New episode. New thread. Nice bulk!
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder to report every blogpost you see. Taking about the exercises in the mildly appropriate, talking about your life is not.
I remember was it almost two years ago when the TL threads started up, honestly surprised to see it reach this point
I guess arnie has been made aware of the series by now. always tried to joke about that in the threads
Another episode full of great faces.
>anime about fitness and life improvement with a target audience of people bettering themselves
Just ignore them. If three weeks of constantly being told that didn't help (including incompetent mods helping their case), it's pretty clear that it's all just shitposting for the sake of shitposting and making people mad.
The only thing you absolutely shouldn't do since this is Yea Forums is posting 3DPD pics.
I absolutely loved the creepy neck-snap the teacher pulled.
Nice vagina bones and cum target
The stitches from the last thread.
Omae wa mou
Seriously how long have you been on this board to think that blogposting is okay? You know that "cool story, bro" and "subscribed" is sarcasm, right?
Is it bad to completely ignore aerobic exercise and instead just do weight training? Because i love weight training and hate aerobics.
>a sexy Christmas cake sensei will never look at you like this
>Canned mackerel as a between-meal snack
I'm gonna try it lads
Your heart won't be happy but I skip cardio too. Fuck cardio.
If you are bulking then you should pick something with more carbs.
>Cosplay thot doesn't even recognize the Muscle King
Like pottery
I'm cutting
>shaved armpits
Definitely hardgay.
It's just hygienic though.
Aqua is at it again.
he’s built up so much muscle there isn’t a micrometer left for hair follicles
For anyone who wants 'em
A .zip of WEBMs posted for this series so far (around 200 files, 130 MB)
You can use sardines and herrings also. You can boil the small ones and swallow them whole.
I want to fuck this cake
You can't just fuck a cake, dumbo. You have to love the cake. You have to cherish the cake. You have to be open to the cake's chagrins and melancholy. You have to understand that the cake pursued her career out of passion for her given subject (world history in Satomi's case) but constantly has to deal with ungrateful children who don't give a damn. You have to understand the cake's doubts and fears. You must hold the cake in your arms as she collapses under the weight of existential crisis. Only THEN may you fuck the cake.
Even for a cake that's too much.
I've been running laps at the local field with a friend and I've realized just how out of shape I've become. My legs are feeling the pain today and I can barely walk.
I'd really appreciate if this anime stopped giving me an armpit fetish, I've been trying to avoid it for so long
What characters is she cosplaying Yea Forums?
Embrace it, your dick knows your preferences better than you yourself do.
the mother of my children
I love armpits.
Sweaty pits are the best
I don't get it. Then again I don't get feet.
Sweat I can get. But pits? Why?
Episode was pretty good.
Sensei finally joined the group and we got the lifts of the north star cosplay.
Ohp is also a top exercise and really underrated.
Looking forward to more Sensei eps and the Zina episode in 3 weeks.
Seeing the amount of food she eats every day, imagine how many times she has to go to the bathroom to take a shit.
I'm tempted to buy a steam cooker.
I wanna slam this pudgy gyaru so bad
Asuka langley in the middle
>get motivated by dumbbell anime and infatuated by machio
>try to do curls, push-ups and so on
>your muscles are dying after 3 push-ups, you can barely move
Shit, how can I become fit? Can I be stronger by constantly doing these push-ups and curls?
The episode used a different name though. What was it again?
Buy a ricecooker with a steam basket. You can cook your rice and steam veggies at the same time.
steamed hams
>set up an appointment/program with my colleges gym for tomorrow
I'm doing it lads, I'm going to obtain nice bulk.
You'd be disappointed. From what I've read once everything between three times in one day and one time in three days is normal. Anything outlying is abnormal. So max three times a day.
>that squeal
Front press. Because you PRESS the weight in FRONT of you.
You can also simply call it the Press™.
>almost every ricecooker model Ive seen in the stores at my country were fucking gas powered ones.
>the electrical ones on the internet cost arm and leg
save money buy steamer insert first.
gonna have to learn to cook any way, and those multi-layer steam pots are pricey.
but a yakitori is probably a higher priority imo. just grill and snack whole foods with sticks.
no fuss no muss
Where do you even live? I'm a Western Yuropoor and I bought mine (electric + steambasket) for 20 buckarinos.
nice blog
in my country there is problem
Do incline pushups (arms higher than your feet, like putting your hands on a couch). When you can do say 3 sets of 15-20, you can lower the incline (instead of hands on a table, you do hands on a coffee table).
Onegai muscles user.
Quite literally me
reminder for /fit/shitters to fuck off
and is the problem transport?
Its too late tomoko it was always too late.
Please don't reply to me unless you have an IQ over 100.
i know that feel bro...
fucking japan
Can you do it, Yea Forumsnons?
>Stop discussing getting fit in a thread dedicated to an anime about how to get fit
>talking about IQ in an anime board
Nice off-topic post bro
dont forget to eat your eggs user
Don't muscles really really love and demand a lot of oxygen?
Anime called it front press but it's literally the same thing. God knows why but the exercise has a bazillion different names.
Doesn't change the fact that it's a top exercise and pretty difficult since you need a lot of power to perform a heavy press.
/sci/ needs to be blessed with muscle threads
>he doesn´t know
im allergic to eggs
Nice blog, where can I subscribe?
Absolutely shameful.
>not hitting depth
anime is for the cultured refined and intelligent
>3% body fat
>cheat days
come on, they are dropping the ball
That's satisfying to look at desu
Wait, Hibiki's seiyuu is an Arab?
good luck user, ganbatte
If only I could train with Yuno
Lower boundary of body fat that's possible without dying I guess.
