I just caught up with the manga, and I've really enjoyed it.
How have you guys been liking the anime so far?
Anything you're looking forward to seeing?
Dr. Stone
From this season I just want them to do this part right. That's all they have to get right for me. It was incredibly moving and humbling.
Preview for episode 3
Bump for dr based
does e=mc2 & the theory of relativity even have anything to do with what he does or is it just to make him look so smart because he has math on his clothes
I think the anime is going to be dulled down, I'll still watch it tho.
tldr energy conversion. In other words energy needs to come from somewhere. He explains why he did that.
why does this anime look so fucking boring? this has to be the first survival anime I'm not interested in and let's not even talk about that fucking e=mc on that ssj like scientist wanna be shirt, it's so cringy
I don't remember that hammer shattering the stone part from the manga
my biggest problem with the anime is that it tones down Boichi's art a lot, which is to be expected really, but still unfortunate. Most of my favourite scenes won't be until season 2 or later, but I'm looking forward to Chrome and Gen appearing
You don't need to watch it, after the prologue there's a change of pace, maybe you'll change your mind later. Nothing wrong with not liking certain things.
Same, looking forward to Suika and gorilla
Didn't know Toho sponsored this.
Watched the first episode and decided not to pick it back up despite being excited for it and I am already reading the manga so really no incentive for me to watch.
Don't forget this gem
Honestly? I can't wait to see basically every character brought to life with few exceptions like Ruri. The cola scene, the telescope scene, Chrome vs Magma, Kaseki as being happy he has friends (Kaseki in general honestly), the mining miniarc. The series is full of great wholesome moments and I can't wait to experience them again. Shame we won't get to Tsukasa's death this season tho, it would be a great ending
>fellow Kaseki fan
Same here user. I love the mix of the village people learning new things while the people who were stone are regaining what they lost. It's nice to see them work together to improve each other's lives
>was in that thread
We've come a long way
Also gib gola
As far as I remember Senku had a kind of "don't panic, can't be magic, physics still work!" moment after he depetrified and wrote it to reassure himself. At least that's how I saw it.
I love it. Is amv hell still a thing because a cok edit should be in it.
What chapter was this? I wanna read it again
How far will the anime adapt?
You thought wrong, Gen. Senkuu is a sweetheart.
Up to the first attack on the village I assume
I want to see the sulfanilamide synthesis.
Is that from the manga?
It was an extra
First arc (1-45) most likely until the town fighting tournament and drug synthesis
man, I want to do this inbreed gorilla.
Biggest takeaway from this is that it looks like there's scenes from chapter 7 in there, like the sextant and Tsukasa getting mad when he realizes what Senku's up to. We might not continue to get 2 chapters per episode, village could arrive earlier than expected, which is great.
No season 2 due to poor sales?
Wow, he must be smart
I appreciate the sacrifices he makes to draw sexy male bodies.
>Extreme bed head
As if we would buy that
Everybody makes that question in every Dr Stone thread, either seriously or as bait, and every time, it's answered. How it's possible that people still make it?
They really fucked up Tsukasa's intro, and you havee to deal with him as a villain for a long time, so I'm pretty dissappointed with the anime
I can't make out the rock smashing, where is that from?
Concentrated shitposting that should be ignored.
I'm not sure, the only thing I can think of is the sulfur, but he's still dressed. Maybe they cut out the hot spring part since it didn't really impact anything.
The dressed part is what's confusing me. I swear if they take out wet Senkuu...
The hot spring part introduces Kohaku though, since that's where she gets hot water for Ruri and witnesses the events that turn her against Tsukasa and towards Senku.
I meant skipping them going into the hot springs, they obviously still have to find it for the sulfur.
Senkuu is supposed to be naked at the rock smashing panel REEEEEE
Stop giving them attention and they'll stop baiting for it.
No, his autism peaked and so he wrote that on his shirt. What a retard
Watch as the only unbroken statues on the Perseus are the two captives in the brig.
Watch as Yuzuriha appears in the harem
the classic alternative for hair gel when one completely lacks any sort of technology is not one he could state in an interview.
>not this pic
You're a gay
I love how it just loops the same picture in different ways.
i mean, you're not wrong
My boy Gen
Really? I think they did a good job cause I didn't remember Tsukasa being such a chad at the beginning.
Idk some horny grill posted it a thread yesterday and I saved it.
