This is your shadow mistress for tonight.
What do?
Machikado Mazoku
Grab her horns and gently wobble her head around while chanting "Sha-Mi-Ko!" and over. When she gets dizzy I'll stop and kiss her on the forehead.
Steal her stupid little statue and throw it in the river.
Make fun of her height.
>for tonight.
Never give her back. I just say I broke her or something, my bad. Have a good day. Something like that.
>jap name order
>lyrics + translations for songs
Why can't English subs be like this?
Was Momo really a Milkey Milker? Is this the reason she is how she is? And now believes she's a magical girl? And the PTSD and all that? Is that it?
t. Momo
Hire delinquent magical girls to beat her up.
Trade her in for a pink magical girl.
How to talk to goats version when?
Someone just needs to make one. That someone could be you.
When will they ever learn?
>doesn't want to accept charity even if she's poor
>immediately starts training even though she knows she's hopelessly outclassed
This is a winning attitude
Flick her tail.
I want to pull her horns off.
Maybe if you weren't such a weakling, no one would bully you.
we used to have this for every show, but then HS killed it
Momo was stupefied over Shamiko not using any of her demonic skills. Momo wouldn't fight fair for one while Shamiko is adamant on doing being fair and square.
Did Shamiko do it?
Do me? Yes
Kyoani threads are killing seasonal anime threads.
It's the family no reply curse
momo is so cute!!!
Burn down an anime studio
shut up, Shamiko
Which fansub did that?
Poor Shamiko. Her threads can only afford 400 posts at most.
Episode when???
There's no such thing! Right? There isnt, right?
Before the anime, Machikado threads would be lucky to have 10 replies user.
that's because there's no translations
if this thing had a translation I'd be reading it because anime sucks
>there's no translations
This is also the curse's fault. Why else would only the first volume the only raws we have? Why else are said raws terrible? And why else would the manga have been picked up by Kirara Scantasia? The curse, that's why!
I'd her horns.
5 hours.
somebody should snipe them
Best show this season
>cute dweeb makes dork face, the manga
is there a reason that I love this shit
You'll have to go through her husband and father of their dozen daughters first.
that's not what I asked, what I want to know is what the fuck is wrong with the human condition that a manga with nothing but "cute girl making this face x1000" makes me happy
>wake up
>look in the mirror
>you're a cute redhead demon girl
What do you do?
Is it getting delayed?
I saw someone saying all anime today was getting delayed but I don't know if its true
I read the first 5 volumes yesterday, it's honestly pretty amazing, I'm not that much into slow kirara types usually but Machikado Mazoku has an actually really nice plot that evolve with every volumes, lots of nice foreshadowing too
God I wish someone would draw porn of her with the exact same artstyle.
Get fisted by Momo.
That's just asking for more arsons.
Your amygdala is working. It's the thing in your brain that makes you go dumb at moeblobs and kittens. It makes you want to protect your offspring.
tl;dr you're one of us
And I'm just posting random stuff I had saved for some reason. Probably because cute.
Should a minor be serving alcohol?
Should a minor be cavorting with demons?
If they're cute girls, yes.
Holy titcow porn when?
Yuko dropped it because she's a dumb animal.
Spank this goatgirls fat butt
>anime sucks
Haven't read the manga, but I like it. I'm glad somebody finally learned from Tekkyuu how to adapt 4koma, just throwing one gag after the other without even giving you time to process the jokes.
yeah, I wasn't saying that this anime was bad, it was just a general statement, I don't like watching anime
it takes too long and the post quality tends to be low
>Lilith will never step on your balls to wake you up
So, is it still airing today?
Looking at their post on twitter 30 min ago I think it says it'll be broadcast one hour late.
Only thing I want more than fucking a demon girl is being a demon girl and getting fucked.
>getting fucked by a demon girl
we're all agreed that Yuko would be the one with the penis, right
No, both of them. But Yuko will be the biggest after she regains her ancestral daemon powers.
>futa on futa
user that's communism, you're not a commie, are you?
You're a commie.
The right of the people to keep and bear girldicks shall not be infringed.
