post your favourite figures
Buyfag thread
Other urls found in this thread:
How is this anime related again?
Why the fuck is wonfes so far away christ.
It's not, it belongs on the containment zone to be honest, or even more accurately,
there is a VC anime
Four posts in and this thread is already full of retards
Then talk about the anime, not the merchandise around it.
only retarded post so far is this one
What's the best Morrigan figgie on the market?
>delayed till September
Well shit
and you belong in and yet here you are
we can't always get what you want
the best ones are statues which cost 2 grand in the aftermarket, nurse morrigan is pretty decent and costs 16k I think, that's the one I'd suggest to get.
>Go to buyfag thread
Retard shitposter
I prefer a tapestry/daki than figure this day.
I don't know why.
Most of what gets posted in this thread is explicitly banned from being posted on /toy/.
like they would know
Oyari Ashito figure.
>daki that I want is sold out and marked up everywhere online
>found a listing on yahoo auction
>condition: Damaged/dirty
Do I take the chance? Do you think there are gonna be love stains on it?
depend of the price, maybe ask for pictures, i honestly wouldnt take the risk unless its less than 40bucks
Depends, ask for a pic of the stain if you are not sure.
Hell no dude.
A jap has 100% fucked it.
its a few fucking weeks you goober
Don't know about you dudes, but that DWU fig just isn't my kind of stuff.
>Hermaphroditos shipped
oh boy
Go ahead and start an anime fig thread on /toy/, just don't come crying to us when you get banned for not reading the sticky.
What i meant is "like the people complaining about this thread not being in /toy/ would know"
Not even his figure?
But most merch aren't toys and are anime related. How new are you?
Sadly, no.
>mousepad is more expensive than a daki
and thats without shipping, wth ?
And they are swift to ban over there for anything remotely nsfw.
Even before 4channel was a thing.
>Girls Last Tour Nendos got delayed again
>3rd non 500 reply thread died in a row
I'm of sad, comrades.
because dakis and tapestries are were it's at
Not sure what's up with that.
They haven't been overly slow.
Maybe it has something to do with four threads for Dr Stone and Jojo and three threads for One Piece, GiTS, and EVA.
>last page already
Not gonna bump this shit.
Which one do I get?
Okay, I'll bump it then.
I'm just waiting on my pre orders
>Which one
What do you mean by this?
Illya looks better out of the two but get both.
More like "which one do I preorder now to guarantee I have it since I'm too poor to get both at once". Of course I intend to have the pair together.
Because the GLT nendoroids got delayed, I have an AmiAmi order of just keychains that I don't want to fulfill anymore.
Would it be better to let the order payment request lapse naturally, or contact them?
Illya then.
I'm only getting Illya. Kuro just looks wrong, she either needs to be sexier or cuter, but now she's in a weird middle ground.
Her hair is too pink and her face looks off.
I'd get Kuro since she's a dirty slut and really fits with the bunny outfit. but Illya is really nice too!
Are the weights ZenMarket lists for your items just the item weight or the full package weight? They're showing a daki as weighting almost 400g where it should be about half that.
Finally got my hands on my grail after 6 years of searching.
>Garage kit sold back at a WF in 2013
>Finally shows up on YAJ after 6 years of searching on YAJ, Mercari, Surugaya thanks to the new anime adaptation
>Actually won it for a decent price
Any other happy grail stories?
Did you already paint and assemble?
Nope, I actually just won the auction a couple of hours ago, but I fully intend to paint and assemble it when it arrives.
>buy figure from Italian guy
>smells like fucking spaghetti
Irrelevant retard, there's a reason exists, for your stupid otaku hobbies that have nothing to do with anime or manga
>hurr durr this vidya game is anime related, can I haz a thread too?
No, take your off topic toys to your containment board
Where are her saggy titties?
Retard, it's in the fucking rules.
It's not, retard. You should lurk moar before shitposting next time.
If anything, explicitly states figures belong there.
>/jp/ - Otaku Culture: All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).
Got these two last month. Funny story, I ordered the first one with a very cheap shipping method since the item wasn't that much pricey by itself and I didn't want to pay shipping more than the item.
After a while I started believing it got lost at some customs, I tried to contact the seller but all he could do was confirming he got nothing back and that he couldn't do much for me since the package hadn't a tracking number.
At that point I felt kinda bad because it was the last bean of waifu. Then by mere chance as I gave up on the same day somebody link me a new page that was put up in the morning offering another one single bean plushie (when waifu sends you a sign!) so I hurried up and purchased it with a proper shipping method this time.
In the end I find out the package I thought was lost actually arrived, a few weeks later the other arrives too.
Here's the story how I ended up with two bean Fluffies.
Give me the short version, I ain't gonna read all that shit.
Buyfag, along with drawfag, gets an explicit pass.
I don't have the screenshot, so have a .webm.
I spend enough and have enough orders on my account for it to be incredibly stupid for them to ban me for skipping payment on two keychains, but I know I am tempting fate.
So, how does TOM respond to order cancellations? Is it anywhere as painful as with amiami?
I bought a couple used figures for cheap and they're ina bit of rough condition so I'm looking to repaint them. What are some suggested paints/coat/etc.?
