing bad with 9/11 itself.
You always did hate anime, user.
So, he's homicidal Sheldon with chinky eyes?
*sips* now THAT was a mass murder
Was it a yurifag?
The tweet said that Takemoto was uncontactable, so it could be that he's injured or deceased. But at this point, might as well assume the worst.
C-choo c-choo
Is this really his manifesto?
Full translation?
Someone loving trains a bit to much
It said the place of residence and date of birth can still be read clearly from the ID but other part of the ID have been burnt beyond recognition
>hardly bat an eye when school shootings happen
>feel absolutely horrible about this incident
No, the guy was just obsessed with trains.
Burger shitposting
and white usually shoot whites
So your saying shootings only matter when the victims are white?
Only japan can put such relaxing background music on a fucking fire
Guy's face looks like mashed potato with a balding problem. He's the equalent of ogres next to the average nord.
Isn't euphorium a manga adaptation? Why would he kill animators instead of ayano takeda who wrote the story?
I predict some acted documentary will be made like there was for the Aum attack
Favorite recent anime? Probably Amaburi, fuck anons, why did it have to start raining after the fire went out
>what's a train otaku
How can anyone possibly explain this
They brought joy to yuri faggots and fujoshi. This is the result. You’ve got these nips with a mental illness. Abe needs to clean up the anime industry and prevent studios from making faggotry
Good thing trigger is making a furry show next
>Watch K-on season 1
>Damm this shit is uggu shit
>Watch K-on season 2 9 years later
>cry like a bitch
Kids dont produce your favorite piece if entertainment
Something about trains autism
One of his favorite trainspotting location became full with tourists after some series, and a song used in the series also had something to do with train.
I.E. He was completely nuts
this, same with scientists and such
Haruhi, they didn't make anything that good after it.
Yeah, only 10 Americans can fit that building. Shame.
Trigger is making a furry shit anime now
Yiff in hell
the only kyoani show I've seen is Full Metal Panic
Breivik was pretty handsome.
what the fuck happened to the fire suppression systems? Also no alternate exits?
We wish that was the case. If only...
Yes the Haruhi movie, fuck that movie is so fucking good.
It's so weird that nobody is mentioning Nichijou. Even in like news reports when they list shows by KyoAni, Nichijou is barely mentioned.
But yes, Nichijou is my favorite show by them.
I'm not happy that his happened but KyoAni is shit. Fucking moeshit.
because liberals are retarded
Keionbu hijinks in London
Dude, I'm talking about post-WW2, it's like gun rights, you have the right to own a gun and defend yourself from people trying to harm you, but if you use it to kill innocent people you're gonna get your shit kicked in and your rights taken from you.
The thing about nations though is that they last much longer than a single person's life span.
That's in Oklahoma and meant primarily for tornadoes which will literally rip the roof off of buildings like a planetary scale vacuum cleaner.
This sucks. ill jack off to Kumiko in solidarity
>globally banned from waging war in the UN
>do it anyway
>think this won't result in the death of your country because now every other country has free reign to fuck you up with their military or starve your people with sanctions
nice trade off
isn't internet historian just know your meme: the youtube channel, but only for major normalfag things? seems pretty harmless compared to
>well now that they suffocated in a fire, fuck I hated k-on goddamn degenerate feminists
like whoever this abhuman degenerate is
islam and christianity are both shit
the left and the right are both shit
>biggest terrorist attack in Japan in quite a while was done by a rabid otaku
Sasuga, otas.
Aanyone got live footage from inside the building. I need to cope with this somehow... How bad did it look like
>Shit is fucked up, big time
Fucking Lord, I was going there tomorrow. My sister lives nearby.
Well one of them was a dude with a giant fertilizer bomb and the other was apparently a guy with a bunch of gasoline he dumped then lit on fire so yeah?
anime otaku are people who are obsessed with anime
idol otaku are people who are obsessed with idols
wrestling otaku are people who are obsessed with wrestling
train otaku are people who are obsessed with ______
Try filling the gap.
>runs into u-boats and the japs imperial navy
The japs would have styled all over Asia and then boated over to europe to BTFO of the Brits some more. The japs literally proved the Brits were all bluster
It's a good start. Based Weeb-Trash Burner.
It was actually THAT WELL DONE, either really bad luck or the guy knew exactly what he was doing to cause the most damage, set fire to only entrance, force everyone to look for other exists, no other exists found besides a few windows, clever ones managed to escape like this, ALSO, it have been mentioned that this wasn't gasoline but something else that made the fire be much more stronger, guy went full science on Kyoani holy shit.
top part is just train autism
the text sandwiching the ascii art is what you want
ack did thisa
Or he could just kill normies like yourself.
How is /n/ taking this?
The ultimate vanilla autist.
This isn`t some huge corporate behemoth with guards, gates and security doors.
It`s a 3-story building not all that different from an apartment house.
Just say it's someone severely obssesed with trains.
I would expect that a number of the survivors will make attempts at their own lives in the future. It's not uncommon in Japan after disasters like this.
I just wish I could give them the strength to go on, but I barely have that myself right now.
They used his favorite train song in an anime where his waifu loose his cherry, apparently.
When was the last time something like this happened on such a large scale in the modern world? A company essentially being forced to cease production because half of their workforce was murdered.
Imagine going to work to draw the deaths of your previous coworkers. Let's make this happen
Ive read hundreds of posts and got nothing clear
Ah ok why bring it up then if its not related to the motive at all
When a crowd is moving in a panic man, it is just not possible to reason. Some people are stampeded to death in this kind of shits. Also it was probably not long before they were suffocating.
According to his friends he had plastic surgery on his chin, forehead and nose.
>burns down KyoAni for love of trains
hes doing the why x character is y on this situation as if it isn't obvious
Mexican news mentioned them.
But user, pouring gasoline on people and setting them on fire isn't legal either.
>he thinks UN works
>he thinks treaties mean anything when it comes down to serious business
>he thinks US wouldn't support their ally if it allied with their interests
Holy shit you're a naive baby.
They're all copying the same list from reuters or AP, they never heard of it until just now.
Also they have dozens of shows and they're not going to write a promotional piece when they have no vested interest and the story is people set on fire.
Artificial chinese island naval bases
Agreed, train otakus should fuck off
google-san can
Yeah, that's what they want you to believe
>I can't believe the other survivors are keeping quiet/not going on twitter
>you just barely escaped death
>you know dozens of your colleagues just died or sustained horrific injuries
>perhaps you've seen some of their bodies
>"well, gotta head to social media and describe how my day was!"
I want to hug her and tell her everything is going to be alright. I don't want to think about her crying. It's making me cry.
Where was the Fire Force when you needed them?
imagine giving a fuck lmao
Please mods ban forever crossboarders, Yea Forums is a comfy place who likes Otaku culture and every thing about japanese animation.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are destroying this ib for years. Is hard but jannies keep doing your job banning edgy faggots.
Burning anime studios and their employees?
he cant keep getting away with it
it's too dumb of a motive
burn people alive because of a song?
Bump q
If the one who chased the guy was Takehomo, I'll stop calling him homo and call him Takehero instead.
/n/ must pay for this.
It was a fire. How would guns help in this case?
The IP was from Tokyo though
bros lets do Yea Forums sings God knows in memory of kyoani
LMAO, I remember that very old 2ch thread about how train otaku were the most dangerous and most insane.
I think it's too soon to accuse the 2ch train guy, might be a coincidence the internet is full of random autism.
Actually you read the fucking thread and realize that it was just a 5ch shitpost that some retards LARP as a manifest. It's literally nothing, read the thread retard
all of Yea Forums is /pol/ now
>posting the equalent of a model photoshoot that gets touched up
Yet he looks like a goblin in his court appearances.
That said, compared to the average anglos and continental males, he's a few notches above them. Even the ugliest nord is prettier than the typical non nord.
Why do people with autism tend to be obsessed with trains? Not even joking or putting anyone with autism down, it’s just that I noticed that a lot of kids on the spectrum really like trains.
it's a trainspotter/foamer
This happened to several companies during 9/11, some companies were completely wiped out, like Windows on the World, the restaurant that took up the upper 3 floors of one of the towers, all dead.
you fucking wish, it was Hibike Euphonium that drove him nuts.
>70 people worked in a building smaller than my childhood home
what the fuck? japan is really like this?
So do we know yet who did it? What the motive was?
I'm so sad hearing that the director of Nichijou is dead.
>but why bulletproof hurr
you forgot to mention that any piece of wood or plastic becomes a kinetic missile strong enough to punch through a person without even slowing down
why the fuck do people live in tornado alley holy shit
lol look at him backtracking this hard because of the backlash, fucking piece of shit
The principles of train autism applied to the kind of person who threatens violence over the purity of a waifu.
>over 1000 replies
Ain't nobody got time to read this triple-filtered autism.
>Yea Forums is a comfy place
what year is it
Okay, but first I'd have to explain to you how to read.
>shoot the perp
>shoot the fire
To be fair that info has been pruned from earlier parts of the thread multiple times already, so if he just showed up the current thread wouldn't show it.
Who said train otaku were smart people? An inquisition is coming.
substain your claims
okay, this is going to be hard, but bear with me
I hope you know what a train is
Do you also know what otaku means? If yes, put those two together, I have trust in you.
because kids are expendable, but artists aren't.
apart from one thread from someone here, they aren't saying much
The US is 'allies' with Japan the same way it's 'allies' with Turkey. The positioning of both countries are strategically beneficial for them, they don't actually care about either country.
You think the US wouldn't nuke Japan again if it could?
That'd just make the survivors kill themselves
How do you take a tragedy that just happens that killed over 30 people and use it to give your own pointless and subjective political opinions? Distasteful.
But leftypol only has like 5 posters
and they're poor, not enough to make any money on.
That should already be evident from the combination of those two words, train and otaku
>d-do I fit in yet!?
Imagine getting this upset over people asking what's going on in a fucking sticky. Never post again.
It'd be a lot more believable than a smart motive
shut up trigger nigger
I was planning to go next year on spring after saving up for years.
This shit broke me when I heard about it.
I used google's text recognition extension and pasted it into google translate
151 Side Bekon Bekon seamless red band Ponko train old 7000 series (JPW OHbb-be5w []) 2019/07/17 (Wed) 14: 54: 19. 36 ID: HtlwZ8HFH
Keihan's shooting for the Euphoring train
When the following
Please obey the rules. I'm sure you're insta.
The rule of taking iron
Rule 1. Take a shot on a sunny day, at an angle of the sun behind, without continuous shooting.
As usual, let's fix the standing position so that the side of the 2 trains can be taken at the ratio of 7 to 7 in front of the train, that is, the train can be contained in "Cichisan".
It is a rule 3 favorite train. Let's zoom so that the train will be "katsukatsu" full of composition.
Rule 4-The subject is a railway car to the last. Let's put it in the middle of the screen, like "Hinomaru".
Rule 5-Before shooting at the shooting location, read the following iron subject and read it carefully so that you can get a regular railway picture.
>kids huddle into a bulletproof room
>just set it on fire so they suffocate inside because it`s not airtight
Relative emotional distance.
I know it sound edgy but nobody cares about a bunch of kids except political people that want to use their bodies as step ladders for their own benefits, here we are talking about people that brought happiness to our miserable lives.
First Brenton, and now this. Is this the year of shitposter terrorism?
/n/ already had a mass murderer, the guy who crashed the plane with no survivors.
>expecting mutts with amerilard education to read
It was 3 floors.
Blame /u/.
based dubs of truth
fences can be uncomfortable but sitting on them keeps you out of the mud :^)
Fuck that. Anton Chigurh was cool and interesting. This guy is just a nobody loser who got pissed because he reached for enough straws to delude himself into thinking he'd been plagiarized. Fuck this piece of shit.
Is it bad I didn't realize that Kyoto did clannad untill now, thought it was key studios for the longest time because I did nothing but play the clannad vn and watched the anime for more images of tomoyo and kotomi.
*sip* now THAT takes me back
Lisa Sick Sun Knatsu-Hinomaru
Barisaku, Shichisan, Kackatsu, Hinomaru
Bali Saxic Sun Cutlet Hinomaru Losing Keihan-Uji Mushi-Tokushukai Haruboppo
Barisaku, Shichisan, Cuck, Hinomaru, Losing Keihan, Ujimushi, Tokushukai, Harpopo
Barisaku. Cichisan. Cuckold. Hinomaru. Los Angeles Uji Musashi. Tokushukai. Harubobobo
Barisaku, Shichisan, Cuckack, Hinomarushio loses to Keihan. Ujimushi, Tokushukai, Harubobobo
Bali Saxichi San Cuckah. Hinomaru. Losing Keihan, Ujimushi, Tokushukai Harupoppo
Barisaku * Shichisan * Katsuka * Hinomaru * Losing Keihan * Uji Musi Mizutokukai * Haruboppo
As usual, shooting with a tripod is the first person who is not used to hand-held shooting, so let's watch it warmly.
As you can see that the 3rd set gobbled tripod is your own, put a sticker like "Bear with a bear on a bear" and a weak tuft "and stick it" Stably "to make it stand out.
As for the tripod used for rule 4-place geba, let's use "cheap" so that it may be stolen or broken by other taking iron.
Beginner's Place
Don't forgive the defeated Keihan, the madman, Bill and the baritone sax in the Moe anime!
My life's life has gone wildly because of the barrage of filth nauphium. I will never forgive you!
Risa Kishichi Sun Kackatsu Hinomaru Losing Keihan Uji Musshu Deshukai Haruma
the studio had in total 160 peoples
Perp confirmed to be a train otaku (there are different kinds of otaku) mad about the KyoAni building attracting a pilgrimage of anime otaku and ruining the scenery near a train spotting location. Plus, Hibike had a baritone sax solo that people abbreviated as "barisaku". Coincidentally, "barisaku" was the abbreviation he personally used for another train spotting related term, バリバリ観光してサクッと撮りましょう.
So basically, a foamer felt his hobby was personally attacked. Your 2D is safe.
>we'll wage war and then just get fucked up by literally everyone else afterwards because we broke the treaty
You're naive if you think that Japan waging war offensively on another country wouldn't be the end of them
The right does have a victim complex though
dude, train otaku are fucking weird. Even the ones in the west are weirdos.
What isekai world did the people who died wake up to?
That's like every other internet celebrity personality ever dude. It's disgusting.
It's basically a list of rules for train photographing that has nothing to do with anime, each of which he shortened to one easy to remember words.
One of these is "barisaku" from baribari and sakutto
But then he spergs on how kyoani ruined his life because a featured baritone sax solo started to get called "barisaku" too (from baritone sakkusu)
I don't think there's any confirmation that this post is real of it was from the same men
But the speculation seems to be that he's mad they ripped off his barisaku word
He was obsessed with trains, not dykes being in his anime.
This was a whole other level than some pandering
It’s in their genetics. Autism always leads back to trains
good lord the reddit thread about this is cringey
sasuga safe space leddit
>whoops looks like we can't because of a piece of paper! Whoops lol!
Yeah good luck building an army in secret from US when US has literal military bases all over you country. You won't start a war overnight and take everyone by surprise
t. rootless American liberal
2019, a Golden decade for anime Otakus.
You must be +18 to post here Yea Forumsincel
No because there would be zero reason to attack Japan. Japan was only nuked because they refused to surrender in WWII.
Too colloquial for me to read properly. The line above the ascii art seems like a threat related to this incident. Also the bottom two lines say something about the writer going crazy because of Hibike:Euphonium.
I have no authority or specific knowledge on the matter but I could see it being due to the orderly nature of trains, they follow the same route day in and day out without change, there’s a comfort in the order for them.
Who is still missing? By this point, anyone missing is just waiting to be identified from burnt remains
Ok nigger, but what does it have to do with half of kyoani's staff being murdered?
Eric and Dylan were clearly Yea Forums
>Imagine caring about (you) dying
So you think they wouldn't support Japan and its claim if it wanted to start shit with China for example?
>they don't actually care about either country
That's like all alliances work.
>Brenton is /fit/
He literally posted on /pol/ tho
Watch Shinkalion, no seriously, is a great show.
when was the last time they did a good anime though
Is this accurate? Pls confirm
Any rumors on the motive?
They had keycard pass locks that they disabled because they were having guests over. And even small offices should have cameras and a guard or two. Corporate behemoths have fucking squads of big, eastern europeans with suspiciously commie-esque accents that roam their halls and cameras every 10ft. These people weren't ready for anything
Well, I kinda lied when I said "europe" (although it seems that "europe" is different for any other person), in reality he's in ukraine, and his building being business center of some kind, I don't think there's really anything that can be done. Like, it's not 3-floor building you can build a fire emergency ladder next to.
>come back to Yea Forums after reading the news about this
>sticky is easily 90% Yea Forums and /pol/
I knew things were going to get worse but it's still shocking.
Fuck Off Cesare Lombroso
Time to update the list
nah m8
Yea Forums have always been edgy. Hell there are plenty of other forums where people of people acted edgy around this event. Even at the ban-happy SA forums you have people making jokes about this murder.
so what happened?
what the fuck is this from
Kyoani studio Isekai series incoming.
full metal panic
Confirmed nothing to do with yuri, apologize to yuri fans. We are lovers of peace and beauty.
Holy shit. That's some next-level autism.
chuunikoi and hibike were pretty good
Just read the thread
Just visited /n/
You're mistaking chinese with japs
Do we have a list of confirmed dead? I apologise for being too lazy to look anywhere except literally this thread.
>Look at this. A house made of cork. CORK.
Cork slowly ignites around 350°C and barely spreads or produces flames when it does. Regular wood slowly ignites around 230°C and produces large flames that spread easily. If anything cork is the safer choice.
because they don't normally deal with these type of retards unlike americans and their school shootings and marathon bombers
It'll be an honor fapping by your side.
Gook military training is somewhat overrated but also would be a massive use
I got out 5 years ago but I still know how to assemble and disassemble rifles and pistols in 15 seconds from muscle memory
You're a terrible person
But I'm even worse for laughing
>Shoot the guy who was blocking the exit
>Shoot the lock top the roof open
>Use the stock to break open windows
>Draw cooler guns in your anime
>Go to the roof and shoot sum shit on breaks for a wholesome time with your studio nakama
Literally only pluses.
they took away his waifu's virginity
Damn you seething
Hibike S1
blame the /u//n/
oyasumi sex
fair enough
That's a reach
he's a photography guy
It's not, he doesn't live in the same city. It's just some shitpost
>mentioning an unfunny flop when you have masterpieces like haruhi and keion
foamers are fucked in the head
/pol/ already has Breivik.
More like /vr/ because Doom, but back in the days of 1999 it was only 6 years old.
I'm going to have to change my "shit was so cash" pasta now
>death of moeshit
What a misandrist thing to say. Good riddance to 3DPD
I don't understand. why is everyone talking about trains?
Imagine masturbating to trains
No not lolis that represent trains
But actual real life trains
This is apparently what the guy had on him
It's the same volume as a large backpack. Plus he only needed to dump near the entrances. He bought the fuel 30minutes before the act, but I was under the impression that most fueling stations in Japan are not self service.
>t. butt mad redditor newfag
I'm pretty sure a lot of small businesses had to shut down after a Tsunami wiped their workers.
This. Japs thinks they live in a safe space and this has dulled their instinct.
Holy shit
Almost $750.000
People like you are the reason this train otaku burned the studio down. You fucking weebs going to the epic anime studio to take selfies ruined the scenery of a good train watching spot.
Can I get a quick rundown though?
>Golden decade for anime Otakus.
nice joke
There was a scene in Hibike with Take the A Train played on sax and either he thought it was OC Donut Steel from some video game, or it brought filthy background art tourists to one of his favorite stations
The Korean jews
Jesus what an absolute nutcase.
fuck off and back to Yea Forums you inbred mongrels.
M00t isn't here anymore you snowflake
train enthusiasts can sometimes be on another level of crazy/autism that surpasses even the most pathetic of NEETs
do not underestimate them
domo arigato
>But the speculation seems to be that he's mad they ripped off his barisaku word
I'm pretty sure he didn't invent that word because even in the west we use Bari Sax or Bar Sax to shorten Baritone Saxophone.
I press S to spit on your grave.
Fair enough. Can't dethrone the og
So i assume most of the ppl on the 1st floor got out through the windows, while some on the 2nd floor got out the same way but many were either trapped into a corner or joined the ones on the 3rd floor up the staircase to the roof and were fucked.
It's for the families of the victims you autist. Do you not understand human emotions at all?
just dumb bad luck?
Wait what does this shit have to do with trains?
Why couldn't they just go after Bones instead?
/tg/ here
Sorry for your loss
when worlds collide
Looks more like a knife otaku.
No, I don't have to look up if those actually exist. This is Japan and they obviously do
KyoAni deserves it for the last decade of shit.
>visit Kyoto last month
>don't visit KyoAni because it would've been in a hurry due to time constraints
>"No problem, I'll go there next time I'm here"
>this shit happens
God fucking dammit.
>greentexting t.
>butt mad
Get out of Yea Forums.
I would if I was a ricenigger working at kyoani.
Others pretend to be outraged about various topics while everyone knows they are sociopaths.
>there are people who think that Japan, China's most hated enemy, doesn't have the ability to defend themselves
>user in hysteric depression 24/7
Aren't most animation done in Best and Worst Korea anyways?
Males and females are 90% the same on almost all aspects of life (of course somethings vastly differ, like physical ability, disposition for certain interests, etc) and 10% escape the median.
Women are violent and psycho/sociopaths too, but more men are in that 10% extreme than women, thus the majority of acts of serious violence (which is an extremely rare thing in and of itself) is mostly done by men. That's why you also see way more men in jail than women, it's mostly that 10% extreme that goes to jail. That's also why most CEO's, excessively successful entrepreneurs and geniuses are men, it's that tiny % extreme of big brained male autism and rigorous hard work.
Goes both ways.
>mfw I don't feel anything
The murderer was triggered by the end of this scene.
had to catch the train?
>Edgy 4channer yells at another edgy 4channer for being edgy
guns should be banned from people like you
Based reddit spy
Sarin Gas attacks in 95
>I'm so fucking mad fuuuuuuuck
t. japanese incel
>Yare yare daze...
Ukraine IS in Europe. But it's a poor country compared to Western Europe so I have a feeling that even if his company wants to do something it's gonna be complicated budget-wise. That's scary though, I remember a case in Russia of a fire in a mall where everybody escaped except people in a cinema because the fire alarm didn't work there and it was already noisy inside. Everybody suffocated except a few people who left in the middle of the movie while not telling anyone else they suspected something. And they were watching a movie for kids.
>tfw Free!!! is indefinitely in hiatus, over even canceled at this point.
Holy fuck that whole building is toast. Everything must be gone.
That must be the real reason
So how exactly did the guy block the emergency exists and carry enough gasoline to douse the building and people running out of it without somebody noticing and arresting him? Doesn't Japan have armed security?
in hell
>there are different kinds of otaku
pretty sad that this has to be said.
It sucks but it's inevitable and will only go on with weapons being a civil right there. Was shocked the first times hearing about it but now I'm only expecting more, barely caring.
so what happened user?
whats going on?
why wont you tell us?
>I got out 5 years ago but I still know how to assemble and disassemble rifles and pistols in 15 seconds from muscle memory
And you think that's impressive?
Because it's comfy, also very fertile farm land, which was only opened up in 1903.
Already had planned a meet-up with a friend to check out the Samurai and Manga museums there and left the city the next day.
Google made this even creepier than it probably is, but he's still a fucking mess.
Well, there's definitely nothing that can't be done in a place like this. Here in Poland (EU and all, so still few steps higher) people also have rather "liberal" view on safety measures. Quite recently we had a big incident with group of teenager dying in fire in an escape room. Government then did a series of controls in those, but it was just PR, no system changes followed.
haven't you seem the trafic statistics? the entirety of Yea Forums came here to shitpost, Yea Forums is the most popular board at the moment and traffic is down on bigger boards.
I'm still mad.
It's not confirmed yet but it's the leading theory, will get more plausible if it's confirmed he came from Kanto.
I'm starting to approve of his actions
All their documents are basically confirmed burned to a crisp along with about half of the employees in that building which is 1/4th of KyoAnis entire work force and the building burned was their main building.
Aside from the things mentioned it's probably also because ugliness isn't always just a thing born with but gets amplified if people do not care the least about their appearance. There are many people who would be avarage but they don't care, get fatter and walk around clothed like trash bins and I assume it's because they do not know or care that to improve, I mean most of the ugliest people I see are married, so that tacitic seems to work for some reason. But what I mean is that most of them are disgusting self-centered assholes who will slap you in the face if your argue instead of ever admitting an own mistake. It fits to the mindset of people who kill others over some mundane shit reason nobody else would even care about and they would, they would search the fault in themselves over reacting rather than in other people.
I-is this the reason train-kun burned down Kyoani?
I heard it was a scorcher today in Japan.
>Punished Yamada
Source on the attacker?
>armed security
I highly doubt their cops are even armed.
Koreans are great if they put effort in it, can even rival Japan in some aspect.
But the thing is, they are gooks, and do not like putting effort into something the don't see as worthwhile, which led to many outsourced and shitty Korean animation because they don't give a shit and just want the money.
I watched Nichijou recently, and though it wasn't perfect and certainly not everyone's cup of tea, I liked it a lot. I've also seen Violet Evergarden, and for all its flaws I still enjoyed it plenty.
I hope they can recover from this, though with this much of the studio dead I don't know if "they" even exist in any meaningful sense now.
There are young Animators out there probly actually happy now thinking they can get hired by Kyoani
I like to think they woke up in K-On, surrounded by cake and cute girls. I wish I went with them.
Wasn't a big fan but this is terrible nontheless, I don't understand how people can say "yea its fine cause all they made was moeshit" Fuck is wrong with you
>fucking train otas are a big deal in 2019
god i hate the series of events that have taken place after my birth
Maybe they should have animated my favorite anime franchise.
That post of his wasn't even good bait user, it's almost early 2000s tier
10 years too late
Fuck me, i would be jumping out the window even from second floor if i was there, first floor and i would be flying faster than you can say "call 911"
Always makes me wonder why people never risk it in those situations and just burn alive
Is it smoke inhalation making the act stupid or panic?
Nmap scan report for kyotoanimation.co.jp (
Host is up (0.29s latency).
rDNS record for c15bnwqz.mwprem.net
Not shown: 845 closed ports, 144 filtered ports
21/tcp open ftp
25/tcp open smtp
80/tcp open http
110/tcp open pop3
143/tcp open imap
443/tcp open https
587/tcp open submission
993/tcp open imaps
995/tcp open pop3s
8400/tcp open cvd
8402/tcp open abarsd
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned
At least we know that they were doing backups on ftp
>cover all your windows to block out the ZOMG DAYSTAR IT BURNS US
>don't notice some fatboy chain up your only fire exit
And he didn't even have to block the roof exit, it had an inward opening door that did the job for him.
Go back already Yea Forumsermin.
KyoAni used to use mainly in-house workers.
Will Ikuhara make an anime out of this?
this is not a SEAnigger shithole where every store has a privat security corporation guard with a shotgun
I cant say i dont feel bad about it but i feel really relieved it wasn't another studio now that i think about it.
Imagine Xebec, Whitefox, Madhouse, etc burning down, if something happened to any of those i would be totally destroyed.
I'm pretty sure this arson was an inside job.
Are you retarded?
post your source if you're going to use that word
>he was annoyed about tourists blocking his trainspotting
>he was annoyed about a stolen piece of music
>he was in a LN contest, lost, and they stole his work
people keep posting about theories as if they're fact
>wanting to get hired by a dead studio
Why Kyoto animations of all places?
Nah, but every civilian male in Korea has the ability to. I also learned how to drive and repair tanks, which was pretty cool.
Invading a country wouldn't help, but defending a country military training would definitely be helpful since you can drop off arms and a commander in any city and you'd have a battalion.
get on the news
Surely youre not dumb enough to believe this
Everyone in my country is reporting that the culprit had some IP stolen by KyoAni
Trains are cool.
Didn't say the left doesn't also have a victim complex. But the right absolutely does, and it's especially hilarious considering the way they portray themselves as the party of personal responsibility, when they are in reality a bunch of whiny blabbering faggots. Conservatism is a fraud.
Tfw I'm trainfag. Will have to hide that from now on when in Japan.
Indefinite suspension of Free! is an enormous blow to KyoAni's bottom line. The Free! Series has been KyoAni's bread and butter since 2012. They'd just distributed and released the next movie of the three they had planned and with the loss of Studio 1 the whole of the work and those who worked on it, has been destroyed.
So for those wondering if this is a mortal blow to KyoAni, then yes. There's a possibility as an enormous section of their talent has been killed and they've lost most of the work done on their next large scale release.
all progress will stop for a long time though, if they even recover
>Tfw she become the new Urobutcher
why, the studio is on fire recently
have you done your part Yea Forums?
Racism is healthy and part of being human.
Change my mind.
mental illness bro
we used to lock them up for a reason
How can you prepare? Nobody is supposed to expect an inquisition, especially if it's Spanish.
Shoot perp spreading fire. Shoot windows and jump out of them?
well now
A Fallen Director
He probly lived close to it
I mean one employee run after him right? And called the police when he saw it get home
guess we have to update that ed infographic about boards and their respective mass murderes now. This guy is obviously a much better fit.
So Fire Force is dead?
Absolutely fucking based.
bug people don't know how to deal with anything that doesn't go according to plan. It is a statistical fact that asian pilots crash more because they can't improvise in an emergency situation
I always feel like shit when things like these happen, but right now I'm like really worried and can't calm down
Being poor is just one part of it. Not caring about this stuff is kinda cultural thing in post-communist coutries in Eastern Europe. It's slowly changing, but it will take some time.
>>Arsonist was confronted on the first floor when he started spreading fuel, ran and ignited it on the way out but got burned escaping
>>First floor staff hit the alarms and evacuated through the narrow spiral staircase quickly but it caught fire as they were doing so, minor burns/smoke inhalation for most but a few died
>>Spiral stairs acted as a chimney, fire rose up them across all floors rapidly once ignited
>>Fire exit on ground floor was burning so staff on higher floors couldn't make use of it
>>Roof access door opened inwards but the mass of the crowd pressing against it to get out stopped it from being opened, so staff who tried to go up there were trapped above the fire and suffocated on the smoke
>>Some managed to open the windows and jumped but the walls on the second and third floor had flammable objects like shoji screens around the sides of the room which caught fire and barred access to them for others
>>People were pretty much trapped at that point
Fuck man. This is just fucking tragic.
He's a manlet. It makes sense.
To add to this, men have a broader IQ distribution, meaning more low IQ criminals but also more high IQ successful members of society
who here is ready for the era of punished KyoAni?
they didnt burn alive, just passed out and died from lack of oxygen
Fags btfo
Which directors are confirmed alive?
Yeah Kyoani is mostly female and mostly in-house right?
What do they work on? Background/Extras? Or do they get to work on the actual characters as well?
I watched Kimo No Nawa and was surprised how much of the crew were Koreans
>arson was an inside job
shit this is the 9/11 of anime
It'll likely take a year hiatus. Tomorrow's episode is definitely getting axed.
isn't nmapping a company illegal
are you a hacker
You guys are alright, don't travel with shinkansen tomorrow.
I'm just joking FBI-kun
you cheeky cunt
The locations their shows are based on pretty much become pilgrimage spots. One happened to be near a train sighting location of his that appeared in Hibike Euphonium
That show also had a baritone sax solo scene that fans called Barisaku, which he used as an abbreviation for a train sighting location.
Absolutely 100% dead. The last thing the public wants to see right now is fires.
scam of the century
Excellent taste, my friend.
Trains unified Japan
there was a fire exit, a good chunk made it through there before it got blocked by smoke/fire
if something happened in my city I would care, I'm fond of my city. Otherwise though, I wouldn't be that moved because I have little connection to the people in question and the event, though horrible, doesn't really affect me practically or emotionally. This on the other hand hits close to something I care about and have quite sentimental feelings towards, it's natural to be bothered by it.
He's always subtly taken /pol/'s side whenever something relating to them comes up in a video. See the "Triggering of Shia Lebouf" series. Compare and contrast him with Down The Rabbithole to see how impartiality is done.
I won't disagree. But their youtubers aren't nearly as popular and they don't have conspiracy theories that spread fucking everywhere.
Like literally 70% of old people here believe in the dumbest possible templar LARPer theories but I have never seen any of them believing in leftist conpiracies. Actually most of them hate leftist as much as they hate people younger than 45.
Based Yea Forumsnonymous
What country?
Is a golden decade with diverse shows and plots, another thing is your shitty edgy taste want only edgy dark mature anime like me tier.
Back to edgy-kun
Me. Smash that motherfucking like button, user.
About CEOs it's not just because of that. It's also because at the time where big corporations were founded women had less rights so they couldn't found a company and take risks since they couldn't have their own bank accounts or their husbands' permissions. There's also the fact that since CEOs and shareholders are mostly rich men who barely worked in their lives, they don't want to give competent women a chance nowadays, they're biased and want to hire people like them for high positions. I often learn about female CEOs of smaller, more recent companies who are doing well but won't be able to grow as big as multinationals with male CEOs because of the current economy. It's really just a matter of time, space, a LOT of luck and if you give a good impression to shareholders and CEOs, regardless of talent in modern times.
most likely a crossboarding retard
/n/ is getting BTFO now
Are you happy Yea Forums?
>feel nothing about any tragic event ever
>even 9/11 I didnt care, I not american though
Meh, I didnt know any of these people.
Sucks to be them
why are kids worth less than adults if you're trying to make an edge chart? isn't that way more shocking
what's 2chan reaction to this?
>Fire exit on ground floor was burning
I know this is a tragedy, but man, this made me laugh for some reason.
Stop asking about the trains.
Just Ctrl+F the thread and search for trains.
It really isn't that hard.
The guy was a train otaku.
If you don't know what that means, then why are you even here?
Sorry, I can't hear you, could you repeat again?
Sentai is laughing all the way to the bank, all thanks to the faggots like you.
Wake up and play the Splatocalypse Final Splatoon Splatfest from the moment I wake up to now. Instead of browsing Yea Forums like usual.
Miss KyoAni straight up dying in the meantime.
Well, their house sure was lit.
I second this.
No one stores backups on a front-facing web server, retard
are there any pics from the inside?
Fucking read the thread, you cocksucking brainlet faggot
Why are people giving money towards a fucking scammer?
How do the Chinese have $5000 extra smackers to donate?
>building is still standing
It wasn't that big of a fire. They all suffocated.
Fucking tourists
>immediately gets defensive over basic soldiering skills that most civilians dont have
Are you fat?
Funny enough 3rd biggest otakubase in Japan
>>hardly bat an eye when school shootings happen
nobody cares about dead burgers
I'm not ready to say goodbye, Yea Forums. When I watched this I completely broke down/am breaking down in a way that I haven't ever in memory.
It wasn't the sort of letting it out cry ether. It was just utter despair.
lindy is an absolute moron who must be avoided at all costs
He's a train autist who was mad because he thought KyoAni stole one of the words of his autistic train community.
I remember seeing someone getting burn midair trying to escape a fire. The flames from the floor bellow escaped through the windows and got the guy.
The arsonist has been identified
Is this /n/'s first mass murderer?
How is Nick handling this?
Fire Force will probably get Nice Boated now.
Not the one who made it, I guess adults are harder to kill so they grant more XP, it's like small crabs and giant crabs in MMOs.
It helps. Plus, that Aussie and useful idiot of the NZ gov was stopped at the second mosque because someone pulled a gun on him.
Also, there have been cases in which rampages ended because someone pulled a gun and sometimes without discharge such as one cases in 2012 in Utah when some former prison inmate used a knife from a store shelf to go on a rampage at that same store. A private citizen pulled a gun and the inmate surrendered without any deaths.
Also, cases when criminal suspects were shot dead in defense including ones who were within arms reach and had knives drawn.
BASED froggy
Can someone please post 3D arson reconstruction from the other thread?
He already did.
The name is Mawaru Penguindrum.
fuck off this has been posted more than a dozen times already.
It will happen, and it will be the saddest movie you will ever see
Can't believe train autism killed kyoani. Of all things train autism.
Most died on the Second floors and above, the first floor people were able to escape but the route they took was closed afterwards via burning.
Who the fuck uses ftp for backups in this day and age?
Holy shit I completely forgot about that guy
He didn't block the exit, he fled like a little bitch after being confronted, setting the oil (And himself) on fire. And the rest of your post is just action movie fantasy garbage. Any opening would have add oxygen to the fire and made thing worst. People died from the lack of oxygen, not from burning. I'm not against guns, but it wouldn't have helped in this case. They needed a guard at the door.
how can he keep getting away with it?
As much as I'd normally shit on em, I like a good amount of their shit. This is a pretty terrible event for the people involved and the industry.
Where are you guys getting the idea that is a scam.
it's a tiny consolation, that they passed out and went (relatively, given the circumstances) peacefully
>flop and the blue bird
She's finished
the joke is starting to get stale
source is your anus, I presume?
When can we meme their deaths like everyone else who dies
The server is also running an FTP server though. Also an smtp, IMAP and POP3 server suggesting that this server is also being used for emails. Let's not talk about the cvs service which is likely for a Commvault backup service
Rolling sticky is trash for /pol/ and Yea Forums. Fuck you mods, give me my 15k sticky.
>thanks for the new AP pal
As much as I'd normally shit on em, I like a good amount of their shit. This is a pretty terrible event for the people involved and the industry.
redpill me on trainfags
>1.3 billion
Some ought to be rich
>Roof access door opened inwards
Again with this fucking meme.
Now I'm more angry than sad.
>kill myself like hitler before me
He didn't actually commit suicide though. Keep up with the times.
Thread theme now
I'm still waiting for the actual confirmation of this but the mere prospect of train autism causing this is so surreal. Not waifufagging, dumb fanbase fits, yuri/yaoifagging or any other sort of common autism around these parts, but fucking trains.
>ResetEra screencaps
Multiple maxed out threads.
>user can't read kanji
>user doesn't have Yea Forums-x
Poor user.
It's not, and I'm not
back to
>The film studio [KyoAni] produces manga series for young people.
>These films are in parts very brutal.
>It is possible, so experts say, that the culprit was influenced by them.
I used to think of train otaku as kind of charming. Guess this is changing people's perception of the for ages to come.
Port scanning can even be done by a third party program. You don't have to be a hacker.
trains >>>> mechas
I wish I had died instead
kill me pete
loadsamone from Chinese counterfeit sales on Amazon
They like trains.
made it big in bitcoin early on
why are their names formatted like a yugioh anime stat pop up?
Kill yourself
I can hardly fucking believe somebody would attack and burn people making anime of all things, shit's fucked. If this train otaku business is true then the fucker was clearly batshit insane.
These are the people who composed Fuwa Fuwa Taimu, the best music ever composed.
Komm susser tod
It's that time again, love your station or I will burn your house down
Go to /n/ but be forwarned
Come to think of it, the culprit being a Train otaku makes a lot of sense how he was able to murder so many people. They spend all day reading train routes and simulating optimal routes, etc.
If he blueprints or chance to look at the building himself he would have blocked out every exit.
>I was under the impression that most fueling stations in Japan are not self service
Why does it matter? Buying gas and taking it with you in a jerrycan isn't illegal. He claimed it was for a generator.
At least it was anime related and not just some accident.
You'll be treated the same as the /pol/ nazis now.
Enjoy the surveillance state dystopia!
Niggers are genetically dumber.
>all great empires advanced by abandoning tribalism
All great empires collapsed because of "diversity" you fucking faggot.
You don't consider the bereaved to be poor people? The families of the deceased just lost a source of income.
cant wait to see faggots basement make a 20 minute video with 10 midroll ads talkin about this and somehow relate it to the US and its president or racism or something else. fuck that faggot. fuck the shitbag who did this
Not KyoAni's fault. Go set fire to Aya Hirano if you're still seething.
God, I don't even want to know who died. I'm afraid it'll be someone quite significant. Better to keep is as Schroedinger's Building.
Everything except fire safety.
t. Yea Forumsincel
they have autism (the bad kind)
guy messed himself up pretty badly. You can see the flesh peeling off his arms and I can only assume the foot that's out of shot looks horrid.
Why do the japs never learn
At least post it in text.
>purely functional
>respects the city
>respects the history
>respects the engineer
>respects the labor
>respects the driver
>on rails
my autism is quenched
>[An eyewitness] lady said between sobs, "Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again. Soon they stopped moving against the window and burned into it like a shadow. Then I heard the din of ambulance sirens and helicopters flying by."
They're usually from Germany or Japan. Enough said.
So was the place filled with feminists like some people say?
imagine donating to some nigger that will never do anything worthwhile in their lives instead of burnt people that makes stuff you enjoy
>Kyoani makes a train location extremely popular with tourists with Euphonium
>train autists gets mad
>kills half the studio
What the hell are train otakus even?
I can understand people who wank warships or tanks but trains are just fucking metal tubes with the sole purpose to transpart people.
Fuck you for making me laugh
No, are you? I just thought that "being able to disassemble your rifle" isn't worth bragging about since almost anyone is able to do that.
Hell, I used to disassemble ar-15 and such way before I even got to middle school.
Can't believe no one has posted this yet.
>Words fail.
I got some
>>Kids dont produce your favorite piece if entertainment
every fucking attack might as well be incel shit according to them
Poor people don't give me cute shows that cheer me up.
where is the mandatory edit?
this is true, I watched k-on and the cute girls and music instantly fueled my homicidal rage
Do we know what song the train otaku was sperging out about and would kill over?
Yeah, Netflix shows aren't though
Western jornos are all cancer now
Why do G*rmans always love twisting everything?
>Ever wonder why first world nations are diverse
Ever noticed the more diverse first world nations are the more SHIT they are?
I don't think anyone's ever fully ready to say goodbye to anything. I guess that's why we should appreciate stuff more while we have it because random chaos just take it from you. Life is unfair that way.
Ultimately though, you move on and you learn from the experience to appreciate the studios that are still around, and appreciate things are beautiful because they don't last. The finite point of A to Z to gives people a sense of weight, of distance and improvement without being this numb march through the end of time.
'not this way' is a pretty valid way to feel in this scenario. It's cruel, it's fast, it's unforgivable. But that's kind of life, and why we should keep our heads up, because those moments, while transient, are in fact, seeds for the future. It'll impact everyone, and live on through people's animation, and ideas.
>jannies delete that retarded faggot's post
uhh based jannies???
>KyoAni will not be able to counterbalance it with good writing
You guys never saw the otaku chart? Trainfags are the craziest and the biggest trouble
just here to say mikoto best girl
>brand loyalty over loyaty to talent
It's not about the money user, it's about showing you care and hoping the families who lost their loved ones continue feeling cared for.
a damn shame. Never cared for their shows, but their talent can’t be denied.
It doesn’t really matter why, since it won’t bring the dead back to life, but I have a feeling it was some deranged otaku mad about something stupid.
Why are you even on that fucking site? Fuck off.
Japanese here, unironically ton of feminists shitting on the arsonist saying he targetted Kyoani because they are female
fucking kill me
Have some respect for the deceased one guy
(can confirm he isn't talking shit, and..)
Oh for fucks sake.
That fundraiser is allegedly for the employees, not the company.
From what I heard, apparently train otakus really fucking love their trains.
>These films are in parts very brutal.
Yeah I remember this one time sensei told a girl that she couldn't play a bit of a song, horrifying.
It has literally no connection whatsoever with KyoAni
The one played in Hibike
what's the basis on this? what makes them the most insane?
The atrocities committed by American throughout time exceed anything the Japanese ever did in the Pacific. Americans are evil for scarring such a beautiful nation.
>Thirty three people died over some train bullshit
Japan still has the death penalty, right?
>failed job interview
>have to put down dog
>got this now
I'm not having a good day.
report me for blogposting so I can feel sorry about myself for that too
>Lack of vascularity in forearms, arms
Not fit just chubby with mesomorph frame.
this is what happens when you love your station a little too much
Some people deserve to die more than the victims of said tragedy
retardera is one such group
Unfortunately nobody has shot up Netflix HQ.
He's mad about Hibike "dirtying his trains".
I'm following the story but I know nothing about anime culture really. Wtf is a "train otaku"
The no kids bonus is too high. Killing a single adult gives you the same score as killing 11 kids and that's just bullshit.
Is this their punishment for not making Haruhi S3?
Certainly taking women out of the home has wrecked Japanese soceity. This is a worsening symptom.
t. yuropoor
You don't even have freedom of speech.
How do one becomes train otaku?
no no no
How did I just woke up to this.
MAKE your shrine Yea Forums!
Maybe poor people should make me anime so I could pay them?
so the fat fuck nearly set himself on fire by accident? his feet and arms looked burned.
>Fumoffu - FMP 2
Classic Era
>Haruhi - Nichijou
Golden Era
>Hyouka - Phantom World
Dark Ages
>Koe no Katachi - now
They were brought down right in the middle of their finest period.
It's the lügenpresse
Japanese here, Shinzo Abe just admitted personally setting the fire because kyoani refused to cooperate.
Stop posting the trains shit. He is a nut who thinks Kyoani stole a idea from him from a LN manuscript he claims he sent to them. Get off the internet. The Asahi Shinbun and the BBC are already publishing this.
I don't want any Maitetsu jokes from anyone
we are better than that
Fucking germanistan
Everyone is evil, bitchtits.
what a bad joke i shouldnt have even smirked
It's for not making Nichijou S2.
why the fuck is it germans everytime?
How do I donate?
I kinda want to show support
>twitter tranny
fuck off
lmao germany is a fucking joke
Mordred is my husband (female).
But what was the motive?
>helping people that are low IQ and are poor because their ancestors were low IQ as well
>instead of helping high IQ artists who do things i like
such a difficult choice
go back, newfag
Best answer to my post.
Thank you, I was an idiot.
>Words fail.
fuck off you Kyoanus watching asslicker
check Japanese radfem twitter accounts if you don't believe me
>so experts say,
True. No reason to question in that case.
yikes sweetie
Crossboarder please get the fuck out
Yes. Japan is a Capital Punishment country.
I'm always baffled when I read "experts say". What kind of expert is that I wonder?
love otaku?
Their propensity to burn down buildings and people.
>this many people itt not knowing what a train otaku is
based children and based summer
FUUUCKKK 19 dead 3rd floor on the stairs right outside of the roof escape. I bet the door swung inward.
Was für ein Blödsinn.
Fuck off Jap apologist. What the Japs did to the Chinese and Koreans just in WW2 is arguably worse than the nuclear bomb America dropped on them.
Extremely autistic people. The kind who count their steps and stuff.
Out of curiosity, are you Japanese Japanese or a gaijin in Japan? I've always wondered how many actual Japanese people come to Yea Forums, and what brings them here when they already have futaba/2channel.
Ho-kago Tea Team best songs are Utauyo!! MIRACLE and GO! GO! MANIAC
Also, if you hear the last part of Utauyo!! MIRACLE get ready to fucking cry on the spot
We all have these periods. I lost my Dad, my cat, and my job all in the span of six weeks. But the thing is, life is like being smashed by waves. The big wave is over. Your eyes sting, and you wanna fall on your ass. But the next waves will be far less awful, and you'll regain your stamina.
So yes. You feel awful, but that's okay as long as you remember it's not forever.
what about the fire extinguishers and anti fire alarm?
>Posts it on social media for attention and gratification
KyoTrannies absolutely seething
The 33 people dead because a train viewing spot got some tourists isnt evidence enough?
Many notable lolcows are trainfags
that's ok user, that does sound like an impressively shit day.
don't go into any further detail though
Killing lefty kids alone makes Brevie a god
Trainfags RISE UP
buuuuuuut you did :^)
just google sentai filmworks gofundme
A train that happens to be an otaku.
They aren't allowed to fuck up the world by the way of war anymore so they have to find other ways.
Does Jap twitter have the same "demographics" as western twitter? (i.e heavily left wing)
That hurt me a lot back then.
I'll just leave this here:
>"Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Japan. It is applied in practice only for murder, and executions are carried out by hanging."
>people at work will make small talk about this
Kyoani also had done of the best illustrations, and the fairest operations. They don't outsource unlike the other animation studios, and paid better. If you were an animator they were the best studio to work at.
Otaku who likes to watch anime on train
Why use an old Yea Forums filename then?
haven't made a decent anime since k-on, they deserved it honestly
Japan has an army. It's in the Top 10 most powerful in the world. Next, Japan can legally invade other countries if it is in support of allies. Ie, if USA is attacked and Japan goes to help, they can land troops in China or South Korea or whatever.
Alright you win, I totally forgot about that one
Bravo, germany. Outstanding as always.
>Experts say
Sounds like sources I can definitely trust
When I was lost in a changing world, a KyoAni work helped ground me.
When I wanted a new direction, a KyoAni work helped me improve as a translator.
When I needed passion in my life, a KyoAni work inspired me to become better.
When I needed friends KyoAni works helped me find ppl
Trains are very convenient but I'll never understand trains otaku. The closest to one I met was a Californian girl who was teaching English in my university and she said she loved public transport and trains in France because it's so convenient and less expensive than planes and the first time she took the train it reminded her of Harry Potter movies. That's it, she was being normal about it.
>a terrorist attack happened? INCEL RIGHT-WING TERRORISM
>isis decapitated a journalist? INCEL RIGHT-WING TERRORISM
>my toast is burned? INCEL RIGHT-WING TERRORISM
>my alarm didn't go off? INCEL RIGHT-WING TERRORISM
Have you ever been outside? A substantial number of people are ugly, I know I am, I'm sure you probably are. Does that mean either of us are likely to do something like this?
P.A. Works, YAMERO!
Even if humanity started from 0 and all social biases removed, 9 out of 10 CEO's would still be men, and 9 out of 10 social workers would be women.
Worst timeline
This is the revenge for making Violet Evergarden
What a sad looking shrine.