5-6% would have been better or more realistic.
sensei ass
thx user, saved
aww yeh
depends on your heart heatlh. The trick is to find cardio you like. Nutrient distribution flows through the blood, if your vascularization is poor or inefficient you're wasting a lot of your nutrient transport potential. A lot of gym rats will turn an unhealthy red color and die at 50 or so. watch the pianoman play tv fight if you have a chance. Just like you have to have fiber to maximize protien you have to cardio to maximize exercise gains
3% is what the actual professional bodybuilders get down to. It's extremely bad for the body but it is possible.
5% is already pretty much as low as the human body can go, and I mean world elite level (for men). Even at 10% a woman would be insanely shredded.
not for jappu jappu body building competition. which is where the guy gets his advice from. Its not sustainable but it is achievable.
you're talking physical competition not aesthetic competition.
can someone please fucking tell me what software to use for stitching images?
just run, faggot.
intensive focused exercise is bad.
doing a sport which makes you use every muscle gives you a better body shape and more actual strenght
That was a good episode! Friendly reminder to pig out next Danberu episode, hope you didn't forget to this episode! Cola, chips, ice cream, pudding, and other various junk foods go great with anime! Afterwards spend a few hours browsing Yea Forums, watching more anime, or even just playing a video game for maximum comfy. I do it for most anime I watch, it's nice.
Might eat a pizza next episode, myself.
/fit/ here.
Does this anime make any of you weebs want to git the gym? Asking people who never set foot on the gym or touched a barbell
no because im not gay
but are you homosexual?
>workout, calisthenics
What does the Muscle King do to his opponent, negate their gains?
I use photoshop mostly, or 'Image Composite Editor' when I feel lazy. The problem with the latter, is that since it it does the stitch automatically, the image may come out with imperfections, so if I can, I try not to use it.
No because I can do shit at home instead.
Flex of the North Star
I never worked out in my life and probably never will but the show's fun.
maiby a little
Yes but not enough to actually do it
that's fucking vile, man.
yes because i want my body to look like the anime girls
That feeling when you've been lifting long before you were an anime autist and anime naturally hooked you in.
i actually liked episode and show is not bad,
no wonder fat cucks are hating it
>machio will never help you with your first days
why even live
Yes, I've been meaning to start for ages but never built up the effort to go. Now I'm starting tomorrow.
Cheat days aren't inherently bad.
The problem is nobody besides Machio works out enough to warrant a cheat day.
based, good luck.
Also if you ever decide to visit /fit/ don't take anything they say seriously. There are some good advice in there but many are retarded and just straight troll
after first episode i started lifting at home, 10/10 would do it again
It makes me want to go to my pantry and grab some junk food if that counts as hitting a gym.
Not the same user but im mostly there for the troll threds and the annual SIR comic
I should really just read the sticky if I wanted any advice from them.
what kind
Reminder this show shows people of average body weight doing these exercises.
It doesn't show overweight people doing these exercises.
Muscle Sensei would likely tell you guys to lose weight first, before attempting to imitate him.
he mogs them
I hope none of you are FAT
no but I'm a happy skele
A fate worse than death.
Not really. Unless you're so fat that you can't even walk normally you can always do bodyweight squats, bench and over head press as usual.
What you don't want to do when you're too heavy is running and jumping.
But obviously diet would be a priority.
t. overweight american
Yeah. I am. What are you gonna do about it?
I try to keep my weight low by not building up any muscles.
>reddit spacing
I did 200 ball-lifts and 100 wrist-twists today.
having fat instead of muscles doesn't make you weight less
People who never exercised or lifted, should rather do swimming first.
A low impact exercise is safer and gentler on the body than starting squats out of nowhere.
Swim first, lose enough weight and then you can start lifting and doing squats.
If you are completely clueless on how you should start getting a healthy body, go find the best local physical therapist in your area, pay for an evaluation, and then have him or her recommend the best exercises you can do without fear of injuring yourself.
I will tell you though, a lot of people will likely recommend swimming in combination with stretches and other exercises to strengthen stuff like your hips and knees.
Dragon Flags look bad for the spine and overweight people.
It's still less than having muscles on top of the fat though.
Man Doga Kobo's been absolutely killing it lately.
Not gonna make it, bro. You want to exercise and build up muscle so you lose fat during cardio. If you don't exercise and don't get your protein then you lose muscle mass alongside fat and you end up looking skinnyfat. Your total weight will go down but your fat : muscle ratio will not.
I have 40 kg
26yo guy here
Well they told you in the show that dragon flags is an advanced exercise, I bet even half of /fit/ can't do them, then they showed an easier alternative, planks.
I personally can hold a plank for like 2 min+ but can barely do 4-5 proper flags
>Not gonna make it, bro
Don't have to concern yourself with "making it" if you don't want to "make it" to begin with.
Runner's knee affects overweight people even if they are not running but even stuff like squatting or climbing up stairs/hills.
Getting a normal body weight with low impact exercise should be prioritized over squatting out of nowhere.
Because runner's knee can occur simply from lifting exercises at the gym despite no running or jumping, simply due to being overweight.
>muscles on top of the fat
american's mental gymnastics everyone
Muscles increase resting metabolism.
The more muscles you have, the more calories you burn when you are at rest and not doing anything.
That's nice, I don't particularly care though.
I've gained 4kg in two weeks since I started working 8 hours a day. But I haven't changed the way I eat. What's the cause? Stress?
I picked up Kengan Ashura because of this anime, it's really god damn good
Have you experienced the greatness that is THE BEARD
Any character that pleases my dick
Katahara's beard? Or another one? I'm on chapter 43, just about to start the Annihilation tournament
4kg in 2 weeks is too extreme for it to be just fat. Portion of that weight could be fat if you stopped moving as much. If your physical activity and your diet is the same than it's most likely just water weight.