Why is Senkuu so hot?
i think it's in his confident/snarky personality and also how pretty his eyes and face in general are i am currently lost in his eyes
His hotness is a complete mystery to me
Why does every Dr. Stone thread eventually turn into either gayposting or fujoposting?
24 eps, where's it gonna end? All the way to the stone war? If not, what earlier point? What's gonna get cut then?
Boichi draws men better than women for some reason
The pictures are pretty. Do you have a special request?
So far the anime has been about 3 dudes, all of whom look like gay porn stars. Even in the manga most of the girls look like blowup dolls, which is hit or miss for people.
Judging from the preview we're getting 3 chapters in the next ep. We might get some fanservice filler at this rate in the following eps and it ends right before Stone wars.
the cutest manga tsukasa pic please
That's a symptom of constant threads, where people run out of things to talk about. Notice how Dr. Stone threads before the anime aired were just weekly, and only a handful reached bump limit. That was fine, and the threads died naturally when people ran out of things to talk about instead of prolong them artificially.
Does a color spread count?
I don't think discussing art is a bad thing
knowing what happens to him in the following chapters makes me fucking cry, man .. super adorable, thank you!
does he die
Read the manga and find out
Read the manga
he gets mortally wounded and Senku builds a freezer to both mercy kill him and preserve his body until they can try to use the petrification beam to fix him
Because otherwise it might turn into animeonlyposting.
Rate my taste.
This is based entirely on looks, not personalities.
>top tier
>high tier
>mid tier
>meh tier
>shit tier
>too old but based tier
For accurate judgement I need to know girl or boy Ginrou?
What's the difference? What truly matters is the inside beneath the clothes
fellow fujos/grills, are you self-inserting or creating OC'S on your head so far?
He's short, If I was gay which I'm not I'd want a tall lanklet, otherwwise just get a girl, what's the point?
>hurr if you like short cute guys just start liking girls durr what's the point
I really hate this way of thinking, user.
why is Tsukasa so fucking low in the scale, user?
Ew, no.
I'm self inserting Senku's cok inside of me
Well sorry, I'm not gay, I'm trying my best to rationalize.
Too much muscles.
Hair way too long.
>trying my best to rationalize.
That's what you are doing wrong. Attraction is not really something that can be rationalized. It doesn't have "the point", either, it's just something that happens and you have to deal with it.
Not the user who asked but understandable. I love 2d longhaired men so Tsukasa is high on my list.
Well I can't help it, that's my opinion if I was gay.
Well, for long hair I think wet Senkuu's hair length is perfect. Tsukasa's is too much, but I definitely can see the appeal.
Why is this meme still around? I can't wait for tired senku so I can cap him and write
>my feet hurt
>I wish I was in my lab doing science
There isn't any powerlevel posting because its not really that kind of manga so people default to wanking over the characters instead.
Well, he IS quite fit on every manga panel he appears shirtless, but that's just because Boichi is physically incapable of drawing non-ripped men. Too much gay porn messed with his brain.
Reread the end of the prologue, he is a stickfigure.
Will anime make him buff?
Check his body here. Senku is a skeley pretty much.
>Too much gay porn messed with his brain.
kek, the price to pay for such mouth-watering physiques
I cringed desu.
jesus christ
thank you , user
can't say im one to self-insert (though i will self insert as being dommed by senku and gen god please) i think im more of a voyeur and i just really like seeing senku and gen together because they both make me really happy
Post more golaman
cute cola boyfriends
I really like the anime, but I havent read the managa. Also, why does it seem most people in the Dr.stone threads are anti intellectualism?
No lewding the goloman
I'm referring to the anime threads. Does this
show scare them? Because maybe they wont understand something and will feel inferior?
>*37661 *136161 Jujutsu Kaisen #06
>*28057 **89891 act-age #07
>*24860 **81274 Dr. Stone #11
Read the manga for answers, it's that simple.
But his feet are cute, not lewd!
Casual here, what do these numbers mean?
fixed. remember, gen is NOT a slut!
sales this week on the left, total sales on the right
>is barefoot all the time
>clean soft feet
How does he do it?
And why should a casual like me care about sales?
It means Dr. Stone, even with anime boost, can't outsell series like JJK or AA with no anime. It's very embarrasing.
This is ok, cute censored feet
Because like the filthy casual you are, you asked for it.
But I don't care about sales, I just enjoy Dr. Stone.
