Reiner will live! He needs to help Falco find Annie! Oh and I'm hoping for some good Bert and Annie for the preview!
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Man I wish Bert would've lived. He would've been gorgeous as pic related.
>another BA spic thread
What exactly is the appeal behind BA? It's the least popular Bert pairing. Not even the nips like it.
Nobody is cute when they are being eaten!
Bert was never cute. Annie is even slutting herself to old men when RB isn't even looking. I'm surprised you haven't kys yet.
You don't know how dialogue works in real life amigo!
Godbi squad repoting for duty
Alright, show me one single instance where Annie cared more for Bert than approaching old men. I'll wait.
I will if you admit you are that Gabi pedo blaming me! 3 ips, come on! Warriors are not for that my friend
I miss him.
How about you answer the question instead of spamming like an autist?
Because you are the Pedomin spamming Gabi like that and blaming me!
Bort in particular is never cute
Loli Braun is for petting not touching
>everybody who disagrees with me is the same boogeyman!!
Just answer out you autistic spic
>veteran of numerous battles
We all agree he banged like 20 qts during the time gap right?
-Eren is the father losers
Report the second group and we will win. You can report them for spam, low quality, off topic. Trust me, you will thank me later
119 out and trnaslated
Reminder that this stud right here is deceiving that beta male Zeke and will sterilize the non-aryan part of mankind instead
One can only hope
He is gaj
im just sayin' this is objectively the best couple
what did sneaky pieck meant byt his?
What exactly isn't the appeal behind BA? Checkmate, shitposter-kun.
Not gaj if it's Ereh
>never interacted
>one died
>one hates the other and wouldn't give a shit if he died
If you're an autistic 14yo spic I get it, but normal people don't bother. Not even Isayama does.
Jeanbo is longblackhairsexual
>"But I feel I really should keep going for what I’ve always wanted to draw for closure."
>Isayama is going for the mist ending after all
>Both euthanasia and world rumbling will somehow work
>All the eldians will eventually die
>Little girl we see in paths is Historia's daughter
>She is the last person alive in the entire world, possessing royal blood and all the titan powers
>Paths is not a parallel universe, it's future
>Lolimir is just running around alone at night while seeing the past and playing with her bucket, building sand castles and sand zekes and shiet based on memories of previous shifters
>"Hey, sweetheart. Want to hear about the time I almost killed a titan?"
redpill me about the mist ending
>RE endgame
>some voice (Armin) yelling "REINER!!" at 1:04
We won, REchads
that'd kill any girl boner
jean is handsome but such a huge loser
You actually type like the pedo, maybe you two would get along
He didn't mind BA that much because he could just shoop himself onto Bert
This just makes me wonder about their hobbies.
Post a ship and a song that reminds you of it
Reminder that this is how Paradis would look by now if they had revived Erwin
*Dies next chapter*
Reminder Erwin's influence on the chain of events is overblown and we don't even know about his response to the basement
Fuck off Pedomin, you are the one always being creepy with Annie and you said FUCK OFF BERUANISM while posting Gabi
Does Isayama have a brother?
Erwin wasn't that smart, Armin and Levi pretty much won the fight for him
he just died like a bitch
I now realize that my post was a reverse mist ending and doesn't really fit
>"After watching countless people murdered by the alien/squid/Cthulhu-like monster, five people sit stranded in a car, waiting for imminent death. Surrounded by the mist, it’s obvious there is no escape. Armed with a small handgun with only four bullets, David Drayton makes the ultimate sacrifice: He uses the bullets to kill his young son and the other three adults in his car, thus sparing them an even worse death.
Overcome with unsurmountable grief, David screams in pure, raw agony. He then steps out of the car, demanding the monsters take him. Except, no monsters come. Not this time.
Less than two minutes after David murdered his loved ones, the mist slowly clears, revealing men in Army uniforms and driving rescue cars, filled with people who survived the apocalyptic experience. If David had waited two more minutes before killing them, they would have all survived and been saved".
>Isayama: "I feel responsible towards the reader. I originally wanted to illustrate something similar to the film The Mist."
>>Lolimir is just running around alone at night while seeing the past and playing with her bucket, building sand castles and sand zekes and shiet based on memories of previous shifters
Strangely comfy
Reiner, please protect me from BAfags
Reiner was for Porco *sniff*
God I hate the Mist ending
GODholdt is handsome, not "cute" like the chubby porcine femboy manlet Skronkmin.
Too forced Pedomin! I loved Falco's confession to Gabi!
Wow, you’re too obsessed with me lol. But to think you “can tell what kind of person I am” under shipping goggles, you’re ridiculous.
1/ “people who don’t share your opinions”
You mean hate ask? I don’t think I should be polite with spiteful people who attack me. And the majority of my hate asks is from EMs/YKs, therefore I would have an adaptive expectation, a hypothesized process by which people form their expectations about what will happen in the future based on what has happened in the past.
>i’m not prejudiced
>you Yea Forums circlejerk troll need to learn
Double standard again. If I’m nasty because I use negative words for a fictional character, so what are you? A scum of society? Well, just accept the hate, like how I don’t bother to interact with EM/YK blogs.
3/ I don’t turn off user asks because I still get nice asks, hate asks are not a big problem to me. The problem lies on you, caring too much a personal blog hating a fictional character that you attack that person to have their attention.
And saying me want to draw attention by usually tagging posts under personal tag, by announcing LM shippers to unfollow me is somehow illogical, you know.
I won’t reply you anymore because I don’t want to spam people’s newsfeed, if you still want to attack me, my message inbox is open.
So Erin survives and the eldians get mercy killed?
i believe we will all miss colt, but at least porco got the death he deserved if only it had happened sooner
Porcuck died like a bitch. He's now completely irrelevant.
Didn't he say he doesn't think of using a Mist-like ending anymore?
>t. a complete brainlet
>Triggered so much by something so dead like BA you expose yourself
>Post this to EH post and LH post
Why does the AAfag hate those EH and LH so much? They don't get in his ship, redpill me on this so I can understand this autism
why do paradise citizens want to start another empire? don't they realize they're a puny island full of rednecks?
why does pieck have a massive jew nose here? well, nevermind, it is obvious this artist is complete shit. disgusting.
