is this manga good at all? it was in my backlog list, but the first couple of chapters has been pure fanservice
does it get better or is actually just 350 chapters of fanservice?
Negima! Magister Negi Magi
Any new chapters of UQ out yet? I feel like it's been about a month since our last injection.
It becomes a little more Battle Shonen-y later on. Then an isekai, kinda. There's still fanservice sprinkled throughout, however.
If this sounds fine to you, go for it.
how much later on? so far (chapter 4) is pure basic fanservice and i cant even put atention anymore
if i wanted fanservice i would watch porn
It starts to get more and more actio-heavy after the end of the first arc
Like halfway through it goes from being a weird harem manga to a really solid battle shonen.
Peaked with the Rankan fight. He's best character in the show.
Too many girls so shit gets saturated and you feel close to none of them.
He wasnt even dead. he was wiped from existence. Thats the difference between the graveyard and out of play.
The fanservice never ends. And at some points its just intrusive and time wasting.
But. After about 30 chapters(?), it shifts into battle manga, which is what Akamatsu wanted the manga to originally be. And the story is pretty good too.
School festival is the low point of the entire manga, prove me wrong.
The author wanted to do action but the magazine wanted another harem. He starts slipping in fighting as quickly as he can and it escalates pretty quickly.
You're reading a harem/battle harem and not expecting fanservice?
Didn't that drag out for like five volumes?
No, that was the magic world arc
Pick it up just to see negi vs rakan
Chao was the antagonist so you're automatically wrong.
You're just upset your favourite character didn't make multiple Pactio Artifacts.
I liked the anime. First series was better.
It's out. It just hasn't been ripped yet for some reason.
Really got interesting when Chao came in, then Mar- I mean the Mundus Magicus arc was extremely worth a read.
>he didn't watch the superior version