It means that with low sales comes the ever increasing likelyhood of the series getting axed and no second anime season. Brainlet
you shouldn't, it's just shitposting. The only time you should care is when another series with fewer chapters than it passes Black Clover, like Jujutsu Kaisen is about to
W-we won't get axed stonebros. E-Editor-san likes the show so we won't be axed.
Well, thanks for explaining.
He puts a lot of work into it!
Are you an actual stonebro or do you want it to get axed?
I caught up with the manga the other day, and this seems a little exaggerated but it's really looking like a top five out of WSJ series for me. The characters are simple yet effective and nice to see interact, it has a solid sense of humor and is generally well done, the mysteries and plot have been plenty engaging, the scientific progression is both interesting and satisfying, and it's really good at capturing a sense of wonder, discovery and cooperation.
It hurts me to see so many people on Yea Forums give it shit, but I can't really blame them if they're put off. It's not the sort of series that will appeal to everyone (not because it's TOO SMART or anything, just because it's different), but it resonated with me in particular and I'm really looking forward to seeing how it wraps up.
Lurk 2 years before posting newfag.
I'll care about that bridge when we get to it then.
Why would the latest published volume have much of a sales boost from an anime first aired a week and a half ago?
Wouldn't it be the first volume that would receive the boost? Or are people really supposed to go out and buy all existing volumes at a time?
The thought of his beautiful feet getting hurt by sharp rocks scares me.
Less dirty streets, lots of grass
>defending derailing threads with sales figures
Being ten years in Yea Forums doesn't mean you can just come to Yea Forums and start shit.
But I still don't care about sales, I read manga
Sharp rocks tho... and pebbles
What would he have to watch to fix his girls?
>defending newfag
Even if derealing you should know this things dumbass.
Oh user. We will get P U S H E D,
the opening grew on me super fucking hard holy shit
i would kill to take either one of their places
If sales don't improve your manga will get axed newfag.
I still find the "OHAYO SEKAI GOOD MORNING WOOOOORLD" too corny
However I adore the ending. It's unironically amazingly well produced.
I want the spread where Suika first saw sunflowers in HD
made me shed a tear
The only reason I know these is because I read 2 series in jump and stumbled upon them when doing ctrl+f. Why would anyone that doesn't read jump series know about this?
Just the more reason to enjoy it right now
>Why would anyone that doesn't read jump series know about this?
Because that's how you spot newfags and zoomers.
So it's like a cool kid clubhouse to care about sales?
>Just the more reason to enjoy it right now
No, it isn't retard. Guess you don't really care about this manga at all.
The OP is very high quality in general. The only thing that bothers me is the shot of Ruri and Kohaku doing that typical helpless woman OP pose. It's kind of a shitty shot. Could've been so much more creative with it
The looming axe is part of the fun.
Give him some shoes, please!
The ED caught me off guard with how good it was.
So all oldfags read shounen jump according to your logic?
No, it's a Yea Forums meme brought here by that cancer. Stop replying to him.
>So it's like a cool kid clubhouse to care about sales?
Are you for real? It's common knowledge of how anime business works. I'll stop spoonfeeding you here.
Why does Kohaku get called a Gorilla or Lion when she has a cat mouth?
Why am I not allowed to enjoy it? I love dr. Stone, but I'm aware it'll end one day in any situation. So I enjoy it while I can.
They are called manchildren yes
Because if you spend a while reading jumpshit here you'll start eventually to visit the jump threads and bully lesser shows. It's degenerate but fun, start this week.
The ending will make or break this series, if it's able to get there anyway. I have confidence in it though.
Lions are cats
As soon as the guitar started I knew I'd like it.
Been listening to Rude-α ever since.
Feels great to be a chainsawchad.
I like how there are two conversations going in parallel, and one discusses sales and axed soon, and other discusses Gen's feet. Truly a quality thread.
Her attitude and strength
But dirty feet > sweaty feet
A lion is a feline.
Ignore the filename.
It may end sooner for its low sales.
I love both series, but man am I glad as fuck that Chainsaw Man survived axing. It's been a really fun series so far.
the idea of gen's cute feet getting hurt or dirtied breaks my heart!
>common knowledge
And what if you don't obsess over it like some stock market and just want to read manga you like? Is that allowed?
>Kohaku holding her belly while watching Senku take care of a child
What did Boichi mean by this?