I wasn't using it anyway
She wouldn't want my soul.
This isn't how you win people over, Ivan. Go advertise for your dictator-worshipping club somewhere else.
Any fansubs yet? I mean actual fansubs, not trash like GJM.
All except gg, commie and thier retarded copycats.
Russia is no longer communist after The Fall
I don't think I've ever seen a tan pink before
Drinking game: One shot per waterfall of tears.
Only if she turns me into a succubus.
She will fist your asshole for 500¥, deal?
I'd pay ten times that.
can she afford that much?
I doubt it with those anemic arms of hers.
Fisting is $300.
>[Ohys-Raws] Machikado Mazoku - 02 (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4
>[HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 02 [720p].mkv
ah, yes
only high quality memes here
Shamiko is very strong!
Also fuck people who translate 500 g as 1 pound.
Fuck you, anime.
Is the HorribleSubs rip fucked again?
I don't want to ruin my watching experience with all these localization. so, I'm going to wait for indosubs
See you in a few days, guys.
fucking americans
Momo pls
They used dollars before.
They filled it with various memes.
They reversed name order and threw out honorifics.
They made them speak like burger teens.
What the fuck are you expecting.
I'm skipping this series until good fansubs will be available.
>Reminding Brazil of their greatest humiliation
What's next, make fun of the USA for Vietnam? The Germans for losing two WW in a row?
The same people who translate 3km into 3.218km, or two miles.
I hate it.
It makes me want to firebomb crunshyroll.
Still funny
Is this worth waiting three days extra for every week or should I just stick with Erai? Supposedly fixes the burger localization and based on the screenshots has proper good typesetting.
crunchy isn't subbing this though.
Wow cute,
It's being localized by Sentai
Well, it didn't fix the most retarded localization in episode 1, so I guess it's not worth it
And what CR has to do with this garbage?
In fact CR is the only official provider that is making good subs (with small fuck ups alike Gabu). Almost all thier subs are using original name order, honorifics and they are meme free.
Look at Bocchi subs for example. It was great.
Again with the plastic bottles to do curls.
Why would anyone do something so embarrassing instead of just buying a set of dumbbells?
Why doesn't she just ask Momo to donate her blood?
They are using exactly the same subs, but their ripping script is handling non CR sources a bit batter than HS. They aren't fixing anything.
Just losing a few drops of blood could kill her
Water is about 1g/ml in density so they make cheap weights. Remember, this is a poorfag we're watching.
that was good and cute and we're not going to fucking get anywhere before the season's over and then we'll never get another word about it and the manga will never be scanlated not ever and I'll die without knowing anything that happened
>re-translated some “localised” lines
Guess this was just bullshit then. Shame that such a promising show is getting fucked by garbo localization.
What would you offer up for more she-goat?
Not if you break her hymen.
Fucking cartel ruined our subs forever.
>beautiful tan in one scene
>back to being white 2 scenes after
Can't unsee.
Considering it's adapting an ongoing manga I wouldn't ever have expected it to end conclusively.
Being fun and cute is all it needs to do, and it's managing it well.
$5 (500 Yen)
Five years later and it's still hilarious.
If it's a home workout who cares how ghetto your gear is.
sounds like the time to finally learn runes
or I could just become successful and commission a translation
There better be a character album that's just tracks of Shamiko noises.
Why did the subs say 1 pound when it's clearly 500 pounds? They're making Shadow Mistress Yuko look weak.
You want me to summarize the first 5 volumes?
judging from you that sounds like the harder path
Wait for the show to end, then do it.
Dumb demon
Best girl
>Imagine actually paying for these subs
if the 2d girls lifted more than scrawny otakus who never lift, they would feel emasculated, so they would complain that its feminist and western and matriarchal, lol
But why?
Pomf =3
These subs are why I'll never pay for subs.
When will they learn?
This translator is clearly part of the demon clan.
Like that'd be enjoyable. The character interactions are what make the series what it is after all.
Crossover with the Dumbbell anime.
Jew box.
dead link. was it a thread?