Fucking kill yourself
>manga serien
In the end, the majority who died were female, so I wouldn't completely blame them for saying that.
That said, now that we might have the actual context of the situation, it's a silly train of thought. People died today, they shoulld focus on that.
i fucking hate trainroll
The Chinese and Koreans aren't real people.
They aren't capable of creating art, therefore their lives have no value whatsoever
Those type of people also believe that slurping soba noddles loudly is a sign of the patriarchy
they exists there?
Axel Springer should be hung by their fucking balls, the fucking (((niggers)))
>diverse shows and plots,
Are we living the best timeline after all?
>>Hyouka - Phantom World
>Dark Ages
I'l fite you
>was a train yurifag
>his favourite train song was played in eupho
>his favourite catchphrase was used for that moment
>his favourite character was confirmed to be going out with shuu1
>only 420 unique posters
When did Yea Forums die?
What the fuck is that insectoid looking thing?
Looking at the images I wonder who even survived.
I guess only those of the first floor that managed to escape before everything burned down.
Don't be retarded and buy the BDs.
Xe has great taste at least.
Too bad they take 10 years.
Literally i can access the roof right now from my window
so the guy went on all 3 floors pouring gasoline and nobody had the notion of stopping him on the stairs? was the staff mainly women?
>woman states a casual appreciation for trains
>phew that was a close shave with a train otaku right there
Any new info?
>Virtue signaling
Fuck off tranny
Poor people are usually that way for a reason
>kyoanus dead
Trigger always wins.
>and what brings them here when they already have futaba/2channel.
Morbid curiosity, I assume.
late 80s feminists
The fuck is a love otaku?
I hope they stream the execution of the trainfucker subhuman
like your mom
Sure thing, user, with women in charge the world will be so much better!
>so experts say
ah yes, the experts
What a strange year
Hopefully they change their building designs and repeal gun control.
They won't do either of these things, but they really should. As has been highlighted by a lot of media from Japan, Japan's police don't actually fucking do anything, there's a lot of honor system shit going on to prevent shit like this guy, and letting Yakuza handle things, none of which will prevent terrorism.
Seriously though, Japan's towns always seem to be solid concrete and metal. If you fill concrete and metal with paper and office stuff, you have created a tinder box. I'm not saying you have to repeal all gun laws, but if more cops had more guns this guy woulda been toast the second he started pouring gas.
Fuck Germany. The journalism in this country is a fucking joke.
It's such a disgusting exploitation.
How could anyone read this and agree?
Not for backups but it's useful for basic file uploading
Two years of prison and 180.000€ fine for the dragon maid.
Is this what Hilary voters believe..?
Yes, the staff was mainly women
>These films are in parts very brutal
>experts say
Nice experts you got there Germany.
Fire spread to all floors, the studio was a literal tinderbox, and yes kyoani was mainly women.
ay pelotudo
>mfw I know a trainfag irl who is currently under investigation for a possible crime
Is moe anime done for?
Of course they do, feminism is a virus
gay shit
fucking trash for womyn
literally boring garbage
No surprise they got torched. It's an awful thing but I think they (as a studio, not the people) kinda deserved it.
Japanese in NA so not really good example
Frankly 'real' Japanese just don't really care about 4ch other than far-right shitposters on int
Not really, but it's the main speaking/meeting ground for subculture/otaku groups, radfem is one of them
They are a very minority, but Twitter gives them a place to meet and speak up
Unironically kys.
>was the staff mainly women?
Guess your life has no value either
>Very Brutal
*Germanystan and dr.Shekelstein intensifies*
The worst part is that there was a meeting with outside people, so you cant know who's safe as almost anyone in the industry could be up there in the meeting room.
all he had to do was set the first floor on fire and then the fire starts spreading like crazy because paper and wood everywhere
The perp responsible is a train otaku who got mad about KyoAni ruining the scenery at a trainspotting location by attracting a pilgrimage of anime otakus.
Also, Hibike had a baritone sax solo that people abbreviated as "barisaku". Coincidentally, "barisaku" was the abbreviation he personally used for another trainspotting related term, バリバリ観光してサクッと撮りましょう.
This is what he was screeching about and, according to him, got plagiarized.
TL;DR: foamer goes on an autistic murder spree because KyoAni invaded his favourite place and stole his memes
But Violet Evergarden was great, you tasteless ass.
People that don't watch anime or understand the culture may think it's accurate because
Not really, many of the people are like that because of the rich. Don't try to cover the sun with your finger.
Trannies are the absolute worst, an hero already
Nobody cares about resetera. Fuck off.
I think he only got as far as ground/first before fucking off, shit just spread like crazy + smoke
M-most didn't go like that, they weren't burned yet just covered in soot, and that one probably passed out from smoke inhalation too before the fire caught up, has to be. It just has to.
Yes, like my mom.
He poured the gasoline on the first floor and throwaway some gasoline to second and third floors.
That's not the point. Everybody on /fit/ is short and for the most part they aren't even ripped.
>the studio was a literal tinderbox
In hindsight boxing 70 employees into a tiny 3-floor building may be a bad idea
Doga Kobo is better than KyoAni at making moe anime.
Train otaku is a /jp/ thing newfriend
the only trainfag i knew was also an incel and just a terrible person overall
Given how cruel their prison system is, that's probably a good thing.
>people are already using it in their political/cultural war
God damn it.
based /cric/poster
No it would be more balanced as long as men aren't as needlessly aggressive and biased during recruitment processes or when landing money to women who want to start a business (for the ones working in banks). It would also depend on the economy and wages.
I mean you're not wrong on the way Americans act on this site, I can agree they are more souless race obsessed mutts than the Chinese, but still the format you made it in makes you sound like a Facebook Indian, all that's left is to say retweet to all Australians, still agree though
Why did you have to pass away so early, I have so many of your shows on my backlog ;_;
Doesn't how untimely it is tick them off?
I have a degree in VEG studies and can confirm it's the case.
So, is this really it, bros? Is KyoAni forever kill?
I'm really surprised that they didn't have a fire alarm or fire sprinkler system installed in that building. That's a death trap. I fully expect that new company buildings in Japan will be forced to install those.
Anime is haram
No wonder he succeeded then
They were all too busy crying victim than trying to stop him.
Now they are toastie roasties
that explains the high casualty count.
any men with some testorone in their balls would either dash to nearest exit or jump out the windows.
KyoAni don't do moe anymore. They do hipster artsy garbage where they draw shit in ultra detail then destroy most of said detail with vaseline filters.
They clearly are doing it for public clout and to promote themselves but that dosen't mean that the money won't make its way to them. And i think they did dub some of there shows. But I don't watch dubs so that could be wrong.
We aren't talking about them, just about the fact that simple napalm was ten times more effective than the nukes at destroying their cities.
Yes Yea Forumsincel
I'm not your "bro", Yea Forumsermin.
Now you have time to rewatch them while they rebuild the studio.
Not even his best song.
The word she uses is "Kenner", which is a bit closer to "adepts" and "connoisseurs".
33 people burned alive for this
Seriously, why do you give to these so called charities?
You don't even know if the money is going to those affected by this attack. There is no accountability here. I bet some guy handling the money in Sentai is gonna pay himself a nice 'administrative fee' for all your generosity. All you're doing is throwing money blindly at the situation so you can feel good at the end of the day.
Top 10 anime betrayals
>they produce manga movies
>literal toasty roasties
i was heartbroken but the retarded train shit is helping me cope
i think?
fuck trainnies
I’m so fucking depressed right now, this hurts my soul niggas
can't wait for the BBC take on this
That's just to tell you that trains are so incredibly boring that the only time someone talked to me about trains was saying weird but funny and harmless shit because she never used them before, so I can't see how train otakus can even exist in a place where they're so normal and boring.
Why does it say 身柄 when referring to the attacker? Did he die too?
>foamer goes on an autistic murder spree because KyoAni invaded his favourite place and stole his memes
You have to see the upsides. Less new shows will be produced, making it easier for you to finish the backlog :^)
>while they rebuild the studio.
user... its over they aren't gonna recover.
based and truthpilled
Was it worth it?
Some poor yes but many are that way because of major personal problems of finding a job
>Hibike Euphonium - Ishihara Tatsuya
I actually like Hibike. This sucks.
>Diverse shows and Plots
Sounds like the world wanted their lives so much it bent all coincidence together just for this. Fuck.
If you want them dead so badly why do you keep giving them no-cost shelter?
Oh, Goddammit! I didn't do it on purpose, I swear.
You sound legit mongoloid
Wrong my shitskin friend
I'm white
Reminder that while yes, KyoAni's building had shitty fire safety, that's only because Japan itself has an incredibly awful fire code. KyoAni's building met the requirements just fine, and this shit still happened, meaning that the issue here is with Japan itself, not KyoAni's specific building.
Hopefully this leads to further measures for fire safety, and maybe even an improvement to the national fire code, because something like this could have happened to just about any Japanese company.
I'm not a big fan of trains, but I can definitely appreciate the caboose.
*sad sax solo starts playing*
>reading the dailyfail unironically
I haven't been on Yea Forums for a year. Why would anyone decide to burn KyoAni?
jesus they really broken him
People with no ideology are always the ideology of the boogieman, eh?
>it's a silly train of thought
oh you
It's an animation studio too, filled with paper and pencils and probably all sorts of highly flammable shit
My physics teacher used to be a trainfag, I can't think of a more autistic person.
fuck /n/iggers
No, user
Better translation would be romance
>instead of helping high IQ artists who do things i like
If they were high IQ they'd work a job that makes money.
This is why you don't pander to degenerates
Anyone know what 2chan think?
>one of the main studios in Japan
>no e-card checks on doors
>no security guard
Is this a third world or what?
Which one would be funnier, /u/fag went mad because of kumiko or trainfag went mad because people disturbed his favourite place thanked to kyoAni?
Shit I can't decide it because both of them are funny as heck.
True, but
>I know nothing about anime culture really
because you left
My favorite Kyoani story is just once seeing a BD copy of A Silent Voice in the "Kids" section of a Target. Poor bastard who got tricked into buying it on those grounds.
>le 30000 gun deaths meme
Based retard.
How in the world did the culprit carry out attack on the same day that the office disabled their security system due to special guests visiting(NHK)? This ain't some wacky train otaku NEET. Powerful forces are at play here
well it sure is a bad time for this to be airing
Central staircase worked like chimney, once you set a large gasoline fire the draft will do the rest to spread it to everything else that isn't 100% fireproof, as well as spread smoke and superheated gases that will incapacitate you in one breath.
Most people have a very poor understanding just how deadly building fires are.
Trains are srs bzns.
The worst thing was the roof door they couldn't open.
That's actually managed to make me sad.
Also that's worth a lot more money now
no, it's just a formal word used in news
Would have figured that they knew it's a fire hazard, but then again they probably fired anyone who dared speak up about their working conditions
The wrath of the incel. One virgin, with a pissed off attitude goes on a fire rampage.
Also, Yasuhiro Takemoto comfirmed dead. The dude that animated violet evergarden! And Dragon Maid. May he find women, boobs and beer in banzai heaven.
I don't believe it.
Being suspicious of outsiders is perfectly normal and even vital for the survival of our species. It has kept us alive by slowing down the spread of diseases and other harmful things between communities.
the stabby yandere of recent fame seems like a good example.
>white genocide
>white population dropping 30% in few decades
>less than 60% now
>white kids bellow 10 already a minority
no replacement going on at all
Have you ever seen the inside of an old-construction japanese office building? They are a fire inspectors nightmare. Most only have one entry/exit, and it's not even a full sized door
>break window
>make a rope with clothes
would this work?
Is KyoAni as a company dead now? If that is so, we truly lost one of the last actually good and consistent studios who did good by their workers and fans possibly just because of the use of fucking trains.
sorry user
this is good advice
Get your fucking cuck fetish shit away from anime.
Apparently trai/n/ autism is very dangerous.
Trains, most likely.
This is some Pynchon-tier conspiracy bullshit, but in the year where people livestream themselves shooting up a church blasting the Initial D OST nothing seems all that unlikely anymore.
Been following this through mainstream sites at work, any news about the victims yet?
>Big Eyes
But can their eyes see why Japs love the taste of cinnamon TOAST crunch?
It's actually the same shit in most parts of the EU too
The reason they can't find a job is the rich flooded their countries with cheap labor and outsourced manufactoring though, for muh profits and muh gdp
May the victims rest in peace
he's perhaps confusing manga the medium, with "Manga" the western anime distributor?
Well, is not like they were doing anything but some crappy movies on the next 2 years, only real lost is no Maid Dragon S2 anymore, I guess that one user spamming that JC Staff will do it is laughing right now.
>1 security guard would have been enough to stop this
That's actually the original terminology from back in the 50s and 60s.
RIP in peace.
Lucky Star is the worst KyoAni show.
>posting the Toei version of KANON
fuck you
Do you not like bacon?
This is why you always show Idea Guys the door. Lunatics the lot of them.
when the fuck did that happen?
I mean, it could just be getting started
Things can always get worse for him, no matter how implausibly
Thats what happens when you live in a country with little to no crime
the mod is too busy monitoring the sticky to notice that Yea Forums is bullying /n/ and blaming them for the arson
R.I.P. these were great people doing great work. Now both their families and fans are going to have to go on without them. Awful.
Yes it does mean that the money will likely never go to kyoani. Fucking idiot
>experts say
Every time.
they're not dead but they're going on a very long hiatus.
I've got it
Bullshit he's not dead!!
Build it cheap and build it high density, that's Japanese architecture for you
Nobody expects a crime
The New Zealand mosque shootings
Women have unearned rights such as voting in Japan, yes.
Yea, but what did they steal from him?
They are the demon king that needed to be slayed. Hopefully we'll be able to put face to the hero soon.
>Hope he gets burned alive.
I heard on BBC that he literally set himself on fire too being a retard. he ran out in flames with other victims, he could have passed it off for a bit but he fessed up right there.
ill pretend its just both fuck it
They disabled their cards for this day, had a special meeting.
Moe genocide best day of my life
China's largest anime streaming site right now.
Checked out Twitter and guess what
Of course most of this "The fire was hate crime against women!" comes from Korean Radical Feminists
Is it really true Korea is run over by Feminists and there's a secret group of Feminists that run the Korean government? I thought the coypasta was a meme lmao.
New Zealand
NHK set it all up so they would be the first to cover the incident
I guess someone just watched endless 8 for the first time amirite?
Fucking whaaaat.
Just learnt about this shit.
Fuuuuuuck who actually died?
Fucking RIP
What even is a train otaku?
Be it one or another reason, we all can agree Hibike movie was a mistake.
Honestly, /u/fag would have been less of a fucking shitty reason
2chan has a couple of threads up with this stuff, translate the page for easier reading.
I'll be counting the days all the way up until his personal day of the rope. In the meantime stuck in a little cell with no trains in sight, hoping the other inmates or guards didn't have a thing for nichijou
why even bother when it's all Kyoani sameface garbage
They're a very small demographic compared to actual Japanese feminists who get shit done and focus on workplace firings over pregnancy. They also heavily support the anime/manga industry because a lot of women are present in those circles. Luckily, Japanese society doesn't pay attention to the radfems.
>muh gun fetishism
Go home /k/, and recognize cultural relativism exists. The only precautions that needed to happen is that they should have hired a guard and had locking doors. There was a meeting going on on the upper floors, which is why the arsonist went undetected.
>Frankly 'real' Japanese just don't really care about 4ch other than far-right shitposters on int
That's what I assumed, I'd have guess they'd take even less interest in Yea Forums than the outside world takes in 2ch
Anime is fine faggot, but we did suffer a talent loss.
Yui and Azusa
We are everywhere now user
We are growing
as if guards were reliable. school cops have failed to stop school schootings before.
Seems to be how they refer to caught perpetrators.
I used to have a shitty job teaching English in Japan. Had a guy come in, and we normally are given about 8 minutes for basic introductions/warm ups. I had him spend a few minutes describing his train route to work, just because it's really good English practice for lower level people, describing times, places, etc, and is just kind of a good beginning talking point. The fucker suddenly looks all smug and then asks me if I want to talk about trains because I'm a train otaku or something. I wanted to beat the shit out of him, I had you talk about your train route for a few minutes because your English sucks and it's good practice, and you're boring as hell with no hobbies and I'm desperate to get you to talk and use your English, I don't give a shit about your trains.
>>no e-card checks on doors
Apprently they have that but it was disabled for the day due to meetings with outside business partners.
You haven't created art so you seem like an useless piece of trash to me too user.
>people can't be this fucking dumb
No, it's the opposite of the third world which is why they don't have the same security. They don't expect crimes like this to happen so they don't prepare for them.
keep on fighting, user
I recently recovered from the same type of leukemia that killed my dad, my grandpa is in hospital from what appears to be stage IV lung cancer + liver metastasis, my benzos no longer work on me, my psychologist is sick and the other one is available late September soonest
and now this
let's keep fighting together, user
oh, who gives a shit? why were muslims in NZ to begin with?
And no matter how implausible he can pull it together and achieve something better than giving into his own feelings of despair and preserve, coming out the other side a stronger person for it.
Life is a crapshoot, but how you deal with how the chips fall is entirely on you. Hope gives us purpose, and despair kills that purpose.
they have e-cards, the system was shut down that day because of a special meeting between Takemoto and others, while getting interviewed by NHK afterwards. I suppose the would announce some new anime project or something like that to the press
>Don't mind me, just filling these buckets with gasoline
>This cart with a bucket of gasoline on it? Totally normal
>Just pouring out this gasoline, normal everyday scene you know
Jesus christ how apathetic do the Japanese have to be not to question any of this shit
>actually crying and getting extremely angry over this shit
The soilent is strong in this thread
Uummm, guys, emmm.... I know this it's terrible and all, but.... Uuimmm... Did you think about..... Have sex?
Have you been in a cave?
>If they were high IQ they'd work a job that makes money.
Not necessarily. Most of academics from math/CS/physics could easily multiply their salaries if they just went for programming or data science. But they don't.
>Is it really true Korea is run over by Feminists and there's a secret group of Feminists that run the Korean government?
Yes its real.
No, it is a very common idiocy here. Boomers will ALWAYS call anime "manga", they don't fucking get that manga are written and anime are cartoons. I have never seen a report or article about an anime event or movie or such in which they didn't do this shit. I hate boomers they are the most retarded people on earth.
he's talking about the infamous 8ch poster brenton tarrant
Go away, I pulled my ticket
>powerful forces
You underestimate the persistence of a stalking autist.
a guy who is interested in trains
He meant British Broadcasting Corporation you cuck
Literally yes? It was a fat loser with a gas can
How the fuck were they playing the victim when they were victims?They were screaming for help and couldn't do shit because of the shoddy building construction.
>anime studio
I sleep.
33 staff members, Takemoto is "missing" which means he's probably dead.
That's because someone tried to stop him and chased after him.
Mine is also incel in his 30s. His entire train club (I met at a birthday party) were kinda magical.. except the guy who dressed in 1920 fashion 24/, that guy was dope.
cute boy
would fuck his ass
Back to Yea Forums incel
Somehow, somewhere I know Yea Forums will be blamed for this. HIRO!!
A mosque is not a church.
No fucking way that this was done by a train otaku. What the fuck, that sounds too fucking stupid. Jesus Christ, someone blow up this miserable Earth if it was actually done by a train otaku.
I though we outgrew this stupid mentality.
>Hopefully they change their building designs and repeal gun control.
why? so some autist can shoot up the place instead of starting fires?
Except I have, nigger
Based German autistic trainfags releasing their side of the truth.
his favorite train watching scenery by making it a place popular for anime otakus to visit, also some train meme in hibike
>Meanwhile, TRIGGER launched a movie about firefighters weeks ago
>Nichijou key animators are dead
most disturbing news of this decade
>Next Kyoani work receive voluntary help from the best animators/musicians/seiyuus and producers in the industry from whole Japan.
>Yamada as director, self-insert MC.
>It's a SOL with a little bit of fantasy (maybe time travels), a tragedy with a bittersweet end. Protagonists die but their sacrifices let female MC continue goes on with a smile in her face, to a brighter future.
>In the credits, they show small happy cuts of their deceased comrades one by one, with a happy yet touching balad.
>Finals words as the credits and music fade out...
>"As long as we can continue drawing smiles, Kyoto Animation will never die. You'll live eternally in our hearts"
>comparing stopping a school shooting to stopping a fat otaku with a bucket
Having autism is almost required for physics.
fuck poor people
One of the few rare times I laughed at the have sex meme.
Why are non-Maori in NZ to begin with?
nigger it's only been like two years with S2 (previously) on the way
Sounds like the arsonist had it all planned out. Fire codes are made to stand up to accidental fires, not a guy aiming to kill as many as possible
Same. Desentizitation is one hell of a drug.
if the train otaku just went and had sex, this would have never happened
All according to keikaku
Hey, really appreciated you translating headlines. It kept me updated with the incident. Sincerely user, thank you.
Bullet train
I didn't say they'd necessarily go into what'd be the equivalent of a US six-figure job, I meant more that they'd pick something that paid them more than table scraps.
They're dead. You don't lose the majority of your staff and remain the same studio.
military conquest. are muslims conquering NZ now?
Letting women vote has been the biggest mistake o all men everywhere
Those women would be alive if they had been at home where they belonged
If Men had been working there instead of mostly holes and a few beta soibois, this wouldnt have happened.
I told you anime rots brain and turns men into transsexuals.
No fucking duh men commit more murder, men are more competent then women at practically everything save for child birth. I still remember that dumb bitch that tried to shoot up youtube HQ, couldn't hit a single person before offing her self.
this but unironically
>you're boring as hell with no hobbies
Says the guy who decided to be that dude who takes a crappy teaching job in Japan because OMG I JUST LOOOOOVE ANIME AND MANGA SO SO MUCH!
Did you miss a while back when the female prime-minister was exposed for being in a cult?
>gloating about being an emotionless husk
He's so cool!
Every time
Most people here are older than 45 and they are out of touch regarding absolutely everything. Therefore for most Germany anime are literally Chinese cave paintings so they do not only understand the difference between anime and manga they also instantly hate it because they hate everything young people like and do and since it's only the younger ones that like anime it must be stupid and evil.
The Girls und Panzer creator also told the bitch off.
have they released a list of the victims?
any famous names or was it just slave animators dying?
33 goddamn that's big. RIP
I need to know if the people who drew those tiddies died
>Is KyoAni as a company dead now?
Hard to see how they could survive this. A substantial proportion of the staff is either dead or very seriously inured, including many of the directors who are so critically important in the anime industry.
They might try to resurrect something from the remains, but it just isn't going to be the same.
I thought the final fest was still next week, thanks for the reminder
So why did he do this
Reminder that the real victims are Trains and Trainspeople. I'm terrified at the trainsphobia that is going to sweep the country.
Twitter or Instagram garbage isn't art, tranny
>he doesn't know
Damn, that sounds annoying as fuck. Did he actually sperg out about trains? What would he even say about that, make a detailed review of the seats or some shit?
/n/ killed anime
That's it?
How is him liking trains related to the attack though?
If he had a qt train otaku gf, he wouldn't have done this.
Japan's cgi is really shit.
This could really happen.
And I hope every anime fans would support them.
Jesus Christ. So many lives lost so horribly for such a stupid thing. What a fool. Rest in peace, KyoAni staff.
Of all the things he could've been obsessed with why fucking trains ?
Please get me out of this fucking hellhole.
Ignore the train memes. He accused KyoAni of plagiarizing ideas from his submission of a LN contest.
They were, the president admitted it and the nation sort of rioted as far as I know
And as much as I hate the politicalfags bringing shit up in the thread, this WAS during the 2016 burger elections so most american news outright ignored it to focus on bad orange man
I came from V to give my condolences.
Holy fucking shit. Even Yasuhiro Takemoto.
>Korean Radical Feminists
And nothing of value was lost. It's not so much the Japanese as it is Megalia crazies.
>the majority was X so it makes sense
The majority is always something. It's not a sensible reason to call it out as targeted.
bro you just posted cringe
There have been more good guys stopping bad guys with gun then there have been school shootings.
you dont know that because the media doesnt report them
What if you get an ugly fatty?
anime/studio shit aside, it's mad how you can just wake up one day, say goodbye to your family and just die due to something completely outside your control
Tell your family you love them once in a while user, you never know if it'll be the last time
>he was a fatfag
So fatties, how does this actually make you feel? finally gonna loose those rolls under your titties?
>One of the Train Girls is Aya Hirano
Their female President turned out to be a puppet and the country was being run by her best friend who was in a cult. There was a big outrage over it
And obviously nothing really happened afterwards except they changed President because it's fucking South Korea
Is it really confirmed that he was a tracktaku?
I knew they existed, but I've never realized that they could be that fucking crazy.
No? So, why shoot them up?
Yeah, what we're saying is that majority are ugly, you ugly bastard
lol this is pathetic
Japanese autism manifests itself in many ways.
Takemoto probably dead, so at least one director and probably a bunch of key animators.
Yea Forums won't, but hiro will. So close enough.
America isn't you white safe space
Remember. Don't give up. If you give up they won't live on. Do it for them.
>Anime is finally dead
Is Japan finally fixed?
Train autism is a very real thing
Is the train thing confirmed or just baseless rumors?
>women, disabled people, children
why use so many words for the same thing?
I blame Anno
*snaps fingers*
So this is what the train abnormality looks like or its just fanart?
What the actual fuck is this narrative? I fucking hate my country sometimes.
Hey, I recognise some of those H-manga in that background.
>100k copies
>eternal king of sales
Well played Kyoani... well played.
>teaching english in japan
there's your problem, no wait
>living in japan
THERE'S your problem
Their next season if gonna be fire
>They're dead. You don't lose the majority of your staff and remain the same studio.
33 out of 160~ is only a majority using NA maths
>Known for stories featuring high school girls
I mean, its not incorrect, but why even state this part? Fox news is weird.
>he thinks about nigger dick when he reads BBC not the tv station
Getting quints actually made me smile, maybe I'll try reading some manga.
Yeah no shit. It's supposed to be a happy story too, what a mess.
EU countries have rapes and murders daily, crazy people are everywhere. Just because they can't easily set fire to a building says more about fire codes than mental health. Cherry picking like this to act like you live in paradise is all fine and good, but that shit won't last a century more.
Right now, they are discussing about the motives, and explaining that if you feel you were plagiarized, you should go to court, not kill 34 people.
>Srsly are women really this dumb?
>post wrong building
Are you this dumb?
Have you not seen the webms? The building was engulfed in smoke. The people inside on the upper floors probably didn't even have a chance to form an escape plan before it was pitch black with noxious fumes
user. He was inside the building. You will never see his shitposts agian. Rip user
>However, it should be noted that as immigration has gone up in America, violent crime has also fallen
The US is in an unusual situation compared to other Western countries, since the most violent of the large minority groups isn't a recent immigrant group and doesn't have a high birth rate (thanks Roe vs Wade!).
Wouldn't Shoji Gatoh had pointed it out, being a friend and all that?
Get a job.
>like Sweden.
I don't know. I've been doubting the Swedish intitutions since 5 years and onward. In the end, I wouldn't be surprised they end up becoming the same bastards that swept serious problems under the rug just to safe face to the worls and mantain a 1st world country image.
Wrong studio. Why didn't they jump out of a window? Because on the side that wasn't itself on fire there was a ladder brought by a construction worker who rescued four employees.
Wouldn't Shoji Gatoh have pointed it out?
>generally far worse than this
No, generally, those "mass shooting" incidences that number hundreds per year are something like three gang members at once.
Nope. Crime hasn't risen at all due to immigration or asylum seekers. No reliable study has been able to show that, and generally researchers have found the opposite to be true.
They did user. Not everyone died
>sleeping in the park
I just got from traveling and Im kinda lost
Who did it? And why?
Go to bed faggots
Things just seem to happen in this fucked up timeline, it's just one of those with very low chances of happening that just do. In most parallel worlds they're fine.
Any fanart of the rumored Kyoani employee, who chased the perp while still on fire, skin melting to the asphalt and slamming his head to the ground with his flaming hand of vengeance?
Have any studios offered condolences or talked about it at all?
How did anyone of the band survive? They were behind all the other people.
Everyone in this pic is dead
some chubby, greasy fat guy who had a grudge against kyoani.
>people arriving from 3rd world make the place safer
Damn, sounds like you all should just kill yourselves you violent monsters
Yea Forums did it with their constant "ironic" disparagement of "KyoAnus" and their masterpieces. Memes can kill; we knew this already.
I can agree with Sweden having better fire emegencies protocols than the Japanese, but not that they are a super secure country. I doubt it. Not unless they seriously realize their system has flaws they have to address.
They got their own VIP exit route.
NOT based satania poster
A guy by the name of Shinji Aoba. Motive seems to be he felt KyoAni stole something from here (most sources point to a LN or LN idea). He had recognized mental issues, and was on jail for 3 years after a robbery in a convenience store.
Punished Yamakan
There was an exit door behind the stage, which the bouncer told others was only for the band.
iirc there was a backstage exit and the bouncer stopped people from using it, then the guitarist went back in for his guitar and died.
>People die
>Push agenda
Why Americans are the worst people?
>Why didn't they just jump out of the window?
The people that survived did though? The dead people died from intoxication before dying from the fire, they were just unlucky.
Fuck Yea Forums. These two were me. I posted twice because I thought I had lost my post.
What's her name?
They had their own private emergency exit
>copying the worst poster of them all
I mean, America has fallen behind other countries in the last decade because of Republican bedshitting and corporate corruption it's true, but it's also the richest nation on the planet.
That said, while there's definitely room for massive improvement of mental health care in America, there aren't studies which show strong correlation between access to mental health and decline in violent crimes outside of those caused by "passion". Rather, economic stability and public services which reduce wealth disparity are more commonly cited as the reason. Removal of easy access to firearms has also played a role in dramatically reducing such crimes in the initial stages as doing so removes a key "easy use" tool of escalation.
Timezones are a thing
How is pointing something out pushing an agenda?
where do the bits go?
Running Man
Did the bouncer die?
Blanent propaganda, read real news
The biggest factor on crime is surveillance technology, the places in the US filled with crime are generally understaffed by police, major cities like Chicago or rural backwaters where there is barely any police and everyone is poor. So despite having more and more evidence of crime that dissuades criminals it still occurs. This is a case of crime sharply decreasing because it is almost assured someone will be caught as time goes on, but dropping not nearly as fast as it should because demographics relation to crime which is more then demonstrable.
>the guitarist went back in for his guitar and died
Fucking bugmen
In my eyes that guy is just a waste of resources. I don't care if he lived the hardest life possible, what he did was unforgivable and he deserves the most painful punishment possible.
There is no agenda here you fuckwit. The NYT article on the other hand is titled like they're trying to start shit.
Back into your bank account.
I just woke up
This is fucked up.
She's cute.
Any up to date news articles about it? Or compiled info?
Because we know what they mean by pointing it out. People with brains don't give a shit about workplace diversity unless it serves a specific job function.
Rules are rules. Your state matters not
do I get my money back when steam dies?
He's already proven that he's a danger to society.
>Why Jews are the worst people?
The (((Media))) and the American people are very different
>That /pol/ youtuber
I am fucking tired of American politics
> Left: muh feminism
> Right: muh guns could have prevented this
What a shitshow.
are you a retard? the only places where guns are restricted crime increases
user everything stated in that headline is true, aside from the part about anime being predominantly aimed at men. They just want to keep their site friendly for the lefty moms that read their articles, it’s a given that they would choose a topic which appeals to them.
Almost all tragedies are.
So having female voices and ideas in anime doesn't serve a specific function? Do you really want all anime to be made by males?
Shit shit shit. If we're talking male va's then Takahiro Sakurai is pretty prominent in the series too. He's not on twitter though so who knows his status.
(((Yea Forums)))
that is real, they keep mentioning he slept on park bench before attacking, check the ntv shit when it replays.
You have to be insane to think there's an agenda behind this
Anime is over
This is America
America was a fucking mistake.
Don't bother. VEG is trash and will just ruin your memory of them.
yes hello, I posted an edgy post earlier and I still haven't received my (you)s????
is it really right to call anime traditionally aimed at men though? like, people call it cartoon for children for a reason
and it implies other studios don't hire as many women
How are you coping with this, Yea Forums? Paying respects by watching Hyouka with some sake
the only thing that can make up for this tragedy is heroman season 2
>we know what they mean by pointing it out
What do they mean?
Shut up you insufferable faggot.
So many young animators dead. What a loss.
He may not get executed but do you really think they're going to let him go free? His absolute best case is life in the mental ward under high security.
This happened in Rhode Island, user
>no Rikka
Nobody thought the fire would reach flashover in under a minute.
Polyurethane form layered over another form. One burns super fast, the the other is harder too burn but burns super hot.
Fires spread really fast with the right fuel, tons of fire department demos on YouTube for more info.
In this cas, since he used gasoline, you can expect the black smoke killing anything that breaths even faster than the station nightclub fire. And the entire building burning in a few minutes.
Mm it's less that people arriving from destabilized or poor economic regions reduce crime directly so much as they are generally more cautious about good behaviour because the penalties involved can be more severe.
First generation immigrants tend to be survivalist-traditionalist so they often exercise stricter control over their children. There's also a social pressure to perform above your peers among second-generation youth which results in a higher academic or professional standard.
Now, this isn't universal but it's pretty widespread and almost all social studies support this conclusion. The idea of immigrants causing more crime is largely Conservative rhetoric to galvanize the right into oppressive tactics against non-Conservatives who are sympathetic towards immigrants.
You might say "well that's just leftist garbage" but it's also smart business. A Neoliberal looking to hire a more stable workforce for long-term purposes is better off hiring immigrants because of better loyalty outcomes. They aren't bound up by some normative Conservative traditionalism about "speak english or I'm uncomfortable", so they receive workers with less personal bias. It's just better business.
It's all so tiresome
>everyone in this thread will die someday
yeah actually
I have been rewatching Hyouka every year, but I don't think I can for a while.
.Only get filmed by chinks
Fucking KEK
So Yamakan will rebuild kyoani again
He will bring the old Kyoani?
Can we have a kyoani festival at the next burning man?
>bugman immediately defends his shit people
Why does the fact that they hire women upset you so much?
>call anime traditionally aimed at men though
Obviously not because every season is like 50% fujo shit
>propaganda is good!
Up yours, retard
All these movie soundtracks over rocket footage
>a bouncer stopped people trying to escape
What happened to him? He committed manslaughter at a minimum.
You've already survived 10 years without a masterpiece from them, you can manage 10 more.
Hyouka is crap.
Watch it in German; it's much better
>Sugita hasn't tweeted since July 17
Honestly... why? Hyouka is like their most forgettable show after Tamago Market
Bought 10 Kumiko Wallpapers earllier today (2x5), but might also donate to the Gofundme (if confirmed) or other means that will be established. Also happy to see that the Animate donations seem to be received well.
going to other boards.
gonna be watching ufc for half the day tomorrow so hopefully that helps.
>Kyoani returns in 2021-2022
>Director: Yutaka Yamamoto
>Script: Naoko Yamada
>Character design: Yukiko Horiguchi
>Animation director: Tatsuya Ichihara
All big names together.
Of course.
>They dont know the Kyoani "sexist" shows
Fucking idiots
Are you unironically asking that on Yea Forums of all places?
>white American metal band
What did he mean by this
You don't think it be. But it do.
Are these ones confirmed alive and well?
>At the center of the frame, you can see Jeff Derderian (co-owner of the nightclub, wearing jeans and white sneakers) emerging from behind the building and walking very calmly back to the front. He had taken a cash drawer from a bartender who escaped and had gone behind the building to bury it in the snow, which police later found.
As this entire tragedy was unfolding, as people were slowly burning to death inside his nightclub, all this piece of garbage could think about was a couple of hundred dollars in a cash register.
When ever such a thing happens there is always an asshole like this who is partly responsible for that shit anyway but makes things worse nonetheless.
It's not true
It can't be true
I have been drinking all I have left at home (which is not much) and doing nothing other than going to work. Worse part is that I work at customer support for a videogame company, so I need to fake being happy and what not... and honestly, while it's usually not hard for me to fake that, I'm not sure I can keep going... I can only hope it's easier tomorrow.
That's simply not true. If you're talking about State laws, those are ineffectual because there's no way to regulate how guns are brought across state lines. It's not like people do border checks if you're coming into Illinois. That there's no Federal law concerning guns in America is the main problem.
Conversely you get places like Australia, Canada, Sweden, etc which have either strict ownership laws, strict storage laws, or both, and you get a much lower incident of gun violence per capita.
Give it to me straight bros, does this mean we will never have another season of Haruhi??
does Kyoani win the rematch?
Didn't he like a tweet an hour or so after the fire started?
If that bouncer survived, he should have been doused in gas and set alight. Fucking meathead.
First, the families will be informed. The public is irrelevant, user. WE are irrelevant. Even though we feel connected, we're not remotely as close to the deceased as their actual friends and family. They have priority, and rightfully so. Have some patience.
That's literally a peer-reviewed study that cross-references multiple studies you absolute cuck.
>we will never have another season of Haruhi
maybe this whole thing isn't so bad after all
They lost all their talent, and lost everything they had produced ever. You tell me.
Not if I die first!
Nothingness means existence was meaningless, and there will be nothing left to prove it ever happened
Nah, it's probably right around the corner.
I feel the same way with Liz.
>user wont give up even after this
>If you don't hire women you are sexist
>How dare you work with so many women. Exploiter
>almost all social studies support this conclusion
Didn't a few guys recently managed to get a few complete bullshit articles published in scientific journals proving that all of these studies are basically pulled out of the ass?
Either never ever or they do it immediately because they need the revenue and Haruhi season 3 is basically guaranteed money.
it was at like 11pm the day of or some shit like that but people keep it going
I hope you didn't actually write this you blabbering retard.
I doubt Sentai Filmworks has the guts to scam that money when that would mean they will never be able to do business again with any Japanese company ever again. Their donation campaign is too high profile, even in Japan. But it's true that they don't have a specific plan laid out about what to do with the money.
damn, user, im trying not to read any more western news . I was doing fine and I honestly felt better, but your post sparked curiosity in me and I had to fucking read you. Im angry and sad again.
When you go to bed tonight think of me, the user who was fine but you went and ruined his good mood.
Remember: you can't please those who are mentally ill
People believe movies too much, in most movies fires takes ages to burn everything down and the great hero walks around for minutes searching for trapped people inside and carries them out without any problem aside from coughing two times and the victims are healthy as well.
In reality it's like this shit here and Kyoani and tons of other fire outbreaks and everything happens within a damn minute and walking in would more often than not kill you.
KyoAni should hire only ex-soccer players, ex-rugby players from now on.
>He literally backed the camera man off
He is the most respectful human being
What the fuck are you talking about?
So CNN is not aware about the Musaigen no Phantom World show?
Too sexist for the west! KEKE
He's doing his fucking job. If a killer was on the loose and your job was to protect the band, you wouldn't risk having band members die would you?
No, there is a mild problem that peer review needs to be more strongly enforced, but it's overexaggerated. Just because a couple of dipshits exploit a loophole doesn't mean the system is broken or bad, and the alternative is expecting that journalists are more rigorous.
He's been missing since the fire. What the fuck do you think?
The director and all the staff are dead user what do you think?
good enough bait to make me reply
Not if KyoAni keeps burning through their animators like that.
Once we get the body, we already got the data we need. the rest of the day is spent analyzing the rest of the info for the full context.
Haruhi S3 will only happen if Tanigawa releases the next book. Now, if your question is if it will be animated by KyoAni though...
they will prolly get a lot of money if they release on bd, people will buy it to support the studio
I read that the arsonist said his work was plagiarized, is this true or just media making shit up? If so, what was that kyoani made that made him think it was plagiarizing?
>leftist echo chamber review study
Wow, I'm sure it's credible.
He's still reported as missing, take that as you will.
hopefully not
Read the thread, moron
Stupid insects speaking in their monkey language and filming him praying. No respect at all. It's all so common in China they don't have any fucking humanity left.
I'd give him a pat on the back.
I'm tearing up just watching him tear up.
I remember stunts like that , but not in actual scientific journals.
>there is a mild problem that peer review needs to be more strongly enforced, but it's overexaggerated
user you're not the authority on this. Stop talking about things you just googled.
And a ching chong to you too
Not that guy, but there are bad journals all over the shop. You're gonna have to cite your specific example and compare the tested journals against verified ones before this anecdote of yours holds any weight.
Link to video pls
>Just following orders
They’re not talking about the shows retard, the whole point is that Kyoani hires more women than most other studios do. It’s pretty simple.
Not everything is bait user, sometimes people just don't agree with your views
Yes, I'm pretty sure I haven't dreamt that up.
>doesn't mean the system is broken or bad
That's pretty much what it means, retard.
>Because we know what they mean by pointing it out.
>peer-reviewed study that cross-references multiple studies
>so it's not propaganda
You unironically are a victim of propaganda.
I feel this deep down sadness and I don't know how to get rid of it, I didn't even care that much about the studio but this loss of talent hit me deeply
What if the remains of Kyoani comes back fused to studio Khara and Trigger and forms a super-studio led by Anno and Yamakan that will make the greatest masterpieces and anime and cinematic history?
>These aren't doctors learning to save lives or engineers developing things to improve our lives in a tangible way.
I am an engineer who works in research and development, and have worked in a couple different industries at this point. I can tell you first hand that the vast majority of engineers do not, and will not, do anything nearly as impactful or beneficial to the world as the artists who worked at KyoAni. We're lucky if our projects even get noticed, let alone loved. Those artists touched the hearts of millions of people, but as an engineer, I'd be lucky to touch the hearts of just a few people close to me.
Engineers like me are cowards who picked a profitable career. Artists are the unsung heroes of the world, who enter an industry that's risky, competitive, and often not profitable, all riding on the dream that they can make something great. RIP all of those who suffered, you deserved so much more.
but it's too retarded not to be bait so it has to be
Man with integrity
trigger won
There was a "critical theory" journal thing a while ago and that was funny ("the Sokal affair")
More recently we've seen the advent of what are basically fake journals that charge page fees. They aren't indexed, nobody reads them and they aren't even discoverable. Used by unscrupulous people for CV padding in 3rd world countries mainly but it doesn't fool anyone.
Oh no he snapped, he's gonna start killing people now.
Fuck. Thanks guys.
The fuck sjw attack anime for bieng sexist
They dont attacked because MUH womens works
If the main staff were mens, all shiting about sexist and pedo anime
Uhh nope. Just because a couple of assholes get crap past the censor doesn't make the censor bad. You just have to correct the censor and weed out the jackasses again. It doesn't invalidate everything in the system.
What kind of anime would that even be
>that mushroom cloud in China
Holy shit.
Nothing stays unchanged.
What's it like not listening to FACTs and LOGIC?
Just making shit up as you go must be nice...
kek this reminds me of like 10 fucking years ago when I used to start coming here and people made fun of me for being naive enough to believe he will EVER write Haruhi again. 10 fucking years. What is that fuck even doing? Did he just get mad that everyone figured out Kyon is god?
Look, there are low quality journals, there are scam journals which exist only to farm submission fees from hopeful grad students and will publish anything.
The reputation of a journal is measured by something called the "Impact Factor" and most of these journals where people manage to publish bullshit articles are very low IF (I am talking about CS/Natural Sciences here because that is my field).
I would be interested to see a study showing even a midlevel journal allowing this shit through.
Gators aren't people.
Ah so your galaxy brain must be the only thing that's not propaganda. Got it.
To be honest, my life is crappy enough to be THIS much affected by this, is it really sad, but eh, I'm watching Hakumei to Mikochi right now, pretty good but so far it's been really hit or miss, episode 1 and episode 5 really lost me.
>It doesn't invalidate everything in the system.
It makes it lose credibility
ALS-kun sacrifices is in vain
how many replies does this sticky have?
Apparently the arsonist posted these on 2chan. Anyone care to translate them for us?
At least 14k?
1000, bottom right
Sokal is reddit personified and got rightfully BTFO by smarter philosophers and several copy-cat retaliations in the years following
replies 1001 newfag
Into the pirate version because you are retarded for buying stuff with DRM.
it's a rolling sticky. all the old post get deleted
Never give up user.
Something that can beat even the jews. Trains
Probably around 35k
47 hours ago, Shinji Aoba, who claims that KyotoAnim stole his work (it's not impossible for it to be true since they run a scam contests to vacuum ideas from unknown authors but it's most likely an excuse he found to justify himself), walked into KyoAnim's studio 1 and threw a bucket of gasoline around their wooden spiral staircase before putting it on fire.
The staircase worked as a chimney and spread smoke like a motherfucker asphyxiating 29 people to death and burning 5 others also to death. Total dead count is 34 (the count increased like 6 hours ago, a guy in critical condition died) with 34 injured (3 in critical state) out of 73 people who were inside the building.
Since it was a day where KyoAnim was supposed to make announcements for their upcoming projects, it's extremely likely that some VAs where also there, a channel reported that 6 people that weren't Kyoto Anim employees were inside of it at the time of the fire, right now everyone is fearing that VAs related to Hibike Euphonium might've been there since the main VAs of it have yet to tweet since the fire broke out and some of them used to tweet multiple times every day.
It's more probable that they use their filial "Animation DO" before fusing with another studio.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Kyoani dies, and Animation DO rise with Kyoani's remaining staff because of this.
Fellow engineer here. It's no secret that our jobs were to basically make other people's jobs redundant and to enrich our billionaire employer. I'm just in it for the money.
>Hiroshi Yamamoto
Am I missing something? Isn't Yamakan's name is Yamamoto Yutaka? Why does the video title say Hiroshi?
Before yesterday
>western civilization is fucked but at least Japan and their animation industry will be fine for some time.
Now I don't even believe Japan has a chance.
2 hours ago, it was already way over 33k
Only 1,000. Yea Forums is dead.
As others are explaining, no. It's a bug in the system, not a wholesale failure. It can temporarily affect the credibility of a particular journal or access point, not the whole of journals or peer reviewed studies.
Please develop a brain that works.
Why are you fucks letting them in on it.
>The idiots shout the loudest
The most likely people to object to the CNN article will have their own agenda to push but that doesn't mean CNN doesn't have an agenda. Look at how they've conveniently glossed over works like Musaigen and Amagi.
The fact that several people agreed that something is correct OBJECTIVELY and FACTUALLY doesn't make it correct. So when you say a "peer-reviewed study that cross-references multiple studies" HAS to be true, you are OBJECTIVELY AND FACTUALLY wrong. Maybe they're all correct, maybe they're all wrong. I don't know those people, I haven't checked how credible they are.
I don't doubt it, I was like wtf. I guess the heat got his brain or something.
The world is descending into chaos, son.
Nothing cowardly about choosing the "easy" path to provide a living for yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself user.
t. Engineer/scientist
Maybe this was tru in the 80s when the economy was good for most people, the immigrants were from Mexico and median but you are retarded if you think migrants from africans in Italy and Germany and the current crop of people in southern United States are not increasing the crime rate. There have been many data and research studies to prove this. I could post counterfactulas to whatever yo posted
>First generation immigrants tend to be survivalist-traditionalist so they often exercise stricter control over their children.
Sociology is a junk science, that is clearly Derry picking, there are plenty of there that get kicked into crime and say fuck it
Even if this shit hadn't happened, any new Haruhi probably wouldn't be done by KyoAni anyway.
No idea, but social studies are generally a load of shit because they are focused towards weirds and thus are only a good indicator of that group of people even though the studies are meant to be about humans in general. Weird also stands for western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic
Is this the longest sticky in Yea Forums history?
I went into engineering to leverage technology to do better art but then got seduced by the paycheck.
I hate my life and wish I was a better person.
But anime exists so I guess that makes it ok.
I guess I can wait a little longer.
then defend Hyouka instead of calling my post bait.
There's literally nothing memorable about it, no original plot points.. only thing it has going is nice animation. But that's true for any KyoAni project
You haven't offered any sources to countermand this, so you're kind of just shouting about nothing user.
Whoever did this is going straight to Hell.
Watch the Norwegian documentary "Hjernevask - Brainwash" to see how the "scientific" industry works nowadays. IIRC, they got the Norwegian Gender Institute (or some other ridiculously named "institution") shut down as there was total bias in selecting their FACTS and LOGIC.
It's totally cowardly to repress your inner dreams and wishes in exchange for easy money.
t. graduate student in engineering
>System is 100% reliable
>Here are the examples of it being unreliable
>That doesn't mean anything
Fuck off.
>As others are explaining, no. It's a bug in the system, not a wholesale failure
Scientists don't agree with you but you keep repeating this shit, it will be true if you repeat it enough
I think this is the longest sticky in Yea Forums history.
Pushing 40k posts, might be the longest in the history of the site.
Are you dumb? It is a rolling sticking, it always has exzactl 1000 visuals. Check right now after this post, it will have still 1000.
Btw the first two posts reached over a 1000 posts and the first no. Rolling sticky reached 8000 posts in an hour
What the fuck is "derry picking"
Also please post said studies.
So Aya Hirano is safe right, it's just the Euphonium VAs that died?
>sociology is a junk science
then for you all scientists (of any discipline) who have ever attempted to look at the society and culture in which they are working and how their work may be recieved are junk
That's some fucking thick glass.
Stay strong, kyoani.
Condolences to the families of the victims. Rest in peace you talented legends.
Wishing the people being hospitalized a quick recovery.
Beyond the loss and pain of personal, I'm hoping someone will be able to salvage some disks, drives, and memory, or find some sort of backup so the animators hard work and dedication won't go all to waste be case of some lunatic.
Hope they throw the arsonist in the ocean with concrete boots.
And they say this isn't an anime site.
She wasn't even in Japan at the time.
but there's no point in giving a bait the bare minimum of replies
don't be so hard on yourself, you still contribute to society and silently prevent death
Are you adding the 8k sticky on the day of the event?