When does the healing starts? It's been over a hundred chapters of suffering, i probably wouldve already killed myself if I was anyone of the main cast.
Eventually the main cast, LH, EH, AM, etc, will start moving onto a happy ending right? This is a manga for kids after all!
the farmer theory makes sense because Historia is canonically gay for Ymir, her shit taste comes from the fact that she's not attracted to males at all so its only natural he picked one at random to have children
eldians are [spoilers]fantasy jews[/spoilers]
I don't know, sometimes he sends us phrases from that erehisu to LHfags or copy phrases from twitter and reply you with them. Just ignore him
He was written smartly unlike armong, who just gives off a retarded aura to those around him.
And in the end lebi fucked up.
uhh, they are fantasy aryans that represent what the white race will look like in 50 some odd years, in a best case scenario where we actually get an island to ourselves free from the brown hordes. why do you think they make such care to point out they've never met a black person until boyega shows up?
>It's dark and edgy you need a very high IQ to understand it
Boyega seems to be indian tho, he's dark skinned but caucasian looking and smart
Mikasa would never harm her daughter.
im calling bullshit on this
eldians are treated like jews, most of them have dark hair and hook nosed facial features
How he sees himself vs how he actually looks like
>not an old man
BAspic once again BTFO
the sad part is you don't need a high IQ to understand it. it's literally to not give up even when hope seems lost, you fucking brainlet. yes monsters tearing you apart would be a horrible way to die, but getting shot in the head by your friend/father is not much better. dying is always going to be an awful experience, but you have to fight for your life and your right to exist no matter how grim things look. how can you miss such an obvious lesson? is it because you are
A) a brainlet
B) a retard
C) a retarded brainlet
wow its hard to pick, it could be anyone of those!!
>but caucasian looking
What. He literally looks like Boyega.
>dead series
why did burrito have to ask this? Reiner just regenerated his broken arm in front everyone
isn't the manga the most popular of all time with 95 million copies sold?
yeah, far from dead amigo
That only applies to the group that struck out. Anyone who hid inside and did nothing made it too
but their royal blood literally has blond hair and blue eyes, which are NOT jewish features. plus, the jews never claimed to make life better for anyone, they just claim a history of persecution (a la Marley). Aryans DO claim to have a history of making the world a better place (a la European colonization). They are treated like jews claimed to have been treated to trick you into making that initial jerk comparison, until you step back and look at the bigger picture and realize it is a little more complicated than that
well they were choosing to hide where they thought it was safe, they were still choosing survival and not giving up.
>posting an*me screenshots
Typical of Armongfats and Mankaspergs sonthey can pretend that Armoid isn't a brown eyed mutt and Mankasa isn't a man-faced tranny.
Why can't your kind stay in it's containment thread?
me on the left
Give food names to every shifter who got ate so far
>Bertholdt - Burrito
>Porco - Pork
picture relevant is a jew born in Israel and yet most people would agree the average jew is dark haired
same case with eldians
You realize he is ugly in the image you just posted right?
He said that about two years ago but he seems to have changed his mind again and indicated that the ending will be dark.
When was the last time you got a chapter, again?
i hope they get their own spinoff
okay well then forget that point. the rest of what i said still applies.
why are the new character designs so shit?
eren = mom's gonna freak
armin = no longer androgynous
mikasa = manfaced tranny
Any recommendations for reading high quality scans of the Manga online? Or am I shit out of luck and will have to rely on pirating or something?
Grisha - Grape
Freida - Fries
Uri - Udon
Ymir - Yam
Xaver - Xylitol
>pirating manga
>Frieda - Fried Rice
Erenfags are disgusting.
Levi is my fav
>Xaver - Xylitol
No wonder Sieg has brain diarrhea.
What happens if reinforcements arrive before Ymir revealed herself?
that's a falcofag, a gabifag comorbid subtype
Give me one good reason why Zeke is wrong
Maid - Milk
>Erwin wasn't that smart
Hey Shitkasafag, still seething for no EM ;)
Most notably Eren would fight BR in the giant tree forest.
he could use the founding powers to euthanize marlayans instead
“Oh no no I don’t have any logical argument to reply anymore I must use curse words to attack this person because they hate my favorite fictional character!!!”
You say I’m spiteful but look at you first, you can’t say a phrase without swearing or insulting, this means you’re angry and need to curse to calm down. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>Imagine caring so much about someone hating your fictional character…
See? You’re slapping yourself with your words. Don’t pretend that other shipping fandoms don’t have R18 fanmade stuffs, I hope you can learn how to not being a double standard guy.
Erenchads support FG because we are also plotchads
Bert was about to transform and kill everyone.
just rewatch season 3 part 2
what did he do during the entire fight? he just stared into the abyss like an autist and then and thought about how much he wanted to get into that basement
Shit I forgot about that
Erenchad here and I support EGH
No clue, I would just use the power of the founder to make it so everyone can change into titans at will.
the other user is right, erwin is only smart because the story tells us he's smart
t. Armongpedo
he's so stupid
>ever not a man-faced tranny
We know AApedo
he's not wrong but he's a disappointment
his true father (as opposed to the surrogate scientific cuck) would just make it so that everyone can become a smart titan and then finish what his eugenic ancestors couldn't
Would they still go after him immediately if they didn’t know Ymir had the Jaw?
And that disproves his smarts how?
He did get to the monkey, and if Lebi wasn't jerking off while thinking of him and wasting time, he would have killed Sieg.
Reinforcements would be arriving before he attempted that and before Ymir transformed in this scenario.
I hate self-hating idiots.
No user, this is actually a popular misconception.
He may be one of the best written smart characters.
>the gopnikslut ships BA
>No EM
I just want everyone to be happy
Eren hates his sister
zeke is literally a basedboy
>uuuummm... i'm fairly certain we speak the same language
Well, all the others are related by blood
So which one would've done the killing?
I will always hate BA ever since burrito let Annie get choked out and he let Annie kill Marco even though it was mostly his fault
If digits, Reiner won't die
But you hate all the posters
But Zeke is the one trying to euthanize Eldians.
Everyone will die.
The alternative is a second messy battle once they reach the walls. Hanji and EMA were going to lure and ambush them like Annie
Reiner is canonically gay right?
