>パクリ has multiple meanings, so his accusation can vary from they hurt him, they ripped him off, they plagiarized him until the motive for his attack is elaborated on
>パクリ has multiple meanings, so his accusation can vary from they hurt him, they ripped him off, they plagiarized him until the motive for his attack is elaborated on
Other urls found in this thread:
So he was a pathetic NEET who realized he spent all the little money he had on KyoAni merchandise?
Must be Hibike! Euphonium related since it was recent?
I think it’s either he’s underpaid or kyoanus stole his work
>I was ripped off
In other words, wasted his money on Violet Evergarden?
It's the plagiarism kind of ripping off.
God I hope it was an assblasted Yurifag.
That would finally give these mentally ill /u/ fuckers the rest and everyone would despise them for all eternity.
So is the attacker some kind of mangaka? An account I heard was of a 40-something man.
So he's just mentally ill and thinks someone stole his "work"?
What a lame reason.
he was a shonenchad
...Seems fair.
>gets ripped off in some way
>proceeds to kill innocent employees
Uh okay?
Psychosis or schizophrenia. Crazies thinking a popular artist read their mind and stole their ideas for a popular song for example is nothing new.
Doesn't matter, this is japan. The shitstain will hang even if he's crazy.
So he bought a ticket to the Eupho movie only to get hetero goodness? Is that what he meant by ripped off?
Probably some animeonly loser
Still, what a fucking son of a bitch.
The executives aren't the ones tracing people's drawings.
If he was an artist, oh yeah. I can understand the motivation. Having you worked stolen from you and be made into a profit for someone else. Yeah, I'd want revenge too.
based yuribro
This is the least that could have been done for the crime against humanity that is Lucky S**t.
Stealing implies you had something and after it being stolen you no longer have it
Lucky Suit?
99% of the time, it's just some nut who thinks that someone broke into his house and stole the story for some blockbuster.
It's a shame, I thought we were going to get some fun memes from this.
First the stuff with ufotable and now this. Who is next and who is behind it?
All the more reason to hang if he's crazy.
I wonder who?
I guess he was on of those authors from their (((novel contest))) whose book was (((awarded))) and shilled like a second coming, but in fact the author ended up being ripped off.
That's what you got from breaking up with Kafokawa
>Hibike! Euphonium movie blue-ray fucking never
Samamoto Hiyada, english teacher, white preacher, islam extremist and known school shooter
Or it could be Daiz
What happened to ufotable?
Honestly that's what I hope.
At least something good will come out of this tragedy.
Charges for tax fraud.
Tax evasion thingy. Pretty irrelevant now
Back to your containment board dumbfrogposter
Stop making threads about your pedo garbage getting burned and maybe I will
He doesn't necessarily say HE was ripped off. He called them plagiarists. Of what or who we don't know.
>Yea Forums
At least redirect them to /int/ or something. You’re literally giving Yea Forums credit
Seems incredibly stupid to burn down a studio because you think someone plagiarized the work of other person
I know it takes a crazy person to do something like this, but that's an extra step of crazy to be this mad over someone else's work getting ripped off.
It takes a fucked up mind to go through with that to begin with, you can't really be looking for logic in their actions. Anyways, that's how vague Japanese is, you can't make assumptions like that without knowing the context, and we don't know the context.
Look, I'm not a /u/ fag but even I know that Kumiko never showed any interest in Shoe1 in both seasons.
>pedo garbage
That's really cute Yea Forumstard.
To be fair, if a company decided to steal my life long work I would probably go postal too.
Guys, stop the presses, this is clearly just fired employee taking a revenge, not some otaku freak butthurt over his waifu geting the dick.
police already released a statement saying he's not employed and never was.
figures a /u/ idiot was the terrorist
I'm not the only one who's laughing at this, right? Some crazy otaku burning down KyoAni is almost exactly what I would have expected from the modern state of anime.
You had it coming.OTAKU!
Fuck you. KYOANI! Byebye!
Maybe this will be a wake up call to studios to stop making pandering moeshit
To everyone responding to the Kyoani fire with smug jokey vindication, think of it like this: we're now in a situation where one of the few anime studios to treat their workers right might not be able to work ever again. Put down your funnyhat and have some decency for once.
See what happens!
It's neither, apparently. It was some guy who thought Kyoani plagiarized his work or something.
we live in a society
If they were so great, why did somebody want to burn them down?
Well if treating their workers right doesn't produce good anime why does it matter?
Sounds like a schizo suffering from some heavy delusions of reference then
>「響け! ユーフォニアム」という京都アニメーション製作のアニメがある
yuri is the purest and most cute form of love in animated fiction
>ching chong ching
lol wtf i cant find the upvote button this sub is borked
The funniest part of this is all the Yea Forumsermin blaming /u/ just so they can hate on yurifags even more.
Why attack the animation studio instead of the author if you feel your work was ripped off?
>>I'd want to get revenge too.
You need to be checked into a mental ward in that case.
Either that or, as pointed out, some psycho who thought he was crusading against plagiarists in the animation industry.
Completely bonkers either way, of course.
Or thinks they stole it by reading his mind.
Those fags don't care about anime. They're only here to shitpost and make up reasons why Xfags or Yfags are blown the fuck out. Notice how the OP starts with a confession from the arsonist and they're all ignoring it to come up with their own reasons. Console war culture is a plague, but they'll have moved on by tomorrow.
Because all those other people are guilty by helping that one person that drew that arsonist's ire.
It turns out the attacker was just as retarded as the average Yea Forums shitposter. Stupid minds think alike.
Good. No use trying to heal what's unhealable
Big if true. Probably not, though.
found the /u/nigger
Complacency doesn't make you innocent.
Yuri pigs was a mistake
Hirohiko Araki is the name of the man who caused the genocide
What building is that, anyway?
Araki is well past his 40s, given he's an undying vampire who has watched empires rise and fall.
He must be that one guy who bought the Nichijou BDs
>Maybe this will be a wake up call to studios to stop making pandering moeshit
Are you kidding me right now?
They produce a genre of Anime that you aren't a fan of, therefore they should be literally burned alive?
When did this sub get overrun with fucking psychopaths?
Bullshit, they'd say he's 20 if that were the case.
So it's someone who participated in KyoAni's LN competition, lost, but got some of his ideas used and is angry about it.
Or some schizo who thinks KyoAni read his mind and stole his "totally original" ideas.
I shouldn't have laughed at this.
shitting building,bring on oneself
People have been repeating this meme for the last couple of hours and there's still be zero source to this "kyoani is the only studio treating their people right" claim.
I love how you normalfag retards can't even hide your idiocy.