No you idiot it's immensely popular
The lion part is her head, the gorilla part her body.
So we can all agree that Boichi draws Kohaku like this because she never uses underwear, right?
It's easier to clean, what if he cut his beautiful feet on a rock? Who will kiss his booboo better?
Me too, but I prefer Chainsaw Man over Dr.Stone.
She is in heat
>it's immensely popular
And? Toriko and Bleach got axed.
senku will. obvi
I can't wait to hear gen shitposting in audio.
Kubo was sick
>wanting tio know more about your manga status is being obsessed
I fucking hate newfags
Togashi had a backpain for over 10 years. What's your point stonefag?
Don't reply to shitposters or salesfags
Doujin when
Sorry, user.
I love this shot from the OP a whole fucking lot.
But I already know when it comes out, then I just read it. What else besides sales should you know then?
>D-Don't respond even though they are right!
That it's more bureaucracy that you want to admit you idiot. Low sales doesn't mean instant axing, it means the editorial has more leverage to fuck with the mangaka when it comes to deadlines and demands. Dr Stone is one of the most popular current WSJ series. It gets a color spread every month or so.
How can Kohaku get Senku to be romantically interested in her?
He'll just use alcohol and enjoy watching him suffer.
I would rather not spoonfeed you any more.
Did they fuck with Kubo then?
Don't do this to my boner user. What did my boner ever do to you.
Editor is indeed trying his best to not get this shit axed.
It wasn't able to satisfy its lust.
Help him revive humanity faster so he can relax and impregnate her.
senku does not enjoy watching anybody suffer. delet
Obviously. As soon as the LN contract was signed they told him to wrap it up.
Senkuu loves Suika, spread the word.
To late, user. You ignored the warnings, fed it and now it started to follow you home and you'll have to adopt it.
Are they the OTP of the show?
Hopefully the ao3 chicks will catch up with the anime soon
[Spoiler] i wanted yo comission some smut from my fav writers but none of them are into dr stone Yet :/ [/spoiler]
Everyone is loves Senkuu, boys and girls admit to him they love him a lot, however he stays pure for Science-chan. But Kohaku and him are the original fanpairing.
To watch human energy, motivation and happyness slowly turn into scientific achievements, now that's exciting.
Shit. Guess murder is the only option.
i am soooo desperate for sengen fics gen's anime debut cannot come fast enough i am WAITING for that damn avalanche of sengen content that will ensue
And she's the second most popular character of the series
It's a harem.
not quite
You legit type like tumblr fujos, please leave or change your writing style.
SenkuuxKohaku first, remember the introduction, she pretty much confesses she wants his cok right after the introduction.
>Kohaku voiced by pic related
>Kohaku will never go Yandere
Pretty much all stonefags either redditors or tumblerinas.
I'm pretty sure they are. But if we have to prostitute Gen for getting rid of those rick and morty faggots so be it.
Muh dick
Why is he so hot, lads?
I love you
>when she first fights with tarzan
I'm getting erect already
Anime threads are pretty much going to be 50/50 on fujos and shitposters, at least manga threads are 50/50 on fujos and discussion, plus the one user butthurt Togashi is too busy catching up on Dr. Stone to work on his own manga.
The medicine production scenes will be good enough for me.
Remembered to save it
>he lists it first
>Chrome getting naked and kneeling as he begs for forgivness
My god i can't wait
Can I adopt Chrome?
>the one user butthurt Togashi is too busy catching up on Dr. Stone to work on his own manga.
are there even threads without them at this point
Okay fujoshits, why didn't you catch on to this panel yet?
Ask his dad
If Senkuu allows it
Fujos are not really into Ryusui for some reason. There isn't much art of him.
This series has some excellent reaction faces.
ryusui is hot but he already has francois
I usually get fucking annoyed by most anime/manga reaction faces, but these ones are typically so creative and consistently fresh that I don't mind as much. They don't really feel lazy.
I'm kind of mad Francois' hair is blonde, the manga had me thinking it was red for some reason.
got a problem with francois?
Who has more gorilla pics, I need more.
>implying François is a she.
Genderfeels aside, i think Francois Is a woman, i mean she's got the same aylmao proportions as the other girls
Read my post again, I can tell you want it to be a grill
it's not cute, it's not even human
It is clear they are not planing on telling us whether he is a man or a woman.
>Francois is one of the ayylmaos
>Ginro is not one of the ayylmaos, despite being a sadly temporary trap
Is Boichi giving us a sign?