>but their royal blood literally has blond hair and blue eyes
Historia is a bastard child, user. Those features were from her mother
he has eyes for Gabi only
His soldier personality is straight. His warrior personality is gay.
Based Eren-eugenicist. I seriously hope GODsayama BTFO the normalfag fanbase by having SNK's message be about advocating for eugenics.
While the unchosen people of Ymir were dropping like flies from the plague 600 years ago, Subjects of Ymir were able to withstand thanks to having their bodies re-written. Paradisans being strong and coordinated enough to use 3DMG is not just "anime bullshit" but a result of the FT's modification enhancing the Eldian race in the past, which also explains how Gabi was able to quickscope with a 20kg rifle 2/3rd's her weight and how Armin was able to survive his injuries.
The FT's gene editing can wipe out suffering, disease, and crime; augment Eldians into being beautiful, empathetic, intelligent ubermensch, and the FT's resource creation (Zeke said this is where Iceburst stone came from) can create abundant valuable resources. And worry not about a madman attaining the FT, Eren can simply use gene editing to alter the structure of his offspring to be a copy of his own and quickly accelerate its growth in order for it to be adequately developed once it comes time for him to pass his power on, thereby essentially becoming pseudo immortal as it will inherit his will and memories.
A utopia is just within reach. The rest of the world must be cleansed, even the Hizuru, who are just greedy slimeballs.
It is enviable, GODren will smite the world and bring about Ragnarök. The Imperium of Eldiankind will flourish and spread its wings of freedom across the cosmos.
>Best girl has like 5 pages of screen time
It's not fucking fair.
He's a raging faggot. RHfags like to pretend otherwise but they've been cucked by that, Reiner/rifle and the farmer/Eren.
Is there anything that could give Reiner the will to live right now?
i think he might be a shotacon, the only thing that stopped Reiner from killing himself is listening to Falco's sweet summer child voice
not even kidding, i was laughing my ass off
Yes, for Eren.
>My hair is turning white
>I've been shot
>I fell down
>why was I born
>I just want to play ball
>I miss Xaver
Does Gabi do gobbies?
>erwin is only smart because the story tells us he's smart
This is Armong.
I just want all the posters to be happy, that includes (you)
>Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.
based and redpilled mein gute kamerad
The plan to take out Beast titan was bloody obvious, user
pussy's that will be destroyed by Chadren YeaGAR by the end of the series:
>historia's (again)
>Ymir Fritz through PATHS
>I've been shot down
but I get up again
you are never gonna bring me down
On the contrary, the story goes too far to show that he is indeed smart
Not quite, armong has shown his "smartz", but lately only because everyone around becomes a drooling retard.
Erwin has always been smart in a subtle, non show off way.
>BAspic falseflagging
Poor Mikasa
I will never understand why the nazies never recruited female ss soldiers.
Think of the boner material.
I don't know user, he might be too busy trying to find his own head
that is a weird way to spell Farmer Chad
armin concocted a plan to defeat the tallest titan on the spot, i think that's pretty smart
>Best girl
She’s not even best mother
I want to secure the existence of the Eldian race with Dina!
>Yea Forums's
>Eren will NEVER go to Marley
>Eren will NEVER do a Grim Reminder 2.0
>Eren will NEVER go with the spinefluid wine plan
>Eren will NEVER survive having his head blown off, even though consciousness transfer is a thing and he is right within range of Zeke to unlock the full power of the FT
>Eren will NEVER go for Grim Reminder 3.0 and flatten the earth
>Eren will never restore the glorious Eldian Empire and have royal babies with the Queen
Let the Titans crush the floor ...
Let the Titans crush the floor ...
Let the Titans crush the floor ...
>Armongwhale hates everyone so much he finds those posts offensive
>Eren will revive
Grandkids, but Gabi isn't old enough for those and won't be until after Ymir's curse kills him
>Barmaid whore
>F*moid form
Was her mother not eldian?
And Uri was blond as well. How could he have not been eldian?
But i'm the one who made the posts
Eren loves Historia only. Sorry Mikasafag
Why doesn't Mikasa hate Armin? He's cucked her so many times.
>And Uri was blond
kill yourself BAspic
>being obsessed enough to make this
Yes. Why else wouldn't he stand up to Porco?
>Best mom
She is old fashioned and doesn't think that homosex is a thing
>dirty blond isn't blond
>muh anime
Porco was gay too
>eren will never kill 4 shifters in one chapter
can't wait
>''let's walk during the night''
>telling to Hans(the one who discovered this)
This has been updated by many anons, newfag.
>their royal blood literally has blond hair and blue eyes
You know what that means
>BRfujos being delusional
I like Armin but he's fucking shit.
According to this Zekefag, it's because he's not antinatalist enough to kill all life.
Erwin was so much better than Pedomin! Manga would be a lot better if he lived!
I have a theory that it originally was Annie the one with royal blood and retconned later to be Historia.
It's baseless
I was literally saying how that it's not. Uri has gray hair. Rod's wife and other daughter has dirty blond hair! What's next? Annie is royal?!
They both should have died.
Lolimir crafts titans without a dick because she is too young to know what one looks like.
CHADren will show her next chapter
SNK is a dark magical girl show just like Madoka Magica, deal with it you m*id. It started with a loli who made a deal with a supernatural source and became the most powerful being in the history of the SNKverse.
>Blue eyes/blond hair
>Ability to "call" titans
>Father obsessed with making her a warrior like Grisha
are you implying Eren is a dick?
fuck off spic
So female titan has no actual abilities?
I guess it's time for us to say goodbye to hongo
everybody please pay your respects
>Yeah, somehow i knew for some reason that a intelligent titan would appear to attack us out of nowhere in this exact area, and thus i prepared my masterful keikaku to capture her
Just admit that Erwin is as bad as Armin
At least don't use the same space EMcuck
if you're a pure male titan and eat annie's titan you become a grill
that's about it
>manlet is in pain and delirious
>mommy hange is tending to his wounds
>he grabs her hand tightly
>he has no self-control and pulls her face to him like he needs it
>hange sticks her tongue into his mouth
>manlet's barely conscious but he pulls hange onto himself
>she doesn't want to hurt him but he doesn't care
>he rips apart her shirt and she gets rid of the rest
>hange starts to fuck him
>steam fills the room as they get closer and closer
>Mommy cradles manlet's tortured visage as he cums inside her
>he's holding her so tight it hurts
>the room is foggy with steam
>hange turns manlet over on top of herself
>she puts his mouth on her tits and nurses him
>"I love you, clean freak. Mommy loves you."
