Why does the dragon look so stupid?
Other urls found in this thread:
First for lewding Uiharu!
I think it looks cool. Cool ranch.
>sticc again
You say that but it will fucking the Misas in part 3
There's enough dragon to fuck much more than only them.
Its not a mech or a chunni outfit, so Haimura can't hack it.
>ET masters dragonshifting so he can dick them with both a normal highschool boy dick and a normal highschool dragon dick
Real heroes don't wear capes. A true noble cause if I ever saw one.
Why does Uiharu look so sexy?
She has to have something good about her.
Accel will either
1.-Destroy Parameter List which will allow more Level 5s
2.-Destroy the whole Level/Rank system
If 1 then I think the Level 5 Ranking might change and it will be more like the tarot
with Touma at #0
>Three Raildexcel threads at the same time
You people are useless
>thinks posing on Yea Forums contributes anything to society
>MP thread
>anime only thread
>Raildex thread
The tarot is a bad theme in that case, I hope it isn’t repeated.
He so doesn't care about the ranks that even abolishing or not doesn't really make a difference to him. He'll probably do it though, especially getting rid of the parameter list even if it's only out of courtesy for Hamazura. Ironically enough, AC is entering a bright age under Accel.
How much information does Accel even have from the phone? Does he know that Aleister built it so that the Dark Side and constant fighting is necessary? How could he go about changing the city without addressing the root cause? Seems like an insurmountable task, especially if Aleister withheld the crucial information.
>1.-Destroy Parameter List which will allow more Level 5s
The Parameter List isn't some all-powerful document that creates Level 5s. It's a document that details which students have the capability to reach greater heights than others. Not all students are equal in potential. Someone who has the aptitude to become a Level 5 can become a Level 5 with or without the list. It'd just take longer because the researchers wouldn't know who to throw all the funding and resources into.
>2.-Destroy the whole Level/Rank system
This is entirely meaningless. Differences in power will exist regardless of whether there's an official list or not. The Level 5s are the espers with the greatest output. Even if you destroy such a list, the fact that Mikoto has five times the output of WORST does not change.
There's already a thread you retard
You're on the wrong track. Accelerator will make the Parameter list public knowledge and tell everyone who has the potential that they need to work their ass off to prove they're worth the amount of funding it would take to level them
That's stupid. Revealing the existence of the Parameter List would cripple Academy City.
But it's already crippled enough, at least that way he can manage to salvage whoever has the pottential for a high level.
How can anyone be attracted to this literal boy's body? Fanartists really have to reach to make her look good.
Everything is more or less on that phone. Aleister could control the entire flow of the city through it and all backdoors more or less.
>Guess what, it turns out not everyone is born equal
>What? Outrageous!
Not really. It can't get any worse at least.
It can. Why do you think Academy City wants to hide the Parameter List? Why do you think they use Mikoto as the posterchild of the Level 5s? It's to create the illusion that anyone could reach higher levels if they try.
Imouto looks better
Destroying the level system is meaningless. It's still a good gauge of strength, the issue is the classism that surrounds it. Accel is of the opinion your Level doesn't determine your worth as a person, so what he'd really have to do is change the system to get rid of funding favoritism.
But if we're being honest, I think AC might be too far gone in that regard. Accel alone can't change the opinion of millions of students. There's still going to be Level 3s and 4s picking on Level 0s.
Misaki did nothing wrong.
Like every other form of education.
>you could be a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist. You could even be president!
DESU I wouldn't want to be any of those things, but I'm sure the money's good.
That's moving in the right direction for the amount of exposed skin.
Because it wants parental funding to get more child experiments. I doubt Accel cares half as much about that as making it a decent place.
Imouto looks ready to get pregnant
She doesn't seem to think so.
She always does.
I thought Anna was gonna have cute feet, but she is just a hag
If Academy City ceases to become the #1 technological superpower, it'll make life harder for espers. In particular, protecting the SISTERs would become even more difficult. You can't just magically make everything better simply because the new Superintendent is less shady than the old one. Accelerator is stepping into the world of adults now.
Has TouMAN been IT this entire time?
>implying hardwork is gonna make people leap levels or even affect anyone decision about recruiting an esper with better base performance.
That's even more useless than getting rid of the parameter list. At least then you can give people the delusion that they one day will become better. Hardwork is rather a minor factor in an a esper's development.
Meaning the a-hole in the suit is the REAL Touma and the story has followed IT from OT2 onwards?
Interesting theory.
Suit Touma is still a dick and needs a good lecture and sogebu.
Hardwork is useless, resources and funding isn't.
We only spend money on worthwhile idividuals. The rest can go pound sand.
IT does not deserve to exist.
how can you not be?
Mahaya updated his blog with Magisterus volume 2 designs. Here's Ayame's magisterus, Takamasa, and Bunny K
No user, I meant the TouMAN from the threads.
post suicidesaki
anyone have the original illustration?
There's no reason that not being shitty to child espers would make them not the #1 superpower though. Their military tech is largely not based on espers. The espers have often been a sidetrack for AC honestly.
Read the post before replying retard. You work to earn the funding. Also, its never said its a minor factor just that people dont have infinite potential.
Worthwhile individuals are always those better base stats, there's literally no way to spin this. Personality based funding is a waste of money and time. How can someone prove that they deserve the money by working harder than someone with better chances? The only scenario where this would be good is if two people have similar numbers like Ayu and Misaki, which is rare.
It's hardly reaching because the railgun author has started to not draw her like a sticc post Sister's.
I still think Karen's original design is her best
Wondering when we'll see her Raildex version
Reminder IT deserves to exist too and ET is a stupid fucking IDIOT who deserves a shank to the gut.
Its almost like the new super intendant is a lot more likely to not worry over wasting a bit of money on hard working individuals or something. The parameter list being public would also let people know when they've peaked and give AC a good reason to cut funding when they do reach that level.
>Welfare power funding
Accel is a dum lib bros
She isn’t well, so that’s not surprising
How can I date a girl like this?
Or more importantly, how can I fuck a girl like this?
For reference, I'm 31 and slightly overweight, but I'm really nice and easy to get along with.
>mikoto has a great as-
Start off by isekaing yourself and don't get fat in the new world.
>Bit more money
Accel isn't there for every examination to judge each person's personality and drive lmao. He may throw some money at selective individuals that he meets in person but he won't make it a rule, nor does he believe that people are defined by their power in order for that to even be an option. There's not enough money to make everyone reach their peak, and no there's no moral or logical benefit to letting those with more hardwork reach the top
You seem to think that this process is no different than college scholarships.
The Parameter List would just make people give up.
>"You're telling me I can't raise my level no matter what I do? Then what's the point?"
Skill-Out will be more rampant than ever. Mitsuari Ayas will multiply like wildfire. Knowledge of the Parameter List and how esper development actually works have driven more than a few characters to despair.
I miss her.