Fucking newfag
I got you.
>Would it be better to let the order payment request lapse naturally, or contact them?
Well, one of those will waste their time, and the other won't. So what do you think?
Sal for two keychains should be like two dollars.
You already did.
I actually forgot cheaper shipping options existed since I only use EMS/DHL. That should work, hopefully it doesn't come in while I am away on vacation.
>I actually forgot cheaper shipping options exist
Based. If people can't afford EMS, they shouldn't be buying things in the first place.
I use RSAL because my inner Jew likes saving money, I don't mind waiting and it's one of the two shipping ootions that migbt avoid customs.
Like the DWU figures, but man the hair looks pretty rough on them.
Thanks senpai.
>already two years of new rules
>Two years ago
Time sure flies when you waste your life away on Yea Forums and buying anime merchandise
You know this isn't anime, right?
Read the thread retard
>posting toys on Yea Forums and not discussing anime
>calls others retarded.
The waiting game is going to kill me.
Clearly you are underage as well.
>I can't think of what to say: the post
Keep proving his point, buddy.
Feel free to make an anime statue thread on /toy/ and get your ass banned
Stop falling for bait you idiot
I agree. Instead, let's post a promo pic of something you've got on preorder.
Nothing else seems to work.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Who needs promo pics?
I'm sad he got delayed, I'm really looking forward to this nendo most of all.
I'd love of they did the other dragons but I don't have high hopes.
Stop using words you don't understand.
>being this assblasted over a word
did I strike a nerve?
Also nice trips.
>spergs out over some random post about rules
>not an incel
Again, you clearly don't know what that words means, user.
They're more lenient if you buy more than cancel. I think letting them know beforehand does the same.
keep coping incel
It's a quality thing. Sure you can post a bunch of preorders, but posting pics of individuals shows it to others and gets discussion going
If you can order Illya somewhere I'll put a preorder up for Chloe. When you've got the cash I'll send her to you. I have no use for her alone so please don't forget.
My shelves are full, I can't buy figurines anymore but I can at least help user keep a set together they desperately want.
Please don't spam my email, I'm trying to do something nice.
>expecting multiple items in order to get delayed
>they dont
Huh, does the email field not work or did I fuck that up?
>Email field
It hasn't been the email field for several years now. Just put it in the name.
>OMGERD read the THREAD r-retard
whens the last time you had sex?
eh, my gmail is my spam folder anyway
[email protected]
I may not get back to you immediately but we can coordinate that way at least.
I preordered this straight away when a user let me know of its existence, I love the pose and it's much more dynamic than my current Megumin figure that I'll probably sell after getting this.
Imagine samefagging this hard just because some user called you a mean name.
Apparently the effect part on that one can light up, but I don't know if the light is included or if it's some store-exclusive bonus so you'll have to rig something up yourself.
>so upset he quoted his own post
Yikes. Get some sun incel.
preordered this bad boy
According to Amiami at least the LED is not included
Would you two faggots get a room already and stop flooding the thread.
Hopefully it doesn't get delayed again.
Shouldn't be too hard to rig something up yourself then. Could probably use one of those electric tea lights as a base, or if you've got a lit up display case run some wires from that to an LED in the bottom.
This post is why you don't have any friends, just saying.
As much as I dislike shit posting, it's the only thing keeping these threads alive.
I'm still debating either pre-ordering the Merlin statue or just picking it up since I'll be in Japan at the time of release so I can just mail it home cheaper, or take it back as luggage. Anybody have experience buying figures in Japan?
>just picking it up
Wouldn't it just be safer to PO him? He's massively popular, and done by Alter.
I really wish her left foot wasn't making it look like she's about to fall on her face.
I was in Japan around the time the Santa Alter figure came out, I went around a few shops (not just in Akihabara) and saw a lot of them had posters up with her price and it was always higher than preorder price. Then I looked online and saw she was still available for less than the in person price for a lot of stores.
It's just my experience, but I would personally just preorder something I want and use my suitcase space for stuff that's difficult to get online.
You just made the figure tens times better
I'm hype. I got my first DTA the other week and totally sold on the scale and customization. Probably gonna pick up one of the gun girls in the near future.
Alright, I'll probably just pre-order then. I was going off an assumption that it might be a bit cheaper while in the country as compared to paying online prices. Thanks.
I just have figmas on PO for this month.
Goblin Slayer, Guts and Queen.
I'm considering getting some goblin figures to pose with GS.
Not that user but while I think you're being nice, I think that was kind of dumb as the chances of some random following through with it is almost zero. I don't have much faith in internet people to ever hold their word.
good luck with that one
>artist is releasing a new tapestry
>definitely NSWF and potentially illegal
I don't know what to do
Ok so version for nigger-tier reading comprehension:
Me order plushie doll
Plushie doll don't arrive
Me order second plushie doll
Plushie doll finally arrive
Other plushie doll also arrive
Me has two plushie doll.
Not binding, newfag
With how often buyfag general breaks the rules and posts NSFW, you guys deserve to be gulaged to permanently
How are Not Safe When Fried figures illegal?
Link it.
Then I have another bunny in my collection. I can keep her on the floor.
Please be good.
LXC2 figures when?
