shingeki no kyojin vinland saga fullmetal alchemist
why can't westerners make something like those
Why do japs make better western ideology fictions than westerners do
I guess there's Game of Thrones and Vikings...
Haven't finished either, but seems close enough.
The reason why Mulan, the lion king, or Alladin are so great, but the original folk-tails are fucking garbage.
They used to but Western media is now full of PC and SJW crap.
Why do Japs make western ideology fictions at all? Is it because the west is the largest market after Japan?
asianfag here
they love the west for some reason
Because the dumb normalfags don't buy 2D animation and for reason they gulp 3d CGI trash by the hundreds of millions.
I hate normalfags so fucking much.
Niggers and jews
they do, just not in anime form.
Cartoons in the west are typically considered as a media for children, while japan makes anime for all ages.
Japs are westaboos in the same way that westerners are weeaboos, japs just make things different than westerners, and viceversa. Seeing something that's made with another mindset is refreshing for each side
I forgot to add, globalization is the bane of creativity
Japs don’t pander to minorities.
Same reason the Japanese can't make anything about Sengoku epriod and not make Nobunaga a demon king or a little girl.
Both shows suck ass and decided to pander instead of writing a compelling series.
>western ideology fictions
Stop using words you don't understand.
but user it's vikings
Alt-right Trump anime when?
>Game of Thrones.
OH BOY! one hour episodes of fucking nothing with 5 minutes of actual show!
I don't get this fever for 3d cgi either. I mean it's good but 2d animation is also great. I wish they didn't neglect 2d so much as they do now
And the west loves asia.
>Game of Thrones and Vikings...
Both went either/and/or diversity casting and shit writing in the end. Both were decent for the first half and then the hard decline started, so you're not missing out on anything.
I'd stick with Vietnamese straw hat paintings if I were you
It's convenient for detail-heavy things like mechas and armor. Properly animated CGI can look really good, but unfortunately most would neglect that part to cut cost, because they already blew their money on said detailed models or something
Lord of the rings is way better than any of those anime
i keked
you werent serious right?
I crossed from comics into manga because I got bored of Cape and non Cape gets cancelled pretty quick however there are some absolute gems. We have Sin city, the league of extraordinary gentlemen, 100 bullets, east of west, y the last man, ODY-C, the Sandman, the walking dead, Crossed and Cerebus, it's all their you just don't read it.
Because they don't pander diversity and just go for making a good story. Diversity being a requirement in entertainment has ruined it as a whole.
there's literally MILLIONS of western movies and series about "western ideology fictions", and i'm pretty sure there are good ones among them, you're just a fucking weeb
Vikings doesn't have diversity, its literally an all white cast and the series is pretty good albeit a bit slow at times
>Vikings doesn't have diversity,
there's a lot of women in vikings
absolutely based
one thing I noticed about anime and manga writers is that they actually read books other than harry potter
their nations are also high IQ so they trust their audience, in the west they have to dumb down everything, including vidya because babies think gameovers are unfair
Because if it came out in west main character would be black and his romance interest would be a trans white (((girl))). West is FUCKED.
The women in Viking are based aryan goddesses though
Because the western world has been jewified so hard that if you are a writer you literally cannot publish anything that doesn't follow what they want to preach and how they want to subvert. The only way to get classic western literature is to self publish or go through an asian market, both of those basically mean it will never reach the vast majority of people.
>hy do japs make better western ideology fictions than westerners do
because you haven't watched/read enough western stories
My Asian friend tells me japs think the majority of Americans are just like Texans. Is that true?
Because you are a retarded weeb that has zero clue about his own cultura and media. If watched or read any thing besides anime and manga you would know what i am talking about.
>shingeki no kyojin
Japan likes Trump though.
Even if we did get an Alt-right Trump anime, nobody would sub it
>implying western media that's actually uncorrupted and free from jewish influences exists
Hate to break it to you man, but the west is finished. As sad as it is, anime and manga is really the only good medium left
>I mean it's good
It CAN be good, but CGI is very often so incredibly bad that it literally looks worse and more unnatural than actual video games which run in real time instead of being rendered offline by some company which makes CGI video professionally. I fucking swear you can find anime-style cutscenes in games which look much better than actual CGI anime.
>Ideology fiction.
there hasn't been a good new manga in the last 5 years just old ones still running what's the anime equivalent of something like Fargo, Dark or the Terror
this whole thread makes no fucking sense
yeah man just look at this map
>globalization is the bane of creativity
>The women in Viking are based aryan goddesses though
So the best kind of women. No complaints here.
t. Asian
>Chink shows up out of nowwhere.
Making tons of cultures into a single one
Basically, if japs start to make media just like westerners.
Imagine being american, going to europe on vacation and finding out everything is the same, culture, language, etc.
>Even if we did get an Alt-right Trump anime, nobody would sub it
That's where you're wrong. All the memelords and shitposters would sub it. Lots of fansubbers use Yea Forums
do you think medieval Scandinavia had no women?