No one said he was. Thus why I said EARN the funding.
>There's not enough for everyone
That's why you need to work and EARN your place.
>There's no moral benefit to letting those who put in the work reach the top
Its a way to tell everyone they are the ones responsible for their own potential without using all of the funding to raise everyone.
>You think the process is...
Its not anything because its a hypothetical, it doesnt yet exist. But yes, powers in this setting arent much different from hard caps in real life on your intelligence and how far you take what you have.
She was supposed to be the dorm manager ...............................
Good. Less wasted funds on losers who would squander it anyways then.
>IT is constantly referred to as pointy haired boy
Is it me or wasn't Touma referred to that in OT1 as well? Or am I misremembering?
It'd invite more chaos and terrorism.
No, not really.
I think a lot of it is about how douchey every level 5 appears, even now. Mikoto, who is by many considered the kindest, is still a shithead with a lot of pride.
Yes it would. How the fuck would the city benefit from MORE Skill-Out activity? A rise in delinquency is gonna cause problems.
>people will commit terrorism for being told they're too stupid to level up any further
Commit suicide maybe, but not riot
>the summer event is about a random magician grunt just trying to test his magic and getting team rocket'd a few times
I can't wait for the Othinus summer swimsuit event in 5 years.
Guys i think Touma isn't real.
The Touma was the normal highschool boy we met along the way.
You sure about that? They've been lied to all this time. "If you work hard enough, you can raise your level. Just look at the Railgun!" This is the propaganda that Academy City's been pushing. Then suddenly one day you're told, "lol jk, actually your potential is decided from the outset and you won't get stronger no matter what you do. In fact, we look for those with the strongest talent and throw all our money and resources on them while the rest of you get the dregs."
Over half the espers in Academy City are Level 0s. What do you think's gonna happen when you tell them that their efforts will never bear fruit? They've been working their asses off all this time thinking that if they try hard enough, they'll be able to raise their level. But now they're told that that's impossible. And it's not just Level 0s. Level 1s and Level 2s, even Level 4s who feel an impossible wall between themselves and the Level 5s. Look at all those students who turned to the Level Upper.
Its not going to happen dude. I dont know why you're so sure that it will.
>That's why you need to work and EARN your place.
Explain how please. Everything is on the damn paper, there are no other factors if what you're sneaking is success. It's basic efficiency/ effectiveness meter
>Its a way to tell everyone
But that's lying. They're responsible for their lack of numbers or their eventual inability to compete. It's not like they didn't work hard enough to earn the funding
>hard caps
No they are not simply because powers in this scenario are very much calculable and predictable. No underleveled person had made ungodly leaps in power that people haven't called already. Scholarships are design to measure things other than academic success, powers aren't that negotiable.
This reveal is happening at the same time as accelerator saying that he'll fund people who put in the work though. This time they really will raise their level if they work at it. Not to 5, but to 2 or 3. And when they become truant it'll be no one's fault but their own. I dont see how that would make them anything but depressed at having wasted their chance, not angry.
>There are no other factors
Wrong. This is never said. Read the books. The parameter list describes only your potential.
>its lying
Its not. Read my post again.
>They are not
They are. You just don't like it for some reason.
Guys ever since I read World Rejector arc I can't help but keep trying to crack my neck. Did the chuuni infect me?
Touma is ET, cause that's clearly him pissed as hell some fucktard clone stole his life and is generally being a dick. Still think he's better off without IB, since he's tanks now and can actually be lucky.
>Wasting money on projects that don't bear fruit
Yeah, that'd work out. That's just inviting power struggles. The Superintendent is also the CEO. If the CEO makes stupid business decisions, the shareholders will get upset.
There's also the Kiharas to worry about. Accelerator doesn't have the Archetype Controller. He can't control the Kiharas.
first post for skipping
>implying everyone in AC is operating at peak potential
>implying the board of directors has any say over accelerator's decisions
Accelerator will never choose what to do based on placating the kiharas if he thinks he'd like something else
Does accel really need that though? I mean he has even bigger bullshit then that now with his lewd true demon minion.
you skipped a line in your post, based
>I'm right, please trust me
source for parameter list ever being wrong please
Have you forgiven Aleister?
quantum uncertainty
They can abandon him or undermine him. Accelerator can't run a city on his own. If he tries to get his way by force, that's also inviting trouble.
Solving all your problems via brute force will bring trouble in the end. If all the Kiharas rebel against him, I'd like to see how he plans to prevent all the potential damage to the city and its residents. He's not some omnipotent god. The Kiharas have outsmarted him before.
Read the post before asking for a source. You clearly didn't understand it.
People actually think powers can fluctuate based on effort, kek
Ok, so? Do you think Accelerator can't find other like minded people like Oyafune to help him if the board decides to be stupid and not listen to their leader?
he skipped the unnecessary bits
Post her Railgun face panel.
When Accel got crippled it just led to him getting a new powerup.
So making random predictions based on nothing? gotcha
If the majority of the board if directors turn against him, it'll only invite more difficulty down the road. You think gathering a few like-minded people will turn the tides so easily? This is Accelerator's greatest challenge yet: Diplomacy. For someone who's dealt with all his problems thus far with violence and fear, he's going to be struggling a lot from here on out.
No matter how strong he gets, his language skills haven't gotten much better. Business, economy, scientific research. As the superintendent, he now has to deal with all those fields.
You are not allowed to lewd this
Difficulty of finding both honest and capable people aside, the problem with people leaving is those people won't just disappear 9 times out of 10. They are going to take their shit with them and cause problems. I'm honestly less worried about the board and more worried about the Kiharas. The second they learn Archetype Controller is gone shit is going to get wild.
they are just scrubs
He's still called that.
Accel does it for me so it's fine
Your potential is your potential. Nothing will change it, but your effort will change how much of your potential you achieve.
worked for Mikoto, she just worked 1 million times harder than me
>I can't understand the most basic of english, or I'm just looking for a way to easily back out of the argument
Either one is pretty pathetic. Which do you want?
The board has never really been compromised in a way that they were able to go against Aleister. Ever. The same power structure is going to happen here in all likliehood. Accelerator isn't going to just roll over and do what the board wants, just look at the illustration, it's clear he's doing whatever the fuck he wants. Inviting more problems is just fine, that means Kamachi will have more arcs to explore AC.
>a haremette's harem is also yours
I wish this was voiced
If Accelerator really wants to protect the city, he's going to have to be a little more mindful of the consequences of his actions.
She is her mother's daughter. She will grow huge knockers. Just look at Misaka worst which is the same age as Touma.
Perhaps, but I really don't get that impression at all here. This is clearly a "I'm in charge now fuckos" pose. Not a "What do you mean you won't approve my plan to make 10 more coffee chains? I-I guess we don't have to do it, if you say so..."
First Accelerator, now Touma? Sluten is living up to her name in IF.
Well, let's just see how long his confidence lasts. It'd be interesting if his actions actually cause damage to the city and its residents.