Showing a graph without context is bad cherry picking, user.
From the article: "less than 31% think that failure to reproduce published results means that the result is probably wrong, and most say that they still trust the published literature"
She was in Vegas when it happened.
Call that safe if you want
>I was treated as a criminal for a while, I wish I had to die instead, or I was badly treated, but I wondered how far I was disliked by a mountain knack?
I ... I see.
Sources for what? You need me to provide you with cases when several scientists were wrong at the same time? Pretty much always user, do you know how science works? Everyone is wrong for a while, then somebody discovers something new and people pivot to that, then they're all wrong in different way until the next pivot. Do you want proof that many scientists believed that earth was the center of the universe or that alchemy is real?
I hope they designed their databases with remote back-ups.
No VAs have been reported dead, don't believe the shitposts
These are just rumors?
>anecdotal evidence
>proving anything besides existence
>Left: They were a workforce that represented women, and had diversity in terms of female employment, such a sad loss
>Right: Studio who produced anime that featured HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS, burns to the ground, so sad (i'm actually happy)
What the fuck is wrong with America? Why do they have to politicize everything no matter what angle they stand on?
But seriously, the stuff about the VAs is not true, right?
>local retard shouts about fake news
So they confirmed that it was just 33 mannequins left behind that died, right? Everyone was found safe and sound?
Just because several people agree that you're correct, it doesn't mean that you're correct. Is this so hard to understand you literal brainlet?
You can always quit and get into hobby projects when you have enough money saved.
It's already updated
It's not too late user, you can always work towards it with baby steps. Even if your next job isn't the goal you wanted, you can inch closer and closer.
All I'm hearing is that you can't even defend a show you rewatch yearly
You've already replied to me more than if you just gave a straight answer from the start
>tfw Disney bought Kyoani
>they turn it as some propaganda outlet for progressive agenda
That's not an anecdotal evidence though
Welcome to Kanji and morons that can't google trying to translate them
Have you considered pursuing your dreams as a sort of hobby/side hustle/project/etc? I'm all for people chasing whatever it is they're passionate about and respect those that do wholeheartedly but I definitely don't look down on people who are "realists" and pursue paths that are more "socially accepted" in order to make it in this world/society because life is hard honestly.
It's at least around 35k without the 8k sticky
user I'm still learning my kana don't do this to me.
Why is there a motherfucking tripwire in front of the front door.
I’m sorry but it is true, all the high iq disaplinees agree and shit on their methodology every few years.
And no not everyone that looks at society is junk, but sociologists make a leaps in causation that are very injustifeld, and often make several linked jumps and come out with very bad arguments that dissolve anyone’s responsibility for anything
Their ridiculous pollution has literally brain damaged everyone there.
And the at least 1k before that 8k, but that wasn't stickied.
>everything physical and digital has been lost
What would they have been working on?
what's the lesson here?
Anything concerning the deads are just rumors and speculations at this point. But some of the VAs used to tweet multiple tweets daily but suddenly became complete silenced since the 17th, the odds are high. Hope for the best, but expect the worst, user.
Imagine if they started hiring women to work there? I don't even want to think about how terrible that would be.
You can't tell, it is your problem.
You still here? stop posting the same thing.
Stating they had a majority in women employment is fine, but it should NOT be the focus of the reporting, it essentially paints a narrative that it should be the part you should be sad about, and not the loss of life by itself.
Plus, a lot of biased reporting comes from CNN in the first place in relation to pro left content, which is why it's easy to assume it's trying to paint a political narrative
>Showing a graph without context is bad cherry picking
I assumed that you can see the fucking logo you retard.
>less than 31% think that failure to reproduce published results means that the result is probably wrong
Oh so it's just about 1/3 of the scientists who think that science journals can't be trusted. Well it's nothing then, you're right, no biggie. Only about half of all medical research can't be trusted according to scientists, it's just a small bug.
>for men by men
Idk if you've seen any anime.... But it's pretty fucking girly. If you're a dude and you *should* be embarrassed. I watch anime just for the record.
I hope you die in your sleep tonight.
Definitely. I got into drawing in university and do it on the side when there's nothing to keep me occupied but lately I'm finding it hard to set aside time to practice amidst everything else I have to do.
Because if backwards jap studios can create good shows with more women, the superior western studios can projectile vomit masterpieces on the daily.
Is this the greatest loss of life to ever occur in the entertainment industry as a result of one incident? Are there any incidents where more talent has been lose in a single tragedy?
>inb4 ____ had more talent alone than the entirety of Kyoani combined
Everything will eventually become history
this. not taking the risk to do your own thing and innovate in your true calling is probably one of the worst social problems no one ever talks about
poor quality food has lowered the general IQ quota.
Do you need me to copypaste my answer so that you feel special? Here you go
>Just because several people agree that you're correct, it doesn't mean that you're correct. Is this so hard to understand you literal brainlet?
Why Japan hates this man so much?
im not even that user and im still giving you the bare minimum of replies, putting no effort in at all because arguing with bait is always pointless. and why quote the same post twice retard?
You'll never make it, you brainlet.
Did your brain kick itself into an abortion? That's not how science works. Science isn't a monolith, it's a continual discovery of truth. We can only discover as much truth as our tools and ideas allow, and with tools and ideas improving all the time, a new truth often supersedes an older one.
However, many things *remain* the truth. The Earth revolves around the Sun. That hasn't changed and is highly unlikely to. Water is made of H2O! The sun is full of hydrogen! Flies lay eggs in rotting material and aren't spontaneously generated!
JFC user.
Enjoy everyday becuase it might be your last.
Speaking of I need to go out for awhile
>they got the Norwegian Gender Institute (or some other ridiculously named "institution") shut down
Sadly, no.
We don't know for certain as there's no info.
What we do know is that the VAs, who are normally very active on twitter haven't posted anything since the 17th. Put 2 and 2 together and you get some worrysome rumours.
It is true that we have no news about them since the fire, we don't even know if they were there, he have yet to see a list of the victims since they most likely want to release it only when everyone is identified but some bodies were so charred that doctors couldn't even tell of they belonged to a man or a woman so it's gonna take time.
Nothing of value.
Buddy Holly is the classic I guess, though in terms of quantity it loses.
Not even true calling, but your hobby. Just having the balls to do something you like but might not be very good at is enough to set you apart from the usual people who do what some school counselor tells them they should do.
>There have been many data and research studies to prove this
The last investigation I read was a Cato article showing how the crime rate amongst U.S. natives are higher than immigrants in Texas. What are these studies you're looking at?
wait user! watch out for that car!
Yamamoto is getting it now. I bet he's considering suicide or something or at least abusing his health. It was the wrong time to say something, especially on Twitter and with how Japanese let out their true feelings online because they can't IRL... Of course people are going to use it to hate on him more
Paranoia is a common symptom of schizophrenia. All of you paranoid faggots? You're actual schizophrenic mental retards.
God the archive of this thread is completely fucked due to the size
I'm plenty not even the average Nip can read that in less than a minute.
Otis Redding gets my vote
Satoshi Kon. KyoAni shows were pretty but trite. Kon was a true visionary.
Take care.
>no point in in giving a bait the bare minimum of replies
>im still giving you the bare minimum of replies
??? So you're saying my posts aren't bait? If so then we're on the same page finally and you can describe what's good about Hyouka.
What’s this say
Watching a man cry is so fucking hard.
just like the KyoAni archives are lost forever, so is the thread discussing it
this is more than several
look up consensus
he's an asshole with multiple scandals from verbaly attacking others to sexual misconduct who aldo claimed the industry was shit and going to save it but he's just bankrupt
His first twitter was suspended and he deleted his Line blog, he breaks down almost crytiping like a 14 year old in tumblr when people call him out for his bullshit
I know a guy who did that with law. he's now pursuing art at 32. I know another guy who picked up animation at 40. ever of late to follow your dreams. You really not dead yet. Pick up a pencil today.
They are making it about feminism instead of the fire.
>a person invents new cellphone
> a WOMYN of color invents a new cell phone
See the difference? Of course you dont.
I bet you think "no one is illegal" too
The archive server can't even parse the data to recreate the thread.
the pleasure of being cummed inside
Archive (last 50 posts, can probably get a range of posts) desuarchive.org
Westerners also do that, but yeah i agree with you.
Wasn't that the study that only counted the legal immigrants?
John Denver
Even Ghibli used his music as a major point in one of their movies
This motherfucking VN was what motivated me to start studying jap 5 years ago and I still cannot fucking read it at all
At least I can read an average h-manga in Japanese now
It's not gone, just too much to compile. This is the aftermath of such an attack on anime and what it does to an anime imageboard. To all the nonbelievers out there, are you still going to deny that this is an anime website?
Woa jreally
We Got Killed by an Arsonist While Making Anime, Now We've Reincarnated Into the Anime We Were Making!
Fuck you user I'm not going to be a dekinai, I'm gonna make it.
Lain, evangelion
>Is this the greatest loss of life to ever occur in the entertainment industry as a result of one incident?
I think that goes to the Iroquois theatre fire of 1903. Over 600 people died in that.
>Is this the greatest loss of life to ever occur in the entertainment industry as a result of one incident?
90 people that worked on the movie "The Conqueror" , including John Wayne, died of cancer. Filming took place on desert covered with fallout from nuclear bomb tests at Nevada Test Site. They even carted contaminated sand back to the studio for continuity.
Yes, but very poetic-like.
Indeed, and americans count hispanics as white anyway.
>tfw 28
is it too late for me? should i just give up, or should I save dome 3000EUR and get to some academy in area juu-ichi?
Is this some sort of manifesto?
From what I can decode using google translate, he was mad at kyoani's, it seems his work submission was rejected but later kyoani used it anyway, without giving him any credit, some shit happened and he had to start working a hard job, he's complaining he has it hard but if he must go down he wants to not go down alone, he was also bitching about how some people take advantage of others, making them work in their place or something like that. In the end he's saying how he will "do it for us" and he will be victorious if he survives, something along those lines, you get the idea.
Read 刃鳴散らす first to get used to his style. It's pretty short.
Any science besides physics is junk science, but social science is really the bottom of the barrel along with economics
It's just political ideology with some numbers slapped on top of it to sound more objective
meant to say "anything but the bare minimum of replies" sorry. haven't really been paying attention to this conversation, mb.
this is a fully believable LN title... maybe this is what they stole from him
I want to cum inside Yamakan
It's not as realistic as you think it is. The reality is that you need to devote a lot of time and energy to get good at anything, let alone succeed. Some people might be able to make this whole "normal job, working on my dream on the side" routine, but generally it's just half-assing two different paths and not being particularly successful in either. You often have to take risks if you want to go big.
>mad at kyoani's
kyoani's founder* ftfm.
Sticky until the names of the deceased are out. I dare you mods.
Who exactly are the missing VAs?
>many things *remain* the truth. The Earth revolves around the Sun. That hasn't changed and is highly unlikely to. Water is made of H2O! The sun is full of hydrogen! Flies lay eggs in rotting material and aren't spontaneously generated!
You're so in love with your point you don't even hear me talk you fucking retard. What's with all the exclamation points, do you imagine yourself making this speech in front of a class? Here is what I'm trying to make you understand: everything you listed was at one point thought to be incorrect by most scientists on the planet. There you go, my point proven if you can fucking comprehend it.
Kon is laughing at this in the afterlife. Remember, Moeshit killed him.
Thread is dying, soon to be archived. Now we can all sleep. Finally.
How come there is little to no info on the arsonist anywhere?
This reminds me of how brittle our everyday world is. Especially because everything is so deeply interconnected, an isolated incident like this still has such a massive impact. It's staggering how much culture and spirit you can erase with so little effort.
Its about the words they are using and are treating it as a focal point. It's clickbait but ita clickbait with a political lean. There is literallt dozens of things they could have focused on in that tweet like the fact that kyoani had better working standards than the rest of the industy but thry instead focused on the least important thing as its political bait
Feels good learning classical Chinese for literature. Makes learning all Chinese based writing systems that much easier.
>still replying
>still incapable of defending show watched yearly
Not till I get those names.
This has to be the longest sticky in Yea Forums
Have you read this thread?
Consensus does not make it true, literally. Do you really not understand this? What the fuck. At one point everyone agreed that alchemy is real. There's your fact, consensus can't be wrong can it.
he's right you know
>all those people got cancer from working on a movie that was both a critical and commercial failure
Not them, but if you want to convince anyone of anything, debate the actual points in the piece they posted and show exactly how the peer reviewed article is wrong (and hence possibly propaganda) instead of this incredibly obtuse shit flinging. Anything else is in bad faith.
How are japanese otaku reacting to this?
>311 posters
That's more than average from this thread's lifespan
You mean like his social media and shit? It is a bit weird nothing like that has been found yet.
>scientists are sometimes wrong and correct themselves
>this means scientists are wrong
Better never trust anything again, not even your own brain
Yea Forums had bigger ones. check the archives~
Do we have some sort of master list of who's confirmed alive and who, if anyone, has been pronounced dead?
Rebuild of Haruhi Suzumiya
now there will never be a season 2 of Asobi Asobase
my gut reaction to this, before there were any confirmed deaths, was a quick jab of "did yamakan finally snap?" But after seeing his reaction on camera I feel like total garbage for having ever thought that he could have possibly done something like this...
The longest sticky was when moot admitted to being a CIA asset and gay in 2012.
user that's literally impossible
What's the significance of leaving tea coffee or water?
Hes almost like a typical user... no social media presence and sperging out on his neighbors.
based index bro
Because he's like your average 4channeler.
can't wait until I see this post in an inspo album
What is Anno and Miyazaki reaction for this?
They were out of gween tea.
I hope at the very least some recording studio, outsourcing, employee working from home, or some salvageable memory card is available. Their past work is too priceless to be lost, and it would be heartbreaking if they would have to restart everything they have been working on from scratch
Any confirmed deaths?
Tomoyo Kurosawa and Ayaka Asai are the two I'm aware of, but probably some of the other Hibike! Euphonium seiyuus are also silent.
well to be fair, doing what you want regardless of whether you're good at it at the current moment or not is an important process of finding that true calling. the pursuit of such a thing is admirable in itself
sorry but i've only watched it twice, gonna have to ask that other user if you want an answer on that
Your favorite KyoAni show's director.
your mom
>user that's literally impossible
Is it your brain telling you this?
>20th Century Electricity Catalog
>By Shinji Aoba
I know is fake, but was that the plagiarized work?
I just want an announcement to confirm if Takemoto is dead or not. I just want to properly grieve for all the lost talent by now!
Not too late, and taking lessons really helps but €3k is too much.
It's on my backlog but I have a shitton of other eroge/VN to finish.
Sorry I meant always trust Breitbart instead
He is a schizophrenic and fat. Crazies don't need a motive to go berserk. What else is there to know. All we care about is the name of the victims.
So what work did Kyoani rip off?
you are hardwired to trust your brain
you could give yourself a lobotomy or something to try and change that but it would be stupid
This is an extremely convoluted way to write Japanese that's not natural at all, obviously written like this for a comedic effect. You can find long phrases written succinctly in Kanji in newspapers to save space (unironically), but both the vocabulary and the syntactic structure are much more Chinese than Japanese in such literary genres. I've read medieval sources that uses 95% kanji, a lot of them obscure in modern usage, and almost zero punctuation, and they are as cumbersome to read as this pic.
Wait so was he the train autist or some crazy otaku?
Chemists are pretty good too, except for the part where they aren't quite as good at math.
It seems to be a common thing to leave food and drink at graves and mourning sites all over the world it's probably just that.
Frankly I want out of this /pol/ business, this is not the thread for it.
Nope, the obtuse argument is the one I like. You go have your own argument if you don't like it.
>Anything else is in bad faith.
Objectively not true
No train
less people probably would've died if it were a mass shooting
Not yet.
I will beat you, Dekinai Horror. To protect others' hope to learn Japanese. That's what a Weeb Kishi does.
It's a warm, clever low stakes mystery show that pulls off the archetype of the mentally agile protagonist, typical of that genre, without coming off smug or reddit.
i love kon but people who hate things for being 'trite' or sentimental are the worst kind of middlebrow poseurs.
Based on the ages, Kigami is all but confirmed at this point.
He was a brilliant author whose work was unjustly stolen from him. The parasites had to pay.
Probably Takemoto for sure.
I've never cared about something like this before so I have no idea if how long they're taking to announce the victims is normal or not.
I don't think it's known whether they actually ripped anything off. The guy apparently had a criminal record and a history of mental illness. Not exactly trustworthy.
>At one point everyone agreed that alchemy is real
You've said something vague enough that I'm sure you'll find a way to convince yourself it's true and relevant to the previous discussion.
Seems like identifying them is pretty difficult.
I love sentimental shows, but that doesn't change the fact that KyoAni's recent shows don't have much going for them other than a pretty face.
I think it depends on each person and what they're looking to get out of their "passion project".
Like yeah, I'd like to get better at drawing (I spend some time each week practicing) but I'm not looking to be a big name that people look forward to at conventions/comiket, and plus I have other activities that I pursue in order to invest in myself other than my main career, like working out, travelling, etc.
apparently they have contests where fans submit their story ideas and stuff then kyoani just takes them and turns them into something entirely different or something like that. i barely know anything about it though, not sure if even this info is right
Well let's start with the basics. Who has been confirmed alive by way of posts/tweets/on TV/etc?
it's a silent self insert
>Anime truly was a mistake.
>Fuck otaku scum. Evagelion 3+1 is cancelled.
Bros, is Hyouka kill?
It's only been 2 days. Family and loved ones need to be informed first.
How is this so hard to understand, god some of you are morons. Think about the very last sensation the victims would have felt before losing consciousness from the HOT SMOKE invading their eyes, mouths and noses burning their throats and lungs.
That was a pretty mean way to do him in, user.
you're both retards
The studio won't be the same without them bros...
There actually aren't that many animators compared to the animation produced. That's why most anime are badly animated, because they're stretched thin between multiple projects.
>kyoani just takes them and turns them into something entirely different
How the fuck is that stealing?
Anyone who answers to such a slight by killing dozens of people isn't going to get much sympathy in the courts even if it was true
Has sentai gave my shekels to kyoani?
Pretty tragic.
Does that put them in a loop, then?
>Rebuild is canceled
Silver lining out of all this tragedy
Would you send a gift to kyoani if you could?
What could be a good gift for times like these?
I still don't understand
This is about par for the course. You rarely hear about people for the first few days after a fire just because identifying them takes so long. They have to inform next of kin, etc. first. I'd expect to start hearing names by the end of the weekend..
It's finished, so yes. It's kill. It was kill years ago.
That's where the ideas for KnK, Phantom World and VEG came from.
A lot of people didn't like the show but I did, just for Mirai...
They're pocketing all of it and everyone who donated is a fucking retard.
Japan has mandatory national healthcare, so they don't have to worry about medical bills at least
oh man all of those qt.14 animators who never got to get impregnated.
I'm sorry the anons replying to you don't appear to know what "confirmed" means. The answer is no.
Good thing I only listen to non-partisan unbiased news like breitbart
>only 1000 posts in a sticky about the best studio in our lifetime
Yea Forums is dead bros..
A time machine.
$10 says Tomoyo Kurosawa is dead
Anno was so bothered by the death threats he got he placed them on End of Eva, I can only imagine the bitterness this event happened.
>obtuse argument is the one I like
How does the David Lynch school of debate change anyone's mind? Aren't you just shooting yourself in the foot?
So what's the consensus - is Yea Forums sad about this?
The "plagiarized" work probably only exists in his head.
Some of the responses to this have been a little creepy but those people were creeps to begin with. It was unlikely that a fire was going to change that.
Cause they got burnt to a crisp yeah.. lmao
>projecting this hard
isn't that in their constitution?
I can't stop thinking about what it would be like to be in their position. What were their last thoughts?
>All of the work I've done over the past several months is gone now
>I just saw my co-worker suffocate and die, am I next?
>My child is going to grow up without a parent
>Who did this and why?
>I don't deserve this
>I don't want to die
>I can't breathe
>I can't escape
>It's so hot
>It hurts
Did you come up with that yourself?
Fuyukai tbqh
Draw fanart, tweet at them, follow all their social media, actually go over to japan and see them in person, do unpaid work for them.
idk maybe i did a bad job at explaining. maybe "turns them into something entirely different" wasn't the right wording to use. more like they take the story and change it from what the author originally wanted then it turns into multiple anime seasons and the author's original story just dies off. you'd be better looking it up, im basically talking out my ass
I adored KnK and Mirai too. Easily their most overlooked show.
Where did the idea of her being there even come from? Because she hasn't tweeted?
He's right tho man, wtf!
How come no one cares about this?
It's like an offering. Japs leave food and drink at grave sites.
any scientist, and this includes those in the natural sciences, eventually find themselves in the position of having to communicate their ideas, and by doing so negotiate not only their own scientific culture (between members of their own research group, between different groups, between faculties, and eventually, perhaps, with the rest of us- either through interlocutors or themsleves) and this falls strictly in the realm of philosophy, sociology, anthropology, or at least within schools of those. what you're really against are certain schools within the study of sociology, not sociology itself. Believe me, sociology departments are full of arguing just like all others can be for the exact reasons you mention
See above, the physicist does not exist outside of his own context, he is a human looking outwards, and as such as much a product of his environs as anybody else. Bachelard once said that all scientific explanations are histories of science- hermaneutics, scientific pedagogy, an ontology of science, or the scientific attitude
Could you stop peddling this bullshit? Especially if you don't know the facts. You're only helping deranged kyoani haters by doing this.
Do we know why he or she did it?
Likely something along the lines of OH SHI-
sorry for your loss Yea Forums
- sincerely Yea Forums
No, my mom helped me out.
hurts to think about
user-kun, denwa
I joke woke up, do we know who died yet?
there was a meeting with most of the staff at the time of the attack.
The Gofund received a $50k donation like 25 minutes ago.
She really didn't like the Sound Eupho movie
Speculation based on:
VAs going from a lot of activity to 0 activity on Twitter.
6 non-KyoAni employees being present.
New season of Eupho announced
NHK crew invited, probably to promote the new series
fuck. why them...
Not enough time for that, it happened so fast that I bet they could only think a bout how much it hurt.
Super regeneration
>KyouAni is gone
no, it's like 4am in japan right now.
Chemistry is just a branch of physics
t. my chemistry professor at university, who is a physicist
Hang him from the balls. Then cut his throat until he bleeds out.
>once a life is taken, it doesnt come back.not matter the stand, it cant bring it back
The only small mercy of burning to death in a fire is that you'd pass out from smoke inhalation before you die so you don't have to endure all the pain
Sentai is laughing all the way to the bank.
Is naoko yamada confirmed alive?
Their brains were probably going haywire and they most likely weren’t thinking very concisely in their very last moments
>I don't want to die
>I can't breathe
>I can't escape
>It's so hot
>It hurts
Probably just these.
Please God let me see Violet one more time.
>What were their last thoughts?
Actually it's almost 10:00am
I miss it.
Bless you, Janice Peters. The deities of anime smile upon you.
domo, fag
I chuckled
She wasn't even in the building.
She's dead user.
tfw it was Yea Forums and not /n/ who did it but they won't come here and meme with us
Yeah. She wasn't there. Wonder what shes been up to actually. Pregnant?
The carving of the neck with Nasheed playing in the background
What weaklings. True men would embrace death knowing they've dedicated their lives to the utmost good of bringing happiness to others.
It has the embarassing otaku-only humor but I like the core idea
>Criticizing creeps
>on Yea Forums
They never published anything by or worked with the arsonist though, so it's pretty much irrelevant.
what a cutie
Electrons have no social context. They act according to fixed rules whether you like it or believe it or not. Unlike social structures, there is a right and wrong in physics. We were wrong before and we're at least less wrong now.
Kyoani were thieves. No punishment
She's OK, right bros? She's only silent because her agent told her not to talk and/or she's grieving, right bros?
Sudden halt on her tweeting (Along with other Euphonium VAs) and the fact she had a picture/video in a studio in the monday. There are people out of Kyoani who are confirmed to have been there.
But I feel like if she was missing the anime in which she has a role would have reacted somehow, either going silent or delaying, this has not happened.
This place is full of normalfags from twitter and reddit nowadays.
Only heard about this because of /ic/
What's the deal? Why'd they do it? Is it because kyoani is a bunch of hack frauds?
Look, Yamakan was misunderstood. He only said 'shut up' to Shinkai because Shinkai was trying to use his old colleagues' death for the publicity on his new movie, Weathering With You.
And it sure worked as damned shit. The film debut at 2.3 billion yen in the first day, a cosmical number in Japanese anime standards. At the end of this, Shinkai wins, and we've been barking at the wrong tree all along.
Yamakan did nothing wrong. Those tears were genuine, folks
She's probably just told to keep silent.
You're mistaking actual electrons with us writing and communicating with each other about electrons
Remove Gay and lesbo animes
Time for the new era of anime now!
News flash, I'm kind of retarded.
i like how a few hours before the arson shit, i was partaking in a thread with japs about hating koreans. boy did we have em spot on.
trains autist uprising
>claim that KyoAni stole his work
>any evidence that could've been used in his favor in a court case is gone forever
So... What does 2channel think about all of this?
Please stop redditspacing
Nice butthole cervix
Who do you think started the fire?
Go back there or pyw
I agree. It could be another Eupho VA though which could cause them all to go silent.
She's the body for which they can't determine the sex.
Reminds me of that one VA who died a few years back. One of her friends went AWOL and we didn't know what the fuck was happening. When it all came out she understandably went to a bar to drown her sorrows of having lost a friend
Okay punishment for you, then
Janice Peters better not cut out on that bet or there's a very expensive pair of concrete shoes waiting if you know what I mean cuz I know a guy who knows a guy who has a cousin if you know what I mean.
Does this
trigger you?
If you'd rather like a bunch of hopeful facts we have right now:
Lots of VAs who did tweet about the fire as soon as the news got out have also not tweeted anything since.
Kyoto is quite a long way to travel from Tokyo
None of their friend VAs on Twitter have tweeted concerned plea for help locating them
News report has stated that all 34 confirmed deaths are Kyoani employees
Ever believed what another scientist said without checking it yourself first? Congrats you failed a science too.
>Shinkai makes billions
>Yamakan makes 883
why do the good guys always lose?
hello moot, I would like to request you permanently ban all Yea Forums, /n/ and Yea Forums posters. Thank you.
Here's one for Janny
but really. nande did this happen
Any science that cannot define everything to the most fundamental level with mathematics and theorems (ie, all science except physics) is just educated opinions. If you can't even mathematically prove a contradiction between two different positions in your field the way you can prove a theorem, then you cannot make any claim to be able to express any truth at all.
Physics has not managed to complete this, but at least they're trying. And when two physical theories contradict each other, we know it.
>See above, the physicist does not exist outside of his own context, he is a human looking outwards,
>blah blah blah
I have studied philosophy academically. I don't need your lecturing, your argument has nothing to do with the problem with social science.
Once social science can be derived from physics it will be a true science, but then it will be completely different.
>Not mentioning Twitch and Discord
Get with the times.
Posted already
Now, What does 2ch has to say about those NYT article
That's good to hear at least
Oh no
Mirai was top tier waifu material, a shame her show was so bland.
can I just say that in my heart I do care that these people died
it brings me genuine sadness to think about
Phillip doing what he can to still seem like a good guy. Damn he's spent so much money to try and change his image.
The formalism is separate from the information content. All scientific theories are engines which take initial conditions and predict final conditions. There can be multiple, isomorphic descriptions of the same phenomenon, such as wave mechanics vs matrix mechanics in quantum physics.
Fire doesn't sound like Miyazaki's style. I'd imagine he'd strafe the building with a WW2 fighter plane.
based sensible user not succumbing to irrational conspiracies
Neither Shinkai nor Yamakan were wrong. Both had knee jerk reactions and used too much social media while they still couldn't collect their thoughts.
If you actually study physics at university like I did, you verify all of the most important theories in the field yourself with experiments (within reason)
And a lot can be derived from mathematical proofs that we have to learn and be able to show to professors.
I have confidence that my field is not full of liars
>Anyone who answers to such a slight by killing dozens of people isn't going to get much sympathy in the courts even if it was true
Certainly. There's no excuse for murder. And plagiarism would certainly be an extremely weak justification.
>They didnt go out like pic related
There is like 1 thread talking about how to execute him with a few dozens replies, I guess they don't have the "happening" culture as Yea Forums does.
Ban of all American IPs when?
>Inb4 free speech, the website 4chinkz is not a right.
Yeah, I don't know what it was about KnK. It was pretty, the character designs were great, the concept was generic but not bad. The action was good and some of the solutions were novel. But something about it fell flat.
thanks fren
You are talking out of your ass. Do more research and stop repeating shit that people spam to intentionally mislead people. This was allegedly about a term used in the hibike anime, nothing to do with fan submissions not that either justify it in any way. The killer was a notorious moe hater on futaba.
It's literally over. No way they can recover from this. God knows how many others are going to quit with ptsd or survivor's guilt. It's fucking unbelievable that a single fat loser can bring down such a big company and cultural powrhouse overnight. God, I hope other studios will learn from this and upgrade their security ASAP. There's so many crazy, bitter and angry otakus in japan. This could easily happen to any other studio.
That's why the VAs of Eupho were told to keep quiet to avoid what Yamakan did.
I liked it when it aired, could've been better in retrospect. Would be nice to see KyoAni handle an action series again
One guy did and captured the culprit.
>Posted already
what a legend
Damn, whole thing is just sad.
Just ban anyone who has touched /pol/
>Not knowing how they caught the perp
He was caught when a employee who was on fire shoved his head into the concrete.
>News report has stated that all 34 confirmed deaths are Kyoani employees
That still leaves the rest of the people who got injured + the 3 on critical condition
Doesn't Hiro live in Alaska? he won't be able to use his own site anymore, not like he ever does anything on here.
It looks like a nightmare but it's actually mostly just a string of abusive nouns with no complex syntactic structure at all.
i don't care nearly enough to do research on this shit lol. im not trying to intentionally mislead people but if it does then why should i care? and i already even said myself that im talking out my ass
That's awful... Voice actors died too..
isn't there already a chan for this
being dead gives you a dry throat
not always, depends on ventilation, what is being burned and how far away you are from the actual fire.
i see that you havent read the report of a witness saying someone black by being burned was screaming for help furiously against a window, until he/she stopped and just stayed there against the window being consumed by the fire, like a shadow.
you can read in reddit worldnews or anime. pretty terrifying.
god I hope this money reaches them
Because bad writing.
The show dragged on for too long near the end just to have both of them survive. Then there's the movie which dragged it far longer.
>Words fail.
Weebs got yeeted
Killah dun skeeted
If the Japanese had guns they could have just shot their way to safety. Its a shame they're in a country that hates freedom.
You'll end up banning the entire USA.
I tempted to give money
No user. Tomoyo got burns over her entire body and is now stuck in a hospital bed suffering more than even Phos.
>Do more research
>Literally posting bait from an unironically Japanese imageboard that's been debunked numerous times
Fucking Endless Eight.
Yeah just shoot the fire. That'll teach it.
Did Aoi-chan die?
They don't even need to upgrade their security. They just need to have proper fucking fire code. Sprinkler systems and not having a single central stairway as the only exit.
It's really sad that if they had just had closed stairwells with emergency exit doors most of these people could have survived
That's correct, I have no issues with this. My defense of sociology as a worthwhile science or at least something you are implicitly engaging in even if you don't realise is predicated on you and the other user acknowledging the space between the physical phenomena that you are studying and yourself.
Wasn't Barisuke debunked over a day ago?
>The idea of immigrants causing more crime is largely Conservative rhetoric
They cause more crime regardless of the rates.
Immigrants at most benefit the companies that employ them, not the american working class. There is no reason to let them in to begin with, and any american killed by an immigrant is a tragedy that would've been avoided by not letting any in.
Recommend me an anime
>just stayed there against the window being consumed by the fire, like a shadow
That sounds metal as fuck. RIP
not likely. if people could realize what was going on to shoot the guy in order to shoot him in time, they could also just punch/kick the shit out of him.
also, if japan had access to guns the arsonist would also have guns and would shoot people if needed.
Japs has Katanas
No gun is needed!
>Shoot someone who has put gasoline everywhere or is still carrying gasoline
I'm an American and a second amendment lover user, the reality is that no amount of guns is going to save you in a fire spreading that quickly.
Also even if they did, the reality is that this guy would have just changed tactics and put things on fire before seeing anyone.
Please stop being dumb.
Japan does have guns. Just stricter background checks, and illegal guns are kept away from the crazies since the Yakuza controls them.
>Implying that's a bad thing
I hope an immigrant murders you
>accuse KyoAni of plagiarism
>destroy evidence refuting your claim in faux revenge
The perfect crime
Any american shot by a gun is a tragedy that could have been avoided by not letting people have them in the first place.
Yeah, I guess that logic does work.
And what jobs do they do? Unskilled labor. So whose jobs exactly are they stealing? I mean who doesn't want to work at the prestigious mar-a-lago as an illegal immigrant
>Doesn't Hiro live in Alaska?
PA Works, retard.
She probably an old lady otaku who mistyped and meant to donate $5.00.
and rather than explicate some notion of truth, or what makes a truth, or what contributes to a truth, I think it's much more important to realise that a sociology of x is at play in this space
Arsonist was a comvicted criminal with known mental issues, he would never have passed the background check to get a gun.
Almost every American is a god damned immigrant you retard.
Its basic science that shooting a bullet creates a tiny vacuum. With 60 people shooting semi automatics at a fire, it would remove the oxygen from the immediate area instantly killing the fire and saving the entire building.
Every one of your posts is a tragedy that could've been avoided with an abortion.
Will Sentai give the full sum or are they keeping a percentage for themselves?
>fight fire with fire
>What is unnecessary context
Dragon maid
They do have guns and can get them though.
>the reality is that no amount of guns is going to save you in a fire spreading that quickly.
Could end it all to prevent dying from fire related causes
It's hard to identify charred bodies
Barefoot Gen
Some insane bastard from futaba killed over 30 innocent people becuase of a coincidence with an abbreviated word. The best anime just got fucking torched we're entering the dark ages of anime folks. Expect more schlock like overlord and more artless shit.
I mean, isn't still Alaska part of the USA?
but shirobako has a kyoani feel to it
some people said sprinklers dont do shit against gasoline fires, they arent fast enough and after a while steel can melt and sprinklers and sensors wont even work anymore.
better stairs layout, fire drills, external stairs and easy access to the roof would've helped, though.
>30+ people are dead
>... ... ...
>most of them where women?
>this is a travesty!
>even worse... all of the content is gone too.
someone should just draw a bunch of guys trying to put out a fire by shooting at it.
heard they lost all digital and physical media in the fire, is that true?
>What is happening?
>I'm scared.
>Mom...dad... I'm so scared.
>It huuuurts
I don't care if you care, Satan.
What was the story behind the baritone in hibike ruining the supposed culprit's life? I saw something about that posted yesterday and that gave me a good laugh
why would he be there specifically?
>Tohru's voice actress who usually tweets a lot hasn't posted a new one in two days.
>coincidence with an abbreviated word
stop spreading this debunked rumor already
They animated uguu-chan.
My soul belongs to another.
They have another studio
CATO is a notoriously biased source though.
they lost people
>There's a fire
>What we should do?
>Shoot it until oxygen is pushed away by the vacuum of bullets
I like guns for self-protection, but even I can see that's retarded.
First i'm hearing of this. how?
just shoot the fire serei retard
the pizza's getting cold
No need to beat him up, just show him endless eight until he's dead
back to nigger
Imagine Yamakan’s life
He was like a rebellious kid getting kicked out from his home, all his life despite acting like a spoiled child, he tried to prove himself and maybe, maybe one day he can return to his old family with pride and joy. He probably even dreamed that one day he can knock on their door and brag about his success. But now his mentor, his brothers and sisters are all taken from him, he has nothing left and his dream and hope completely crushed by a lunatic...
one fat fuck with a baton would have been enough
>"hai chotto matte kudasaaaaai, anata wa kyoka sarete imase. nokoshite kudasaaaai"
does it make you angry?
before "heart attack" was corrected to "cardiac arrest" I imagined them suffering heart attacks after all these panicked throughts and it hurt
I wonder if anyone else has seen the video of Mr. Obvious, where that retarded "" Yea Forums"" youtuber speaks about shit that he doesn't even know and when he gets called out for it he hides behind a "honk honk xddd i am le 4chaner i am edgy take this redpill libtard yuri fan xd"
why the fuck are people giving money to an american company?
I dunno, I remember reading somewhere that he lives in Alaska, though I read this when he had just bought the site in 2016, he might be living somewhere else now.
>Damn he's spent so much money to try and change his image.
What he do? I'm way out of the loop.
You shouldn't care if you don't want to. This is just for us. Now get out of here satan before i sprinkle holy water at you
She just lost a gig, give her some time.
No, that's just weak speculation.
I haven't even watched anime in a long time, but for some reason, this hit me like a ton of bricks. Kyoani shows like Hyouka made me appreciate the medium and I still looked forward to every one of their projects even though I've watched 5 shows over the last 3 years.
When they announced they would be adapting KNK it was probably the most hyped I ever was or will be for a project.
They do a lot of work for KyoAni, it makes sense for them to want their client to not drop off the face of the earth.
Fuck man don't scare me like this.
ohhh so thats why kids/teenagers never do mass shootings in the USA!
NOT. the thing about having guns is that it's easy to steal or making someone buy one for you. that's how every american can get access to a gun if needed, no matter how retarded or dangerous they are.
now, contrast that to how easy it is to get guns in england. have you seen many incident with guns there? any retards shooting people in schools? not really.
>So whose jobs exactly are they stealing?
They lower the wages of any jobs they take. More workers and the same number of jobs means more competition for work and less wages.
If immigrants weren't around the wages for unskilled labour would rise because there would be no other choice, and they'd become more attractive. The only ones who benefit from immigration are rich people, which is why the vast majority of republicans in congress aren't serious about immigration and have done nothing material to stop it, hell the law signed by Trump this year even made it worse.
>Any american shot by a gun is a tragedy that could have been avoided by not letting people have them in the first place.
This is a dumb and dishonest equivalency and you know that. A gun ban doesn't prevent people from having guns, and having them is a right for every american to begin with. Immigrating in the US is neither a right for anybody, nor is it desirable for any american.
Imagine being such a traitor you would put people who come into your country to milk it out of its resources before your fellow citizens. Disgusting.
why do you want a slave class so badly?
Moot was gay?
Pour one out boys
Because it's impossible to give money directly to kyoani right now.
Has anyone tried to post this on 2ch or other Japanese sites?
we're all in pain right now
it's not political that they employed women, but it is political for the journalists to report this like it's a really relevant fact here. Like it would have been less bad had they not employed as many women or something.
For the right. And it still showed the conclusion that immigrants caused less crime.
The trainman must not be allowed to get away with it. Surely he orchestrated the whole thing.
Factually incorrect
Yeah, because it's PA Works.
the inevitable conclusion of summer, how fucking depressing
This is your brain on guns
guns, not even once
Holy shit everyone thinks they're Galileo
These peeps are more knowledgeable in their field than you, so stop pretending to be smart
>this shit is lit af
Many of the rights in the constitution are guaranteed for people in its borders, and often citizenship is not explicitly specified as a requisite.
But Kon's death was natural.
But Western news can be good, just look at the Argentinians paying respect with the black lace
The president said everything in the building past and present was lost, but he didn't say whether or not the building was used for their master copies or anything. People are coming to conclusions.
Maybe not all, but they lost a whole hell of a lot, Hatta said the material loss is "extreme".
>The three outstanding problems in physics, in a certain sense, were never worked on while I was at Bell Labs. By important I mean guaranteed a Nobel Prize and any sum of money you want to mention. We didn't work on (1) time travel, (2) teleportation, and (3) antigravity. They are not important problems because we do not have an attack. It's not the consequence that makes a problem important, it is that you have a reasonable attack.
People in the social sciences can barely understand a statistical test, let alone the idea of a signal to noise ratio. The tools and skills to make the statements they probably want to actually make don't exist within the people who do social sciences.
I can understand if Gainax, Khara or Trigger are set on fire, because their anime are so controversial.
What did KyoAni even do? All they do is draw cute boys and girls.
It's a detail they added to get normies to actually give a fuck about it, user. People who don't watch anime wouldn't know who KyoAni is, and would just scroll past. You think NYT is frequented by a lot of anime nerds? They're not fucking Kotaku, for god's sake.
We still haven't had the details yet. If this sticky gets removed, more threads gets made and its basically kyo/a/ni. This super long sticky warrants it. This is the biggest Yea Forums related tragedy ever. You can never dispute this no matter what opinion you have about KyoAni.
The "right" that Cato is funded by is not anti-immigration. Republicans didn't even care about it until Trump because they are funded by large companies who benefit from illegal and legal immigration.
All the reaganite "right" is effectively pro-immigration and reagan himself and bush have given amnesty to millions.
According to the BBC, cardiopulmonary arrest is just a generic placeholder cause of death the Japanese use until they find something more specific. I guess it's technically true for all deaths anyway.
A future without Kyoani. I can't even process it.
not that guy but
>A gun ban doesn't prevent people from having guns
except it does. see how many mass shootings or crimes with guns you have in england or germany compared to usa.
>having them is a right for every american to begin with
a right that can be revoked any time. it used to be a right to own slaves, not anymore.
>A gun ban doesn't prevent people from having guns
and immigration laws dont prevent people from coming in anyway
That has nothing to do with anything that's being said. The US has borders, and entering it is not anyone's inherent right unless they are citizens.
This is true for every country in the world.
Yurifags are the worst kind of autists in the world.
Crazy person was convinced that they plagiarized him
I still can't believe it.
>ITT: KyoAni characters who should have been in the building instead of the staff who were actually in there.
You can get guns easily anywhere if you don't obey the law. Here in Australia most confiscacated guns now are garage built sub machine guns.
But it's bullshit, we only need to know what novels he claims in his mind they stole.
Haha. No.
I am not upset by the fact that Kyoani hired women. I am upset by the fact that CNN uses the tragedy as a pretext to push their political agenda.
That's because we don't have the same social pressures.
Thats not Kawai.
Because some sites like CNN are making it focal points in their news articles like that matters. OMG THEY HAD SO MANY WOMEN HOW AWFUL! IS THE SUSPECT SECRETLY A MISOGYNIST? Then they go on to talk about the misleading wage gap bullshit to try and push feminist ideology.
They literally did this and you can probably find their coverage online.
Fuck man, i don't even like moe but after these last couple days autstic moe haters have proven to be some of the worst people to ever exist.
>KyoAni character
>their political agenda.
Not talking about the real studio that made it you fucking dumb autist. Everyone knows it's made by PA Works. The settings and characters literally portrayed KyoAni.
Yet murricans cross other countries' boundaries with the only goal of killing its citizens.
Such a bunch of hypocrites.
Why are you faggots always so against other fields of study? Is it because you know that your work is useless garbage nobody else cares about, that you have to keep telling yourself that you are the real scientists and everyone else is just fakes?
It's almost like you would have to raise the amount of money you're offering to find a laborer... wow
Guess what happens when you instead import some beans?
Know what glorious Nihonji does? They outsource to tween monkeys overseas instead of festuring their own nation with barbarians
It is not.
That user is not refering to KyoAni, you moron, he's talking about the CNN article which has a political slant to it, just like the New York Times one.
They pander with their cute boys and girls. It's like someone making a specific niche porn to prey on a certain group of people. Some people really hate when companies pander, especially in entertainment media.
Any new developments in the past 12 hours?
All I know is death toll is up to 34 and one of the girl's Instagram was discovered.
You've been told already, now go fucking kill yourself.
Maybe this will be the cog in the wheel towards his full self redemption
>uses tragedy as a pretext to push their political agenda
>implying they didn't do this for clicks
Stop being gullible
What's wrong with Kawai? That she's easily influenced?
>only 1000 replies for the most prolific anime studio burning down
i'm disappointed, Yea Forums
The reduction of gun violence is offset by an increase in non gun violence that more often than not leads to equal or higher crime rates post gun regulation. You didnt solve the problem of people being killed. Just changed how they died. The root cause of violence is economics, but no one treats the Chicago school seriously anymore so be prepared for more violence in the coming years.
Shigeru Miyamoto was confirmed dead earlier by the Kyoto police.
Because social "sciences" are made up and mostly are full of literal Marxists trying to push for a revolution that died a century ago.
t. Doctorate in History.
>being this newfag
>A gun ban doesn't prevent people from having guns, and having them is a right for every american to begin with.
It reduces the likelihood of mass shootings, massively. Also, in terms of mass murder, it reduces the efficacy of the murderer by limiting their choice of weapons. More so in that very few mass murderers go to extreme lengths to find weapons because that flags them up.
Still, the idea that America can simply ban and get rid of guns is narrow sighted at the very least. There are too many guns in circulation, criminals won't give up theirs, NRA types won't give up theirs. A ban on guns would not work in the USA as it would in other countries because guns are a part of the country's very make up. Most Americans are nogs and beaners, so weapons are a given. Most 'whites' are redneck members of the NRA. So you only have a small minority of people that might not have guns, and they're still armed because the majority are armed.
The only solution in the USA is to give more guns out. Preferably military grade ones, so it's fair.
this shit was not funny the first 20 times
Wait, another one was added?
But user, Ghibli hasn't burned down
Nice blogpost nigger
Big if true. Hideaki Hatta is braving it so hard then.
Its a rolling sticky bro, old posts are deleted to maintain the 1k limit.
In reality, its probably well over 34k now.
It's not so much that liberals want a slave class. It's just that the people who *do* want a slave class have found a way to convince liberals to lobby for one without realizing it, while simultaneously silencing anyone who criticizes it with accusations of racism.
The only reason why "progressive" views on subjects like race and gender are so heavily supported by politicians and the media, while "non-progressive" views are stigmatized, is because people with money and power want it that way. If "progressivism" really was a threat to the status quo, it would be as stigmatized as communism was in the 50s.
Isn't that was the wall is for?
god do we still not know who's dead yet? hasn't it basically been 2 days now?
European prisons are packed with immigrants and non-whites. Whites have some of the lowest crime rates in the world, regardless of the continent, while all the brown and black countries have the highest. Of course shitskin immigrants commit more crime. Only a reality and truth denying lunatic could claim otherwise.
>What's wrong with Kawai?
It's the same everywhere. Here in the Czech Republic, I carry a modern blackpowder derringer with me at all times. It's unlicensed and I'm allowed to do it and yet our gun crime is low.
>木上益治監督 (死亡)
Kigami is confirmed dead. He was their best key animator and Ishidate's mentor.
Unless you're going to ball up and post it, fuck off.
Actually a good proportion of the cartel guns are smuggled from the US to Mexico.
>a right that can be revoked any time. it used to be a right to own slaves, not anymore.
Not an argument. It is an american's right. You're just pushing moral relativism non-sequiturs. Americans have a right to own guns so they can overthrow their government and a country that doesn't give its citizens that right is simply wrong.
>except it does. see how many mass shootings or crimes with guns you have in england or germany compared to usa.
England and germany never had many guns in the hands of regular people to begin with. You have to be pretty dumb to think that a gun ban would take guns off of the hands of criminals. The only ones who would give their guns up are law-abiding people, by definition.
There are more guns than people in america (not that there's anything wrong with that) and in the many decades that it would take to remove guns from the population normal people would be defenseless against criminals.
Immigration law prevents legal immigrants from entering the country, by definition, and that's already much better for citizens since illegal immigrants can compete in less jobs compared to legal ones, and legal immigrants can be deported.
Measures against illegal immigration also do not violate the rights of normal citizens, but still reduce illegal immigration. Your point isn't valid.
fucking Ueno.
Person in critical condition died
I keep reading that some badass employee who was on fire fucked up the perp before going out. Is that accurate?
She was user. all their archives went up in smoke.
oh my god
You can write hundreds of different clickbaits on this occasion. And yet they choose this particular one.
Actually, only about 30% of Americans own a gun.
Have you considered that the same philosophers that have influenced the social sciences can be applied to your own study in useful ways also? You type strangely for somebody with a doctrate.
She was less of a cunt than Ueno in the adaptation because they cut most of the stuff that showed Kawai at her worst while also cutting most of the romantic angle that portrayed Ueno as a lovesick girl in pain at seeing the boy she loved choose someone she saw as objectively inferior to herself. In the manga Ueno is a sympathetic cunt, but in the movie she's a hatesink cunt. In the manga Kawai is an irredeemable narcissist cunt whereas in the movie she's a relatively nice girl with a couple of negative traits.
sad day
>It reduces the likelihood of mass shootings, massively. Also, in terms of mass murder, it reduces the efficacy of the murderer by limiting their choice of weapons. More so in that very few mass murderers go to extreme lengths to find weapons because that flags them up.
It doesn't in reality for the very reasons you point out in your post.
It's kinda the same for me, I had no idea that I had watched every single one of the kyoani series before 2015 without realizing it, I don't always remember who animated what.
In 2015 was when I had to stop watching anime and only resumed this hobby during the past year, without realizing it I had already watched VEG yet another kyoani production. There isn't a single one of their series that I didn't like so far (well maybe Free was a bit annoying to watch but I did regardless, for shitposting potential).
Now I feel like it's the time to catch up and support kyoani, because it looks like many key animators have lost their lives, the style of their future series will never be the same, if there are even gonna be any new series after 2020.
Ah right, i forgot that lots of the studies have been taking over by insane people in the US. That doesn't mean it's not a real field of science everywhere else.
Well point me to reliable studies that contradict this conclusion that also aren't funded by special interest groups with a high level of bias
Because they know anger gets the most clicks and nothing gets people angrier than political trash
This potato logic hurts. Per 1000 residents, only 15 are immigrants in the United States. 15 people cannot offset worker valuation in that way. What's more no study has credibly found that immigrants "steal" jobs in any way. Rather the opposite is frequently shown, wherein immigrants tend to create more jobs because they pay into social services, pay taxes more reliably, and are generally less likely to consume welfare at as high a rate as established citizens.
