What makes Eren Jaegar better than 90% of shonen protagonists?
What makes Eren Jaegar better than 90% of shonen protagonists?
90% of shonen protags have not fucked a queen
Nothing. He is part of that 90% too.
Eren is part of the other 10%, the cucked protags.
>literally has a penchant for wanting to murder shit
>even as a little kid had the heart and desire to get his hands dirty
>doesn't have to rely on others
>doesn't cry and act like a little bitch
Should I keep going? Eren is a chad
he's dead
>doesn't cry and act like a little bitch
I am sure this is a bait now.
nephilim powers
but come back when he's become better than 92% of shonen protagonists. 91%-ers are smalltime
>shows strong conviction and resolve under extreme circumstances
>suffers the consequences of his actions and learns from his mistakes
>loses his fights but becomes stronger as a result
>develops and changes as a person after experiencing hardships
>stands by his own ideology and beliefs yet is willing to sympathise with his enemies
He married and impregnated best girl
90% of other shonen protagonists don't go full mechahitler
But Reiner is the protagonist of his series.
He's the 90%.
He die.
he's cute and perfect
he's shit
Unironically a good protagonist turned villain.
>>doesn't have to rely on others
he spends most of the series prior to the timeskip losing fights, getting kidnapped, and needing mikasa/levi to bail him out
he's not a faggot "emotionally mature" mc that says shit like "if you kill your enemies they win." He has values and a goal and he will continue to advance forward.
>losing fights
Which is good writing because all of the people he fights originally are much more trained and experienced.
If he won those fights he would be a gary stu.
>needing mikasa/levi to bail him out
Wrong. You don't know what would have happened if mikasa and levi didn't recover Eren. If anything the rumbling could've occurred many years earlier.
Does he have any special genetic traits, like Ichigo, Naruto, Luffy, etc, or is he just a literally who Eldian?
He's just an eldian. No special traits. Although all Jaegers have pointy ear titans for some reason.
>subverting expectations means good writing
What expectations were subverted retard?
He's not afraid to advocate genocide.
>Which is good writing because
call it good writing all you want, the's still a weak, pathetic retard who isn't worth shit on his own. the only thing he brings to any scene is his ability to turn titan, which would've even been better utilized by anyone else in the scene if THEY had the grit to eat him and save the world from having to endure his presence any more
But in seriousness its cause he grows over the timeskip. When he tells Reiner that he understands after the timeskip, he's not lying. He does understand. He's lived with the Marlyians for at least a few weeks, he knows they are good among them, but he chooses to preemptively start a war anyways.
>weak pathetic retard
He literally is very strong and skilled. He almost beat Annie in the first fight he ever had and absolutely demolished Reiner in their 1v1 without hardening.
The warriors had years of training with their abilities and Eren still put the fear of god into them.
zeke is the only chad in the show
i fucking love these edits
>almots beat annie
Yeah, until she got her shit together, the moment it happened he stood no chance and was OHKOd. And Reiner is a joke ever since he first lost.
His manga isn't 90% training arcs
>he's not a pathetic retard because he SOMETIMES, under the right kind of light, if you look real carefully, and wish real hard down to the bottom of your heart, ALMOST doesn't LOOK like one
>though he still does. and is
uhu, right
He's his own character and not self-insert shit.
Yes the first time Eren ever transformed to fight he loses against a trained warrior who has hardening abilities while he doesn't. Not only does he not have the tools she had he also didn't have the experience.
If he had won it would have been terrible writing. No well written character in his situation should have won in a straight up fight.
>I want my mcs to be gary stus who are immediately good at anything they try for the first time and demolish experts with years of experience
Go watch sword art online or something.
I can't think of a worse protag, even Deku is better
>doesn't cry and act like a little bitch
>From turbobeta whinning shit to SasukexColdsteel offspring
He is literally cancer.
he actually killed people a lot of them
Eren is the greatest MC to ever come out from a shounen anime, if you disagree you're a fucking retard.
His name isn't Jaegar you fucking idiot.
The real question is, why does Eren send waifufags, fujos and shippers into a blind, almost decade spanning, frothing at the mouth rage?
Reiner a shit with his stupid Plot Armor Titan
>literally has a penchant for wanting to murder shit
>even as a little kid had the heart and desire to get his hands dirty
That's edginess, not chadness.
>doesn't have to rely on others
Literally kidnapped 3 times and rescued by his friends the same amount of times.
>doesn't cry
>and act like a little bitch
Him being a raging idiot is not meant to make him endearing. That's why.
nothing he is shit
mikasa and levi make and made that series great while eren was just a massive faggot for 90% of the show
There are no special traits he has that no other Eldian wouldn't be capable of. Nor were the things he was gifted given to him by people who saw him as their ideal savior or successor. His significance is purely a product of luck on the surface, though there is a vague higher power behind the scenes.
He's a pretty bad character, going full edgelord after one line of dialogue is not character development. The series makes no effort into showing any progression with him, it's just clear Isayama was bored of the shit character he made so forced a time skip to justify writing a different character that looks like they were copy pasted out of any mediocre Shounen starring an edgy teen protag