He never needed forgiving.
Accel will have to kick Touma out of the city when more and more problems happen because of him. He won't be able to deal with that shit like Aleister.
Reminder School gave Rakko the best experience she could ask for in the Dark Side. She had the opportunity to witness and destroy the thing she seeked the most.
>part 3 vol 14
I want this
>Accelerator was just an Aleister possibility all along and was doomed to repeat his mistakes
Say something of any worth then maybe we won't talk to you like an idiot.
>Touma finally gets a week of rest
>gets phone call from accelerator
>fukou da
You're really trying to use the popularity argument here? I've already explained it to you three times and you kept misunderstanding what I was saying because of how stupid you are. Three strikes, you're out.
Youbo and Rakko shouldn't have followed that idiot Kakine, thank god MH survived and ditched him
Yobou really only has himself to blame for his death. That or shitty luck.
shit comment, skipped
Not really, gonna have to see quotes or else I'm gonna have to assume your posts are nonsense when you say shit like "No" as counter arguments.
>N-nuh uh! That didn't happen!
Read the posts fucktard. I've already entertained your idiocy far longer than trash like you deserves.
Anons, can it be helped?
No, but it can be skipped
Everyone in School was independent until their last breath/action within the organization. It looks like you forgot that SCHOOL was an organization of people trying to prove themselves by breaking the status quo, and Kakine being the embodiment of that idea at the time and place, was naturally the best choice as a leader.
Ambition gets you killed, it always has. I'm just glad MH wasn't "saved" by Hamazura but instead joined Hound Dogs.
Too long didn't read
>City is in crisis
>Computer says that the best weapon to use in this situation is Imagine Breaker
>Accelerator says to can it, that an innocent Level 0 student has no business getting involved in the city's danger.
>There's nothing he can do if Touma gets involved in problems from "that side", but he'll be damned if Touma has to pay another hospital bill because Accelerator isn't good enough to defend the city himself.
>He manages to succeed, but it's hard.
>Most of the city's problems can be resolved without Touma, but there are certain big problems where his presence can bring massive turn-arounds. The Level 6 Shift, the second Level 6 Shift during the Daihaseisai, the Agitate Halation Project, all of these incidents were resolved in part thanks to Touma's actions. And with Aleister gone, it's become harder to keep these sorts of incidents from surfacing.
Why was this scene necessary again?
They should open up a restaurant called "Mosquito Bites"
Pretty sure Accel could order some device that might help Level 0 to get better with less drugs regardless of potentional by hooking them up to the Misaka network
Still waiting for sources.
This was the most kino stuff to come out from Shit Ranker
Hackmura wanted to draw Orsola's ass but also give Shitdex an illustration
Kamachi can only produce a wild ride if there's an appropriate amount of lewd energy amasses prior
Still waiting for you to read the posts and realize no source is needed.
Hope this volume follows ET and the gang more, they're more fun to read.
Unfortunately, it seems like the fight will be pretty soon, so we'll have to deal with the sluts again soon. At least Elizard and Stiyl will be there.
How lewd.
What is this?
Accel dialogue carrying the boys side, somehow. Never thought i'd say that but him being the #1 fan is really funny to me. Shitzura is still boring but Dion is pretty good.
Sorcery Hacker. Some illustrations are on amazon. Dunno if they were posted.
Rimea is also pulling a lot of weight for how minor she is
She looks generic as fuck
also not raildex related
Holy fuck. Kamachi really goes apeshit with big-tits outside of Index, doesn't he? Magis, Beatrice and Zashiki.
>no lolis
Did I wake up in a different timeline?
why are her arms so tiny
Kamachi saves his lolis for Index and HO
Best girl spotted.
Thats just Mahaya
Hamazura was just as based for backing Touma up. Not only that but he's also "in" on Accel's situation so enjoy seeing more of him in part 3.
Dark elf is always best girl, blonde thots begone
It's HIMA this time though.
>Hamazura backed Touma up
Hamazura told Touma to his face that he's mostly helping him because he's going to hold it over Accelerator.
Delicious. Made for rape.
At a certain point rape in hentai became more generic than vanilla
How will accel go on his tsundere act in this case? Will passing the grade be touma's reward for saving the world again?
>Introduced yet another one in the last novel
>a picture with three OT characters
The absolute desperation of hagfags.
>Her power was so complete and perfect that it had stagnated.
>She was the dictator needing to be overthrown.
Is she blocking the sword with a magic spell from her gun?
MC is blocking her gun it looks
"Protect our everyday life" is something Accelerator is going to do for everyone regardless of whether Hamazura helps them or not. The part preceding that is more relevant to their current situation.
>N is coming up
Not so fast.
So, how do we deal with the not so impossible chance of ToumaxIndex ship as the endgame of the series, yeah I know romance is not the focus but we can't deny Kamachi slips some time to time.
Tbh I wished so much for Itsuwa or Kanzaki but Kamachi put them on a boat and sent them to England and sunk them along the way, it hurts being a purplebro I want to die.
Just accept it because it'll be over a decade before it ends
>Thinking either purple ever had a chance
You only have yourself to blame
Zashiki Warashi has a bunch of little girls to balance too, though. Also HO.
>Implying Touma won’t go to get some groceries just to Fukou-da's his ass into the mid fight
Walking Catastrophe is not a meme.
Their military tech is almost entirely based on esper observation. The espers are doubling as lab equipment since they go out and replicate what the espers are doing via technology.
Eg an esper can pass through walls. Observe what's happening that lets the esper pass through walls and make technology that does the same. AC has bullets that phase through armour as a result.
You should have accepted it ages ago. Glad to see you're coming around. I hope some deluded fuckers are still around though, I want a good shitshow when their waifu loses.
>Their military tech is almost entirely based on esper observation.
According to what? The five overs are really the only thing we've seen that are like this.
Only blondes have a chance to win
I already went over it. I accept my ships are dead unlike Kamikoto and Kamisaki fans who are like zombies at this point.
I wonder was I like that too? I have got old after 10 years when I started following this series.
>the knights of the round table also had a rose on their table
Based on what I recall reading in the books when they had that weapon expo, which is why I used a specific example like AC having developed phasing weapons. Espers can do stuff that you normally wouldn't have any clue as to where to start when making something and you get to observe how they do it in order to have a clue.
But MisaMisa is endgame so I have nothing to fear
Kamisaki literally never had a chance at any point in it's existence. Kamikoto might happen purely because of her popularity though.
Of course they did, the were a bunch of faggots.
>Kamikoto might happen purely because of her popularity though.
The absolute delusion of Mikotokeks
>not so impossible
It's always been obvious Index would be endgame, people just deluded themselves otherwise with excuses because they hate her.
Jobzaki never had a chance.
Floppy got cucked, then turbo cucked and finally Misaki showed up to finish her off.