If you're a Rightcuck you may not understand the idea of incorporating actual studies outside of Conservative sources into your worldview, but at least blame the employers for bad hiring practices, not the employees for simply existing.
Americans saw people dying and immediately thought of how they could use it as a PR boost.
Healthcare isn’t totally free in japan, it’s partially paid for by insurance and partially out of pocket
That's just interpretation and conjecture among fans. Unless the creators of the show say the characters and their studio are based on KyoAni, then it's just fan theory.
oh fuck...
why are eroge writers so tryhard
Consider that gender ideology and SJWs have risen to prominence at the same time as Occupy Wall Street fell, and you see who are the real masters of the left
I mean, just look how mad the faggots here are getting over it. It's free advertising.
This is correct. If you actually google the Japanese term it's explained in numerous places
Honestly I think it's a travesty that garbage fields bring down the brand name of science. A person does not to need to be taught that physics, engineering, chemistry, and mathematics are powerful and useful fields of knowledge, for it is almost trivial for anyone living in civilized society enjoying transportation, computers, electricity, and all sorts of other appliances. But unfortunately people whose work ARE actually useless garbage that have no intellectual value to them are able to peddle it using the same brand name that has been created by the former. It's a natural extension of the contempt I feel for people who falsify work in my own field.
why no haruhi wtf
If they matter that much to you, move to Japan and help them.
Aren't you tired of posting this same shit for the past 20 times of 1000 posts?
Because people are idiots
H1B ruined the tech industry and you must be absolutely ignorant or ridiculously young to not know that
Is my ex-wife Aya Hirano safe bros?
The trick is that the shitskin immigrants started coming to Europe decades ago, and their children (who are somehow even more 3rd-world than their parents in many cases) are native-born citizens and are often counted as such in crime statistics and media reports.
user-kun, denwa
>except it does. see how many mass shootings or crimes with guns you have in england or germany compared to usa.
you're literally retarded. Do you know grenades are banned but they're having a huge uptick of them in Sweden? most of the gun crime in the US are in the most gun restrictant areas. theres enough guns in America for every person to own one
>a right that can be revoked any time. it used to be a right to own slaves, not anymore.
you're either a euro or some antifa nigger. that is one of the rights that the founding fathers wrote were given by god
go home phone poster
>lso, in terms of mass murder, it reduces the efficacy of the murderer by limiting their choice of weapons.
yes lets talk about the dude in Japan that knifed like 13 children or the one that knifed all the old people, or the Chinese cunts that killed like 40 people with knives
>im a retard
try to use a degree in gender studys for something relevant
you're literally the poster child of living in a huge city and not understanding how illegals work
>and are generally less likely to consume welfare at as high a rate as established citizens. I know this is already false
Go to a small town near a cheese factory its gonna be 95% Mexicans. but I cant expect much from a phoneposter that's probably from California.
A second fire just broke out at Toei, check NHK
Somebody need to recommend a good data recovery specialist to KyoAni...
new filler episode in Violet Evergarden where she writes apology letters from an arsonist to the families of the victims
> guns
> overthrow government
Son I have some bad news that the government may or may not have tanks and... *checks notes* jet-propulsion aero-planes.
>I have to respond to every shitposter who gives me a (you)
What a whore.
Western "news" is the worst
So tired of the constant political pushing it feels like they're spitting in the face of the victims
She was in Las Vegas at that moment. No kidding.
ignore him hes one of those coastal fucks that thinks you can mass import low skilled labor and it grows your economy long term when you're on the cusp of automation hes a corporate shill
What Instagram?
Ishidate's got some big shoes to fill now.
She's getting BLACKED on the daily so do with that what you please.
It is a fake news. Wait the official report.
He's an otaku, of course he's a muh soggy knees.
The first second of that scene represents what happened to Kigami.
and nothing of value was lost
Are you me? I pretty much quit anime in 2015 thanks to how shit iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls was. Then Macross Delta was worse and I was done. VEG is the only show I've watched in recent years.
> given by god
Cucked by a fictional deity with a hard-on for AK-47s again. Dammit.
>complain about cnn pushing an agenda
>push immigration and gun debate in same thread
alright then.
Why are they currently only releasing the ages of the victims instead of their names? Doesn’t that mean that all of the bodies have been identified?
daily reminder a underaged newfag crossboarders from a Yea Forums discord circlejerk are spammming Yea Forums with anti kyoani posts
Have they released his name? Surely they have to know who he is if he's at the hospital, right?
Most of who are from eastern europe. Not blacks or muslims.
>im too retarded to check unique ips
phoneposters really did ruin Yea Forums
>What did KyoAni even do?
That kyoani LN competition was a mistake, they would still be standing today without that competition. LN is a blight in the industry that should be eliminated.
Privacy. Yes.
It's just that the first person with the will to see it through happened to have a vendetta against kyoani.
Kazumi Ikeda as well? Man...
>Twitter leftards who were cheering on the deaths of the KyoAni staff are retracting their shit once they found out that mostly women died on the fire.
Fucking psychopaths.
>recover burned papers
Self-awareness is not the forte of /pol/tards.
Fucking newshits.
i'm not talking about gender studys [sic] retard
Any new developments in the past 12 hours?
All l know is death toll is up to 34 and one of the girl's Instagram was discovered.
Slavs aren't white
Can't they at least release the names of any publicly noteworthy individuals?
Or does that mean there weren't any noteworthy people confirmed inside?
You seriously believe this shit famalam? The words of a guy who has always been a dangerous criminal?
That's steam
Oh yeah, give me the (you) daddy
omg so sexist
Not suprised
>there were 6 people at the building that weren't KyoAni staff
This is fucked up...
How hard can it be to release a name list?
You just take those who survived (wounded and not wounded) and subtract them from those who were present (the attendance list)
Or use fucking dental records.
Stop giving stupid people attention.
Fucking disgusting creatures
In the anime, it showed assistants running from studios to studios picking up finished keyframes from freelance animators. The feelings might be Kyoani, but the work organization certainly is not, if you know about the Kyoani organization structure.
>But after seeing his reaction on camera
Where can I watch it?
That's bait, my son
Japan is just starting the work day at this time, give it a little longer
Sprinklers wouldn't work. The best solution would have been not having a fucking open spiral staircase and fire blocking doors. The staircase basically made the entire building an open chimney stack ro smoke everyone out with.
If it was a normal building, with fire doors, they people on upper floors would have at least been protected for a good 15-30 minutes, if not more, while the gasoline burned. The way it was laid out, everyone inside was choking on fumes within the first minute or two of the fire starting
TOEI IS ON FIRE, CHECK NHK!! The fire appears to have broken out in the Dragon Ball room
>most of the gun crime in the US are in the most gun restrictant areas
have you considered that if the areas that were more lax in their gun control were to improve, the areas with already tighter controls would be affected by the change? because people can move between states in a modern automobile?
You do realize that's a troll account right?
Yeah, if only these guys knew the might of US military might. Vietnam war wouldn't even have happened!
And yet, they are not niggers nor muslims like this faggot is claiming either.
It's kind of hard to identify people who look like this.
>(the attendance list)
The logbook got burned with all the people
I can't believe I get to see anime die.
I feel like it’s in poor taste to only release certain information out to the public instead of spilling the beans alltogether. Obviously I’m biased since these peoole are important to me, but can’t they just wait until everything is processed between the families and reveal everything then instead of teasing the public like this? I don’t know, it just doesn’t make sense to me
>war machinery functions indefinitely and their operators can't be killed and facilities can't be captured.
A rebellion would also get their hands on more powerful weapons, like what happened in Syria
It is not what I believe.
It is what the deluded perpetrator think they did that cause the incident. Also it is well known that the competition was a huge scam.
It's obvious
>This potato logic hurts. Per 1000 residents, only 15 are immigrants in the United States.
Wrong. You have no idea what you are talking about.
Since the 1965 immigration act we've had over 60 million people enter the US. That's not just 15 in a thousand. Just some became citizens or had children or whatever. Still long term competition to US labor.
And some of them are skilled immigrants, which means they dig in a smaller pot of higher skill jobs, which makes it even worse.
>they pay into social services, pay taxes more reliably, and are generally less likely to consume welfare at as high a rate as established citizens.
So they benefit large companies who employ them, and boomers who get social security? Who gives a shit.
Immigrants raise GDP? Who cares, GDP is a bullshit measure and doesn't represent the welfare of the middle classes.
And even disregarding economical issues, you cannot import people from different cultures, and not expect that to fundamentally change the nature and the unity of your country's culture. Having immigrants from southern europe was damaging enough for a while, but non-whites from shitholes immigrating into the US will completely destroy it in the long term.
In 30 years there will be no unity, and US politics will just be a bunch of different ethnic groups, all in the minority, including white people, fighting to get benefits from the government.
A country needs cultural unity, and that means a strong ethnic majority. I'm not talking about an ethnostate, by the way.
Someone link NHK again
The staircase acted like a chimney bringing smoke and gasoline fumes throughout the building in a matter of seconds which is why it was so devastating.
can you fuckwads get a room already?
It's a bullshit pretense, the purpose of common people having guns is them being able to defend themselves if their government acts against them.
It is literally a fail-safe device to make coups possible. Too bad the military has tanks now, we need something new.
Doesn't change the fact
>What's more no study has credibly found that immigrants "steal" jobs in any way.
This is false.
pic broke me.
Go after his money. The guy is basically pan handling on patreon.
Report it for hate/racist/whatever.
harie kari
I feel you, though for me the real problem was that I had to move to a different house and the new internet connection was data capped and expensive and I couldn't find a better one for the 3 years after that, it was a nightmare, I had to go even a week without internet sometimes because of the cap, they just cut me out, not even throttling to 8 kb/s or something like that, totally disconnected from the web.
thats armin
i can identify him
that's Armin.
that was easy.
same shit
>Not having a virtual cloud based attendance list
Fucking Japs and their prehistoric ways
But still, take your entire employee list and subtract those accounted for. Done deal.
Which is generally why most competent architects don't just leave the staircase completely exposed to the rest of the floor. It's usually separated behind heavy fire doors that can hold back a fire for 15+ minutes
You're wrong because I don't believe you. Checkmate.
The US military would collapse from a rebellion that happens inside. Even without considering how many soldiers would defect anyways, a sophisticated military requires a ton of infrastructure and money.
Realistically enough people just refusing to pay taxes would destroy the US government without firing a single shot.
If by some reverse-miracle they were the Euphonium seiyuus then they're not dead yet, assuming that the report that all of the current dead were KyoAni staff is correct. Which means that they're either on the injured list or they got out but are emotionally scarred as fuck.
>people still falling for 1000 reply endless eight bait
>let's expose our employees' datas to the jewish panopticon
You're stupid.
>tfw I've never watched a Kyoani show before
it's like you want to be tracked. nips are based
You gotta ID the bodies and get them to the right families first.
>You do realize that's a troll account right?
No, it is not.
That's Smitty WerbenJagerManJensen. He was number 1
They have an online store on their website
That's Japan for you, they think sticking to old ways of doing things is something to be admired then lament what a tragedy when something preventable occurs
I'm seeing nothing
Doesn't work when the lefties do it.
Which was offline when I tried to access it on Thursday.
Free was the last time I watched a KyoAni show so, from an entertainment standpoint, it's not a big loss for me.
Not saying that it isn't a pretty big blow for the industry as a whole.
Remember to check out those steam handles for possible personal info
why would you donate to kyoani when you could support them by buying DVDs of shows that you pirated?
Don't worry user, Yamakan is safe.
What shitty country do you guys live in? In my country everything is digital, even the ID for gov services and medical records. Not bothering with websites out of 2005, fax machines and hours of paperwork and red tape. Welcome to the 21st century, Luddites
>article with no interaction
>debate with anons
What was Akihito's reaction?
>1000 replies
It's like they can't read, it clearly says 1001.
You live in estonia?
Authorities very likely already know who is dead but you can't expect them to release that information unless they're absolutely fucking sure via dental records and the like, which is a process that takes a while. Because if they are wrong and they tell someone their family and the media that someone is dead when they aren't that will probably have legal repercussions.
>fax machines
superior nippon fax machines will work for decades
Please stop giving this asshole attention.
>LN is a blight in the industry that should be eliminated.
No. It's better than originals for example. Just compare Munto to Chunibyou or Evergarden to Franxx.
>Also it is well known that the competition was a huge scam.
The fuck? I should't be surprsed by mental illness like yours on Yea Forums but i wlways am. How deluded are you? The competition is for people to have a chance of seeing their works animated by the best studio. They agree to everything
excuse you, i bought every single one of their movies and anime seasons on bluray as soon as i could and put them on my kyoani worship shelf. sadly it burned down with the rest of my apartment recently and i have no money so now i have to go back to pirating :(
>No Free
>gets absolutely destroyed
>can only respond with name-calling
Alrighty then
you just have to package your argument into a leftist dress. rawcism, sexism all that bs. works like a charm
>garbage that didn’t sell
>Because if they are wrong and they tell someone their family and the media that someone is dead
Sure but you dont have to tell that their are dead. Just likely to be deceased and/or missing.
That helps a lot and is the right phrasing.
No, it's niggers
Honestly that was the kind of shitpost I'd expect out of /pol/. It leads me to seriously question his leftist credentials.
So it was a dude that thought KyoAni was ripping off his stories and that's why he committed the arson?
He's a kyoani hater. They've been hard at work pushing this narrative. Literal psychopaths, as this tragedy has proven.
I think we all know who is truly responsible for inspiring this act of domestic terrorism.
>Not knowing the Jews are behind anime
>Nor knowing gasoline kun is a HAMAS sleeper
I blame Daiz for this. The absolute mad man finally did it.
No, but in Western Europe yes.
I have to work with Japanese sometimes and their complete lack of digital solutions is appaling for a nation that was such a technology powerhouse 20 years ago.
Not everyone wants to live in Skynet.
It's not about living in a shithole (which I do, leafland) it's about protecting your information.
>Merger with a hack who just terribly remakes his classic series and a studio who has only produced bombs loved by mouth breathers
Good lord.
>sticky still up
just let it die already.
Japan is still a technology powerhouse they're just slow at adopting change like that.
They can invent new technology but won't adopt it quickly
Fire did nothing wrong, misuse
>It's not about living in a shithole (which I do, leafland) it's about protecting your information
It is protected mate, by something called the seperation of powers, insane penetration testing and native servers.
Their lawyers are probably telling them the proper way to handle it. I remember seeing a quote from the KyoAni president saying something like "Like the police I can't say more about the incident" so I assume there's a reason for that.
We don't even know that he ever entered the contest. What we do know is he's a confirmed nutcase. His LN probably only exists in his head.
Cut Yamakan out and we can work out a deal.
A population that stays homogeneus is most succesfull in the majority of cases.
Just compare India to japan and you'll see the difference.
>Doesn't care about privacy
>Lives in Western Europe
Checks out really
Chill user, it's gonna die when we get a name list.
>Sales = quality
Watch Air. The production quality was average and for this reason it's often ignored but it was a very nice story, a bit dramatic but worth it. That was also when the uguu style was still prevalent, it's kinda funny but also interesting since it's still a milestone in the road that led kyoani to their current high level of production quality.
Tell me that every va and director is is safe first.
Attendance list at my company is still on paper really. We're a small organization in the UK and while we have an intranet which is supposed to keep track of people on vacation, it doesn't suddenly auto update itself if someone doesn't show up at work (especially at 10.30am, could just be late) or if someone was sick that very day or decided to work from home on short notice.
Many small to mid-sized offices cannot afford to have a HR person full time or an Admin person in charge of attendance full time. Whenever we had to evac our building due to a fire alarm most of the time we just ask various colleagues "was X in today?" "Nope he's sick" / "Nope he's late" etc. If there was a real tragedy leading to half the office dying, it may be possible that none of the survivors could tell authorities about the whereabouts of certain employees (but that can typically be solved with a simple phone call).
>Innovating in Hardware solutions when software solutions are the new deal and you have to compete with S korea and China
Why do Japs always have a couple of decades of awesomeness in their history and then structurally miss the boat?
So how do I support Kyoani aside from that dubious GoFundMe page?
Watch Koe no Katachi it's a movie and one of the best this decade. That's a good place to start.
Read more about the best anime studio here.
This thread is on fire, wow
If it had quality it would have sold well.
buy their merch
by letting them go, and supporting better studios
Start watching. I recommend K-On! for starter.
fap to a doujin of one of their anime.
The ages have been released of the victims. Only one age was listed to be over 60, which would most likely be Yoshiji Kigami.
Their ages range from 20 to 61
20s: 15
30s: 11
40s: 6
60s: 1
Another report from earlier stated that Studio 1 was not working on any current projects set to be released in the near future, only pre-production. Studio 1 typically handles pre-production before being handed off to one of the other studio locations, and also serves to train new animators. Any materials at Studio 1 would have been from past shows or pre-production work.
A reminder of KyoAni's studio locations;
>Studio 1, which is what burned down
>Studio 2, rented in the HiShop building on the 3rd floor (Largely responsible for Maid Dragon and adaptation/marketing work)
>Studio 5, located by Kohata Station (Hibike and Violet Evergarden)
>Animation Do, located in Osaka (They're responsible for animating Free!)
Also, there is a story floating around Japanese Twitter that the CGI company KyoAni works with, which is based in Tokyo, keeps back ups of everything they work on. They have been involved with every KyoAni show since 2015, and are involved during all stages of production, instead of just editing and post. The only thing I can find about it seems to be from a NicoNico video about the company when they were doing the Violet Evergarden anime.
There will be a police press conference at 4pm JST today to discuss the current investigation. Names are expected to be officially released then as well.
Which are still operated and maintained by people. People influenced by the opinions and safety of their families, friends, and neighbors.
I-is Hazuki safe?
just like yo mama's crotch
If Kyoani recovers at least what they need to continue working by donations, goverment help or any kind of external aid. I think they can actually revive, but I won't put deadlines. If they need two, five o more years, I don't mind. I just want to believe that they can make it.
Probably the best course of action is to mark this incident as some kind of "end of an era" for them (they lost everything from the past). And start fresh and from 0 in some years, and no matter what they release, they will be nicely welcomed back by the fans.
this thread will die before names are released.
So who were the big names to die?
Want some popcorn?
old news
You can fly to Japan and give Hatta solid gold bullions.
Buy their stuff from their official sites. More specifically buy their digital artwork, it only requires your credit card info.
>he couldn't even burn the most important thing.
That's the only KyoAni thing I've ever seen. I've entertained thoughts of watching Haruhi and K-On!, but have yet to see either.
China's tech is essentially big brother and South Korea just apes off of Silicon Valley. Bad choices for Japan to emulate.
>KyoAni lost fucking everything. Both digital and in paper.
I guess a 4K Haruhi remaster is out of the question now...
Highest grossing anime film of all time incoming.
Since when was the GFM added to the announcements?
>haruhi s3 was destroyed
fuck you
>only pre-production
RIP Denmoku and Hibike OVA/movie
So Baioretto is safe?
>the CGI company KyoAni works with, which is based in Tokyo, keeps back ups of everything they work on.
See? This is the virtue of off-site backups. We thought everything was lost yesterday.
Mate what are you on about? Western European countries under the EU have the most extensive and well-enforced internet privacy laws in the world. It is quite literally forbidden to host sensitive information outside of native servers in Western Europe (unlike the US and Canada for example) not to mention I can request all my information to be deleted and I can see it, unlike North American countries.
Heck, Japanese firms and gov make it mandatory for workers to undergo an extensive and invasive medical check every year, that they keep in paper form. In Western Euroland that is highly illegal. It is even illegal to ask such things in an interview.
>mfw watching at my small illustrations I bought to help with my the remaning bucks I had on my debit account
My help was worthless bros...
You are wrong.
Manglobe was master of originals and their adaptations sucked.
In general originals are much more enjoyable than adaptations, and I think that is because with an original you do not have to cram things in that otherwise do not work well in animation as opposed to their source medium (manga, ln, etc)
>1,2 5
Why no numbered 3&4
I like Satoshi Kon but you are a fucking piece of shit
As long as there are newfag in the thread like this, it will never stop
does this mean all vault materials for past shows are RIP?
>Bad choices for Japan to emulate.
The market doesnt care and we can see it.
>Names are expected to be officially released then as well.
>My help was worthless bros...
Most that 1.6m dollars are from small donations like the one you did bro.
Is she off fucking niggers band?
Would be only around 6 more hours or so, should be manageable. Man, I really don't want it to get more concrete, it's been rather abstract all this time, without actual confirmation and names.
Mate there are literally cloud based services that you can get for a small fee in which you can check-in on mobile when you arrive (gives you even an heads-up to check in when you have localiser enabled).
What age are you living in? Dont you guys have start-ups in the UK?
she probably meant to donate 50k in Yen
Try Hibike, Clannd, FMP or Fumofu. They have lots of great anime.
i fucking wish
>kyoani got roasted so you can't criticize their garbage anymore
Fuck that the fire is a tragedy but that doesn't make their shit good.
I'm buying the fuck out of this movie.
I can't belive the fat autist destroyed the super secret official animated Hibike hentai movie that they were going to stealth release
post the link here, faggot
Nips have shit taste
It wasn't funny the first time
Enjoy your (you)
Woke up just in time.
I told my older sis about the fire 2 days ago and she blasted me for not knowing that this was where they trained female trainees. No one one Yea Forums seemed to be pointing it out so I kept hush hush about it.
>can’t they just wait until everything is processed between the families and reveal everything then instead of teasing the public like this? I don’t know, it just doesn’t make sense to me
I agree, it almost feels like some fucked up game show. "Guess who's dead" or something. I mean that's obviously not the reason why they're doing it that way, but I sure as shit don't know what is.
>fifteen talented 20 year olds with their lives ahead of them
Fuck this piece of shit for taking them away.
It's like a job application or test scores. It already happened and like it or not you're going to see the outcome.
>check-in on mobile when you arrive
What is this elementary school shit? Not worked anywhere that required a check in since i was 15.
definitely no way someone makes that mistake, that name isn't japanese either
>for a small fee
>Last name Peters.
Why are you so gullible
Like every Fate anime?
>Firums are saifu
What does per-production consist of? bureaucracy related to the assignment of roles or something like that?
Hey it's me, Sentai Film Works. You can donate to us at [email protected]
Yea. It means you can't critize them. Over 30 fucking people died. Kyoaus is dead now? Happy? Haven't we had enough? Having these people die worse than any amount of hate.
>Donate 15$
>Guy comes after and figuratively spits on me and my donation as he donates over 5000$
Think of all the qts that haven't been BLACKED yet
Nobody wants to "check in on mobile when they arrive". We are a SMALL company with 25~ employees, everyone knows everyone. We aren't going to waste money for something like that. We have flexi-hours as well and nobody is paid hourly so there's nobody checking anything as long as the work is done at the end of the day. If we cannot even afford a full time HR person you bet we aren't going to waste budget for a mobile app.
>press conference at 4:00 pm
It's in 5hours?
You guys think some famous rich people secretly donated? I remember some celebs are weebs.
0.90 Eurocents per user per year is fucking nothing mate.
>ze studio is recovering, zey say ze new anime is safe
>activate our agent
>crash it
Saddest part of all of this
Wrting the script. storyboarding. Finding and hireing the VAs for each role.
Any source on the employee who fought the guy before dying?
>people's works stop being bad once they die
hes worth that much more than you desu
This fucking sucks VEG was the worst thing to come out from Kyoani and now it will sell billions thanks to this, literally the only good thing that came from this fire was the VEGfag finally killing himself but now he'll be back stronger, this is officially the worst disaster ever for Yea Forums.
5 to 6 hours. Then we get 2 hours before the raids begin again. Maybe they should freeze the board for an hour or two after we get the details.
5 and a quarter, yes.
>Literally JP
Script, VA hiring, staff management, character designs, setting, etc.
Will they find a way this time?
The woman who donated $50k is actually Tim Cooks
Most victims were in their twenties.
This happened in a country that really needs to stop losing young people
>at 4pm JST today
So in 5 hours alright.
I work at KyoAni and none of this happened. How did this rumor spread in the first place? We're all fine.
Yeah that’s exactly what I hate about this, it just seems so insensitive and plain weird, it’s almost as if they’re trying to edge people on for some sick reason. I just can’t wrap my head around why the shit they would do things like this
Did you really believe that stupid shit? He was chased and then arrested by the police.
They should make him commit seppuku
I wonder if the guys doing the fundraising realize that 1 Million is not enough to cover the damages.
KyoAni lost all their resources (both digital and physical) and half their staff. Chances are they're gonna need to change locations too, not to mention the fines they'll have to pay due to workplaced safety law violations and compensate the families of the 30+ deceased workers and the injured staff. Also, they'll need to buy all of their equipment and supplies back.
Taking other studios into account, I'd say they'll need about 60 to 80 millions just to partially recover from the damages.
Sadly, chances are KyoAni is already over at this point.
seeIt would net cost you less than 25 Euros, so around 22-23 pounds a year and bam you are insured against tragedy AND you have proper administration.
I didn't say that but okay, have your strawman.
Kill yourself please.
I haven't seen any single person post a source so I can only hope that it's true while increasingly knowing that it isn't.
Someone should put on a fire gel suit just to light themselves on fire and tackle him as punishment.
If you never watch or read Shingeki no Kyojin before, how do you know it is a man named Armin?
>garbage survives
>treasures gone
I fucking hate this timeline.
Nishiya and Takemoto are alive, right? I can't go to sleep like this. Fuck me
Bad works deserve to be criticized, even if their creators are dead.
At my company you scan your card at the entrance to get in and it automatically signs you in for the building too.
they didn't lose half their staff. at most, they lost ~20% since last I hear they have ~160 employees. They lost half of the people at studio 1 at the time but that may or may not be all staff
I understand. I just want to support however I can.
gasoline can't melt silver adamantine.
I believe you.
Free movie will break Japan box office record, time 5. They will get the money.
Will they get talents to replace ones who perished? That depends.
define mass shooting
All I know is that a 61 year old is dead, and that's has to be a person in upper management.
Don't forget about the injured and traumatized. It's not like they can just start working against right away, no matter how buglike japs are.
Why are there so many 20 somethings working at KyoAni?
people are just mad at him cause he wasn't hard enough on youtube algorithm. so apparent that makes him a shill now.
I'm an animator from KyoAni. We're all fine. Just let us get back to work on Haruhi 2 and Haruhi X Fist of the North Star
So he's dead, right? It's been 2 days since it happened and he's still not found.
I'm glad my autist Violet is ok.
If what he said about all their stuff being backed up elsewhere is true then they probably didn't lose much if any work. Obviously though it'll be a while before they could resume
That's most likely Kigami.
>was the VEGfag finally killing himself
Oh i'm still here. Dont worry, my various laptops are fucked right now but i'm going to spend a few grand on new ones just to shitpost for you.
They pay above minimum wage.
New animators being trained.
Have something worse Yea Forums related happened before? I don't think so.
Budding animators. :(
they are all cute 20 female fujoshis who got drawned by Free
We will know from the police report very soon.
3 was renamed Studio Do in 2017, 4 is coincided the death number in most of Japan and is bad luck. this is why most Japanese buildings do not have a floor numbered 4.
>60 to 80 millions
You meant 6 to 8 million I hope.
>Tfw 31-going-on-wizard, working blue collar outdoors job
>Not what I wanted to do as a kid but satisfying most of the time, only got the job after a year of hunting after college, because I never knew what I really wanted to do
>Meanwhile a bunch of young people who landed a job at a (relatively) decent studio doing what they loved were fucking burned to death by some crazy asshole
The older I get, the worse I feel over things like this. Wasted parental instinct maybe? Fuck it, man, they didn't deserve this. Nobody deserves this.
They needed more staff in order to make haruhi season 3
Either dead or injured, yes.
>I wonder if the guys doing the fundraising realize that 1 Million is not enough to cover the damages.
KyoAni definitely has insurance to cover the losses from their building. The donations are for the victims and their families, where it may help a bit more. $1,618,171 / 70 employees = $23,116.73 per employee. That can help offset funeral costs or be additional funds for families that just lost an income earner, especially if they didn't have life insurance. I don't think anyone believes that the money will make everything all better, but it's about helping at least a little bit.
Still no official words but it's pretty safe to assume by this point.
anyone who is still missing is dead, yes
Can we also ask the dude to kick the arsonist in the nuts while he's in the flaming gel suit?
Wasn't he 60?
There are still people here who think the studio aint dead, but it is
>Lost senior and talented personell
>Lost source material
>Lost a very significant part of their employee base regardless
>Competitors moving in ASAP
>Insurance will take ages.
>New assests to resume production will cost a fortune
>Emotional and physical trauma under remaining personell
>New name for studio due to social stigma
Kyoani is unfortunately dead as a company too.
probably about the better-help controversy, where he promoted a shady website that can help depressed people via online therapy. for more context a lot of big youtuber did that bcs of money and the better-help have a good review which turn out a paid review.
I don't know exactly what they're planning to do with the extra, but it can pay for funerals and probably help support family who might have lost someone they depend on.
So sad. I never imagined something like this could happen and that I would ever be looking at an image like this. I still can't believe it actually happened. It's all so bizarre. Every time I look at this picture it hits me like a truck and I wonder if I'm dreaming.
RIP Takemoto
His best friend Shoji Gatoh must be devastated
Violet is immortal.
Its also quite interesting that young people were responsible for animating what amounts to some of the best in the industry.
I will never rule out the possibility that he was teleported out by a gap youkai.
you have to remember: they need to 1) buy a new building for their new HQ 2) Buy all their equipment again 3) Find new staff to replace their lost ones and 4) Spend money/time just replacing the lost work that was done
This sounds cheesy but he'll live on forever in Disappearance for me
Why are we Americans so much superior to the rest of the world
We live rent free in your heads rest of the world
I almost don't want to know the names. Maybe they all just got isekai'd.
oh man I can't wait to see china turn it into a top box office of all time, I want to laugh at you so badly for being such a cunt
Yeah seeing the next afterword in whatever Amagi volume he writes next is going to be sad as fuck.
Damn, he was their only good director, too.
Because we made you and we only make the best
They basically lost the "Attitude Era" of KyoAni and were left with scraps.
They were renting the building
Flies live rent free on houses
If they rebuilt Studio 1, how do they make it fireproof?
I will be in a Japanese theatre to watch the final VEG masterpiece. Then I will post about my amazing experience here so that you cry. See you in a couple of months.
I can't believe Kyoani will finaly get an Oscar.
You can work normally with decent pay and not be forced to endure 12 hours of work.
I want Shoji Gatoh holding the rope of the arson and drop it down at his execution
Is this real? I can't find the tweet
KyoAni was compliant with japanese fire safety laws. If anything this might bring major changes to fire safety regulations in the near future, as most laws are written after tragedies.
Hyouka was such a good comfy show, I think its been long enough to where I wont remember the mysteries.
Ironically the director of Cinderella Girls, Noriko Takao, used to be an episode director at KyoAni.
I hope they yank it up and down 10 times for every death.
Electric fence around the compound and snipers on the roof
Buildings should be that expensive, even if it were to cost 5K dollars per square meter, a 700 square meters building like that would still be around 3M. Electronics would add another 100K if we assume they need 50 new PCs with 2K worth of specs each, furniture can be pretty cheap too.
Are Japan fire safety laws as rigorous as the rest of the world?
mc easily ruined the show with his """""""""""""depressed"""""""""""""""""" teen personality
While this is a nice silver lining, 1/3 of their staff is either dead or badly injured. It will take time for KyoAni to recover from this in any capacity. If at all. Plus all their greatest past works like Haruhi, Lucky Star, K-ON, and CLANNAD are all gone. That means by 16k remaster for any of those shoes on their 20th anniversaries.
do we have motive yet
That tweet is fake.
So no word from Trigger about this?
Damm I won't be awake by then. I see you in 9 hours, hope we have name to mourn.
And RIP Megumi Ohno. Me and Ojichan will never forget you.
shouldn't* ftfm.
Do you think they saved the original drawings for this shot?
It's not a man, it's a girl, idiot.
Mental illness
Don't worry, Pewdiepie and Mr.Beast will give them 100m each.
They were renting the building that just burned anyway so it's not like they need to have it upfront
make it out of stone. Good fucking luck catching a building made out of bricks and tile on fire.
>FMP or Fumofu.
Always meant to go try those.
Did a different studio do the latest season
>Allow easy egress from the top floors of buildings in case of fire
>allows people access to openings from high up in buildings so that they can suicide
Out of the frying pan into the fire.
oh. but still. maybe they'll rent a place with actual emergency exits and decent disaster contingencies next time
I don't think you can say just 2k per pc. Remember, pro equipment and software is ultra jewish. a single 3d modeling license can run you over 1k.
Another thing to consideer is to WHO they're giving out their money.
Yes, we know it's KyoAni, but KyoAni is not a person. It's a company. The people INSIDE the company are the ones who manag the money.
In theory, you can't just give your money to any random staffer. It has to be staff in charge of financial resources. You can't give it directly to the CEO either.
Not to mention, even if it is a charity, you're giving money to a COMPANY, so government regulations and taxes technically have to intervene with the fundraising.
The government may intervene and cash in a small portion of the donations as taxes.
Shit is very complicated, to say the least.
Training the new generation of animators. Next time a show has soulless 3dcg shit it, now you now why. The talent would've gone on to animate were killed.
Yes 5 hours and a few minutes.
Why? You're saving up to buy the cel or something?
Sorry, user. This isn't the isekai.
They never had high quality masters of those shows, they would have used them for the Haruhi rereleases. They're trapped in 480p just like Haibane Renmei and Aria and all the other early digital stuff
Elon Musk will donate 3m and tweet about it.
maybe. it'll probably rise in value in the future.
>The film debut at 2.3 billion yen in the first day
Or, it's because it's the followup to the most popular anime film worldwide.
>Did a different studio do the latest season
Yea. Xebec fuckng ruined the 3rd season with garbage cgi. Good thing the fuckers are dead now.
Yea, biggest fire related incident we had where I live had 1/2 of the casualties of the kyoanus fire and it pretty much changed everything about fire safety regulations.
This isn't the article the tweet links to you dunce.
does he even know it happened? even with actual business to run it feels like he would've tweeted something already if he knows
Ok I've got some questions:
1. are the motives of the arsonist known yet?
2, how come a 41 year old man that looks like shrek in a bad day and was carrying with him 40 liters of gasoline was able to enter the building so easily?
3. what's people even donating for? money will never be able to cover for the lost of 30+ lives, if anything will only make the big heads of the company a bit of extra cash.
The mysteries were not important to that show at all, you could remember them all and still enjoy it.
fyi donations arnt taxed, sales are, so buying shit will just busy them more and for something they lose part of.
Oreki is the best part of the show
besides Chitanda
You forgot the Satania pic
>KyoAni was compliant with japanese fire safety laws
If people died on the fire, then it doesn't technically count as compliant.
Remember that the staff wasn't able to reach the rooftop for safety.
>Iroquois theatre
most of the talent survived that
most of the victims of that fire were people too weak to open the silly locks they used (i.e. women and children)
The market is literal sheeple and they are not known for good decisions. Look at Apple, FB and Google.
That reminds me, wasn't there a huge apartment block fire in the UK recently? And the reforms have been getting slow-walked or something?
so when do I get the dank fire force memes?
Digital goods should be safe then, right?
An animated remaster usually gets redone on computer where they CAN by upscaled to any size without losing quality. It also meant the animation get edit to look smother and cleaner as well.
>a single 3d modeling license can run you over 1k
That's true... unfortunately. I doubt they know about FOSS in Japan and now is too late to switch software probably, they most likely used the same stuff for years and don't know to use anything else.
Still, I wonder if they can just reuse the existing licenses? it's not like they expired, they cannot use the purchased software because the PCs were destroyed, if they try to explain to Adobe or Autodesk, whoever provided them the licenses, it possible they might be able to avoid buying new ones.
Oreki is easily the worst part of the show. Especially since he attracts the faggot teens who self insert and go >he's literally me
Why do japs like putting so much wood everywhere?
Doesn’t matter the fucker deserves a chair
1. Crazy dude thought Kyoani ripped off his novel
2. The Japanese are very polite
3. Money is going to the families to offset funeral costs and stuff
The first season was done by Gonzo. It's rough around the edges, but a little Gonzo will put some hair on your chest, and the rest of the story won't make sense without it.
Fumoffu, one of the funniest anime ever, comes next, followed by The Second Raid, which is pretty good.
Xebec made the latest season, Invisible Victory, and the CGI is a little wonky but if you've made it that far you'll enjoy it.
There's also a manga called FMP Sigma that picks up where the Gonzo series ends and takes you all the way to the bitter end.
Anime about Yamakan when
Wood may be extremely flammable, but it's pretty aesthetic.
Oreki is cute
Computer hardware can be destroyed and replaced but modern software is licensed, usually on a seat-by-seat basis for companies. Once they replace the workstations that went up in flames they still have access to the software.
He slept on a bench near the studio waiting for the perfect moment to enter
You're literally put on a list for saying wrongthink.
1. Motive isn't entirely known but the arsonist said something about Kyoani stealing his novel. He's also insane
2. He bought 40L of gasoline the day prior for his "generator" then hid the gas in a nearby park
3. People are dumb. They don't even realize the consequences of what this donation drive can mean. I don't even think Sentai know what they're going to do because they still haven't laid out their plans. The money is in flux and the jap government can even cut into it (not to mention Sentai potentially taking some for operation costs and gofundme taking some for using the platform).
not him, here is the link again
Make the building out of concrete and all doors out of steel. Use a keycard entryway for the entrance, with a buzz-in with a camera for guests, that leads into a vestibule with bulletproof glass where security can buzz you in through the second doors after verifying you're not wheeling in a bucket full of gasoline.
There's been 0 remasters of any early 2000s digital stuff that wasn't just an awful smeared filter. If you have any examples I'd legitimately love to see them. The production process of that time period has to introduce rasterization somewhere.
Stone is better.
autists love the look of woodgrain
greetings from /g/
Eh, originals have a higher risk of crashing and burning because you literally write as you go by production schedules. Did you not see Samflam or Franxx?
KyoAni has a reputation among studios for actually treating its employees like humans, like actually employing them with benefits instead of hiring them as temps to sidestep that kind of thing.
Only if those anime were mastered on film. Stuff like Haruhi is forever trapped in the resolution it was mastered in because they captured it digitally.
>and the CGI is a little wonky
It also looks fucking disgusting.
This image gives kyoani fans PTSD.
So it's almost certain the families of the deceased and injured will receive hefty compensation.
knowing how ass backwards japs are with tech, they're most likely using decades old software that's now obsolete. So chances are, they'll ALSO have to train the staff with new software (and new computers). I wouldn't be surprised if they were still on windows xp.
I'll criticize in your funeral
Does anyone have picture of cute kyoani staffs?
Confirmation on takemoto yet?
those remaining employees are either assigned in the sales and merchandise dept. or not involved in animation at all
Is this thing still on? It's been 2 days.
>forever trapped in the resolution it was mastered in
The this is true regardless of whether the building burned down. Application-specific upscaling algorithms do exist, waifu2x for example.
Grenfell tower, which itself was subject to stronger structural regulation after a fire and collapse of another high rise back when it was made.
If not it would have flattened like WTC.
It keeps the economy running around kyoani though, if you buy their official releases. I was planning to buy some artbooks anyway and now I can while I still have credit on paypal.
>At user's funeral right now. Terrible choice of music and the priest looks like he's about to faint and nobody cares. Sad!
what the guy a /n/ train austist or what?
In Praise of Shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki
>As everyone knows, flush toilets are
made of pure white porcelain and have handles of sparkling metal. Were I able to have things my own way, I would much prefer fixtures—both men’s and women’s—made of wood. Wood
finished in glistening black lacquer is the very best; but even unfinished wood, as it darkens and the grain grows more subtle with the years, acquires an inexplicable power to calm and sooth. The ultimate, of course, is a wooden “morning glory” urinal filled with boughs of cedar; this is a delight to look at and allows now the slightest sound.
>1. are the motives of the arsonist known yet?
Nobdy knows. He's mentally ill, so maybe he doen't have a motive.
But people in social media are trying to spread the lie that he did it because KyoAni employed mostly women.
I don't know about hefty but I'm sure they'll try to take care of them if they can. That reputation is a pretty rare one and was responsible for attracting some high end talent, so it'd be a really bad move to kneecap it by shortchanging grieving families.
In 5 hours probably
Gofundme doesn't take anything. Donators can optionally send a tip to gofundme when donating.
This qt is still alive.
I've heard it's 34 already. Fake or true?
Damn' she's smoking hot
>where they CAN by upscaled to any size without losing quality
Almost all series are drawn on paper and scanned into a PC or drawn on a tablet in a raster format. I'm not aware of any series that are actually drawn in legit vector formats. But even then there's going to be assets like backgrounds that are raster so you can't upscale it without having losses on that.
God I want to breed her so much.
Community project to individually run each frame of Haruhi through waifu2x and then collate it back into the 4K release it deserves. We can do this.
Why fix when it's not broken? They don't have time to waste being beta testers of whatever shiny doodad Silicon Valley shits out. They have anime to make.
>knowing how ass backwards japs are with tech
Are you retarded?
the hell do you mean "already"? it's been 2 days
She lived, don't worry.
ok, that's good to know at the very least. I'm just peeved that Sentai started this fundraiser AS THE BUILDING WAS STILL ON FIRE. Seemed WAY too opportunistic
except he's a bad person and also a bad artist so who gives a shit
What part of REDONE don;t you understand?
Pretty sure he said CUTE staffs. Not someone who can star in a Japanese horror flick.
Some digital stuff from like 2006-2007ish got true HD blurays years later despite originally being aired in 480p like Black Lagoon
Sunrise beyond announcement of supporting kyoani.
The money will obviously be distributed to the victims families. if it can't then maybe given back to the donors. If they can't do that either then...
>you do not have to cram things in that otherwise do not work well in animation as opposed to their source medium (manga, ln, etc)
In that regard, source medium doesn't matter to the extent you're trying to suggest. Plus adaptatons have a chance to improve upon their source.
I hope haruhi voice actor will have orgy again.
Assuming they aren't already on Windows 10 they'll be upgrading to that with whatever replacement PCs they buy. Software shouldn't be a problem as long as it's licensed digitally or they have copies of the serial numbers issued to them.
Holy shit. Some of these girls are literal QTs.
I think I'll stay awake tonight
Will she ever smile again?
Nobody's ever done it man studios don't waste resources redrawing decades old works for rerelease
Yes, I know and that's why the US military is still on XP. But if you look at some jap artists' work stations, they're quite literally using windows xp and 4:3 consumer grade monitors in CURRENT YEAR
when did japan stop using flip phones again?
>that cursed spiral stairs
truly seconds from disaster
lol you stupid nigger what do you think $3 million umbrella's are for?
It was just a coincidence it seems. The arsonist was bitching about plagiarism, he said they stole his LN idea, though nothing is known on the name of the series that were involved with this, I bet on Free because if it weren't an embarrassing series like that, he would've had the courage to go about it legally, you can't just talk to a lawyer about your yaoi fantasies getting stolen and expect him to take you seriously.
Not as flammable as you think.
The problem was the amount flammable materials in kyoani office. The office was pretty much cramped with flammable material.
what does this mean?
the one with black parka is so cute
>Seemed WAY too opportunistic
They needed to make sure nobody else could set one up before they did, user.
It's only fair that Sentai get all the accolades considering how closely they worked with KyoAni through licensing their shows, right?
What a pity. In the older pics that I saw it seemed that they were all using 7 Enterprise. Now their production could be bogged down whenever 10 decides to update.
No and neither will the remaining directors. Every kyoani production from now on is going to be bleak.
>That little Sakamoto plush
Goddamnit. God DAMN it...
God, it so weird to think about how many young people have lost their lives.
Thinking about how people close to your own age die is just a disgusting feeling.
I mean lives just really getting started in your 20s, barely getting started with your dream job and then this.
Why did the guy doused the stairs specifically?
Is he an evil genius?
I would never think of that.
I dunno, shows them using modern widescreen monitors. Why would studios be mastering on 4:3 when all modern TV shows and movies are widescreen?
I was just wondering because Yea Forums raided /n/ yesterday
was that the same staircase that led to the roof?
Yeah, they were ded before it was even lit
It’s been two fucking days already
People died. Big whoop. People die everyday. Can’t you mods get over it already and remove the sticky? This is an anime and manga board, not an animators and mangaka funeral parlor board
>tfw ywn lovingly heal Yamada's soul
That's not how business loss works in creative industries. Insurance will not "take ages", it happens almost immediately. Asset loss will be recovered within six months, established projects are still bringing in money, and they can rehire for the bulk of ongoing contracts.
Kyo-Ani also has immense good will throughout the industry and partners won't just hire someone else on a whim. They may temporarily fill a gap but most producers have relationship with networks and sponsors that is built on good will and also reinforced with contract clauses.
It may be a setback, but it's hardly over.
>Sunrise, Madhouse, PA Works, Shaft, and Toei are the only studios to offer condolences
You learn who your true friends are in times of tragedy
>Why would studios be mastering on 4:3 when all modern TV shows and movies are widescreen?
I was just using that as an example because I have seen it before for an artist I forget the name of. It looks like Kyoani is at least on windows 7 so that's good and it looks like their software is somewhat new so hopefully they can get their license keys reused
This. Jesus christ fuck microsoft.
Haha you mad
And never mind the fact people would setup actual scam pages. Now that Sentai has consolidated all the donations. It's basically impossible to donation scam now.
Just ignore the thread idiot
i mean those are the big boys of animation studios in japan and the ones KyoAni probably worked with a lot.
i thought he was just a crazy otaku who's waifu got a boyfriend and he reeeeee'd.
>qt otaku girl that just wanted to make comfy anime
i'd be an animator for that small cash living in a small apartment, eating combini stuff everyday, dreaming of get isekai'd on my way to work. Just like my japanese animes.
It's a possibility that they go the completely opposite direction and be even more wholesome than before.
7 stops getting security updates in 5 months. So it's either that or hackers hosing their outdated systems to the point they return on Monday to blank screens.
>cg animator paid more
Why are they so tech illiterate?
The guy clearly know the floor plan of the building and he also knows that on that particular day the security was lacking due to some meeting
so not a single one of these people, in enclosed space, noticed an unfamiliar individual waltz in with gas and ignite it?
Whenever people say that Japan should "INNOVATE" their software, I often point them out the to Malware that is W10.
that didn't stop fake fundraisers from happening, unfortunately someone set up one claiming to be "Kyoto Studio", at least it seems like it was just one and it's gone already
Nips say the arsonist is currently sleeping under anesthesia.
I hope he gets better. Better enough to suffer.
>Another employee passed away. There's also an employee [TL: or employees] that will need their legs amputated.
Honestly I still can't believe how fucked up this is. I never could even imagine this would happen.
How did the Shirobako movie predict it? It's gonna be one awkward movie.
Do you guys think neo-KyoAni will make an anime about this years in the future?
Depending on how she takes the trauma she might keep going or switch over to JAV
>If people died on the fire, then it doesn't technically count as compliant.
Is that true? Japan's fire safety law states that if anyone dies in a fire then the owner of the location is automatically in violation even if the location itself adhered to all the rules?
What college student even means in this context?
Why would being in college grant you a greater wage than an animator?
This. Some of us should fly over to japan personally.
i was already pretty wrecked, last thing I needed is putting a face to those numbers.
>2k per PC
implying that they couldn't just do the shit they do in a game engine for 1/10th the cost
I'd rather go back to fliphones than the thinly veiled data beacons we call smartphones.
>doing delicate stenciling , and cleaning
>suddenly black screen
>windows 10 is updating again
>boots to desktop
>all work lost, ads everywhere
Oh man they're about to enter the ""digital age"".
But the fucker had like 5 (FIVE) katanas bro
user don't be a potato. Rendering animation on an XP machine would make no sense. Also using outdated software would make NO SENSE in a creative industry as competitive as anime. Japan on the whole may prefer not to be super tech-savvy but an industry requiring specific skills and software is bursting with people who understand those things.
KyoAni like almost every other anime house uses RETAS Studio Suite. It's standardized for use across the industry and makes hiring people quite easy. It's how Toon Boom/Harmony works in America and Canada. Most animators work on a project contract and move from studio to studio so the software has to be pretty easy to adapt to across the board.
The industry is smarter than you.
Mr apron is cute
Any official word on Ishihara yet?
That’s the average according to silver link, kyoani and toei pay more.
>you can cgi everything and people still slurp your balls
Gee, I wonder. Hollywood is the same, get a clue.
Let's just hope it was just the teaser art, because if the movie itself has depictions like this it's fucked.
>sticky over 1 day old
>only 1k replies
where were you when Yea Forums was kill?
I know they probably had their whole year worth of work planned. But they should pull together and help KyoAni finish up their ongoing projects if they really want to help as true friends. I'm sure accommodation can be arranged if they take turns and shift resources and time around.
They were mostly on the upper floors, weren't they?
Confirmed safe.
user, don't bully potatoes.
I agree, it's always sad to see younger people who were just starting to live die.
not to mention all the fucking bloat and telemetry, god
no all sales are taxed
fug man they might just cancel honestly.
when newfags like you started posting here
It won't restart while you're working, it'll pop an in your face notification which you can click no to. People are pissed because they leave their shit open without saving and it updates overnight and they wake up to all their work lost.
They are not going to use that picture ever again of course.
This video is fucking retarded and obviously made to come to a certain conclusion for PR by a company that builds wooden houses. The only evidence you should need is to look at Notre Dame which had a wooden roof that no longer exists, but the rest of it is fine because it's stone and cement. Same deal with concrete. The only time a concrete building burns is when it has wooden walls and doors inside. If the walls are concrete and the doors are steel you can isolate a fire to one room and just wait for it to burn out.