Yes user this is a wakeup call for studios to stop making shows you dislike
From now on they'll always consult you first before animating anything
The arsonist is probably crazy and thinks kyo stole his ideas
Literally showing your reddit
The cancer metastasizes, kyoanus! This is what moe does to people
If this is true then it can't be helped.
>When did this sub
Fuck off
don't think Lucky Star was the worst
My funnyhat?
So now that anime has been officially declared a dead medium with this unfortunate turn of events, what other forms of escapism do you plan on indulging in instead, Yea Forums?
Gacha games.
>This sub
Fucking expert bait, honestly. Bravo.
>for the last couple of hours
Try for the last couple years. It's a widely known fact they have some of the best working conditions in the industry. Their animators get salaries instead of being paid by the cut like usual, and they stretch out production instead of working them to death over a short period of months. There's also how they run a training school for new animators and reward prospective light novel authors with contests. The latter is where this guy is suspected to have gotten a grudge from, possibly because he submitted a story which got rejected but then he still feels like they used his ideas. Or he's just plain batshit.
The guy who was stalking the Kuroko no Basket mangaka for years had similar reasons.
This shit wouldn't have happened if you could open carry in Japan. Just saying. Can't commit arson if you're shot for trespassing.
porn. Mostly
>I'm just pretending to be a redditfag
Fuck off
Getting fit.
This. I'm actually subbed to BLACKED.
i immediately read this as "shikatanai" in my head
Piece of shit. I don't care why, nothing justifies setting a full building on fire.
The guys is an obvious schizo
They're at least save from a ufotable kind of situation simply because they have no good reputation to lose.
What if it was Kakifly mad the the anime was better than the manga?
They didn't even know/care he was there, idiot.
Damn that was cringe as fuck
We don’t even know if the guy was an otaku, but it’s likely he had some beef with plagiarizing.
You know this whole approach makes no sense when, if anything, the studio was more likely burned down because they STOPPED making moeshit.
I'm not even going to watch your shit video, the image tells me all I need to know.
RIP to the 13 dead employees
And yet, they still earn less than the lowest McDonalds employee. You have to be really stupid to even waste your time being an animator in Japan.
Is any more cringe than KyAni's shows? c'mon.
The story that he was an angry train sperg who flipped out because they used a different song in Hibike is the funniest explanation so far, so that's the one I'm going with.
Studio 1, the primary animation+AV studio.
>things women will never understand
>Hirofumi Watanabe, 36, a temp worker, was arrested last December. He had pleaded guilty to the charges.
>Although arrested in Tokyo, Watanabe is a resident of Osaka. He was accused of sending over 400 letters of intimidation to businesses, events, and the media, causing several cancellations and 7-Eleven to recall goods from 1,500 of their stores.
>When asked why he held a grudge against Fujimaki and/or "Kuroko no Basuke", Watanabe reportedly said that he never met the manga artist but “was jealous of his success.” This was also alluded to in a letter to the Mainichi Shimbun which read, “Fujimaki who lived a blessed life, and I who have never experienced anyone’s love.”
This one
fuck off Yea Forumsedditor
Why are nips so psychotic
>moe faggots
go fuck yourself shounenfag
Is Fire Force going to be cancelled now?
You can fucking jump off the window and still live.
Living in an internet bubble 24/7 makes you crazy.
Oh please let this truly be a yurifag.
The culprit had nothing to do with Kyoani
He's just an otaku sicko
Lucky for me I only watch MANIME
>doesn't git gud and improve own life
>blame others for their success
That's petty. Like, I am exactly 7 years older than Ray-K (same birthdate), doesn't mean I will envy him enough to go and ruin his life.
I've been subsisting mainly on manga for years already so not much difference.
It's the same Yea Forumstad shounenbaby who's trying to make 'moepigs' a thing. You can easily tell from the way he posts.
>missing presumed dead:
>Ishihara Tatsuya Director
>AIR・Suzumiya Haruhi series・Kannon・Nichijou
>CLANNAD・Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions・Sound! Euphonium
>Ishidate Taichi Director
>Kyoukai no Kanata・Violet Evergarden
>Takemoto Yasuhiro Director
>Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon・The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
>Kawanami Eisaku Director
>Free!-Timeless Medley-・Free!-Dive to the Future-
>Nishiya Futoshi Animation director
>A Silent Voice・Liz and the Blue Bird
>Nichijou・HYOUKA Character Design
>Kadowaki Miku Animation director
>Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon・Tsurune・Kyoukai no Kanata Character Design
>english titles
the most plain-looking studio was the newest and most important one?
This is a very depressing list.
In building fires, most people die due to smoke inhalation. You get disoriented in the smoke and pass out before reaching any exit or window. And having been in Japan, those small buildings tend to have really cramped hallways and staircases.
Not a big KyoAni fan, but assuming that it's true then I wonder what it was they stole from him to think that this was justified.
Oh lord.
>There's also how they run a training school for new animators and reward prospective light novel authors with contests. The latter is where this guy is suspected to have gotten a grudge from, possibly because he submitted a story which got rejected but then he still feels like they used his ideas.
Those kind of people are the worst, trash who wouldn't get any attention because of what they are get angry because they don't feel like they were helped as much as they think they deserve.
You realize that's bait, right?
Either a crazy ass Otaku or a guy paid off to commit arson and says he got ripped off because he got caught after being paid the money.
i'll have you know that i happen to be a NEET and despite my crippling shitposting addiction i haven't lost the ability to differentiate between reality and dumb bullshit that people post online just yet
Me too
I'm just surprised by the amount of moralfags pretending to love kyoanus
Fire force airing is just the cherry on top.
What makes me sick is that for those who survive, they will likely lhave to live the rest of their lives with burn scars and other injuries, fuck man no one deserves that
Hate kyoani but it sucks people died
At least now they can get a job in an industry that actually pays employees.
light novels
I cant wait to see all those edge lords 's face when this disaster affects the entire anime industry.
Good for you, user. But Japanese internet bubbles can be fucking mental; some pockets of 2ch, Twitter etc. are so hateful and delusional it feels like reading crap from some bizarro universe ISIS members.
Lol, retard
Anime is dead any ways.
Damn that's sad. If only this happened a couple years ago VE might have been good.
If I wanted to waste my time reading I'd read an actual book rather than a shitty poorly written fanfic.
Why are you here again?
No one asked for your opinion retard.
Kyoani is in their own bubble compared to the rest of the industry though.
>Anime is dead
fuck off reddit
Thanks for your input namefag, it will now be ignored
Be glad I didn't impersonate you to say something stupid this time
>Why can't people be miserable like me?