Headcrab was always the strongest contender, if Index ever decides she wants the dick she can win the bowl in two sentences.
Who want to be double teamed in Touma's harem?
Seria? Kanzaki? Floris?
I disagree. If Kamachi had bent over to popularity he would have started long ago.
I don't like Mikoto mate. It's just common sense that one of the only girls who has ever really gotten date scene like events with Touma might win it, especially if she's popular enough to have her own spinoff. Having a brain doesn't mean I like her.
There are some eleven and western Kamikotofags that have accepted their ship is never happening. Kamisakifags run off wishful thinking from what I've seen of them and aren't really that invested to be zombie-tier like Kamikotofags.
Hope someone told them roses are french faggot shit
Cute butt
Lessar would take all the dragon dick she could take, helps ensure strong offspring.
>Kamikoto might happen purely because of her popularity though.
Are there any most popular girls (that weren't the main heroine) that have actually won?
Still sounds like major cope
He has though, look at how many times Mikoto has shown up in an arc she has no business being in.
Ichigo 100% is infamous for shitting the bed immensely near the end because the author changed everything to make the popular girl win
I am coping. Coping with the fact that Index and Mikoto are the two most likely contenders for the bowl even though both of them are shit and nearly any other choice would be better. Have been for years now, because they make the most logical sense. Hopefully Kamachi surprises me though.
I fucking wish.
Little did anons know Othinus has already won
Jump's editorial board won't let it happen user. You can't have children reading manga about seducing their teacher.
Don't. Don't play with my feelings like that.
Deluded fairyfag.
Yet those times had no impact at all beyond fanservice.
It's fine Persona 5's popularity broke paradigms
So i was reading this page
and i came across this
Christian Rosenkreuz is seen to have been Lazarus/St. John in his previous life, the Beloved Disciple whom the Christ had "raised from the dead" and who would remain active until the Lord's return
do you think Kamachi will use this aspect of his legend in the story if introduces him as a character ?
Yes. And?
Lets take this to a Boukuben thread, seething fuminokek
Othinus won her headfairy spot. But there still has to be a lover and she can grumble about it until he dies
Same can be said with Misaki
Komoe-sensei end confirmed
Possibly. Rimea also mentioned him as being a legend who will never be forgotten
Touma’s soul is Othinus’s property not dick, at least for now.
Not to even half the same degree.
Sorry buddy I'm even more delusional than a Fuminokek, I'm a Senpaifag.
I wish. It would be easy too, Kamachi would barely have to change their dynamic in any way, but she's too late in the story.
So out all the MC of Kamachi's other series which of them would IT Touma get along well or badly
What good is a fairy for if you don't dick them?
Kyousuke the most probably.
Not even close, sorry.
None of them desu. OT1 Touma was a piece of shit, but the way in which they're pieces of shit is completely different, IT is genuinely disgusting.
I don’t want this.
What's wrong with being rewarded for your hard work? There's nothing wrong with reimbursement.
Kyousuke in the middle of the usual mental breakdown.
That's what your mom said when she first saw you.
>A literal War god adviser
>Personal therapist
>Smells really good and sticks around T’s nose 99% of times
>Birb cavalry
>Magic analyzer
>Last case auto revive
>Last case auto nuke
Fairy has many functions.
No one outside of Index and Mikoto has a chance. >implying he'll end up with anyone
Reminder that IT is Touma too and deserves to live.
Fuck off IT
You fag always say the same things
Ironically, this might well kill any chances of Touma being recognized by the Brits. The queen will remember being manhandled by IT and likely hold a grudge against the real Touma even after they've recombined.
Then why doesn't he just become friends with ET Touma? All the eggs they could get if only they worked together.
You can ether do an
or a
"Hey I deserve to live too".
Not both.
But IT did nothing wrong, Elizzard is at fault.
Why is Touma angry here?
Started out as the MC's minion/helper that raised him, while the main girl that the MC was interested in faded off into the background later.
Basically like the Naruto and Sakura situation except Tsurara was universally loved over the main girl.
Ironically Doppel is the opposite of IT, she's perfectly fine with living in her original's head rent free.
Who's the artist?
>The queen will remember being manhandled by IT and likely hold a grudge against the real Touma even after they've recombined.
Based. Stupid Elizard will never forget the day she was btfo by a normal highschool boy
IT's existence became forfeit when he stole ET's phone and started to enact Beta world 2.0.
Squaresaka Fridgekoto.
Tomoki Tomonori
Wasn't the author of Ranma 1/2 previous work had them ending up dumping the main girl for the alien girl that everyone ended up liking more?
He just wants to enjoy the beach
Akaneiro ni somaru saka's main heroine in the novel was the tsundere, who won in the mang adaptation as well, but the anime went with the imouto route
>Imouto route
So the anime is better then?
>implying Kamachi would lewd a nun
>implying Biribiri's crush isn't hilariously one-sided
>implying Misaki's crush isn't genuinely bad for her mental health
>implying all shades of romance between Othinus and Touma didn't mysteriously disappear after NT10
>implying your joke ship will happen
>implying Touma won't end up with a normal high school girl you could find anywhere
Should VNs really be counted? You can usually fuck everyone that matters in the VN except for those ouliers that reject the player's desire for the maid route.
Easily. I wasn't really fond of the little sister, but I wanted the textbook Kugirie tsundere to eat shit after just a few episodes.
Visual novels can have multiples canons
Touma and Saten would work out perfectly and trigger a fuckton of people
>implying Kamachi would lewd a nun
He absolutely would.
Yes. and she took her revenge by making literally the worst girl in Ranma 1/2 (Akane) win.
>implying Touma won't end up with a normal high school girl you could find anywhere
We all know Orsola is Kamachi's waifu. If he wanted to lewd her he'd set her up with Touma.
So close.
>normal high school girl you could find anywhere
I look forward to my Fukiyose end.
Index isn't a real nun
>implying Kamachi would lewd a nun
No way right?
>She normally wore a black habit that covered her from head to toe, but today she was wearing a party dress that left her back exposed. And something was wrong. Very wrong. It was falling off of her in places, the zipper was undone, and she was only just barely holding up the silk fabric and cross at her chest with one hand.
>Also, the arm she raised to mime raising the glass happened to be the one providing what little defense her chest still had. The world lost its last bit of a conscience and the dress’s thin and crumpled-up material fell away.
Sheesh, Kamachi would never ever lewd nuns!
>“That’s right. It was never Index or Misaka. The real skin exposure always comes from Orsola, doesn’t it!? And thinking back, that holds true during the Divine Mixture mess as well!!”
That's an oopsie.
>Senior Touma with a freshmen Mikoto
It writes itself user
Explain Orsola to me
>it's one miracle of the universe-tier girl
>needs a miracle to win
Misaki is quite simply too good to win, which is why she won't. Notice how none of her character flaws would be an obstacle for a potential relationship with Touma, but she could ease or downright solve many of the serial minor bullshit inconveniences that plague his existence. It seems like introducing girls like her and Itsuwa so late and with zero chances of winning is kind of a cruel joke made by Kamachi, like going
"Look at this perfectly fitting great girl that the MC could easily have a great relationship with but he won't because he needs to suffer".