>posting unsaucable crops
No user, YOU link it
Buy it, user. Live on the edge for once and buy it. Also post it, weeb.
I feel sorry that you have to live in a place that thinks that is in any way illegal.
I just ordered 2 dakis and possibly a third very soon. I don't know what's come over me. I never order this many dakis at once.
Yeah, there's a risk of something happening (I guess) if you're in Canada/UK or ɐıןɐɹʇsnɐ. Being a wallscroll though, it's probably low risk compared to trying to import a doujinshi or dakimakura cover.
Check kedama's twitter.
are there any reputable ebay sellers for dakis? I've got $70 in ebay bucks I need to blow
the only ebay seller listed in the guide has nothing for sale
They picked the best NP pose
>tfw want a daki but still live with parents
They can't possibly be any more disappointed in you than they already are, so go for it.
I'm the buyfag who has been bumping threads on page 10 for the past months, lately I've been busy with finals, I'll be done in a couple of weeks to resume posting.
Like 95% of merch on Ebay is all bootlegged low quality garbage.
Who's making this? Please not a GK
If you can find a few of the Japanese sellers on there, you can always try and get them to be a middle man and find things for you. That's what I've been doing for a bit now with art books/animation booklets/other bits.
Keep it bagged so her tits don't get covered in your wrist dirt.
Fuck the fig show me those snazzy Disgaea keychains.
read the fucking namefile, it's a photo from twitter.
Newest acquisition
I want her so bad, but why must she cost almost half of my rent?
Can't you buy a prepaid card on eBay then use that to charge your ZenMarket account and buy it that way?
>LXC2 figures when?
A bit upset there still aren't any. I love all the LxC2 girls.
It really got no love in general.
No, it can't be used on gift cards
Then just buy something else you were going to buy anyway and spend that $70 on a daki.
That's the thing I don't have anything I can think of
Which is really weird, since I thought it did fairly well in game sales. Even LxC 1 had at least an anime. LxC 2 is literally just the game + some tapestries + some dakis. I like LxC 2; it was one of the few eroge that I actually imported its physical retail release.
Not my photo but I have most of her statues. Still considering the upcoming freeing one
Buy pants or shirts.
>I like LxC 2; it was one of the few eroge that I actually imported its physical retail release.
And it felt like a good improvement from some of the criticized aspects of the first game, so it really is weird it never got much of anything. Then seeing how the 'XCATION' series when from there was kind of odd with how quickly they were churning those titles out.
your rent is cheap. must be nice.
califag here uwu
That text says "Preorder starts in Winter 2019", right?
People keep replying to the lowest effort b8. It's summer yet people give (you)s to literal children that type retarded one liners without capitals or punctuation and act surprised when threads go to shit.
Just report the zero effort bait, it's five seconds of your time.
> Cool I'm down to 4 pre-orders if I can go back to saving without worrying about a sudden $400 pre-order purchase again
> Check out figure sites for a bit
> Currently trying to whittle down a list of 17 figs I want down to 5
It's not impulse spending but man it feels that way.
I've been buying a lot of tapestries myself, mostly because space is getting scarce for figures and I haven't seen many figures I really want this year.
how do you read it? isn't it in japanese?
>isn't it in japanese?
You have two options, Learn Japanese
Add the google translate app to your phone and use it to translate text.
That's pretty much it.
>KyoAni got arsoned
Do you think they'll license characters out for figures to rebuild?
What happened?
Someone set the building on fire, 7 or 8 people got hurt, they've got a suspect in
I didn't even know, that's horrible.
Also see
That's pretty fucked up
Have they considered not being on fire? I heard that helps.
>Just a bunch of shitposting
I sleep
very shit
>Add the google translate app to your phone and use it to translate text.
I've used to translate text from 2chan and amazon jp and it was quite awful but i guess if the text might be simple it could work.
Okay hun no need to be angry.
Several are dead now.
there are five threads about that, no need to bring that shit here.
Well fuck
As a structural engineer, I will say this: the current damage (which is still worsening as fire not being wiped out completely for now) on Kyoto animation building will take AT LEAST 6-8 months to rebuild since the firing locations are very tricky to repair. Also consider the internal damage will take even longer to get back to normal
(according to the staff Twitter, ALL key animation papers in the first floor were burned to nothing, so expect some major delay on upcoming Kyoani projects)
And we aren’t even get to the staff injuries yet(we don’t know if the injured ones can recover 100% ) oh my, this will be a major blow to the animation industry regardless of whether you like Kyoani or not, a terrible entry to the Japanese animation history.
For ebay it's easier to know what daki you're looking for and then search it and buy from a Japanese seller. As far as a daki only seller that might be harder to find
damn it ...MFW dont even like Megumin but that dinamic pose + led .... Ami ami exclusive ver with the wallscroll still available....
my fucking wallet
Dynamic poses are too rare still. I'd buy more figures if more of them had poses beyond 'stand and look cool' or 'bend over and look slutty'.
No one cares, faggot. Fuck off to plebbit for your upboats for pointless trivia.
>ALL key animation papers in the first floor were burned to nothing
Didn't expect Shit Enix to go forward with Adam and Eve, the prototypes were shown almost a year ago.