I'm not the one wanting to read books for 10 years old
Kill yourself
Then they should've made Haruhi S3
sticky is killing my memory so I'm sticking here. Have they identified any of the bodies yet?
No it doesnt, one studio going bankrupt or burning down makes no difference in the grand scheme of things
You're the one who thinks reading is a waste of time.
Do japanese really execute mental cases? Based if true.
Okay, you're awesome. Now fuck off.
>Isekai is now finally dead.
It does when was one of the few studios that made any attempt to innovate and frequently drew animation cuts for other studios that were too talentless to do it themselves
Soon most of North America will start waking up and you'll start seeing their clownish agenda spins (muh mental helf, "geek culture", flagellation)
And as expected, fags who love studio wars don't know shit about anime.
At the very least all anime companies will care more about security.
There's also sth about arsonist's motivation. It will be lucky if he isnt a delusional otaku. If he is, the industry is fucked. But based on what I read it seems like he's just crazy guy
So, can't GODDAMN HIRO, tells us more about it?
Why does KyoAni have an Animal Video studio?
Just checked the time for USA, goddamn you're right.
Im a chad who has read enough doujinshi for a lifetime.
Cope nigger
Roleplaying as a cute girl online and getting fucked by multiple men at once.
Curious whether "ripped off" means his money was "ripped off" or whether he didn't win in LN contest
But you have no friends. Not to meantion a girlfriend. Whom are you going to blame?
why would it be dead when now theres several japanese animators who just got transported to another world?
I don't think that's how isekai work, they didn't get trucked, they got fired.
It's a shake we can't replace the people who died in the the fire with the absolute edgy fucktards on this board.
trucked is the most common method, but its not the only method.
Isekai will become bigger than ever because less shows wants to reference real world now
Pakuri in art means tracing/ripping off another work. Cheated out of money is defined by other words in Japanese.
The one employee chasing him must have had fucking balls of steel, RIP you beautiful warrior
>Missing directors:
>Ishihara Tatsuya - Director (AIR, Suzumiya Haruhi series, Kannon, Nichijou, CLANNAD, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Sound! Euphonium)
>Ishidate Taichi - Director (Kyoukai no Kanata, Violet Evergarden)
>Takemoto Yasuhiro - Director (Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya)
>Kawanami Eisaku - Director (Free!-Timeless Medley-, Free!-Dive to the Future-)
>Nishiya Futoshi - Animation director (A Silent Voice, Liz and the Blue Bird, Nichijou), Character Design (HYOUKA)
>Kadowaki Miku - Animation director (Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, Tsurune), Character Design (Kyoukai no Kanata)
Pretty big deal if they're all dead.
Why is Hiro fucking useless?
Yeah it'll effect some tweets of condolences from the staff and PR accounts of their competitors and then the world will keep spinning.
It's tragic but it's just KyoAni. It's not like Production I.G or MADHOUSE or some other titan of the industry got hit.
Furthermore until the deaths of each individual are confirmed and a statement from the company is given about the material lost we can't even be sure how much KyoAni itself will be impacted.
Creators can become like that, they spend ages in doing something and mostly it's about good luck whether you get popular or not. I mean think about something like South Park, the creators just happened to be in the right place for the right time for it to become such a massive hit. When you can't succeed you start getting delusional.
Call me Rasputin but I noted that the studio had a lot of wood in its construction when it was first announced.
Don't forget to donate directly to to Kyoto Animation, guys
>tfw manga chad
"Rip off" as in "plagiarize". We don't know if he thought they plagiarized him in particular.
I guess their new anime will be, "I'm just a normal animator, but I got reincarnated after getting burned alive by a psychotic otaku?"
A very graphic paragraph in a news report got edited and removed.
>[An eyewitness] lady said between sobs, "Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again. Soon they stopped moving against the window and burned into it like a shadow. Then I heard the din of ambulance sirens and helicopters flying by."
I wonder who it was.
That would be a bad thing.
>we can't even be sure how much KyoAni itself will be impacted.
It's like a third of their entire workforce, including senior personnel, for fucks sake. That's a catastrophic blow to any organization.
kyoani is famous for hosting various kinds of contests, you usually get a LN publishing deal and an anime more or less guaranteed.
It's likely that he submitted something, got denied, and then saw that they used parts of his story or whatever or something without informing or paying him. probably isn't even illegal since he probably signed all his rights away by submitting.
considering he's 41 years old and submitting shit to kyoani, he probably had no money to fight a legal battle and chimped out.
Yes, I typed a paragraph then rethought and just replied with an emoji
how do we solve the crazy neet problem in japan?
Mandatory sex sessions funded by government?
43 confirmed dead now
Do you think they will go back to Key adaptations and sequels to popular shows for support? Crazy Kyoani might not make it to the next decade.
>パクリ has multiple meanings
Japanese is the most convoluted and stupid language ever
is this confirmed?
You know the answer
At least the cancers can be useful now. PewDie will save KyoAni, no worries.
It's unfixable. it's going to happen in every country on earth. a global economy was a fucking horrible mistake.
Why not firebomb JC Staff instead? Those guys are the real ripoff.
> he submitted a story which got rejected but then he still feels like they used his ideas
considering you can count original nip ideas with fingers on one hand what you think his groundbreaking idea was?
Harem isekai totally not fate knockoff? high school protagonist doing cute highschool things and all girls are beautiful?
>rip-off has multiple meanings
English is the most convoluted and stupid language ever.
>ywn be magically sent back in time and teleported to the studio to stop the man before anything happens
Because only Japanese has words with multiple meanings. Meanwhile there's 10 people in this thread who have gotten confused as to exactly which meaning of the word "ripoff" applies here.
English gives it a run for its money.
you say this while writing in a language that has shit being both an insult and praise.
>neets burn down anime studios for retarded reasons
>neets lose anime escapism
>neet all kill themselves because reality
>problem solved
kyoani will survive and they'll produce some dark stuff to cope
Ban all anime, manga and porn. Make the illegal possession of anime, manga and porn a crime punishable by death.
Force unemployed, unmarried men over 30 into forced labor.
Problem solved.
The way it's stated, there is no other meaning other than this guy was suckered by VEG hype machine and sought redress the only way he know.
Virtue signaling cancer tweets never helped anyone.
what about the part where the entire japanese economy collapses without weebshit
kek. that was my first thought as well
>ripped off
Maybe he went in as a trainee, trying to fulfill his life-long dream of working in the anime industry. The lessons were expensive, and he had to pay an extra 120,000 yen to use a desktop and a 8 year old Wacom. After 5 months, all he ever learned was how to draw feet and apply blur filters in Photoshop.
How do we stop him, bros?
>Ishihara Tatsuya - Director [...] Suzumiya Haruhi series [...]