Dorm manager soon to secure the win
This is Thor though.
A nun with no combat power wants to help, even if it means combat to preserve her sisters nichijou.
Even better
Sphinx's dick? That's undeniable. She's never ever going anywhere with Touma though, except for muh understander meme.
Saten is a babe guys. She’s a total babe.
He reveals her body, yes, and he had done that before, but she nonetheless preserves the holiness of a nun, as seen in NT21.
It's the difference between fanservice and actually making her into not-a-nun.
That’s a true thing. That’s actually factual.
>implying Touma won't end up with a normal high school girl you could find anywhere
Wouldn't he be a Junior unless he gets held back again....
Also long-hair Misaka is a shit
It'd be amusing if in revealing Parameter List there were shown to be... anomalies, those whose reported level didn't match up to their PL level for whatever reason.
The most likely reason I can think of is that in order to keep the data pure it's only run once when an ESPER undergoes the testament procedure. For instance the Parameter List having Awaki as a level 5 since even for the PL predicting that she'd screw up teleporting through a wall is a bit much several years out.
One interesting thing here, the PL has Misaka Mikoto capping out at level 3. Kihara Gensei considers her Aleister's favorite because she told fate to fuck itself when she hit level 3 as early as she did and kept getting stronger. The Sisters were actually an attempt to see what it was that made Misaka shoot up in levels so fast and going off the "I reject your reality and substitute my own" theory on powers they came to the conclusion that they could kill 2 birds with 1 stone via the Radio Noise experiment.
Meanwhile Saten is supposed to be a level 2 but she simply failed on a level that the parameter list is unable to determine.
Sorry but Sphinx has his heart stolen dead set on Mina. Also isn't getting close to Othinus now that she has posse of hawks to do her bidding Sphinx will be pecked to death.
Sphinx is a Misakifag (and a Uiharufag on IF)
I actually didn’t understand what you said here. I really didn’t.
You have 5 seconds to explain why long hair Misaka isn't the default Misaka when she's objectively superior this way.
>One interesting thing here, the PL has Misaka Mikoto capping out at level 3. Kihara Gensei considers her Aleister's favorite because she told fate to fuck itself
When is this said? I don't remember this at all.
Orsola already is a dorm manager for the Necessarius.
Sadly her competition is divine tier.
>Lolaliester - archbishop; abyss guardian; AC builder; manager of literally all the dorms and supreme Orsola face
And the DoubleFailure team can just jump him on sight.
Her power would make a mess of her hair, so she keeps it short.
It is understandable, you have the IQ of a tadpole MP.
Gensei never said why. But after NT15 and 22 I think that was just some adlibbing bullshit Fuyukawa made up
That's the fan fic portion of my post. It'd be something Kamachi could expand upon eventually (because really he needs more plot threads) but that's it. Although the fact that all the Normal Misaka clones are level 3 sort of suggests this could be the case.
Doesn't really fit with her post OT1 personality.
Do we pretend to like dorm manager because Touma likes her or do we actually like her?
Pretty sure he said he'd explore what makes a person a level 5 in one of the early novel's afterword, but never did, maybe like OT6, 7, 8.
We like Othinus.
Quick post the pic of him in the Tokiwadai uniform
>and a Uiharufag on IF
Uiharu's side stories or something else?
Please, the fact that she gets gangbanged by birds doesn't mean she didn't get addicted to big barbed cat dickings after he literally drilled her slut holes.
Yeah, but that's just admiration. Othinus is his cumdump.
This would be an interesting time to finally get to that. It'll also put Misaka in Accelerator's old position where people are attacking her at random to figure out 'what made her so special to jump levels like that' meanwhile Saten is acting the like the girl from Emergence out of despair.
This one?
I think he's talking about that little animation that appears when you do a pull on IF
I love Misaki
Shut up Top cat gang, you can't speak foe all of us.
Absolutely delusional Sphinxkek. Sphinx cannot satisfy a slut like Othinus. She needs bigger and bigger ones. Once she is done with dragon dick she'll move on to a giant or something. Sphinx just cannot provide with his infertile small package.
>Why do Misaka Mikoto and the Misaka Sisters have such a difference in power? Other than humans, is there really nothing that can observe and analyze the surroundings to create superpowers? Basically, what's the significance of observing and analyzing the phenomenon? Considering the storyline and protagonist viewpoint, I couldn't answer these questions in this volume, so I can only wait for another opportunity
Volume 8. So it'll probably be explained eventually, am expecting some suffering when it gets to it though.
Thor is such a babe.
Nobody asked you, Mikoto/Junko/Kobayashi.
Honestly I only care about Misaka and Index
Who says she gets any choice in the matter? Chadphinx has already literally carved his shape onto Othinus's loose fairy pussy.
I wanna see Thor comeback already damn it
Im sure he would be happy to know that Touma can turn into a dragon
I'd dick him. No homo
My fucking sides. That was overwritten ages ago. It must suck to be a perpetual cuck like Sphinx and to be delusional enough to think that small thing could ever leave a lasting mark.
Sphinx will find true love someday
Sphinx raped Othinus?
Can't rape the willing. Though she wasn't aware cat dicks were barbed at first.
It must feel bad to be Sphinx. Male Calico cats are infertile. He won't ever be seeing his children.
You're getting meme'd on.
Post creepy upgraded Mikotos.
what did he mean by this
>the AAA's various forms will never get illustrations
Fuck whoever chooses the parts that should be illustrated.
This is actually pretty legit, I like it
Wait really?
Yes. Male calico cats are a very rare mutation and are infertile.
>The AAA doesn't even have a full design on Haimura's blog
Mathers' pose here is hilarous. God I loved him.
Given its functionality, I can respect that. It redesigns itself all of the time.
>All shades of romance from Othinus disappeared
You wish
I'm not exactly denying that, just think it'd be interesting.
Just wait user, in a decade we'll be able to watch it.
CG AAA on a non cg character would probably look pretty fucking bad.
I'd rather not.
At least quote it properly if you're just gonna say no u
let's not talk about Mikoto
That diminute slut enjoyed every centimeter and barb just as her mouth was flapping "no please, I love dragon dick". That's no rape.
Yes, let us talk about Mikoto's orbiter Misaki instead. Misaki a shit who did everything wrong.
Let's talk about Thread Kuruko
See? It's literally mikotofags pissed than Misaki gets more focus than their garbage waifu.
Kuroko hits like a wet noodle in the kusoge.
Kuroko I'm sorry pleaseforgivemedesuwa
Yeah, more like, they never existed in tje first place.
Near always, they do occasionally have kids, which might be why kamachi is memeing about his balls, but 99% of male calicos never breed.
