Why haven't you converted to the religion of the Onee Chan to behold the glory of Onee-sans?
Why haven't you converted to the religion of the Onee Chan to behold the glory of Onee-sans?
Other urls found in this thread:
die teen
Just because OneexShota is a thing doesn't mean the OP is a teen.
Why do you even ask...
I'm not a little kid anymore.
Oh but I have thanks to our lord Tomino opening my eyes.
some needs to marry this cake already
I don’t fully get the appeal of oneexshota, porn is good and all but I rather tease the girl than get teased
Oneexshota is Oniixloli for guys who don't want to go to jail.
No consequences for the shota.
I'm a polytheistic person with a healthy belief in tomboys, lolis, onee-sans, cakes, every type of dere and many more.
Except traps, fuck traps.
>fuck traps
what else are they good for?
> fuck traps
They'll kinda enjoy that.
I'll give her a thousand more!
I've already taken the aylium pill
so sexy
Nigger, I am the Onee-chan high priest.
Pochi gets it. She gets it, she knows. Pochi knows it all.
I don't usually like Onee-chan characters, but for this Eldritch abomination I'm willing to make an exception.
She claps!
>Beat up Chiyo nee
Recommend me good Onee chan mangas/anime/doujins Yea Forums.
She sure does. Even if Yuu and Chiyo are NBR. Although Chiyo can probably alter her dna to make it BR.
Also let's not let the thread die, imouto thread had 300 plus replies and 5 hours of life. It's unfair!
I've always been a fan of onee-sans.
Liking onee-sans takes refined taste, no wonder there aren't that many people.
Bump. Don't die. Who's your favorite Onee san Yea Forums?
Kasumi Tendo
when is the next ANM coming out?
I love when there is a back and forth, one sided relationship tend to be boring.
Because she has a disgusting mole on her face.
That's an odd way to come out of the closet, user. I think you should stick to more tested methods
It's really hard to play XCom 2 because I want all my rookies to fall in love with the alien nee-san units
I feel you. I feel bad killing ayy lmaos in general because one might be part of the Cthulhu mythos for all I know.
will we have her children visit?
we could literally have a thousand more potential ara aras
This is always a plus.
What's the difference between an onee-chan and a nee-san?
I'd marry a Chiyo nee daughteru. As long as the same femdom and love is present.
I cannot pronounce the names of the beings to pray to.
I love Chiyo so much.
Ane Naru Mono
Ane Naru Mono
Why get them when we already have Chiyo?
I heard that you people are talking about my daughter in this thread
When will Yuu realise he wants to be her husband?
Only fags would answer no.
>the religion of the Onee Chan
I'm onto you, vile entity.
>don't fall for its tricks
>Implying you ever really had a choice
Chapter 2 of the H-manga has him describe Chiyo as a housewife
But I already know about that one. Praise be chiyo nee.
Absolutely yes. And better yet, keep going until she's satisfied.
>implying Chiyo would ever trick people she loves
My nigga. If only she was a outer one.
I can't believe extended chapter 7 still hasn't been uploaded. It's so good.
Then why hasn't he impregnated her yet?
Did you buy it?
They have sex multiple times a day every single day in the H-manga. He probably came inside of her more daily than the amount of semen a girl receives in a gang bang doujin. She also loves him to the point of obsession, so it's very likely that he has already impregnated her hundreds, if not thousands of times.
Pochi should draw more spooky things
For the Ane Naru Mono Complete Works Vol. 2, Pochi extended chapters 5-7. Chapter 7 in particular got four new pages of Yuu fucking Chiyo. It's great.
Due to the multimeter theoey, it's possible to think that, out of all the infinite timelines that exist, there is one that exist where Chiyo is your sister, and Mamako is your mother.
Link, good sir? Or is it on sadpanda?
Not on any. Haven't seen it uploaded anywhere.
[I managed to buy the physical version. Came with a really nice microfiber towel of pic related./spoiler]
>Be me
>Have two, count 'em, TWO imoutos.
>One of them is a nitpicky smug asshole
>The other is too clingy, but still loves me to death as she has no one else to rely on.
Fuck user, I just want to have a loving onee-san gently lead me somewhere nice....