Please be wrong.
I'm an autist completionist and was (up until that point) super into it so I watched the entirety of Endless Eight week by week and said out loud to myself at the end, "I hope whoever did this dies agonizingly in a fire."
It was a decade ago and I was frustrated and exhausted and I take it back wholeheartedly.
>mfw yurifags just got added to the no fly list
Most people I know who think yuri is anything but fetish material display clear signs of gender dysphoria or are attempting to meme themselves into having it and began joining subcommunities centered around, eventually, fetish material, though no longer the voyeurism of yuri but rather direct participation...
Because of this I stopped thinking yuri was cute
Holy shit that's a fucking lot, source?
The injection of free labor through the enslavement of neets and virgins will more than make up for it.
Was thinking it might be a slight mistranslation. But I suppose we'll find out more later perhaps.
In any case he's probably going to be executed later on, whatever his reason was, multiple murders through arson is not going to win him any sympathy at all. Japan seems to get rid of such scum quickly and quietly enough.
These fucking fundraisers are pure narcissism
His ass
I see he was taught the important points in anime.
god that episode sucked
at least we saw Fujiko in the shower
But it is just fetish material. What else could it be?
Because there is no manga board.
or scams
He's safe alongside Ishihara.
Nippon gobinment believes that there's only 250k orctakus, though.
>41 year old man kills 20+ people because he was "ripped off".
Actual insanity, Japan have so many people who will go to extreme lengths over such minuscule things.
Would it be illegal to take some of the money for themselves as administrative costs?
Ufotable is a trash anyway. And if they didn't pay the taxes, it's their own fault.
He thinks this is subway yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
That's literally the explanation for anything in Japan, from the insane working hours to the terrorist attacks.
japs pay like $200 for 3 episodes, someone was bound to snap eventually
people I dislike like it so it's evil
You're fucking sad.
The asshole deserves the most painful death possible.
>Japan seems to get rid of such scum quickly and quietly enough.
Less quickly than you think. It was a couple of decades before they got around to executing Miyazaki Tsutomu.
Living vicariously through the characters because you experience primal dissatisfaction with your own masculinity and disgust at the masculinity of others apparently.
For some reason this shit is stupidly common on the internet while being rare in real life.
>Yes I am transgender
>BUT ONLY ON Yea Forums :3
>Mobile posters
>Japan have so many people who will go to extreme lengths
Yeah. That's only Japan problem.
One of the safest countries in this shitty world.
Jesus look at those windows, inside must've been hell.
NEETs uprising?
>Yes I am transgender
>Not Yes I am a cute anime girl :3 onii chan :3
You sucked and your mother sucks on my cock
A little bit of black humour is necessary to deal with all the real shit going around the world day by day. For the people that have died in this arson it's a tragedy as well as for their families. But since I'm not acquainted with those who died or their families I can indulge myself in a little bit of black humour. So can we kill all otakus and go back to having anime studios make anime for the mainstream audience ?
Considering he fucking set fire to a place, I'm not going to rule out the possibility of "he's just fucking nuts"
No, but they execute people who have killed.
How about forcing otaku neets to fight one another to death for normie amusement? Arm them with silly weapons like dull swords and fishing nets for extra fun. Why aren’t we doing this with criminals already?
Neets and virgins are a keg of gunpowder that need to be dealt with, otherwise nonsensical attacks such as this will continue to become more common.
Personally I think it's more humane to put them to work rather than have death squads roaming the country, asking sad and pathetic looking loners if breasts feel like bags of sand.
Is the arsonist a big guy ?
For context, Yamakan was a former KyoAni employee who was fired after working on Lucky Star. Rumors was that he was sexually harassing female co-workers
>In the country of psychos (only surpassed by China)
He's most likely just deranged.
Doesn't even make sense. Does KyoAni even DO any original animation?
some fucking idiot did this cause of no haruhi s3
>torching a building over anime
Ledouche, tipfags go extreme lengths, too. Who are you fooling?
>it's more humane to put them to work rather than have death squads roaming the country
Just like with niggers and Jews right? If you don't end a problem properly then it WILL come back.
just give them state sponsored girlfriends, it will fix most problems
Forced Conscription. Anyone who found out dodging will be executed on public like old times.
>for context
If there's anyone here who doesn't know who Yamakan is then this place is truly dead.
I always thought yurishit was just a harem without a self-insert because some autists are so autist they can't self-insert in a protag, they hate him because they see him as a rival, and that's literally it.
Whether the audience later got polluted with actual transvestites I haven't got a clue.
>16 dead
Oops, meant tripfags.
how can a brick building burn like that? how is this possible? and how could so many people die inside?
Doesn't South Korea have a problem with NEETs too? They got conscription.
Don't ask for decency here. This is a shithole. At least there's some decent people, but most of this place is always filled with edgy teenagers.
NHK - 16 Confirmed Dead by Police
the real context here is that shinkai shouldn't fucking tweet about such big drama 1 day before his new movie starts screening
Did he just tell Shinkai to shut up a little?
What if kyoanus actually stole this niggas work? Regardless I hope this kills them
so this guy apparently feels kyoani as a whole ripped him off?
could it be a laid off animator? no excuse for this but what would motivate someone to do this shit.
wow can't believe they got him too
they tried that in my country
didn't work
Unless some were resurrected by the paramedics, it's at least 23
It's summer, user
Was it an assblasted yurifag?
They seem to be just the kind to pull off stupid shit like that.
he never worked for kyoani.
he likely submitted a LN for one of their contests, didn't win, and then they reused his script regardless.
NEET? No. Karoshi? Yes, more than Japan.
It's been confirmed he wasn't a current or former employee
>summer friday gets released
>kyoani burns
Please be respectful to all the crossboarders who only came here to point and laugh.
He wasn't an ex-employee.
guess it's more anomie than anime in this case
shit I want kaiji season 3 but i'd never torch a studio over it, wtf is wrong with these Japanese NEETs
Some sources said that the perpetrator had kumiko figurines in his room, so most likely yes.
I so wish it was a seething waifufag who got cucked. Maybe it would help Japan realize how mentally ill the people that consume those types of products are and based Abe would ban moeshit.
Final toll will be 33 dead people
Will this spark a new trend in nutcases causing massacres in Japan just like how Columbine started the trend of school shootings in America?
>he likely submitted a LN for one of their contests, didn't win, and then they reused his script regardless.
It's fun to speculate.
I guess it really is true what they say
People die if they __ killed
it's a shame, I liked so many of their franchises growing up. and now it's probably done cause of one retard.
Death threats to anime directors are as old as the world itself, i don't believe many japs will have it in them to take things further.
