BREAKING: A fire has engulfed Kyoto Animation's studio. NHK reports that more than 30 people are injured, including 10 critically.
Police: "We can confirm multiple people have died."
BREAKING: A fire has engulfed Kyoto Animation's studio. NHK reports that more than 30 people are injured, including 10 critically.
Police: "We can confirm multiple people have died."
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Holy fuck can you idiots keep it in one thread? Stop spamming the board with stupid shit.
>We can confirm multiple people have died
>"Stupid shit"
nobody cares fuck off
All m/a/ido had to do was sticky-ing a thread.
This is why Yea Forums is considered the worst board on Yea Forums
go back newfag, no one cares.
fires aren't anime, take this shit to /pol/
>This is why Yea Forums is considered the worst board on Yea Forums
no more forced animation
Moefags BTFO
Westerbers need their control
this will be Yea Forums in a year or two tops i guarantee you
Kill yourself edgelord. Show some respect for hardworking animators.
the roblox pepe reaction image with the word nigger, gets me everytime. What a fucking place.
I hope she is ok
>gaming is dead
>board ends up like that
Is anime dead, user?
it's anime related you dumb faggot stop being retarded
I'm with you, man. That's the kind of thing I don't find funny at all.
I'm glad I'm not the only one
Avatar: The Last Airbender is "anime related" and people aren't allowed to make threads about that either
fuck off and die
Confirmed safe
Well that sucks. My condolences to the victims.
Well with that out of the way.
this. bump.
when were you when kyoanus dies?
i was sat at home eating choco corneto when phone ring
‘kyoanus is kill’
one dead
ten still unconscious
You're mentally disabled if you think they're the same thing
>when Yea Forums, /pol/, /r9k/, and /mlp/ exist
avartar is anime.
Anime is just a style
>people died
Yes and? People die all the fucking time. If you wanna say just because it's some nips so it's relevant on Yea Forums, no it's not. Just post your shit on /news/.
i understand that this is a big event, more like a party, but keep it in one thread, you are infecting the board
Okay, I'll make another thread then.
fuck, we really never getting haruhi s3 huh
this mentality is exactly the reason why Yea Forums and Yea Forums are constantly filled with off topic garbage. If you let people make threads about "anime related" things then the board is eventually becomes nothing but people talking about random nonsense under the guise of "b-but it's related to anime!"
>not jc staff
leave it to retarded arsonist to go after the wrong building
Can’t even link it properly, there’s seriously something wrong with your head man
No more Haruhi S3
>literally the people who make the anime
>not relevant
Hello weddit
oh noes we wont get free s4...
fuck off no one cares
Why the hell don't the moderators do their fucking job and clean up Yea Forums?
>people confirmed dead
That's awful. A building can be replaced, but people never can.
>Fire involving people making your Chinese cartoons you fap to
>"Not relevant"
Are you intentionally being fucking stupid or
Western hit job
not just that, the actual masters for haruhi might have been destroyed as well.
Because now videogames are political, so politics are literally board culture.
user do you know how babby is formed
Yea Forums has been taken over by normalfags who worship camwhores/e-celebs. Its been that way for few years.
>No more free! garbage
Fucking based
probably angry that there's no new haruhi yet
These anons 100% were posted in
Oh Jesus fuck
>anime related.
I actually had something of a question about that. Would be nice to discuss visual novels on Yea Forums, but i'm not sure if that would qualify under Yea Forums, Yea Forums, or Yea Forums. Where do you think would be the best place to post about them?
>literally hours-old news
I hope they are fine.
>Yea Forums is considered the worst board on Yea Forums
Not when Yea Forums exists
It's full of edgy teens, some don't learn to empathize until their 20's. And they all end up here.
If only heros existed
Why don't you read the rules you newfag?
EVERYTHING is destroyed.
David Pro is really stepping it up with the Fire Force promos
>another dorky upset white faggot that sips soilent
You're replying to a crossboarder from Yea Forums, genius.
wow never thought I'd meet a bigger fag than me, but then this asshole comes along
What is really everything they would have lost? If they are a modern animation studio with multiple locations shouldn't they have digital back ups located at every studio and off site? Is the anime industry that far behind the west that they don't do back ups.
I thought KyoAni wasn't even doing s2? Something about Tohru not being in their promo art for their next slate of shows
>Yea Forums has been taken over by /pol/
there we go
WELP, this guy's getting the death penalty for sure. He confessed to setting the fire.
And usually killing multiple people gets you the death penalty in Japan, especially if it was premeditated.
nobody cares fuck off x2
kill yourself
What's the difference?
Are you a retard?
Stop extrapolating from your own points that you haven't proven.
>No more pandering moe garbage from the worst studio in existence
Fucking glorious, thank you so much
What the flying fuck. A fire truck with blaring sirens just drove past my house just now, no joke.
which guy?
/pol/ was taken over by actual boomers
A discussion about one of the biggest anime studios burning down and possibly there upcoming works going to be cancelled is by all means suitable for Yea Forums
This story will make a good series
Burning down the studio to get dat sweet insurance money
They use hanging, right? With the whole three button, three executioners setup, or something like?
>are you retarded?
Sure, but if they didn't back up all of their content with copies then so are they. I feel bad for them, and I hope everyone comes out of it well, but they are a business at the end of the day and you have to plan for this kind of stuff. My consulting firm keeps four different back ups off-site and on-site and we only have two offices. Are you trying to tell me KyoAni hand draws everything?
Kyoani stopped making moe anime a while ago. They now make BL anime or yuri ones.
Does that mean all the dead ones were Isekai'd
>no more free
>no more pretentious styles
>no more overanimation
Ok this is based
>KyoAni is basically ruined
Based arson anons. Looks like that VEG Movie is CANCELLED.
In one hand, I'm grateful the building and projects got destroyed, that would at least delay the shitty animes they produce.
On the other hand, it's not cool that people died.
Uh, no one gives a shit can you stop posting this. Thanks
Kyoto Animation produced Clannad.
Honestly I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.
If they do that there will be no moderators anywhere else on the site.
We didn´t start the fire. It was always burning
Since the world's been turning.
no lol
I mean, this is one of their studios.
it's probably all in the cloud
that's usually done when nobody's inside. Several dead confirmed.
Video related. Its a god damn arsonist throwing fire bomb in the building. Knocked out ~40 people with 10 of them in critical conditions.
How's middle school
Yea Forums is the only board that still halfway exists
#Vape nation Japan 2019
Absolutely based
if you go back to where you came from you can downboat posts like these all you want, you know?
Nobody cares, so can you stop posting this? Thanks.
Dont reply to me little boy
all the more convincing
You care enough to post
Checkmate redditor
Suspect is already caught. What are the chances that its a disgruntled otaku? LMAO. I give it 50/50
am i supposed to see the fire bomb thrown, or is this just a general clip?
This isn't anime, can you stop spamming this trash? KTHXBAI
Just general clip. It looks like the guy poured liquid fuel and lit em on fire.
>the absolute state of Narutoposters
i hope someone makes another thread just to piss you off
Uh, why would I care?