Km doesn't exist within burgerland.
Make one of her jumping in circles.
God I fucking hate Americans so fucking much.
wtf didnt she say 3 km?
so they translated it 1 km longer or what?
Someone already did that one
Are you fucking blind? 家まで4キロ
Definitely AOTS for me. Really needed this today.
The problem with dumbbells is that you "outgrow" them.
Why is this slut blushing?
That was really fun.
15 minutes length episodes would have been the best but I don't mind double episodes every week.
which is why you don't buy individual dumb bells but a set. or handles and a bunch of fives and tens (so you can make weights up to 100lbs or whatever)
I think it's rather considerate of them to provide notes to explain things to any Japanese viewers who may not be familiar with the units Shami and Co. use.
How lucky. She got a bottle that never runs out.
They ended up running 0.6213712 miles too much.
Nice, the dumbbell girls will correct them.
I can't stop laughing. It's almost worth putting up with the annoying localizations for golden terminology like this.
They added quite a lot of scenes to the chapters, included Shion and the family more and really sold how pitiable Shamiko really is. I didn't even realize that the plastic bag she carried the coin in was supposed to be a purse. I genuinely felt bad for her at that. My fears for JC staff are put to rest now but I kinda wish they hurry up and bring Mikan in sooner.
>Three kingdoms reference
>Shamikos friend keeps trying to touch horns and tail
What did they mean by this?
>15 minutes length episodes would have been the best
what. no. no, no, no.
I love just how dumb Shamiko is
she runs like mob
With the ponytail she's just horny Poplar.
oi, you missed the cute angry cloudy little puffy things
I love below average intelligence girls in financial trouble!
Well... Ryou is a precocious little girl that wants to help her big sis conquer the world and Shion has a history of witchcraft and gets pretty involved after volume 2
>I love just how dumb Shamiko is
A bit dumb is fine (as in simple and innocent). I hope they don't overdo it, or even worse, reduce her to being retarded. We already got plenty of akko's. Do we really need another?
Momo warmed up to her very quickly. Without knowing anything about the series, I thought it would take longer.
Momo is clearly a sadist who enjoys bullying the midget.
How can she afford a laptop?
>Momo warmed up to her very quickly.
Well, yeah. Who didn't. I did. One episode was more than enough.
She probably stole it like a proper demon would.
I don't get it. Why do they localize it as 3 miles (which is retarded), but also show it in proper units?
It was love at first sight.
I agree. The "comedy" gets grating and predictable really quickly.
>now with angry clouds
that's better
This turned into the dumbbell anime pretty fast.
Momo gives it to her
Where can I get my own Shamiko?
I on the other hand disagree.
In Hell.
No wonder they become such good friends.
Why are the EOPs whining about miles this week? What about the 500g turned into a pound?
I'm blind. Thanks user-kun.
Shamiko is so fucking dumb holy shit even her mom said she is
too bad the anime won't get to the best character
Make a deal with the devil then fuck Komari.
Shamiko is too dumb and weak to ever defeat Momo, her only chance is to seduce her with her dumb big boobers
You mean owner right? Riko is the devil.
I think another silly thing about km becoming miles is that its actually the wrong measurement. Even if you use rounding 2.48 miles is closer to 2 miles than 3.
The fact that they mentioned the text on screen while doing their localizations shows they're a bit above than most other localization lovers, but due to being unnecessary localization it's still fucking stupid.
They probably only included the original because people were complaining about episode one.
Riko being such a troll is what make her so good
careful there
You literally can't let your guard down around her for a second though. I've never seen a more untrustworthy ball of fluff.
Tan >
She should become even darker.
What? Fuck Komari? It'd be such an honor I'd just die from a heart attack on the spot
Hot damn I love this shit.
>eye juice
I'd post a screencap of the scene I'm talking about but apparently I'm blocked from posting images today thanks to Yea Forums being retarded.
>What? Fuck Komari?
Nah, he got it all wrong. You either have to fuck Hotaruun, or be fucked by Komari, but then it is you who will get the little demon shit.
Nice grip.
