I don't care what any of you niggas say, Yoshiko was only pretending to be retarded in order to melt A's ice-cold heart and get him into the confess-relationship-marriage-parenthood train, and that's canon
Her mom's still better though.
Why not oyakodon though?
That's easy, all you have to do is to make it a requirement for marrying her child, she will have no choice but to accept
>pretending to be retarded in order to melt A's ice-cold heart
If that was her plan she was still retarded then. All it took to warm him up was a girl who wasn't insane or retarded.
Yoshiko was min maxxed a complete genius but no attention span or filter
based ahoposter
She has an extremely high verbal intelligence, but absolutely no spatial / logical reasoning intelligence.
I hated the way it ended. I wanted Sayaka to end up with A-kun, or for him to confess to her or something. It was a comfy ride but i wanted it to go somewhere
her spatial is pretty high
If you read the tenshi spinoff oneshot, Sayaka basically won
If any of that happened it would've felt really out of place.
I'd at least have found it weird to end a gag manga with some romance stuff out of nowhere. It felt right to end on a silly chapter that involved most of the characters in the series.
for me it's this pervert
forgot pic
The manga had some /u/ out of nowhere
>Obvious party girl
>Continued to party while pregnant
>Gave birth to a retard
That started out of nowhere because it was a funny turn of events, and then got more development across a few chapters while still being funny.
There's a difference between that and just throwing in some out of place romance in the final chapter of a series, like it was giving closure to something that didn't even start.
I'd fuck this aho.
>ywn bully a qt gyaru
>No love for the committee president
I wish Hiroyuki was less sick during final few volumes of the manga. He managed to develop/end their "plot points" some of the casts (Mom actually gave up on Akkun, Sayaka becomes crafty in handling Aho Mom/Fuuki Inchou, Fuuki Inchou got rejected, Ruri actually multiplied shit) while still being funny as hell. He could probably continue a bit more and sorta created end game scenario for the characters but alas he either is very much unhealthily or he really wants to move on from the series as fast as possible
>Disciplinary president at school
>Dresses like this
How will she enforce those rules?
I agree but I disagree with your reasoning. She's so smart that she realize how boring and mundane everyday life is so she acts like an "idiot" in order to have fun
>I wish Hiroyuki was less sick during final few volumes of the manga
Is this why he's not really done anything since? Considering I've liked everything by him I was looking forward to anything he'd do next.
Also his success rate of getting anime from his serialised work would give another chance for a good anime.
that's a disabled child you sick fuck
Yeah she's Haruhi light
Yep. It's also why he changed to monthly. I remember tweets from leakers how he has chronic pain (back?) and sometimes just couldn't work. Like you said, I enjoyed every thing he makes and he could've join the likes of Cool as a mangaka which have almost all their works adapted as anime
she rewards those who follow the rules with her body
In the best ways possible against you
Maybe he'll just do some more doujin then where he doesn't have to deal with deadlines. Even with series I don't know well they're still good.
When he turned up to that recent Kirara anniversary I was hoping it was a sign he'd get back in there, so hopefully whatever is wrong with him gets better at some point.
No matter how sexualized she is, she’s too stupid to get me hard
in w-what ways?
this is canon now
>her opening credits scene going after the body pillow
These two and the gyarus are best girls
plot twist: her mom is the sensei from miru tights
That plan is still fucking retarded as it immediately backfires
Imagine this series without that Akkun shit
spoil me I don't feel like reading all the volumes desu
Why is A-kun so gay?
why doesn't she wear tights then?
Never tap crazy. He's already having problems getting rid of her, tapping it will only make it worse. Remember that the mother tried to have him drugged to teacher her daughter how to have sex and get pregnant by him.
I get not wanting to fuck a literal monkey, but he had other options, and he ignored them all
The president is more than willing, but her own ecchi attitude seems to have scared him off. I think Aho Girl has scared him off of women in large part while he tries to buckle down and study hard. Also he rarely gets time alone as she always seems to be around.
Nah, Yoshiko isn't crazy, she's just an animal, and Akkun knows that bestiality is disgusting.
The prez is slightly crazy, but she's definitely a human, and don't try to tell me you wouldn't stick in that kind of crazy.
>slightly crazy
I think she went past the point of slightly crazy quite quickly not that I wouldn't.
i found the homo
I mean he essentially did, but then ruined it because he admitted he'd really be marrying her to get away from Yoshiko and not purely for love