>be me
>have imouto
>we just bully each other relentlessly every day
I want an oneesan, too
Onee-sans are great, but I like MILFs better.
Really good for Oyakodon.
God, I love everything about Ane Naru Mono.
I want Pochi to be my wife
Anime when?
>altering her DNA
>not altering his DNA to eternally ascend him to a higher plane of incestuous babymaking
>implying Chiyo would want to change him in anyway unless he dies
>be me
>have an oneesan
>We're extremely different people, we do not get along
>I prefer spending time with her boyfriend than spending time with her
Outside of animeland it's not really that great
Too bad supernatural entities aren't real so I canhunt and kill them.
unless he dies
You know Chiyo would try to unmake the universe if that happened, right?
Time loops
What does this feel like?
the teen?
Salty coins and milk
the dog is pretty hot though
Chiyo transforming Yuu into a cute girl to show her the pleasures of having a vagina! Yuu growing up into an onee-chan and continuing the cycle!
>trying to hunt Chiyo
do you have any funeral fund where I can send a few bucks?
He probably wouldn't even exist
But Chiyo wants Yuu to cum inside of her over and over and over again while telling him that she loves him
But that's such a joyful experience that Chiyo would love to have Yuu to experience it too!
That makes no sense, user
A sister wants the best for her brother
haru did nothing wrong and deserves a sex scene
She tried to eat Yuu, and the man she loves is in a coma
Should I read the sfw manga too?
Thankfully you're not his sister
Yes, absolutely. It's surprisingly good, if slow.
And what's best is for him to ram his penis into her vagina during intense sexual sessions
it was just a prank sis
If they're not fucking the whole time, what do they do in the sfw manga?
Have a relationship.
Comfy stuff. Yuu teaching Chiyo how to cook and other human thing.
Stop trying to influence anons into fucking their older sisters and making mutant babies.
Tell that to Abe
Because a sizeable amount of onee-san works are fucking shota garbage.
Abe promotes incest?
Why do you consider /ss/ to be garbage?
Talk to each other, bond with each other, learn about each other, rely on each other, do things together, take care of each other.
It's really cute and heartwarming and makes the H-manga even better.
As long as babies are made, I wouldn't put him past pushing for any baby making shit, from incest to promoting NTR
Because I really dislike femdom. Onee-san religion doesn't work.
Am I supposed to self-insert as the kid? do I have to believe a kid will be able to sexually satisfy let alone make an onee-chan go ahegao with his tiny dick? or worse, am I supposed to buy that a prepubescent kid has a horsecock?
It annoys me greatly. It doesn't help how most shotas are your average sex-scared, prude harem anime MC but amplified, which, while I guess it's realistic it's also a huge turn-off for me.
I'm also just not into the whole adult femalexkiddo thing. I guess it is because I can't even self-insert.
You self insert as the female.
It's okay to be more dominant with your nee-san, she won't mind.
>Am I supposed to self-insert as the kid?
To be fair Yuu is more of a teenager, but if it's an actual kid I can't fap too and agree it's shit.
And that's enough to make me addicted to nee-san but the moment tables get flipped is when my arousal dies.
I don't know why either.
Please give me the full image of Jeanne
At the very least, Yuu is 14.
I appreciate that Pochi draws him to look like a teenager, even if he is a manlet
Chapter where Yuu-kun fully takes the lead when?
Yeah Yuu is tolerable at least, for the most part. Honestly I just love chiyo.
You'll have to wait for yamoge to release it.
I can't.
WA isn't onee-san material.
I'm glad Yuu isn't a whiny bitch.
Also, Jeanne had the personality of the perfect oneesan. Banter, teasing, caring, loving, sympathetic. Everything.
She is still my raifu, so I will take her even if she isn't the perfect onee-san.
The great thing about WA is that she come with a 10/10 mommy
What's the best thing about oneesans?
Their tentacles?
Their big ol'neesans.
The fact they are virgin mommies.
has this manga been updated in the past months?
Chapters 24 and 25 were released recently. 24 has Chiyo overcompensating in doting on Yuu and 25 has Chiyo feel like she's not worthy to be his oneesan after making some bad looking cookies. Yuu convinces her that he still loves her with Haru's help.