Have you weight yourself last week or only 2 weeks ago and saw the 4kg jump? If the latter then it could be a combination or weighing error, exes water and maybe even accumulated waste.
You also have to make sure you weigh yourself at the same time, ideal in the morning after bathroom. You're heaving at the end of the day.
goddamn that obvious auto-correct English makes my eyes bleed. Fuck off and shove your phone up your vagina.
How long are usually your workout sessions Yea Forums? At the beginning, my workouts were very brief (20-30 minutes) so I went 6 times a week to the gym. Nowadays I train for about an hour per workout so I cant keep up with 6 times a week routine... Was wondering whats an optimal schedule so that your body gets some rest. Is 4 times a week ok?
I don't exercise.
I do a variation of this routine everyday. Always start and end with a 2.4 km run. Using a 20kg vest at the moment, want to upgrade to a 40. Also use vibram 5 finger toe shoes to run.
> 2.4km run with 20kg weighted vest
> pull-ups and dips with weighted vest until failure
> Kettlebell routine with 24kg (swing, single swing both sides, cleans, military press) with weighted vest
> plank and ab roller with weighted vest
> stretch 15 minutes
> 2.4km run with weighted vest
Usually return home with my whole body shaking.
This is excellent advice.
Swimming -> Walking -> Running -> Basic lifting
Just don't do shitty boring ass cardio on the treadmill. I play 3 hours of Badminton per week, works well enough as cardio addition and it's actually fun.
nice blog.
high impact
what is this nigger smoking?
>claiming you are a fujo so no one finds out you do cosplay
It sounds like you aren't following any program. When I started I did the same and it felt like my body was falling apart. I didn't know why but when I asked on /fit/ they pointed out that it was overtraining.
Respect your rest time, user. If you go 6 timers a week you need to have short sessions and hit separate muscles each time.
When I found a program I went to gym 3 times a week and now I'm doing 4, 2 days for upper body and 2 for lower.
Find a proper program to follow
>all those posts about people going lifting now
when can we expect the snapcity stories after they tried BW squats in flip flops?
i prefer 'dines but to each their own.
if its canned I prefer it canned whole over minced.
If you are overweight, your knees will treat squatting like its a high impact exercise, since runner's knee is not just limited to running.
no, i hate the gym, but it's helping me in some home routine
Depends on what you're doing, full body, bro split or whatever.
If you feel like you're not making any progress slow down with training and try to recover more.
Stop commenting on it if you're being sarcastic, loser. You're just shitposting.
god she looks so fucking sexy
he doesn't know about organ fat and gavage. point and laugh.
I am in the same way Hibiki is fat. I should really lose these last 20 pounds
She's a cosplay whore its to be expected.
Water weight. Changes that drastic are basically always mostly water.
machio pls
it's only been two weeks
About 90 minutes but a good 15 of those are wasted on waiting for the bench to be empty
Whos that Elon Musk looking dude?
I'm 6'5", I will never be shredded.
Weight and tolerance. Knees aren't designed to handle high weight in repetitive action. Throw 150kg on the joint in an aggressive action it's going to do damage.
People on /fit/ have either bought their own Tanita Weight Scale or their Gym or Doctor's office offers a Tanita Weight Scale that supposedly measures your body's entire muscle and fat composition, especially the more expensive professional models, when they want to know how much fat or muscle they gained in different parts of the body and which areas need improvement.
There's Dexa scans, too, but Dexa uses radiation in the form of X rays so you might not want that.
By the way, here are examples of the Tanita printouts the machines give you should you have access to one. Again these are examples.
Again, I'm not saying Tanita scales are accurate. But if you want something that does not involve X-rays or MRI machines in order to find out why you gained so much weight and which ares of your body need improvement, they could give you some numbers and scores to look at.
No, Machio, i don't plan on getting shredded. I'd invite you to dinner but you probably only consume protein shakes.
Again these are just examples of the Tanita printouts you receive if your gym or therapist/doctor's office offers them.
It could just be Snake Oil to be honest but I just wanted to let you guys know about it.
no Fat is going to start with 660lbs even with torque
i went numerous times to the gym and always ended up quitting since I have a terrible case of social anxiety.
i made myself a poorfag home gym but now im always questioning if my form is correct even when I do my reps with a video or step by step image, I still prefer my shitty setup than going to the gym.
sup fattie
he thinks people aren't underirradiated
I'm sure he'd be up for 500g of chicken and broccoli
do they have precision ratings?
have you tested their precision?
My grandma has an ironman scale, its alright, but its neither accurate nor precise.
Did the teach seriously just go ONCE per day during the week despite starting as a total newbie? Immersion broken. Starting so hard is definitely gonna tire you out from the get-go.
>weighing alot means you're fat
Skinnyfags everyone, I'm 112kg and I'm fine since I lift and do situps.
Machio taught her to train the parts that weren't tired. And she's hardcore.
Are you stupid? You're gonna kill your ability to exercise correctly like this. Besides, running at 10 km/h for around 10 to 15 min is a very nice way to warm up for the rest of the training. Just put your earphones on and hit the treadmill, faggot.
Imagine being a backseat janny.
imagine being a dumb frogposter in this day and age.
Better than being a backseat janny.
This desu. Many retards trying those cheat days will eat anything, and their exercise routines are not good enough to counter it
>Doing Janny work without hotpocket payment
Even if there are parts that are not tired, I can tell you that sore muscles are definitely going to prevent you from going to the gym at all. Twice a week is more than enough at the start, you can make up for the other days by walking to your workplace in the morning.
thanks for the advice, anons.
Hot damn the Sensei is the best character
You want to do HIIT instead of low-impact cardio. Try suicide sprints.
She has more determination. Lifts of the North Star.
>she's my age...
sorry but I'll have to agree with frogboy, being a a janny wannabe is even more pathetic.
