What's Baki thinking about?
What's Baki thinking about?
How trash his manga is.
Baki knows you're gonna consume his feces.
thinking how he is going to beat fatboy with the power of plot armour... I mean demon back
His dad
punching and stuff
t. KA fag
I still don't understand how Baki got so ridiculously powerful during the Maximum Tournament Arc.
Does he even think about anything else
kicking too
He thought about how he doesn't know his Dad as a person beyond him being a punch-man megalomaniac.
Are they still fighting that """"""""""""sumo"""""""""""
demon back aka "plot armour
fucking his gf
No, now they're teaming with the sumo to beat up other Sumo who think they're hot shit and are bringing down the true meaning of Sumo.
Who's stronger Baki or Fat Baki?
Yujiro -> Baki -> Musashi --------------->Everything else
that is how this manga works
Beating up his dad
Fuck you, dad!
>fucking his gf
Has this ever canonically happened?
I remember seeing some pages of Yujiro encouraging him to bone his girlfriend, but I don't remember if he actually did it
Would be kinda creepy if he did because Yujiro was watching
>Has this ever canonically happened?
>He doesn't know
>Yujiro encouraging him to bone his girlfriend
It was more like a threat. He urged them to give him a grandson that wouldn't be a failure like Baki otherwise he'd personally murder the child.
Go read the baki sex chapter NOW
How can anyone like Baki
The message is so shitty. Basically it doesn't matter how much effort you put in, if you weren't born into the bloodline of super fighters you'll never be the strongest
Yujiro could just fuck around all day and he'll always develop faster than Doppo giving it his all, for example
alright bros, what was your top 3 favorite fights?
>baki vs pickle
>jack vs ali jr
>baki vs oliva
Are you retarded
3. Baki vs. Pickle
2. Jack vs baki
1. Doppo vs. Shibukawa
why his nose small?
Are you a Kenichifag or something? The series has never even once prefaced anything with something along the lines of "Mediocre people can reach the top through hard work".
I wish jack got more spotlight in the series, he seems like a chill guy. kind of sucks that it doesn't look like he's going to be in this arc, but I guess oliva vs sumo probably is the same
Bait but oh well. The series is not about being the strongest. Baki doesn't want to be the strongest, he wants to be just a bit stronger than his dad. If Yujiro were the weakest man on earth baki would be content with being the second weakest.
Jack is easily my 2nd favourite character and everytime he's in the pages I'm having much more fun on average than other characters. I just want him to have a fight soonish where he doesn't job
who wold win, dorian or jack?
I feel like jack could probably counter his hypnosis like doppo did
I just find it weird that the protag basically has ultimate talent for fighting due to being a Hanma. It's basically Baki's fate to eventually surpass Yujiro, like Yujiro surpassed his father. And it's total eugenics when it comes to development potential, Yujiro even mentions Jack isn't as strong because his mother wasn't as genetically suited to make him a strong Hanma
>Baki vs Oliva
>Baki vs Jack
>Baki vs Yujiro
I know I'm a basic bitch.
I really hated ali jr so when jack kicked his ass and made the whole ali story arc do a 180, jack instantly became my favorite.
funny how ali was originally suposed to beat jack, then the author thought it wasn't realistic and so decided jack would kick his ass. I guess the arc was supposed to have ali kick everybodys ass and set him up to fight baki, but the twist in the jack fight made the whole arc change
I'd like to think Jack would win because he's a fucking monster and Dorian would be too busy fucking around to use any actual tactics that'll work against someone who eats steroids as cereal
Jack would shit all over every single convict in a 1v1, easily.
Jack saved that arc for me. I thought it was pretty cringe to see everyone get fucked but when Jack kicked his ass and then everyone else started giving him metaphorical lessons it turned out pretty great imo
This. The whole series is about Baki's coming as a man. It was only as a child that Baki was so obsessed with being strong.
so what was the deal with baki's mom straight up making out with him? was there like an actual incest thing going on with her attraction to him?