Sexual education might be needed but not for those two.
my sister-in-law is so cute!!!
Can we just admire how fucking cool Ryusui looks?
tumblrinas are already headcanon-ing Senku and Gen as transmen, so..yeah
shop senkus head in
Definitely as they cure the priestess whose name I don't remember. That way the anime can end as Senku becomes chief of the Kingdom of Science.
Maybe she was a real ayylmao all along.
I demand my long-ass boat arc with him standing in the oncomming storm explaining currents and weather phenomenons.
I wanna say to around the beginning of Stone Wars
>implying you wouldn't want him/her to call you master
>Kohaku also voices pic related
i'd still smash them desu
Tsukasa-chan ain't dead technically. I think. Whatever.
He's as close to death as possible. Inagaki could've killed him right there but the fact that he was featured on the anime announcement color spread means he'll be back eventually.
So I read the first 7 chapters some time ago and I just couldn't find the appeal
Why do you guys like this show? Asking because I want to try to give it another shot
If you hate Taiju and Yuzuriha, they'll be gone in 5-6 chapters.
It doesn't start properly after chapter 13 and it consistently gets better. Once they embrace Senku as the MC the series improves tenfold.
things really pick up at chapter 16/17 so just hang on
Characters are fun, seeing Senku science his way around problems is fun, it has a lax atmosphere and a good sense of humor.
The first 10 or so chapters are the prologue though, which is unanimously agreed to be the weakest part.
Humor and art mostly.
if Boichi ever draws canon genderbends and they are ayylmaos im gonna fucking cry (i mean, imagine Senkuu with dem huge ass eyes)
>we won't get to bestgirl
I cry
Think about how good the girls could look.
It bothers me because there's some panels where Kohaku's pupils are drawn smaller, and it looks so much better it's not even funny. I don't know why Boichi is so insistent on drawing a lot of the girls like that.
>smaller eyes
>bigger mouth
Boichi excels in cartoony expressive faces
That's not what I meant, she is literally perfection and I want to give her headpats
She's very, very good.
Here's one panel that I just love.
Here is a modified trap Senkuu.
I want a colorpage of her.
Reminder that the stone machine is in space, the next arc will be the space race arc and it will turn out Byakuya caused the stonening.
What was his motivation?
I was just saying user, but you’re right
1. To save humanity from something that was going to wipe them out
2. For Senku for some reason
3. Because he is an asshole
4. Something else
Take your pick.
truly gorgeous
btw, what about the hair for girl!Senkuu, up or down? (not really buying the pigtails...i mean they look cute but dont fit his character imo)
Ponytail Senkuu
i think a pontail would be best for fem senku
best girl but what the fuck are those balloons thingies strapped to her chest?
Watched only episode one but so far
>correctly states that science is simply the pain in the ass process of finding the rules 0f and replicating something
>correctly showed that a lone person can't do shit because almost all the time is taken up by trying to survive
Going so well, but then:
>"10 billion percent"
>"I just counted for 3700 years"
>E=mc² on his shirt
>keeps bringing up science like it were some sort of religion
A rollercoaster, sometimes it gets it right other times I almost feel like I'm watching Rick and Morty. Also I get that this is shonen but the fact that they were frozen in place in sensory deprivation for 3700 years was really trivialized, that stuff is something that REALLY should be having a massive influence on the character's personalities.
why i find this panel so fucking lewd?
I understand that conflict. I hate to say "turn your brain off" but some stuff just legit isn't meant to be thought about super hard in this series. It's very fantastical in the end, just with a big science bend, so it's not exactly "pure science", it's a fun adventure sort of story with those elements. The main character in particular, as you've seen, is just very very passionate about science. I can see why it might come off self-righteous, but if anything it starts to feel a lot like it's the writer's love for this stuff seeping into the story. Feel free to confirm your opinion of the series over the next two episodes, and if you drop it I wouldn't fault you one bit.
The counting thing was needed for the plot, that's all there is to it. It's only as accurate as it needs to be to make us enjoy /diy/ rebuilding. There will always be little things to stumble about but if you get to like this show, you'll learn to ignore it.
The 10 billion percent is just shitty humor.
I've been rereading this week all the chapters. God the build up to the ship is so fucking great
Anime onlies should just read it if they are truly interested
i want to have senkuu's nerd babies
what kid of dad could he be?