She knows where to draw inspiration
>go to gym
>exercise is hard
>go again 3 days later
>exercise is suddenly piss easy
so weird seeing the jacked guys not having nipples not that i'm gay or anything
I didn't even notice until you pointed it out
thanks, fucker
it's a state of mind (no meme). Your brain has to adapt to the expectation of your body doing work.
>touched a barbell
Me. How does a barbell feel like?
Don't worry, it also happened to me. It's all a matter of habit. I think the body simply adapts very fast if you take the right forms to train.
I haven't done sports for 8 to 9 years and started again recently and the 20 kg bar was extremely hard at first. I just tried it again today and, outside of this lingering pain in my left breast muscle, I can do pretty easily now.
Now I just need to know how to get rid of this muscular weakness.
Why is the god damn intro song so fucking catchy?
like an iron rod
Your muscles are hardening, work out and rest, that's it.
Feels good wrapping your hands around it when setting up for bench press, literally sex
My muscles are not the only thing that are hardening when I think of Hibiki.
That's what I expected but not 4 months into my programme.
First time I went back in 4 years I couldn't stretch my arm beyond 90 degrees for two days.
but your heart is basically a muscle too
47kg / 508 here
When are we going to get Machio's gf who is jacked as he is?
>508 here
5' 08''?
People on /fit/ think they are pretty accurate; well they actually don't see any harm in continuing to get Tanita printouts.
Obviously, /fit/ isn't treating Tanita printouts like the gospel but it can give a general idea over the current state of your body.
I think one person was out of shape and compared his prior Tanita print out results and the data matched what he imagined his out of body shape results would be liked.
Or course, you can just use a normal body scale that only shows how much you weigh and not have to think about anything else.
then make it harder, that's fuckign natural, put on more iron
Oh then you are in for a FUCKING TREAT
Isn't this due to your brain activating new neural pathways as you exercise?
For example, I remember this neurosurgeon doing brain surgery on a famous violinist who was told to keep playing the violin, while the neurosurgeon removed his skull and tinkered with his brain.
The violin playing seemed to show activity while some radiologist was examining brain activity in real time on monitors and telling the neurosurgeon what parts of the brain he needs to look at.
Basically, when you are doing new exercise, your brain is activating new pathways to tell your body to remember the pain it was feeling and to do something about it before it happens again.
Plot twist: it's meant to make you train while listening to it
I don't know about all that mumbo jumbo you're spewing but yes your nervous system adopts and it gets easier even if you didn't gain any muscle
What good does that to you? In other words, what the fuck are you doing?
I love it.
>[citation needed] for that story
overall it's called neuroplasticity if anyone's interested
I don't really exercise or anything but don't people that do listen to metal or something to pump them up? Never imagined the thick, veiny men I see from the window while walking to the convenience store are listening to anime OPs like Danberu's.
Same shit happened to me
>Started using workout bike
>Could barely maintain 12.5 MPH
>Can now push self to 15 mph
>Started using Treadmill literally last Tuesday
>Couldn't even run a full mile going 2.5 MPH without taking multiple breaks
>Now can go for a full mile without stopping on 2.8 and can do 30 minutes at 2 MPH on an incline
Still can't do full sit ups or push ups daily though
Most folks I know use club music to pump themselves up by trying to keep to the beat of the song.
She won't appear this season. At this rate, she wouldn't appear until season 3. And she's his kouhai, not gf.
>dropped gym 5 months ago because money
>Anime inspires me to try to get fit
>Start running
>Fall on my face and get 5 stitches the first day
Girls don't work out as much as guys so she probably wasn't aching anywhere near as much as we would be.
>he doesn't scream while he eats
Could you upload this to a imgur album?
If you can do a strength exercise daily then you shouldn't be doing it. Sit-ups are trash either way. Google better ab exercises.
Webms don't load to imgur.
Otherwise it would have been done a long time ago.
I've got all the reaction images and some other things from the manga on there, though.
That one's updated, but the other years older albums have comments galore and some other different images.
Lol fag
that´s called walking, user
The scream is an integral part.
a reminder that you have to eat all the eggs
Is cheating day a honmono or bullshit?
If he's never lifted just doing bw squats should be enough I think
>Deep brain stimulation is a procedure that implants electrodes into specific affected areas of the brain to regulate abnormal impulses.
Modern medicine is both amazing and terrifying.
>Working 8 hours a day
Rich Piana would be proud
Will it keep you on your low-calorie diet if you can cheat on it every once in a while?
The anime actually lowers how much she eats in these sorts of scenes
To do cheat days right you need to understand TDEE. Cheat day should not go over your calorie goal if you're trying to lose weight, if it does you will have to compensate.
Cheat day, for people who are trying to get super lean, is just a day where they don't care about macro nutrients and eat what they want(withing the caloric limit).
DNP is your friend, fellow lankanon
white-hair girl soon, right? She's got a great design
I have a question, is there any resemblence of a plot or is this just basically "an exercise of the week" kinda thing?
>season 3
>Doga Kobo show
so she's never showing up?
There's a plot but it isn't exactly deep or anything. It's not like you have to be into fitness to like the show though, I'm definitely not but I love the manga and what's been adapted so far.
>tfw no koharu gf
End me right fucking now.
Really have to get around to reading the raws.
>old hag attention whore
>obese BL-loving retard
>brownie male-abuser
>superficial fetishist
What is it with /fit/ and trying to make everyone turn gay?
Read the fucking sticky
Its called the press but people complicate it bcs it gets confused with bench nowadays
I don't know if people in this thread have health insurance or not but go to your health insurance website or google your health insurance company's name plus deals/promos.
For example, google something like blue shield gym discounts/ gym promos/ discount programs.
Basically, your health insurance company sometimes have a promotion deal that may make gym membership much cheaper for you than directly buying a gym membership and this deal applies to all participating gyms in your area and not just a single gym.
