>Never the servant
>Never drew a yen
>Never had a good story before Zero and even then was carried by vastly superior characters
>Never had a memorable speech
>Never put anyone over
>Main character of the worst route in the original VN
>Only the 3rd best romance option
>Only the 7th best servant in Stay/Night and Zero
>Only the 12th best member of The Knights of the Round Table
>Her group the Knights of the Round Table were utterly BTFO by one retard
>Her Man cosplay was cringeworthy
>Her knight cosplay was cringeworthy
>Shit taste in food
>Failed at being a king so badly that she resorted to hiding in an magical field
>Only significant achievement was being summoned by an autistic child
>Somehow the biggest jobber in a series that contains Gilgamesh
>Can only hold her own because she's a stat stick
>Can only win in a fight because the Grail gave her precognition
>Still struggles to beat some random nobody whose only power to swing a sword really hard at birds
>Always takes the bait, endangering both self and master
>Is the VN equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre whore whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is sucking off someone with actual talent
>spent the latter part of her career being replaced by clones of herself with actual personalities

Attached: BTFO.jpg (300x168, 6K)

The fuck does "Never the servant" fucking mean?

Kek. Serves the downgrade right.

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Jesus, were Ufo and DEEN always that shit? The difference in line count is crazy.

>melvcuck on damage control after I DEMOLISHED him last time
KEK, sorry Jetard but your shitter will never be relevant. Meanwhile the OG is going to be revealed as GRAND SABER within a year and reset the powerlevels. Cope.

>got fucked up by a school teacher

epic troll post

>grail gave her precognition

That isnt true tho

Deen’s saber legit looks better than ufotable

Still better then wormslut.

ironic shitposting is against the rules

ding dong diddly get a clue

Oh i fully agree, especially with the nice ring on the hair. Good taste. Neither look anywhere near as good as Violet though.

t. Waver

Attached: Wavergames.jpg (399x338, 58K)

Emiya Archer was raped under the sweltering summer sun in the grail war of 92

>Never drew a yen
>Drew so hard they made a million clones of her because people couldn't get enough
Take a shower, hit the weights, and have sex ya simp.

Ep 2 of El-Melloi Case Files should be required viewing for all duodenary scum. They really nailed the whole setting of Mages and how they are all ruthless and crazy, as well as their ultimate goal.

>the universe of type moon is so fucked up that most ends with humanity absolutely shat on.
>one timeline has them kill the planet and the planet beg the other planets to exterminate them
>one has humanity pretty much kill itself through war and resource wasting so the remnants have to send their souls into a super computer in the moon
>plenty end with humanity dying at the hands of Beasts made of their own twisted desires.
>one of the few timelines humanity is on a good path is the one where their history gets incinerated, thanks to one retard who is barely a Magus fighting against gods, Beasts, and eldritch entities.
>all the above because all the 'competent' people who could avert the calamities are either idiots or selfish assholes'

It serves her/him right for being bisexual.

>another tranny kills him/herself
Just chalk it up to statistics...

>posts pic of saber BTFOing memesalot