Don't be a fucking dumbass. The sticky has shown "1k" for DAYS now. It's just the software not being able to count higher.
Nah, he's mentally ill.
The japanese judicial system always takes shit like mental wellness into account when it comes to giving sentences to criminals.
Chances are he's gonna get treatment in an asylum and a few years in jail.
So the guy used 40 liters right? And he went out of his way to secure the exits to maximize carnage right? And he was allegedly a one man team?
Okay, how the fuck did this happen? Setting up 40 liters of gasoline will take a few minutes. Even with the "mind your own business" mentality in Japan, surely seeing a guy pour gasoline all over a building must've set a few alarm bells for whatever passerby that might have gone by the building. And the building honestly wasn't that big. In it's staff of over 70 people, did nobody even see the raving lunatic setting up the fire?
I wish we could honestly just round up all the useless nutjobs living off of welfare or some shit and shoot them. Not only are they a useless drain on society, they're the most likely to do shit like this.
>I'd rather go back to fliphones than the thinly veiled data beacons we call smartphones.
I'm just saying that Japan despite making half the shit we use, still uses old shit.
I wasn't exactly talking about animation rendering but artwork and MAYBE 3d modeling. Would you be surprised if the Japanese were using outdated tech when their buildings meet fire safety standards but clearly not?
Thank you.
enjou kousai
inb4 confidential info gets lost because of telemetry
>the software not being able to count higher
Older posts are rolling off so at any time the server only stores the most recent 1000 posts.
No! Watching Meowmori and the gang struggle through anime production is exactly what people need. It's how anime studio's hard works can be better appreciated.
Yes because there was a trainfag on 2ch who complained that kyoani used a slang word he created and changed its meaning, but it was just shitposting.
There're rumors he was really mad at kyoani's boss (the wife, he called her "bitch" on another site) but for the same reason. We can only wait that he recovers from the coma and finally explains what was going through his mind, there is surely gonna be a court case if he recovers.
Sorry. I have no ill will towards good spuds, but when these mealy dirteaters start acting like they're god's greatest french fry, it really russets my jimmies.
So 35 dead now?
I miss those potatoes
I think all young people should drop dead
last I heard, he just poured gas in the front entrance which is one of only 2 entrances to the building with the other door being very near the entrance.
I was also joking at the time how I wish KyoAni was making it. Then again, I wanted KyoAni to make just about anything. Like, a KyoAni Muv-Luv Extra. Also, fuck Satelight. Shit studio.
>Shirobako doujin where they all get set alight
Pls no
t. young person
40 liters on a trolley, he strolled right in. Security was turned off. There's no immediate cause of concern, cause it was just a bucket on a trolley.
He set it up under the stairs and threw the lighter and ran. First floor immediately engulfed.
It's much easier to install new software on a PC than it is to install full building fire suppression sprinklers or even a fire alarm network.
No, still 34. That's old information released when the 34th death just occurred.
Didn't one god damn person in that building have a single katana?
>He bought 40L of gasoline the day prior for his "generator" then hid the gas in a nearby park
For us gaijin, thats 10 gallons, he used two five-gallon metal cans. Saw pics before but can't seem to locate them now.
I didn't know that gasoline was this deadly, what the fuck
3D modelling and artwork still take a decent CPU. Also building standards don't map to creative industry technology.
>It's much easier to hire and cultivate new staff every time your buildings burn down and kill everyone than it is to install building fire suppression
I'm talking about the Yea Forums servers. Archives obviously keep everything but even the site you linked has trouble reconstructing this thread from and falls flat on its face if you ask it to try.
>halfway through the hard work
>tarou accidentally starts a fire
>place burns down
>ema, ai, etc all die in the fire
>only aoi survives
it wasn't an example of ease but of backwardsness. In any case, you can't forget about the staff needing to relearn their software
The bastard needs to be tortured and made to pay for damages. They should cut out his organs and sell them.
>only 1000 replies
Yea Forums really doesn't give a fuck about kyoani huh
Not this guy, no. He commited the worst crime in Japan's history after WWII. There's no way anyone will be satisfied unless they hang him.
user-kun, denwa
If this is Yamakan, then I feel sorry for him. Because yes, he fucked up. So I hope he learned something and gets better.
He emptied them down the spiral staircase and entrances.
I'm going to go with mental lunatic, because any sane person would just confront the person they don't like, or smash their car windows or just slash their tires.
> us gaijin
I see you pronounced it Yoo-Ess. ;)
Still no press conference from Kyoani?
user kun, denwa
This keeps finding new ways to be more and more fucked up.
>literally designed to explode with such force to move a piston under immense pressure to make your engine work
>only 1000 replies
I won't be satisfied with them just hanging him. I want them to hang him to near death, take him down, and then do it again the next day for the rest of his life.
>hang him
You mean behead him.
I think thats Diesel-chan
The context is she was a researcher who eventually became a writer. Having a degree helps regardless of the field.
>10 gallons
Jesus christ that's the fuel tank capacity of a small car.
isnt that in like 5 hours
Why couldn't it have been shaft? Their employees already want to die.
No, it's illegal to even have a knife on you in japan.
Remember it's an occupied country, they are taught fighting and war is bad and should be never done.
Sasuga, retard-kun.
Actually, that's incorrect. Software limitations as a result of the Euler Problem means that imageboards and forums cannot physically display more than 1000 posts.
t. maths major
True words
>lit the 1st floor 2 deaths
>rest were on 2nd and 3rd
so no
Should've been Game Freak.
>behead him
You mean burn him alive, the punishment should fit the crime.
Why would you call yourself a foreigner in a land you're not even in?
You a cuck or something?
And the worst part is that chances are it will keep getting worse.
You're cute user. Wanna come over and watch my new k-on box set and makeout?
No he means hang. Japan does the death penalty by hanging. They're going to string that fucker up.
personally I would've taken my chances at three stories and did the swan dive
So really, it's America's fault.
Would not be surprised if it now gets shelved for a few years, if not forever.
It will become "The Terrible Clown" of anime
Then explain the last sticky with 8k+ posts.
Can you imagine? /vp/ throwing a big party for weeks
also he lit the entrances on fire so they were trapped
>the number adds up again
those poor people
thoughts on my wives?
Would be based actually
I hope Nippon shuts down 2ch and 5ch
I hope this shit doesn't inspire any copycat crimes.
Bastards at 2ch are already saying that Ghibli should be next.
Sick fucks.
Tbh I'd rather end up a splatter on the pavement than burn to death. In fact a lot of people in WTC on 9/11 did just that, jumping from heights that left them at terminal velocity by the time they hit the ground.
This image gives kyoani bois PTSD.
The fucking scumbag killed over 30 of anime's best staff from the best studio. Death is far too merciful. He needs to be fucking torturded every day for the rest of his life. They should start by skinning the fucker. Even then it's not enough, we can't bring the dead back. What this low life did is unforgivable.
Why didn't they use the eagles to escape?
Maybe 10 years from now, as a sort of anniversary they might release a movie or an OVA. Surely many authors will make tributes too, it's the biggest mass murder happened in Japan in like 50 years.
>legs amputated
I hope they live stream it.
Does this mean we not get punished Kyoani?
>what is a rolling sticky thread
KyoAni started to be shit because of all that women, unironically.
what's with the soda?
The office whore.
yeah so like 5 hours
Why would they
Why the hell was there no security.
During my few weeks stay in Japan, pretty much all places had some form of security detail or at least a receptionist staff near the entrance or first floor.
It boggles me that there wasn't anyone around the first floor to see this dude they don't even know casually strolling in with a trolley filled with exlodey death juice.
go start a gofundme page to pool together a bribe for his future cell mate to make his every day a living hell until he's finally hanged.
So moe they moe'd KyoAni to the ground.
>what is replying to obvious bait
Fuck this timeline.
The main problem with the building seemed to be the spiral staircase which acted like a chimney filling all the floors with smoke. They need to enforce buildings having enclosed stairways with fire doors at least.
>There's also an employee [TL: or employees] that will need their legs amputated.
It just keeps getting worse
I can see Ikuhara making something in 20 years
and Yea Forums too
>tfw haven't had a dream about Rikka in weeks
It's the only reason I wake up
Burn him ten let his skin heal, then keep repeatting this. This should be repeated for the rest of his miserable life. Death is far too merciful for this bastard, i cannot express this enough.
>see this and immediately reminded of tomoko and love story
Honestly for an artist it's probably "better" than having your arms amputated.
Wow, to go out the same way, only its from stupidity instead of malice...
No, it was the 34th.
NHK was visiting that day and they turned the doors off to let them in.
Has JP police reveal the name of the perpetrator yet?
64 bit architecture allows for archived post limits of up to 8x. This is what's called the Euler8 equation. American education everybody.
And do what? He had a 10 gallon bucket filled with gasoline that he wheeled into the place and then began spilling it on the ground and lighting it. By the time someone would be able to stop him he'd already have that place on fire. Especially when you consider that receptionists are usually women that can't really fight off a gasoline covered maniac. And doubly so because from what I read he was pouring gasoline on people that tried to flee and lighting them on fire. Would you go near him if he was going to light you on fire?
He waited until there was no one at the door
They were expecting a business visit later that day, that's why the door were open where normally it'd be locked.
What is love?
Tributes to the dead. In Asian cultures it's customary to leave food and drink with the dead as if feeding them in the afterlife.
>Chances are he's gonna get treatment in an asylum and a few years in jail.
Then what? Release him so he can burn down another studios or maybe drive a truck through a crowd this time? No this fucker need to die.
There was a meeting or some sort on that day so the usual security card was turned off, the culprit knows this
Shinji Aoba
I highly doubt the arms would have fared any better
Not enough for amputation but still horribly burnt off
It usually takes around 20 years before they execute someone so he's going to rot in jail for a while first.
implying he even has money lol, and no way torture is going to fly in the modern day. Maybe public execution if anything.
Pretty much, just Roman war tactics.
Why didn't they have mini fire extinguishers on site to halt the smoke and flames?
If i had to amputate my body i'd just an hero at that point unless we have full cybernetics by that time.
There was a collab that day, he knew security was lighter during days with meetings or collabs. The store is on the first floor too.
And when you live in a country with such low crime, like Japan or Greece, you leave your home door open. No one sneaks around.
100% agreed.
Losing your arms is far worse.
sure, is it just left there till it's thrown out?
Just exactly what does it matter to you even if they were using SCSI scanners connected to 486's with Targa graphics cards and Token Ring network?
Baby don't hurt me.
You learn who your true friends are in times of peace, and judging by Kyoani fans interaction with these other studios, it was not a pretty relationship
The whole building flashedover in under 3 minutes. The only thing that might have helped is good fire escapes, and then only maybe
Ghibli is also made of wood and has a spiral staircase.
That's too meciful. I hope he does hang i hope they at least sell his organs afterwards and give the money to Kyoani. Someone should stuff the nigger's skull full of shit too.
Maybe they needed amputation of their legs because they jumped. If so, maybe they weren't burned too bad.
Toasted and well crisp!
>what is bait
Shinji Matou
they're smokin hot
What was it, 10 or so people in serious condition. Being in serious condition after being caught in fire is no joke, I could imagine a lot of them coming out looking like this.
Ah i see, thanks.
I propose that this be done to the criminal, exposed to radiation and then experimented on: unbelievable-facts.com
They even get some value out of his worthless life through research opportunities.
>1k replies
ded board
ded thred
ded poomunity
Don't hurt me.
Some homeless fag will pick them up eventually
will one of their staff members become like Violet?
>KyoAni didn't ever receive any email from Aoba
What the fuck, so he's actually just insane
For a schizo he sure had lots of intel
Nah you just take it after a few days
Do we have any updates? I was gone the last 5 hours.
I hear deaths are starting to come out..
Yeah because the fucking OL is going to fight off the fat NEET from covering their office in gasoline. For fucks sake user, I know it's nice to think it could have been avoided but use some sense.
>hey i wonder what that guy with those two buckets full of that liquid that isn't water is doing waiting outside? hm, probably nothing haha
>proceeds to be burned alive minutes later
what's wrong with ghibli? their films are just about the only japanese animated films I universally like
Give it a little thought and almost anyone would choose to lose their legs over their arms. Being able to walk is nice, but would you trade it for being able to feed yourself and masturbate?
I need a rundown; is this the show that got "plagiarized"?
No more.
If it works and its stupid, its not stupid.
The donations and outpourings of love from all over the world are very small silver linings, but still some warmth and hope in all of this horror.
god, i absolutely hate the sight of spiral stairways now...
Where the fuck is the reload button AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Honestly if that was my option for living I'd rather be dead. I simply cannot imagine life in that state.
they're beautiful
Fuck off Carlos, nows not the time. This is in poor taste. Go back to shitting on cgi.
Those people never did anything to deserve this shit.
I want to hug them all.
Do you even CSI? Schizo killers are on full autism mode when carrying out their crimes.
He BURNED THIRTY PLUS PEOPLE TO DEATH. Why was it ever in doubt that he was a fucking mad man?
Then book a fucking flight to Japan and go Frank Castle on his ass if you think Japan's judicial system is that incompetent.
>be burned to disfigurement
>get free sunglasses
Sounds worth it to me
There will be a police report in 4 hours
it doesn't exist. the guy's a fucking schizo
Not how that works but yknow what I hope so too
But why would Kyoani use standardized cross-industry softwares? Their workers are in-house
I don't think they could work after losing a leg though.
>no hands
they wouldnt be a staff anymore buddy
What is this source?
A large chunk of the dead died from carbon monoxide poisoning on the stairs leading to the roof, the smoke killed them.
A long long time ago
I could still remember how
Her music used to make me smile
And I knew if she had her chance
That she could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while
But that December made me shiver
With every time my screen would flicker
Bad news came that evening
Since then I've still been grieving
I can't remember how long I cried
When I read about her final ride
Something hit me deep inside
The day the seiyuu died
So bye, bye Miss Showa Jidai
Took my waifu and mai laifu and left them to die
Them girls and boys were drinking sake and lye
Singin' this is the day anime died
This is the day anime died
>I just wanted to keep drawing anime user, why did it have to be like this? Why?
Also open doors/cook/wipe ass etc.
During my few weeks in Israel, everyone with a job that involved an outside entrance was armed, pic related.
Also, Japan is an ultra-polite society, receptionist was probably standing there twiddling her fingers going "Ano..."
the victims of spree killers and terrorists never do
inmates who are on death row have a solitary confinement and could be for several years. and rarely got any acces to outside world.
they also only informs the inmates on the morning before the execution
(you) hunting is the exact same thing as upvote hunting. Imagine being so neglected and starved for interaction that you spend your time trying to get strangers on the internet to berate you because it's the only form of communication you have
they can learn to draw with their feet.
You should visit a hospital
Post yfw /jp/ is now on a terror watchlist because of this otaku.
All of them maybe? Burn marks are a type of disfigurement.
That's because it's in a literal war zone.
is that the terminator after the molten scene
He spoke as though he at least had a motive. >"They ripped me off"
He was convinced they had stolen his LN, but he'd never been in contact with them.
That's a cute pistol packin mama.
This all stemmed back to that I assumed they used old stuff and as a result would be irreplaceable since they're deprecated and obsolete.
Now that would make a great anime
>We want to give wonderful anime and other entertainment to fans not only in Japan but all over the world
It's always the good ones that perish.
Did you ever make a tankōbon
And did you sing the song of a swan?
If that's what the subtitles say
Now do you believe in kayōkyoku
Can the music, save me and you
And does KeitAi always find a way?
Now I really didn't give a fuck
Riding around, in a Japanese truck
But that's when I'd run out of luck
The day the seiyuu died
I started singing
Bye, bye Miss Showa Jidai
Took my waifu and mai laifu and left them to die
Them girls and boys were drinking sake and lye
Singin' this is the day anime died
This is the day anime died
Now for 20 years they left us alone
Working animators to the bone
But it wasn't always this way
When Seven sang enka on TV
Belting it out in the key of C
We all knew it'd be okay
When the brigade leader was out of town
Seven took first in her evening gown
The press corps was all in shock
Is this the power of rock?
And while the goddess chatted with the crab
Quarta traded with kouhai for the gift of gab
Mordred learned that guns ain't bad
The day the seiyuu died
She was singing
Bye, bye Miss Showa Jidai
Took my waifu and mai laifu and left them to die
Them girls and boys were drinking sake and lye
Singin' this is the day anime died
This is the day the anime died
Every summer felt eternal
So Index kept a little journal
Magical girls coming in hot...
Ganbatte! Take a shot!
The Forwards do as the White Devil taught
Onee-sama tell me, is it all for naught?
Now the date to air was good to go
We were all ready to enjoy the show
Everyone was having a blast
Oh! But it was never meant to last!
Then the ground all shook and the sea rushed in
Fear struck every nihonjin
Does the atom hold man's greatest sins?
On the day, the seiyuu died
We started singing
Bye, bye Miss Showa Jidai
Took my waifu and mai laifu and left them to die
Them girls and boys were drinking sake and lye
Singin' this is the day anime died
This is the day anime died
Wish she would shoot me
I don't think any private security guard in Japan is armed.
is this the show that he made up?
Maybe anime will be fixed when they outlaw otaku's.
I'm sick of seeing every 8/10 anime's being a fucking harem.
It doesn't work that way for precise things, buddy.
Yep, and if she was working at KyoAni, there would be a dead NEET and 10 gallons of free gas
>There's also an employee [TL: or employees] that will need their legs amputated
well fine, if he ended up in a mental institution instead because of plead to insanity. a gofundme bribe for the medical staff should be created instead.
they didn't even get a submission from him for the LN competitions
>not mouth like the rumble roses lad
how much should me donate?
token ring is honestly the best networking topology.
Names announced at 16:00 Tokyo time on TV, stream from the hospital (8:00 GMT/UTC).
As much as you can.
Oh there wasn't any time or place
When we weren't together in cyberspace
But did we ever meet face-to-face?
Umu, uguu, desu yo!
Hit me right here in the kokoro
A severe case of chunnibyou
Oh as he doused them all with gasoline
For a crime no one could have forseen
Heroes from heaven and hell
Why can't you save them with a spell?
And as the flames burned on into the night
When the madman set the holy place alight
I heard evil spirits cackling with delight
The day the seiyuu died
Bye, bye Miss Showa Jidai
Took my waifu and mai laifu and left them to die
Them girls and boys were drinking sake and lye
Singin' this is the day anime died
This is the day anime died
Honestly, better legs than arms.
All of it
I might if they actually let him go.
There were another set that led to the roof, the spiral staircase funneled the smoke to all the floors though.
japan's on GMT+9
This shit is clunky as all fuck. You can do better than this, laureate kun
Post her to /k/ from time to time. Prima Kings Hotel, Jerusalem, October 2012. She is wearing the "work gun" that gets assigned to whoever is watching the front door.
This was the same with every restaurant I went to in Jerusalem, even in the high-end places, the host/hostess was always packing heat
Yomiuri is Japan's biggest newspaper.
Real life isn't a movie, user.
>During my few weeks in Israel, everyone with a job that involved an outside entrance was armed
No shit. When you built your country on stolen land, the people you stole it from are right next door, and have a government that actively instigates conflict with said neighbors, you tend to take security very seriously
If they were expecting someone that day, then wouldn't it make more sense to have someone around the first floor then? You know, to welcome the expected guest or to tell the rest of the people in the building when the expected guest has arrived?
Why the fuck would security be lighter on the day when outsiders were explicitly to go into the studio? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around these circumstances.
I'm working with what knowledge I'm getting from this thread user. Allegedly, the arsonist specifically targetted the stairs and both entrances. So he had to at least spend a few minutes setting that up.
Worst case, couldn't she have screamed or shouted to inform the rest of the people upstairs? And that's assuming that there was even someone on the first floor when that happened. Which begs the question, why the fuck was nobody on the first floor even? In a small building with over 70 people, what were the chances of nobody seeing that someone was turning the first floor into a death trap?
Is it really just a fucktarded shitstorm of very unfortunate happenstance?
>and no way torture is going to fly in the modern day
Which one of -- is giong to take one for the team then? Someone needs to kidnap this motherfucker and livesteam his slow torture. Who will take this piece of shit out and become a martyr for anime? Death penalty is a fucking joke. He burned innocent people alive, he killed over 30 fucking people. Apparently someone was so burnt they thought they were waring a black coat but they were actually naked.
>What's the deal? Why'd they do it?
All that's confirmed is that the person has a criminal record (unrelated to anime things like robbery) and a history of mental illness. He claimed they stole ideas from a book that he wrote and there are those crazy train 2chan rumors but those might be BS. It's more likely he's just a garden variety lunatic that hallucinated that the studio was reading his brainwaves and stealing ideas from his thoughts somehow. You really can't do anything about these world wide crazy explosions leading to massacres but somehow actually do something about mental health care. Mental illness is the root of a ton of tragedies and just what's wrong in the world in general. The violence will keep getting worse as people go crazier and crazier there's no other "logic" to it.
Higurashi literally have a scene where a insane girl holds a school hostage with Gasoline spread around the school and herded the students with a cleaver, and made some really ludicrous demands.
Is that episode gonna be banned?
At some point I'd like to use this as a start , but with my own melody and meter.
Thank you
It just keeps going.
fuck, I don't think I'm ready for it, even if I want to know.
there's a snowball's chance he isn't getting the death penalty. The schizo who stabbed girls in Osaka schools got the death penalty too, and there's absolutely pressure from Aoba being public enemy #1 right now. Just saying his name pisses me off.
Meaning, he won't die instantly when first shot and will likely light up the place anyway.
Is this Haruhisky? They draw the best Haruhis.
I asked a girl who played as lewd
Who she wanted to get married to
But her answer never came
I went down to my local store
Where I got interested years before
But the feeling just ain't the same, anymore
And on the net the fangirls scream
Artists get by and otaku dream
But we never have really spoken
Will our AT fields ever be broken?
Now with every year and every post
It's starting to feel like chasing a ghost
Where is that girl running, her mouth stuffed with toast
The day the seiyuu died
So bye, bye Miss Showa Jidai
Took my waifu and mai laifu and left them to die
Them girls and boys were drinking sake and lye
Singin' this is the day anime died
This is the day anime died
We've been singing
Bye, bye Miss Showa Jidai
Took my waifu and mai laifu and left them to die
Them girls and boys were drinking sake and lye
Singin' this is the day anime died
This is the day anime died
>Is it really just a fucktarded shitstorm of very unfortunate happenstance?
pretty much
Still, do you understand the trauma someone will undergo from having well functioning legs to no legs? They will need years of therapy to cope and adjust to living that way
this shit is just so sad, I can't bear it. what a way to go. you only want to make people happy with your art, and you die in a fire.
>couldn't she have screamed or shouted to inform the rest of the people upstairs?
kinda hard when they ran out the door screaming "help someone poured gas on us" while on fire
This is just Satania anons.
Whatever you can donate won't be enough to solve all problems but the quantity of donators is what matters the most, even if it's just 10 dollars each, letting them know that many people were moved is probably a good medicine for their mental health.
It's Japan, a country where people actually trust each other. Security is so light everywhere because this shit almost never happens
>Allegedly, the arsonist specifically targetted the stairs and both entrances.
He walked in, poured the gas on, lit said gas and legged it. The spiral staircase did the rest of the work for him. It was not as calculated as you think it was, the building was absolutely a death trap for those on the upper floors.
This just keeps getting worse.
I'm not denying that it's horrible.
>70+ people in the building
>the guy was able to empty his gas completely
I know he had a knife, and I realize I'm being a fucking retard going "hurrdurr if i was there it'd be totally different and nobody would've died", but why did nobody throw a chair or stapler or whatever at the guy the second he started dumping gas?
you think trust in your countrymen is rare?
Dunno, they chose convenience over security i guess.
Imagine having to be assed to open the door with your card when some business partner come up
>let's give lunatics more tools to commit crime with
cocky little shit.
Are you sure about that?
I'm sure we could find the right balance of chemicals to cause nerve damage that makes him feel like he's on fire every living second.
With appropriate supervision, we can make sure he leads a long, long life.
There's no way he isn't gonna hang for this. Arson that causes intentional loss of life is basically an automatic death sentence in Japan. Especially since the victims were mostly women.
Is the death toll still at 33? Last I've heard 10 people are still in ICUs.
I hope no one that died was a virgin, that's just too sad to think about
How long is that from now?
It's so fucking awful. I'm so fucking mad at this asshole. Fuck him. He deserves to burn for this. Fucking evil.
>It was not as calculated as you think it was
He stuck around to throw gasoline on people as they tried to escape
>All these praying people
I wonder how many of them are their relative. It must be devasting to lose their family or friend to this kind of event.
>KyoAni never received an email from Aoba
So that rules out the submission contest as being a factor. Burning all those people alive is already crazy enough, but doing so under a crazed delusion is something else all together, jesus
I think you can stop posting song lyrics now. It's off topic.
He's in police custody now, nothing anyone can do.
It's all up to the state.
he thought of that, and prepoured the gas into a large bucket that he transported on a rolling sled
We're at 35 now
Yes, I'm done.
Either way, user is right that 90% of the work was the building.
They made VEG
34 now. One died last night.
will they livestream his execution?
seems appropriate to me.
>Why the fuck would security be lighter on the day when outsiders were explicitly to go into the studio? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around these circumstances.
Laziness most likely. Since it's NHK, they're probably also gonna bring in a whole filming crew AND equipment. So they figure it'd be easier for everyone to just leave the front door open as wide as possible. After all, who's gonna pick this exact day to burn down a building full of harmless animators?
Oh, there comes a guy pushing a cart, I bet he's with the NHK's tech crew, just arrived too early. Come on in!
>Japan Standard Time (JST), UTC +9
24% of females in japan 18-39 are virgins
Just went up to 35, two more succumbed to injuries and atleast one person has to get amputations
This image gives kyoani fans PTSD.
What is your source for the 35th?
you're a psychopath
only 34
Oops you're right, I thought UTC and GMT were the same?
Do you think florists secretly celebrate every time theres a tragedy? Must be like Black Friday for those guys.
>Multiple dead and injured in arson attack on KyoAni
>Police say at least 12 people have died and many others are unaccounted for in a suspected arson attack at an animation studio in Kyoto.
>Police say a man poured what appeared to be gasoline inside Kyoto Animation's studio and set fire to the building shortly after 10:30 am on Thursday.
>They say about 70 people, mainly studio employees, were inside the building when the fire started.
>Fire authorities say 36 people have been taken to hospital and one person has been confirmed dead.
>They also say they are trying to confirm information that more than 30 people remain unaccounted for and 12 have been found without vital signs on the first and second floors of the building.
>Police say they believe the suspect is a 41-year-old man, based on a driving license he was carrying. He was detained and is being treated for his injuries at a hospital. The man reportedly admitted as he was being taken to hospital that he spread the liquid around before setting it on fire.
Why did he do it?
We're primarily americans around here. It's a foreign concept and it's scary to us.
The Yomiuri article that says 2 more died of their injuries
They should animate it while at it. With KyoAni level of production.
Here you have it. You only had to ask if you wanted it that much. Exquisite bait by the way.
3 persons were on the first floor, he came in with a bucket, dumped the gasoline and light it up. The fumes and shit caused an explosion, so the fire on the first floor propagated. Finally the spiral staircase served as a chimney allowing for the smoke to fill floors 2 and 3 in a matter of seconds. As an user said, the building was a death trap.
The mere fact that the guy got in is what bugs me the most.
If there was someone on the first floor, then I'd like to see the internal logic of someone who thought: "There's this fat fuck whom I don't even know, carrying a bucket of stuff I don't recognize and he's trying to get in. Sure, he seems trustworthy, I'll let him in."
More realistically, as others have said, security or staff on the first floor were non-existent at the time of the incident, and the guy could've just waltzed in. Which makes this whole thing even more tragic due to how easily it could've been avoided.
Old info user, death toll's climbed to 35 or more by now.
baka shinji
My main point was that he didn't do anything like target both exits. If you were a madman without a plan, you'd also ensure maximum damage the easiest way possible: Attack people at the bottleneck with what you have on hand. That doesn't require much thought or premeditation at all.
jk he actually thinks KyoAni plagiarized his LN (or LN idea) or something
seriously though, I wonder if Yea Forums could animate it
It will take years even if it's approved, people will forget about him by then and he'll just disappear from existence without making a single noise, which might be for the better.
It will go higher, most people can't survive severe burns.
I'm sticking with the Otaku waifu theory that was posted on /pol/.
What will happen to based satania poster now?
Won't be long before software is re-vectorizing anything and scaling it however you like.
Thanks poet
You're cool
I like you
Someone with that face and a past criminal record is unlikely to enter the writer/ animator field. He's also really fat which is not common to office types.
Ah, reread it it's only 34. "Only".
I'm an American, and I don't think much of your slighting of this country or its people.
>not even noon yet
Fuck. Guess I'm not going to sleep tonight then.
serves them right for adapting so much fucking hetshit and shota trash like hibike and dragon maid, i can't even remember the last time they produced anything of value
Only a few moments user.
Feels good knowing I've fapped to all your wives.
[bows silently]
>still thinking Hibike has anything to do with this in any shape or form
we know it's "muh LN" now
In twenty years?
I begin thinking that someone manipulated him into thinking that kyoAni ripped him off.
How can I even trust you're an American? HUH? Maybe you're a dirty goddamn commie!
live in a city infested with niggers, and then you'll understand
>Japan managed to keep a guy blasted with thrice the deadly amount of radiation alive for 80 something days (against his will as he was literally rotting alive)
>can't even keep these people alive for more than 2 days
I've been out since 6PM ET, did another person die?
Are there actual 4chinners here who actually wants this dude to get away with nothing short of the death penalty?
Nah. They don't even tell the public about executions in advance. It's only announced after the fact. Even the condemned isn't informed until maybe a few hours before it happens.
Is the movie seriously about their studio burning down?
>unity of your country's culture
you need to have a culture first.
KyoAni is loved.
I'm from a developed country (France but not even the absolute shitholes) and I lived in Japan
The level of mutual trust is NOTHING like where I'm from. Kids commute alone, no security in supermarkets, people leave their doors open when they're out, leave their luggage unattended in the train/restaurants, roads are actually safe...
I'm not saying this is exclusive to Japan but having traveled a lot, I can tell you that the trust level is mindblowingly low in most countries.
Technically nothing uses GMT anymore but it's virtually identical to UTC so user is just being pedantic I guess.
>all that wasted pussy
It is still 34.
I have artwork hanging in my house that a man drew with his feet.
>That poor bedridden patient on the left
what is that radiation shit
I'm an American AND a commie!
They probably woudn't have thought anything nefarious about him having a cart too since NHK was coming later and would have had equipment.
This is comedy gold.
and you're not me
They don't even tell the inmate when their execution is. In Japan, they just wake up one day and learn that they're about to be hanged.
you must be at least 18 to browse this site, faggot
I'd make him work for free for 40 years in dumpsters.
Miyazaki is known to be vocally anti-war, so the net uyo probably hate his guts.
>Old info user, death toll's climbed to 35 or more by now.
Shit, they don't have the death penalty in Japan do they.
>jk he actually thinks KyoAni plagiarized his LN (or LN idea) or something
Imagine throwing your life away and ending many others in the process over a ln.
Why though?
>pic related
Why the fuck would they think a goddamn bucket is NHK equipment? Not unless he put them in a box or something.
It's better to think that they got isekai'd into their own animation projects to live out the highschool romance they always wanted.
Muh LN but there's no proof of any of that.
Mentally deranged is the only logical conclusion at this time.
or dare i say, ouchi
nothing wrong with that, it never did any good for japan to be bellicose
I didn't know horses were allowed to bear arms.
Id just ask for a disability income from the gubment and live as a hikikomori playing ffxiv and watching anime all day. just like now but with an income
radiation blast is different than being fried by fire though
also the guy was fine until he ran out of cells thanks to his chromosome being busted
Yes, I believe that's what I said: the condemned prisoner finds out at most a few hours beforehand.
That's cute
>spiral staircases were kanpeki for low angle and upskirts
>mostly female animators in kyoani studio 1
>Shinji had to fuck it all up
That's kind of the thought that keeps coming back to me. They worked together to make beautiful things to make people happy. Of all the places in the world for this to happen to
Do you have at least one anime episode that a person drew with his feet?
I do so that Ohno's grandpa can kill that guy himself.
They do. They actually hang people.
honestly, being real here she's a 5 or 6/10 by Japanese standards but she's good with make-up and has good fashion sense.
I'm pro-life.
>“I will support my heart,” saying that I knew through the news that warm messages were received from each country.
KyoAni president Hatta
fucking geez
For research. They jammed him full of needles and drugs just to see the effects.
>All that prime wife material
says he killed 3 and that's including himself. so him, the guy he lit up and then probably that patient. it's good the rest of them got out alive
really want nips to go full backwards into medieval times and publicly burn him at a stake
i know, of course that's just wishful thinking
but it is the bare minimum he deserves
As you can see here you have literal seconds to act, if you were on upper floors and didn't get to see the guy good luck as the only thing you'll notice is the explosion by the vaporization and the smoke suddenly rising up while an inferno unfolds below.
Are they releasing the names?
Link NHK
stay mad with your low trust society, amerifat
At least you have taco stands on every street corner now
Welcome to hell
Hook him up to a vr machine with pain stimuli amd everything, then put him through each and every barbaric torture until death method known to man. Because it's a simulation he's not actually dying, so he survives to experience the next one. Rinse and repeat until he dies of old age.
Two months ago Yakakan announced that he will leave the industry for good.
> "What I felt then was not a mistake. But at my company there were friends from my Kyoto Animation days. I had no choice but to come back. But by then, it was already... I can't go into details, but to cut a long story short, going back was a mistake."
He even wanted to come back to Kyoani to the place where everything started for him but decided against it.
What's the announcement for
This. Where's the stream?
>be yuropoor
>america on your mind 24/7
rent free
And no one of value died on 9/11.
Worth more than your life nigger.
looking worse so far
it's fucking sumo
When Freud was alive, pretty much everyone had some kind of severe trauma.
>Dwarf Rouge dual wielding matching top percentage magic enchanted knives
>RGEI right hand, RGEO left hand, clearly a master of the knife
>cold blood buff activated, look at his face
the arsonist never stood a chance
The last time such a major blow happened to the state of anime was when Kon died.
And this is arguably worse, we lost our Einstein then but this is like us losing the whole god damn Manhattan project.
I'm nervous as hell.
you will
getting killed by smoke or gas is terrible too. it's like drowning in burning acrid vapor.
And you're a retard.
I have a stream right here for you
is that you kaiji-kun?
aqstream com/jp/nhk/NHK-G
Of all things..
imagine the smell
Kill yourself.
The End of Evangesticky.
Can we stop pretending to be sad already?
Yeah I bet they never watched anime in their life
>He even wanted to come back to Kyoani to the place where everything started for him but decided against it
they were never gonna take him in, no studio probably wants a guy who called himself a proud sexual harasser
>low trust society
At least people in the U.S. have something resembling survival instinct because our culture doesn't teach us to be pacified conformist cattle.
Being suspicious of others is natural and healthy.
In religious terms, no. In cultural terms, still no, but closer. In terms of the human cost, far worse.
These bugs are faking it so hard
imagine being this edgy
purity is gay.
I forgot a bag on a bench in Asakusa for over an hour and everything was still there. Someone I know lost glasses and a few days later found them sitting on a stone wall near where she had been.
Kill yourself kudasai
Not what I'd love to see, but I'm glad for whoever liked it. This does raise some hope that "Studio 2" has some backup of its own.
Oscar and huge box office incoming.
no i want to read more about how people are literally shaking from this event
>Stream is birds fucking
Am I on the right one guys?
You're gay.
Commit unlife
It's starting.
which channel is it then
Oh the vegetable slicer, I remember him. Everybody was in shock until they realized he cut up people who basically weren’t alive
there are Truck of Peace events in the news sometimes but it’s usually due to senile or epileptic people who should have their licenses removed but don’t because that would be mean
I’m not saying that the mentally ill should be exterminated but if grinding up 10 worthless nutters could save the lives of 15 innocent normal children then I think Nutella should be back on the menu if you know what I mean
My wallet fell out while walking through that huge Shibuya crosswalk and some guy ran after me to get it back to me. Japs are some of the nicest racists I've ever met in my entire life and I hope they stay that way.
starting under ntv news
>falling for bait
big oof lads
whats this dieting shit
NTV has some nip sobbing
must be it
Here is your (you), you edgy piece of shit
Talent is a meme pushed by people who've never worked hard to get good at something. Animators are easily replaceable because they get paid slave labor wages anyway.
Not to blog too much but playing way too much terraria
Did he say why he did it? Did he hate the endless 8 that much?
Is NHK seriously gonna play sumo shit instead
What's this about KyoAni having feminist policies. Is it just "they hired a lot of wine so they're SJW "? Wouldn't expect anything less from /pol/
It's a nice program
Amerifat really should learn something from it
Japs aren't the Asian bugmen, they just have good enough lives to where they don't have to constantly worry about being robbed
most of the people Freud interviewed were victims of severe trauma from Freud himself
Thank god.
Think this might be it.
well, shit
The stream are 5 minutes late right?
link here
Not it, that's some dudes talking about some illegal business dealings or such. Probably got caught and are putting on sob face for apologies.
>More shit to feed the conspiracy
real link here
stuff on the NTV NEWS 24 has been going on for like half an hour
I hope he dies today. Fuck him.
That's just basic decency user. Is america really that much of a shithole?
No, this person has been talking for the past hour already. I've been keeping an eye out on a couple of channels.
Its conspiracy tier. Just because they were mostly women that doesn't mean their top of the line animation suddenly becomes bad.
Yes, because modern stupider /pol/ thinks shit like having female staff makes you a giant SJW feminazi.
His eyes doesn't look so good
That's not it. It's about something else
People have been lining up to donate - the amount of support from fans is probably the only heartwarming thing to come from this horrible day
How are they feminazi when they have super tittilating anime like Kobayashi
They've never done anything that could be considered feminist by a sane person
>that outfit
Looks like an absolute normalfag but I think everyone can deeply appreciate what he did.
This isn't America.
Don't listen to gators, they're just bitter fucks.
It's not rare in America for someone to do that either.
>post yfw they bring the perp out and execute him in the middle of a crowd of people
all these retarded uninformed posts make me laugh
It's shitposting/lefty false flagging as /pol/
/pol/ doesn't give a shit that most of the studio was women
>namae to wa imasen
does this mean he won't the name the victims or the arsonist?
Lies upon lies
I know all about the umbrella stealing
Japs think nothing of stealing someone elses umbrella
where is the fucking press conference
nah, that's the press conference for hiroyuki miyasako's scandal
This is about some voting and shit
This isn't America
The NTV thing is some guy talking about being drunk and not remembering something and a birthday party, NHK is sumo shit AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHERE
Anywhere I can go to read some live translations?
I'll go to reddit, im desperate
Yes. I dropped my sunglasses in a quaint little college town while walking to my car and backtracked as soon as I noticed they weren't in my pocket. They were already long gone.
burger here, your odds of the guy behind you are 50/50 on him pocketing it versus returning it, worse odds if you live in a big city because more shitty assholes.
>mfw drawn and quartered
might as well be
Reminder that even sentenced to death should wait in a solitary cell FOR 10 YEARS before hanging.
yeah all you have to worry about is getting burned alive for drawing cartoons so safe and peaceful
Fuck off /pol/
house and car break ins are common in japan
The movie of that boring ass anime, VEG is going to get 1 billion super sales out of pity isn't it?
I can already see it.
Where the fuck am I going to get most of my high quality doujins from?
Woah seriously? That's fucking great. A lot of that money will either go to the families of the affected or to fund any possible new kyoani projects and that's great.
No press conference bros, go home
This sumo stuff is actually pretty cool
Please, user, I didn't need this right now.
I really, really didn't...
NTV news
Americans are taught from an early age
>Survival of the fittest! Live for yourself and you'll live the best!
>Don't be like the idiots who try and help other people out, don't waste your time! You're number one, their loss is your gain!
Meanwhile everyone else in the world is taught teamwork and collaboration, if the group does well, then naturally you'll do well too. You're part of the group after all.
Will never happen but I'd love it.
>EOPs not recognizing faggot Hiroyuki Miyasako on NTV News
Just wait for the translation, EOPs
He looks like he hasn't slept in two days.
Make it 30 or longer fucker deserves to rot
Stop watching fucking sumo
It can be. Look at Yea Forums: it's the same principle really. People act differently when they think they're not being watched.
>No conference anywhere
Did you lie to me Yea Forums?
>didn't even bother actually reading the post
Somewhere very similar to this is where he will be hung.
I might buy.
Anyone remember what time the press conference is supposed to air? I think there's an hour left.
Stream doesnt work cant pick a channel
I'd be fine with it.
I wanted to buy some more BDs from them but holy shit every single one of them is sold out, guess I'll have to wait.
Why is he on tv instead of managing Yea Forums
Really depends on where you live.
In rural areas it's usually better than in the cities, and some cities are worse than others.
this stream works fine
now someone translate
Go fuck yourself.
Same, send help bros
Skin the criminal's entire family tree
Depends on how long they have had such policies, since when you put the pieces together, they've done nothing but fujoshit and yurishit for a while.
It is like claiming it's a coincidence that Bioware is what it is now.
Japanese don’t even do any of that shit like they do in NA and Europe.
Isn't Free out first?
>I banged a lot of idols and I am not sorry for it
Wait, this isn't what I was promised. What?
>Talent is a meme
Keep telling yourself that. Talent represents innate aptitude to performing a task and also represents how quickly you get better at something. It is usually overstated as with enough effort you can keep up, but you'll always find someone who will invest less effort and overtake you.
This is most apparent with singing, but that's a whole other topic.
>Animators are easily replaceable because they get paid slave labor wages anyway.
I agree. The most animators do is trace key frames with slight variation, which is surprisingly easy to do once you study movement.
Read the thread, that's completely unrelated
>not recognizing faggot Hiroyuki Miyasako
No one fucking cares. Everyone wants the list of the deceased. Not some faggot that shows up in GkT from time to time and does other faggot shit.
The problem with that is Americans see groups as ways to get ahead. So many will actively do as little work as possible and shoulder the burden on their teammates.
Why do you think sports teams always glorify one or two players? Because those are the guys who get the short end of the stick and have to literally carry the team.
Or for you burgers here, those class projects where literally 2/3s of the team never showed up or basically rode coattails of the kid who gave two shits. Then they got angry they didn't get the grade they expected for their "flawless" work.
this is apparently a different scandal
holy fuck NTV News is getting heavy
>haha lets just trick everyone into staying up until 3 AM
Thanks a lot fags good night
If I’m not mistaken, the conference is going to be 4:30 PM on TV Asahi
This and the donations will save the company. It will never be the same but it won't die either.
Oh fuck hes breaking down in front of the cameras
user that's something else.
It's something else.
What is this, China?
Bicycles, umbrellas and used underwear are the most commonly stolen things in japan
20-30 minimum, in an internal single room cell with no window, clock or anything to determine the passage of time. Food comes at random intervals and not set times.
no sumo this time
for real
That's not it you retard.
This is their second-worst attack on civilians since WWII and their worst in two decades. That's in a country of 127 million people. Go compare that to the number of massacres in the US over the last 20 years, or just go look at crime statistics regarding robbery, assault and murder.
Sounds like a dream job
True, but if you watch anime then you know that Japanese know this.
It's not about Kyoani, it's a comedian guy who got fired for yakuza shit
Well here's the study I found.
Risk factor= mostly genetic
Actual development = more environmental
i'm a retarded EOP and I can tell this isn't it
how retarded are you guys
This has been one hell of a horrifying ad campaign for it
>3d cunny
Disgusting, I'd rather get papercuts from rubbing my dick on a lewd book.
It really is situational but there's a huge difference between changing your policies to advance certain groups and simply not discriminating
God, he's so broken, I'm crying again.
>moving the goalposts
Stream doesnt work it just says pick a channel
20 mins to go, fuck
KyoAni shop is pretty much sold out too.
Link mov3 co/tvasahi/
Animators in kyoAni are selected by tests since they will nurture them to reach higher position.
Looks like cable box schedule screen. Are you in Japan?
>Yea Forums orchestrates ruse to weed out crossboarders by sending them to bed
>real conference happens in 20 minutes
>formal press conference
>middle aged man
>blond dyed hair
This nigga serious?
Cheers user. At the very least they'll be talking about it.
Fuck that, monsters like him deserve medieval deaths filled with long drawn out torture, can the nips bring back boiling? Let him slowly boil feet first to death or bring back bamboo sticks
in 20 minutes then
that's not it idiot
holy shit guys, we will post the link to the livestream when it begins
Shut the fuck up you cunt
Either way, it's just ~18 minutes again.
Yes. Prepare your tissues 20 minutes from now.
This got me feeling sad.
Are there any comfy firefighter animes?
Definitely looks like something related to the incident, but doesn't really look like a press conference. But I'm probably completely wrong.
Not anymore.
That doesn't say press conference.
>dishonest animation anime will get dishonest sales number because of emotional audiences thanks to this out-of-series event
I don't know how to feel about this.
I’ve been a prolific /pol/ poster for years and that is not a /pol/ opinion.
The typical /pol/ opinion is that people should be employed on merit alone and not gender.
Women are often good at drawing, so it’s not SJW bullshit to have an animation company full of them.
/pol/ is generally bigger weebs than Yea Forums because /pol/ likes both Japanese anime and Japanese racism.
It's not about KyoAni.
It's a comedian who's being forced to retire because of a scandal.
That's a different scandal user see
get fucked sales thread idiot
Why is he crying?
Now I'm invested in these guys. What are they crying about?
Hollywood fears the anime
Jews fear the samurai
Seelöwe Drei on Israel can't come soon enough
That's not TV Asahi.
About that
I'm kind of curious as to how you imagine progress to and in modern medicine occurred and occurs.
>whelp this whole "inoculation" gig works only once a blue moon and is making people sick with other shit left and right, time to pack it up boys, smallpox strong, god wills it
How do we stop the incel crisis?
>In rural areas it's usually better than in the cities
Damn. And of fucking course the city folks accuse the rural folks of being evil.
People died.
The description doesn't sound like a press conference. Just another news commentator program.
Stop spoonfeeding you retard
This is fake, retards.
I've got my box right next to a 6-pack. It's gonna be a long night Yea Forums.
Based but I'd need to know who his favorite 2D idol is.
maybe his butt hurts?
Since this isn't it on NTV, what is happening for both of these guys to be crying? Did I miss another tragedy?
He got caught being involved with the yakuza and fucking idols.
I just hope that wasn't dirty money he was trying to get rid of.
The fuck was that cat evangelion thing
>forced to retire
more like his life is over as he will now be treated as a pariah
Well what is it then???
Why's he crying if he got to bang a lot of hot chicks?
anyone that likes Anime but not Bushido is a giant faggot.
I wish I could put you inside that building moments before the arson.
>nyaa nyaa nyaa to eva theme
this is what I needed
Adorable you deranged asshole.
What's his problem?
Doesn't actually start for another 15 minutes according to
Listen to Cromartie High sensei.
>Japan Fire Killed Mostly Rip-Off Merchants,
>at a Studio Known for Hiring Them
This one is Asahi logo. That's not them, I think?
Nobody gives
I'm not saying it wasn't cute
Its been a while since I've actually touched /pol/, I guess it must have been the Yea Forumstards trying to act political instead shoving their shit everywhere? It's never easy to tell nowadays
Batte Cat mobage collab with NGE
Some comedian got caught having ties to the Yakuza (protip: "Antisocial organization" in Japan = Yakuza)
his life is over, he performed a comedy routine for the yakuza, so now he is shunned forever
I mean, that's pretty much what publicly humiliated and forced to retire means in Japan....
They're comedians being forced into retirement I think. I'm not that well versed with Japanese mainstream entertainers.
I sure am
Watch the conference be NOTHING.
>Jews fear the samurai
imperial japan was very pro-zionist and saved thousands of jews during the war though
career is over, supposedly a couple were underage
by killing incels.
ITT faggots baiting each other
>dishonest animation
fuck you
Not this week.
I hope Kyoani recovers just to spite the murderer.
It's just announcement of the perp's true name.
>Tv tokyo have golf right now
Should I get some rum for this?
Mesa bang lotta idols mesa get trouble
>Japan Fire Killed Mostly Japanese
>at a Studio Known for Hiring Them
Asahi is channel 5
I think thats them
read the kanji ypu EOP fuck 朝日 is asahi
I'm literally shaking
>3 years later
>studio finally recover
>new project announce
>FREE season 4
I'll get my Death Note
Personally I hope they recover because its people's livelihoods but maybe that's just me
Schizophrenia is a complex disease, meaning that the pathogenesis is always a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Compared to other complex diseases, schizophrenia has a rather moderate genetic component as shown by twin studies and later genome-wide association studies. Moreover, there are few Mendelian syndromes that mimic schizophrenia, meaning that there is no single definitive causal "schizophrenia gene". Environmental factors that contribute to this disease include
Heavy, traumatic birth
Low birth weight
Very early childhood trauma (parental separation, sexual trauma etc.)
Early social isolation
and many more which are disputed
source: molecular geneticist with 3 published articles on complex diseases in journals with an impact factor
>turn on tv
>its sumo
Shit that commercial was just shown on stream. Now it's a bunch of guys dancing.
PSA - If you are planning to give Kyoani sympathy sales, please make sure you are least buying merch/BDs for their actually good shows and not the garbage ones.
Can you not read the simplest of Kanji?
Well fuck. Maybe the Yakuza will hire him as some sort of PR guy or drug runner.