Dom Komari? Sounds hot
oh my fucking god
super cute
Reminder that Shadow Mistress Yuko is going to corrupt Momo and get her to join the dark side.
I'm 1.65m, would Momo beat me up?
Can you make one of Shamiko's tail slapping Momo's cheek?
You're still surprised after everything that you've already seen?
I wonder why no one is fixing it already. Using burger metrics and burger currency is not the only problem. It's literally "how to fuck up your translation the guide".
That's fucking inacurate as well.
Nice. Thank you.
This fucking scene. This series better end with the curse being removed or I riot.
Pink hair + tan is so fucking hot.
>[Commie] Machikado Mazoku - 02
That's not funny.
This show is fucking wonderful. Best Kirara in a while. And demon loli titcow is amazing.
Ironically with the worst official subs in a while.
This happened to me a bunch of times back in my youth. Don't drink and drive kids. It's way too comfy.
She could probably just ask her for some blood.
Tiny and useless.
She'd just ask for some privacy to draw some blood, piss in a cup and give it to Yuko, telling her it's what magical girl blood is like. And Shamiko would believe it.
Can't she just use the tail?
Anons said Momo had PTSD but she just seems to be a veteran.
>doesn't get the joke
>lashes out about suboptimal translations while anyone else just enjoys the show
>being this much of a brainlet
user, go to sleep, and try again tomorrow, or maybe don't do that. have fun.
Fuck off normalfag
>just a veteran
Just? How many cute magical girls died right in front of her eyes until she was considered a magical veteran? What do you think even happens out there? The magical horrors of the ultimate fights between god and evil. Just. Just!
Why is pink always the weakest precure user?
Cute and tasty
>he still doesn't get the joke
This whole situation would be solved if they had another source of income. Why doesn't Yuko start working, or why doesn't her mother remarry?
Made to be covered in semen.
Because that's not how a proper curse works.
If it was that easy to overcome, it wouldn't be called a curse now would it?
Why are demon girls so good? How can they always be 10/10 every single time?
Give her all the mana she needs
Why doesn't shamiko use momo's menstrual blood on the statue?
It's the horns, your brain automatically gets drawn to these cute handlebars.
The curse affects the whole family and the dad is still in the picture. Actually surprised how much he showed up so far.
what does runner's high feel like bros?
cursed webm
She's already defeated
Kill yourself, wojakposter.
>the doorstoppah is her dad
no way
Exercise with Shamiko!
I'd go deep in 'er Tama station if you know what I mean
God I feel so bad for this cute retard. So adorable but so hopeless.
O hai I optimized you're gif.
And I need a drink now.
>dead 5 minutes into the episode
Shamiko henshin when? I want those oppai loli demon tits.
Imagine Moomoo raping Shamiko
Her gradient hair is really weird, if cute.
So there's zero chance of the manga getting scanlated, right? JC Staff are barely even trying and the subs are subpar, I feel like just reading this would be the better experience.
Thought that was a condom she was holding for a second.
who the fuck buys 500g dumbbells? you'll have outgrown them after the first week
I want to be Shamiko and get raped.
>God I feel so bad for this cute retard
It's hard to feel too bad when everyone is so nice to her, even the one she has declared an enemy she plans to kill.
Being so cute and stupid clearly has its benefits.
It's a Houbunsha affair, so your best bet is harassing Yen Press, and then Seven Seas.
Two more episodes I think.
I want to watch them put Shamiko through a merciless training routine
YenPress and Seven Seas are literally the only man of culture publishers that aren't butchering the manga. Seven Seas is additionally great with their in house LN translations. They are even keeping honorifics and original name order. Their "Classroom of The Elite" TL is fucking great.
Poor Jahy-chan.
I want to hug her and never let go
What is the little one planning?
Mass murder.
What are you saying user, I don't understand.
I think you meant 1.102311 pound dumbbells.
>5' 11" vs. 6' 2"
New Game is up to vol 6 as a Kirara 4koma translation so there's always a chance.
