If Jonathan hadn't of died then the joestar bloodline wouldn't of gotten stands
Jonathan joestar's death
If Jonathan never died then literally none of the events of the later part would ever happen.
>No Jonathan means Dio dies in Part 1. Jonathan and Joseph would train in Hamon and kill the Pillarmen with ease.
>No Dio means no Part 3.
>No Part 3 means Part 4 can't happen either.
>No Dio means Part 5 can't happen
>Unless Joylene is born some other way, say bye bye to Part 6.
>No Part 6 means the timeline can't be reset, and Parts 7 and 8 vanish.
He needed to die.
>and Parts 7 and 8 vanish.
Therefore Jonathan was best jojo because of his pure heart bet it sucks to be the grandfather of delinquents
What the fuck are these tumblr noses?
I hate you because I can't unsee it now
Because it's from dumblr
Imagine fighting alongside your descendants and they all have crazy abilities and call upon some mysterious guardian angels and you just can't see any of them, so you just keep fighting with your punches and sword like always
Diavolo still gets a stand. He was the first modern stand user. He's still gonna fuck shit up. He's still going to create a mafia based on stands. There's still a part 5 just not with the same characters.
Wouldn't Diavolo die to Metallica without Giorno to save Buccareti and drive the others to the island to search for Trish's backstory, where Narancia could interfere with Aerosmith?
no because diavolo wouldnt be on the island in the first place, his daughter would probably have been dead already so they would have no leads
Diavolo would create enough of a problem for the SWF to eventually take note and send Jotaro or whoever the Jotaro equivalent is to investigate. This bizarre adventure would lead to the joestars getting stands.
its fucking obvious. how all the quirks of the same garbage artstyle seem to permeate through everything that comes out of one site is just as amazing as the tumblr nose and rash-like skin coloring are fucking terrible.
Unless this Risotto never decided to betray the boss. Maybe this Diavolo paid him better.
also here.
That's Jonathan's story mode in Eyes of Heaven, everyone is doing crazy shit but you.
I wish jonathan and giorno interacted more
Same with jonathan and johnny
Doesn't everyone there stand in awe of Jonathan's just sheer fighting ability even without a Stand?
I like how Part 3 Dio is actually friendly towards Jonathan.
Yeah most of his interactions are like that. I like how intrested he is in stands with those interactions.
this looks fine except for the one on the right
>>No Part 6 means the timeline can't be reset, and Parts 7 and 8 vanish.
The ending of part 6 didn't create part 7 and 8 speedreader
No it doesn't.
Don't lie to yourself.
Watch your mouth before saying the N word you racist piece of shit.
I'm talking about in terms of just noses, no idea why they feel like they're drawn like fat Italians
>he needed to die
He didnt deserve this shit
>no part 6 means no par 7/8
This meme needs to stop.
ironic anti-racism is so passe.