Yes that’s obviously what happened user, because a guy who goes off on fictional 2d escapism media totally has any sense of honor and wouldn’t just try shitting it up for everyone else more if he has the chance.
name me another way kyoani could plagiarize him when he was never employed there.
What’s going on in this thread? My moonrunes aren’t advanced enough.
I approve.
Panem et circenses
>i don't believe many japs will have it in them to take things further
you're jinxing it already
In other words downloading anime, manga, games and music for free is not theft.
Also, soon we will be facing over correction and self-censorship from anime studios in general to avoid the topic or anything remotely controversial. Also, a reminder that the olympics are next year and some people are desperate to regulate or cripple the animation/manga industry in Japan and pretty sure that they will piggy back on this tragedy to push an agenda.
So, VEG is fine?
Seems like Ishihara and Ishidate are both safe. Someone else confirmed they were able to get in contact with Yamada too.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe is confirmed to have been found deceased on the second floor of the studio. He was touring the studio for a planned procreation anime.
>no funding from adaptions
>shinkai tweets saying he hopes everyone at kyoani will end up okay
>yamakan replies with "be quiet for a bit" because he most likely thinks shinkai wants to use the death of his former colleagues for movie PR
>proceeds to tweet about how he started drinking
>shinkai fans start spamming him with "be quiet for a bit" on every new tweet
Time for the conspiracy theories
>Netflix paid the guy to do this so they could buy KyoAni and have more exclusive content
Every english outlet within the past hour says 23 and it could be more.
Maybe they read 2ch too, who knows.
AP is no bullshitters.
anons nowadays are too easy
this is messed up. I only come here for jojolion now but this shit still hit like truck.
Yes, everybody can't wait for the Hibike live action with Zendaya and Jaden Smith.
Hope the whole thing was insured.
It's safe to say that's what exactly happened.
>if you show empathy you're moralfag
Fuck off
They haven't done anything good in 8 years so I wouldn't care if they went bankrupt or something, but this is fucked up. Holy shit.
パクり almost always means "ripped off" as in plagiarized. Don't listen to the retard in the OP, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Anyways, this explanation has been floating around:
A few months back, there was a shitstorm on 5ch over one of the baritone sax solos in Euphonium. The song played was Take the A Train. This caused train otakus to freak out (train otaku known to be a very unhinged and crazy group of people). The shitstorm had came and just went a while ago, but some people speculate that it may have something to do with the attack.
Japanese police aren't allowed to confirm deaths until a doctor has verified it. You could be in ten pieces scattered across a mile-wide area, you'd still be reported as "in cardiac arrest" until a doctor hoovers you up and tells them you're dead.
>implying anime wont become bigger than ever as a show of support for the victims
you can shut down any anime hater in the world from now on by comparing them to a mass murderer.
It's not illegal if you state it upfront what percentage or amount will go toward it so that the donor is aware.
Yeah it's funny to meme about but at some point we're gonna face what to actually do with men who 100 years ago would have have a career, a family and a purpose unless they were completely schizo (and probably even then) but now are just born to die because they found themselves in the bottom quartile of whatever bell curve. NEET death camps are about as realistic as thinking it'll solve itself by pushing society towards some feminist utopia.
Kyoani actually cares enough to hire its own animators and light novel writers, why would they cheat some literally who 41 year old hack neet writer
now we're really never getting nichijou season 2
Wait, so they thought that solo was the studio trolling the train otaku?
There was a guy who burned most of europe just because he didn't get accepted into art school. He wasn't a japanese.
>パクり almost always means "ripped off" as in plagiarized. Don't listen to the retard in the OP, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
This. OP is an EOP that looks into the dictionary too much.
This is unfair, a sole loser destroyed the lives of so many productive people.
184 dead confirmed.
The guy who started the fire was a south korean illegal who went by the name Bit Kwon Down Park
Naw they just keep you in your prison cell once you get the death penalty and don't tell you when you will be getting executed until the day comes. Look at Asahara and the rest of his followers who got the death penalty they had them waiting for 20+ years before they actually executed them. Honestly, the whole not letting you know what day you're going to die thing has got to fuck with a death row inmate so bad. Like you know death is coming but not when.
The BBC said 23 about 45 minutes ago. And the fire was on the nursery floor so, my guess is that that number is going to be made up of a lot of small children.
anime studios will just need to hire security. It's japan, it's not like someone is going to walk in with an ar15.
Using his work to earn money means he won't be able to earn money from that project. Yes, that by all means is equivalent to stealing, even if process technically looks different.
Yes, anyone who claims piracy is theft is a fucking moron. At worst it means smaller amount of buying customers but vast majority of people who pirate X, wouldn't have bought it anyway if it wasn't possible to pirate it.
So did they find any black person in the injured/dead list?
Can I state that the costs are not yet determined so I can take however much I want later?
I mean, who else would do it? Kyoani hasn't really made anything controversial other than the straight euphonium movie.
Nothing was lost
>He was touring the studio for a planned procreation anime
Was Abe /h/'s guy all along?
Haruhi s3 when?
>being straight is now controversial
Literally Assassin's Creed Odyssey canon ending.
Fuck off nettouyo
The most ironic fact is that "pirates" are spending a lot more money on their hobbies than usual normalfags.
Fuck off
The nursery floor?
If that's true those Japs better go Unit 731 on the guy
>at some point we're gonna face what to actually do with men who 100 years ago would have have a career, a family and a purpose unless they were completely
they already addressed this in the past by just throwing their arms up, calling them weirdos, and threw them in psych asylums or sent them to become monks, its NOT a new "trend"
What a fucking tragedy. Hopefully some of the presumed dead are safe and the death toll stops raising.
Can't imagine how fast the fire must have spread with all the paper that would have been stored around the building, must have been a nightmare.
Except it's real you whittu piggu. Koreans must pay.
>have a bunch of mangakas/animators followed on twitter
>literally the only one who gave a shit about it is this guy
half of their fucking LN adaptions are contest winners user.
they just buy up the rights.
He's quoting some retard on twitter who translated the article. It's dumb that you can just be some retarded Japanese 101 level EOP retard and just say shit and everyone will believe you.
>The song played was Take the A Train. This caused train otakus to freak out
i feel like i'm really missing something here, what does using a standard have to do with train otaku?
>people who torch a studio over some fucking shit cartoon
>dude follow us in the otaku camp
>yes sir
Good luck with that.
>he most likely thinks shinkai wants to use the death of his former colleagues for movie PR
The irony would be pretty heavy
We were just discussing this possibility in a Discord user. I've been thinking the guy could be a LN author that got his work claimed by KyoAni via contests or stuff.