For example, googling Blue Shield leads me to
>Fitness your way
>Get access to 10,000+ fitness centers nationwide for just $25 per month.
Of course, these promo offers by insurance companies differ depending on state but some insurance companies will even reimburse your gym fees like for example, Blue Shield California doesn't offer gym reimbursements but Blue Shield Massachusetts offers gym reimbursements.
tl;dr Check your health insurance company website for Gym Discounts/Gym Perks before joining any new gym in your area. You could end up saving a shitload of money by enrolling in a gym membership through your Health Insurance Company, instead.
About to go for a run. Please put your hand on your monitor and send me your spirit energy!!
Damn, she looks so much mature and sexy in the manga.
1.5-2 hours I use a 5 day split and tweaked it by adding in a 6th day for core/cardio
>health insurance
>caring about your health enough to get insurance
>white-hair girl soon, right?
reddit spacing:
the post
>doesn't know a shit about a manga everyone seems to know
Push yourself harder then, we're all gonna make it user!
Ehhhh details.
If you're in the US planet fitness is like $10 might have to deal with random bs though depends on location
>touches two cute girls
>doesn't instantly cum or even get a boner
definitely gay
I like her a lot. Russianbros rise up
It's realistic, going full bulk ruins your penis.
That might come in handy.
For those manga fans expecting anything of anime fans, remember these two things:
1. What they're watching now came out more than 3 years ago for you. You've got a lot more character development (and lewdness) than they have or will have.
2. The anime is not including any 4koma whatsoever. It's also not including chapter color pages. So, the further comedy and character development from pic related does not exist and will not exist for them.
You must be new.
Also Japan is right.
so what you're saying is the manga is absolutely worth reading?
Well said. Animefags will never find the 4komas you're posting.
that's actually what i do every day
Why would you call anyone "fag"? That is quite rude.
No fucking shit. An adaptation is ultimately just a version in a more popular form of media aiming to attract a larger amount of people to read the original one, and anyone who's interested enough in the series thanks to the anime should either have already started the manga or be planning to pick it up once the anime is over.
I don't know what you're trying to do here by stating the obvious.
I want to do paizuri presses with her.
You better believe it.
For a new perspective to look at this by: the anime seems to be marketing to boys aged...oh, aged 9-16?
The manga is clearly marketed to men aged 17-40+. They make jokes and passing references that don't hold on a scene for 6 seconds to make sure you "got it." And you can see clitorises.
I hope it gets people to read the manga when they see example 4komas and think, "there's more of this? I should read it!"
That cute dumb face
so it's now obvious why the gym has Machio on retainer, he brings in the bitches
Jesus Christ, the anime pales in comparison.
Fuck off retard.
He's probably been on nofap for years, he has ascended
>fuck fitness there's hot girls
You have to be 18+ to post here.
That doesn't look like good form. You shouldn't be moving the bar around your face to avoid it.
Machio is so understanding. Probably because he's gachimuchi
Teacher's cosplay was better in the manga
29 is fucking ancient
If you are lactose intolerant can you still get protein from milk?
Yea, bar should go up in a straight line when you press. Moving the head back is the correct way.
>anime hyped for months before it airs
>it's actually really good
I can't believe Yea Forums was right for once.
29 and single is literally a few inches from hitting the wall.
That means she has shit taste in anime
>moeshit design with no pussy or boobs
Try not to choke on your cheetos
Isn't fermented milk still okay for lactose intolerant people? For example, I drink yogurt everyday instead of milk.
Siggi's, Filmjolk Drinkable Yogurt
I like it just fine. The animation is superb, too.
As long as it doesn't have lactose in it the untermensch should be able to ingest it safely.
Fucking dropped. I don't support anime that supports Russian collusion
here's what i use
it's not perfect but it works
throw in your rice, apply water and wait 15-20 mins and it's done
don't forget to rinse it off with boiling water
I did squats, flutter kicks, push ups and elbow planks today!
I don't care!
I'm convinced. Time to pick up the manga.
She may be in episode 6.
i find listening to what you want to listen to is the best way to go about it
that way you associate something pleasurable (listening to stuff you like) with training
although it is not a meme, if you start blasting out some heavy, frenetic shit, like bass heavy dubstep or metal you can tap into your inner beast mode for a short while
So this show is starting to get me want to work out but what's a good training regiment?
Not starting strength.
2 sleeves of Oreos dunked in Hibiki's breastmilk
Read the sticky on /fit/ like everyone else, user.
Starting strength + drinking a gallon of milk everyday
Run like a MOFO until you don't die in the process. Then do other stuff.
If I started with starting strength, what sort of things can I replace for dips and chin ups? I don't have a pull up bar but I have a barbell and some dumbbells.
Do the push-ups with knees down on the floor
>1200 chapter in
>Ippo finally realizes he didn't have enough oxygen in his lefts.
Remember to use proper form, Yea Forums. The curls did nothing to my biceps until I tucked in my elbows
Actually motivated me to starting doing anything but i'll never pay for this shit, getting my own stuff instead
You can always post on /fit/.
Not really, I've worked out with DOMS and after you warm up you don't even feel it
>He hasn't experienced BEARD yet
Biceps curls are for fags, especially ones that aren't done with a barbell. Just do weighted Chin-ups if you want massive biceps.
What if I'm a little bitch who can't do a single chin-up?
The other sensei is cute too.
>I'm now at the age where i match Christmas cakes
make it stop
Soon, they'll be younger than you.
>I didn't know there are people who can't do chin-ups
I mean, just because she's not now, doesn't mean she can't ever become his gf.