It's a fucking bloodbath, why isn't anyone cutting the feed?
please user, keep us updated from your tv schedule
nah man, not happening
Kanji is hard nigga
>Working with the Yakuza
Deserved desu
Safe bet for a recovering studio. KyoAni will probably go for easy cash grabs and I"m all for it.
Is yakuza like the jews of Japan? Everytime some prominent faggot is on their organization, he always gets lynched
Age of consent in Japan is already low, so they must have been really underage.
FREE? more like FIREE
that guy is a massive youtuber in Japan
TV Tokyo always has golf on if it's happening. The US Open always mean no Kamen Rider that week, for instance. Ac
they have 3 other studios.
Any updates?
I'll buy Musaigen Phantom World goods just for you.
Wait, you're right. Sorry.
damn the japs are retarded
Who is the guy everywhere on the news?
I can't believe the conference was a lie
Why was there such a huge shitstorm when Free was first announced anyway?
this is from a different fire, right?
Who exactly is this guy, and which girls did he coerce?
it's like a mexican cartel except more intelligent and more prepared
I will buy all of them and you can't stop me.
Then they get burnt one more time.
New Anime when ?
you're seiyuufu
Why are Kyoanifans, especially VEG fans SO damn aggressive?
You've always been like this since forever especially during Winter 2018
Like they've ever made any garbage ones.
I mean, KnK was kind of meh, and I'm not in the target demo for Free!, but they've never made anything that was really shit.
Otakus don't want to see male-based fanservice.
>Enen no Shouboutai (Fire Force)
>Due to the Kyoto Animation arson attack on July 18, 2019, Episode 3, which was originally scheduled to air on July 19, 2019, was postponed.
I see, thank you
it's the yakuza, they kidnap 13 year olds and turn them into sex slaves
This guy is having a breakdown
There is no press conference you fucking idiots. I'll take a couple of days until a list is published.
I'll buy Violent Evergarden, then.
This dude is about two minutes away from actually committing seppuku.
Everything they've made this decade has been trash.
Yea well I love it. It was truly the most artful tv anime ever. The amount of autistic hate it gets is fucking absurd.
I'd be happier if you started Kanji drilling but apology accepted.
They ought to, cartels give a few peanuts to randoms, some more peanuts to the police and their job is done.
There's not going to be a conference
It was stated to the victims families to give them a week to investigate the scenario
Comedian guy who got a lot of money for performing at a yakuza private event thing and eventually got caught and fired, I think he's retiring now.
>this fucking stream
Why the fuck does Tibet grow fucking vultures
whats this mean?
Waifufags triggered that KyoAni had betrayed them by pandering to fujos.
The text says stuff about kyoani and 33 people, it all matches up sadly
>Press conference announces they were secretly working on Haruhi S3
>All materials now lost
>Project cancelled
again, that sounds like just another news commentary program instead of an actual press conference from kyoani
>It was truly the most artful tv anime ever.
It's okay that it touched you on a personal level, but please don't lie like that.
It's a little funny how as a result of all that's happened, a bunch of gaijins suddenly know about this random entertainer's sex scandal which never would have happened otherwise.
I still want to know who he banged, though.
Amaburi was this decade, so I already know you're full of shit.
I think digital stuff can still be bought. This was the link.
Because KyoAni basically "betrayed" us by pandering to the fujoshits.
the yakuza is a bit more complicated than your immigrant gang, they aren't stealing granny's bag for crack money, or shooting each other for territory control. it's more of a private bank with a nomercy rule.
Mobsters who stuck their dick into everything and tried to use their dicks to swordfight other governments as well.
So it's basically the mob. Except these guys never struck a deal with the American government as far as we know
I buy them from their shop or at least any other retailer that isn't Amazon
I even saw nips tweeting about not buying from Amazon due to how little profit they would make
That looks good. And its not CG either like what Ufotable would do. Which is why its good.
Is that the heroic employee?
What channel?
>apology drama show with big dudes crying like little girls
Traditional Japanese activity, everyone watching is enjoying this with popcorn. Everyone is making fun of Hiroyuki quasi-acting while trying to explain things
Any names out yet, outside of the young animator and Moe Toyota?
Wait, is the "rage on" thing real?
God, shut the fuck up already, it's been days, if you're not a kyoani fan or don't give a shit about what happened get fucking lost with your low tier shitposts.
takemoto fucking died
aqstream com/jp/ntvn/NTV-News24
No, the employee turned into ashes and Buddha himself scooped up his ashes to scatter into Heaven's Winds.
How long until a seiyuu breaks radio silence?
They fucked kids?
>turn on asahi
>fuccbois reality tv
>the amount of autists that hate it is absurd
People hate it because of anons running around acting superior and claiming it's a work of gods. It's visually stunning but not always the best in other departments and yet everyone gets it shoved down their throats all the time on threads
Cute and funny. What a lucky guy.
>and Moe Toyota?
Stop with this. There's no evidence that she was there.
Roughly translate to OP is a faggot
Toei, there's a lot of spics mad at them because of the netflix Saint Seiya.
Or, alternatively, you could just refrain from making asinine statements.
the pleasure of being cummed inside
Incels who think everything should be targeted at them.
With a water bottle? Brutal.
So is it gonna be Asahi or NTV?
There was no rage over Free, only the faggots here were the ones raging.
Japanese Trump wanted to put Kyoani material in museum before but Japanese Hillary stopped it and now everything is gone (liberal translation)
This sticky isn't even about KyoAni anymore.
That's why:
so is Aso Trump or
They don't have their tongues out though
I miss watching things live. I really need to learn Japanese.
c'mon user this is serious
srry user, no idea
Where are you from? Not the country, the site.
Memorial at Toyosato (K-ON! School)
>naruto running
Been gone for the past 12 hours. Any updates?
It's anime of the Decade. The most impressive tv anime of all time. RIP, hard working Kyoani staff who where murdered.
She's doing the naruto run!
>Japanese Hillary
More like Japanese Biden, but yeah.
He's already keeping himself safe.
With that kind of headline any normalfag will automatically assume that the perpetrator was a misogynist who set the studio on fire in order to stop Kyoani or any other animation studio from hiring women.
What a shitty news site, I bet a lot of western ones did the same thing.
Any confirmed popular people that died?
The guy was raped and then shot in nip prison.
I fucking hate anime but I feel for you bros. Always sucks to have something you love torn down right in front of you.
Yeah DESU this is actually pretty funny.
> and Adyghe people, in which they put the corpse in a hollow tree trunk.[8][9]
so what happens to the building?
if they tear it down and rebuild I don't think the anyone is going to be able to work in an environment with such bad juju
Its just boring melodrama with a weak MC, and I say that as someone who enjoyed Hyouka.
Fuck off back to your containment board.
Seriously, stop. We're all fans, but you're taking it way too far.
I pray that no more bad things will happen. I'm about to pass out, I can't stick around to see the names of the deceased any longer.
Preach it brother.
Supposedly they're going to start naming victims soon, but right now nothing
Send him to Kyoani office barbecue
Veg is fucking boring dude
I might have to ironically say now that VEG was indeed AotD because of this whole debacle. It doesn't make sense, but it feels right.
Who has video of KyoAni president talking. I watched it briefly on TV but was busy earlier.
Yea Forums is not a containment board.
I have a better question. Why are autistic anime haters so fucking enraged that kyoani made a beautiful work of art????? The amount of irrational hate and trolling it gets so absurd and unnatural.
Did the latest Hyouka lns get translated? Havent kept up with it
They started the moeshit craze, they were amongst the pioneers of the yaoishit craze.
They're the equivalent of the pioneers of lootboxes and open world in gaming if you will.
The Notre Dame fire was pretty tame compared to this.
Shonen-tier action on a fairly realistic setting is fucking retarded.
Every western news site went with that angle
How long have you fucks been in this thread?
>I fucking hate anime
Why are you here then?
Its called the failing New York Times for a reason. Sad!
Fuck you
Ultra soul!
Man, I miss 8-Bit Theater.
Link for the stream? I'm just back, please!
That wasn't even the original headline either. It was changed from "At Kyoto Animation, Women Were Central. When It Burned, They Paid the Price."
You're having a lot of fun, aren't you?
You're fucking retarded.
An hour so far. I just got done watching my wife get fucked and now I'm here.
Anyone who hates VEG is a Spicshonenshitter.
So VEG will be Kigami's last project
Sad to think
All day
Forty thousand posts and counting.
Another death, 5 of the people found dead didn't die due to the smoke as they first thought, and Kyoani's president is considering making a park where the building is right now.
>tfw I went all the way there to write "[name] is a fag" on the blackboard
Feels good, man.
user, it's okay. Just go to sleep for now.
Here's a famous bar fire occuring in real time. Count the seconds from the whistle to where the camera catches the shot of the inferno:
Also note the bottleneck effect. Fire is very unforgiving. Three breaths of smoke and you are delerious and unconscious.
20 mins
Because I liked FMP and Clannad and I felt sorry for them. I haven't cared for anything they did since then, though. I think I didn't even watch Haruhi S2 but it's possible I dropped it at one point and never looked back because I was never a big fan of Haruhi to begin with.
Bless this man
Hyouka got pretty good after the first arc. I think it was the early eps that turned people off it.
Any news about the conference? Link to channel or something?
That's alot of dead 11's
Why are people with mental health issues allowed to run around freely again?
Long enough to watch this guy prostrate himself on live television to apologize for having sex with a bunch of young girls
It's the truth. There has never been a more impressive tv anime.
Since before it started. Work was slow and I took today off.
Because autists on the other side of the "conflict" act like you, shoving it down everyone's throats and saying it's the best thing in the world all the time. Not everyone hates VEG but they can easily come to hate the people parading it around
There’s no conference
What? Are they saying "It was raysis again wymin!" or some stupid shit?
This is why the West is in decline, they care about factionalism instead of just not giving a fuck and going about their days.
all day
>civil war
If you don't live here don't say anything that will never happen.
>asahi is just the idol fucker as well
translation please
>more idolfucking on asahi
>It's the same as NTV
user you lied to me
Press conference will start in 26 minutes right?
They're on the same shit as NTV was on.
I avoided the sticky at first since happening stickies are always absolute clusterfucks but at this point all day.
Okay user, I'm glad it made you as happy as it did.
Quick question
I haven't kept up with Kyoani for a while, maybe since K-ON, so what current anime are getting cancelled that they were working on?
>if you remotely praise anything kyoai do you must be a studiofag
This is some of the biggest cancer plaguing Yea Forums right now.
which idols have these guys fucked
What's the theory on the motive now? LN?
fuck you
Asahi is just showing regular newscast. Go to sleep guys there's no press conference.
>I fucked idol lolis and I'm sorry
your mum
>idolfucker on asahi
wtf Yea Forums?
all of them
no, they said "the pleasure of being cummed inside"
Haruhi S2 was just 4-5 extra episodes. Should've been released as BD remaster bonus or some shit.
Fact: All Kyoani arson victims were Isekai'd into the Cats movie
I don't know, I liked shit like Versailles no Bara, and VEG is valium.
Because Japan has a severe problem with anybody that doesn't fit with the working ant mentality, so they put them on the "dole" and stash them away hoping they never resurface and are content with watching chinese cartoons and play pachinko until they die.
"The fire was my idea all along. Please rape my face"
Conferenceposters are fags
There is no conference, it’s just usual news which has a segment about he perp’s true name or something. user lied to us all.
the pleasure of cumming inside 12 years old yakuza sex slaves
>irrational hate and trolling it
You VEG fans ruined the threads of my favorite anime nonstop for years. and also actively trying to ruin other anime threads as well.
Nobody likes VEG and their fans. piss off.
thanos happened
Your mother is boring.
Maybe he's crying because he ran out of idols to fuck
20th Century Catalog , Maid Dragon presumably, and the Hibike continuation
maid dragon s2, some veg shit, some free shit, some euph shit.
If you're blind maybe. I love it and have seen it 6 times.
>I hate anime but I like a few anime
Does not liking every show that comes out mean hating anime now?
You Mizuno
A hundred maybe more
This is the last time I believe that fucker.
>so they put them on the "dole" and stash them away hoping they never resurface and are content with watching chinese cartoons and play pachinko until they die.
That sounds based. Based Japan.
>go to Asashi
>its about the typhoon
fuck you user
>They were banging underage idols
>From 12 to 16 years old
>Exact number isn't being released
Jesus fucking christ
who are these japchads?
Franxx = yorimoi = yurucamp >>>>>>>>>>VEG
2018 winter everyone
Worth it
Kousaka Honoka
hey nigger why don't you experiment with gasoline inside your house?
First barisaku and now conferences... is this the famous fake news real life humans are talking about?
Because of some people who think that ALL bad people can be redeemed.
cute and funny idols mmmmnnn
Two days almost nonstop I think. Put an alarm to wake up 4am for the conference but woke up 3am and here I am.
Don't reply to user who shitpost about Violet Evergarden; they're contrarians, not critics, automatons who reflexively repeat words like 'melodrama' or 'sentimental' without understanding what they mean or even why they're using them.
We don't know for sure.
We know that the Violet Evergarden movie is safe.
What might be lost (if they made progress on it):
20 Seiki Denki Mokuroku
a Free! movie
also a lot of the archives
>Franxxfag trying to worm into this
Oh no you don't fucker
So should I fap and go to sleep or stay tuned for the news? Really falling sleep here.
You people can't even agree on if your country's borders should even exist anymore. Pretty sure most civil wars start when no one can agree on a universal identity.
"They expected one of us at the wreckage. And so here I am."
From the summary it looks like it's gonna be another VEG though.
based quads
There's no conference. Go to bed anons.
there's no conference user
Is it true that there were Hibike! VAs in the building that day? If any of them got toasted I wouldn't be surprised if it got flat-out cancelled
>Youngest idol to be molested was 12 years old
Yeah, he's fucking done
Why did I laugh at that pic.
Windows wallpaper?
>yorimoi = yurucamp = colors >>>>>>>>>>VEG = franxx
>windows XP background
where the fuck is it written on news? I only got he got a million yen illegally and shit.
Nothing we know of.
Everything announced was already in studio 2 and 5. They might have had some sequels or originals in the works for years that now will never see the light of day.
Go to sleep, user. Nothing important is showing at the moment and the name list won’t pop up for at least another few days.
glad I'm not american and only 6 hours behind nippon
Who's in the what now? What the fuck is going on?
They are asian, so...
>tfw I always have to delete the _p0 and add _big since they changed filename standards
ocd is suffering
Shit you think after getting burned by literally everything that could burn them they created a better system of fire safety
Kek, that's what I thought it was before I expanded it.
So the doujins are real?, how many are sex slaves?
Welp and I was going to stay up late just because of that.
I don't hate anybody, I'm not a petty cunt. When I don't like something, when something goes in a different direction I simply move on and stop caring. Gaming has been dead to me for a decade, that doesn't mean I want companies to burst into flames, I simply don't care.
Im jealous
Unlikely. Voice recording happens in Tokyo.
Look up spiritus tarou's doujin on idolmaster
TV channel that people were saying had the conference actually has some comedian admitting to getting a bunch of underage idol cunny
>2 windows
Really Japan?
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Do you mean he'll demolish the building and make a park?
Guess there'll be a link up soon. And that some directors will be named.
that's hot
Be safe bro.
I dunno user, in the way you put it.....
Nobody said "drama", many said "boring.
I'd wait for 20 minutes still
there might be just one section dedicated
It's all ogre now.
what a legend
Because we don’t know what to do with them and killing them is morally wrong
>Get these freakin' ants off of me they're all over the place oh god
Gee billy, TWO windows?
CG got good loli
i wish that were me
I'm sure he doesn't regret it
An Amendment was made to make it illegal. Also if their was a civil war 2 North would whoop South's ass again.
If you look at the top left of the image, it looks as if this is just a flat wall and there's nothing behind it.
All according to keikaku.
>be unhealthily obsessed
I don't wanna end like you, thanks for the warning.
WHO was? The yakuza, someone at KyoAni, NHK? Who?
Preproduction, some here said their studios for major current shit was elsewhere.
Just more proof that reality is unfair.
>39023 posts and 5916 images omitted
Holy shit
Fuck off faggot. I know that shit.
Go watch Kansai Enkou, newfag.
Wow what a fucking world I tell ya.
No shit. I'm already awake anyway, might just take this time to shitpost.
The only rumor is that there were VAs in the building, but nothing beyond that. Tomoyo Kurosawa hasn't been on the internet and fans are worried, that's all I know.
TV asashi is saying something
So this is all part of the coverup, right?
Good goyim
Nah. The animators worked extremely hard on that project. It's Kyoani's best work. Evergarden had more work put into it than any other tv anime and it looks better than most movies. I greatly respect and appreciate what they did especially considering how lazily most seasonal anime are produced. This is the gold standard what anime productions dream of being.
Goddamn but Japanese news is better than ours.
my dick doesn't even reach the middle of tenga's stimulation chamber
Asahi mentioning kyoani
imagine how many of those are still tight
It's a irrelevant comedian who got caught fucking underage idols.
It's completely unrelated to the KyoAni thing right now.
So the guy that was crying and sounded like some anime mc during a tragedy was actually admitting he's a pedo or am I mixing conferences?
did nothing wrong
the arsonist is being transferred to another hospital, that's all.
starting on asahi
Maidragon S2 was not gonna be made by Kyoani.
they look young for longer?
Hell yeah.
>I stayed up for nearly 4 AM because of this
that's kinda hot
what a cute and funny image
>2 windows
I'm getting claustrophobic just looking at this
It's about Aoba Shinji's getting transported to another hospital.
And right now they're getting on who's his identity.
>literally says 過去の
>translate as "past and present"
Western journalism.
"Present at the studio" doesn't mean everything the company owns.
it's just 'cos he got some 12yo and many other underaged idols to fuck with him
is this the largest Yea Forums sticky ever?
the names, mr. hennessy
Short break
It's here
Why can't they let them leave flowers in peace goddamn.
>TV station
>literally stalking
TV ASAHI only shows the faggots' latest condition of being moved to different hospital
I like how an user (probably) lying to us managed to get a good percentage of people interested in some loli idol fucking scandal.
>You VEG fans ruined the threads of my favorite anime nonstop for years.
what anime? becuase i never do this.
no pics = didn't happen
>went to commercials
The first sticky was the fastest sticky in Yea Forums history apparently. Even compared to 2016 Elections on /pol/
So are we having a press conference now? Or is this just a re-cap of everything that's happened so far
Just like me, you were gonna stay up until 4 a.m. anyway and you know it.
It's just another news commentary guys. the only new development is the arsonist is being transferred to another hospital.
Did they just cut to commercials in the middle of the news?
>shitkaku complex
Based, totally worth it.
All pedo anons will die in their sleep tonight
don't worry, they have big LED TVs playing camera feeds to the outside for where the other windows are missing
I was gonna stay up regardless because I'm a whore for up-to-date information on situations such as this.
why not, it's been a dull 12 hours, i'll take it
I wish it was Yea Forums related, think of the OC.
That means the segment is over.
You guys are a bunch of paparazzi fools.
so why don't you get off and give the rest of the folks your bandwidth? we'll tell you about it later if they actually give any new info
Not even a pedo, but I hope I get affected by your wish too.
Most likely recap and right now they're reporting the current condition of the building.
Imagine being a doctor of a biggest mass murderer since WW2.
its the biggest thing to happen to the anime industry ever, this is the equivalent of CD Project Red getting car bombed.
That wasn't live, it was from earlier.
he's caught
that's old footage of him telling everything was destroyed
Just woke up . Anythings new?
nah, just pedophiles
I would be scared to attend him if I were that jap
Ah shit back to fuccbois conference news again
No the guys dicks fit in more places.
You might want to be very careful, because oxygen is flammable and hospitals have plenty.
Now this got me in the mood of some idol prostitution doujins
Link me up some good ones
this stream sucks, is there a better one somewhere?
Are they just showing some random novels?
Here's hoping they have to amputate each of his limbs one by one
god willing he gets some good old anesthesia awareness too
Source nigga
>talking about arsonist again
They really want copycats, huh.
Unexpectedly tuning in to this piece of shit trying to defend himself molesting girls actually somehow is funny and helps to cope. This sure is weird.
what happened to his hair
Holy shit they're at his folks' house.
Translate it weebs
they're just diving into the background of this schizo fuck right now. feel free to stick around to play pretend FBI profiler and shit. but they aint gonna give you any news from KyoAni
I just love rich and popular girls getting fucked. Give me links of that too.
cute clothes.
I wish.
how many lasting bullshit stories are going to spun from this one thread?
it's come to the point that even just posting an image of some japanese guy on TV looking sad can convince just about everyone here of the worst shit imaginable.
To be fair, the chinks really love VEG and kyoani.
I really have no idea how VEG resonate with them.
Pretty sure searching Love Live would give you a plenty
Americans aren't all Jews.
More work for them.
Go to Yea Forums if you want to have a pedophile circlejerk
The conference is a shame treatment, these fools are fucking finished after this. They might end up killing themselves. This is actually more interesting than the Kyoani stuff since they're breaking down of why they did it and how it happened. Reporters are grilling them too.
Usually these things are done as forgiveness to the public and restore some honor but it's a wrap for them.
I mean most of the victims were godamn 12 to 14, some were 16.
Producers caught banging underage idols, really bad shit. This is a shame conference for their actions
That's a KA novel while talking about the faggot arsonist's reasons so no, it's not random.
Its the least japanese centric
you're a waifu half empty kinda of person huh?
I like you
always hate when the media drags the family of victims/perpetrators into the spotlight for god knows what reason
>Waifu epidemic is detroying japanese birth rates
Of course they would want that
got burned
>shamefur dispray
>not going directly to jail
Stream is dead.
>I mean most of the victims were godamn 12 to 14, some were 16.
didn't you know that with great diddling, come great consequences?
What happened is a tragedy but dont you guys start thinking VEG is a good show out of pity.
Who took screenshots of door slot with papers slips sticking out?
It's when you comb your hair that way since 1973 so the head goes "guess I can spare the trouble of growing hair in between"
>Being EOP
God i fucking hate CNN. They just have to shoe horn some bullshit political thing in the light of a recent tragedy that has FUCK ALL to do with that shit.
>This press conference for the pedo producers
Man this is brutal
What's more retarded: Nip media or burger media?
That was the news before it returned to Kyoani.
>link is offline
with the conference and the exposition they are good as dead
But they're still going to jail right? I mean, walk of shame aside it's still statutory rape and basically a pedo trafficking ring so they should really be directed to their cells as soon as physically possible.
damn that's rough
Stop trying to rile people up and start shit here. Man why can't you edgelords just fuck off.
>you will never be an idol producer
Isn't Jap age of consent 13?
Not pedophillia technically then.
Go back to sleep
dont have fun of me
It's Japan. They shame you so that you go and commit honorable seppuku and the state doesn't have to pay to house you in prison.
You missed out on a lot. There's an infographic chart someone posted connecting all the dots. It's all related.
Wasnt there actually a guy from the UN who wanted Japan to ban loli but later it was revealed that he molested a little girl?
Burger media, they are on a league of their own.
Morning everyone, sorry if I'm rehashing anything but are the any new developments?
that headline is complete bullshit as well, anime is probably one of the few industries that employs as many women as men in japan
We got baited by news of a press conference. Turns out that conference was actually for a massive scandal involving this popular comedian over there.
Yeah they're going to jail after this, this is just a shame conference for them, release their guilt.
Nip media: stalking parents and neighbors for juicy tabloid leads.
Western media:
>shame pedo into suicide
>keep 1995 mass murderer in prison for 23 fucking years
yes, Japan has the "if her age is on the clock, she's too young for the cock" rule
but one of them was 12
it's over, the producer didn't check the clock
Okay, this is epic.
Not 12
we're watching a conference about a comedian? being a pedo by fucking a lot of underaged Idols
Why's idol industry still legal again? the entire industry is basically just a huge excuse for execs to have sex with underage kids trying to go big.
Eat shit
They are not going to release any info about KyoAni today, they know fuck-all.
Basically nothing, user.
Not exactly. It's complicated. The short answer is that in most prefectures it's higher than that.
do you really have to do this so many times in one sticky
you're boring
Rolling sticky, newfriend. Now go back to r/anime.
They were just known for being """progressive"""
>being EOP
>also have to rely on streams rather than watching live on japs TV
their age of consent is now at 16 since 2013
He's breaking down again
>imagine being the first exec to fuck maki
>Look, I posted it again!
user-kun, denwa
they used to make very good character design, it's easy to imagine very good cunnies on them, it's to reminisce their past and recent glory
How long are they gonna roast him? This is brutal.
Aw, does watching something loved by millions become even more loved anger you?
Does babby want people to stop liking what he doesn't like?
Man, there was no Kyoani conference, but his underage idol-fucking scandal really help giving my worrying mind a little rest. Was this all part of user’s master plan?
I mean it's a good thing that Kyoani will get the support, nothing wrong with that. People just shouldn't lower their standards is all, idk why the show is so overrated anyway.
It's just murder not terrorism
They're transporting the arsonist to another hospital. This is probably for the survivors' safety and his own.
i swear, this is the samefag baiting every 4 hours for the past 2 days
>le bugmen xd
Go away, it's obvious you're not from this board.
Say some shit to make your daughter laugh then slaughter the ass
they were waiting for the last guy to be caught, just to make sure they had everyone
Just a bunch of morons here writing about completely irrelevant and nonexistent shit.
Something like that.
>consent 13
Nah dude that shit changed
It's legal because people involved in law making also fuck those underaged idols
I believe it's rather more of a chicken first or egg first kind of question.
Maki I love you!
He deserves to be humiliated to death
>The typical /pol/ opinion is that people should be employed on merit alone and not gender.
>on merit alone
until he kills himself
Only gay or castrated people should be idol producers.
Feels like de ja vu hearing this shit again
Not women?
what's his name again?
Keep that shit in Yea Forums, please.
Those who aren't wish they could die for them
I'm jelly
very very jelly
imagine a roast conference for the arsonist too.
what do you ask?
user-kun, denwa.
He only was a footfag, no one said that he put his dick in some kid
God, western """women""" are so ugly
the mass murderer is obviously shameless then, stoopid
i already said spiritus tarou
Dan "Done" Schneider
>And his own
Nah, they're gonna let him get burned alive without risking more KyoAni deaths
>guaranteed replies: the post
Fuck you, you're literally soulless. Only a sumhuman like that can say what you did.
wtf? the arsonist also banged underage idols!?!?
the idea of that makes me DIAMONDS
What the fuck producer kun
Oh boy I can't wait for all the doujinshi
>real life ugly bastard doujin
There was a lot of weird shit I was ready to wake up to, but an idol sex ring scandal was not one of them
women can be gay
How does it feel that your job wasn't even worth to be plagirized?
haha this is new an original
>this was all actually a government conspiracy for japan to stop anime
>backfires now everyone thinks japan is full of incels, ruining their plans to make japan look perfect for the 2020 olympics
>if her age is on the clock, she's too young for the cock
>in Japan all you have to do to get yourself lots of cunny is become an idol producer
No user, the idea that /pol/ thinks merit holds priority over NOT having women, faggots, niggers, Muslims, etc. in the workplace is laughable.
yes, yes he did
they are 3d undeveloped asian blackhaired kids, pass
Until he realized he should've killed himself before pouring that gasoline
shut the fuck up carly was my waifu in my teens
That would only make good sense if he wasn't mentally ill and was capable of realizing the full brevity of his actions
Captain Obvious trying to shoehorn in some politics, I see. Fucking disgusting.
Zoey 101...
1000+ post within 20min for a conference about nothing.
>women as idol producers
>gay men as idol producers
It is not as common, but please think of the shota
AI should be idol producers
Perfect way to make Yea Forums forget its sadness for a moment.
oh shit forgot to quote
I hope Kyoani otakus go ballistic senpai
>Hiroyuki "Born an 11, fucked at 12" Miyasako
Just woke up. What's all this about idols?
good change desu
It's literally KHK. The spammer is a full on lunatic.
Fucking KEK
>almost 3 days later
>no info on takemoto
In case no one has heard, it looks like the rumors of all of Studio 1's assets being not saved off-site and destroyed are true. However, I've seen comments saying that, what specific materials lost hasn't been confirmed, and the most valuable assets ie: irreplaceable key frames, concept art, character sheets, and digital reels of past projects were kept in other locations and studios, however I cannot confirm the validity of that theory.
Also, the ages of the victims have been released. Their ages range from 20 to 61. The numbers are: 20s: 15 people, 30s: 11 people, 40s: 6 people, and 60s: 1 person
Many people believe the person over the age of 60 is most likely be Yoshiji Kigami. However, that has yet to be officially confirmed by authorities.
I hope he goes the same way Kira went.
Mods better not ban me for this, but I'm too sad and angry to care anymore, fuck this piece of shit.
>Thread always repeat the same shit and we keep getting baited into false reports
We're in the endless eight arc right?
Its not related to Kyoani but an idolmaster banged underage idoru even for Japan standards and got found out.
>writes one expert
i can only imagine who this "expert" is
Japan's national age of consent is 13, but every single prefecture set the age of consent to 18. So the Japanese age of consent is really 18.
We are talking about fucking underaged idol here
Oh shit, user stop
Fuck American "journalism"
Trolling EOPs that are trying to watch the news.
Man this shit really hits home how much loli ain't cute and funny when it's irl
The national AoC is overridden by prefecture AoC
>Kyoto Animation studio: Destruction is a terrible loss for both humanity and art
The headline is fine. The tweet is clickbait.
Literally everyone here knows these things but I guess that's the nature of Endless Eight.
If you drew this, that's pretty good.
They're basically asking them "What made you abuse your power like this?", "What went through your heads?".
how many loli eromanga is this man going to spawn?
I don't speak japanese who is this guy why is he sad
This. Worse than ACK ever was.
It's not like they were gonna keep working on whatever they had in that studio. Half the staff is gone, the other half out of commission indefinitely. Might as well move on.
Wow, you're good.
The arsonist molested underage girls, yeah I'm sure he was completely evenhanded with women and there was definitely no possibility that his actions had any basis with his callous treatment of the opposite sex.
Remember where you are, people ITT are laughing about the arsonist and calling him "based". I don't know if you are actually upset about this CNN article but you come across as mentally retarded for what you choose to react to.
Dan "the man with the plan" Schneider
>At least people in the U.S. have something resembling survival instinct
too bad it doesn't stop a cunt up in a hotel window in vegas from just fucking rambo-ing you nerds into the ground
Damn he actually drew it.
Nice work user
How long until an obsessed fan stabs the fucker?
That's why I keep responding to those bait posts with the denwa line.
>government wanting to stop anime
But if there's no anime, what will Abe use to motivate hikkis into leaving their room to go hiking/camping/lifting and most importantly breeding like rabbits?
9/10 bait
Absolutely wonderful and based
>The arsonist molested underage girls
Are you retarded?
>worse than ACK
B a s e d
/pol/ it's time for your meds.
Someone post this on Futaba.
hey, getting shot at isn't an inherently educational activity
This thread became Endless Eight incarnate. Same posts everyday.
Fuck off pedo
What's this about idols?
God I hope no one bites this bait, especially news outlets.
i second this
He's not wrong about the USA, and any country parroting the USA sucks just as much.
Anyone knows the hospital Shinji aoba transported to?? Someone sent it there and address it for him
You're pretty good. The best part is we all know it may end up looking like this at some point. I hope they just let him hang, instead of instantly breaking his neck.
Jesus, how do we not know who died yet? I wish they'd release the names so we can properly mourn and move on. :/
damn, why don't they have cloud backup
What's this about cunny
If you have knowledge of how a hospital works, it shouldn't be too hard to dress up as a nurse, waltz in, stab him in the jugular with a drawn syringe and squeeze air into it, giving the arsonist an air embolism which is likely to result in somewhat painful and certain death
here's hoping he sees this
Is this traced
God I hope someone bites this bait, especially news outlets.
Go read what netflix said about interracial couples not being marketable.
Do you have one single,solitary, individual fact that ACK exists? Didn’t think so.
>that studio
Kyoani are now "that studio". The studio that made the most impressive tv anime are now "that studio", the studio that paved the way for paying animators proper salaries are now "that studio".
I cant..
Hire this user.
so who did the japanese press treat worse, those pedos are this rude bitch?
How about you move on, and never come back here again.
Imagine being an idolfag and knowing your idol was fuced by the producer
the pleasure of cumming inside for the latter
Is anyone else seeing repeating posts in this thread?
>this thread has turned into Yea Forums
Welp, this is as good as time as any to get off this ride.
Corpses burnt so badly they need dental records to identify, it takes time.
Life imitates art
I see. I'll just come back later if you guys will misbehave like this.
nips can't into technology
1. You can't just blindly say "everyone missing is dead". It is unprofessional and sounds like you're a very lazy cop.
2. Charred bodies are hard to identify. Dental records take time to identify.
3. They usually release names to public after funerals out of respect for the victims.
I don't trace, it's pure hatred and sorrow.
Japan is very anal about picking up technology if they're not the ones who have perfected it with their own solution.
They still use fax machines.
They don't trust the cloud.
By then he'll look as thin if not thinner than he used to be, a skeleton.
The thread repeats every single talking point every 4 hours or less
I loved how 5ch started meming when the fire started but then started panicing when deaths started being reported.
Not even that. Unless he's under police guard, you could just waltz in as a visitor or just casually walk in and look around.
apparently they're both cute AND funny
If you're going to do that, at least set him on fire.
oh nonononono
Is this the stinky idol Hibiki by any chance? I somehow noticed it started to get stinky on the sticky
>do press conference
>put ads between them
is this why people hate Japanese TV?
Great job. I'm not saving that but good work. Catharsis achieved, partially...
As expected of a train enthusiast.
he's right, unfortunately.
>They don't trust the cloud.
I don't blame them
Well thank you
I appreciated it
that loop on the bg characters never fails to trigger me
suji. I've seen threads on 2chan liking to cunny thraeds on Yea Forums
Same happened here
A lot of people here are literally watching TV news at all times. It's not that crazy.
Lose weight Sean
I never understood how dental record worked won't fire destroy whatever DNA information contained in the tooth root?
Sad but true, ACK would never desecrate a funeral thread. He just cared about board quality and took moderation into his own hands. KHK is a monster.
Idolfags on suicide watch right now
after a week
Got any archived threads?
Nigga this pedo cunny press conference is more interesting right now
My sincere congratulations to the user that successfully bamboozled everyone into watching a press conference about 12 year old idol cunny
Dude it is the same here
It was just a fucking small fire that end up releasing Chernobyl tier smoke suddenly
SHI NEEEE-------!
Nice work sensei!
Oh yeah just burn down the whole hospital, great plan.
It's going to be a while user
They've only completed 5 autopsies
They still have 29 more to go.
Retards, stop getting baited. There's no underage orgy. Before the KyoAni incident happen, the current hot news in Japan was some comedian was asked to performed in a party. Later it was known that the party was actually ran by yakuza. Being associated with yakuza is career suicide.
In a few days probably
There was no press conference in relation to Kyoani
You don't have to store your shit in the cloud, just have backups in your other offices, OK?
Go back to NTV News for HQ version of the pegdo.
Dentists keep dental records of their patients, everyone has different teeth and most people have imperfections like fillings and such, they just ask for the dental records of the people that are assumed to be dead and if they match they identify them.
So we're gonna restart talking about the NHK conspiracy then?
Wow two separate cases of public roasting in the news today, what are the odds?
NTV News24 now!
why are you tryng to summon him? lol stop
Dental records predate DNA techniques by several decades. Every time you go to the dentist, their technician writes down changes to your teeth. Now dental records (how your teeth look like) are by no means 100% unique, but what are the chances that someone else in the region in that exact building had the same dental records? Low.
Absolutely amazing
It's the shape plus records of previous dental work. Think fingerprints.
Who the hell ruins their producer career and social life for Japanese cunny?
They use the actual teeth to identify a dead person by their dental records since teeth can survive high temperatures.
so could you use your katana skills to take down a pedo yakuza
>3. They usually release names to public after funerals out of respect for the victims.
In the case of public figures like directors, I'd say it would better for everyone if they clarify as soon as possible. Otherwise people are just going to be falsely declared dead in wild mass speculation and it'll be hard to get rid of the misinformation entirely once it spreads.
>wake up expecting press conference
>cunny thread
That's pretty good.
I swear to fucking god, you taco bending border hopper, I will end you.
I imagine they have patients who haven't woken up yet and can't confirm their identities because they're either badly burnt or they didn't have any form of identification
Good work. Should've made his face even horrifying with bubbles coming out of his mouth, and eyes rolled backwards just to scare the fucker to death.
user, decency is important but c'mon, money makes the world go around
Yes yes, so you posted in the other thread as well, Carlos.
Really desperate huh?
If you think dental records have anything to do with DNA, then you definitely don't understand how dental records work.
No, dental records allow them to identify people by the specific arrangement of their teeth, fillings, etc., that are likely to be unique to that individual (at least within the pool of possible identifications).
>not making fun of EOP
I like the cunny narrative better
>ads every 5 minutes
based tv
>There's no underage orgy
Oh we know that.
More than just career suicide
They'll probably disappear in suspicious manners now
amazed the nutcase hasn't been permanently range banned already
>This thread right now
>there are ads even on live press conferences
holy shit this is unbelievable. It destroys the mood
fucking asshole
That's an ahegao, user.
Please lock this thread.
It's literally just a few Yea Forums autists spamming their meme word and samefagging.
>Being associated with yakuza is career suicide.
Didn't some guy linked to yakuza work with Kizuna AI? Seems to be doing fine.
it's bakane
Now that Kyoani is dead. Does that mean PA works will hire the remaining Kyoani remnants and carry on the torch?
ty for clarifying
Sasuga drawfriend.
Of course.
Wouldn't you throw your career away for Satania cunny?
fuck off. no. we need to wait for more info
what channel are you watching? NTV News2 has not put an ad since the press conference started
Literally everything in that building was made out of wood. I'm surprised it's still standing.
stream laggy
Haha all those pedophiles were baited
While the idols were ON FIRE
probably every producer ever existed
We wont let Kyoani die. Ever.
It's just how it is over there. They might release a statement before that with explicit permission from their families, but that's uncommon.
Yea Forums is full of pedos. They didn't need much convincing.
No, Deen hire them.
So what happens if you never go to the dentist? Are dental records worthless then? I don't want to sound dickish, but it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of Japanese people have never been to one, for obvious reasons.
Anime factory caught fire huh? Is Pokemon and Manga still alive?
I know people are saying the killer's name shouldn't be released so that that won't be about him and he doesn't get attention. I say fuck that, I want his full details released in hopes that someone Jack Ruby's his ass on the way out of his trial.
>Who the fuck becomes a producer and says "You know what, let me get these underage idols"
Yea Forums
Isn't that fantasy the entire reason why people bought the Idolm@ster games?
Most of those who survived ain't gonna be able to do any animator work user
i feel sick. anime is dead today withut kyoani
ANN is specifically leaving out the words "present at the studio" for clicks.
This is really good, holy shit
Manga is still alive but anime is dead now
>Is Pokemon and Manga still alive?
Unfortunately, Pokemon is still alive
The cops wouldn't dare to disclosure the culprit because people will riot to them.
i cant find shit about this, what is this story called like is there a main person.
Imagine the only way for you to get laid is to do an illegal act and hurt somebody.
I'd still murder every pedo I'd ever find out about, but let's not pretend that they don't have a legitimate motivation. Sex is the ultimate motivator.
They have mandatory regular medical checkups on schools or offices at about once or twice every year, including dental examination.
>virgin kyoanime fans rioting
in your dreams
No, user. It's because I value the business side of things and being able to compose idol units to my liking. Same goes for the original arcade and PS3 games.
>people deserved to get burned alive for no reason
sure, edgy scumbag
Hold. So the "announced press conference" was the press conference was for this guy who had sex with a dozen of tight 12-year-old girls instead of the KyoAni inicident?
If all the KyoAni news is out right now and there won't be updates for a week, what's the point of this sticky?
Should have been light novel desu
man wegot baited
It's funny how Sinatra being associated with the mafia was a running joke during his lifetime in this country, at a time when the government was actively trying to crush the mafia. Yet, in Japan, being associated with the yakuza is career suicide even though the government mostly looks the other way as far as the yakuza goes.
damn I feel retarded, I thought it's extracting the DNA from tissue protected by the teeth or something
Those faggots actually hunted down the culprit family.
I'm assuming not all their employees were in that building.
until we have a list of the deceased and the motive I think we should keep this thread up to prevent other anons from making various threads about this Incident asking for info in the coming weeks
I think they have dental health programs for children at least. If they had any changes then (ex. crooked canine) and never got braces, you could assume that their dental records remained the same.
However, to the best of my knowledge, I think urban Japanese areas have a very high percentage of people going to dentists at least semi-regularly for check-ups.
Enjoy your ban
I want that though, and when the revenge killer is on trial he says YES HE DESERVED TO DIE AND I HOPE HE BURNS IN HELL
We don't know when there will be updates.
Holy fuck. Kyoani haters are so insane they're spamming loli hentai.
Doesn't look like there's gonna be any more news of worth for now.
i started drinking tonight justy to have fun online with frinds but this cam e to mind out of nowhere and now im covered ein tearsd.
it sint fair, why kyoani they didn nothing
This is fucking traced.
Alright, Mr. Hiroyuki this is the last straw.
We will be pulling our ads from this site.
don't do this bro...
It's fine, I think they can also do that.
Someone is trying to get the sticky deleted. Yamenasai.
Eh, I'll just leave for a while and go to church.
He performed at some party that was actually involved with the Yakuza. The orgy stuff is just wild memes
Didn't you ever watch a police movie?
that was fast
Will there be another sticky when names are released?
how you know that
How do you know that
We don't really know when there will be information. Could get more later today or tomorrow. Best to keep it up so all the information is in one place for those concerned.
I'm still stuck between shock and anger.
How do you know that user?
Yeah, the body was uncannily realistic for the head. The art is horrible just because of that.
Mods are on full crab removal mode.
That's nothing, pic related is truly the best case of roasting I've ever seen.
>Kansai Enkou
What's that?
Why is the Japanese for "wireless bra" "wireless bra"?
Aren't there only like 40,000 Yakuza members left in Japan? Why is this still a thing?
Based mods
I buy directly from the kyoani store to show support if I didn't have double inguinal hernia operation tomorrow.
Suspect has said that KyoAni plagiarised his novel
Seems like he's probably just delusional or something
Kyoani-phobic spammers once again prove they're the worst most despicable cancer to ever plague this board.
Not him, but it looked like one of those to life drawings you used to get in the old days. Then there was an anime head slapped o nit. Who knows if it was traced, but it was uncanny as fuck. Like right in the middle of the valley. It's gross.
except peddle shit anime
That's a legitimate way of making fast roast chicken in Minecraft.
But at least they can release the list of the people who are safe or severely injured. The death list can take a while.
they said they will extract the dental record
I thought it means extracting the nerve cells from teeth
I see, but the teeth thing seems more practical if everyone has a record, more economical too
The chinese menace strikes again with explosion I see
i guess i have to be *that* guy
you wrote 死ね (shinu - to die) instead of 死ね(shine - die), but otherwise good job
what's all the hate against VEG anyway? is it really so bad that people would shitpost about Kyoani deserving to be burned down?
It makes more sense to just leave this one up so all the information is in one place. We never know when we'll get updates on this situation.
Well at least a lot of people got their nuggies that day
Its also bad timing to post that stuff because lots of normalfags are visiting Yea Forums for info.
They'll be extracting the dental record from the dentist
What's the point of going 12-year-old girls? Aren't 30-year-old women better?
He is, at least that's what the CEO said. He said the arsonist didn't send them his work. But you should take a grain of salt since this is coming from the accused.
Nah, apparently all we know for sure is that he called Kyoani "thieves."
The "novel" part appears to have been fake news. It might even still turn out to have been the train thing.
I think that becomes borderline irrelevant once you cause the death of 34 people.
shit for normies
>double inguinal hernia operation
i hope it works out safely for you my friend
>you wrote 死ね (shinu - to die) instead of 死ね
>死ね instead of 死ね
He deserved to beat that rap
You wrote the same thing twice.
The bastard put too much charcoal on the chicken. Had to put gravy
Such as yourself.
Wait, what's the difference in spelling, I can't see it. I'll fix it, I tried looking for references but found the same thing.
You mean 20 right?
Is that a fucking Liar Game reaction image?
It's a reaction to the overhype, which was pretty overbearing when you had to hear it 24/7
> normies
He's confirmed to be a lunatic. He was in trouble for other crimes too.
You can't learn japanese.
I hadn't watched VEG but it was interesting to see one of the more hyped shows on this board get turned away from so suddenly. The buzz prior to its airing was pretty big
I don't even particularly like Kyoani's work to be honest with you. Still, not like they deserved to be burned to death.
Really, I'm more concerned if this is going to affect anime in larger way than just potentially no more kyoani.
Kazuma Kiryu won't let yakuza go down that easily
Which channel is that?
That's normalfag-sama to you, fuck off.
VEGfags are insufferable.
You mean good timing. We want to scare them off so they don’t feel comfortable and stay here.
It still kind of fits because as far as I know 死ぬ just means “to die”
NTV News 24
He fucked up, but in the image it's 死ぬ while it should be 死ね
死ぬ (shinu) means you will die.
死ね (shine) means you are wishing someone to die, or simply "go die".
He might really mean 30. Women in their 30s are supposed to be better in bed because hormones or some shit.
Stay in place? It’s a rolling fucking sticky.
didn't know you were this good
What do they eat, aside from cunny?
yeah, now I know, thank you for the info, that makes it much less morbid
I like it, but I don't force anyone who doesn't like it to like it
This. Fucking hell, the death count is ludicrous. Half the studio just gone.. I pray they recover and come back stronger than ever and keep delivering us more great anime. I know they can bounce back from this, I believe in them.
thanks man shit sucks, but at least i get to follow kyoani developments after my operation since i'll be bedridden.
Ah, I see, I'll fix it right away. Thank you!
He meant 死ね vs 死ぬ
if it comforts you, DNA survives 100-130 degrees Celsius easily and extracting it from a tooth is not such a bad idea
it might be enough for a single DNA test, the forensic DNA amplification kits are pretty amazing at that but again, it takes a lot of hands-on time to perform these tests and with the expected degradation it is no more accurate than dental records
But they are worse for making babies, this is more important than better in bed.
Fuck off back to Yea Forums
>western media use tragedy to push their political agenda
Holy fuck nothing is sacred for the West.
look at those dick sucking lips hnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg
Still weird how google translate confused ね for negation so you had weird reports where the guy was screaming "DON'T DIE" to the people he was pouring gasoline on.
>says "normies" instead of "normalfag"
>fucking outs himself as a crossboarder
Fuck you. "Normies" can't appreciate it's technical merits.
Idk would be very redpilled if it was typememe
Actually don't fix it. It's nice to see the culprit saying "I'll die!" instead of saying it to someone else.
I’m sorry, I meant to say that 死ぬ is wrong and 死ね is correct. I just screwed up.
>so you had weird reports where the guy was screaming "DON'T DIE" to the people he was pouring gasoline on.
I need to see this
Not much worse. 40s is bad for making babies, but 30s (at least early 30s) is OK. Better than making babies with 12-year-olds, anyway.
Normalfags apparently think that fujoshi means "female otaku" or anyone who likes yaoi OR yuri.
Well then don't say that you love how "they put more focus on the victims and survivors" GENUFLECT
no kys im not him
He's a bottom feeding profiteer pandering to pol faggots.
I know you're watching cunt, go join your buddy sargon and talk about feminism
This post is by the maker of the video. Like was said in the previous thread, the only way he'll stop posting this shit is to report his video until it's deleted off of YouTube.
Daily reminder that PRC will conquer anime market under wise leadership of an eternal leader Xi Jinping, that was just the first attack.
tits or gtfo
>lose an argument
>I-I was not the one having an argument
They employed women. Imagine giving money to vagina carriers for something other than sex.
According to him, the staffers of KyoAni are self-admitted feminists and this is proven because they adapted Free/Gay Swimming.
No, he actually said that's the reason moe anime shouldn't be made.
So any word on if the Hibike VAs are okay or not? Weren't two of them mysteriously silent since the fire and posting about being at the office a week back?
Stop posting your eceleb garbage, cancer.
Hey, that means your mom is worthless, too.
i would hope thats obvious from how young they sound...
June 4th 1989 tiananmen square ect ect
The fire reached the 3rd floor in 1 minute, and the entire building was engulfed in poison gas in 3 minutes, becoming a sea of fire
the guy in the video has brain damage. niggers can't put aside differences to just enjoy anime
Quite possibly the administrative stuff was kept at the headquarters, studio 1 was just an animation studio.
Women beiing anything other waitresses mean it's too feminist.
This killed me. Just like those feminists.
I simply replied to your post. cope
>a tragedy happened
>muh feminists
This is no better than CNN posting that tweet about more women dying in the KyoAni fire than men.
Grifters are gonna grift.
Does KyoAni recovers and becomes the next Dreamworks in 2068?
I'm just a wageslave while woman becomes an anime director. Of course I hate women.
Women should have just be in kitchen like good ol day.
beta uprising when?
Did you actually fuck your dad? Why are you so flirty with him?
Like a clockwork
I will never look at a spiral staircase without doubting it.
Wrong user
I think he's a dumb edgy smarmy cunt.
Who won the Kumiko bowl?
So he wanted to sexualize cute girls doing their music stuff?
>reeee K-On should have fanservice
Is this retard okay or is he one of those "moeshit must die" shitposters?
this guy may be a giant faggot but the thumbnail is funny at least
Did they ever find the true culprit?
