Was he gay?

Was he gay?

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was he gay?

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Who is best boy and why is it Toji?

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No, he just wasn't a pedophile.

Every dude that found Asuka hot in the show ends up repulsed by her personality. And he was banging misato so no.

>fucked Misato on a daily basis
>had no problems flirting with Ritsuko
Also are the Eva threads going to stop soon? It's clear those are made by normalfags who only watch shit from Netflix


I bet you're from America, where anything below 18 is "pedo".

This might be hard for you to believe, but the US doesn't have a monopoly on stupid people.
t. not grateful to not be American

The only reason why people like Asuka is because Rei has the personality of a wall in comparison (and the rest of the girls are either used goods or background character-tier)

This. She's also cute as fuck and I want to wrestle her into submissions while I got a chub.

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He wants a woman that's his maturity level. He actually cares about Asuka and he figured the last thing he needs is to make an emotionally damaged teen worse off than she already is.

This might be hard for you to believe but most adults outside of Pakistan don't want to fuck 14 year olds

Did he ever actually reject her outright? If he loved her so much he did a really bad job consoling her and helping her work through her feelings and past.

I always got the impression he at least partly was only using Asuka to get closer to NERV/Seele but then again I dont know

Why did Kaji reject Asuka for being a child but then go after Shinji?

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>most adults outside of Pakistan don't want to fuck 14 year olds

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It was just a prank, bro.

It's a pity that Anno failed to kill himself. He had to ruin anime with this garbage series. Gunbusters was much better.

It didn't ruin anime, user, why do you think that? How did it ruin anime any more than say, Gundam did?

That is a hard one, or is that me

Someone post manga Asuka stripping and Kaji telling her to fuck off. And Manga Asuka in tears because she's finally with the one she loves (she sees Kaji during the tang).

Because Asuka would actually take him up on his offer.

>He had to ruin anime
It never ceases to amaze me idiots like you actually believe he had this big of an influence on the medium. Westerners like you really are worthless.

Is that really in the show? I don't remember this happening.


Kaji hits on Shinji in the show and he asks if Kaji knows he's a guy or not. That gif looks like it's from the rebuilds.

>fucked misato in her prime
>spent golden week with misato doing nothing but staying in bed and fucking
>flirts with women and known womanizer
>throws off thot attempts by western roastie jail bait

>never fucked a woman or seen a vagina in his life
>seen and jacked off at least 1 dick
sound like a literal homosexual to me

Honestly screw Kaji
Literal manwhore

Man I hate the manga. The characterization felt so awful for everybody, especially Shinji and Asuka to a lesser extent. Plus all the bullshit with Gendo superpowers was fucking lame.

Ramiel was pure kino. You think angels are all just going to be these giant black humanoids but then Anno throws this Lovecraftian incomprehensible being at you. This motherfucker is a flying reflective octahedron that shoots lasers that warp the space around them, but also somehow an organism with living tissue on the inside. Best angel.

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You read the wrong manga user

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there was daily evangelion threads before netflix

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>Also are the Eva threads going to stop soon?
You're really this new, huh.

NGE faggotry and Gundam Wing literally bankrolled/started the bioshonen craze.

Post cute and canon 3-way ships from your favorite anime.

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The only real OT3 from Eva is pic related

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Are you gay?

What is this? A ship for ants?

he fucked misato for a week straight


I like how everybody forgets that in the scene immediately after Kaji says ''Just kidding''

>implying asuka would share her baka shinji

Most definitely

the evidence all says yes


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*Enters the room.*

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*teleports behind*

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Friggin ant people.

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Thanks user. I've replaced my thumbnail

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Why does he ignore Rei?

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He cares enough to reject her advances. He knows forming a relationship with her will just mess her up. You don't have to "love" someone to do that, you don't even have to care, you just need to have some basic self respect and righteousness

fuck it
newfag here, i've never been fond of anime after my teenager years
but one day, this fucking anime pops up on netflix and i think "hey, why not? some animu shit"
fuck, i wasnt expecting all that shit in the end, neither all that shit in eoe
i want my sanity back, for fucks sake

I'll never get why we can't get one spin-off based off the SoL segment from episode 26 that doesn't feel the need to insert evas and angels into it.
I get that there iconic, but it really does get a bit tired after a while, and I say this as someone who enjoyed the SIRP manga and GoS2


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Taking a young girls virginity dishonors her and her future husband, while having some fun with a young lad is completely harmless.

The only reason he didn't fuck Asuka was because he was still in love with misato.

Time to watch the rebuilds, read the manga, play the games, and become a victim of Eva hell for many years to come.

not fair man
fucking anno, man, i swear

No, he just wasn't a desperate virgin like Yea Forums


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Twenty years of this...


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Many have suffered it, few have escaped it. You are (not) alone, user


What was the thing Kaji told misato he'd tell her he ha been holding in for 8 years


>Many have suffered it, few have escaped it. You are (not) alone, user

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Have you ever heard one talk, user?

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Homosexual detected

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Struck a nerve did I?

>Was he gay?
Shinji you mean?

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kaworu was the purest

Kaworu and the angels did nothing wrong.

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wow rude where does this hate come from?

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just a prank bro

>agonized about hitting Shinji and apologised
>genuine bro who promised to stand up for Shinji
>undyingly loyal to his friends and family
>helped Shinji open up
>helped Rei realise her feelings about Shinji which eventually spurred her on to give him control over Instrumentalization
>after 03 incident worried about everyone around him but himself, worried about Shinji, his sister and even Hikari's feelings about the uneaten lunch
>never complained
>never held anything against Shinji
>even when bidding Shinji farewell was still thanking him and tried to cheer him up
Toji is a bro we all need, but a one we deserve. Absolute unmatched best boy.

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>fucking a flat breasted child isn't gay

Most definitely

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Isn't that the premise of Shinji Ikari Project?

Good taste

>Taking a young girls virginity dishonors her and her future husband, while having some fun with a young lad is completely harmless.
Gayreek spotted