Wrong series. It's not LxC, it's Onee-chan no Yuuwaku.
I know it is, I just mentioned it since it's also Hibiki Works.
Maid doragon tohru is finally in my hands
my fav
Two of the auctions I won through ZenMarket were paid for, but they didn't pay any extra for shipping and shipping wasn't marked as free. Does that mean they'll pay for shipping on delivery?
Also, are the weights they list for arrived items including the packing material that the items arrived in?
Has anyone bought from this website?
Do they sell to gaijin?
Yeah, Maaya is pretty much just an amped up Wakoto. That reminds me, I still haven't actually played Niizuma Lovely x Cation.
I will burn SE like Kyoani if they keep pushing all the games figure to Bring Arts
Time to pay.
SHINJUKU EASTSIDE SQUARE 6-27-30 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. Purchase your flight now because the FF7 remake and more FF9 are getting Bring Arts.
Pathetic loser sits all by herself.
Sorry for off-topic but I gotta ask just this once, are you that user from vitagen who also had the numbers and equal signs in his filenames?
it's a GK sadly
Do you have a MFC link for her? Not exactly easy to search for.
PVC never
I'd say that's a yes.
It's nice that for the 10th anniversary of xCATION, Hibiki decided to reprint a ton of tapestries. I think LxC2's tapestry releases at the end of this month. They're all not very lewd, strangely enough.
>tfw Hinata is my favourite but she gets the worst-looking tapestry
It's not fair. Anyways, looking forward to whatever Hibiki puts out next. Other than ALLxCATION, they've actually been very strangely quiet.
Face looks off.
Oh, if you're who I think you are, I might have talked with you for a bit in the vita general and such.
I ordered the ones for Seine and Wakoto, but I might pick up the others after they release.
I kinda wanted Seine's too, but then remembered that I never really liked her route so buying hers feels a bit 'ehh'.
It really did need more to it, especially with how slow the start was and overall how quickly the route was wrapped up just felt kind of odd.
Though I kind of feel like many of the routes in 2 were wrapped up a bit too quickly for what I'd like. I'd still say I'm on the fence if they needed over arching drama bits like all of he routes from 1 had, but it was nice they were a bit lighter in that regard. But Seine's route lacked any sort of impact and moments to speak of, but I didn't dislike her character.
>a third of the thread's images are fucking VN screenshots
"Preorders start," no. "Planned release," yes.
Oh, that's a bit sooner then. Thanks for answering. I gotta find a new job.
Yeah, right… wrist dirt...
What's the best shop to pre-order a wallscroll from? I know shipping costs will be stupidly expensive, but is there a store that will send a solo wallscroll in packaging meant to mail just a wallscroll or do all stores just put it in a giant box and mark it for EMS shipment only?
>buyfag gets a pass
>repeatedly breaks all these rules everyday.
You can thank TOM for the low quality posts. Meta Discussion and figures should be the only things allowed here.
He rubbed his meat balls on it, guaranteed it’s been covered in his pasta sauce.
I wonder if something is going to change with C96 coming in 2 weeks. The security is probably gonna be ramped up.
They made rules demanding this board be like Yea Forums despite the fact /vg/ exists as an outlet for generals and steady threads about past and ongoing series, both of which are a commonality between anime and vidya. They either make concessions or they make /ag/.
Why aren't you buying manga?
Usually they will request more if shipping changes, and repackage and weigh before final ship out.
That pretty much answers it. Which is to say, I will buy manga if the art is something I want to physically own. If I don't, I'll go digital.
>there's a lot of it
>which means more money and more space is needed
>when you can just get everything you want for free through torrents and store them almost endlessly on your computer
>Franken Fran
You're alright, user.
Manga is usually dirt cheap. You can get an entire 20+ volume series for the price of a BD.
What a fucking shitty day is today, I don't even feel like looking at plastic butts. I really wish that fire didn't happen.
I bought 8 volumes inc shipping for 40 pounds from japan. not bad desu, i do own a crapload of second-hand ones though I got really cheap though oh also got goblin slayer for free... which was nice.
just waiting on my uzaki manga
They really had a lot of series that broke out of the seasonal bubble.
"bad quality" was meant for the image quality, I'm quite happy about the quality of the manga.
I got all of Frank Fran for pretty cheap, 5-6usd each book, the manga to the right was 40 yen and I got the entirety of Sumire 16-sai!! (five volumes) for 20usd.
>tfw no one is scanning the sequel
Fuck, you're the guy selling all those figs on brit eBay, right? Or at least, he posts here?
this is really fucked up, i dont get how you can get that mad at people making anime
Never bought daki myself for years, but now I own 7 and ordered six more within the last year.
I bought a thing.
It was cheap, it's sexy, and it's relatively well made. Also, my first figure.
I hate the base, though.
Lemme try that again.
Subtle Sony marketing.
Also cute Jack, I guess.
Good taste.
>well made
Depends on how much you paid for it. It is not terrible though.
Yes it is a pretty shitty thing to do.
>i dont get how you can get that mad at people making anime
You can see it every time the creator shuns the best girl in favor of another in an anime. Though I don't recall them doing that.