>tfw you realize you're 32 and are still watching chinese cartoons...
not if i can help it
>xmas cakes are just girls of my age or even younger
damn im old
>Lifts of the North Star
Was the series called something else in the manga? What they were saying here didn't sound even close to Hokuto no Ken.
If this anime encouraged you to get fit, you've proven that the media influences how you think.
Don't be a sheep. Refuse to exercise.
It's better than watching the Disney live actions aimed at 30 to 40 year olds...
You could do worst like watching Toy Story when the main writer already left.
I prefer machio over the girls in this. Hes based as fuck.
If you don't get fit specifically because an anime told you to, you're also letting it dictate how you think.
Like a lot of others, I just train at home and been doing it for some years now. Just that I don't eat properly (as in I only eat twice a day) and lack any nutrients to actually build up muscle. On another note, I've got a couple of dumbbells from bad company and I thought about getting myself a barbell, do I have to watch out for the thickness of the barbell if I still want to use my old weights?
Theres nothing wrong with positive media influence. The world would be a better place if we had more of it.
>implying retards won't quit after the anime is over
I wonder if there was an influx at /fit/ i know i'm one
The media is free to influence me as long as they keep giving me cute and sexy girls.
If your post convinced me to stay a fat fuck despite the anime having inspired me, that just proves online chinese basket weaving mafia controls how i think
Check mate
Aren't they catching heat rn for gaying everything up in the 4th movie?
>Theres nothing wrong with positive media influence
This is the kind of SJW thinking that leads to movie stars not being allowed to smoke.
Alright have some autism
>Hokuto no Ken = Hokuto Shichisei (the Big Dipper) of Fist
The Big Dipper contains "Polaris" in its constellation, otherwise known as "The North Star." Polaris is famous because IT DOES NOT MOVE in the sky. It's an anchor in the northern night sky. "no Ken" just applies the term or martial art centered around the "fist" to that Big Dipper asterism. It is
>Fist of Polaris = Fist of the North Star
>Hokuto no Ken = Fist of the North Star
Got that part? Ok.
In Danberu, it's called "Lifts of the North Star" because it's a fucking parody of the famous macho Manime/MANga "Fist of the North Star." It's why Machio looks practically identical to Kenshiro (they also refer to him as "Muscle King" and "Kinshiro" because "kin" means "muscle" lolololololololol) and performs the same scenes of ripping off his clothes via flexing while shouting lines.
The MANGA scanlated it to "Lifts of the North Star" because English speakers don't know what the fuck "Hokuto no Ken" is. It's localized.
The ANIME just straight up called it "Lifts of the Straight Bar" which works in English but doesn't work in Japanese at all.
You're the most beautiful when you're trying your hardest!
I regret not being in love with muscles when I was younger. Now that I grow older, I seem to love muscles more.
I had no friends who even considered going to the gym in my highschool years though.
Is there a strict age limit on when someone can safely lift or not? I don't know if is true but someone told me the best age to start lifting is when you finally finished your puberty years and reached your maximum height maybe around 16 to 18 years old of age
Otherwise, kids in middle school should be allowed to start weightlifting as part of their Physical Education classes, right? But that doesn't happen in reality.
I wonder if there are any science articles about weightlifting and when someone can safely start lifting in life.
Thanks to this anime I've joined the gym and was given a training program to follow for the first month
>Push+Pull and Core
>Leg day and Core
Good Job user!
Get out
Literally PERFECTION. I want hibiki to be my chubby workout gyaru gf
>The Big Dipper contains "Polaris" in its constellation, otherwise known as "The North Star."
Err, not IN the constellation. I meant it's it's fucking next to that constellation. You can find one, you can find the other. The two stars in the pan point straight to it. Because Polaris is so important for the Northern Hemisphere, it makes the Big Dipper important, too, just by proximity.
Does she even lift?
Also, Polaris is in a constellation, it's in the Little Dipper. It's the endpoint of its handle.
She's just a normal old hag like Satomi
I hope, and I also hope she's a chuuni, I'm gonna be disappointed if she's not.
*surpasses kino*
she fakes different personalities at any given situation
Yes, she is. She's a dork, alright. She loves Russian stereotypes that Japan has, so she tries to be all of them
>Intelligent and Manipulative
>Cold and Expressionless
>Hot and Patriotic
What results is she's a chuuni who loves drawing attention for whatever her personality deems. As the series progresses, she becomes more and more patriotic and less chuuni while other characters become the asshole/manipulative types.
>that Putin
About 1hr-2hrs (depending if I have squatz or not, those wipe me out)
Because Zina loves him, he appears frequently enough. He's appeared in Kengan Asura, too.
What is that last panel supposed to be?
Are you a zoomer, by any chance?
That's not a panel. It's the platform he's standing on.
Great show so far.
Are the Funimation subs really this bad? Would it kill them to hire a typesetter?
Holy shit, my eyes.
i missed the fit threads bros someone link me please
Y'know, I've been watching anime for about 9 years and she's the only one I can think of that has all the key things I look for in a girl.
It's his ultimate location's end
It's too late. You're doomed to a life of Pizza Hut and type 2 diabetes.
I don't know how to feel about that, but as long as she's dorkish, I'm ok with that. I'd still love a chuuni in a gym...
Great season so far for /fit/ girls.
so quick question about curl ups, does it matter if you do them standing up or sitting on a bench?
Have found myself doing the latter so if there is a difference might consider going back down to a lower weight and doing it the other way
Any time I've ever done planks it's always been my forearms that are the deciding factor of when I finally drop. They get sore as fuck around the minute mark, probably because they're essentially sticks. Any way to sort this out /fit/bros?
They totally tonned down the lewd
It doesn't really matter but seated curls make it harder to swing your body (cheat) so if that's a problem keep doing them seated
I still miss the fit girl from that train/zombie Anime a few years back.