The idea is that Baki's Mom was never a proper Mother to her son, and that their relationship was not of a Mother x Son. Her nursing Baki and sacrificing herself were the only motherly things she ever did.
Genetics give Baki the POTENTIAL to surpass Yujiro and even then if Baki had not been extremely devoted to training he'd not be where he is now. Not to mention his GF gave him thr emotional maturity that he needed.
>Jack isn't as strong because his mother wasn't as genetically suited to make him a strong Hanma
Jack isn't as strong because he's weaker emotionally.
>Mfw bakifag and ashurafag
why can't we all get along
It was literally an entire volume lol
I actually like both too. exited to see if the ashura anime turns out decent. hopefully it will fill the void while I wait for the next season of baki
I think the key difference between Baki and Kengan Ashura, and why I enjoy the former so much more is that Kengan Ashura feels more like a celebration of Martial Arts Fighting related media such as fighting games, manga, and of course Baki the Grappler (it's main source of inspiration). Baki the Grappler on the other hand, is simply a love-letter to the Martial Arts itself and nothing more. It's a subtle but important distinction I feel.
why are so many people gay in kengan ashura?
so when will the new chapter come out? I'm honestly pretty exited for shibukawa vs sumo
Sumo will mating press everyone with ultimate rikishi power, then Baki will pull something out of his ass and win.
Okay realistically speaking, if some dude actually had this body IRL, absolute unit and all, could he feasibly wrestle a Kodiak Bear?
No, bears are monstrously stronger than humans.
Does that guy look human to you?
As far as a bear is concerned, he's just a thicker, meatier treat.
people have fought bears bare handed before and lived. their weakness is that they are untrained, wild creatures. if you assert dominance, it will run, guaranteed.
Yes, but the question is if that kind of body could WRESTLE a bear.
I hope this tournament against the sumos will actually let the sumos put up a fight, the chinese tournament was disappointing how none of the kaiohs put up a fight except kaku
I am almost positive there isn't much to yujiro other than being a punch man megalomaniac philosopher
Well that was an important plot point, that the requirement for being a kiaoh was getting more and more relaxed, so kaku deciding to make his own team of motherfuckers to win changed the tournament
Only problem is I don't think we ever hear anything about the kaiohs again after the tournament
There is depth in Yujiro, like him being extremely lonely or being interested in art. As he himself said to Baki that's none of his business though.
They already exist irl, they’re called powerlifters/strongmen
Anything with Hanmasama :)
>Jack was left out of the convict tournament, the Chinese tournament, and now the sumo tournament
Being Jack is suffering
Tea parties with his dad.
Didn't they say that Yuichiro was still stronger than Yujiro?
If the current arc really is about muh make sumo great again then Jack doesn't really fit it, what with the steroid abuse and all
>Baki VS Oliva
>Hanayama VS Speck
>Baki VS Yujiro, final fight
his next imaginary opponent
baki train harder than literally anyone else his whole life is training and occasionally fighting
Baki vs Yujiro
Che vs the 3 assassins
Baki vs Hanayama in the casino
This isn't true at all
Baki often gets his ass kicked, then trains extra hard and develops a new technique, then goes back and wins
But he's not a sumo so wouldn't beating a roided out genetic freak like him look good for the sumos?
Jack would get his shit pushed in by a Sumo
Remember the triangle vs inverted triangle part of Sumo God vs Oliva?
Yeah, well Jack is all limbs, he'd be affected by it way way worse
man I feel sorry for Jack. His character has no purpose anymore and hes basically been written out of the series.
And... dropped
260kg is heavy for a WEIGHT LIFTER movement, sure, it's hard, but for a powerlifter or strongman movement (as he does) 260kg is childsplay
He lifted ONE SIDE, that's HALF THE WEIGHT at most with his pinky
Honestly, I'm quite sure any professional strongman could do the same
But as effortlessly as he did?
1.Motobe vs Musashi
2.Motobe vs Yanagi
3.Motobe vs Yujiro
I forgot about Motobe
His fights in Baki Dou are pure kino
ever worked out?
ka fag and baki fag here
i enjoy them for entirely different reasons
Working out doesn't make you gay.