Absolutely seething. Mikoto is the face of this franchise and the only reason Index is still ongoing. Bow to your true queen.
>all shades of romance between Othinus and Touma didn't mysteriously disappear after NT10
Well, she turned into a 10cm fairy and if that continued we'd have every touma and othinus bits where they always have a sexual tension around them and Othinus domming Touma. Which would be shit
>Misaki orbits Mikoto
What a fucking meme. Misaki's current development has very little to do with Mikoto (if she's "orbiting" someone that's Touma), but their relationship is in on way one-sided enough to describe as orbiting. If anything, the fact that they're starting to see each other as partners would lead to future character growth that ISN'T strictly tied to Touma.
Othinus won the Toumabowl in the same sense as Shinobu won the Araragibowl. Only the long run matters since he's eternally bound to her after whoever he ends up with dies of old age.
It has a lot to do with Mikoto though, judging from the last illustration they become friends, meaning she probably overcomes her trust issues, not because of the urchin though. We cant really judge yet because we don't have the full context yet, so no point in arguing this.
Thanks for proving my point user! I no have proof and can't told to cope since I'm literally right.
Stop samefagging
>Othinus domming Touma
During NT10 Memenus was so extremely careful about her desires she almost looked shy.
How does her outfit stick to her body?
Misaki will go full yandare and kill Index soon.
So none at all and she's an unironical cuckquean, then? Great.
>sexual tension
Stop being such a perv, they had a really nice romance in NT10.
Demon edgekoto>>>Angel Teletubbykoto
>we will never get Prime NT10 levels of horny Touma back
>No sudden remarks about car sex and trying to get into Othinu's pants
fucking hells
This is a literal falseflag. Reminder that Misaki/Mikotobros have no real quarrel with each other since the characters are literal BFFs and MisaMisa is the true endgame.
When is Kuroko going to get to move in with Touma along with Mikoto?
It's up.
It's gone.
Holy shit, Sluthinuscucks are even more delusional than ordinary waifufags.
It's in my heart.
It's a mystery.
>“Are you doing well, Your Majesty? I am relieved to find we might actually make it to Christmas this year.”
>we might actually make it to Christmas this year
The same way Neph's bandages do.
>“I don’t want to become the kind of person who gets mad at people for not showing up when I expect them to. So I need to reclaim my misfortune before that happens. That way I can take back the life I know.”
See? There's something wrong with him.
>Othinus was careful in NT10
She literally mounted Touma twice
>The sky blue and lemon yellow unraveled.
>The pointy-haired boy was exposed to the outside air, but he was not disarming himself.
>He held something to his chest.
>It was a black gardening pot made of flimsy plastic.
>And it contained a strange plant that resembled a carrot with a split end but that also had a pattern resembling a human face.
Absolute madman brought the mandragoras.
>Accelerator lightly clicked his tongue at what he saw after blowing away a few Amakusa magicians with a single kick.
Can't believe it took this long to see Accel manhandle more magicians.
Magic adhesives?
>Kanzaki lost to a plant
That is what you get for punching my boi for no reason stupid bitch
>“Are you kidding me!? Those former Catholics who let their numbers do the talking were enough of a pain, but now you express summon me here!? That is no way to treat Magician Fortune of the Golden cabal!!”
>“Sorry, Othinus, but can you translate her English!?”
>“She says she was feeling lonely because you keep ignoring all her many attempts to show off.”
Based Kamachi brought this exchange back.
Misaki will mind control Mikoto. She will let Mikoto do the killing for her and Misaki will comfort Touma afterwards.
Do you need your meds user?
>That winged lizard had crocodilian jaws, thin wings, and a thick tail.
>Palm-sized Othinus spoke to him from the back of a large bird of prey.
Fucking hell no illustration about this is shit
Stiyl miss her too.
>“Falling from the second-story balcony without getting hurt wasn’t because of the changes to my body. I got lucky and escaped unscathed. Just like a baby that’s just fine after falling from high up.”
>I got lucky
Who was it that said that this Touma is the just the emotional side without intelligence? He doesn't seem any different from normal here.
I got ET luck in my gacha rolls tonight
>3rd step: 3* villian and stiyl
>4th step: 3* last order
>5th step: 3* villian, carissa and idol slut
>6th step: 3* knight leader and lancis
Who is good? they are all assists except stiyl
>She did not think she could go to heaven now.
>Her soul would be damned to burn in hell.
Touma already took that decision while being 16.
How coinceited was Elizzard she believed she would go to Heaven until now?
>I got lucky
Well, he is relying on everything and everyone tho
But user that wasn't this Touma and
>“She is one of the world’s fewer than 20 Saints. A single mandrake born from a sinner’s bodily fluids is not going to kill her so easily!”
Kanzaki didn't lose yet
That's what the Golden magician is for.
First Mathers now Dion.
Looking for a long anime I can be pretentious about, this or monogatari first?
Is this a HP crossover now?
>Kamijou Touma ignored the tall priest at the end of the hall and instead threw a serious punch toward the wall to his side.
>It was almost like both sides had matched their timing.
>The thick inner wall crumbled away as a black ponytailed swordswoman burst through. Kanzaki Kaori’s long sheath crashed into his thick claws.
DRAGON touma isn't a fucking fool either
>That shell had briefly reached Kanzaki’s level.
>He did not care if he was pushing himself too hard here.
>He rushed in and forcefully swung his right arm which carried thick claws.
>A dull sound burst out.
>Stiyl Magnus was thrown to the Windsor Castle floor.
>Kamijou had been in too much of a hurry to think about holding back.
Poor fucking Stiyl, getting the worst shit for no reason.
>It was a bag of synthetic fertilizer.
>He rushed in and forcefully swung his right arm which carried thick claws.
>A dull sound burst out.
>Stiyl Magnus was thrown to the Windsor Castle floor.
Stiyl is a pretty good unga character on and off element. Innocentius will kill almost everything green that isn't co-op or hard past chapter 3.
>545 actually saying yikes
Don't worry. It was fake shit.
>Innocentius losing to a fucking bag of fertilizer
>loses to literal dried shit
>That shell had briefly reached Kanzaki’s level.
ET Touma is saint level confirmed
And he's not even using the thing right.
>That shell had briefly reached Kanzaki’s level.
At first a thought the shell was getting stronger but since it only did that briefly I wonder if it has a It's like Holy right and scales to the enemy.
Monogatari as anime is more pretentious than Index.
Index as LN is way more pretentious than Monogatari
>It was a black gardening pot made of flimsy plastic.
>And it contained a strange plant that resembled a carrot with a split end but that also had a pattern resembling a human face.
>“These were called mandrake mines, right?”
The absolute MADMAN
>Touma dragon takes a full power railgun no problem
>Dragon mode is actively worried about being hit by Yuisen, and any of Stiyl's flame attacks
Mikoto is a low tier shitter
>two sentences
What two sentences are those?