>all anime will now be winnie the pooh
rip this user and the autoban sacrifice
Based and ありがとうアノン
but "死ね" is better
From Japan
>none of us were having an argument, we just started posting things randomly
I suppose I win the argument by being the only one in it
That was an edit from Yea Forums. He stole that edit and used it as a thumbnail. He goes on reading the shitposts on the Yea Forums thread he got it from.
all we know there is a unnamed va who was in her mid twenties in the office that day, no names released yet
>deranged Kyoani-phobic retard is also a misogynist
>reading Yea Forums posts
ok fuck this retard
Can we acknowledge that he’s literally taking an event that ended in 33 people dying and saying “yea it sucks but there's too many women and my anime has filler!” This is actually pathetic.
When will One Piece, Berserk and HunterxHunter end?
Yes. They will recover in 2 years.
No. That not flirting.
now that itself sounds depressing
Wait, wait, wait.
He thinks KyoAni is a feminist studio because it has more women than men hired? What does he want, affirmative action on KyoAni to balance out the male hires?
Sorry for your loss, user.
I was responding to this autistic notion that they even had the option of focusing on the victims instead of the culprit in the first place. Never said that they objectively did or did not. Also, you're on an anonymous tibetan tapestry thread, what did you expect
i fucking hope takemoto is alright
The arsonist is actually a genius, he calculated multiple things such as best fuel placement, fuel ratio and air flow to create spontaneous combustion
Kyoani had no chance
Kumiko was later eaten by a giant feathered snake.
Remember to report his video for hate speech and terrorism.
Oh he triples down on it, why must people try and make it about their dumb ideological wank, fuck 34 people died and I'm not asking for him to cry or anything but he's blatantly lying and profiting off of it
well, it's not better but not comparable reach/influence wise, the faggot will have his video deleted i am sure, the media will get away scott-free
It's happening right now. my brother.
>Reporting Thots to the IRS
>Bianca Devins decap attack
>Belle Delphine hacking
>KyoAni Fire
The Fire Rises.
>What does he want
He want to see kyoani burned, oh wait...
based english teacher
On his next video, he complains about being ratio'd and double-downs on it being bad that KyoAni has more females because it's not true equality and everything feminism is cancer.
Typical Sargon of Akkad watcher all-in-all.
source of that?
post pictures of the fire please
that or he simply rolled a natural 20
Its the price of freedom
He got what he want. KyoAni has burned and women are dead plus he gets to monetize them burning by making that video.
So report that video so that he can stop having something to shill on Yea Forums.
God I hope Kotono Mitsuishi, Yuko Miyamura, Tomokazu Sugita, Megumi Hayashibara, Koichi Yamadera, Megumi Ogata, Rina Sato, and Rie Kugimiya aren't among the victims.
How is kyoani feminist when they keep having ecchi anime every two years or so
There's even a scene portraying a naked loli in kyoukai no kanata
He's a seriously mentally ill bastard just like other kyoani-phobic incels. You don't see this fucker calling out every other studio for being misandric because of the disproportionate amount of males. Kyaoni employing more women was a net positive for the male centric industry.
Is there a body list yet?
/r9k/ is really chimping out, aren't they?
Whities need to stop with their gender war bullshit
how is drawing beautiful naked women not female empowerment?
Why are people talking about things like age of consent and pedophilia in this thread?
Man I'm a fucking lunatic by some standards but I wish none of this violence touched any of them, they were legitimately innocent
They are sex-positive feminists.
>no seiyuu were harmed in the burning of this studio
Nice ip.
ya bro i wish i was smart enough to down down a building with 10 gallons of gasoline.
Because more women are hired and K-On didn't have upskirt shots and boyfriends.
>hardworking employees died in a horrible way
>retards like this guy and people who agree with him are still alive
The world truly is unfair.
he may be retarded but I wont stoop that low
not him but there is a difference between that and vulgar objectification
Not all heroes wear capes, some wear dirty red shirt carrying a bucket of gasoline
Yeah, I'm still sad ;_;
I can't forgive the murderer
Well, it has mostly women staff, makes mostly feminist anime, and the employees there are self-admitted feminists.
>Nate Drake
>Randolph Carter
Especially those two, it's hilarious how butt hurt those two are. They replied back to nearly every fuck you comment
>we are still alive
>better men and women are dead and they died in a horrible fashion
Fuck off back to YouTube.
>shows he ban evades
>shows his IP
Dude, I...
If we burn him can we get back the 34 people who died?
Is there going to be some kind of benefit concert or something?
What the fuck is he smoking?
His comment section reminds me of why I left /pol/ and why I learned to despise them. They're fucking retards who miss the forest for the trees. They think things like feminism is what's fucking up society but they don't understand how to differentiate from symptom and cause
How is 2chan holding up? Do they have a sticky too?
>feminist anime
Maybe he read jewyork times
Because in Japan feminism is about equal pay, removing the glass ceilings at 25yo, and sexual harassment - not bizarre Western third-wave feminism's pink hair transwoman gripes about the "proper" way to present oneself as a woman.
>implying that's not his VPN IP
Probably down the line. But it's not gonna happen until months after everything settles down.
there's empowerment and there's drawing masturbatory materials for sweaty manchildren
Don't worry dude, when the Saudi Arabian release comes we'll make sure to cover them up in burqas for you.
Warning: Red pills should be swallowed, not smoked. May cause retardation.
or CNN
okay this is the first for me hearing about the tax man
>I completely resonate with this Youtube/TV/Radio personality and 100% submit and subscribe to his ideals!
(((You))) are the real NPCs.
Kono user wa totemo baka desu.
>being a part of /pol/
Chads only shitposted to bait them and make fun of both sides. Big brain centrists rise up
>one of us
>reading Yea Forums threads on YouTube so that people will donate to his Patreon
>doesn't know how to pronounce moe
>thinks fujoshi and yuri lovers are the same
We know it's you Mr. Obvious.
comiket is in a month time
Maybe you can go to their booth and give support in person
[citation needed]
Kill yourself, Obvious.
Did they release the names yet?
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
What pizza you want? Cheese?
guess that would explain where the death toll is that high
Fuck off back to your fence and plunge your asshole into the bars, Tim Pool.
Killing Fujoshi and gay people in japan should be made legal
Hopefully this is a prelude for many more to come
>all ths fucking debate on whether kyoani are feminist or not because of that dick suckers video.
If he's reading this right now i hope he fucking drinks bleach.
"Femist" is kind of seen as a bad word these days because of modern western women but old feminism was great. Kyoani are also great as well as their respectable brand of feminism.
>facts are feminists now
Is it NOT true that most of the people who died in the fire are female?
Yeah this is what most women think. They're actually generally more conservative than men, both politically and sexually. Fortunately there are some women that are capable of seeing past the bullshit. They will be the ones succeeding in the new world while the rest sit around crying about how they're scared about dolls replacing them.
Tomoyo Kurosawa and all the Hibike main cast has been missing from Twitter since the incident. And they were really active prior to that.
I'm fucking praying.
Yeah user, just like that!
The insight on anime that this guy has in on another level and shows all the effort he put in researching it and actually knowing the medium, and just for one video!!
Totally upvoted.
>feminist anime
Jesus christ americans are retarded.
Go and stay go
that like to dislike ratio tho
Fake news about some entertainer having a pedophilia ring (he was actualy involved with yakuza)
Fuck off you piece of filth.
>KYOTO, Japan — He can’t get the women out of his mind.
Women are expendable, they also don't occupy top management position, there's 12 good men dying a meaningless death as well
TIL that K-On is a feminist anime lmao.
Centrists are valueless cucks and I'll always stand by that. I'm just angry because they're trying make something political when its not, this faggot youtuber is also trying to undermine the loss of KyoAni and the people who worked for it due to the feminist bogeyman
I stopped at the intro because I got ear cancer
Well most of the people hurt had nothing to do with whatever grudge that guy had.
There was apparently a bunch of April new recruits too.
Anime is fifth wave feminism. Prove me wrong.
>Burning 34 people alive to own the libs.
Have sex.
Is your mom expendable?
You can
Normalfags will never get anime.
The fire rises... literally..
>Ken Okumura, remembered seeing several women jump from the building’s second floor. They were so badly burned that blood was coming from their noses, and all of their clothes but their underwear were gone.
>all those people responding to a baiting retard
And that is exactly why baiting retards exist. KYS enablers
Yea Forums, what is a feminist anime?
Having superiority complex as usual just because they are the most intelligent on this planet, that's all.
She's already had me so yes.
had to be said
>misleading clickbait not only in the headline, but in the article itself
>yukiko is expendable
You're expendable and you will be expended soon
>modern journalism
Probably the same journalists asking anime to be banned for producing stuff like keion and lucky star and calling kyoani a studio that oppresses females by having the top directors most males.
An anime where women can vote.
Sailor Moon?
Kill yourself.
Something which shows women being able to work and basically, be equal to men. Examples: new game.
All women are expendable, God agree
>all those (you)s
>no one reporting the video
If you're going to get baited then report that video. Punish this tard for shilling his shit.
Horiguchi already left kyoani ages ago.
Maybe she will go back now to revive kyoani with yamada.
Anime that my based and redpilled kekistani friends don't like.
It's okay to be a centrist if one side wants to burn you and the other wants to freeze you
can someone burndown CNN please
t. roastie
Then she should have left you to die after giving birth.
Whatever anime that cutie is from.
Female nakedness is empowering.
Are your testicles expendable?
>women can sing and write a decent song
K-ON! is a feminist wet dream
If thats true then good. But its not much of a consolation.
New Game, they're actually working, this can't be real.
You also can't see any man in the anime and this proves that all the characters are, in fact, feminists.
oh god the calarts trite looks disgusting
Is this dude's address widely available? Asking for a friend
>even remotely clicking on the link
Legend of Korra.
Dont kid yourself, they will just accuse new game of objectifying and sexualizing little girls
Why is it worth mentioning though?
It shouldn't even matter, loss of life is tragic regardless of gender.
Explicitly pointing it out just makes it seem like you're pushing an agenda.
ITT: roasty getting toasty
in kyoani: roasty getting roasted
Stale pasta, user.
Is Korra even an anime?
>bohoo muh softcore pedo pandering studio
>no one talks about thefacthow much of a shithole Japan is were they have 4 dozen people piled up in atiny sweatshop full of ink and paper and zero measures to extinguish a fire
That's a cartoon, mate.
It got reported enough already, it's still there somehow
>all these upset normalfags from Nu-Yea Forums
Y'all don’t think every anime studio is rewriting scripts this morning to avoid being literally roasted instead of forum roasted? The liberal agenda is finally dead. The silver lining to this tragedy is that KyoAni might come out of this being not shit and with no feminist bullshit like Hibike or Free.
why are they the way they are?
Meanwhile, when you mention black crime statistics and people get upset, your defense is, "Just stating facts! Facts are racist now?"
> decent song
S2 only. They had to choose Mio songs only because she started to cry IIRC.
Have sex.
he's apparently deleting comments as well
I miss the press conference.. what did they say?
>english teacher
Yes, but there is there any particular reason to state it in such ways which clearly have a negative motive behind them?
As if it makes it more important because more women died than men -- people died horribly regardless. Also, anime isn't for men, at least in Japan. Plenty of females watch it. Nobody even thinks like that, it's Westerners bringing gender into it again, like they do politics for everything.
CNN talking stuff they know nothing about as always. It's like one of those people who pretend to care and be interested in something just to give them something to do or muh latest gossip.
They are superficial even more so than other American news channels
If it's still there then it was reported enough (there's a set number of reports that automatically deletes a flagged video).
>deleting comments
Lucky Star, a show with an intelligent female protagonist who struggles with her studies
What a faggot.
He must be one of those "Freedom of speech for me but not for thee".
They can't help it. They must undermine their host nation. The jew is, by all means the opposite of the patriotic american. It seeks conflict.
Is there an official list of who died already?
>anime isn't for men
explain panty shots
you retards are doing the same thing by reporting the video
lol, yes you are a mere english teacher.
Anyone else overjoyed by this? Kyoani was my most hated studio, and I had no idea that it was made up mostly by women. No wonder why all of their stuff was absolutely insufferable.
On the other hand, if Sunrise was burnt down I'd kms.
tl;dr good fucking riddance bitches
Good taste
based nihonjin
>Yes, but there is there any particular reason to state it in such ways which clearly have a negative motive behind them?
Fragile masculinity.
suing intensifies
dubs of truth
Yes but it's okay when we do it. You don't understand we're the good guys we can nuke people and it's okay
I'm hungry
>explain panty shots
Women are faggots
Cute and cutepilled.
The one about Taishou era school girls forming a baseball team.
IMAGINE being so redpilled that the first thing that pops into your head when watching arson happen is, "KyoAni sucks and is filled with feminists."
He posted it here if you need it
Stale pasta.
>all that kirara
Fun taste.
Any new info?
So what do we know?
We're not profiting off of misinformation nor are we pushing a false narrative
how would you react if it was gonzo
t. mr. obvious
IMAGINE giving him all those yous and thinking you're about the culture war. Shut up or just die, either way would be beneficial for humanity
There's a difference between freedom of speech and blatantly lying and profiting from a recent tragedy.
I'll be straight, I'm glad if this hurts kyoani. In life, what do I want to see more of? Things I like. What do I want to see less of? Things I don't. That's true for anyone.
Otaku culture has always arbitrarily chosen a series to put on a pedestal and focus too much of the collective's abilities on a single seasonal commodity, largely to the exclusion of everything else. I'm just kinda glad that from now on that seasonal commodity everyone collectively agrees we're all into isn't going to be another banal project by kyoani.
I'd treat it like the tragedy it is if people would just stop pretending to like something new every time the seasons changed but that is the world we live in.
>hur durr people will still choose series you don't like by other studios
Yes, but the fewer the better.
No Jap can have this good taste in manga, and who the fuck uses だよ unironically?
>reporting the video for hate speech is against freedom of speech
Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences or a company deciding that your video violates their Terms and Conditions.
Why not 5ch?
I want /pol/ to leave.
I never defended spreading fake information on purpose as part of free speech.
C'mon, user. I wasn't their fan and while I hated some of their stuff I didn't hate their staff. If the company had a financial crisis and was bought up or dissolved, I'd celebrate. But in this case, 34 or so people did and in one of the most agonizing ways, too.
You've spammed this pasta already, KHK. Fuck off.
Honest question, why would you even come here?
Gonzo still exists?!
you'll never be a genuine japanese no matter how hard you try you fucking weeb
Wasn't there supposed to be a press conference earlier? Where's the info from that?
>muh culture war
He was the one who brought feminism into this tragedy. Complaining about him is as valid as complaining about CNN or the New York Times doing the same thing.
they're taking the fight to japan user and kyoani was their ally(at least in their minds) in the war against icky boobies
You're actually too retarded to see how little things will change. And you don't understand others.
It competed with the autists latest flashy mecha shounen series of the season, darling in the franxx, and easily blew it out of the water. Naturally they reacted to this with unbridled tard rage and shitposting.
Never!! The proletariat will be freed from the clutches of the venomous judeo communist agenda!!
There is a difference. The industry is not predominantly male. Do they even know that comiket is started by a bunch of females? A lots of famous mangaka are female. Clamp is almost entirely 100% female.
This is just pure disinfo. It is like saying majority of crimes in africa are committed by niggers
>Several bodies were found together in the third-floor stairwell leading to the roof
Wait, is this true? Holy shit that's terrifying. Imagine the despair they must have felt being grouped up and stuck in a death trap.
But kyoani is full of icky boobies and degeneracy.
Just about to head to bed, any updates?
Do we know what LN this fag wrote? Do we know who died? I've been trying to keep from coming back and looking every 30 seconds but this whole thing has been on my mind for days. It's so fucking tragic. I haven't cried in ages until this happened.
Best troll video on the topic.
Also, he's no edgier than the posts yesterday about people cheering KyoAni going down in flames for making moeshit.
So what's it like being an ALT ?
>made a mistake in his Japanese
English teacher confirmed
inb4 all the comments are hidden
Based kirara bro
Please kill shinji for us if the nip justice system fail to bring him to justice.
>as valid as complaining about CNN or the New York Times
You think that's a good thing to do, getting outraged about CNN clickbait? No further questions, keep ruining things for everyone, mr giant faggot
>enabling retardera autists
Good taste
While i’m not glad that they are dead, I’m glad they’re gone
Over the last decade they became a feminist riddled studio promoting homosexuality and other degeneracies, Unironically good riddance, this will be good for the industry as a whole but on the other side I’m deeply saddened by the human tragedy, hope their families find closure.
>dissing nep
lmao people were always creeped out by perverted otaku stuff though
Niggers are naturally brought up when the topic concerns crime, but gender has nothing to do with being an arson victim.
>There is a difference. The industry is not predominantly male.
[Citation Needed]
I see nothing wrong with this. This gives more awareness about what kyoAni is instead of just straight telling "a studio which is famous for high school girls cartoon" like previous news. This one however is baiting for conflicts.
Nothing happened, no list was released, only the age range of the victims were broadcasted.
>part timer makes two times more than the animator
Holy fuck that is creepy
>posting things from Resetera
Yea Forums tier garbage.
What the heck, why nep? Did it have anything to do with them?
>when the topic concerns crime
In other words, it's your racist bias versus their sexist bias.
Horseshoe theory in action.
>who the fuck uses だよ unironically?
Almost everyone outside Kansai region.
Dumb Christian poster
>Ai Mai Mi
recetera is garbage, but so is CH.
>youtube eceleb
>talks about 4chin
>Yea Forums
Kill yourself
>While i’m not glad that they are dead, I’m glad they’re gone
The only postive thing from this tragedy
>That much money for A-list VAs
Jesus, how do they even find work?
Dear god! 33 dead?! That's awful! I'm waiting for the international outrage.
Oh, that's right; it didn't happen in a white-people country, nor was it perpetrated by a straight white male, so move along, nothing to see here, right? Those poor souls.
33 dead...I don't care if these people rebooted Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood to be an SJW cringe-fest. No one deserves to be burned alive for making an honest living.
What a tragedy. What a waste.
sadly that's just not enough user we must push harder we must enlighten japan and free them from their sexist and misogynistic ways
They're triggered because Anonydeath is a problematic transphobic stereotype.
They don't work full time, so the actual income is obviously not that
So people did jump from the verandah after all
I see.
Well sleep well everyone, I hope we can finally have some closure soon.
Where is the proofs
>promoting homosexuality and degeneracy
I wonder who's behind this post?
you mean "part-timer"
What do they say in Kyoto and Osaka then?
This is the most garbage video i ever given my time of day to, watched more than 3/4''s of the video and all you gave to this situation was your toxic ass view of gender politics which no one cares for and use this as a platform for a petty rant about feminists, adding nothing and informing nothing, simply because they make anime you don't like?
Fine, but what the fuck does being feminist or not liking their shows have to do with 30+hard working people that admittedly adapted shows accurately being burned to death have to do with it? Go to reddit if you wanna gloat about being a edgey snowflake anime fan, Next time keep it short. Keep being a lowlife if you must, but don't waste time showing it so we can leave immediately.
Stop posting these caps.
I have god on the phone, he said, and I quote "I hope he likes cancer"
Anime I don't like.
cnn and resetera are homophobic for being against a company that made free
okay now dab
Stop trying to politicize this in any way, you piece of shit.
Does this song fit to the current situation we are in? youtube.com
they're spin-doctors and not news reporters, the american media, no the werstern media is a joke, so is the japanese, but in a different way
No one cares because anime is irrelevant. The only thing that will bring to wake in this incident is fire protocols of the workplace/building.
I always thought it was more on the feminine side, didn't expect to see it used with 俺.
This is Sodom and Gomorrah all over again
God finds a way
Look at all the butthurt weebs crying about their feminist studio burning to the ground!
srop posting resetra shit my brain cant handle it
Is kyoAni site down again?
What the fuck is wrong with you people.
As if that would help against someone that wanted them to burn and 40l of gasoline
Your a dolt if you can’t appreciate KyoAni’s work. They are different. They even pay... a living wage!
now user I know this is distressing but you're not being a good ally right now
>tranny is still going after being BTFO multiple times
Jesus, find something better to do with your life.
If it's feminist it's no longer anime and belongs to Yea Forums or Yea Forums, like that latest trash fire from Watanabe.
Why are you best girl? Seriously, I love you Suzuha!
have any japs, 2chan seen these?
Mental illness. In a few more years they will off themselves one way or another.
How is there not a list of dead people yet? It should be very clear by now who made it and who didn't.
Hmm. Somehow I thought Kyoto dialect would have been different.
>this will be good for the industry
Jesus christ dude. Without Kyoani we never would have gotten stuff like the amazing Kaguya ED. They literally work to raise this industry's standards.
>we must enlighten japan and free them from their sexist and misogynistic ways
You killed part of my braincells, shitposter
You watched too much anime you fucking weeb.
Made me remember one time my jap class student don't wanna use 私 because he thought it's a feminine expression.
Why are gaijins so intolerant toward other people culture? I thought they are the that keep on harping on diversity of other culture
notice how these weirdos said they aren't okay with drawing fan service but yet draw as much shotacon as possible in their yaoi animes. pathetic
>using my boy Theo as an avatar while shitposting
So an anti feminist burned down the studio because it desecrated his work or something? That's fucked up. Even though nu KyoAni did deserve for creating absolute garbage like Musaigen, or dragon maid. I don't condemn actual humans that made the shows though. Their Key adaptations were really good so hopefully it's a wake up call to go back to their own roots.
Wow, what a way to kick someone when they're already down. I get you have criticisms, but is now really an appropriate time to voice them?
Not sure if you're trolling or genuinely retarded
I've never visited 5ch or 2ch
2013年ごろからずっとYea Forumsをlurkしてたよ。英語の勉強にもなるしw
英語は好きだし、Yea Forumsはおもしろいし、user達の意見や反応を見るのは興味深いと思う。
I love Yea Forums!
Fujoshi logic
Truly wonderful studio who cultivated talent in a dying industry.
Speaking off, I found it really funny that the Hibike anime is full of prim normal seiyuus while the novels are filled to the brim with kansai-ben.
>So an anti feminist burned down the studio because it desecrated his work or something?
>tfw you'll have to get a license and be registered if you want to buy more than 20l of gasoline at a time
Facts don't care about your feelings, incel.
>So an anti feminist burned down the studio because it desecrated his work or something?
Please god let this be bait.
>Tfw Homo and homo enabler not only get burned to death
>they will also continue to burn in hell
Why did this get so many replies?
It's just a /pol/tard misunderstanding the situation as muh SJW.
Which Kyoani title did this guy think was a rip-off of his LN?
I think you might just have brain damage. The death of these Kyoani staff is a devastating blow to the industry. Few have the talent to put out something like that.
People die everyday. Death is nothing new. We're at the age of where more people are desensitise to tragic events and accepting the world is a cruel place.
How's that English teacher job?
Whoa! I thought this was going to be some trash YouTuber but he raised some really good points. They were really well thought out and clear.
I’m going to subscribe to him and give him some money on Patreon. There aren’t enough good content creators like this, these days.
So do we have names of the people who died?
No it's not I just want to know the reason.
So is KyoAni kill or is there any chance of recovery?
Intel needs to go the way of senpai and onions
K-On should have more sex scenes.
Why is the thread so trash now? Trannies and /pol/fags have completely taken over the conversation. Is there no new developments about the incident? Nothing new about the perp or victims?
If you can read basic Japanese:
Data center
accurate, fuck fujoshit
Shitposters. People too out of it to resist bait.
what am i looking at, i've looked at this image for almost 5 minutes and i don't get what you want me to see here?
This post is advertising or begging.
>Thousands off butthurt centrists, skeptics, and feminists in the comment section.
You people really need to stop with this morality mob shit against edginess.
I did it because you faggots started to turn this into come circlejerk chatroom
Use your two brain cells to get the facts together.
I've got them written down in my Death Note somewhere
Hell doesn't exist user
He didn't have an LN. It's just the mass murdering fuck's excuse, which in no way justified what he's done. He was simply crazy and has a history of criminal offences.
will clear things out first: I never watched any anime from their studio and I don't like erotic, romantic or homosexual anime. BUT...
They didn't deserve to die. No matter of the political beliefs, nobody forced people to watch their cartoons. They made cartoons like this because there was a demand for them. Don't blame the manufacturer for selling, but customers for buying. Just like I don't blame Bella Dolphin for selling her bath water.
Yeah, it's cringy, but no matter what I think of her, the chick had an opportunity for making money and she took it. The sad fucks who bought it are to blame, because they created the demand. Same with this situation.
there's a lot of truth in this picture
Gaijin tourists giving disapproving look and wtf moment
Those are some strong, salient points tbqhwy famalam. All these nu-Yea Forums cucks need to go back to r*ddit if they think kyoaniggers weren’t a leftist sjw studio that needed destroying.
Ikkitousen and Queen's Blade
at least according to their own definition of feminist movie
Japan is just as bad but mostly because they have no experience with other cultures so they just assume everyone should be like them.
A-1 pictures animated that
seething liberal
>christianity is a religion of peace!
Fuck off.
Cultural imperialists need to fucking burn.
His video is hate speech and terrorism.
Kill the video to kill the shill.
VEG movie and Hibike S3.
Most people moved on because they don't have the emotional maturity of a 15 year old.
isn't that what tourists do?
Imagine how many anime girls died in this very room.
Boku no Pico.
Boys can be girls.
It’s pretty clear cut to me. Oldfags will like and support content like this and it’s creators.
Nufag s*ybois will cry about how it’s bad and edgy.
Based anime hating psychopath.
>You people really need to stop with this morality mob shit against edginess
It's not edgy, it's just plain dumb and hating retards should be obligatory.
>that stair case
jesus christ those poor people
No wonder everyone in Industry wants to work in kyoAni.
Full-time employee
>34 deaths, some survivors need to have limbs amputated
This kills the anime
>hurr kyoani deserves to die based arsonists amirite derp
>Girls Last tour
can we be frens?
Lurk moar newfag. A1 just hire freelancers. This was trained at Kyoani. He's a former animator of the studio.
God damn. This isn't good for my blood pressure.
So are you just gonna keep posting youtube links of hate speech/terrorism regarding the Kyoani incident? Stop giving attention to that faggot.
>oldfags don't know how to pronounce moe and think fujoshi means people who like yuri
Sounds about right. By oldfags you mean boomers, correct?
They are hypocrites. They preach tolerance, but only for those they have magnanimously decreed deserve tolerance. They will launch fierce and tireless attacks on those who fall outside of their vision. They're the same up their own asses smug cultural imperialist assholes they've always been gallivanting around the world to spread the gospel of the true enlightenment except this time they've somehow managed to find a way to make it even more obnoxious.
The anti-feminist angle is incorrect and has not been noted in any of the native Japanese media. Literally all we know about the guy's motives is that he said something about being ripped off or being robbed shortly before falling unconscious due to smoke inhalation not long after he lit up the studio. What we do know is that the guy had some form of mental problem and had been in jail for an armed robbery in 2012. His neighbours of recent years have noted antisocial behaviour of blasting anime and vidya music nonstop late at night among possibly some other things. As it stands there is no political motivation here at all. It looks like he's just a loony that took 33 precious lives on the 18th, user.
>japs having a massive cultural shift
citation needed
>implying I'm the one shilling that link
I was from another thread the mods deleted. He's been shilling his shitty take all over Yea Forums all morning.
Based Mr. Obvious
>lower row, 9 volumes in white cover
name in english please?
3. This is first floor hall.
Nakayama was a former Kyoani animator, newfag.
Don't reply.
>KyoAni president Hatta confirmed to press today that sakuga, reference materials, and artwork stored in KyoAni Studio 1 have all been burned. “it’s all gone. the computers are all gone as well. I don’t know the amount of damage. it’s massive.”
>The number of dead increased by one on the night of the 19th and reached 34
>Hatta: Kyoani received lots of intimidation e-mails such as "Death threat" and all kinds of harrasment for several years, but President Hatta also said, "The intimidation e-mail did not contain the name of Aoba."
>Hatta:"one more employee has died. (Seriously injured), Some employees have to cut their legs and arms. making them permanently disabled"
Mr. Obvious is normally on the money calling out BS but this was extremely poorly timed and came across as taking advantage of tragedy for clicks and an opportunity to complain about filler and feminism.
He has ranted about SJWs for so long that he became the SJW.
>getting mad at the only one of the screen caps that is accurate
You altright sexist bigot, he lives in Japan and is helping to enrich the poor Japanese by showing them their ways are evil and misguided. He knows it's changing because he's changing it for them. It's for their own good.
hate speech isn't a thing and NOONE on this site should even consider shutting down someone's opinion, as shitty as it might be, because of it
it's a slippery slope and before you know it Yea Forums is down and anyone not conforming to what daddy gov says is muted
feel free to be offended if you wish, call the dude a faggot, shitpost him to death, but don't fucking shut anyone up
Fuck. I thought this was just a shitpost based on the reactions ITT. Turns out that it’s solid well thought out and persuasive. Only the SJW cuck faggots from Reddit will get mad at this. The truth is just too powerful. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of Mr. Obvious before. He’s definitely triggering some of the trannies and seething liberals here.
What? It's just pure misinformation, it's just plain wrong.
It makes me really sad to know that even the people lucky enough to survive are going to want to be dead. It pains my heart to think of a cute 21 year old girl needing her arms amputated after just recently finally getting a dream job at her favorite anime studio. Shit man.
>Some employees have to cut their legs and arms. making them permanently disabled"
This is what /pol/ unironically believes.
>computers are all gone as well
Are they though? They are burned, but shouldn't HDD still be recoverable after this? Shit they restored HDDs after 9-11
that's an understatment, i think this has died down over the years because nobody is dumb enough to go to Paris and expect it to be like Paris anymore, but Japan was really slow on the uptake that when they went there it literally crushed their souls
It would be GREAT if maybe people that migrate, squat or tourist in your country would be like you, but that is impossible, so now we're settling for it would be NICE if they aren't intolerable dickheads clashing with everything around them while visiting another country
this is rotoscopy, you don't need talent for that
>being this new
Kiniro Mosaic
>Implying the other two aren't accurate
Have sex.
> Some employees have to cut their legs and arms
t. Mr. Obvious
Dilate your neovagina, youtuber faggot.
The paradox of tolerance is a valid concept. But I'd be hardpressed to apply to say the concept applies here when they do stuff like jeopardize the livelihoods of real women that they never even bothered to talk to.
Don't worry user, in just a decade they will have neuro-controlled artificial limbs and they will all make it
Why do boomers suck at implementing a backup system.
Some of them will definitely commit sudoku once they wake up find out how most of their friends didnt make it.
More so if they were on the first floor and had the chance to stop the arsonist.
>hate speech isn't a thing reeeeee gimme my freedom of speech reeeee
Fuck off with your shilling.
Great taste regardless whether you're a real jap or not.
gasoline burns extremely hot and this was an enclosed area. i'd guess not but we can pray that at least some parts of the floor didn't have fire spread to them.
>she (male) can't read hiragana
just jump into a fire already
One night, a genie comes to you and makes an offer.
You must let the perpetrator of this horrible attack fuck you up the ass, cum in your mouth, scat/watersports on you, and whatever sexual act he wants to perform on you all night long.
In exchange, the genie will bring back all who died and heal all who are injured with healthy minds free of harm as well.
Would you do it?
Looks like something out of silent hill
It's KS all over again
>all these triggered tranny leftists
jfc, I’m subscribing to him and donating to his paypal because he’s more Yea Forums than all of you leftist feminist tranny shills.
How do you stop someone who sets himself on fire?
Edgefags have proven themselves to be really fucking annoying retards. Especially after this and Goblin Slayer.
To the people celebrating or creating a political stance on the death of 34 people at the anime studio, such as faggot ecelebs like "Mr.Obvious", just know both of you are absolutely advanced levels of retards.
Fuck off and take your 3DPD whore with you.
The guy himself is posting these replies.
if my name was jesus
thanks for the TL;DR I suppose
how is any of what I said bad and what do you accomplish by adding reee to my completely reasonable argument
I'd burn in the hottest of fires if it meant saving or bringing back even one of them, so yeah.
Yes you do. Most old Disney films were rotoscoped.
Do they know I saved them? Because then it would be easily worth it since they will gib me money
noice taste
you have to forgive them user they just haven't woken up yet they just don't understand the real world harm waifus cause
Have the genie do that to Mr. Obvious.
There. Problem solved.
>President Hatta also said, "The intimidation e-mail did not contain the name of Aoba."
I think this president is a genius, if you want to send a death threats you better give your own name, that'll sure show them
Open to the idea but would require a stronger contract
does any japs know about these enclaves of globohomo in their country?
Great taste user. I was a little spooked for a second, that looks way too similar to my manga shelf.
>I'd burn in the hottest of fires if it meant saving or bringing back even one of them
Would you though? Would you literally kill yourself to save some guy you don't know? You don't sound very stable
thanks but I do not care for your opinion
Ok, but what's the demerit?
Answer fat boy
You're saying that YouTube should be a freedom of speech platform even though you agree to its Terms and Conditions every time that gives it the right to terminate your account when you say something it doesn't like?
Ahhhh god i hate being alive.
So whats with PA Works movie about burning KyoAni? Will it get cancelled now?
We are all little girls(XX) here.
I'm saying noone HERE should endorse it and police Youtube for free
thank you
I just came back to civilization, after quite few years (Madoka was at ep9), so I'm not really up to date with newer stuff. So I come to Yea Forums to ask for recommendation and this shit happens...
Edgefags are the biggest pussies on the planet who recoil and hide away when they're dared to face the consequences off being edgy.
So, any news since the toll rising to 34?
Any names/confirmations?
Absolutely disgusting.
Unfortunately Japan considers you an "intolerable dickhead clashing with everything" if you don't conform perfectly with their work culture. I have more stories than I can count but this isn't really the thread for that.
As a Dutch guy living in Japan I find it hilarious that the next big news item is about some band guy bein napped for the possession of weed. Lmao miss me with that shit, it's effects are weaker than alcohol and it is also less addictive.
hang on a noose alongside with them
4th degree burns probably. Makes you wonder how they even came out of it alive
Obviously they will never be able to recover to the levels they once were, but if they really do still have their materials for upcoming movies, and can release them, they'll be able to come back in a few years once they've bought a new studio and hired new animators.
>leave thread for 12 hours
>everything is now political
>retards arguing left and right about dumb shits
Wtf is happening? Also do we finally have a list of the people who lost their lives?
Do we have the AJ report on this yet? I've been waiting for 2 days
I haven't done anything worthwhile with my life, user, I am objectively resource wasting walking trash. I don't exactly want to die and it scares me, but if it would be with purpose then I'd most likely do it and any of those people 100% deserved to live more than me.
Shills will get killed for shilling to teach them a lesson about not shilling here for clicks.
He also profits from reading Yea Forums posts and content to get people to pay his Paypig bucks. Fuck him.
If there's one thing that makes me happy, it's that I know that some of those people are probably banned by the mods since then because they ban people for anything and everything.
Not that user, but please share. I remember the guy warning against learning chinese having some pretty good stories
K-on would've been a hundred times better if they completely removed fanservice from it. Those dress ups looked out of place and always made me cringe hard in an otherwise one of my favorite animus ever.
VAs don't need limbs anyway
Some of them probably saw him walking in and probably just ignored him. Sure it is not their fault but survivor guilt is a thing.
>One night, a genie
never trust a genie
Adrenaline and fear are a hell of a drug.
Too soon.
>What is PTSD
>What is survivor's guilt
Face it, the survivors won't work in anime ever again
Can't blame him, he's in panic because of his wife's condition.
>being left permanently disabled, jesus fucking christ
>Editor's Note: ANN's news team have decided not to publish the name of the suspect accused of arson, in order to focus our reporting on the victims. In addition, while one of the sources for this article gives the name of a victim (whose status is unknown), ANN's news team have chosen not to report on that name. We will instead wait until an official list of victims has been released. We ask that you do not mention the name of the victim written about in the source article, and we ask that you do not mention the name of the suspect, in the comment thread.
It's the Destruction of the Library of Alexandria all over again (Which was also by an arson making a fire)
>Hatta also told the press on Saturday that of the 34 injured victims, one victim had to have their legs amputated.
>In addition, South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a statement that confirmed that one of the injured is a South Korean citizen.
>NHK reported on Saturday through an interview with a relative of a victim that the relative was told on Friday that police will need to conduct DNA testing to identify some of the victims, and that testing will take up to a week.
This means we need to have this sticky for the whole week until we get names?
> Hideaki Hatta stated that after Thursday's deadly fire at Kyoto Animation's 1st Studio building, he is considering demolishing the building and creating a public park at the spot of the fire that will include a monument.
And most important, WHERE IS MEGUMI OHNO
Is the data gone tho? You'd assume that a backup in some form would exist.
Interesting points. I’ll have to rewatch this video because it was quite simply a bit too intelligent for me. You must need quite a high IQ to understand this because I’m a MENSA tested genius (147 IQ) and while his arguments were compelling, I really had to give it some thought.
Amazing video.
They are fucking nuts when it comes to drug charges.
>4th degree burns probably
>4th degree
And nothing of value was lost.
i just woke up, and I can tell you that there are no names yet. Seriously, just read for a few minutes, see other threads on Yea Forums, and you'll see there's no mourning about specific people. The only news are about some of the injured needing amputations, which is something we should have expected.
I don't get it. Is he right? Is KyoAni filled with feminists? I didn't get that impression when I was watching their works like I would with, say, Captain Marvel or Ghostbusters 2016.
>we finally have a list of the people who lost their lives?
No. But we know that some poeple got their limbs amputated
> gasoline burns extremely hot and this was an enclosed area
Gasoline didn't kill HDDs, smoke did. They're recoverable, but it's unlikely somebody will bother.
>4th degree burns
woah we have a doctor here
Or you could just learn a skill. Those are 20 year olds who you consider so good you can never replace them. You can learn everything they know in like 5 years. Get a grip
Everything is political because this wold is doomed and I wish Yellowstone erupted.
Maat, hoe is het leven?
Sorry american, no such thing as freedom from consequence
Thanks brother. So the fucker is actually delusional and crazy . Thanks for telling me.
I remember back in the oldfag days when we used to tell crossboarding /pol/tards and Yea Forumstards to fuck off. This site really has gone down the shitter the past few years.
>Some employees have to cut their legs and arms. making them permanently disabled
>one night
>raped for 36 hours
>"Genie, you said one night!"
>"Oh user, I meant a Venus night not an Earth night"
>116 Earth days
>that the next big news item is about some band guy bein napped for the possession of weed
That's pretty much a good thing. The country is so peaceful that the "biggest news" is some dude carrying grass.
fuck you, anime hater
The age ranges were released and the only possible old timer, 木上益治, is all but
confirmed dead at the age of 61
There is already mourning for him as he was one of the studio's top key animators.
Am I a piece of shit for being angriest because this might kill the possibility of Kobayashi's Dragon Maid season 2? It's the only thing they put out that I enjoyed.
No doubt.
Oh, I'd assume in that case it would be very possible then. If they didn't make backups it might be the only option.
>inb4 are yellowstone doomsayers sexist?
Digital forensics on hard drives have a fairly high success rate if no impact is involved. They'll need to hire a really good team though, screwups are impossible to fix.
You retards still taking the bait?
Studio Trigger’s statement
Yes, absolutely! Because some random fag on youtube is a credible source of information.
Second this.
Jesus fucking Christ they were just making cartoons for nips.
What in fucks name
Why is he smiling?
Stop ban evading KHK.
Is he safe or not?
>4th degree burns
This is how legends are written. KyoAni was ironically called Godani before, but now it actually reached the state of Martydom and Sainthood. When the studio recovers, it will be on a stage no other studio bar Sunrise/Toei can reach it.
There will be movies about KyoAni attack, there will be documentaries on TV, Hayo MIyazaki will make anime movie dedicated to it, year after year people will mourn those who died that day and on japanese TV and parliament make a minute of silence at that day.
The attack is stygma of glory. Only best gets such suffering - its the danger on the top. A terrorist attacked KyoAni because its best and most famous and influenctial studio. The haters shitpost about KyoAni on Yea Forums for same reason and are as deranged.
KyoAni, just became a true Legand, a myth. Legends never die. From the "iconic anime studio" it became the True Icon.
God Blessed KyoAni.
They released the deceased age group demographic. There is only guy from kyoani that fit the 60s age range, you can infer it yourself.
I am refreshing every second hour or so for the past few days to see if the Dragon Maid director made it and it's slowly driving me mad
Mate my country has tolerated weed since time immemorial and our next biggest news item today is about the tour the france. Softdrugs like weed, XTC and shrooms should not be illegal.
FMA Brotherhood
Wasn't there another person who was also around the same age? I remember someone saying it was Kigami or the other, although everyone seems to think it was indeed Kigami.
he’s one of the better and more honest content creators on YouTube and he strikes gold yet again with this video. there are too many SJW cucks around these days that aren’t willing to say the truth. he points this out and people see him as controversial because of it
he should be more popular desu
>God Blessed KyoAni.
Already did, with fire..
It looks like he's trying not to cry
Yes. You were bluepilled all along to accept gayshit, fujoshit, pedoshit, and moeshit.
legs gone, could still work.
not dominant arm/drawing arm could still work.
but if they lose their drawing hand/arm they're gone, never working again, or if their eyes are damaged to much
Anal with Mai Mai.
This spammer is so fucking insane. He's been going for over 2 straight days.
No confirmation
>It's the only thing they put out that I enjoyed.
>not enjoying A Silent Voice
Nothing on the binge japanese channels about KyoAni righ now, so here is Sasha's potato also RIP from AoT Universal Studios Japan Park until I do NTV24News screencaps
If you're triggered by his factual video then you might be an SJW cuck.
I forgot how we used to call kyoAni
That's all I remember
Hence this was a hypothetical situation, of course nothing can bring them back.
>You can learn everything they know in like 5 years
Want me to tell you how I know you're talking out of your ass?
Also, maybe stop being such a tryhard nihilistic plebbitor and fuck off, you're like the fedora wearing atheist that is dragged to his grandma's house on Christmas then starts sperging at the table when they say grace.
You burgerians have it easy. We have to deal with the resulting volcanic winter.
i fucking hope so
No way. The perpertrator should fuck you in the ass after your sex op.
I wonder if the witness on the ground floor were mutes
>When the studio recovers
As a business analysist, this is very unlikely
it's a real thing.
reason why you don't hear much about it is because victims usually end up dead or limb is outright amputated
you could have at least google it.
I read the manga long ago and it made me depressed as fuck. Never touched the movie because I didn't want to feel that way again.
Also one of the main reasons I completely avoid feels manga/anime now.
Wasn't it reported that maid s2 was already gonna be delayed? Also isn't JC Staff the one handling it?
Paris is way too infested with tourists and low-lives unfortunately. Used to be magnificent and has now lost the magic that made it a special place.
You are correct on the standard of “please just don’t be a fucking dickhead” sad it comes to that but unfortunately the same in most Western countries. We should get expectations higher than that.
I'm just a basic bitch English teacher, user, you can probably find stories like mine on Google mixed in with stories from people who are actually just complaining about small things. Here's a quick rundown though.
>Teacher hides behind me and spies on my conversations because she doesn't think a gaijin can be polite without muh keigo
>Teacher slanders me to other teachers (effecting my job heavily) by saying I don't do work, all because I don't teach in the same 60-year-old teaching style all the other teachers do and she doesn't respect that
>Have a lung infection and can't greet the entire staff room and teachers get angry I'm not saying hello and goodbye
>Teachers don't tell me about any of the student sports events because I wouldn't appreciate Japanese sports (who could forget that Japan invented soccer?)
>Not invited to end-of-semester enkai (eating party) at school because having a gaijin who can't speak perfect Japanese in the room instantly ruins parties (nevermind I have BBQs with people just fine)
Basically it's a combination of not understanding other cultures because Japan is all Japanese people, and the fact that their culture is so non-confrontational that they haven't built up enough character to be able to handle anything less than an ideal situation without breaking down.
fuck off reddit underage
Feminists hate pedoshit and moeshit. Actual screaming tears of rage calling the cops over drawings every day. It is the West that has been bluepilled, treating loli as their cultural equivalent to drawings the Prophet Mohammed and letting Christians run their mouth about how buttsex is icky because the sky king said so.
Volcanic winter is a welcome respite over internet cry babies circlejerking over political issues.
>Hayo MIyazaki will make anime movie dedicated to it
>year after year people will mourn those who died that day and on japanese TV and parliament make a minute of silence at that day.
must be just 1 minute because after the incident japanese tv already went with they regular programs of entertaimient
based nippon user, can we be friends?
I just started working in japan and would be cool to visit comiket together
S2 will be handled by JC staff, iirc the manga author even tweeted about it
>Some employees have to cut their legs and arms. making them permanently disabled"
KS adaptation by KyoAni when?
So the building is gonna be demolished now, right? I mean, nobody would want to work in a place where people were burned alive.
>tfw you will never find out where Mr. Obvious lives and pour gasoline over him, shouting "Die! Die!" in Japanese as you light him on fire and watch him burn to death
Still pinned, so it might still happen with a delay or director changed. Someone did said studio1 is only for pre-production so if it is already past that phase the project might not be canceled.
5 years is the minimum of dedicated study/practice to be proficient. if you half arse it then you're doing it wrong.
The fucker responsible for this atrocity needs to pay.
Yes. Unlike in America where children go to school where their classmates were shot.
Seething fujo
The other person might have been Youko Hatta, but frankly I don't have any info on her. But yeah, most people think it's Kigami-sensei
They are talking about building a park with a monument to the victims. Also, the building has probably some structural damage, I don't think it'd be safe.
Will any of the employee's relatives or friends seek revenge against the arsonist?
>When the studio recovers
I'm not hopeful for that
Half their staff is dead, the other half is permanently disabled, traumatized or both.
It's time to let go user, they're gone.
The building is structurally unsound after the fire, it's getting demolished either way. Hatta said there will be a park in its place.
>all these mad SJWs and cucks replying
Truth hurts
Just woke up
Do we have 「THE LIST」?
You would hope so. Seeing how easy it was to trap those people inside
>When the studio recovers
Stopped reading there
Why they leaving drinks there? Is some kind of japanese tradition?
Put me in your next video Mr. Obvious!
Are you European caucasian?
I heard that it's different on SEAmonkey cases (and some of my friends can pass as Japs easily that they approached them with Japanese until my friends said that they couldn't speak Japanese in English).
We probably won't get a full list for at least a week to be honest.
If this post ends in singles then Kyoani will never recover and those traumatised will leave the industry permanently. If not singles, Kyoani recovers in 2-3 years and those traumatised will recover in 3-4 years. Complete recovery of course. Those with burn injuries will be scarred but they will live.
Its a studio privately created by Investor named Hideaki Hatta, that made it entirely to entertain his waife who worked as animator. Hatta lived in Kyoto, so to have his wife live there as well, he made KyoAni - the most successful anime studio. (he also ows shares and is cofunder of production ig).
Hatta is alive, so he absolutely can remake KyoAni, even if needs to do from scrap. Aside from that building, they also had similar newly build and operational Studio 5 building, animation school and Animation DO, not counting tokyo offices, korean Studio Blue subcontractor. Studio 5 and Animation Do alone are capable of making anime and probably better than some other studios. KyoAni is huge brand name and now bigger than anytime before - it can sell million BDs of 3d 5 minutes short like Tatsuki and people will buy it to support them . Worst case scenario, nu-KyoAni can just hire freelancers, free directors and subcontractors... like every other studio that wasnt KyoAni does in industry.
You must suck as business analyst.
But not only that. The sheer shock of losing a limb man. It is not just about “meh life goes on”. You wake up after this nightmare, last thing you remember is suffocating in a fire and burning alive. And you wake up, burnt alive, missing one or several limbs. While possible to get over it, it is a huge trauma.
What KyoAni anime shouldn't I miss? I only watched Clannad and Haruhi.
Fair enough, although your colleagues sound extra salty. I work here as a business developer and our environment is pretty good. sometimes passive agressive bitching, but then I remind them of their failing business strategy some years ago and how our departement with the Gajin got them back on track.
Maybe try to quantify the students performance under you and somehow get it to the parents? Parents can be a major ally
Translated the article. There may be some mistakes or left out details.
>This is the testimony from a man working at Kyoto Animation in charge of scenery/background. He was working at the second floor.
>According to to him, you could hear an argument at the first floor. Then there was a woman's scream and a sudden "boom", a loud explosion sound.
>A man climbed to the second floor and shouted "There's a fire!". A nearby woman pushed the emergency bell button but soon after a mushroom-cloud-like smoke came from the spiral stairs.
>The small was ink black. In the blink of an eye, you couldn't see nearby things anymore. Breathing became difficult.
>As the man evacuated the second floor with other employees, he could feel a hot wind blowing behind him and hear voices calling "Help!".
>Once on the balcony, he could hear a voice say "It's alright, jump down.", so with other employees he jumped to the first floor, injuring his arm when landing, but was rescued by the fire brigade and transported to a hospital.
>The man said that at the scene, many voices were screaming "Help me please!". It was a choice between jumping down and hurting yourself, or dying. But at this time, some employees could not jump down.
>Also, as Kyoto Animation's workplace is "a workplace where you can do creative work, the employees and staff are like family; I don't know if many colleagues who were there are safe or not, so I can't sort out my feelings."
>In addition, about the suspect Aoba Shinji (41), "If I saif I'm not feeling frustrated, it would be a lie, but after recovering, I want him to be punished by law. And I want him to say why he did such a thing."
Yeah, under the right guiding, with the right learning materials, why do you think Kyoani were so good, they had their own university. So what's your pro skill?
I don't know anymore, I didn't even like their work that much except for Full metal Panic and Koe no Katachi but his shit is ruining me. They didn't deserve this fate
As a side note it gives me more perspective on what pic related suffered
Not yet but we have more pictures of the studio
put me in your next video, faggot. Also, commit an hero
Why do people care about some retard Youtuber?
>Miyasako comedian and other crying and saying gomennasai is first news
>KyoAni fire is now 3rd news in importance
K-On!, Hyouka, FMP Fumuffu, Lucky Star, Chu2, Hibike, VEG, NIchijou
Damn. Sounds harsh.
