Mine realesed pic related.
How did your country reacted to the kyoani incident?
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Billibilli and tencent will order their employees to shed a single tear for fakesupporting KyoAni, because pretending to care looks good in the news. Since those chink tech companies employ hundred million bugmen, that will still be an impressive amount of salt shed.
Mentions that especially K-ON fans are shocked.
Its fucking annoying as shit I will never be able to flame this garbage studio again without getting called out
Made it into local and national news in minutes.
>waaaah this is gonna disrupt my studio wars shitposting!!!!
fuck off and die you absolute nigger
3rd world Eastern European non-country here.
No one gives a shit.
Dunno yet. Currently they're reporting on a retired cricket player been diagnosed with cancer as breaking news.
It was the second headline on the main BBC news so it's pretty big news here in the UK, about the same as a school shooting in the US is here, probably a bit more relevant seeing as those are so common in the US now.
I literally just woke up like 4 minutes ago
What is it with Mexico and anime?
I'm guessing burgerville doesn't count but I haven't seen anything about it in social media besides some anime accounts posting about it, nothing from any actual people though.
I think it was on ABC news for a bit.
Mexico doesn't make their own cartoons, it all comes from the north or from japan
It's on Fox news, boy there are a bunch of retarded comments on their website.
There's a news article, which is actually surprising, since news here are slow as fuck. Probably because it headlined BBC and half the sites here just copy-paste and translate their articles.
Front page news on BBC.
Here's the BBC article. Has links to the fundraiser and that kind of thing.
I'm honestly surprised. This shit happened at about 2 am over here.
We do though, shitty ones but we create our own.
Le Monde (biggest neswpaper) Is talking about it in two different articles.
It ran on the fucking news.
>fire at an animation studio in Kyoto
That was something that made me directly jump out of bed.
Front page on the main press agency website in my country.
Le communiqué de mon post venait de l'ambassade de France au Japon.
Short news piece. It will probably go unnoticed as today is the 25 year anniversary of a terrorist attack against the Jews.
smettila di guardare i cartoni, esci a giocare a pallone come i bambini normali o trovati una ragazza
I see a couple of posts on social media by weebs so far, but other than that people are treating it as minor news.
Well, KyoAni is one of my favorite studios, dont get me wrong, and payers up and all that but there is too much shit happening here that it's drowned by news people care about more.
This place is a shithole wild wild west so I expected as much
Sono a lavoro.