I just want them to be okay
t. Armongpedo
>The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
>If children were brought into the world by an act of pure reason alone, would the human race continue to exist?
Is he literally unironically too high IQ for the fanbase? I mean Isayama gave him one of the highest 'Smart' stats
>tfw we were rooting for greedy jews all along
Can pls someone explain this stupid nigger post in every thread
We don't know originally, maybe just hardening.
Isayama seems to have changed all of this after the Female Titan arc.
yfw shitwitren went from 3/10 to 0/10
The female titan call "call" mindless titans and there's the hardening, though I think that's an ability that her titan was "outfitted" with.
We burn all the horses in their barns.
His plan was foreshadowed and later explained, user.
>The false information to the groups
>The "you know who the enemy is?" Question
>The hush hush about the whole operation since Eren was discovered to be a titan.
everyone in the Attack on Titan universe seems to speak english/japanese
it doesn't make sense
I think it's implied that all the marley titan took the bullshit hardening serum
Yeah, I think so as well. Porco, Annie, etc.
Wasn't just easier to fuse Jean and Armin? I seriously don't see the point of Armin's character having Reiner there
she so cute
so cute
She has to come out when the rumbling happens r-right bros?
Something's off about Armin in this shot.
>though I think that's an ability that her titan was "outfitted" with.
It's naturally occurring to the FT.
>I suspect that the goverment might be our real enemy, thus i deduced that a random intelligent titan will be attacking us on our expedition to the outside
How can you defend this bullshit?
Isayama made him a half-assed JRPG villain.
They definitely should have combined Nicolo and Boyega’s characters
This, armong is redundant and right now only useful for "Ereh" drama.
The story has two settings, one where Eldians live and the other that Eldia colonized. It's acknowledged in 108 that Eldian is a widespread language
Ok but seriously, what can they even realistically do with Annie at this point? All her comrades are either dead or unrecognizable from the last time she saw them and she hadn't aged a single day.
Fucking speedreaders, I swear.
And balance Mikasa's arc a little, not even an EMfag but one thing is not making EM and another thing is that Mikasa and Eren barely had any interaction
Offscreen her like he did Ymir
they never explained why she froze herself in the first place
in any case they can free/eat her with the jaw titan
Even Eren's design and personality got edgier to make Armin look good. With Reiner everything was a lot better
>not even defending this bullshit
>Mare forces retreat and regroup
>they get info from another infiltration group about Annie's location
>Falco gets injected with hardening serum so he can bust out Annie
>juices her into a titanized Gabo's mouth
Shut the fuck up user, if Armin came up with this plan you would be calling it bullshit. But when Erwin knows things that he obviously shouldn't is all good to you for some reason. You are an hypocrite.
>they never explained why she froze herself in the first place
She's gambling. Just like Armin. Just like Erwin. Just like Zeke. She's hopping that any one of BRZPP would save her.
This is the power of slow, careful reading.
It's carefully explained in the manga, user.
Read it again, just slower this time.
Or do you need me to explain it to you as if we were in a highschool class?
the worst part is when they show us erwin playing chess to once again tell us he's smart
Originally, Jean and Armin were the same character. Like in the very initial stages.
>Annie is released only for Gabi to eat her
Holy shit I would pay to witness this meltdown
what do you guys think Arumin smells like
>I think there might be titans inside the military
>What, why do i even know that? uhh, because i'm very smart. Now i'll procceed to create my whole plan around the fact that a intelligent titan will 100% attack us on our expedition.
You can't make this shit up
No, because back then armin was actually kind of useful and shown his wit in several instances.
Doesn't detract that Erwin knew what was happening in the shadows and it was explained why and how.
Really? Do you people need me to explain what you can read by yourselves?
Have a little dignity.
Every time I enter the ARF all I can smell is burnt toast
Like perfume and roses
She’ll do it just to spite Reiner like Porco
how convenient
one would think the first thing marlayans would do is rescue their own ancient language instead of keep using the one their oppressors used
>Implyong Mikasa and Jean would've been smart enough to figure out how to defeat Bert themselves
Explain the Gabi eats Annie theory.
First, Gabi needs to be a titan. How?
Second, Gabi needs to be where Annie is. Where?
Third, Annie needs to be defenseless. How?
I like the theory but you need to sell it.
Stop posting CHADREN
nigger, i don't even read the manga im all dubed anime
Probably died off due to the policies of the Eldian Empire.
>Defending the Gary Stu
Look dude, if you want to suck his dick it's okay, just realize how much of a hypocrite you are being
God damn you are dense and truly a 3/10
>Eren is a human titan
>So maybe he is not the only one
>His father had a secret and dissapeared misteriously
>Maybe the attack five years ago was planned by these types of titans
>Suddenly, the titans we captured were killed
>Oh shit, they infiltrated.
Not that difficult.
>i don't even read the manga im all dubed anime
>mfw eren finally meets kruger in paths world next chapter
>First, Gabi needs to be a titan. How?
Inject serum, marley has many of those
>Second, Gabi needs to be where Annie is. Where?
>Third, Annie needs to be defenseless. How?
She is trapped inside a crystal and most of the guards are probably defending the city from the invaders or turned into titans after Zeke's roar
>Inject serum, marley has many of those
Why would they have brought them? Who has them? Why Gabi?
>She is trapped inside a crystal and most of the guards are probably defending the city from the invaders or turned into titans after Zeke's roar
How can she be eaten in this case?
Gabi’s parents are so cute!
there's something uncanny about the the static pictures in the manga, they creep me out
animated works best
>kruger showing up to eren instead of the loli
>tells him that he needs to go back if he wants to save mikasa and armin
>eren realizes that kruger was talking to him through grisha's memories
Not really. Historia wasn't originally going to be royalty since Eren was supposed to save her from the titan instead of Armin.
Yelena getting ready to yeet his soul into the nether realm.