It just makes you appear gay to people who don't understand the concept of miring and who don't have several gigabytes of photos of naked musclemen on their harddrives
You really expect this manga to be knowledgeable at all with this anatomy?
t. doesn't know how art works
At least KA embraces the gay, Itagaki is in denial about Baki's (the series) gayness
>if you kill your ennemies, you lose -Dorian
how possible is this?
Doesn't sound like something made up IMO
only one way to find out
>yfw Itagaki is actually right about Sergio
>Tfw the bodybuilder in the manga is one of the world's strongest fighters
>Tfw the only powerlifter in the manga was an unamed character that was KO'd in a couple panels by a low-tier fighter
to be fair, in this manga, Baki fight a mythicalGiant ape who must weight 3000 kg after a few volume.
Then, it still must be a big deal if he fight a 235kg/2m50 catcher, while Baki is 70kg/1m65
Instead of Baki Dou shark jumping they should make a series about Yujiro's life and development, then raising Baki.
What in all fuck is this?
Why is Yujiro an icecream?
>your yfw this happened
>finish Son of Ogre
>get told Dou is next
>start reading it, have no idea what the fuck is going on
>turns out there's another part also called Dou that came before it
Why did he do this?
This is the manga where Usain Bolt is a world class boxer.
Yes, black bears. They are small and cowardly and can't handle a single forceful punch to the nose.
A brown Kodiak bear will rip your arm off with one bite if you try.
have you never had your extremities go numb from placing pressure on them?
When will Itagaki make another torunament arc?
Roids are legal in sumo.
And he's talking about weightlifting, so? Stop being butthurt, /fat/.
>Working out doesn't make you gay.
It does, look at /fit/.
It's very possible. Actually it's a pretty common, well-known magic trick.
>Hide tennis ball in your armpit
>Claim you can stop your pulse because some yoga mumbo jumbo
>Let mark take your pulse
>Press down hard on the tennis ball with the inside of your upper arm so the arteries and veins are "closed off"
>Bam, no pulse, mark is shocked and impressed
Try it, it's easy.
tried this at the gym yesterday, might have just been a placebo, but i swear man i felt like i didnt get tired as fast as i usually do.
Well it has caffeine too
Will she keep pickles child growing inside of her
He technically isn't really human so they shouldn't be able to reproduce. Even if she did get pregnant I don't see how infant cave-baby could be relevant to the story without a huge timeskip.
>Baki's future son taking on mini-pickle
That's actually a huge translation mistake by the fags from The Wild Fang project. They invented the whole thing. What Yuujiro actually says to Baki is that he should enjoy being with his girlfriend, in the other hand, he mentions to Kozue that she should be proud of her female aspects and that she can use that to please her boyfriend. And that both should enjoy each other.
The Netflix adaptation has the correct translation.
Even if this shit works, there is no point in doing this during your daily training.
to be fair, i dont think baki does it during his daily training, only when he getting ready for a fight,
Katsumi vs Pickle
Baki vs Pickle
Yujiro vs Kaku
>jack vs pickle
>jack vs garland
>doppo vs amanai
Isn't this sumo arc gonna be technically a tournament?
Same as Raitai, just instead of Kaiohs they will be fighting sumo guys instead
Baki Domoe
I meant for for user in specific.
If you really need all the sugar, then yes.
He's thinking about how his extra chromosome gives him retard strength.
Being the strongest man became boring so Yujiro wanted to become the strongest ice cream.
>Yujiro vs Kaku
>Jack vs Ali Jr
>Baki vs Oliva
gimme the number
series is still on break through next week
we dunno why
should i read the manga?
iv'e rewatched the series 3 times now
Yes. The art is miles ahead of anything you'll see in the show. I feel that nothing can quite give Itagaki's art full justice, although that recent OVA looked really fucking good.
We've seen Jyaku since.
i can't enjoy the anime when i read the manga
i already ruined golden wind for myself