Maybe it'd just take this anime getting about as popular as that to convince one of them to pick it up.
it's the kind of retarded that makes you want to take care of her
oh, they literally ripped the map off the manga
hnnng, my heart can't take it, she's so cute, CUTE!
Thinking of people to tell not to go to school tomorrow.
What will happen if Shamiko and Kaos meet?
>tall girl manhandling femlet
What's that on the door that's mostly torn off?
This. There can only be one.
This anime is an absolute least effort production, so I'm not surprised.
Shamcow's horns would scare Kaos off.
That position would only grant Kaos more power
Is HS lacking all sign translations like last week or can I grab them? I'm growing tired of waiting for Erai. I see signs translated in some screencaps in this thread and I want to make sure HS didn't fuck up while ripping
Very cute mahou shoujo. I would let her rescue me if I'm ever in danger.
Beware the megane
The subs still jump to the middle of the screen when multiple people are talking so they're still fucked, but it's better than waiting until tomorrow for me.
My dick.
what is Momo's endgame?
don't tell me she merely wants to be friends with Shamidumb
I'd go tama deep in her oku if you catch my drift
She wants to raise a demongirl to end all mahou shoujos
Momo knows what she wants and she wants the she goat.
She wants the Shamikunt
Is Abe trying to tell us to go workout this season.
Momo is the kind of girl who would trick a goat into eating her ass. And the goat would like it.
momo is the shittiest magical girl
Where the fuck is Erai?
Yup, she wants to be friends with her, just like everyone else
God I wish I was a cute loser demon girl
But that's wrong
>just like everyone else
Speak for yourself. I just want to use her to get to her mommy.
Have you ever divided by zero?
>character says Chiyamomo
>subs read Momochiya
The tail and horns inside her.
She wants to feel Shamiko's tail around her dick
That was in the manga. This Brazilian burn was wholly intentional
don't lewd the goat
Did Komari finally grow up?
Not surprising, after all anime has been referencing it since before it happened.
One-way ticket to snap city for Shamiko?
Is Shamiko an exception then?
The darkness spat Shamiko back out.
I like how instead of pinky's-out when drinking, she throws the horns
Momo was this cute?
Fuck. This hurts.
was her hair always pink?
I'm curious if it turned pink like how Yuko grew horns and tail
sasuga womanlet.
I want to watch this with Yea Forums but I don't want to suffer through the subs, what do?
blog post, apparently
Don't deny it.
>there actually are user on this board who would be murderized by Shamiko
>there are user who couldn't even lift 500g
just learn runes
I know that feel, which is why I watch most anime on Nico even though it's often a week late compared to earliest broadcasts.
Perfect reaction, of course noway she would know what that is since it's a sin for her for shares to not go inside.
>Ryouko reading three kingdoms
>Admiring Cao Cao
That girl's serious on waging war.
I could easily beat up Shamiko. Unless I was Kaos. Which I am certainly not.
I find that hard to believe, 500g is nothing and she's really super pathetic. Just being male would put you above her already.
>doorstop is her dad
>phallic object with a power switch
You severely overestimate user in general.
Then why aren't most user in London?
D-does it count if I want her to murderize me to increase her self-esteem?
The only thing Shamirin can murderize is a big bowl of udon.
>implying user isn't a big bowl of udon
I could OHP Shamiko.
>buying anything
Shamiko is the least attractive girl in the show
I bet there are a few anons out there who are physically disabled. I bet she could murderize a guy in a wheel chair, but I'm not sure if she would feel good about that.
Raws are terrible because all digital Kirara tanks of that time were, they increased the resolution a little since then. You can rip shit from FUZ if you want better resolution for Mazoku specifically (only chapters, not anything specially made for tanks), but you'd need to recombine pages.
Also, what's wrong with Scantasia (other than them not using FUZ raws for Mazoku for some reason), they seem to be doing a lot of kirara stuff. So much that I kinda wish I could just hand over my project to them and forget about it.
That has been the Hiroaki Sakurai style for decades now. Just look at Di Gi Charat, Jewelpet Happiness, GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class...
Eviction notice.