Not when they're done with their otoutos
A small break between sessions of rough sex!
I wonder what they're talking about
They are mothers you are allowed to fuck
[Chair clattering]
I love her!
God, everything about Chiyo-nee is so erotic. I can't control myself
How fucking lucky is Yuu-kun to have this taking care of him and lusting after his shota cock
Thank you for recommending. Bless this thread
Fruit and handjobs!
My imouto is also an onee-san, and she gets along really well with her otouto
I want to marry Pochi!
Its illegal here, I bought the sfw manga though
What kinda shithole do you live in?
the UK
My condolences
Onee san made crocs cool again!
Yuu-Kun kinda reminds me of pic related for some reason
>you'll never have a sister like this
choto mate
please will someone marry this alien her genes must be preserved for future generations
The manga or H-manga?
How? I haven't seen TTGL, but I don't remember many similarities outside of them being young boys who look up to an older sibling figure, and even there they differ.
Both are top tier.
Good taste
>tfw even the description of her hair is giving me an erection
I love Pochi so much but she's buying into the VTuber trash and I hate it
Well that did give us Pochi singing so it's not all bad, right?
Is she good?
I love her brothers, i can't stop it
Dont tell me you're afraid of a little tentacle?
She's cute, at least
My hearts, not ready user... Tentacles before....promising to be together forever is kinda... soon.. what's next asking to hold hands?
No, but it is cute.
This is true art.
Because I'm already a member of the Church of Loli.
to a dog are we gods?
Chiyo is honestly one of the better written Outer God characters out there
I love it when Pochi starts the poetic rambling
I'm gonna read anemono. Where do I start.
From the start, read both hentai and non-h versions.
Because Doppel from Monmusu is the superior eldtrich abomination.
Chapter 1 of the serialized manga. When you're done, imagine a bunch a tragedy and then read the H-manga
I disagree
I don't like it
I'm waiting for Ainz to summon her instead of her children in Quartet S2.
Kadokawa owns Mamako, don't they? What if she appeared in S2?
Why can't Chiyo-nee bring back the dead?
Why should she be able? She's not omnipotent and her domain is creating life, not reversing entropy.
She can create and modify life. Probably a soulless recreation if she brings someone back.
>the mother of a thousand young
Is this what they call "old goat eating young grass"?
If by "grass" you mean "semen", yes
>old goat eating young ass
would tell her I loved her whenever she made me feel safe, god id give anything not to be scared.
I'd like someone to caress my head at night and whisper that they love me
what does ia ia mean?
is it code for niggers?
It's a code for a-mi-gos you uncultured swine
Pochi was right when she said onee chans could heal the world
>All the world's blessings belong to you, Yuu-kun
She needs to help heal the low japanese birth rate.
I'd like to help by marrying and impregnating her
don't be creepy like that stalker okay?
Watch Pochi and her son
>Pochi and her son
Of course not, user
The other VTuber is a friend of hers. She drew the avatar.
Man, Pochi is terrible at Splatoon
is the sun to an ant?
I dont get it
pls explain the funny fren
Pure bliss
The Mi-Go are fungal aliens from Yoggoth that worship Shub-Niggurath. They are your friends
why does it have action figure joints?
Pochi is so cute
Chiyo thought Yuu would enjoy toys of them
The cutest
Remember: Evil gods are evil gods
Not if you are a cute shota
I don't mind becoming evil for Chiyo-nee
be chaotic evil... ehh im fine
Is not evil if you're in the same side
Have you guys ever tried making Chiyo in a game or anything?
Contribootin to this blessing of a thread
What did she mean by this bros
Thanks, user. Chiyo really is the most beautiful girl in manga
Good lord dat BACK
Look at her human body evaluation.
Remember how she spends eternities just sleeping.
Remember that her normal interactions are just people who want to use her.
And here comes Yuu, a young boy who just wants to be with her.
Who's the artist of this?
> True conoisseur of superior back fetish
> Quads checked
Be blessed
Chiyo's back is quite beautiful
>I need my lap-warmer, blanket and prey
My wife
Would warm her up for the rest of eternity
>ywn keep Chiyo-nee company forever
Post more delicious onee-san
How do you call this degree of perfection ?