But he's doing a great job as a retarded doomposter.
He's trying to promote himself, bring traffic to his videos
>I dont like their anime
>so I am gonna shit on them after 34 fucking die
Great going bro. Other's enjoy their work, ffs I agree with alot with you but this is the most advanced degree of autism you have shown. Literal loser tier
Based japan
It will be completely forgotten in two weeks, mark my words.
and for you
more screencaps in few minutes
What popular seyuus died in this incident? (sorry, I'm new to these news)
You should miss all of them.
It was a huge sex scandal of course it’s big news.
If dubs Takemoto lives
k-on, nichijou, lucky star
American white. A friend of a friend, who's Scottish, was actually told by their teacher to "please sound more American" when they talk. Fucking messed up.
By the way I was almost fired once AGAIN for asking a teacher to repeat themselves by saying "Sorry?" when they botched an English word's pronunciation, because I couldn't understand him. He said I bullied him which is a huge deal in Japan.
Anime of the Decade.
Yeah well, not anymore.
Trolling Yea Forums can lead to a huge upswing in traffic.This particularly video was made specifically to piss people off.
It was also Yea Forums where the death hoax for Yasuhiro Takemoto came from.
why is life so unfair they didnt deserve this why is this allowed to happen cant we just revive them somehow
>off by one
His comedian friend is more afffected, maybe because he's not as rich. They should have their heads shaved tho, shame.
Cursed double helix.
>endless 8
>endless 8
Blame the manga for that. All the worst aspects of the show are things that went mostly unaltered from the manga.
Do you have the surviving artwork clipboard in a better resolution?
It will go out of the cycle completely before names are announced. Sasuga japan, everything swept under the carpet neatly
Pretty well it, cheers
Jesus Christ, it's gonna be hell once survivor's guilt sets in for all of the lucky ones. I hope they'll get the mental treatment they'll need, I don't know if I'd be able to live with the guilt.
And now they will be blessed with water, seeing as how Japs are preparing for the nearing typhoon.
But it's true. All scenes with Sawako trying to force girls into constumes were fucking shit. It would've been alright in a lewder show but in k-on it looked tasteless
Have Aniki bring them back when he returns.
You're as edgy as he is.
>he jumped to the first floor, injuring his arm when landing, but was rescued by the fire brigade and transported to a hospital.
I call bullshit on this, there's no way the fire brigade would be on the scene so fast. It all happened in a matter of minutes.
I’m not sure if this is true. But it makes sense, KyoAni has always been the studio that feminists shilled the most.
We can finally settle the lucky star vs gurenn lagann debate after 10years. Gurenn Lagann won.
user, Hobby Japan barely survived after a huge flooding, nobody from HJ died in that event.
this is that, but several magnitudes worse
Oh, and Miyasako was in 20th Century Boys films
Now they're talking about the typhoon, after that it's KyoAni
>I hope they'll get the mental treatment they'll need
They'll get some shouganais and a ganbare and it's back at it.
Are there other anime studios with spiral staircases? Do you think they'll remodel after this?
Successful troll is successful.
Different user, but here you go.
Thank you for reply! friends!
I'm gonna return to lurk.
and pray for Kyoto animation
No seiyuu died afaik but they're still working to identify all the corpses
It's not like he could've gone SEIGI NO MIKATA and rush through the flames. He did well enough just to survive that. I hope that he's not too hard on himself.
But why? Back during the charlie hebdo attacks they talked about it for weeks on the news in my country. Isnt it pretty much the same thing?
To all the people claiming Mr Obvious was condoning the crime, please show a timestamp. I think his take on this event was fresh. There is no point making the usual video: "people died in arson. Thoughts and prayers go to victims families. Yadda yadda."
If that is genuinely the approach you take when people get killed, you can never say anything offensive, and have to continuously wear a dark suit for grieving since there is bound to be an accident or a crime where people die somewhere in the world almost every day. And we hear about it in a few hours thanks to the internet.
That is also a huge scandal user
1. A large share of senior employees was lost.
2. Loss of tacit knowledge.
3. Loss of source materials.
4. Major loss of Non-liquid assets.
5. Competitors that will move-in ASAP.
6. Running accounts payable and others have to be paid regardless.
7. Financial analysis with current liabilities will for sure return negative even with binomial probability analysis in case of this event.
8. Major morale dampener of surviving personnel (more sick days, less productivity compared to competitors).
9. The wounded will probably not return or at least be a liability productivity wise.
10. The brand name has social stigma (especially in Japan).
11. This is not a start-up, only one investor backing a dead in the water, scaled firm is not going to attract other investors.
12. Even in case of temporary personnel, they are hard to come by on senior level, lack tacit knowledge and are expensive.
13. Insurance pay-out will take a long time.
14. Possible liability commitments to families of the deceased (maybe even a law suit, although unlikely in Japan).
Must I go on, sweetheart?
Can anyone make out the Kanji for the names?
He was rescued later, it's not like the building exploded so he probably just laid there in pain from destroying his arm on impact with the ground because he didn't roll.
Maybe he wasn't rescued instantly. Most likely he was squirming in the ground for 5-10mins before he got rescued.
>doing all this stuff for your waifu
His blatant shilling is annoying, he deserve to die.
How do you survive in this situation? I think maybe if you put your head in a bucket or something the smoke wouldnt be able to get in
>>Once on the balcony, he could hear a voice say "It's alright, jump down.", so with other employees he jumped to the first floor, injuring his arm when landing, but was rescued by the fire brigade and transported to a hospital.
Whoever said this a hero
I think it's more like he jumped then hurt his arms. After a while, fire brigade saved him. Read between in lines, user.
So, to put it simple, KyoAni is Brie Larson company-esque, right?
Good content. Honest and to the point. No fluff. 9/10 for content. 10/10 trolling neo/a/ SJWs
Have anons mentally recovered yet?
>10. The brand name has social stigma (especially in Japan).
retarded doomposter. Is that why everyone is donating money?
Wait, I meant for this
Mental healthcare in Japan is a fucking joke, I would be shocked if they got the kind of help they'll need
Good luck, user, stay strong. And may god bless their souls.
Oh no...
>Superheated death trap for your noggin
combine that with the physical consequences, a lot of people are going to commit suicide. Think about their admittedly good working conditions, they most likely formed strong bonds to their coworkers, imagine seeing the girl from the next desk screaming in agony as her skin crackles and breaks, that shit is gonna stay with them
never forget this chad though
just stop, it's making you look much worse.
Fuck off gaijin.
>10. The brand name has social stigma (especially in Japan).
Literally the opposite. I wouldn't even be surprised if VEG somehow smash shinkai movie record if it get release on schedule. The public will probably give unfair praise to the VEG movie due to pity.
Jump/escape if you're lucky, die if you too far from these two. There really was no time to do anything.
>Whoever said this a hero
Yeah seriously, there's some cognitive bias (forget the name) that would have prevented pretty much everyone from making the jump if he hadn't said that. Dude saved lives.
Ladderbro was nearby and told people to jump and climb down a drain pipe. He was interviewed.
>Is that why everyone is donating money?
That is mostly Americans and a couple of millions is laughable when it comes to the business.
Best case scenario, the studio will downscale and operate under a different name, trying to milk it existing IPs through different channels.
is it just me or the top image looks amazing?
depends on if they were backing it up somewhere in that studio, or in another location/online.
Recovered from what though. Who the fook even died
looks like more of a grimace you autist
Also while searching that image (IT ALSO WAS DUPLICATED HERE GODDAMIT) I couldn't make 2 images from the NTV24 video running now Sadly. They also showed police searching for clue on the FUCKING PARK BENCH, and a helicopter moving the arson to the hospital. And Hatta comments.
That's all for now. I'm posting the 2 new images of the building after this.
Jump out the window. The building isn't very tall, you could probably get away with minor injuries, maybe a broken bone or two if you were on the top floor. I imagine quite a few of the survivors survived that way.
>34 people killed by a 40 year old child
>Further people injured, have to have limbs amputated (arms and/or legs)
>West dances on the graves of the fallen by making it a gender issue, seeing as KyoAni focused on hiring more women
>All drawn and digital work destroyed, your favorite anime characters killed forever
>The 40 year old child with prior criminal history is making it a mental illness issue
It's over, anons.
Stay safe Japanon. I'll be offering prayers for them tomorrow in the Cathedral
>It would've been alright in a lewder show but in k-on it looked tasteless
You know what? you are kinda right
Jumping is the only way to survive this scenario to be honest. There was a small chance to get to the roof until a few people died on the staircase and made it exponentially harder to get to the door. Sad but true, the scariest option was the only option and most people didn't take it.
Based crossboarder
So, Kyoani absorbed by Production IG? Not the worst outcome.
>that pic
That makes sense. There's something casual racism about Japanese, and it's not really worth it to be there unless you're a uni student for foreigners.
There was Brazilian user in /int/ that said that he didn't really get scolded if he did wrong while SEAmonkeys got scolded like other japs.
Jump or lock yourself out on a balcony
I wept for both, fucko.
holy shit
The first one had no mortal victims, no assets lost, has millions of pictures and data about it over the internet and can be rebuild.
Just the loss of 34 people already makes the second one a much much worse tragedy. In the "assets" sense you are comparing a finished project with a factory that makes the projects.
>few people died on the staircase
17 of them, iirc, more than just a few. There were no sprinklers there.
>That is mostly Americans
Americans are flying to Japan to put money in the collection boxes? You sure you weren't in that building when the fire happened?
>operate under a different name
You've been making these exact same posts for the past two days, retarded doomposter. There is literally no reason why anyone would abandon the Kyoani brand at this point.
and 2, building right now
Also if this pic related is true, it's even worse than I thought
We don't have names, tardo
Fuck you user you killed him
Amalgam did this
Ah, that's another accomplice to add to the list.
Why didn't they jump out the windows?
explains why you don't have a job
>Kyoukai no Katana
Hatta Youko did the coloring, not animator. But you're not wrong.
>the triggered normies
Kek. Newfags pls go
I unironically was a baby about both.
>The 40 year old child with prior criminal history is making it a mental illness issue
Kinda hoping the state won't kill him, but a family member of the victims or a fan.
He means from that studio. There's still another that houses other material. At worst it means that a few current productions were killed in the cradle.
You need to go back.
>real world's Fire Punch
>Americans are flying to Japan to put money in the collection boxes?
>Moving the goal post
You know what I am talking about.
>There is literally no reason why anyone would abandon the Kyoani brand at this point.
Not immediately no, oh and the fact that you ignored these points: and pic related
Locked to avoid suicide and covered by paper screens
They did though.
>one is a building that we have the plans of and can recreate to exact specs
>other is loss of 34 people and a lot of unpublished work neither of which can be replaced
>not posting the official quality drawing Yea Forums recreation of the events
come on
Also, in other news I heard that the arson ring the house close to were he was detained and a woman poured water on his jeans because he asked for help, so maybe this is not that true... But I prefer the fire punch version
They might have died on impact with the ground...
Based and red pilled.
Do you know other gaijins there abd whether this is the case for non-teaching jobs as well?
Hurts to think that this place was once a comfy studio of KyoAni. Fuck.
I am getting paid handsomely. Stay in denail though, it is part of the process.
Get to an exit or window as fast as possible. Carbon monoxide poisoning is what got most people in this case. You got like a minute maybe two tops to escape.
>crossboarders supporting this filth and claiming it's from Yea Forums
Everyone can tell you're a crossboarder.
I just wish they understood the difference between fanservice and logical visible underwear. I don't appreciate when a girl is in a situation or pose where her underwear should be visible yet it isn't.
Stop pitting the two together dumbass. It is not comparable. What do you gain from that? You can be sad for both you dysfunctional fuck.
>made it entirely to entertain his waife who worked as animator
Yeah pretty sure she doesn't want to work there anymore so that motivation is clearly gone, only business motivation is left and btfoed that
So what do we do with the survivors? Now that they're infected won't they have to be either contained or put down so the smoke doesn't spread to the rest of us? If this is handled poorly this could become a worldwide epidemic, especially now that we can ride planes. I'm in the UK, should I be worried too? I was planning to go to Japan but after this I can NOT go it's too risky.
Please fuck off to whatever board you came from. If you knew literally anything about the situation as a 'business analyst', you'd know that the animation arm of KyoAni does nothing more than promote its publishing and animation school. They diversified nearly a decade ago now and have the largest growth of any 'animation studio' in the last two decades.
>then you might be an SJW cuck.
And you are? supposed to be? kieons are hot you dummy! also lmao!!!!
Can't be opened from inside because of suicide regulations.
None of that money is for kyoani.
More here: sora.komica.org
>seething soiani cucks
What are the chances of Snowy Mountain Syndrome ever getting animated?
The angry ghosts can't kill you if they're dead drunk.
Some did, most collapsed from breathing smoke in less than a minute.
Now I'm in no way an expert on this but wouldn't sprinklers have helped at least a bit? Putting out the fire would be impossible but shouldn't the water at least slow down the smoke?
>Hiroyuki Miyasako was the japanese voice of Hawkeye in Marvel movies
What if 40 people die?
It used to be 20 or something now it's 34.
40 people dead out of a 70 probably including the merchandising department.
>some french old building to rebuild in two years
>34 deaths in fucking fire, even more severely injured, permanently disabled
Isn't he just accepting pocket money from yakuza for some gigs because their agency is incompetent fuck?
I don't see how that's a bigger deal than massacre
I used to be a huge fan of kyoani, now they became my most hated studio
having said that i hope they can still recover, albeit first they must repent from their transgression, then they can start anew in a wholly new direction
They employed more than 70 people.
Crossboarders aren't even trying to hide anymore.
Wouldn't be surprised if this was true.
Pull out a Sympathy for Lady Vengeance's ending on him.
The fire punch shit is wishful thinking. And he didn't ask for help, a good simaritan saw someone's legs burning and put them out. He responded aggressively by telling said samaritan not to talk to him
why do people hate moe so much? like why is moe bad? bet those fags in Yea Forums are going all "ugh cute things so girly euuugh I aint into that moe shit, I have mah good taste like acti0n anime OOoOoHhhHh" meanwhile they jack off to 6 year old loli moe girls.
>calling others newfags
>unironically agreeing with an eceleb
I don't like this phrase much but you are the definition of ''trying this hard to fit in''
>you'd know that the animation arm of KyoAni does nothing more than promote its publishing and animation school.
This is just not true.
>They diversified nearly a decade ago now and have the largest growth of any 'animation studio' in the last two decades.
You got sources on them sweet financial statements on this diversification strategies? Probably not, since it is a privately funded company.
It's not. Retard.
Can anyone tell me what happened in the last 24 hrs?
That's a strange looking American Wal-Mart. I didn't know they accepted yen.
>using that term unironically
>knowing there's a word filter for it so you spell it differently
Case in point.
>dead drunk
fuck off
nipchad firepunched the sicker fucker to the ground
>he's still talking about the train autist
Should we tell him?
No that'd be gross and gay
Man this captures a lot about normalfag hysteria in a way I've never been able to put into words before.
KyoAni owner could be smart and get a 24-26 episode Haruhi 3rd season covering the rest of LNs, fake murder case 2 + snowy mountain + new year's temple visit can be done in 3 eps, valentines LN can be done in 3-4, last 3 novels can be done in 18.
Well, yeah. Having sex with dozens of tight 12-year-old girls is more important than an anime studio getting burnt down.
Getting their tight 12-year-old bodies raped and defiled will live with them for 60-70 years. Death is quick and painless. Rape is traumatizing and forever.
KyoAni got roasted then it was Mr. Obvious's turn.
>Still moving the goalpost
okay mods you can get rid of the thread now
even the 2016 election thread didnt stay up this long
Not sprinklers, fire doors. All major offices in countries with decent fire codes have those. When I just finished high school and worked for a local industrial I had to push and pull like three of those just to get to the vending machine. Might be a pain in the ass when going to get candy, but if someone decided to dose one section of the office in gasoline, the other ones would be perfectly safe for a while.
In Japan not only are fire doors often absent entirety, the doors that SHOULD BE open like the front entrance are fucking locked at night sometimes. It's kind of ridiculous.
There are actually tax records that you c an find. Anons used to post them and I remember at one point they doubled profits in a single year.
Everyone got resurrected and the studio did a rollback.
Same, I really hope the Kyochad really did this
it's japan, doubt there were online backups unfortunately.
How i know that you're a full of shit, just stop you're fucking embarrassing
He posts here so he should update it soon.
Unless he doesn't give a shit.
kyoAni > some shitty backward country election
Why is the data center on the 1st floor in plain view?
Do you have braindamage? Why are these Japanese people donating to such a """stigmatized""" brand as kyoani?
Is there a thick, chocking smoke? Then don't breath. If you breath in too much, you'll get dizzy, fall on ground and die. I nearly died that way, thankfully I was already outside when I passed out.
So hold your breath as long as you can, because every whiff of air inside may kill you.
Head to exit, ASAP. No exit? Open window and fucking jump. Try to land on your feet and roll. You may break your limbs, but that's fine, everything that isn't your head can be fixed if broken.
Hillary please go
The minute black smoke is rising to your floor I would have been throwing shit at windows and jumping out especially if I'm on the second or third
It was a gasoline fire, remember that fumes are combusttible, you'd need a lack of oxygen to kill the fire
Because they hate themselves for being losers they can't accept good things in life.
Normies hate moe because they think it's pedo and they're retarded.
>all this crossboarder samefagging
>shilling e-celebs
>from /pol/ddit nonetheless
He's right about the filler and gender bias, we all knew that about kyoani, his true crime is sounding like he mix crushed birth control pills on his soilent protein shake.
All in all retarded agitator is retarded.
>Why are these Japanese people donating to such a """stigmatized""" brand as kyoani?
That was never the point, go back to my posts and read it carefully.
This is coming full circle with the same picture as well. This thread is basically endless 8.
Until the names are announced, this thread can't even start properly.
Crossboarding /pol/tards please fuck off back to your containment board.
This isn't as funny/clever as you think it is, sorry.
>12-year-old girls
The article says nothing about either of these subjects.
Trigger the libs. Own the libs.
- Mundane Matt
>10. The brand name has social stigma (especially in Japan).
Why did you put that POINT in your post then? You need to see a doctor your brain might be bleeding.
>>Hatta:"one more employee has died. (Seriously injured), Some employees have to cut their legs and arms. making them permanently disabled"
and then the amputations get infected, they fall while learning to use prosthetic legs and die from hitting their hips, and/or they take their own lives...
Wouldn't you? Imagine thinking you'd still have arms and legs if you had just called in sick and watched TV with your family. Really think about that because that's what the families are thinking.
Moe is garbage though. Excuse me, slice of life moeshit, that is the correct term, I don't want to offend moeshitters.
>Victims suffer one of the worst crimes in Japan since WW2
>ofc the fucking gaijin makes it all about them
Fuck off
Homelander, please be real and punch the suspect into the sun.
>Anons used to post them and I remember at one point they doubled profits in a single year.
Doubling profits in a single year doesnt say much user, but sure, I will look into it.
The single year was a mistake.
said it doubled between 2009 and 2014 based on their yearly accounts.
Could've, should've, would've, didn't.
This was my favorite screencap from yesterday. Also NTV24 does the video reel again, I'll try to get the bench and helicopter pics now
Is there a chance of more deaths?
this but unironically
Elections have no direct relevance to Yea Forums. Kyoani literally shaped its history.
>Muh pol boogeyman
is this Yea Forums now?
What is the tolerable height to fall for humans?
was it not the trainsperg then?
Why does he sound like a former male feminist turned MGTOW cuck for grifting purposes?
what's that from?
and yes please
if people die from injuries/complications in the hospital, yes, duh
Yes. One person died in hospital yesterday. More may come.
The fact that people are collecting money for what essentially is kyoani funeral is exactly why kyoani brand is dead. It's associated with death and misery now.
Yes. Always.
What is the number of the loop we are in?
I think the worst part is gonna be living with the guilt of surviving while your friends died.
Yes, Studio 2 is still fine.
There are a couple of them in intensive care atm.
A large numbers of otaku crowd are seen all across tokyo, young and old, they're crowding akiba, people speculate that they might want to pay their respect for kyoani
just kidding, it's for the latest azur lane event
i think /pol/ddit is the least of our problems, the entirety of Yea Forums is shitposting here + the rest of reddit , twitter, resetera and god knows who else
see It all started with this. It's pretty blatant /pol/samefagging.
this is more relevant to the site than retarded yank elections.
Your waifu died.
It's not public info yet, only the age ranges. Idiot.
Becaus it's about the long term you absolute mong. Not about small sympathy donations from hardcore fanse. Try to see the bigger picture
There are no names because japanese are anal autists. Guess we'll find out right before the funerals
After showing the newspapers covers (only 2 about KyoAni), they start talking about horoscopes, and the last one was "Help".
>first sticky is officially the fastest thread on Yea Forums since 2011 when we're able to reliably measure it
>site was way slower then so likely just the fastest thread ever in general
I knew you all still cared about KyoAni despite the VEG and KnK shitposts
I hate phonefags so much
Most amputees actually don't use prosthetics, burn victims especially.
How the fuck could he just stroll in like that
I'm trying the countryside.
It's not helping, makes me remember a little girl in a red dress and loss on top of it all.
>suspect escapes
>burns the hospital
>goes to all the tv and radio stations and burns them all
>goes to every news outlet in the world in order to burn them all as well
Japan will give birth to a supervillain, and we're here to watch it
None, really. You can fall now smash your head and die. Generally, though, you’re survivable up to 3-4M. After 5M or so, the risk of death and severe injuries increases massively. People on the 2F would have probably broken bones on landing if they didn’t disperse the force. People on 3F would have severe injuries or risk of death.
>drink 6 bottles of whiskey to ease the pain
>wake up with no memories next to empty bottles, a puddle of piss and a massive headache
>turn on lights
>nuke goes off in ceiling its fucking bright
Took me 5 hours to recover from that but Im feeling better now. You lads should drink some alcohol too.
>all fans are shouted "ganbare kyoAni!"
>the brand is dead
Aw shit.
Just let it be
>god knows who else
I thought we got rid of those Gaia bastards by '10
>homelander proceeds to fuck the remaining female staff to death
>seething soi
Also in like 3 minutes NTV will do the video again about KyoAni so if others can do screencaps about it would help everybody if someone miss something to cap (It's afterwards Typhoon videos ends)
>aqstream com/jp/ntvn/NTV-News24
>said it doubled between 2009 and 2014 based on their yearly accounts.
source? Any change of their cashflow statement being available for that period (so I can see their net profits per year and investing and financing cashflow?)
Risk of death vs death seems a fairly easy choice to make.
Honestly, even if you didn't like KyoAni you should still care because the industry is so deeply interlinked.
Yes it is, because it is now associated with people rooting for burn victims. If they pivot and make action anime, that may work, but it will be a constant grim reminder if it's associated with fluffy lesbians.
They've got 4 more buildings. All the merchandising and management is done elsewhere, this was a production studio. Worst thing that'll come out of this is they'll have to actually draw their backgrounds now since the photographers are dead.
China strong, dead japes can’t even compare
Bad for your IQ. I am already dumb enough.
Not funny dude
Did someone recorded this creepy animation?
why was that a horoscope kek
Because everyone could stroll in like nothing. They literally had coffee and tea time with their fans in their headquarters. Sadly they were too kind..
What's the best breakfall for unathletic people in this situation? Minimizing damange to the spine and head I mean.
Theres a thread on pol also calling him a colossal faggot and a few are flagging his videos. Fuck this guy.
Lesbian is just a phase before they suck big cocks for money in the future.
Based nips
I wasn't the biggest fan of the stuff they put out but I'd be stupid not to acknowledge just how influential they are (or were) and how their creations brought joy to countless people.
That was Black Noir, Homelander was truly a dindu.
IIRC the trainsperg is still posting normally and it was just speculation by 2chan since the dates were similar between his autistic posts and the attack.
Imagine samefagging this hard to shill a shitty video from an eceleb
n i c e
fucking kill yourself seething yikesposter
user back in 2014 found it in the post I linked. They’re public records that you can access on JP government websites. Find it yourself because that’s all I have for you available to hand.
>Wouldn't you?
>go unconcious quickly and die painlessly
>break tons of bones, massive pain for hours, live a terrible life if you even live at all
>letter spacing memeposter calling out the use of the word yikes
Plant with both feet together. Try to roll when you hit the Earth. Same advice they give if you free fall from the sky. You will 100% break both your legs. But if you roll somewhat, the energy will dissipate and you might live.
No I only get a few, like pic related
Please do this, starting now!
How should he be tortured
>Trust me I'm an expert
>Missing the entire fucking point of an ANONYMOUS messageboard
Fuck off reddit and don't come back.
not everyone pretends to be sad
>suspect escapes
>burns the hospital
>japan will give birth to a supervillain
>and we're here to watch it
tfw rustle went blind
Is that the spiral staircase people are talking about?
From what I remember the autoban string is the Uygur part, alter that one and you should pass through it.
killys kyours kyself
Good. Fuck that guy. Burn him too.
workplace full of flammables and no sprinklers?
>die painlessly
Smoke inhalation literally burns your lungs before you pass out.
Cute nanabros
Tokyo isn't in China user, calm down.
Why is god so cruel?
That's how it goes. Prosthetics are painful (doubly so for burn victims), limited and expensive.
better to fling yourself forward or jump straight down? better to land in a bush (probably not, since risk of puncture) or on the grass?
>police getting assprints from the park bench
Do we know who the flaming employee was? The one who chased the aronist down, like a spirit of vengeance?
>die painlessly
>hot smoke in your eyes, sinuses and mouth while ripping through your throat and lungs
Why are there random bumps on the bench?
Gasoline vapor spreads very quickly and doesn't require much to ignite
Only the staircases had no sprinklers, which is why people suffocated/died there.
Minorin a best.
burn him
Was he on that bench before or after? Why did it burn if he was on it before?
Because xe reality
>2:7 male to female ratio
>self-proclaimed feminists
Now I know why FMP: IV had production issues and a recap episode in a 13 episode season.
How do you even ignite that shit without fucking dying
>everyone using two microphones
You can't feel that when you pass out.
Smoke inhalation hurts and is scary as fuck obviously but you lose consciousness fast and once that happens you won't experience the burning, assuming you don't suffocate before the fire even reaches you.
It's still horrible but not nearly as bad as immolation.
>What does Yea Forums think of Mr. Obvious's take on the KyoAni fire?
He's obviously a retard.
It's the perfect time to say this: We need to enforce the global filtering and finally filter the shittiest words that created in this shitty place and get rid of the cancer that plagues Yea Forums. It's time to end this nightmare or at least kill everyone in Yea Forums
At least now I know how the dude burned himself
>Do we know who the flaming employee was
No but we know he will become japanese pic related
There is no justice in this world.
oh fucking well
there's worse shit happening in the world
man I wish people gave more fucks about all of the other problems happening in the world like they do like this shit
I hate this fuckin egocentric empathy everyone seems to have where generally people don't care about shit unless they can directly relate it to something they deal with in their personal lives
I mean I guess you could argue that people have a sort of cognitive default where all morality/empathy is defined by how it relates to you as an individual but that's fucking suck
I'm genuinely fucking irritated by the sheer number of faggots crawling out of the weeaboowoodwork to talk about how much of a fucking tragedy this is when the same folks don't even give a passing glance when thousands are killed in some shithole country or when schools are shot up or whatever the hell else is going on in the world
how the fuck are we supposed to get anything done if everyone, intentional or not, is a shitty fucking egoist
Fat blue ugly bastard
Do you think KyoAni felt the cold numbness when they were burning alive?
by not being fucking retarded? have you really never used a fucking coal grill with the ignition fluid, or did you actually use up half the bottle in one go?
>this kills the arsonist
where the fuck did he pour it, in the 3rd to last image?
and what the fuck is going on in the last one? he fell from a broken/hurt leg?
By not using an entire jerrycan of fuel as fire-starter, you need at most a few hundred milliliters
did he died
>shittiest words that created in this shitty place
Only if we start with "based" and "kino" please.
What would you filter them to?
Sugita went Volgin mode
>man I wish people gave more fucks about all of the other problems happening in the world like they do like this shit
same, tbqh
So that homeless can't sleep on it?
Yes, we need to use the tragic death of the 34 people to further our agendas. I say let's ban all moeshitters, they're clearly unstable. Who knows who they kill next.
No because they already sold their souls to the devil 6 years ago
cutie alert
It's pretty common knowledge that ALTs in Japan are severely mistreated. I don't know much about other jobs though, I hear it's better though.
Seems about right. I fell from roughly three and a half meters on a hard surface head down once, didn't break my neck, but got a double arm break with displacement. I distinctly remember thinking about how oddly my arms looked at the time.
>ignition fluid
That's obviously different, that's made to be safe. It's made so that you can ignite without fucking dying.
JL123 34th anniversary next month..
He poured it on the ground floor.
Due to the volume of gas and it being in an enclosed space a ton of vapor was present, so when he ignited it there was an explosion.
He burnt the fuck out of his leg and suffered burns elsewhere also due to the explosion.
It's not. The Charlie Hebdo attack involved free speech, the islamization of Europe and France in particular, how compatible that is with the core principles of the nation and what should be done about it. Everybody had an opinion about it to keep the discussion going well after the initial shock of the attack. In this case the only thing that's left to discuss after the public condolences is maybe how the fire codes could be improved. Anime focused media will talk about it, but there's nothing in it for the mainstream.
And honestly, fuck you for reminding me about the Charlie Hebdo shitshow. It makes me sick remembering all the victim blaming and washing of hands that went on with that. Even the fucking pope sided with the killers. After all the initial "support" in the form of hashtags and facebook profile photos, you could see all the PC drones trying to distance themselves from the issue, talking about mutual respect and the criminalization of Islam by the media.
My guess is he stood too close to the puddle of gas, which basically exploded into a fireball and made him a bit crispy.
Do you guys think Japan's gonna change any law from this? I mean there are probably thousands of similar buildings that can be easily be burned down with the same method, realistically right now nothing can stop any person from buying 40 liters of gas and set a building on fire and easily kill 80% of the people inside.
What if I accidentally smashed my head into the ground with a poweful g-force instead of rolling
You should be first to get the D
But they're on the part where your back would be when sitting up, and only on one side. It doesn't prevent people from sleeping on it.
You get there by being the ones to draw attention to these problems. To doing something about it. But you can't do that by using whataboutisms and denying other people's pain. Suffering is suffering.
>ALTs in Japan are severely mistreated
Damn right, people should be spitting in their faces, everything else is "severely mistreating" the human garbage that is ALT
It was even more awkward since there wasn't that much of it. It's like they just tried to meet a fucking quota or something.
Well, the thing is usually a building of such size won't have 70 people in it.
Yes user, the matter of importance here is how much better you are than everyone
aka burns even slower and evaporates less. and yet its still fast as fuck. now extrapolate that onto real fuel.
how did he start pouring it randomly with no one noticing? was it in a bathroom or someplace not just in the middle of the floor? or did he pour it into a pit or something somewhere like the diagram shows?
chinks have no souls, they will run over little girls or eat animals still clinging to life to fill the soulless void in their bodies
Yakuza hit confirmed, perp dies before testifying, that's how they do it
Fuck you
If it makes you feel better then know that this was basically school arson.
Animation school.
Better to land in a Bush because they branches will take some of the force away. You’re not going to have much sideways force from that height, but if you can, yeah. Because you also have that lateral velocity to roll rather than straight down
Holy fuck
There was a poll on twitter where the majority voted that the arsonist should not receive medical treatment. Why are Japs so childish?
who is this man apologizing
Hopefully, apparently the building was within fire regulation standards, if so that's insane, even in my shithole country we're a lot stricter and more calculated with it than this.
>kyoani was a LADY studio
Honestly explains everything. Now understand why modern anime is the way it is.
It's in a bucket so he could easily tipped it over and threw a lighter.
oh yea user i read that wikipedia article too!
Fuck guys, I want out of this fucking dimension, I need to go back where I didn't wake up and KyoAni is no more
This type of stuff really doesn't happen often (unlike America). So maybe, maybe not.
What about a tree? I would be afraid of getting stabbed by branches and killed from that.
Just kill him you sound like murilard
It's because they don't reveal the names. If they did, the media could do sensationalist spins like the grandfather who was searching for his granddaughter.
Mate if someone went into one of the buildings in your shithole and dumped gasoline everywhere it would go up too
The bench is flammable, it might be implicit.
What the fuck is that
Should he though? He's gonna get killed anyway so it seems a waste of time to actually keep him alive before it happens
No amount of regulations are going to stop you from dying by being covered in gasoline and caught on fire
>white people bringing up their gay morality again
dum gaijin
yeah I mean I don't really take issue with the fact that people consider this a horrible thing
obviously a bunch of people burning isn't great
still just wish people weren't so selectively empathetic though
I hope its very painful.
they'll be back
People have drastically different value, and many have outright negative value for the world. Death of artists is tragedy. Death of niggers or other darkies is irrelevant.
3 people were reported to be in critical condition, 1 critical patient died yesterday
I'd guess a turtle with no shell.
Why not? You can easily fit 30 people on each floor, this is Asia after all
Why is it taking so long for the victim list to be released?
what chinks devour, the living chopped to pieces just 5 seconds before served on a plate
Probably frog meat. It's not alive, just muscles reacting to salt. I don't know why they'd eat it raw though.
Finally archives?
I didn't expect lolifeet in this thread. Also is phone levitating or did someone throw it at her?
>The thread is not a sticky anymore.
Yes user, the justice system should work properly instead of catering to your feefees. How is this such a hot topic in current year. He needs to be interrogated, they need to know if there was anyone else behind it etc. The system works, don't break it just because you're upset
Think about the precedent that would set. At this point he is just a suspect
What kind of trees are you thinking of? As long as you're not getting hit in the head, any unlikely puncture is not gonna be deep enough to worry about compared to a forever fucked nervous system, or worse, broiled lungs.
>The thread is not a sticky anymore.
>The thread is not a sticky anymore.
>The thread is not a sticky anymore.
>this thread will die before names are released
>a fat manchild managed to burn the Devil's playthings ahead of schedule
Man, Satan's getting slow these days. You know you've fallen when a fat autist managed to beat you to the punch
Ah thread have been unpined
posting in a non-sticky
>Not treating him so you can kill him again yourself
>Not sticky
>In China, if you want to buy large amounts of gasoline, you need to register your name and put yourself on the priority watchlist of the facial recognition cams.
Why was China so right?
We'd have sprinklers for one, also closed off staircases and evacuation doors calculated for the maximum number of people that actually fit in that building.
No, but it could save a couple of lives, trust me, they're there because they work.
t. someone who works in the field
>not a sticky anymore
Kyoani BTFO
It's the end
"Do no harm."
Japan doesn't announce these things immediately like most other countries do.
lel its already 9 pm in Japan. No names will be released today
Any chance some of the info given are made up? Like some info the media dunwan us to know
He should be kept alive so that he can rot in a jail cell for 10 years before being hung
Raw meat. Only five seconds in boiling water, so it's still alive.
You can fit them in doesn't mean it's usual for them to be in there
>thread will die before the names are announced
Retarded nips with their anal double checking. Yea Forums will be full of kyoani threads for weeks now
China is alright
Shut the fuck up /pol/shitter.
Who is this crying man
KyoAni is now that girl everyone were sure would have a bright future and suddenly she and her uncle got into fire and her face is half-burnt now.
>A friend of a friend, who's Scottish, was actually told by their teacher to "please sound more American" when they talk. Fucking messed up
What's messed up about that? Scottish accented English is not what they're looking for in an English teacher. I would understand if a burger school suggested that I used a Mexican accent instead of my regional Spaniard one. You sound like every other burger drama queen who can never adapt to other cultures.
Do the families know who has passed at least?
goodbye friends
We'll sure to get another sticky once more info surfaces. Go get some rest anons.
They don't want monks trying to start shit by attacking chinks with swords again and then setting themselves on fire
bye bros, guess this thread outlived its usefulness
Pedo comedian.
So you want us to be sad 24/7 for deaths that certainly are happening every minute but we don't know about? Are you serious?
I think so, yes.
China is Based.
die in a fire, chink
Exactly, how are they going to prevent this happening again without establishing a chain of events?
The idol fucker
Chad teen idol cunny wrecker.
I guess this is soon coming to Japan too.
It's cruel a single messed up fucker can end so many passionate lives just like that. Take care anons. I Hope Kyoani can recover from this somehow.
Except there are many British English ALTs and they're fine. Scottish is just a stigmatized variety compared to larger/more mainstream ones like BrE or AmE.
WTF i love china now
Ah, well ok. I guess the most we can do is pray.
We literally can't help it. We're animals in that sense. That doesn't mean we can't extend empathy upon hearing the stories of the dead from these other larger tragedies. Most people just don't hear about them, and the atrocities are reduced to mere statistics. People generally can't empathise with numbers alone. It's a sad reality but information has its limits, everyone has their own filter bubble. The only thing you can do is expand the bubble of the people you come into contact with.
Good fucking job mods, now the bench is going to get away with everything
>people create multiple kyoani threads
>no sticky
>people create multiple kyoani threads
No, you can't even do that in China nowadays, because of environmental protection and reduce air pollution during winter
Bye faggots. Don't ever come back.
Actually just had yakuza connections
just jump bro
>longest sticky thread on Yea Forums ever
>still not long enough
It still hurts
>The thread is not a sticky anymore.
Well, all things end. Once again RIP to the fallen and to those still alive I hope they get well. The road is hard but they have the love of millions.
it was an honor to grieve and shitpost with you Yea Forumsnons.
crossboarding niggers, you all can fuck off now.
wait, someone else besides miyasako? name?
>teen idol
who ever said they were underage?
>sticky gone
>Hurry up paypig goys, heal KyoAni's limbs back with your money
goodbye bros
By killing yourself first
mods gay
not your "bro", fag
China also kills mentally disabled people at birth.
>It's cruel a single messed up fucker can end so many passionate lives just like that.
Happens every day in the US, almost.
What is this from?
t. crossboarder who forgot to change the filename
No, they’re attacking the guy who made a Twitter joke. Mr Obvious is getting kudos in that thread. O
Sticky when they announce the names of the fallen?
ALTs are only garbage because the hiring companies hire garbage that can't teach. Unfortunately even the ones that can teach are treated like shit. Ever see the "Monkey ALT" image with the kids throwing paper balls at a balding guy? He was probably told to do that and was against it but had to because the Japanese teachers are shit and try to take you down with them.
Those are probably raw meat preparing to be cooked in Korean barbecue style
He admitted to having sex with 12-16 year old nobody idols on national TV.
And of course the elevens are totally "shocked" about this relevation in the idol industry lmao.
>inb4 it was just a prank
>new sticky
>anons all commit ritual suicide due to being bamboozled
Link to news story, or what's his name? Why isn't he in jail?
A song for the end of this sticky
It was sad all. When names are released I'm sure we will get another sticky.
I guess we'll get stick thread once we get the newest info. Until then, see you later, faggots.
we've ascended
See . How did that happen?
Name? And is he going to jail?
This is from aoisora2525.com
- On the day of the attack, a film crew from NHK was scheduled to visit KyoAni's studio to do some filming for a documentary. NHK wrote about their film crew having an appointment with KyoAni in the first revision of one their articles on the fire, but silently edited that fact out a few hours later:
- NHK told KyoAni to relax security that morning so the film crew could go in and out unhindered. That's why the perp was able to simply go in and out of the unlocked front door.
- KyoAni's most renowned directors were all present in studio 1 that day because NHK said they wanted to do interviews with them.
-The NHK crew actually was very close nearby when it happened, after the perpetrator ran out he was filmed by the crew's director from his car.
- Supposedly KyoAni had locked the emergency exit on the rooftop roughly a week before because they had received complaints that some employees were throwing down cigarette butts from the rooftop.
>ALTs are only garbage because the hiring companies hire garbage that can't teach
That's kind of the point of ALTs, if they were real teachers they would just be actual real teachers
>Why isn't he in jail?
Why are you saying goodbye?
>not knowing how to use t.
i just downloaded the pic, the filename is intentional, newfriend.
it outlived its usefulness 5 hours ago
>thread finally allowed to rest
It's the way it should be.
>some employees were throwing down cigarette butts from the rooftop
>Just stay there in the pitch black superheated death cloud, bro
How long did other stickies lasted
Because this is a shit move if it's taken down this quick
Why is no one saying his name or linking to any news story. If this is japantimes.co.jp
>we've ascended
We've ascended to carry on and on
Where are we going from here?
she's still moe though
This thread has been a very pleasant experience, can't wait to shit up the rest of you weebs' threads on this board.
At least that gives me hope that the silent seiyuus weren't in there, unless of course the documentary footage was of the Euphonium meeting.
Why do you think such a thing is even gonna be publicly announced? Police and hospitals have no right to announce something like that and KyoAni won't do it because of privacy rules. If anyone high-profile died, you are gonna learn that not from the news but from unofficial sources.
>mods remove any updated news post if it's from leddit
>mods remove most images of the building
>mods finally remove the sticky
what the fuck man
Info about the lack of security leaked from NHK 99% probability. NHK needs to be investigated right now
>largest growth of any 'animation studio'
And the fastest ungrowth.
I've broken my arm before and it doesn't hurt that much, faggot. Pretty sure breathing gasoline fire smoke is much more painful.
this thread is fucking 40k+ already, it was about fucking time
Read back on this thread, it devolved into Hiroyuki shitposting about 5 hours ago.
>people thought the guys with 40 litres of gasoline is one of the NHK crew
This is legitimately something that unnerve me. That kind of scenario can be repeated anywhere else.
You bet there will be another sticky after names come out.
What the fuck is an "antisocial group"? And nothing on those articles says anything about idols or sex or him being a pedo.
Kyoani arson was an inside job by NHK and the Japanese government.
out in the woods to space in time and beyond somehow
Not like this
>die painlessly
Yeah I'm sure that's why people screamed in agony to be saved. Only the outside burns stop hurting and only after it sears your pain receptors.
citation needed
>he thinks the names will ever come out
I like how people still believe that child idols are the pure ones.
Yeah it's pretty easy to do weird shit if people think there's a show being filmed. Who knows, maybe you're just carrying props
This thread didn't exist five hours ago. Still confused since the articles mention yakuza ties and an unsanctioned event he was paid to appear at, but nothing else besides that like with girls or whatnot.
> lewder show
> constumes
I don't get it desu. So they're forced to cosplay, so what.
I like how retards like you still believe shitposting about idol rape. Read actual news, retard.
T-They're children user! They probably have their pure innocence corrupted by an evil adult!
release the names
AND the addresses
I hope they give him death penalty.
>This thread didn't exist five hours ago
This thread existed two days ago, retard. Can't even read a fucking date.
Hopefully, gonna trust mods to not fuck up this once
Becuase this thread has been filled with retarded crossboards for at least the last 20 hours, let it die, all the retards who are here to spam LE HABBBENING :DDDD will leave, and we can talk about it when we have more information.
I see penis.
They will unless he dies in the hospital
nobody said anything about rape, it's consensual prostitution for jobs
The grim reminder of moefags or kyoanifags. Stay alive friends and remember
Have you checked the OP timestamp?
>Sticky is gone
A thousand kids commit a thousand atrocities everyday. Meanwhile an adult will only get his ass fucked and that's all he'll do for today.
Fuck kids
This. They've all been used.
>we can talk about it when we have more information.
Permasage might be a better choice than sticky next time then. No one checks page 11.
no faggot I'm just saying to try to be more conscious of this shit
and maybe extend the same degree of help you might here for other things every now and then
No, retards literally made that up ITT. The scandal is he performed for a yakuza gig, that's it. Everything else is made up ITT and you believe it like the retard you are.
>Thread is not a sticky anymore
It's like KyoAni dying all over again.
The first post for me shows as with no way to see older ones. There's still nothing saying he was involved with underage girls.
>sticky gone
why. wtf?
oh shit the sticky is gone
Very few teachers in Japan before the high school level are real teachers, especially not any of the English teachers (most of them can't even speak English).
Goodbye my dudes
Fuck it was an option for me, but I'd rather tell them to put keigo up their asses instead of putting up with Japanese bullying.
>mods have had enough
Its over.
>consensual prostitution
>of 12 year old girls
I said the OP, not the first reply. Is this your first time? Cause in that case, lurk moar.
If you ask me, they are therapeutic bumps for old people sitting there, look how the blue dummy has the head over it, I think they are for relax.
You're right, the OP was posted and stickied two days ago, but nobody replied until three hours ago.
Lurk for two years before posting.
>1.7m in 2 days
KyoAni will be fine. There are other fundraisers too.
You can't access this anymore wtf.
I know. But you told me to read the thread (not just the OP) and were talking about "discussion" that happened in the interim, which clearly I can't see.
I'm on my way to japan to start making some future animators with my talented seed to help kyoani rebuild. Look for my name in the credits two decades from now.
Satou was right, NHK is the devil.
There's no new news about KyoAni. They can't make copy about it at the moment, so with no new images or interveiws, yeah, the story is going to give way to other more media-firendly stuff.
There's not even a political angle to pad out the sections. The chap was a nutjob, there's not a lot to disect there.
Because it's been two days and there's so little new information that it's just retards baiting each other and talking about unrelated events. There's no reason to keep this thread up.
I'm not claiming that, you fucking retard. Just said that the posts aren't viewable due to the thread length.
Works fine for me.
Lost a lot of stuff, though.
I just think it was unnecessary and all around awkward.
Some did, and saved themselves because jumping from that height is nothing. Some didn't react quick enough or moved quick enough and didn't reach one in time. Some chose to go to the roof and collapsed in the part of the building where the smoke was thickest. Some could have jumped, were afraid to do so, and died (this is not speculation, it comes from a survivor's story). That "survival instincts" kick in when people are in a live or die situation is just a myth. For some people they do, but others simply freeze or panic and die in objectively stupid and preventable ways.
>It is one of the deadliest massacres in Japan's history since the end of World War II and the deadliest building fire in Japan since the Myojo 56 building fire in 2001.
Blessed post.
Is this for real?
I'm not that same guy, but basically someone baited EOPs into thinking it was a sex scandal when it was actually just a guy doing a yakuza gig.
>no more sticky
I hope we have another sticky when we find out what's about megumi ohno or Takechan.
Let's cry one last time guys.
>“She was my pride,” the man, Kazuo Okada, 69, said of his granddaughter, Megumu Ohno. “Her name started appearing on the screens of anime movies. I was so happy to see that. I was proud of her. I want to see her face soon.”
>He said his 21 years old granddaughter has been working for KyoAni for 2 years and she seems to work on the 3rd floor, but in the morning he found her name on the missing list. The grandpa met her 1 week ago." She always says she's working hard, she's happy to see her name in the movie, and recently she bought me a fan book with her own money as a gift, as she knew I'm a fan of that baseball club"
The testimony from the guy who jumped off is from like 2 hours ago though.
yeah I'm thinking this post is b a s e d
>Supposedly KyoAni had locked the emergency exit on the rooftop roughly a week before because they had received complaints that some employees were throwing down cigarette butts from the rooftop.
Hopefully this one isn't true. It would fuck up what's left of the company really hard if it turns out this was partially their fault.
meant to quote
>no sticky
>posting in dead thread
I think surviving is even worse than dying
Nice try
Stop posting this. I'm going to drown to death from the tears.
Suspicious as fuck
tripfags dilate
Ojisan no.........
Kys Christcuck
Sama Hydeo strikes again! This is insane!
I miss the old kyoani
There was too much retarded bait including irrelevant /pol/ posting and a constant cycle of people asking for the same information because that's how timezones work. There's always next sticky anyhow
Female MC, fujo audience, slice of life
>never forget what Lucky shit did to this board
Cope more Discord tranny
What does this mean?
seethe and have sex faggot
just came back after like 7 hours. do we have the damn names yet?
Big if true. Always thought something was off about the incident. I think it was a yakuza hit job and perp is just some crazy nutjob they used as scapegoat. Watch the perp suddenly die in hospital.
I'm surprised it stayed up this long, but I found it pretty cathartic. Hopefully there is another sticky when we have more news.
It means that you need to lurk at least 2 years before posting.
I mean, generally yeah
people don't empathize with numbers
but isn't it kind of fucked that generally we don't think of those numbers as actual real people until someone reminds us that, yeah shit these people that died actually had families and aspirations and shit
and I know you could argue that it's a byproduct of our biology like it's rooted in some shit like dunbar's number
or maybe it's just a quality of how we view our relationships with other people or whatever
but I honestly don't know if I want to believe that nothing can be done about it aside from occasionally reminding folks that people are people
Did we finally get out of the Endless Eight?
Cringe and unbased
Also join your fellow faggots
At this point you really ought to lurk more.
an EOP is you.
I googled it. :^)
Does this go on the test?
>Anonymous Midori
>Anonymous Yuki
>Anonymous Shinji
>Anonymous Yui
Oh great, now comes the pedo idolfags trying to pretend the managers dindu nuffin wrong and how it's the literal children who is to blame.
God, Yea Forums and/pol/ is good boards next to Yea Forums and /jp/
It's expected to take about a week
What is "dilate" supposed to even mean in this context? Dilate what exactly?
Those words should be banned on Yea Forums
I speak Japanese.
Which floor is this, ground or second?
Nah, rooftop was a huge deathtrap, literally the worst place to be. They would all die from the smoke there.
>Oh great, now comes the pedo idolfags trying to pretend the managers dindu nuffin wrong and how it's the literal children who is to blame.
Children weren't involved in any way. Read the news articles. It was a yakuza thing, that's literally fucking it.
You don't want to know it
Evil Omnipotent Punani
don't you gotta a black bvll to prep, Mr.obvious?
What about Oof
>implying that data regarding homosexual pedophiles can be readily used to draw conclusions about the habits of homosexual teleiophiles