I want a color spread of Kohaku snowboarding hinted at here.
Christmas user.
Tell me this doesn't look 10 Billion % better.
You’re weird
It's Science Fiction, of course you're not supposed to think hard about it. What makes Dr. Stone different from other Sci Fi works that it gets people ass blasted?
Why is Francois' hair blonde if the manga has it colored so it's darker than Kohaku's? Shouldn't they be a brunette or a redhead?
Did these critiques pop up when the first chapter hit? I swear I don't remember anyone complaining about all of these, but ever since the anime started most of what this user said is all shitposters and baiters want to say.
Is the anime gonna reach this?
I know a better wife for him.
if we are getting 2-3 chapters per episode we might get to Tsukasa's downfall
why not just fix the fucking face?
>"10 billion percent"
It's just his catchphrase. It's not meant to be scientific
>keeps bringing up science like it were some sort of religion
It kinda is to him and he convinces others how great it is too. I don't see how that's an issue
>E=mc² on his shirt
It's just a design choice. It's the most iconic scientific equation. When all you have is primitive clothing it's basically the only way to convey "he's a smart guy" to the audience
They see "guy who is smart" and immediately connect it with psuedo-intellectuals instead of realizing it's just about a love for science in general
Probably not, the start of stone wars is a pretty natural place to end since after that they're busy making communications for a while, and they won't have to introduce Hyoga and Homura right as the anime ends.
Hyouga's spear being shattered is in the OP so I assume so. At this pace though I'm not sure how much further we'll get. I want it to at least get to Tsukasa's sister but it probably won't.
No because generally nobody cares about the first chapter of a new Jump manga to a certain extent. It's what comes after that brings the fanbase/attention
What is it with coke lovers that also makes them one of the most entertaining characters of their respective series?
>It's not meant to be scientific
Yeah, it's clearly a colloquialism.
My doctor occasionally says, "I'm about 110% sure", and I don't smart-assedly respond, "Is that your actual numerical prognosis, doctor?"
Coke isn't the only brand of cola.
Senku would be pulverized to a pulp in seconds under the weight of Power’s immensely high IQ.
>Hyouga's spear being shattered is in the OP
I didn't catch that, which part was it?
Shouldn't it be gold?
Wrong spear.
Doesn't look anything like his spear desu
Plus it was the shaft that broke, not the spearhead.
Please stop posting feet in here
Feet are just too lewd, and are naturally designed to be fucked
For me it's
I can't wait for OST.
why and how are gen's feet so cute and perfect?
Feels like a stretch, looks more like a reference to reviving the swallow
Because he's a faggot.
And naturally, faggots and feminine boys have the cutest, softest feet designed to attract alpha males.
I've heard quite a few people say the OST is nothing special but I've loved the songs so far, especially during the more dramatic moments.
they see your dick
That's just a generic stone representing the petrification.
senku's kinda hot desu
i thought boichi was straight or something, he's clearly hornier for the girls yet the guys look way better
It's funny how this series (the "flop") is having more repercussion than Neverland and Kimetsu.
Because, from a surface level, with the other two there isn’t anything out in the open there for shitposters to really latch onto, outside of the nitpickers who sprawl in when a new episode airs.
With this, Senku is the one thing that really pisses a lot of people off and since he’s so smug and autistic and “cringe” as they like to say it’s really easy for them to complain about how much he is those three things over and over.
as of late im under the impression that his over-the-top ayylmao womenfolk are a sign of repressed homolust, but then again i've never read his other works, so...
Nah, Dr. Stone is more fun than the other two.
ukyo is cute
Sure but what does that have to do with anything
What do you think the first timers depetrification scars will look like? Will the veterans get even more on top of the ones they already had?
im in fucking denial, man
We never got his backstory, did we?
>Yo gets a piece of stone over both eyes
Ginro is annoying
I haven't read this but I want to fuck the mc
I think they only got scars because of how long they were petrified for.
If he actually stays dead it'll be kino.
>main villain drops his entire ideology because his sick sister got better
I don't know how to feel about this twist. I guess he's arguably more interesting now that we know there's more behind his motives, but at the same time that feels kinda silly.
More like the entire reason he was an asshole was because he was butthurt over his sister dying.
It's because he gained faith that Senku could truly create a utopia with Science.
Fuck off, axefag
That's a cute Kohaku!