>Why would they have brought them? Who has them? Why Gabi?
Contingency plans. The General. She just killed the defacto leader of eldians.
Yelena is a spy, she probably already knows they're hiding Annie from the yeagerists.
I'm actually not complaining about the Bert deceiving plan of Armin, that was nice, and it should have ended with his permanent death.
Hm. Feels shakey, but it's not the worst theory I've heard.
No user, the logical thing would be to assume that someone who hated titans with passion killed Sean and Benny. Not that there is a fucking titan infiltrated among us, that's such a incredible jump in logic that it isn't even funny.
Also explain to me why he prepared traps that wouldn't have worked with the armored titan, he sure was lucky that a new titan unable to defend herself appeared instead of the armored.
Just stop defending the bullshit, he had no way of knowing there were titans inside the military.
makes sense
Eren was always mad because of blue balls, now that he lost his virginity he no longer feels angy and also no longer cares about mikasa's yellow pussy
Why are Erenfags so cringy here and on reddit
>Is he literally unironically too high IQ for the fanbase?
That I can agree on.
>no longer feels angry
Erenfags are edgelords and speedreaders.
lets be honest, most of the series is too high iq for its fans
They had a better SNK thread than the ones on Yea Forums yesterday
>"How do we solve world hunger/cancer/crime/economic disparity Zeke-san?"
>"I think I might have a fit-all solution"
well he hates marleyans but his rage is less overt, more silent and controlled
Put a finger inside your asshole and smell it.
I wonder how many corpse fuckers had a field day.
>implying the modern "Eldian" is not actually Marleyan and that's why the restorationists weren't able to read ancient texts written in Eldian
This. He almost blew his cover in Marley by starting a fight with Zeke presumably because he couldn't stand pretending to be anti-natalist.
>Not that there is a fucking titan infiltrated among us
Not when they are heavily guarded and there is actually a human titan among us.
The traps were actually lucky from his part, not smart, but they also had explosives, so maybe they were prepared for everything.
And the military thing, it was also explained that, when Bert attacked Trost, the armored didn't show up, because Eren appeared, then gave false info to the recruits and confirmed their suspicions.
Call it a reach if you want, but it was explained later that Erwin knew the government was deeply involved because of his father.
That you need me to explain it all is embarrasing a you should feel ashamed.
Who /Gabi/ here?
>What, why do i even know that?
because they literally just discovered a titan in the military 5 minutes ago
>Now i'll procceed to create my whole plan around the fact that a intelligent titan will 100% attack us on our expedition.
by baiting them out with the basement speech well in advance
youre hallucinating, they only met once and Eren was polite
You can't stop Gabi.
we all
falco totally is
eldia controlled them for like a thousand years, there's probably no pre-ymir marleyan culture left. it would be like trying to seriously revive pre-roman celt culture for daily use
>by baiting them out with the basement speech well in advance
This, he specifically mentioned sensitive information to the 104 so the infiltrators were baited to enter the SL, man, even armong notices it and clearly says that Erwin has a hidden agenda.
I rabu Gabu.
>EHcucks defending shitmong
what's so mary sue about her you piece of shit?
its implied her "friends" like falco more than her, she gets captured, beaten and almost stabbed
Thanks should have know
feisty Hisu a cute
GODgath will survive
Post Gabis
she has a good relationship with arumin
>Not when they are heavily guarded and there is actually a human titan among us.
How would being a titan give any advantage to kill Sean and Benny that a random soldier wouldn't have.
>The traps were actually lucky from his part,
Yes, a lot
>Call it a reach if you want
I am calling it a reach
>but it was explained later that Erwin knew the government was deeply involved because of his father
Except the government wasn't involved at all and it would make no sense for the goverment to destroy their own walls and cause so much trouble for themselves
>That you need me to explain it all is embarrasing a you should feel ashamed.
What is embarrassing is that you didn't realize how ridiculous it all sounded as you were typing it
>want Eren to live so he can rumble the world and make the bugmen and moralfags dislodge their jaws from making the biggest soiface in their life
>but also want him to stay dead to see the outrage of GODDESSbi becoming the new protagonist
what do EreGabbros
Im reading the manga and theres something that bothers me. These Eldians in Marley have all this power with the titans but they never want to free themselves from being the slaves and dogs for a weaker nation. They are treated like sub human shit and they take it all like its nothing, they lick the boots of their superiors gladly. Why the fuck don't they rise up to free themselves?
Is the author just a hack or is there actually a power that Marley has that could stop the 7 titans the warriors have?
>Why the fuck don't they rise up to free themselves?
Speedreader or brainlet, pick one.
Care to explain? What's stopping them from taking their families away on the cart titan and then shitting on marley with the rest? Do they really like being treated like sub human animals?
that is is his appeal
Invest in Gabicoin, it will only be raising from here until the end of the story, meanwhile Erencoin is plummeting and a risky inversion
Never mind, you're a brainlet.
Why was Kenny so sure that Annie couldn't be his daughter? Did he have a vasectomy?
Don't bring normies in on Cryptogab
How can other girls even compete?
He is gay user...
The best answer
>These Eldians in Marley have all this power with the titans
They don't. They can't just turn themselves into titans, Marleyans control that process 100%.
she cringed at him though
>random soldier wouldn't have.
That they did a screening and concluded that only very skilled soldiers were capable of killing them without being noticed.
>for the goverment to destroy their own walls
Who is saying this? Erwin only knew the goverment was hiding something related to the history of the walls and killing people to hide it.
The attack to the walls and Eren appearing as a titan just deepened the mistery.
You are even speedreading my posts. Shame.
Care to explain or are you just going to shitpost? There is no way the warriors can be that brainwashed they have all the power to free themselves but they chose to live like dogs anyway.
Die, degenerate.
Shut up dummy baka
she will go down in history as the best supporting character and MC in the inevitable spinoff
What? Mikasa found Armin cute. AM is endgame
Anyone faggot lesbian who draws with that discount Disney art style needs to be shot dead in the streets.
t. BAspic
>what is brainwashing and propaganda from an early age
>what is warriors fearing the safety of their families
>what is fear of families and other conspirators ratting them out
>what is trying to fight back against a massive empire
>what is shifter stamina
>what is the extreme logistical and covert difficulty with gaining a stockpile of titan serums to transform themselves into mindless titans, without the ability to intelligently guide them(with the recent exception of Zeke) or transform back into humans
>what is Karl the Kuck potentially altering the population to be more cucked in the past
didju skim the wiki and onry watch youtube videos, speedthinking baka gaijin ?
