Let's remenber the legacy of KyoAni. The usherers of the moe era.
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completely unironically: fullmetal panic is the only thing good on that list
Good riddance. Moenigger and pedophile got what they deserved
So since they're losing money now they will animate haruhi again right?
Fuck off.
Queen Bee
I want to bully Rikka!
Nothing of value was lost.
And fuck off.
Moeshitter SEETHING. KyoAnus killed anime and this is Japan fighting back. 2020 is the year of Madhouse and comedy anime.
Every one of those gooks deserved to burn in hell just for Clannad. That they're also the reason for anime becoming moeblobs is just a sweetener to the fact they're gone.
Absolutely nothing of value was lost.
The arsonist is a hero.
i like most of these shows and dragon maid is on my top 3 list, is my taste bad or are the people in this thread just a bunch of asshole shonenfags ?
Someone add fire to the last square
Assholes. Definitely assholes.
Maid dragon had some decent comedy but was ruined by /u/nigger trash.
>dragon maid is on my top 3 list
The former
There are literal teenagers and underage kids who browse this board
All I can hope for now is the survivors and their friends not having to go through survivor guilt.
Good bye KyoAni, I will miss you.
>anime is literally about a lesbian dragon wanting to fuck a human
>not yuri from the start
that explains alot of things i guess
They should stop making overproduced drama anime and learn how to have fun again.
Dragon maid in your top 3 is understandable if you started watching anime recently.
when you mean seriously, use seriously
i kinda lied, only the manga is on my top 3 favorites
the anime is on my top 10 tho
No, Haruhi will taken over by SHAFT
Isn't madhouse dying after boogieflop.
This is JC Staff era
Thank God, now moe can fuck off
It's just people so deeply entangled in board culture that their entire persona is defined by it. They have the same depth to their personalities as an NPC in a video game spouting the same line every time you talk to it.
You're a fucking retard
>no more Hyouka
This kills the OrekiXChitanda fan.
I'll only support Madhouse if they animate Etrian Odyssey. The OP intro of Fafnir Knight was kino.
Why do so many of those faces look 90% the same the further time progresses? Same artist?
Wow I'm glad those MOESHIT creators burned down
they are shutting down you retard
there will never be more haruhi
Five out of my top ten are on that list, and nearly every anime they've produced is good. How can one studio be so based.
12 dead isn't enough for this
plot twist: the arsonist was actually paid by a major shareholder of KyoAni and wanted to get rid of the other shareholders, the extra was a big fire insurance claim
Imagine being happy about people's death because they made something you didn't like
i imagined,
so what is the next step ?
imagine a world without kyoani
it would be the same as the world is now but minus a few crappy anime shows.
You killed yourself and so humanity can get rid of another wast of oxygen
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Imagine a world without faggots like you.
i think you lack empathy :^)
Yes, user. Everybody that doesn't like what you like is a shounenfag that's just trying to get on your nerves. You are definitely the victim on this anonymous anime imageboard.
>Let's remenber the legacy of KyoAni
I'd rather not.
Literally nothing wrong with kiling moe shows.
You're a pathetic retard
There's only one decent show on that chart so nothing of value was really lost,
>The usherers of the moe era
Then I'm glad they're gone.
Even if you like cute girls, not a single one of these shows was good
Yes, user. Everybody that does likes what you dislike deserves to burnt to death . You are definitely the victim on this anonymous anime imageboard.
I think it's the same guy who did those hot Ape Escape pics
can't we ban dumb shitposters like this?
The only hetic one here is you ,you autistic edgelord
Keep seething that you can't function like anormal human. FUCK OFF
>Everybody that does likes what you dislike deserves to burnt to death
I never said that. Why are you projecting?
This chart made me realise I've been watching less and less KyoAni shows until the last one was in 2017.
Ignore and report. Don't give them (You)s they're desperate for
>People are making fun of a tragedy? It must be that fanbase I don't like!
Go back to Twitter or Deviantart.
Are you fucking blind? Just read the posts before replying like a smartass
The irony in this post.
If it's the only way you can view this then you have less personlality then those NPC
What other way is there to view it?
It's all a bunch of newfags with their
Modern channers are so limpwristed. Fucking gen Z pussies getting styled on by based millenials
What a coincidence. I fapped to this guy's stuff just yesterday.
>they should stop making overproduced drama
This is the company that was known for Key adaptions 15 years ago, user. Drama shows have always been a part of them. And it being very well produced isn't a bad thing.
we were never going to get more Hyouka
>that entire top row bar FMP
>those years
I could have SWORN they came out a few years earlier for each one. Swear it.
>decent to good animation with minimal character development and samey comedy
Literally moeshit naruto.
completely unironically: this
what a shit studio
unironically kill yourself
Goodbye, meme queen...
Worst case of sameface I've ever seen.
That’s like the most common human experience in history. You realize how violent and uncaring we as a species are? You fags are gonna have a hard time