We Mahou Shoujo Tokushuusen Asuka now.
Shamiko is literally perfect.
she looks so powerful here
she clearly is a schemer
This is below jelly donut tier. Even Shamiko could come up with better localizations.
Is momo canonically DFC? It's hard to tell with the ribbon.
Scantasia are spread very thin. When they pick up a series, they release a few chapters relatively quickly and then more and more sparsely. We did hand them over a project of ours though and I'm actually glad I don't have to worry about it anymore and can just read the raws now.
>Also, what's wrong with Scantasia (other than them not using FUZ raws for Mazoku for some reason), they seem to be doing a lot of kirara stuff.
I think that's the problem. They have too many projects and aren't particularly fast. The result is scanlations for most series are behind by several volumes with an ever growing gap.
Kirara scantasia is a super casual group that only does scanlation "for hobby and fun lol" and every single one of their members are not only busy, but also part of multiple different scanlation groups.
They are doing 23598374 Kirara manga at once and of course they have no intention on continuing past 2 or 3 chapters per series.
If you really want one of their series to progress at all, you have to snipe them and do it yourself.
Or just go learn moonrunes and read them yourself.
I want to take over some of their series, but I hate scanlating 4koma so much.
Or just remind them constantly so they release a new chapter soon.
Haven't seen smarties in ages, are they still a thing?
An optimized gif is a webm.
What the fuck is a Smartie anyway?
God I wish that were me.
That depends on where you are.
Doubtful. It's most likely because there were actual numbers on screen during those scenes and they don't have 4kids-level dedication to scrubbing out everything Japanese, so they just explained why the numbers don't match instead. But it just makes it even worse since they're highlighting their own terrible decisions while doing the very thing the localization was trying to avoid.
It's pretty much colored sugar molded into little tablets.
Candy coated chocolates
I've only watched GA out of those and it's certainly not fast paced like this, in fact as far as I remember it's pretty chill.
>we were the demons all along
Not even being subtle here
Shit form, shit magical girl.
What's proper form for lifting that dumbbell then?
Her upper arm shouldn't be moving up and down like that.
this episode was really bad in terms of subs
what are the chances someone picks it up soon
The stuff Americans feed their dogs.
Is this true? Now I understand why it is so hard to get /fit/
How romantic.
That's so wrong
Who in their right mind would not do her raw to impregnate her
God damn shamwow is cute. I hope that everything ends up OK for her.
Momo should have carried her back.
Maybe if you're the translator, but the rest of us just end up with nothing because they effectively drop everything after a few chapters. All you're really doing is shifting the blame for scanlation not continuing. Which is fine if you just don't want to work on it anymore, but not something you should consider if you actually want to see the series translated.
This is JC Staff's best looking show of the season. How does this make you feel?
Brazil btfo
Great. Was afraid they'd prioritize the isekai bucks, or their stablished franchises (Danmachi. Accel. With Accel there's also the motivation of them wanting to calm down people after the Index III shitfest), and this would get shafted
So glad I was wrong. This show is great and deserves it
Good because a show I enjoy has good animation.
The funny thing is, CR actually does keep name order, use yen, and honorifics for languages other than English. I only found this out when I watched a show with Erai-Raws instead of HS and tabbed the subs over to German and noticed they were using Onii-chan instead of [character name], and kept watching with those subs and saw the correct name order and more honorifics used. Later tried out Portuguese and it was pretty much the same. Italian too. It's just English viewers that CR assumes are too stupid to to understand honorifics or Jap name order an the rest.
I do like that this Japanese cartoon really makes it feel like it is made for Americans, but couldn't they have thrown in some references to them being in LA and complain about Donald Trump being the president to really give it that American feel?
truly the better /fit/ anime this season
Why are americans so fucking afraid of the metric system? I swear that every time (if not at the very least 90%) that a show uses the metric system for something, americans always end up subbing in their american units
Jesus, the scans for this series is so shit. Someone needs to find better sources.
I want to be Shamiko's slave.
>pressure your dirt poor and stupid friend, who is trying her best to self-improve, into spending all her money on bad food
With friends like these who needs enemies.
