What's more important anons, keeping up with a couple shows every new season or working on your backlog of classics and must-watches you never got around to in the first place?
What's more important anons...
Whatever you're more interested in, who gives a shit?
>backlog of classics and must-watches you never got around to in the first place?
There really aren't that many.
I binge watch one "classic" every now and then but usually just watch new stuff. There has been a lot of good anime recently, contrary to popular belief.
Both is the answer. If you just watch seasonal crap your vision will get skewed for modern shit standards but if you also only watch classics you will get nostalgia goggles thinking all new anime is shit not realizing those got filtered by their own shit filled seasons.
Watch 5 current airing shows and 5 classics per season, this way you can have a grasp of current anime while also thinning out that backlog.
If you don't dig deep enough
It depends on the season,if it's a shit season(like last one) then work on your backlog otherwise just watch new shows and maybe one from the backlog
The most important thing is to shit talk people on Yea Forums for like the anime that you don't like
Well if you disregard the series I didn't finish because I didn't want to see them end then I don't have a backlog.
Doing what you enjoy is most important
the answer is to rewatch milky holmes every season
I pretty much have been watching exclusively backlog stuff since 2017, I just bookmark the airing anime that I find interesting or see people praising and download them at once. It kind of makes me miss on 90% of discussion here but oh well.
I meant download them when they are finished
please post more Sher's
I mostly read monthly manga so that leaves a lot of time to watch or read stuff from the past. I very rarely watch an ongoing seasonal show.
>going through backlog
>all these great animes I didnt watch when they aired because I too busy shitposting on Yea Forums and bullying weebs
Also nothing Ive watched even came close to how good Higurashi is (besides the final episodes the ending felt rushed)
Who's this semen demon?
>Every season of anime has too many worthwhile shows to keep up wi-
No. No it doesn't
We JUST had fucking barron season just 3 weeks ago.
Senko san was comfy, but I sure as hell wasn't hyped for it every week.
If a classic "must-watch" anime goes straight into your backlog, you can't be very interested in watching it anyway. I guarantee you half of people's backlogs are just shows they put in there because they feel obligated to watch. Just watch what you like instead of going back every year to dust the cobwebs off some classic you don't care for. Keep up with whatever show catches your interest.
There's literally only one classic "must-watch" anime anyways and it's KLK. Rewatch it once a month and you're golden.
Depends on the season.
>In mental institution
>Have nothing but time on my hands since i'm forced neet
>Still can't make a dent in my backlog.
What do you enjoy doing more, watching older shows or new ones while talking about them with Yea Forums?
That's your answer. Neither is right or wrong. Just do what you want to do.
What's worst is watching shows you actively passed up when they came out and realizing they were better.
Like I kept seeing bits of Ancient Megus bride on livestreams of Japanese cable, but I never bothered watching it till recently because how good could it be if it was a romance show following Pop-team-Epic.
Airing days: watch seasonal
Non-airing days: watch backlog
How hard can that be fags?
If you don't do both, your backlog will only grow.
>working on your backlog
That's the most pointless thing you could ever do with your life and I would know, I'm NEET. Even with all the free time in the world, you'll never finish your backlog and anyone who saids otherwise chances are, they either drop shows more often than should or don't watch very many genres(ie, shounen shits) and if you do finish your backlog. What do you have left? Just a soulless empty unfulfilling life as you "try" to move on to the next thing to finish. This brings up another question. Why the fuck would you want to finish your backlog? By doing this you turn a fun innocent little hobby into a damn chore. Not loving anime, not taking things slowly and savoring each episode but just to get it off your silly little check list to impress none other than your soulless self goals. You act like you're in a hurry to die yet you think your things are still going to matter after you died. Well guess what, we're all going to die at some point. Our time on this planet may be short but trying to finish and do everything before your time comes is the most pointless thing you could ever do with your time, the world is full of far too many things for 1 person to handle alone. Just take each anime/manga(or life) slowly and enjoy the ride. If and when I'm about to die of a heart attack or stroke, I'm going to open up my favorite media player, turn up my speakers, play an episode of Ojamajo Doremi I haven't seen, and lay back in my chair as I wait for the paramedics to hall my lifeless body out my home because I went out doing what I love. Die doing something you love than to die doing nothing you love.
You sound like a contrarian.
I used to be able to do 5 to 6 seasonal shows a season and 2 shows from my backlog at the same time. Now I can barely manage 2 or 3 shows a season and one show from my backlog. Getting older does that to a guy I guess.