He never made any sense, if he really wanted to start society from scratch he should not have wanted to revive anyone that remembered the old world
But everyone would remember the old world. He couldn't do it alone.
They are. Just ignore dumb tumblr fujos.
Even Boichi ships Kohaku and Senku hard.
There are villagers that know very little about it
I want anime onlys to leave
kohaku is kind of a boring character to be honest
she has an amusing gag i guess (people calling her a gorilla) but i don't find her anywhere near as fun as the other characters in the cast, hell I found Yuzuriha to be much more endearing (i like her fashion designer schtick and her kind nature), and she did more meaningful stuff too.
Come back in 5 weeks or so, retard.
Kohaku is everyone's bodyguard, Senku's saber. She usually pretty chills and only works up when someone she cares about is in danger. Basically a reliable team mate that can get everything done, and that's her role. If you think about it, she is the first stranger Senku could place his trust in.
That's exactly why she's so boring though. Characters' flaws and quirks make them fun or memorable. Kinro's no-nonsense nature, Ginro's cowardice, Kaseki's pride, Chrome's energeticness. Kohaku is forced to play the competent straightman, which is always a nasty role amongst other characters like that. She is neither traditionally "tough" enough for me to say she's the "tough chick", nor is she sweet enough to be the "nice chick". She does her job in the plot, but lacks definition as a personality, so I can't honestly say I like her because she hasn't given me much to like other than "she's a tomboy i guess"
>Don't forget this gem
That is honestly fucking hilarious. He's ridiculously dedicated.
I'm glad it seems there are more goofy faces this time.
Tsukasa-chan is too beautiful to stay dead. Plus he needs to get a chance to be an adorable big brother again.
I really think Kohaku is supposed to be the proxy for the audience in this.
While everybody else is doing their thing, she's the one who notices the good in everyone, and, although her usual actions might not suggest it, is the introspective set of eyes.
Her 11/10 perception is not just in seeing physical things.
How lucky is it that they found something that can easily be used to petrify and heal Tsukasa before they go all the way around the world?
Fun and memorable don't really matter. Chrome is good but the rest of your examples are nothing worth caring about. Writing a heroine is challenging. They tried to avoid having a violent tsundere or a genki idiot, it's a good thing that we don't have to go through those cliche routes. Kohaku is fine as she is, she has common senses, listen to Senku, she is quirky and reliable. I get what you mean about her character is bland but in this show, it's impossible to hate characters that extremely useful like her and that's enough for the writer.
>hey the super genius Gary Stu I'm trying to design came out looking like a retard
>I know, write a popsci equation on his shirt!
I'm convinced people only watch this garbage ironic
He's now a beautiful frozen sleeping princess waiting for true love's kiss
They won't be able to keep that.
Too lewd, he is pure.
>Neutralize Treasure Island Monarchy
>Take a bunch of their petrification devices with you
What's the issue here?
>just to make him look so smart because he has math on his clothes
For all his brilliance, he is still a teenager. Teens do stuff like that.
I just want to see him punch the shit out of more things again.
There's only been one shown so far, and there's no guarantee Senku CAN use it, or if it'll be destroyed when retrieving it, or anything like that. Just getting the means to save Tsukasa right now is a giant anticlimax.
Stonefags are just a lot more autistic and generally there's not much to discuss about the series other than to keep bringing up the same shit over and over again. Neverland never had much staying power and just came and went. Kimetsu hasn't gotten to the good shit yet in the anime. Stone is still a flop regardless though.
I really dislike how the author removes charactera or give them screen time based in how popular they are.
Does he? Feels like everyone is pretty well-balanced honestly.
>everyone is well balanced
>the characters introduced int the begining were gone for years until recently
>two fucking characters
>who left because of a valid in-universe decision to make them spies to infiltrate Tsukasa
>and came back later and got more than enough time and focus to compensate
user please
>who left because of a valid in-universe decision
Thanks for the laugh. Sure doesn't help ypur case that they both ranked outside the top 10
If you can't prove that they were shafted because they weren't popular, you don't really have a right to say that "the author removes characters based on how popular they are" like it's an indisputable fact. This could have been planned from the beginning and you wouldn't know. The only thing that can be proven is what is in the text itself - Senku wanted Taiju and Yuzuriha to become spies. This was the reason given in-universe, and it makes sense, as they both end up being crucial later.