Reminder that this is part of the (((globalist))) agenda, to restructure Japan and kill it from within, the same way they've been doing to the west. Japanese freedom of speech in anime and manga culture is seen as a threat to them.
Laugh at this now, you wont be laughing in 5 to 10 years. He who controls culture controls society, the pushed agenda will become more obvious with time.
Laugh at this now, you wont be laughing in 5 to 10 years. Start taking names on future investors and media. This is a classical move, they've been doing this with land since forever. If only you knew how many fires are man-made.
>And the fire was on the nursery floor so, my guess is that that number is going to be made up of a lot of small children.
Well fuck.
shinkais movie starts airing tomorrow.
The black set the fire.
Yeah. Half of my games I would have never bought if I didn't play them "illegally" first. And let's not even talk about M&A which is virtually unavailable outside of Japan but we on Yea Forums spend a lot of cash on it.
not to mention they always add anime original characters to their LN adaptions, not sure if they even consult the authors about that shit.
the sleepy girl in chuunibyou never existed in the novel as far as I'm aware, neither did dekomori.
>Types while neckbeard grease is all over his keyboard
>Some poor soul likely rushed to save their kid.
Translate this, weebs
Trigger will rise and moe is kill.
Delusions of grandeur are common among schizophrenics. This combined with paranoid beliefs that people are reading their minds or their friends/family are spying on them for shadowy organizations makes it easy to fall into the trap of thinking that every random thought they have is actually a totally novel stroke of genius and it's being taken from them to enrich others.
It's like when you see some show or commercial or anything that kind of vaguely resembles an idea you once had and you jokingly say "they stole my idea," except it seems to happen every day, you're not joking at all, it's ruining your life, and you can't get help from anyone because they're all in on it.
May or may not be the case with this faggot but given his actions I lean more towards mental illness than overreaction to an actual plagiarism.
>People get burned to death because of some spastic NEET
>Showing empathy for this makes you a moralfag
Are you that far gone that you think you have to be a KyoAni shill to be affected by this in any way?
>Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again.
reminded me of this youtu.be
Remember Yea Forums, never underestimate a fire.
Literally already posted in the thread.
>hate fictional 2D escapism media and the otaku who enjoy them
>taunt on 2ch about showing up in the media before you do it like a classic school shifter
>get caught and arrested
>shout about how they “plagiarized” you to seem like you’re a part of the group of people you hate to shit on them even more
Why are people giving this guy any credence when he could have gone after anything more honorably deserved like gamefreak or snoy but chose ficfional 2d escapism drawings? Not to mention how he arsoned 70 people and stabbed them when they tried to escape and everything.
train otaku butthurt with hibike playing a song related to trains or something, pretty sure it was TL'd in this thread, look for the same tweet's replies
It's far more likely they did indeed plagiarize some idea for some character or whatever, but it still is no excuse.
more like while lagging due to board being bombarded (which led me to accidentally repeat myself there when cutting and pasting), shill.
>the sleepy girl in chuunibyou never existed in the novel as far as I'm aware, neither did dekomori.
So the novels were shit then.
Schizos need to be purged
Oh yeah, it's definitely this guy. What a nutcase.
It is now reported that the criminal think Kyoani stole his idea.
Yeah, try pulling the same stunt in California.
Translation please?
146 dead.
A korean man is the one who started the fire. "Japanese pigs will die, we will conquer you" said as he burned the building.
racist fuck
Being tuned into a nigger is a fate worse than death.
they got shoehorned in volume 3 (got released after/during the anime's release)
novel is pretty okay, their relationship progresses much quicker and rikka lives alone and stuff. it's a good read, not that long either. give it a read i'd say
It's that crazy train otaku spam over the Euphonium song.
I hope ya'll are ready for more Free! Those it's a cash cow for the and those Fujobucks will help them rebuild. Every single character in the now bloated cast will get their own season, it's going to be great.
and Yamakan's was released last month and is still in some cinemas.
>The song played was Take the A Train
>This caused train otakus to freak out
I don't get it. Freak out for what?
I mean the show was pretty shit too.
just saying that it was only a matter of time until they piss someone with a major case of autism off. they probably expected a lawsuit or strongly worded letter instead of their entire studio burning to the ground though
Huh? What's a train otaku?
>it's definitely this guy
How so? As far as anyone can tell, that's still a meme for now.
Pretty sure they hanged some of those gas attack cultists just last year.
and what the fuck is a train otaku?
they thought it was an insult to their honoru
>in a Discord user
Go back to there.
Otaku in Japan means a diehard fan of something.
cool internet snippet bro
Otaku means nerd(s), so train otaku = train nerd(s).
Hopefully no other shithead feels emboldened by this. Always seems to be the way things go.
He said the same line.
It's because they added an ad-lib section to the song, and the crowd in the show loved it. The guy was just mentally unstable, and for who knows what reason, this shit pushed him over the edge.
Yeah I’m sure that’s what happened and this ugly fuck totally had his work plagiarized by the evil animation industry and totally doesn’t have an agenda like yourself.
>He said the same line.
kids that were 4 when this site was founded can now legally post here
The very use of the song in an anime pissed them off. Maybe there was more to it, but that's the only image of the thread I could find.
Enough to burn down Kyoani? Probably not, I just thought it was neat speculation.
Train otaku are pretty much what's written on the tin. Guys obsessed with trains. They like to research about them, visit famous trains, and most importantly, take pictures of them. The train otaku that take pictures (撮り鉄) are known to be particularly obnoxious and crazy.
Here's a fun example.
but why?
>Gatekeeping Yea Forums in 2019
The gate fucking rusted off like a decade ago, what the fuck are you trying to protect it from?
Most of them are harmless, but they really take their trains seriously.
Forgive me, haven't slept for over a day and a half.
Train nerd as in people who played densha de go and shit like that?
>all I want is to kill all jewish people, what's the problem with that?
fucking nazi
Or what's even more likely is that a mentally unbalanced person (who was sadly undiagnosed and/or untreated) say similarities between a character or an aspect of a story in a KyoAni show and did something awful.
I thought it was someone who stans thomas the train engine
wait wtf? people like those exist?
The whole パクリ shit. It all fits, the hate for Kyoani, the obsessive behaviour online, the insanity of the complaint and the insanity of the incident.
It's this guy, 95%. The 5% of doubt is because he had an accomplice, and I can't see many people going along with something this nuts.
Fucking cringe.
>oh my god the lunatic must hang for crimes against humanity
Did he even attack anyone?
Looks like he just set a fire. Pretty ballsy thing to do during business hours, but no surprise the Japanese manlets working there didn't manage to stop him.
People can burn down whatever they want. Anus probably has insurance.