Maybe if there were Euphonium figures the blaze could have been prevented.
rip kyo ani
Why are military little girls so appealing? Especially as figures.
Zeos? Is that you, you fuckin weeb?
Dont think a neet board is prime ground for 2k$+ dac/amp
Military uniform makes anything better
It was only $30, so I was sorta expecting really shit quality.
Someone I know went to that American convention and got me these, saves me waiting until December for the GSC online release.
>The sequel
>he doesn't know
He's buying shit and you aren't, so who's the real retard
What's your problem with Nendos? They're quality.
>Caring what other people buy
Me.....a-and I have a small dick.....
I am consistently amazed that with so many saber faces I don't give a crap about any of them save for Musashi because she hits like a freaking tank.
There used to be figure threads on /p/, but they don't get traction anymore.
Consider how long it takes to actually get a fig. If you're only posting photos you've taken yourself of stuff you already have, how many days content does that make compared to how many month it takes to get new stuff to take pics off? Right now there's a slump due to WonFes approaching, obviously, too. Everyone's clutching their wallet a little tighter and no company wants to throw out something big right now instead of at WonFes.
That's nothing, I somehow just found out that Raikou's figure is coming out next month and I want to order it but if I do that jumps my August Order up to $500, on top of my $600 July
It's a bit much.
>people only take pictures when they receive deliveries
>figures take a long time to come out
>people aren't buying figures now because wonfes is about to happen
>so people didn't buy several months ago because wonfes is in two weeks
You're also making lots of assumptions by grouping "everybody" together.
I don't sit on the fence when I see something I like, just because something else might be announced at wonfes.
And /p/ is a slow board. If a kid didn't get hungry for a shotgun and if the servers didn't get wiped (unrelated incidents), then they'd probably have the threads going.
>received 5k amazon gift card a year ago
>never decided what to do with it
>read about kyoani today
>decide to buy some recent kyoani dvd release
>everything is out of stock
>secondary seller who ships internationally costs almost double
Should I just give up? I'd rather avoid buying single dvd releases but all complete sets are above 5k.
Musashi isn't a Saber face though.
The saverfaces are:
Artoria and her variants (lancer, swimsuit, Lily, etc)
Okita and Okita Alter
Mysterious Hunter X + Alter
And maybe Jean + her variants and that Indian Jean.
I can use the amazon gift card credit on their site or should I try find their official seller on amazon? I don't see a category for pictures though.
K-ON movie is a bit over 3k
Why does it have to be recent
Will it bin?
I thought it would be the most efficient way to support the animation studio. I noticed the K-On! stuff but that series is so famous that feels like a waste to spend all on it, I wanted to fund some recent work while I'm at it.
Anyways, looks like I just found some new light novel related art books by kyoani, I'll go for that one I guess.
It's Fate, Fate never bins only gets more expensive because FGO whales will drive the price up ridiculously. Also she's a Raita character where someone took the time to re-adjust her torso so she can have internal organs. It'll sell like mad.
When's WonFes.
Canceled due to arson
I don't get why people bother posting on Yea Forums, where you have to fill out a captcha, when the same fucking shit searched on fucking google gets the fucking answer.
>spent over $230 (before shipping) on Rikka and Akane dakis and prizes without having watched the show
Save me.
Finally. I'll wait for the Event Limited version though.
Shitto teisto.
I hope they rerelease Remi as well, the aftermarket prices are painful.
>spent over $230 (before shipping) on Rikka and Akane dakis and prizes
>without having watched the show
Shit taste. Fix that.
Well you're in luck:
Thank god, I'm glad I waited.
I think i butchered my daki by trying to machine wash with a 4 in 1 tide pod. doesnt feel right when cuddling anymore. any hopes of recovering? might just buy a new cover next paycheque overwise
You handwash them.
Is it me or does loli Jibril look like shit?
The girls, show, or everything?
I've been meaning to before I even bought anything but I'm always short on time. I haven't watched anything recently and only read manga as time allows.
Hand wash it you fool!
Dakis are delicate and you need to take care of them with special care, one of the reasons you are urged to bathe before sleeping with them, and personally unless the daki is a bootleg and you got like 5 other spares of the same then you should take care.
This is what you usually see on Pulchra. Great poses, bad faces. I wouldn't really say anything with that amount of sculpt work put into the hair and cloth looks like shit, though.
It's the face, it looks off.
try handwashing it now. might be a loss cause tho.
Hips and head too big
So I should just buy it now
>tfw your entire order is being held hostage because 1 keychain isn't in stock yet
Might be gap moe.
I've washed my daki 4 times since I got her and she still feels as soft as when I got her
I just flip the cover inside out and put it in the mesh bag they gave me then put that shit on delicate
Three hundred goddamn dollars. I still want it.
>$300 for no face
It's not a cute girl so no thanks
Great, now I don't have an excuse not to buy her. Fuckers are after my wallet.
What's the best place to get anime related CDs from in terms of shipping costs?
CDs probably
I think if there's no other options for a character you like nendo's are fine. At least they aren't funko's
Ignore , they pack like shit and every CD I've gotten from them has been cracked.
The issue is also that the CD I want cannot be sent abroad through for some reason.