This is why Eld*oids were placed in their ghettos
You have two titans not under your control: An Attack titan hiding on the Mainland and the Founding Titan that can turn every Eldian into a titan if it wanted to. How do you solve this?
Simple: You gather all the potential human bioweapons in a specific place that is easy to not only to control from within with tight security and blood tests, but also allows for a more effective military response, since all your potential adversaries are in a few specific places and not spread out around the country. When it comes to the Attack Titan, it's usage is severely limited, since it's user is constantly threatened by the Public Security Authorities that are present almost everywhere in the ghettos. Eldians are also prevented from exiting this tight zone of control so that any potential titan shifters would be unable to escape outside the ghetto, where hiding and using the titan would be much more effective. Thus, the use of the escaped Attack Titan is very circumstantial and limited.
As for facing a sudden transformation of Eldians into titans via the Founding Titan's command, the fact that all potential titans are in a few small, specific spots around the country means that troops can be constantly stationed around the ghettos, and defenses can be prepared to in order to face a potential titan onslaught much more effectively, than if these titans materialized everywhere.
Thus, by analizing the two main potential threats that Marley was concerned about during the past decades, it makes total sense for Eldians to be placed into tightly-packed and tightly-monitored ghettos, where any potential titan threat can be more effectively neutralized, if not limited/discouraged to begin with.
Didn't Yams say at some point that Eren doesn't see Mikasa as a love interest?
>A certain artstyle triggers me for no reason
Seek help
In my sexual dream about Jean last night I prevented him from accidentally sleeping with an underage girl and I talked to another dude about how Jean was the most attractive person in the room
TL please?
T-thats Falco who's cropped out right
Erenfags are fun
can anyone translate?
>>no longer cares about mikasa's yellow pussy
>implying he ever did
seething black mermaid tranny
no, it's Chadren.
What will it take to bring her smile back?
he's the EAfat(pedo)
>Founding Titan that can turn every Eldian into a titan if it wanted to.
Not confirmed. Gross would have said this, instead of specifying "only a bit of spinal fluid, and your true forms are revealed" And if it were this easy, Eldians would have likely stampeded the earth ages ago.
there's not too many fanart pictures to choose from because Gabi is just like fine wine, she's an acquired and refined taste
Die whale.
You're a pure retard. No way a race that could turn into superhuman giants would ever be slaves like that. It's just shit writing and makes zero sense.
Why did Pieckfags change from I rabu Piku to their annoying pedo Gabi shit? These threads are getting worse and worse
Reiner is best boy and will win in the end and find happiness!
t. Kenurifaggot
>No way a race that could turn into superhuman giants would ever be slaves like that. It's just shit writing and makes zero sense.
>No way a race that could turn into superhuman giants would ever be slaves like that.
Explain your understanding of titan shifters and/or Eldians becoming titans.
>This is the kind of joke I hate most.
the whole experience with kuchel left him some baggage apparently
He will be with her soon
Better just filter them like almost everyone did I guess
is that armin or historia? i always get them confused and i need to know before i touch my peepee
Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshi-tai, effectively fighting off both Reiner and Porco at the same time and even taking on Reiner, solo, after eating two direct headshots from an anti-titan sniper rifle. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager surviving after being decapitated by top Senshi-tai candidate, Gabi Braun, and still moving forward to enact his master keikaku. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.
ErwL-LP alliance?
>is that armin or historia?
can you imagine getting a blowjob from that thing? must feel like heaven
user, Krista/Historia was meant to be a character who came from a noble family user since her inception. What was added as the story progressed was the fake facade aspect, and none of that had anything to do with Annie. At least read the bios before making stuff up.
Explain how it makes sense that they would just lay down and become human trash for a nation like Marley. They have immense power and could easily take back their freedom
There is literally no explanation other than shitty writing. Holy shit youre a dumb fuck.
Sure he will
fuck you nigger
>Gabi pedo-ring falling for SUBVERTayama's misdirection
>thinking he won't pull the rug out under the Arya Stark meme and have her die a brutal death so that it will increase the love/hate for Eren
No wonder, since it's scientifically proven that pedophiles have a lower IQ on average.
Joke about her pissing herself in her first mission as mentioned in her introduction
Fuck off
Answer my question and I'll answer yours. I need to know whether or not you're a speedreading brainlet that's wasting my time.
Is she attracted to any old man or just those who remind her of daddy?
nigga, that isn't even fanart, its tracing
deviantart is full of hacks fyi
Based. El Goblino La Creatura getting MELON'D soon
Read the manga again brainlet.
Nobody asked you Hongoloid
>Dina = Petra
>Carla = Erwin
Don't speedread, kids.
You could be considered a complete moron on the internet.
But they did. It premiered in 2017 but it has the same name as the old series.
BRA did nothing wrong
Damn I never thought about it that way. That’s sad.
She can't do that. She's autistic
i do like how this 12 year old girl was capable of heaving a 5kg bundle of explosives across a hill onto an armored train. those eldian genes doing work
babies are cute
They were kinda assholes about it.
Didn't Yams say that he hated the last season of GoT? What would be a good way for Goblina to get BTFO?
its pretty obvious eren is alive but its also pretty obvious gabi is being protected by reiner-grade plot armor
This. They only killed a few thousand. It's the backward island savages' fault for being unable to support 1.25 million people in a land 2/3rd's as spacious as Texas. Their greedy and powerhungry nobles just took the opportunity to cull the population out of fear of revolt.
You're retarded if you think anything will happen to Gabi
Fuck off, Dina
>Explain your understanding of titan shifters and/or Eldians becoming titans.
Why should I waste my time explaining something so obvious to an actual retard?
Just admit its shitty writing. There is no way even with all of those threats and brainwashing that any race of fictional people would just accept their role as bootlicking dogs when they have the power to completely free themselves at will.