If they don't it's their loss.
Trying to keep it and reddit away.
Because it's song written by a nigger.
Oh, so it's that type of people.
Of all the otaku I'd expect to pull this shit, train nerds are the last ones. I'd even put gunpla otaku over them.
Train nerds as they are obsessed with anything related to trains.
The virgin anime company, the Chad train otaku
Or trainspotters, as they'd be called here in the west.
like boers in south africa, we were here before you niggers and we will remain here long after you fuck off, no matter how useless or hopeless we will keep our gatekeeping duty, till the end.
Nigger, there's 23 people dead. Insurance doesn't fix that.
>He merely just set a fire
>It's not like he attacked anyone
LN submission confirmed. He claims that his LN was used by KyoAni and butchered as an original story.
>Did he even attack anyone?
There are reports of him pouring gasoline on people and lighting them up, you illiterate retard. And do you have any idea how many people are presumed dead at this point?
He set people on fire, not to mention the other deaths. veddit-kun.
why not? its just an hobby.
You know, things people had in more variety in the past before society became so saturated with easy access mass entertainment
fuck off and reevaluate your way of thinking
I've been here since 2008 and I still use discord to talk to friends, not sure what your point is.
Don't tell me you force everyone to join TeamSpeak or some other neckbeardy shit just because Yea Forums told you to?
>its okay, he just burned the place down
Bro, you already posted Keitai in another thread.
Fuck off with your Keitai pasta already.
train otaku are some of the most crazy otaku. imagine how a normalfag twitter tranny sees the most disgusting animefag, that's how train otaku are compared to the rest of otaku
called it.
>people like those exist?
People like these exist in your country too.
cool link bro, thanks!
So a guy obsessed with trains was mad because a tangentially related SONG about trains wasn't done 1:1? I'd expect him to be mad about trains being animated in CGIshit instead.
that's newfag shit too.
I'm 100% sure you are a fucking nigger. Get out of my board you wild ape.
Reminds me of how I knew a fire truck siren otaku who would constantly send me soundfiles of sirens.
kill yourself
>getting baited this hard
lurk more
Gr8 b8 m8 8)
>far more likely they did indeed plagiarize some idea
why's that? for people like this the "he's just fucking crazy" angle sounds more likely to me.
The song was just the breaking point, he also flipped out about shit like trains having anime wraps on them.
>fire truck siren otaku
lol what
haven't seen you in ages, karate kyle
>a tangentially related SONG about trains wasn't done 1:1
Take the A Train is kind of like a train otaku anthem, likely because of the line of train simulation games that are named after it.
Both other than that, yup.
I had no idea, the only anime example I can remember is Yoshikawa from GTO.
>People can burn down whatever they want
Okay, this is very interesting. This is true?
and cannot forget:
also before "autism light" became a thing in the industry and people start being medicated to kill their individuality.
there's no such thing as autism light/aspergers, its just a scheme. You either have true autism or you dont
in my country we have bus otakus, they call themselves "busologists" lol
Yeah because anime has such unique characters and settings that it's absolutely sure they plagiarized this particular man's idea.
It's simply impossible to properly plagiarize ideas these days because EVERYTHING has been done. Everything is just a rehash of another work. Your work didn't succeed? Too bad, that's life.
Is there a possibility that KyoAni might be sued for not following fire codes?
>what is life insurance
So train otaku are literally just literal fans of trains, like the ones on tracks?
Yes. That's how Nero was able to get away for burning the Rome.
Yes? They exist in every countries but Japanese tend to go ham on their hobbies.
anyone retarded enough to sue kyoani after this shitstorm will commit sudoku due to public outcry 1 day later.
Basically, yeah.
It used to be in Mexico until 2009.
I don't know about the rest of the world though.
Fuck those hippie environmentalists from El Partido Verde.
try to replace 23 skilled workers, cunt.
trainfags aren't that weird, they exist all over the world. but the most diehard train otaku are just absolutely insane.
>my husband died partly because you didn't fucking have a ladder on the outside
That doesn't seem reasonable.
>648番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です2019/07/18 12:37:21
>702番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です2019/07/18 12:38:00
I love all the random accusations.
Individuals matter less than the greater group. the greater group is kyoani. this is a gigantic terror attack, it would be like sueing the guys that build the world trade centre.
Why would anyone do this to others, bros..
It keeps finding ways!
A lifetime of anime desensitizing people to violence.
>it would be like sueing the guys that build the world trade centre
Except americans are subhuman enough to not only rule in favor of it but actually support it
Just found about violence. Shit's not cool, man.
You don't have Yea Forums level humour. Absolute cringe
because our brains aren't built for our current system of civilization and will never catchup.
When you believe hard enough that values you hold so strongly is under attack, would you not resort to violence to protect it and vanquish your enemies?
That... doesn't make any fucking sense. I'd get it if it was 1 guy obsessed with trains. But a group of people and they all happen to be crazy?
This is the face of evil.
From what I've gathered the fire was started on the second floor where the nursery and data center was. Like I couldn't care less about the anime that was loss, call me a bad nerd all you want, but just the thought of small children dying in such a horrific way, you just hope if it's true the smoke got to them first.
And it's so hard for women in Japan to find daycare for their children so they can go back to work if they do decide to despite societal pressures, and here was KyoAni a company employing a lot of women and a company who had daycare in their facility too. That's a positive change that, while we make it a meme about Abe wanting to increase the birthrate would ultimately lead to a higher birthrate if more companies were to implement it.
sorry I'm upset and rambling.
No? I don't feel that strongly about anything.
reminds me of the autist in the gridman threads
Translate it weebs.
This dudes life was over. Blame japanese oppressive society, and firesafety rules.
otakus aren't fans, they are dependently obsessed about a subject. It's more important to them than a lego box to autists.
the fuck
>But a group of people and they all happen to be crazy?
what is the lgbt movement?
Fuck, that's actually pretty inspirational.
american logic is so flawed in every aspect it's really fucking hard to sustain a dialog at time.
Pure cringe.
>30. Tetsukei-tetsu: rail police fanboys
>I guess they like the uniforms?
I can see it
Discord are all crazy and trannies, and they're obsessed with ironic shit.
>Kyoto Animation president: We've been getting death threats for years
>Speaking to the press after the arson attack, Hideaki Hatta said, "Although threats were not an everyday occurrence, there was plenty of them. Death threats and letters telling us to die were particularly common."
What's the fuck is wrong with these people?
>Some old ass irrelevant faggot called Monkey Punch dies
>Stickied Thread
>A tragedy from one of the modern leaders in anime
>Non Stickied
Imagine caring for stan lee after he was hit by a car
and you cheer him up with "I'm always reading batman!"