Imagine how many figgies you could buy with 5000 bucks
Thanks for making me sad about not having big fig bucks.
I donated 5us$, not much but it's something.
>saber alter wasn't delayed
Oh fuck
they announced her release last month
>donating money through sentai
kyoani is going to decline the money and sentai will pocket all of that shit
just go to the kyoani digital store and buy some jpegs if you want to give them money so badly
Afik the money isn't exactly for kyoani but for their employees
I buy mine from cdjapan, they are jews but I can count on them for supplying bonuses when the CD has been out for awhile.
>Trusting a multi million corporation.
Of course they aren't going to pocket that shit, the spotlight on them is too big and you can pull back donations manually yourself, but I also can't say I'd donate to some dubious gofundme with no real method of getting the money to the actual employees.
ded thread on page 10 again, also post your preorders
Use a proxy?
I own many Sabers but this is my favorite of them all
The seller deleted the images and description from an auction I won and made an identical listing. He has 2.5k+ positive feedback and 2 negative. Should I be worried or does he just want to make another listing for the same items without having to take new pictures? I'm a little worried he deleted the description too.
Probably more /toy/ related but I preordered this lad today. It's my first time getting these but I see them around a lot.
I forgot I had these two ordered.
Seems fine, but what site? Can you see when the acc was created? Try to email him something.
Another one to add to my collection
It's yahoo auctions. I was wrong about the description. It's very short so I thought he deleted it. It looks like he wants to reuse pictures without making it obvious.
Gofundme is the one worthwhile site you can use for this. They make guarantees and will pay you back if the money goes somewhere you don't want it to.
I said that.
Ok retard.
1 PESO = 0.024 USD
Cry more faggot, it's hardly my fault you can't read.
>he was arguing with you
Don't be so combative user.
It was hardly argumentative, I just don't understand the point of quoting back to me what I already said.
Regardless, this is just pedantic shitposting at this point.
>third party chimes in to support your argument
Fuck of shitposter!
Besides, that's what insurance is for.
Embarrassing, try reading the chain again.
Also, learn how to spell.
>complains about shitposting, continues to shitpost
>criticizes spelling error where there is none
Does double irony work like a double negative and cancel each other out?
peak performance
>Fuck of
Once again, .
>almost an almost appropriate post number
If you're just baiting for bumps, at least wait until the thread is deeper in the catalogue before responding.
Why can't it be WonFes already...
Nice dodge.
Does SAL of Japan Post ship to P.O. Boxes too or only to residential addresses?
My sleep schedule is fucked, I don't want to get deliveries when I'm sleeping, I'd rather have the package stay at the box and get it later whenever I want.
Wonfes got cancelled due to the recent fire tho
Found this on the JP website, I take it they do work with local postal offices?
y-you're welcome
Post source.
You pay ahead of time, so store credit?
You really should check the FAQ.
This earlier post.
Nice feet
So you're full of shit.
*breathing heavily*
My wallet
I guess some Fatefag either died or just didn't want to try selling his stuff. Mostly GKs surprisingly.
Based goodwill user
>blocked in my country
cant even see the pictures great
Probably just said fuck it.
Slightly better than throwing them out.
those feet tho
What are some Love Live Sunshine merch I can wear in public without being too cringe
Are you a girl?
according to my grandma, mom, and a bunch of family friends I am a cute boy
Is Saber Alter getting delayed again?
Then there's nothing.
Who is the girl next to Not-Strength?
Cute bean fluffy tonks
Is there a bean of her soulmate?
First edition Saber Alter owner here.
You guys are plebs if you buy her re-release. Same with Amakuni's Astolfo.
By the way I've got Saber Alter for $250, that truly shows me dedication and love to this character because I didn't have to wait for pleb re-release like you.
Fuck you, you are not true fans of Type-Moon and Saber Alter.
My favorites.
How much importance do you give to the base?
Saw it at AX.
It looks very nice and I would hang it from my ceiling next to my A-10.
Not too much not too little.
i dont get this post, its too obvious to be a bait and its not funny enough to be a joke+reddit spacing
whats the goal here
If i could buy custom base i would, i wish manufacturer would take more time on their base since you can do lot of creative shit with it and yet we have a flat black base most of the time
>fluffy tonk
Nigga of good taste detected
Not too much, but a good base can really pull a figure together and take it from great to incredible.
>being this new
A cool base is much appreciated
>tfw nobody buying my overpriced figures on ebay
Does anyone have any experience selling nendoroids at Bookoff? There's a couple I want to get rid of and I'm wondering what kind of money I can expect. Didn't see any information on their website.
I doubt they'd give you much of anything. Just like any other store.
As long as it isn't literally just a circle of plastic with nothing done to it at all (think prize figures) then I'm fine with it,although a nice base can really enhance a figure.
I'm also thinking of selling some old figs at bookoff. Not too worried about how much I get. Just want them to find a new home.
That image doesn't mean what you think it means, but SAL is delivered by your local post. So, yeah, they work with PO boxes just fine. Pretty much anything other than DHL will. Beware that if you use anything other than USAL you'll normally have to sign for your package, which means being awake, dressed, and out of the house when the post office is better. You might want a UPS box for real anytime plastic butt delivery.