You keep crying about speedreading but have yet to make any counter arguments. You are just a retarded probably here for waifu faggotry anyway
wait, this show actually has spinoffs? i was just shitposting
I wonder if there are any Ackerslaves we haven't seen yet
Well don't you look stupid.
>its pretty obvious eren is alive
I though we had moved past denial
>poltards are pedos and racists
Go back
She will live an inherit the attack titan.
Her gamble was to transform and run away. The crystal was just a last resort
>At least read the bios before making stuff up.
Sure just show me where the scans are
Stomach-fu + Zeke are the best titan couple atm, fag
Eldians cannot transformate into titans at will
>Why should I waste my time explaining something so obvious to an actual retard?
Not that user, but to me you also seem to not understand this plot point.
Guys, something of really weird happened to me.
I posted the screenshot about gikkuk last video (the one where he say that SnK is great now), and after some haters comments my poat dissapeared and i was muted for like 7 minutes.......why this happened?!
>Naruhudo, so Levi-senpai has a nice side, teehee
Falco accidentally killing her would be pretty poetic.
Who here was a Erenfag until they saw the limitless potential of Gabichads?
>The crystal was just a last resort
As part of a failed gamble. She was gambling.
these two are the true main protagonists of the series, prove me wrong ackermanfags
>inb4 killed by manlet in akkerage mode
He sees her as a mom
How are you even capable of solving a captcha you stupid nigger
Gabi is like Armin, 0 tension
Who's that guy on the left?
I read the entire manga twice. Where does it say that Marley can stop the warriors from transforming?
I understand the plot point but It doesnt change the fact that its retarded. Isayama could have come up with something much better but we are really supposed to believe these super giants would willingly be slaves instead of living good lives.
You are retarded and a pedo? You realize avatar posting is against the rules right retard?
Yeah limitless potential for shitposting.
and yet the founding titan can transform them at will if he wants, the fritz family were holding back all along
>Where does it say that Marley can stop the warriors from transforming?
What are you even talking about?
They got btfo
>and yet the founding titan can transform them at will if he wants, the fritz family were holding back all along
No it can't.
>the First World War used to be called "The Great War"
>Should this current conflict be called the "Second Titan War" then? 'Cause if it's not a titan war then I don't know what else to call it.
Boring now that ledditors are pamming it and cringe compared to Zeke memes. It's not fun when you are like "HAHA a-are you triggered yet?"
Tell me bros, who are the best characters for pure shitposting?
No. Superior EH and LP alliance
Zeke. Sneed and Mikafags burned Gabi pretty fast
Im saying that the warriors had 7 of the 9 titans in their hands but they didnt use it to save themselves, their families, and their people. The retards that defend claim its because they brainwashed but no matter how brainwashed you could be theres no way you could hold that power and not want to save your people. It doesnt make any sense from a writing standpoint, just really bad from the author.
gabiposting is only good in small doses
>the hongoloid is a LPedo
Can you be more disgusting? Go back to tumblr
>Where does it say that Marley can stop the warriors from transforming?
It's called being brainwashed while being honorable and loyal to the well being of your fellow compatriots.
You don't transform because they are holding your family kind of hostage, you are educated since birth to be loyal to marley and drilled a sense of guilt and also, if you did, your neighbour would pay the consecuences of your egotistical, devilish, sinful move.
RumbleCHADS REPORT. This is urgent.
>585,000 Titans within all three Walls combined
If the dimensions of the planet are far larger than ours given that Paradis itself is far larger than Madagascar, 585,000 wall titans may not be enough in order to fully snuff out the non-Eldian voyim across the globe. Thankfully there exists a plethora of Eldians across the globe to be used for more titanpower. They can be used as smaller titans in order to reach places the colossals can't.
So is Fuhrer Eren willing to titanize more Eldians? He wants freedom for his people, but Isayama did say he was self focused, and he does seem to be primarily concerned with Paradisan Eldians. And the fact that he refers to Gabi as a "Marleyan brat" may indicate he doesn't much at all for the Eldians outside the walls
>Even though she can sympathize with Armin, who considers things from a “globalism” perspective, it’s possible that she can’t just let the more self-focused Eren go. [Note: Isayama uses the katakana of “Globalism” in Japanese to describe Armin. He probably means Armin embraces the world and is curious about everything in the universe, while Eren is rather “self-focused” compared to him.]
The issue presented by leftover survivors is that they might vie for vengeance by infilitrating Eldian society once Paradisans presumably leave the walls and expand. Though they just might be absorbed into the New Eldian Empire anyways, them potentially sowing the seeds of new revolutionaries is still a concern.
I say it is absolutely vital to use more Eldians in order to completely exterminate the rest of the world so that this cycle of conflict between Eldians and non-Eldians can never be re-ignited.
>It doesnt make any sense from a writing standpoint, just really bad from the author.
No, it's just poor reading and understanding on your part. You say you've read the manga twice, but you obviously don't understand the world history of the setting.
where were you when spics get to watch season 4 before us?
Marley has the warriors families as hostages
The problem is that a lot using gabi are those triggered by any signal of Eren or YHcucks/EMcucks
I actually liked Eren and Gabi rageturd memes but the spam kinda killed it for me
im getting caught up on the manga and just wanted to say holy shit the madman actually did it
he gave the Marleyans their own grim reminder
does episode 1 only cover 3 panels?
Eren is dead retard
I understand the history and the setting completely though, its just bad writing. That doesnt change anything I said either. Why do you think it makes sense that the warriors would just accept their history instead of defending their freedom, family, and integrity?
They could transform and just take their families away easily.
There will be conflict anyway. Eldians will be divided between people who agree with the rumbling and people who saw it as a massacre
Cope m*rleucuck
Anyone have the link to that Gabi/Floch story?
>Why do you think it makes sense that the warriors would just accept their history instead of defending their freedom, family, and integrity?
Look, you don't understand it half as well as you think you do. I'm not engaging with you on this provably ridiculous assertion on your part.
Mindwipes can solve that issue
Calm down fujo
>ywn beat gabi to death
y even live?
Pity you weren't here for the threads.
They were awesome chaos.
Now THAT would go completely against Eren character
Here is another example of horrible writing from Isayama.
