Do you think princess mononoke is too heavy for an eight year old? I'm kinda leaning towards yes, I'm babysitting my little sister and she saw my copy on my shelf and she wants to watch it because she likes wolves. I think it might be a bit much for her
Do you think princess mononoke is too heavy for an eight year old? I'm kinda leaning towards yes...
I'm worried parts like the boar cheif being absorbed by demons and the various soldiers that get decapitated or lose thier limbs could give her nightmares or something and I don't want my mom to acusse me of scaring her
If you want to show a kodomo some anime, show her kodomo.
she'll love it when all the wolves die
It depends on how mature your little sister is. My nephew and niece are 8 and 10 and I think they could handle it, but they're pretty bright kids.
It's the boars that die, not the wolves.
at least some of the wolves die horribly
Only one wolf dies
I wouldn't watch it with her. if it was a boy maybe, not a girl
my dad showed me akira when I was 7 or 8 and I had the worst nightmares for a few days from all the gore, especially when that tetsuo's gf got assaulted
do it, she'll be fine
Show her Totoro
It's not going to traumatize the kid for life if that's what you mean. But nuanced moral reasoning doesn't start developing until about that age, and the whole reason Princess Mononoke so good is the heavy plot and its moral. You'd want to make sure she understands the several different factions, their motivations, and Ashitaka's attempts at mediating them.
truthfully, compared to all the garbage she's been forced to watch, Princess Mononoke will be a magical life changing experience fr her, I know it was for me when I was a kid
It all depends on the kid, everyone is different. My 6yo nephews used to get bad nightmares from even the most innocent cartoons.
It's going to scare the shit out of her. Don't do it.
>because she likes wolves
Isn't there an anime movie that's literally just about wolves?
Nah, if she were eleven or twelve, that'd be one thing. But not only is it violent, but she'd probably get bored during all the scenes where Ashitaka just wanders around the woods and Iron Town talking to random people and taking in the sights.
It depends on the kid. I think a lot of kids that age would be fine with Mononoke, but certainly some of them would be freaked out by it. You'll have to make the call based on what other media she has seen and how much of a scaredycat she is. She's obviously not going to understand the movie beyond the most basic surface level understanding, but that probably won't stop her from enjoying it.
it has a happy ending so its fine
Ask her mother what kinda movies she's allowed to watch. If she can watch stuff like Lord of the Rings then Princess Mononoke should be fine. If she can't, watch Spirited Away instead. Regardless, warn her in advance that their are a few scenes that are violent and scary, but that it's a good movie nonetheless.
Just play it safe and watch Yosuga no Sora instead.
My dad showed me fucking Saving Private Ryan when I was 8 and the scene in Normandy where the soldier's guts are hanging out of his stomach while he's crying for his mother scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. Princess Mononoke is tame compared to that. Go ahead and show it to her.
I saw this shit when I was that age or younger, do it OP