>got 1 3 star in almost 2 full step ups
>“Is there no way to avoid it, human?”
>“Why would I want to?”
>“Bring it, magician. No holding back.”
>He was pretty sure he had a slight smile on his face.
>Even after that fearsome surprise attack, Kamijou Touma was smiling within his sky blue outer shell.
>“I did say no holding back.”
Sasuga Touma, rock hard in the middle of death battle.
At this point it feels like Touma's being hyper cautious, but spending the last 6 months (+ a couple billion years) as a specialized squishy running through hell will do that to you.
Yuisen has special properties and getting hit by 3000 degrees will hurt anyone since it both burns and melts more so than a railgun which can just penetrate.
>The white monster stood back to back with the mysterious cool fatty while he made a threatening roar toward everyone surrounding them.
Based Mirates
Jokes aside they both interest me, is the index LN well translated?
The mention of Mandrakes always remind me of this scene:
Best translator out there
HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU BE STIYL AND LITERALLY STILL BE CONSIDERED A PRODIGY MAGICIAN. He LITERALLY got shit on and tossed out. How will this fucker even recover?
IT's better translated than most official translations in terms of terminology and the like and censorship. So it's great.
Top kek
> I got lucky
The first half's translation is shaky since it was done by a bunch of different people, but the second half is definitely well translated.
>IT bitching about being used
>ET is clearly a fight monger that lives for this shit
Fuck Imagine Breaker, Dragon Touma is the best.
>“That only worked because it came as a surprise, but she will overwhelm you once she starts moving in earnest.
>Your symbol is the dragon. Whether that outer shell qualifies as the Japanese water god or the Western devil, who can say what a hit from Yuisen will do to it.
>It might even slice through you inside. So stop her immediately."
Yuisen might oneshot him depending on the origin.
Despite the "Jobber of the Year" title Kanzaki is still a demon slayer with proper equipment and not an “anti-human” saint.
So this time Touma's life is actualy at danger if she goes all out.
The first 7-9 volumes are iffy but everything pass that are greatly translated thanks to js06.
>HP invented mandrakes
Mikoto has always been a low tier shitter even among level 5s.
What does it feel like inside the dragon shell?
>It sounded simple enough, but that meant performing three actions in front of a Saint who could move at the speed of sound.
>It was only for a moment, but he had kept up with Kanzaki Kaori’s speed.
Sky blue and lemon yellow.
>“Bring it, magician. No holding back.”
>He was pretty sure he had a slight smile on his face.
Battle Maniac Dragon Touma is best touma
ET is a cuck.
>Yuisen lets fight Angels, cross with Curtana, and possibly kill dragons
I'm surprised this spell has covered so much considering how much Kanzaki loses. Then again it doesn't help her all the much against humans and Kanzaki does kill.
>“And it is a knight’s duty to support Her Majesty when she is unwell in body or mind. So until Queen Elizard can get back on her feet, I, Holegres Mirates, must not direct my blade in the wrong direction.”
Accel has taken in Tvirus and now however he beats becomes his ally.
Sasuga True №1 fan.
But man that fat fuck upgraded like 50 times in a spawn of but a few days.
sciencekeks should stick to sneak attacking likr Misaki
Christ Othinus' reminders are obnoxious. Every other line of hers is met with "I know," "I get it." Touma might as well add "mom" onto the end.
ET has been fighting his whole life. He hasn't lived a single week without getting into some magic/esper/thug/god battle
Kanzaki tried though.
It's the T virus. Everyone hit by it starts living correctly
>throwing literal shit on Innocentius
Even though she got outplayed, I feel like they boosted Kanzaki's stock since in the last few volumes. Aliester treated her like a bigger deal than Knight leader. Narration makes a point of Saying Mina wouldn't have been able to run through her like she did those jobber knights. She was beating Coronzon's hair angels. She is played as a real threat to dragon touma. If she doesn't get btfo by Dion she will be the only magician besides Crowley to fight a GD with magic without being instantly stopped.
So why can a random knight sense a demon’s presence again?
Depending on how pissed Kanzaki is she might auto loose to Dion.
Misaki a pile of shit
>Nics everblind getting btfo off screen again
You could say he's actually Nics Everunseen
Mirates is an upper tier knight and he also powered up offscreen. 545 said he wouldn't be effected by her war madness either.
Fat fuck is not a random knight, duh.
Mirates its high end knight that got fat and lazy. He probably is a better mage than swordsman anyway. His choice of weapons despite his position signifies that.
our time will come soon nicbro
Nics is getting shipped to AC offscreen immediately after. Accel's present to his good friend Awaki.
Knight Leader is only strong because of britbong buff, Kanzaki is at least on the same level with no brit buff. Also, Kanzaki never fights seriously against humans, so we don't really know her full power and she was probably jobbing on purpose this time too.
i just want Misaki to be happy
fuck Kamachi, fuck Haimura
fuck Index and indexfags
im going to bed
Who would win?
A bag of dried shit or Innocentius?
Kuroko was right about Touma. He really is a filthy ape. He literally threw shit at Stiyl.
Not being affected makes more sense than being able to tell there was a demon there outright. Does Kanzaki even know she was possessed?
>i just want Misaki to be happy
>Because she knew she was no longer worthy.
>That girl had fallen to a very dark place where she sought out pain and welcomed filth.
>“Why did I have to ruin everything?”
Yeah, about that.
>Knight Leader is only strong because of britbong buff
>created spells like hruntingr and turn to zero
He lacks the mana, but in terms of being a magician he is one of the best.
>Knight Leader is only strong because of britbong buff,
He had no buff in the Carissa fight. He lost the curtana buff and his UK type advantage
Seethe more
>Does Kanzaki even know she was possessed?
She found later but remember tensions were already high from the hazards
Othinus somehow reminds me of this terminator dude from Seto who always calls the MC "human".
I want chubby knight to be Accelerator's new friend
He already is.
I forgot to post the pic.
>having a series of rows or levels placed one above the other.
>actually believes that worst isn't flat
A washboard isn't as flat as a cardboard, but them both are flat as fuck
Kinda like this.
So why wasn't IT punched out after he was at a sufficient distance from spiritual items? Isn't that the entire reason why elizard couldn't take him out at the moment?
Goes perfectly with denki kong
Dammit you made me reply
mirates spinoff when? We already have the entire cast.
I can imagine he pocketed some and slapped his dick across Elizard's forehead as he walked out the door.
Maybe kept some important stuff on hand or concern for the 20% Misaki controls since England doesn't know what she would do.
Magickeks are literal jobbers
Man, I sometimes forget how cute Kanzaki is.
>stiyl had literal shit thrown at him and he jobs magnificently
Holy shit my sides.
UK Magicians getting dabbed on so hard this volume
>forget how cute Kanzaki is.