The QUALITY is kind cute for this show but soon we will get a full episode on this style.
I have no idea what she meant by this but I went ahead and diluted a Gatorade with water and put honey in it.
Why would you want to have nice things if you could just get "professional" garbage instead, user?
If this was another show it'd just be mean-spirited bullying for 12 episodes.
>Leave the thread one time
>Get this
Yea Forums is truly dead.
Jannies are tired, please understand.
>Yea Forums is dead because morons from other boards come here to be shit
Yea Forums has been dead a long time.Your only hope now are the small rescue boats (threads) that throw any nigger who doesn't belong overboard.
She was just going to spend it on junk anyway. This way the fight is postponed indefinitely and she makes cute memories with her friends instead of going straight home after school. The whole situation is absolutely adorable.
Does she get caffeine high or something?
Momo isn't her friend and that tennis dyke is just pitying her and fucking with her
What you're seeing today isn't Yea Forums but an amalgamation of crossboarders that came for the happening.
Thanks, asshole. Now that I've seen something unfamiliar my brain shut down and my nose fell off.
Final boss.
There are "free" digital raws on the official platform:
But you only get enough free points to read a few chapters a day and it only goes up to volume 3.
Only 50% (that's 4 feet) of the people you're quoting are smart enough to understand basic English (that's clapping speech), user.
Be careful.
Jesus Christ, literally half of all threads are about this.
At least it's not 2011.
But it's $1.12, not $1.20.
Did you like episode 2 more or less than episode 1?
It just depends on the translator. They don't have a universal quality standard, they just throw up whatever they're given. Some get very good translations, some go full memesubs.
I honestly wasn't feeling it in episode 1 the way many others seemed to, but this week I'm liking it a lot more. I think episode 1 was moving a little too quickly for me.
Oh yeah this was today I forgot about it with all the FIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I can't wait to watch it.
Crunchyroll can go both ways, sometimes they keep honorifics and name order and other times they don't, depending on the translator. This show is simulcast by hidive, which uses Sentai subs, which have the absolute worst translators of all the simulcast services.
even her mom calls her stupid thats just fucking mean
>the fight is postponed
That's not a good thing. Shadow Mistress Yuko needs to fight so she can beat the curse and stop being a poorfag.
She is honest.
And Sentai's not going anywhere anytime soon since they just cashed in big time from Kyoani incident.
Yea Forums has always had moe haters, dumbass.
She can cancel the curse without fighting.
I love this show so much
Yea Forums is so dead I just close any thread when it reaches 500 posts.
Assassinations aren't fights.
If she marries a rich magical girl does the curse carry over?
>JC Staff are barely even trying and the subs are subpar
Either I'm taking crazy pills, or there are currently a shit ton of people running around who complain about decent adaptations because they want to show off.
Only a fool would underestimate 500 (five hundred) grams (magic).
White Chocolate > Shit Chocolate
Don't give them any ideas.
Just hide away in slow threads with the remaining survivors, user.
The first episode felt a bit more fast-paced, but then again I might have not been too focused on the second episode today given all the shit that happened. I guess I'll watch it again.
I thought the pacing was a bit better as well. Loved both episodes though.
Meh, the magical girl is cuter.
They probably already have those ideas and are saving them for the dub
Cute rain charm thing
>bump limit reached a while ago
>rain charm thing
It's a good thing men are virtually nonexistent in their town. Shamiko is practically zero effort.
I can't remember what those things are called, sue me
We need another SICP edit for today.
Oh user.
I mean, loli loev book
Where the fuck is Erai-raws?
She loves SICP. Scroll up, dumbo.
>purse is a ziploc bag
This is beyond sad.
Already done earlier in the thread
Tough love doesn't work on bakas, user.
Why did they start to draw her face this round and blobby, which looks more goofy than cute? Her head should be in form of a prune, not like this. And don't tell me it's a perspective thing. Then pick another perspective, fuck. I almost didn't even recognize cute goat.
Well, people who watch that stuff don't deserve anything better anyways.