>"working out"
>Bettering themselves
LMAO, /fit/, and all deluded idiots who think muscles mean anything in today's society is destined to fail. Only intelligence and sceptical pragmatism matters in this world.
based and reddit pilled
Sorry user, muscle meme is the real reddit here. Every normalfag these days work out to fit the mainstream ideal of a man, despite missing the importance of what a real man is, that is, a man of the mind.
Looks like you still have a lot of work to do in those areas.
>counting calories
Anime of the fucking season? Anime of the fucking season.
But at least we're working out.
...right Yea Forumsnon?
Have you tried moving into modern civilization? Or is chopping lumber for winter and tilling farmland still your main job?
How old are you user? Were you born this century?
I wanted to get fit but lacked motivation, this is helping me get excited about it.
Why is this show so much fun?
I'm playing ED when working out
A workout junkie aquantance of mine said that rice and chicken breasts were basically THE meal to eat for a guy wanting to get fit. How true is that anyway? Chicken breasts costs like thrice the money of good ol'l pork and good rice is a pain in the ass to make.
>suddenly Studio SHAFT.webm
>Yea Forums is a crossboarding lazy fat fuck
Looks like Sailor moon is the only recognizable one
you can eat anything as long as it fits your macros but dont forget micronutrients are important too
I did start working out a while ago, nothing special just slowly started adding excessive as time went on and I will admit I did add a few specific ones due to reading the manga.
Although I holding off on going to the gym for now and have been working out at home instead, mainly because I want to be able to lift a somewhat respectable weight before attempting to work out around people
>good rice is a pain in the ass to make
Just put it in the rice cooker. You can also butcher a whole chicken yourself to save money.
This. Real men are "fat" anyway, as normalfags would say. It's how we show off our extreme wealth and superior life. Peasants work their bodies and get "toned" aka starved, the supreme enjoys life.
>Why is this show so much fun?
It's cute girls doing cute things, but based on a premise that's fun and relatable (fitness), written by an author who clearly has a passion for the subject. Also the characters are enjoyable.
Don't know about rice, but fitfags love chicken breast because it's a cut of meat that's both low in fat and high in protein. It's great for cutting.
I dunno, i can make some decent sushi rice, but when i try to make basmati or other types of rice, they end up soggy and soft.
>You can also butcher a whole chicken yourself to save money.
You think i live in Mexico or something?
If only chicken breast didn't taste so horrible, i'd be well on my way to a healthy diet already. Weird too since i love chicken otherwise, just not the breasts
>that tada-kun never falls in love magazine reference at the end
wasn't expecting that.
Man of the mind you say?
>Reminder this show shows people of average body weight doing these exercises.
Is the workouts for that skinny producer guy (forgetting his name) going to show up in the anime or or they not gonna get that far
uses herbs and spices, fool
I bought my own cage, weights, and barbell and lift at home. The only thing I wish I had access to is a rowing machine, because I have nowhere to run and don't want to run on pavement, but I think I'll just spend the few hundred bucks and buy my own.
And look at that fag now. Dead since forever. So much for the "healthy living" meme amirite?
The main thing you want to worry about is omega-3 fatty acids and beef, fuck anything else.
But i do. Chicken legs with piri powder or chili is 10/10 food, but no amount of spices will kill the dry tasteless breast meat taste. At best, you'd taste the spice before your throat dries up like sahara
>100% of people who exercised are either dead or dying
can't remember the last time I ran into an unironic fedora tipper
There's a reason all things immortal (AI, Gods, Me) sit still in one place.
Amen, bro.
>100% of the people who are alive right now is slowly dying
thanks, I was a bit worried since I noticed that I was kinda leaning forward when trying to curl while sitting and it didn't fell like I was getting a full range of motion so I was wounding if that was as bad a swinging your body to cheat
If you want to bulk yes. If you want to lose weight cut the rice. Regardless EAT YOUR FUCKING VEGGIES and throw in broccoli. Cheap and easy meal.
Don't forget the quotes he parodied were not Kenshiro's:
Rei's: "Bastards, what color is your blood?
Raoh's: "I have no regrets in my existence!"
Both Sandrovich the author and Doga Kobo the studio LOVE references. They'll sneak 'em in everywhere.
Isn't fat an important part of, you know, bulking up? Why is fat, which ironically sates you longer far more than non-fat food such a hated thing? Logically, protein and fat would be the thing to let you grow huge and muscular, not just protein.
Akemi has it especially bad, that muscle fetish of hers is unhealthy. If she keeps it up like this I'd give her no more than 80 years before she kicks the bucket.
a man of culture
I think that's mostly a 90s thing. Now the tide has turned in favor of dietary fats and against carbs (with some people going so far as to go full keto).
Personally, i blame the jews and Obama on this one
Good god i hate dietfad-fags so much. They'd eat rocks if meme research showed them that rocks bulk you up but don't make you fatter
You are already fit
Great taste.
I hate this new age speak. Just say eating fucking vegetables
I love how in the manga, the background fanboy nerds are both praising him and also criticizing him for not getting the lines right.
please explain why someone WOULDN'T want their gyaru to look like this
All i hope for is actual references to Kengan. For me, this universe is literally the same so skipping out on references would feel like cheating and distancing itself from said universe.
I think Machio explained it pretty well in the first episode. Fad diets basically try to make losing weight look complicated but easy, while in reality losing weight is simple but hard. It's just keeping track of your calories while preferably eating a lot of protein and leafy greens. It's that simple.
Is Ayaka also a gyaru or just tan?
Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals, you cretin.
Which greens have a plenty you dumdum. And let's not pretend micronuts is a secret type of food. It's literally a collection of vegetables list and occasional fruits.
You'd get further by telling people to eat their damn broccolies than "gotta check the micronutrition levels on ur food m8"
Whens not-Anna? I only watch this in anticipation of the new white haired short haired waif
Isn't the "Final Front Press" also the scene where Shuu is holding up the capstone on the Holy Emperor mausoleum?