Because they skipped the artboard process
Mikoto will make her happy
i hope she suffers
no mercy for those who infringe on the minds of others
A pile of shit>>> yo Magic prodigy
How can magickeks ever recover?
This volume has only been UK getting dabbed on
>I got lucky
Mikoto will fall back on her edgy terrorist tendencies soon enough and leave Misaki alone
I agreed, IT maybe a dick but he show the people who are really on Touma side and have a true bond to him
Touma will end up with his little sister character.
Losing to someone who’s resume reads “Will rape mages for food” is normal.
Based off how the novel is going i fully expect Misaki to fall into Misaka and cry her eyes out about how sorry she is for what she did, not sure if that'll be before or after Misaka smiles at her like one does a child and forgive her
I want this to happen to just see how Crowley's acts to Mathers's Wife being taken by a cat or dog
Back to where it started.
Spinning hysterical laughter, which is than interrupted by accidental choking and coughing. Seconds later laughing resumes anew.
Part 3 start with the whole series being reverse back to July, right before Christmas
Except he does it for free, what a cuck
ITchad meanwhile wont stoop that low and ask for your daughter in exchange for solving a coup
I expect this too. I can imagine Misaki hugging Mikoto full of tears while Mikoto caress Misaki's hair.
According to spoilers, the ending timeskips to new years
OT and NT are just prologues to the real story.
>Except he does it for free
ET does it for fun.
>“Is there no way to avoid it, human?”
>“Why would I want to?”
>Great magical nation UK
>Boast about having the greatest anti-magician combat ability in the world
>Got dabbed on for the nth time in the last 3 volumes
Face it, without Coronzon this nation would collapse decades ago. Coronzon was the one to actually implement the Index Liborum Prohibitorum system that makes the UK so strong in anti-magician combat, she's the one responsible for the triple-quadruple barriers, divine mixtures, madness of war, and GD defense system. Once she was out of the picture the UK turned into this pathetic state under an incompetent queen.
he's going to stay alive using neuro tech
he;s going to write the longest fictional series, isn't he
>“Good morning, Imagine Breaker…and the One who Purifies God and Slays Demons. What does the world look like to the two of you?”
>This was no time to be thoughtlessly chalking it up to luck. He might never return to being human now. After all, no doctor could explain what was happening to him here. This went beyond simple athletic abilities. He felt like there was something subtly wrong with the world he was seeing and hearing and even the flow of time. Incredible fear crawled along his spine.
Now I want to know what IT is seeing.
>Does it for fun
So not only a cuck but also a tickling time bomb, ETcuck needs to be put down
>Queen starts to show deathflags
Which Queen?
I like pre-amnesia Touma.
IT cowards needs to be put down first
The queen of Bongland
No quite. Everything that happened after Touma got hit by the feather was all a dream. Part 3 will start with this scene.
IT is not pre-amnesia Touma, it’s an amalgam of his ability and memories.
>he's going to write the longest fictional series
>the series is using bible naming conventions
>Kamachi will probably write his own original scripture for the last part
gets the noggin' joggin' don't it?
The one that got dabbed on by the true Queen?
>“Is there no way to avoid it, human?”
>“Why would I want to?”
>He had a bizarre form.
>He had been hopelessly transformed and had even lost Imagine Breaker.
>But Kamijou Touma tightly clenched his right fist in preparation.
>“Bring it, magician. No holding back.”
>He was pretty sure he had a slight smile on his face.
Damn, Dragon Touma really likes his battles huh. Seems like he's the part that wants war while IT is the 'I want to live normally' anti-fun bastard
Reminder that IT was only acting in self defense,
Mikoto can't even make herself happy.
IT fags are as pathetic as the thing they worship.
After a certain point I just have to sit back and enjoy the slow motion train crash of hope being setup here when it's been canon that Mikoto being a lv 5 electromaster burns the excess fat merely by existing to make that impossible for years.
Mikoto's great at being used though user.
This is normal between Stiyl and him. He thinks this is what friendship with Stiyl is all about.
My favorite instance of her being used was the Scavengers arc. Unfortunately her murder of the robutt made it a downer ending.
The War madness made them weaker and killed moral. Plus they kicked the hazards ass according to Touma. Coronzon knew most of their traps because she was on their side. Plus they are anti-magicians experts. They got fucked by non magicans this volume. Also for some reason Carissa and Acqua decided to sit all of this out
Dozens of people were hurt on 3 hours ago Thursday (Jul 18),
including 10 who suffered severe injuries maybe 2 fatalities,
when a fire broke out at an animation production company in western Japan
The fire was believed to have been started deliberately, said local police.
At least 38 people were injured in the blaze,
which was still burning nearly two hours after it started
at the company in the city of Kyoto.
"There are many injuries at the scene," a spokesman for the Kyoto City Fire Department
"So far we have 10 serious injuries. I suspect many of those with serious injuries have lost consciousness."
He said the fire department had dispatched 35 fire engines and other fire-fighting vehicles to the site, a building belonging to Kyoto Animation, a company behind several famous television anime series.
Police said the fire appeared to have been started deliberately.
"A man threw a liquid and set fire to it," said a Kyoto prefectural police
>tries to kill Touma every other meeting and literally tortured him for no good reason
Man fuck Stiyl, he deserves to get shit on, and watch his waifu take the dragon D
>"A man threw a liquid and set fire to it,"
And just that created this much of a hustle?
I threw napalm molotovs when I was younger, you need like 4 for a good blaze.
This does not make sense unless there was something inside. Or they had no fire extinguishers, which with Nippon laws I doubt.
He spread gasoline in the lobby then sprayed fire upstair so when people ran down to escape, they triggered the explosion with the vaporized gasoline. i.e Saw-tier trap fuel air bomb
on the news it's WW2 military Fire Bomb
>Kyoto Animation
someone piss off because their cuckoto doesn't win the cuckbowl?
Holy shit.
This explains a lot but how was that allowed? Don’t they have security?
Or he was one of the people working there?
Best of luck to the survivors and let’s hope for minimal fatalities.
Wait a second, got hyped.
You need like 10 liters of gasoline and industrial sprayer for that to work + about 5 or so minutes of spraying.
This makes more sense.
That sounds like something Kamachi would get one of his protagonists doing.
Why did anyone take this fucking loser seriously? Even Mirates seems more competent.
You are implying anyone truly takes him seriously
>NT22R being animated
It would be fucking amazing and insane. Can't wait for 30 years to hurry up and go by.
I read on the sticky that an incel did it and cops already caught him.
>He spread gasoline in the lobby then sprayed fire upstair so when people ran down to escape, they triggered the explosion with the vaporized gasolin
But why would vaporized gasoline explode that fire upstairs that is separated by a floor of concrete or wood
Multiple Deaths in Arson according LA Hollywood Reporter.
>letting Stiyl into Japan
NT Season 5 by 2027-2028
The order to release them from the tower never came
I can't believe Stiyl really did yell for Kanzaki