What nendos and figures? I might be willing to buy stuff
I'm looking to get rid of Mega man 11 Roll, Tomoe Mami, and the 2nd Reimu Nendos. My MFC is Akira1 if anyone is interested.
I love them all but I just enjoy figures much more. I also have a Chino Nendoroid I might be willing to part with if the price is good.
I might want the Mami since I recently bought a Homura
Just curious.
What word do you think is misspelled?
yeah, i too bring up dead shitposts from hours ago
I want to buy some manga just to support the author.
At there's an option for a Kindle version of the volumes of this manga.
Does one of them provide more money than the other for the holder of the rights?
I actually forgot about this. It is supposed to arrive this month, with this bad boy too. I will make them to fuck eachother I guess.
I thought bookwalker was fairly good for that stuff?
You're the kind of fag who would post "an interesting title."
Put at least a little effort into your shitposting.
You people spend a ton buying useless crap, why not donate at least 50us$ to the victims which create the those content figurines are based on.
What are they gonna do? Send over Monica Rial?
They've already suffered enough, user.
As if kyoani series got any figures that weren't utter shit
I've only seen three of their series and have at least four figures from it.
They've got my money.
The thing is, they rarely license out the rights to make figures of the properties. And when they do, it's to a shitty manufacturer.
>donating money to a third party
>do i get it back when they get their insurance check?
Here's a guide (it's several tweets showing checkout with pictures) on how to purchase the digital goods they sell, which supports them directly without requiring any shipping or whatever on their end.
>showing buyfags how to buyfag
Similar post have been deleted.
Almost like they want to keep it to the containment thread.
Based user
As awful as what happened is, how in the absolute fuck have they raised $1M+ with literally no idea on where the money is going?
Not saying Sentai is scamming, I mean as in whether it's going to employees affected, their families, KyoAni as a company and so on.
They're going to have to figure it out pretty quick. GoFundMe doesn't like holding money, especially not when months roll over. They want a beneficiary/destination and soon, probably, and they make pretty strong guarantees to backers in terms of refunding and assurances it goes to where they want it to go, so if Sentai isn't prepared to get it together it might just all go back.
The way I see Sentai they might very well be the first guys to signal for signallings sake, not because they actually have a plan.
>they might very well be the first guys to signal for signallings sake
To be honest I think this is the case, I've been up now for like 26 hours now following the story and it was launched incredibly early into the whole debacle, I don't even think deaths were announced or it was just the initial 1.
It's also been rebranded from what it originally looked like.
The important thing to look for (which isn't there) is that it should be saying "Sentai Filmworks ON BEHALF OF KyoAni." But it just says Sentai Filmworks. That means GFM has not verified a benificiary other than Sentai. Other campaigns that benefit people other than those that run it list it that way.
How much do you people think it will reach? I'm guessing 1.5 million tops.
Spot on really, I can't believe they have this much money with no actual plan for what to do with it.
Hopefully the money is well spent though.
It's sad that this is the one that got pinned in red text on the board given those facts, rather than say, their online shop.
>1 million USD
they'll be able to make shitty dubs for the foreseeable future with that dosh
True. In my opinion anyway raising money completely misses the point of why this is so tragic. Some money isn't going to bring back people from the dead or restore everything they've lost.
>rather than say, their online shop.
that money wouldn't help the victims but the company first.
Moot point considering you also have no idea where the Sentai money is going.
Which at this point is a clearer idea of what its helping than that GFM.
>tfw most kyoani merch is sold out at mandarake
Not like they would be getting revenue anyway.
Does KyoAni actually get anything from sales at Mandarake, though? It doesn't seem like they would.
They don't.
Buying secondhand does little if anything for the original seller.
At most it could drive someone else to buying new after the secondhand marked is made barren.
Based and fluff pilled
I want this one desu.
big areola
do you guys beat off to these or what?
>wasting money on overpriced worthless plastics
The shittest fetish.
>tfw I play warhammer but im bored and checking different boards
Where did the womb tattoo (which is also somehow magical) thing in Japan even come from?
truly a model for those into cuckoldry and being a fag.
Welcome brother.
It amuses me to see how pointless the Elevens can make their censoring.
I just want a cute anime sororitas figure
Is he FGO's most popular 3-star ever?
Also, preordered at the speed of light.
>FGO's most popular anything
Even FATE's most popular boy is a girl.
>link post with spelling mistake
>n-nice dodge
When are we going to get an R18 male figure that doesn't come from shit source material?
Congratulations, user, may it bring you great happiness.
My greatest buyfag victory was probably finding a A+/box D- Akashi-san for about $80 after her price had started skyrocketing. Her box really was beat to hell, but the blister inside was unopened. She is a vision of loveliness.
How about $25 and free shipping? Let me know by Saturday because that's when I'm going to Bookoff to see how much they'll take her for.
I'm a little surprised Tatami Galaxy has merchandise.
A good base can really add to a scale, a bad base can make a figure look actively worse, and a plain base can go either way. I'd prefer a plain plastic circle over a fancier, but ugly base.
>image of bug for bugs
>Generic mobile infantry figmas for my favorite waifus
Ctm webon
>decide to share biggest bug
>notice the bug clips off the side of the card
Fucking hell, how are leaning figures still a problem?