>You'd get further by telling people to eat their damn broccolies than "gotta check the micronutrition levels on ur food m8"
Not him, but I guess that's true. Gotta keep the message simple.
>Count your calories
>Eat your veggies
>Get your protein
>When you call a cake old
Or, simpler said.
>Eat bread, wholegrain if you care
>Then eat some vegetables
>Finish off with a bit of meat, egg or curdled soi
Already appeared:
>Gaolang Wongsawat
Appearing next episode
>Souryuin Shion
>Ozu Toshio
Appearing in the anime still
>Kureishi Mitsuyo
>Prime Minister Petin
>Nishijima Savuro
>Sekibayashi Jun
>Adam Dudley
>Adam Dudley's girls
Appearing in the manga but won't (or won't yet) in the anime
>Himuro the bartender
>Ivan Karaev (Zina's uncle?)
>Karla Kure
>Murobuchi Gozo
>More Sekibayashi Jun
>Tokita Ohma
>Yamashita Kazuo
There's probably more, but that's all I can think of right now.
basmati and other regular rice is easy as fuck
>1 serve is around 1/2 cup
>throw in 3/4 cup water
>teaspoon of oil and some salt
>heat until starting to boil
>put lid on and turn down heat
>leave until done
The 2x water rule is way too much. Basmati in particular doesn't need much water. Also, don't stir it too much or you'll ruin the consistency
>Gaolang Wongsawat
When? The wall of fame was censored to shit so his portrait could be anybody.
She is also a gyaru. It's a fairly large group of girls. The tan is for fashion, her grades are not a focus, her language is trashy, her behavior is a little delinquent and she has weird outcast hobbies (movie maniac).
>Cups and spoons
I mean, some cups are bigger than others after all...
Not only did they clear him up in the anime, they ADDED Aishita no Joe.
because /ck/ is an entirely different subject to master and is based sorely on personal choice
This Ep1? I was absolutely shitfaced then yet somehow missed this. My bad if that's the case. I was thinking the wall of fame part was that part with all the blacked out bodybuilders.
Why isn't anybody spotting her?
Sure, but a general ground to begin with is far more preferable than "hurr durr my kitchen closet cups you'll never know what is".
Mon/Wed/Fri, minimum 2 hours each day
Nah. Episode 2 when Hibiki is talking with Ayaka's older sister, just before learning Planks. In the manga, he's a lot darker (and a little more "Gaolang" imo with a relaxed "I don't wanna have my picture taken" look to him).
I saw him, it was shown at 18:00 with not heavy censorship
A cup is 16 tablespoons
Kure Clan's high senses
Nice, thanks user
Thanks, i somehow missed it. Glad to see they're not shying away from cross references despite another studio doing the anime
just use a coffee cup, they're pretty much the same
the important thing is that the ratio between ingredients is the same. If you need specific measurements, then buy a kitchen scale
Machio only cares about gains, not thots
user, calm down and learn to google-fu
When Sandrovich introduced her in chapter 19, people were screaming for more. When he had her join the gym in chapter 30, people were screaming for more. He knows the characters his audience likes (and that he likes).
Kure Yakusha is one of them.
Her name "Yakusha" has a reference/spelling meaning to it, if anyone would like a Danberu fun fact.
He's like a muscular Bodhisattva only on this earth to help people ascend.
Not gonna make it
bros what about cheat days where you limit your calories to at maximum TDEE
Not having to watch macros easily warrants a cheat day for me
Imperial was a mistake.
I always thought our measurements were this stupid to encourage me to learn to eye-ball stuff.
To be fair, anyone so absorbed by their own bodies tend to be homosexual. There's a reason these people look at themselves in the mirror all the time
>Glad to see they're not shying away from cross references despite another studio doing the anime
If anything, they'll probably add more and highlight it stronger. Both for marketing and because Doga loves to. I still wonder if Shion is going to be a silhouette (as Akemi explains who else lives in her house is her sister) next episode or not, though. They might outright have Akemi enter her room asking for Ozu's book. By the same token, I don't know if it will simply keep Ozu's flexing poses + odd poses while explaining some "home workouts" or if it will actually animate him.
But yeah, Ep. 4 will definitely have those two swing by.
you can be, workout and eat a fuckton
if you dont see results increase cal by 500 and so on
Is this a fucking Tada-Kun reference?
>she's 4 years younger than me...
Tried in 2010-11
Im a wizard now. No STR or DEX for me
Truly the blessed son of the Muscle Gods
The first anime character voiced by a Muslim and that's good.
A cup is 2½ dl. A teaspoon is 5 ml, and a tablespoon is 15 ml.
You're better off learning Imperial units than expecting burgers to learn Metric ones.
legit or nah?
Is the author fit?
Or just fatman.
The only measurements you really need are a pinch, a dash, and a handful.
Last thread had pictures of him
>tfw the only thing I managed to achieve in months is improve my shoulder mobility a bit
>And you can see clitorises.
if I wanted to see clitorises I would read an ero manga, fuck off, retard.
>The celebrations after Ramadhan fasting were enjoyable too!
It seems legit.
Also "fuck it"
This fatty is too cute.
I want to LICK the SWEATY gyaru ARMPITS
I want her to wear hijab.
Fuck no, I have social anxiety.
half Egyptian or something
likely but not necessarily. She could enjoy the celebration without being Islamic, and she doesn't mention taking part in any Islamic specific traditions, just the after party
When will the Russian show up?
Around ep 10 or something
stop downloading horriblesubs and get erai, the typesetting isn't fucked cuz they have a working ripper
>not deenz
The last few imagines in the previous thread I figure? I'm mirin'.