>it would be like sueing the guys that build the world trade centre
It absolutely wouldn't and you know it, retard. No building ever will be strong enough to take a plane crashing on it full speed, but it is pretty easy to build a building with correct fire exit routes, and the lack of those is the companies fault, and they are responsible for it.
The remaining directors who didn't die should better spread their butts, because they will pay both in civil and criminal sphere lawsuits.
That's probably true of any remotely popular entity in media.
There's a new thread, my fagget. Lupin shit shouldn't have get a stick, I agree with that, tho.
This sort of behavior seems to be pretty common in "nerd culture" worldwide. Too many autists who take things way too seriously?
I imagine even e-celebs get death threats pretty often.
Lurk the fuck more.
death threats are fucking meaningless in the common world.
me telling you to kill yourself counts as a deathreat. fucking anno got deaththreats when NGE ended, and look at the old fart now.
the truth is that we world we live in is just pure fucking RNG and it's impossible to predict anything. somebody deciding to put a train song in caused 23+ people their lives because one guy got offended
That is common for singers and other celebrities as well. So, no.
They made a mockery of a song he, liked. His hands were basically tied? What was he supposed to do? Not burn the place down?
The anime industry thrives off cultivating a small but dedicated fanbase of unstable obsessive autists to then exploit financially as much as possible; it's not surprising in the slightest that KyoAni would be receiving death threats regularly from their consumer base given that its made up of mentally unwell NEETs.
yes it fucking would be. this is the largest terror event in like 20 years, nobody is getting sued.
I refuse to believe that the world runs on pure RNG, humanity will one day reach omniscience and predict the future with 100% certainty by processing ALL past data, including every personal moment in a private citizen's life and the composition of their brain's chemical reactions.
words from the killer, is ガッカマン an anime or a LN?
So, that means Hikkis are the MVP? They can't leave home.
explain the fermi paradox
You should probably leave your basement and see what real life is like, considering those delusional opinions.
aka 着火剤, or fire starter
It's extremely usual for content creators to get death threats all around the world. Most often they are meaningless.
Pic related is pretty famous case as it got the episode pulled off and later another episode censored, and it was the final sign that Muslims won after 9/11.
maybe they treated their workers right, but apparently they plagiarized their work as well
I wouldn't say that, Hyouka was good. The Character designs were good. Who knows what sort of talent was lost lots of people died who could have eventually left Kyoani to do actual good things.
It's a lighter brand.
Aliens exist in a form that is unrecognizable or undetectable to humans with our current level of technology.
Muh profits, muh growth, muh GDP.
THE GDP user!
South Park was fucking based.
According to a literal crazy person.
ah so he's just saying he started the fire using one of those gotcha
Keep believing that. The only thing necessary for a lawsuit to happen is somebody affected the parent of somebody who died, or a survivor wanting to, unlike USA, lawyers in japan are not expensive. Actually, I don't think lawyers are as expensive as they are in there anywhere in the world, that's why you people try to solve shit by shooting.
The point is that in this specific event you can pinpoint a flaw that could have avoided deaths, the lack of fire exits, and that flaw gives then responsibility over this. There will be lawsuits, mark my words.
>#1 in the Japanese box office for 14 weeks, 13 weekends
>Earns 20 billion yen and counting to surpass Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Japan
>Reached 10 billion yen 9 days faster than Frozen
>Wins LA Film Critics Award
>Has become the no. 1 highest-grossing Japanese movie in China
>Has become the no. 1 movie in Thailand
>The film immediately topped Korea's box office opening on 555 screens all around the country which is a new record for the Japanese film.
>Also dominated China breaking the all-time records for the most advance tickets sold and the fastest film to reach 100 million yuan ($ 14 million or 1.7 billion yen), with the first 100 yuan earned in just the film's opening day.
>The film also dominated the charts of Hong Kong and Taiwan becoming the number 2 and top highest grossing Japanese film on the respective countries
>Inexplicably jumps 41% in the Japanese box office and climbs from 7th place to 3rd place in one week
>Still in the top 10 in the Japanese box office towards the beginning of 2017
>Now grossed US$358 million.
>Surpasses the box office gross of Spirited Away (US$289.1 million), making it the highest grossing anime film of all time.
>Is approved by Shinzo Abe and used by Cool Japan to spur tourism in Japan.
>Turned into a live-action movie by J.J. Abrams and Mark Webb about Native American juju
>Burned KyoAni to the ground.
So this is meme magic. Not bad.
>sent them to become monks
I wish I could become a shitposting monk.
>Lowest common denominator devalues curses
Who'd have thought that could happen, eh?
>sir our data indicates that every country that reaches a high living standard reaches unsustainable birthrates
>just import more worker from other countries
>but sir doesn't that mean that we'll need enforced shithole countries
Banba from Kuragehime was a trainfag. She was also a total cutie
(((civil wars)))
>No building ever will be strong enough to take a plane crashing on it full speed
But I thought jet fuel couldn't melt steel beams?
yeah, honestly this is just basic shit in any non-third world country. If they are found to not have followed basic security regulations established then they are fucked. I dont know why people are even arguing with you.
You can be unemployed and not a murderous useless waste of life tho
>suing a company that fell victim to the biggest terrorist attack in the current century in your country
>keep face
I don't think you realize just how important honor is to nips.
>No building ever will be strong enough to take a plane crashing on it full speed
Actually, 9/11 and Oklahoma City could have had lower death tolls and the buildings if they had been built slightly differently with interior support structures that could have prevented building collapse but would have ultimately lead to less floor space. I need to dig up the really interesting engineering articles I had read in regards to the topic a couple of years back I have insomnia and get into these weird googling rabbit holes when I can't sleep.
>But it was the christians! - Nero
>admitting to using Discord
Kill yourself
Didn't some military base also get hit in 9/11 but took little damage precisely because it was well built against such things
You can. The key detail is that you don't actually want to.
That’s some dumb fucking logic, it’s like saying every victim of a crime is somewhat to blame
>great fire of 1910 kills 87 people
>have not once gotten called edgy for joking about it
>japs have some nerf fire in a playground or something
>fags bawling their fucking eyes out
That's why I said "diehard"
We also Die in a society.
Anime fans rise up!
>have not once gotten called edgy for joking about it
when the fuck has anybody ever joked on Yea Forums about the great fire of 1910
They only did it because otherwise they'd have had to squeeze in disappearance into just a couple episodes rather than make it a full film.
Sure, at the time people were pissed because they thought they'd get disappearance, but retrospectively Endless 8 was a small price to pay for the best anime film ever produced
keeeeek die insectoids japanoids
I have sex
It's not an instant process though?