I thought she looked a bit wonky so I looked it up and apparently it's a pretty common issue that she leans forward after a while.
100%. Certainly the most grailed servant
>also just now notice that it is a picture of the prototype and not concept art
It does exist. A lot of it was available through the noitamina shop or limited-time collaborations with places like Parco, which had some sweet t-shirts, rather than regular sales channels, but it's out there. There were even plush Mochiguman. I didn't find out about the anime until 2014 so tracking down the merchandise on the aftermarket has been at times annoying and expensive, but still fun.
Yoru wa Mijikashi also got some neat things, including a pair of sweet mousepad, that are still readily available.
dammit i might have to get the black hair one now
You'd probably be lucky to get original retail for them. Definitely take a crack at selling them on MFC and ebay first and look at Bookoff as a last resort.
figma preorder when
Ah shit touhouvania Remi is getting rereleased. Guess I'll get it this time even though I already have CoLA Remi preordered
Like a two. I like them simple, but a little more than just a white piece of plastic. There was that figure that has a fake grass base and I think that looks really cool. Clear bases are nice too.
not shitposting i'm just avoiding to have the fourth thread in a row to die with less than 300 posts.
Bought a new camera, but I guess it's too much only to take pictures of figures
>couldn't even make it to the second sentence
>waiting for the fots dragonmaid statues to go down in price and see how lucoa turns out
>will now skyrocket in cost as scalpers try to cash in on the rise in kyoani demand
>will be the only statues forever since maid dragon anime is literally dead, no better alternatives ever
oh great, I needed practical issues on top of feeling shit about the needless death of some fun animators making fun things and the existential reminder of human mortality
i know right?
Work on framing and focus.
No one likes a big blurry object taking up half the foreground.
Blur in the foreground can work, but it wasn't framed well due to the whole right side. Also it should be sparingly used unless you want that effect
B-Boku wa densha ga daiiiisuki, heheh.
is this rank10 trains?
Is there a forwarding address that works with AmiAmi JP? Not for ordering, just for receiving the package. They're not accepting the ones I already have.
fucking finally
>may 2020 release
godfucking damnit, at this pace the Reimu Belmont will come out in 2023
What have you tried
Tenso and BaggageForward, I don't know of many other ones that give you an address.
Even with better framing, the rifle is still jarring.
God I want to cum on her so bad
Hmm, looking into things, it looks like Big In Japan is a popular choice. But popular is the opposite of what I want, because AmiAmi would deny it as a forwarding address...
I feel nothing. They've won, I'm broken now.
Post your own collection
Guess what got another printing?
Just pre-ordered best girl, bros.
Interesting. He had a re-release a few months ago.
Ram with yams
There will have been a year between releases.
New movie is perfect for exploiting.
This one is pretty popular even though I'm not much of a fan.
It might just be because of the shadows caused by the lighting setup at the Stronger booth.
The AIs were in their own glass cases so I couldn't use the light ring.
That smug hai domo looks great.
box too big? 380mm x 270mm x 200mm / 1120g
did anyone want this?
Still haven't figured out the source of this one.
I think its a Sakuya.
looks like it
For buying a bodypillow, does this one seem fine or probably not that good.
Skyla and Elesa are getting figures. Probably kotobukiya but it doesn’t specify.
i enjoy whenever my friends send me random ali express links
pretty cool
Hello. Could you guys recommend a good Sephiroth figure? It'd be my first figure and I don't really know what to look for.
i've never bought a figure cause it costs like $70+ to get a real pvc figurine
how do you guys commit so much money to weebatry?
are you gonna get it? also what you think of zero-one
Do you have any hobbies?
probably not, but it got me to spend the last hour looking at zero tsu blankets, might get this one
as for zero-one i wish his color was more green but he looks better then zi-o heres hoping vulcan isnt the level of jobber gays was
If you have 10 dakis it can pass as a joke
ya boxing and I own like 8 pairs of gloves
but weebness isn't really a hobby you gotta act out
you can watch anime
play anime games
play some hentai visual novels
jack off to hentai manga
The twins sell out every time so they're running out of ideas for more figures. Rem because she's everyone's favorite, Ram because Rem's are sold out and people figure at least she looks kind of the same.
People like to give money for their hobbies, it's not hard to understand.
i'd buy one of these but they don't ship outside of japan
and all the ones on amazon you can get in u.s. suck ass
i like ram
>what is a forwarder/proxy
For every Rem figure, there is always an obligatory Ram one
Oh yeah because a proxy somehow alters geographical locations
It’s worse than I thought, you’re actually braindead.
shut up nerd
He's buying a lewd daki, of course he's retarded
That is amazing news. I was just thinking how much I wanted a Skyla figure after I bought this. Can't wait.
What if I only like black hair Elesa?
Then your probably in luck I think? All the other merch on that page is of black hair Elesa.
I kind of want to get some Hatsune Miku plushies because they're cute but my father has already mocked my anime figures as "queer" and I'd hate to see what he'd say about plushes.
Get some lewd figures, that’ll show him.
that explains the brain damage
Tell your dad that watching heavily muscled guys wrestle in a field is pretty gay too.