It makes no sense that the female and Armored titan together couldn't find Ymir whether she was in titan or human form and easily take her back. God this is stupid
Out of curiosity what would your argument be anyway? Give me the benefit of the doubt for a second and explain why you think the 7 titan shifters would just accept their fate as dogs.
I would like to see you try
He went along with the wine serum plot so
theyre children
So what exactly? his ultimate goal is to let eldians be free, not the opposite
a literal cook defeated her in hand to bottle combat
your waifu a shit without a gun
annie literally says they all panicked right there
>7 titan shifters would just accept their fate as dogs.
Brainwashing, you moron.
They were selected because they are loyal to Marley's ideals.
Also kids are dumb and Reiner ran fast.
Freedom requires temporary sacrifice sometimes
Wait people hate Armin? Sasha could have lived?
I've never seen a Gabi poster that wasn't shitposting
meant for
>why you think the 7 titan shifters would just accept their fate as dogs.
For generations upon generations, they have been taught that they are an objective evil in the world and that they can only atone for their sins by being "good eldians" who work with and for Marley. Shifters come from families dedicated to clearing their name (Grice, Falco and Colt) or from families who have fully bought into the conditioning, the Brauns.
They accept their fate as "dogs" because they think they are dogs. They are taken as children. They are indoctrinated as children. They go to war as children. Because of the titan curse, they don't live long enough to full develop a full world view. They accept their fates because their families are hostages, their friends are hostage. They accept their fate because king cuck and the Tyburs formulated a plot to engineer subservience.
user, read the manga and stop asking stupid questions.
She's just a girl, she did nothing wrong.
>For generations upon generations, they have been taught that they are an objective evil in the world
>Brainwashing, you moron.
I already covered that 100 times in my previous post.
No amount of brainwashing or indoctrination could ever work on a group of people with that much physical power. It didnt work on Grisha because of what he witnessed as a child and almost all of the Eldians living in liberio are treated the same way. Just admit its shitty writing. There is no reason the Eldians should be fighting eachother when they all know they could easily defeat Marley with minimal effort.
when do we get the next fucking chapter spoilers?
Still like three weeks away, chum.
in more than 2 weeks
nigger its the 17th be patient
No, I'm already out. You asked for my argument, and you have it. You are wrong. We are right. Later.
>Pity you weren't here for the threads.
>They were awesome chaos.
i might go into the archives later and find them
what was Yea Forums's reaction when the wounded vet was revealed to be eren?
>it didnt work on Grisha
And in many others through history, rebelling faction were not unheard of.
That doesn't mean that the majority of literal children that get to the warrior program just want their families to be ok, because that's what children want and Marley promises them a better life as "honorary marleyans"
Just look at fucking Reiner or Gabi as kids.
Also look at Sieg too, he is actually trying to go agains Marley's desires but he is just one shifter of 7, the others are loyal to Marley.
And they are 7, not a hundred. Maybe one is rebellious, doesn't mean the other six are too.
Don't you understand how manipulation works?
Yes, a lot of times actually
everyone already knew
Everyone just assumed it was him desu
Some anons knew right away from one fucking panel at the return to Liberio, props to them.
100 years. one group of eldian restorationists. is that not already fast enough for you? fighting against an entire empire is no casual feat. grisha's dad knows this aswell, and even pointed it out to grisha. they ought to just live easy lives without exposing their family to be sent to paradis.
oh, maybe im just a brainlet but i didnt realize it until he told reiner it was him.
then again i wasn't scrutinizing each chapter for several weeks like you guys had to, i can just coast through chapter after chapter without having to stop.
The GR deniers didn't want to believe it tho.
>oh, maybe im just a brainlet but i didnt realize it until he told reiner it was him.
yeah, considering he talks to falco and says his name is fucking eren kruger.
Fucking hell I wish i hadn't seen that eren head spin
i don't keep up chapter by chapter and just check it out from time to time, i had no idea it was so long between them
>No amount of brainwashing or indoctrination could ever work on a group of people with that much physical power. It didnt work on Grisha because of what he witnessed as a child and almost all of the Eldians living in liberio are treated the same way.
Grisha got himself and everyone he worked with killed and accomplished nothing in the end were it not for Kruger. Which brings up another point, Marley is constantly spying on everyone, even the warriors themselves to ensure they remain loyal. Any hint of rebellion would be quickly snuffed out.
>If Reiner wasn't disassociating so hard, he would have noticed Eren staring right at him back then
the first week (maybe sometimes a little after) of the month baby.
The warhammer titan would for sure always be loyal to marley.
In the meantime colossal, cart and beast until zeke, are all deadweight. That leaves you with 3 competent shifters vs entire marley and warhammer, and I believe wh could solo all three
man imagine being a marlayan soldier and suddenly a bunch of flying ninjas start jumping all over the place shooting you with airguns
>kruger showing up to eren instead of the loli
>tells him that he needs to go back if he wants to save mikasa and armin
>eren realizes that kruger was talking to him through grisha's memories
>Eren doesn't care about Armin or Mikasa anymore because he's retarded now, so he just dies.
>I believe wh could solo all three
Not that user, but it's cool that the WHT was confirmed to have never seen combat in recent generations, so the fact that maid-chan did so well against Eren just means that thing would be pure OP in the hands of a trained shifter.
its essentially a "create what you want". someone with high INT and studied engineering would probably be very good with it.
Well that's a bit of an over-estimation of its abilities. But someone who's quick witted and smart would definitely be better with it than a ragetard.
this is going to be armin, isn't it. he'll transform and wipe out the whole navy.
Also, since Marley is recalling all of their soldiers back to Liberio, doesn't that make them vulnerable to an attack from the other nations? My guess is, that's the plan Eren and gang have.
get fucked, marleyans
Is this bait or do you just want spoilers this badly?
>Not the first post from this IP
It's bait.
neither, i was just sharing my opinions as i read through the manga and get caught up. thought maybe someone in here would be interested.
>since Marley is recalling all of their soldiers back to Liberio, doesn't that make them vulnerable to an attack from the other nations?
no, just token garrisons in the area. think about how huge marley's land empire is for a second
>Uri has gray hair
Are you retarded?
It’s the founding Titan but no one not even Annie knew it pre-crystal. Or she did know and she’s from a third ayy faction and we get an ayy ending.