Drawing best Onee-san in best WhiteDress+SummerHat+BackSunlight+PlayingInWater combo...
Pochi really is a fearsome one
It just shows how much Pochi understands what men truly want:
A beautiful, caring woman who is willing to take care of you and teases you from time to time dressed in a simple, but beautiful dress in a location that could lead to some nice wet clothes.
>want to watch Pochi's stream to the end
>have to catch a plane early in the morning tomorrow
Ah, choices
I want the next doujin to have the houndgirl try to NTR chiyo. Success or failure doesn’t matter
Blessings from Pochi and the beings beyond!
God is pleased
Reality itself wants us to know that onee-san are the best
Where's the porn pochi
> Somehow afraid Chiyo-san pinned to the ground
> Wet from top to bottom
Why do you want Haru to die?
She's scared for Yuu-kun. She cares about him a lot.
> Wanting any other humanoid
> In a plane of existence where superior Chiyo exists
Pleb tastes
Or something out of FMA
At once, my Lord
All hail the nape
Pochi draws every single part of the human party beautifully
Why are napes so based bros ?
*Human body
Even worse, I want her to have to watch Chiyo loving on Yuu. Maybe she can masterbate in the corner or next to the bed while Chiyo fucks Yuu to tears for the thousand and oneth time or even rub Chiyo’s now pregnant belly.
>tfw it actually ends with her eating him in the goriest way possible
But Haru loves Yuu's uncle
Or perhaps she's crying because he's in a coma and she can't access him through time for some reason?
Put that shit idea in the trash it belongs to
Yuu-Kun and Chiyo-Nee only deserve the purest happy ending imaginable, I won't have anything else
making a pact with a hound of tindaloos.. yeah hes probably so fractured in reality.. even if she does love him... hes probably lost unless yuu and chio help her
I concur
Oh god what on earth is this body
Oh, she eats a part of him all right
Lots and lots of his semen, every night, with her lower mouth
That was a good doujin
Now you're seeing it
She's human all over, isn't she?
You mean the canon ending?
On the exterior ? Definitely, but how about the interior ? Don't know about you but I wouldn't take her word for it
Such claims require... A thorough inspection
user, for the last time: it's you who does your art, not just your hand. send blog
Upload it pls sempai, don't leave us hanging
Searching similar feeling in /Memory
Complete, found : 0 matches
Can't. It's in long term shipping and I won't see it until September
Fuck off with Meme40k
>tfw eldest sibling
>always had to look after younger siblings
How does it feel like being the younger sibling?
I will wait for you until then my bro, looking forward to your thread
ask your siblings, I'm not blabbing
t.Middle child
> tfw have an older sister
> always had to look after her like a younger one
Having a non-Oneesan older sister is worse, believe me.
Life is suffering
You're as cancerous as goblin slayer fags.
thatd be a good twist
crossboarding retard
Yuu-kun is so adorable
I want to see Chiyo mating-press him so bad
Chapter 4 of the H-manga once she loses control of herself
Reminder that Jin Haganeya is about to BTFO Yuu Kun
I don't really like Pochi's works but looking at her online accounts. Her drawing skill improvement is really great.
I want to draw like this too
I'm one huge 40k Fan, but kindly go fuck yourself with a fleshborer.
It being slow *is* part of what makes it so good
I think far too few people miss the appeal of simply comfy and adorable manga, and that really is a shame
I would litteraly read entire volumes of the non-H manga, just reading about them living their cute couple lives together without a care in the world, joking, taking walks, lazying under a kotatsu, doing arm-wrestling, cooking, going to the beach, ending up stranded on an island, bivouacking, going couchsurfing in Peru, playing vidya, having a dream about getting isekai'd, hiking, even kayaking or playing fucking ping-pong, heck ANYTHING
But since too few people enjoy such "boring everyday couple life shit", we end up with so few masterpieces like AneNaruMono
Fuck this gay earth
>implying I wasn't an apostle
I meant in how often it uploads.
The anxiety about what the tragedy is also gets to me
It's crazy how much she's improved just from Ane Naru Mono 1 to the manga
A glimpse of heaven
Will pochi do non original stuff again?
