Is she right Yea Forums?
Is she right Yea Forums?
That looks like a dude.
In this case, yes
Very wrong. She should have been allowed to continue undressing, and have her nipples be counted.
Not only is she wrong, I'd be willing to prove it to her.
Furries would get very excited. Does she have two pairs of ears? How many nipples? Can she take a knot?
Laius could sense her naked fur behind the blindfold
shoulders much wider than hips
I'd imagine furries would be more interested in the minotaurs
so the minotaurs don't speak? sometimes I get confused by fantasy what they consider intelligeble and just fodder/livestock
Fluffy dakimakura.
I want to rub her floofy belly.
quit it with the fucking googoo gagas
She forgot there will always be weird fucks like Laius who get off to that sort of thing.
what's this from and who is she?
a text based dungeon crawler MUD. Story line is to retrieve your dead sisters body, but no one completes the quest line and just plays the cooking minigames.
Girl is a rude non fuckable npc that joins your party when someone reaches high enough cooking level.
Wasn't there an omake with more about Laius and the minotaur?
Dungeon Meshi
Have you pet your catgirl today?
Yes but it's not available online.