I really love the depth of the non-H manga, it really caught me off-guard many times
Chiyo's view of the world, her past with that mystery woman, her connection to the underworld and the other monsters that dwell there...
I know Pochi only intended to make a simple hentai, but she ended up thinking up a goldmine of excellent potential material that I can't wait to read
She draws fan art from time to time. What character do you hope to see her draw?
I like how Yuu has a well defined back story that still leaves a lot of mystery. The whole thing is just great. Hell, their relationship in the manga just makes the H-manga that much better
lina from slayers
Io from Code Vein
Not him, but on the top of my head :
Rikka from Gridman
Shirase Sakuya
A big-tidded witch
Yuu-kun, King of Smoothness and Slayer of Elder God Pussy
I fucking love how often Chiyo has heart eyes
Who ?
Already emptied your Onee-san folders, my fellow Yea Forumsnons ?
Here you go
I have a lot more, but I need to go to sleep since tomorrow is going to be busy.
Holy damn, I would german suplex her on the bed SO HARD
Sleep tight
Thanks. Post the headpats
Why does yotsuba appear but when I click its something else
How come Pochi-sensei manages to pin-point every single one of my most desired fetiches ?
Pic extremely related
I was too slow
It's called a spoiler, you use that to only reveal the image you posted to those who click on it
Lurk moar
Those rabbit ears looks closer to Haru than Chiyo
I can only conclude that she made a pact with an actual fertility goddess in exchange for the semen of thousands of unfortunate Anons who masturbate to her H-manga
Compare that to Chiyo's horns here . It's clearly very different.
Is Pochi /OurGirl/?
> The fertility goddess being Chiyo
How dare you, user ?!
You like tentacles up your butt too?
Pretty much
God forbid
I don't have a sibling.
[Chair clattering]
While Doppel does share some asshole tendencies with Nyarlathotep, she just leaves it at that. I like Chiyo a lot because she feels and acts a lot more like an incomprehensibly powerful being who fell in love with a kind boy and does her best to make him happy. Though she is extremely smart, she simply never cared about the world enough to learn about it.
Her time with Yuu seems to have made her realize how lonely she is as a goddess. Yuu-kun is the only one to regard her without complete adoration or fear. Like she says, Yuu-kun truly is kind.
> He wouldn't like being probed by Chiyo-nee's warm wiggly tentacles
> He wouldn't like his insides being massaged while being pillow-lapped
> He would actually tell Chiyo he doesn't want her overflowing love
You don't deserve her
Fair enough; I’d argue that Doppel being able to become whoever and whatever you desire makes her superior, but I think Chiyo might be just as proficient at that.
sisters are gross
What's the point of being able to become whoever you desire if all you desire is, ultimately, Chiyo ?
Onee-san >>> all > Mommy fetish
Face the truth
>am I supposed to buy that a prepubescent kid has a horsecock?
To be fair, they all should.
Based and redpilled
Chiyo-nee is cute
Different people, different tastes; wouldn’t you want a shapeshifting lover who’d take the form of a short-stack little sister who’d call you her onii-chan?
Guess I'll need to pick this up while I'm still in Japan. Looks like I missed out on the Special Version with the microfibre towel though and I doubt any of Toranoana's physical stores still have it in-stock.
i don't follow the manga
Haru hentai manga when
>can't draw penguins
I don't know who you're talking about, I just said I liked tentacles up my butt.
> """imouto"""
> Getting called "onii-chan"
> Good
Step up your game, in this holy thread where gourmets enjoy the most exquisite onee-sans we have no place for lowly imoutos
Just for that, I hope an aho girl falls in love with you.
Thought you were saying something like "so you mean you like *even* the tentacles ? ew"
Forgive me brother, you are indeed a true patrician deserving of Chiyo's love
d-do you think pochi uses herself as reference?
Pony-tail + nape + arched-back
What am I supposed to do with this boner, now
cant we agree that both love from mommies and all sisters should be welcome?
don't fight it would make pochi sad..
Look at the coloured version.
God spede, user
You my friend still have too much expectations from the real world. Abandon all your hopes about the third dimension, be purified by the glorious 2D and be reborn again
I don't think it's a good idea to call an nth dimensional creature your onee-chan.
I wonder if goodsmile has it
Sanity is overrated.
Don't be swayed by their sweet words user, the world outside of the Oneesan realm is but deceit and misfortune
All Hail the Onee-san Masterrace
Bless you, dear friend
Only found chapter 8 and the omakes, where are you guys finding stuff like and ?
From the non-hentai manga.
"Both love from mommies and all sisters should be welcome"
What if there is no love at all to be welcomed in the first place user
Thanks, I thought it was exclusively porn.
The non-H manga
Look for "Ane Naru Mono"
Life is suffering
An angel
This thread was just what I needed. Bless your souls, anons.
God damn it, I was about to post that one.
penguin girl when
>he's already forgotten about Grape-kun and his waifu
shame on you
Hell yeah motherfucker.
I mean by Pochi
I hope not. We have enough characters already.
stop bullying artists.
Starting thread with NBR shit.
No wonder Onee-sans get such a bad rap here.
I'm a pleb what's the name of this H-manga and where can I find it?
Chiyo really is overrated, Yuu belong to a proper do- onee-san.
so? why should it stop you, . you can love somebody very deeply even if they give you nothing back. thats what love is. user... took me a long time to understand that. sure you can fall out of love, but mummies and sisters are pure... remember that anons... there's an imouto, onee chan or mummy/milf/ whatever out there for you...
Believe in yourself... most of you guys are young so dont give in...
Oh, read that one shes a yandere.
it was okay
>Chiyo really is overrated
they should make a new rule about some opinions being bannable on sight
But yandere onee-sans are apex-tier.
are there any new hentai chapters?
My onee-san is already married.
Nora Higuma makes cute mommas. I wish she had her own original series doujin like Pochi’s
maybe comiket?
God bless you back
SFW or NSFW anime?
So you're saying the Manga and Doujin are time loops? She reset time the first time he died and the second loop she let her lust out?
Thanks user, thanks for giving me hope
Worst case scenario, I'll just have to wait until Trukkun isekai's me to a hopefully better world
Sex outside of marriage feels like the burning damnation of hellfire
10/10 tastes right there
God, I love this doujin.
All of my YES
Nora Higuma is a marvel this world doesn't deserve. I just saw some of his artworks but haven't yet read his hentai, really looking forward to it
just checked sadpanda for (You) and no l, the cosplaying chapter is still the latest one.
there are some 3dpd cosplay pics if you're into that
Based and faithpilled
Marry Chiyo then have lots of sex with her till you drop
Finally a sensible user
Give her a thousand more young
just try user. Its Not as you hit 40 and are so lonely your ready to commit suicide in hopes you'll be reborn so a milf/ onee-san/ imouto can hold you tight.
it wasn't bad but felt like it needed more...
>female: femdom, yandere, large breasts
>male: rape, mindbreak, netorare
Really not at all. The guy freaks out a bit; he certainly isn't abused or tortured.
Eh, he doesn't actively cheat though. He literally gets raped.
I meant generally but if you wanna be all technical that's cool
wait... source?
See :
boku no devil queen
This doujin is pure kino
Nora Higuma's a chick?
I know it's asking too much, but I wish there were more yandere doujins that had more build up to the yanderes yandereness.
If it's NBR, just don't even consider it incest Fucking hell
its inseci ( think thats the term)
She said in a video on her youtube that she uses her own hands as reference for drawing hands.
Post the mutt, you fucking homosexuals!
good doujin, needs a sequel
You should probably kill yourself if you come to these types of threads to complain about the subject matter
Not him but I personally hate /ss/, I only like Ane Naru Mono because Yuu isn't that much of a shota and Chiyo is too good.
>when you are the size of one and over 30
You should drink bleach if you think yuu-kun is not a shota
He's definetely way older looking than this I never imagine Yuu as a shota
no, sadly
I've probably sacrificed more of my potential children than there are people who have existed
He's a young teen and a manlet, but Pochi draws him looking like a young teen
Iida Pochi herself
Burned through this waiting for the free english version of Domestic na Kanojo chapter 237... Unfazed by the unrealistic 14 yr olds inability to be sexually overwhelmed by his Oneechan. I suppose I simply require more penetration from the sibling relationships that aren't blood related... Thus the wait continues.
I really liked Saya back in the day, and I liked Nyaruko, too. Not a single Elder God, shoggoth, or any qt3.14 shadow spawn has shown up. So while I'm willing to agree Pochi is a master of the art, I'm not willing to convert to Oneesanism.
Pochi has beautiful hands
Just read the thread
>vagina bones
Bless Pochi
>ywn visit the water park with Chiyo
Always both, my man.
How is Ane Naru Mono so good?
Life is pain
>ywn save Yuu-kun from his neglectful families
you would already understand then
Gag version of the manga with this art style would be great
Surprisingly good writing with top tier art and likable characters
Why is there still no anime?
Do you really want one anyway? To get a decent adaption nowadays it feels like you have to have the stars align.
Not to mention if it gets one you can count on the threads to be ruined.
I just want to see Chiyo and Yuu properly animated. Why must anime only fags be the worst people to exist?
Oneesan thread?
Sorry there's only one real religion.
Who, Chiyo's baby sitter for when she's too busy with her little brother?
Because you're literally asking for an anime adaptation of a hentai manga
>Because you're literally asking for an anime adaptation of a hentai manga
Like that's never been done before.
The serialized manga is pretty good, though. I don't think anime-onlys watch hentai OVAs anyway
Yeah, and look at the results.
I'm somewhat skeptical of that.
They're not mainstream, but that's because they usually suck
I could see, like, a Do You Love Your Mom OVA that had Chiyo-nee in it, I think that's probably the best we could hope for in terms of getting her animated
I'll take a Trans girl or enby any old day. Solidarity friend.
Don't think Pochi has too much influence on the production of the anime
Lily still has a dick, right?
Enby = NB = Non-binary
Well she's dead and too young for that shit to matter.
>Enby = NB = Non-binary
I'm gonna kindly ask you to fuck off.
So you're a faggot. Got it.
Nah. Just wait till you meet the 男姉ちゃんs They are good sisters.
Hey, if you love "traps" then you are in my company.
Why does Pochi hate sunflowers so much?
Chiyo is so beautiful
I prefer NBR onee-chans. Step sister or acting older sister is the patrician's choice
I like how he has his priorities when he could've asked for literally anything
He's a lonely kid who just wants someone to be with him.
Not so much as hate, but I remember reading somewhere in a Lovecraft(ian?) story, sunflowers were conduits to the elder beings.
Where is that mentioned? I know Haru brings Yuu's uncle flowers a lot
Not sure, it was either Lovecraft or a Junji Ito story
It's a secret!
arigato user
holy shit is that a new doujin chapter
what site has every chapter of this? I only use Nhentai and it only has about half of them
It's extended chapter seven, the best H-manga chapter
Nhentai only has the porn version. There are currently 8 or so chapters of that and 25 or so chapters of the serialized manga.
thanks,I was looking under the doujin title but found them all when i looked through all the artists stuff
>It's extended chapter seven, the best H-manga chapter
Excellent. I assume it's getting scanned properly already?
She's the best, isn't she?
If a mangaka or author wants to have influence in an anime, they can.
Tsutomu Nihei visited Polygon Pictures so much that they were wondering if he was going to become a director.
Of course, I'm sure it varies from studio to studio, and whether or not your input is valid enough that they won't tell you to kindly fuck off at some point.
she really is,I know what i'm going to be doing for the next week.There are also some nice dagashi kashi doujin
Pochi is just the illustrator for that though, not the author.
No. Those were pictures I took of the version I bought. Sorry.
Pochi is just the illustrator
Thanks for the thread, anons.
>No. Those were pictures I took of the version I bought. Sorry.
No, that's cool. I was just speculating you might know if any of the people scanning the series had a copy, I've been a little out of the loop lately. When did the extended version come out?
End of April/early May, iirc
this reminds me of 1kc stare and it really bothers me
I love Chiyo!
I love Mamako!
I love Pochi!!!!
Such a dumb Onee-san. Gonna leave her in the park and change the locks so she never comes back.
thank you based user
>Chiyo warps through spacetime to get to you
Just make sure to support Pochi!