>This could have been planned from the beginning
It wasn't and the reason given doesn't even makes sense its the reason why the first 3 volumes of are pointless.
>Left in the dust as soon as author could ditch them
>Meanwhile ilussion faggot geta shoved everywhere
Why wasn't it? You're just saying "this wasn't like that". If you can point to interviews or something then I'll gladly eat my words. Otherwise the story should be taken at face - Taiju and Yuzuriha became spies because Senku wanted them to.
>Otherwise the story should be taken at face - Taiju and Yuzuriha became spies because Senku wanted them to.
Which makes no sense. Next
Why doesn't it make sense?
Their spying directly lead to the recruitment of Nikki and, more importantly, Ukyo. If they didn't do that Senku would not have been able to conquer the Tsukasa Empire.
The women all have such juicy dumpers and it bothers me that theres essentially no hentai for them
>Their spying directly lead to the recruitment of Nikki and, more importantly, Ukyo.
Wow...how convenient
How earned. Taiju's toughness and stamina convinced Nikki to hear them out. Yuzuriha's finesse at repairing statues won Ukyo over. Ukyo provided the true stalemate with his dynamite arrows, and Nikki bought time for Senku by capturing Minami and preventing her from reporting the attack to Tsukasa.
People = power. How have you not gotten this yet?
>"this thing doesn't make sense"
>"well let me explain why it makes sense"
>"that's convenient wtf"
are you just trying to start shit or what? quit being purposefully retarded
Nice headcannon dumbass
>Most people agree that Taiju and Yuzuriha were written out of teh story because readers didn't care for them
>Has to make up an excuse to justify their departure after saying something as stupid as "every character in Dr. Stone is well-balanced" when most are one-note
Okay faggot
it's literally in the story you speedreader
>most people agree that Taiju and Yuzuriha were written out of the story because readers didn't care for them
A bunch of readers agreeing with something doesn't mean it's the truth, no shit. You can keep saying shit, but you don't have proof you fucking mong. It's that simple. Unless you can point to an interview or a discussion saying that Taiju and Yuzuriha were written out because of unpopularity, then you can't seal that that's the case. The story gives us a reason, you're being deliberately obtuse if for whatever reason you don't want to accept that even though it's what's written on the fucking paper.
>Things that actually happened
Last (You) you'll get from me. Read the manga.
>A bunch of readers agreeing with something doesn't mean it's the truth,
Of course its the truth look at the poll.
Wow how convenient
>You can keep saying shit, but you don't have proof you fucking mong.
>Dr.Stone's early rankings were bad
>once Taiju and Yzu left the story it soared
>no proof
>Taiju had color spreada early on
>Supposed to be the MC bro
>Not relevant in the current arc
>Meanwhile con man kun is shoved in every chapter and arc.
>Now he is senkuu best friend
Just stop anons, there's no way for either of you to prove it either way
The hundred tales didn't manage to sneak in a chapter about agriculture? Like Byakuya and pals were like fuck our descendants they can live like african tribes for a couple more millenia, wouldn't want them to be too civilized for Senku.
correlation =/= causation. the polls being the way they are doesn't indicate the will of the author. They tell us Taiju and Yuzuriha were not very popular, with is truth. But they don't tell us that the author shafted them for that reason. The Dr. Stone rankings could have risen for numerous reasons, like the introduction of Chrome, but you can't say concretely that Taiju and Yuzuriha being removed was the author's attempt to save face, because you don't have proof that this was the author's intent. Just what the story gives us.
Again, that doesn't actually prove anything. You have the notion that Taiju was supposed to appear constantly just because he was on the covers. He appeared for the prologue, and then left. Isn't it more reasonable to conclude that he exists to serve as an audience surrogate for Senku until the story kicks off? Obviously I can't prove this either, but the only reason you think Taiju was shafted unreasonably is because of your own expectations, not the author actually saying that he did this. This could have easily been the plan from the beginning, or it couldn't have, but you can't say "yes Taiju was undeniably shafted because he wasn't popular", because we have no idea what is going through the author's head.
Is Chrome even popular
Isn't there a risk the ref would malfunction and no one can repair it while the expedition is ongoing?
He ranked 5th in the JP poll and 3rd in the american one, so it seems like he's popular enough.
Sending Yuzuriha to salvage statues rekt by Tsubasa is sufficiently subversive to be a spy activity.
user, Senku isn't a gary stu...
Stop embarrassing yourself and watch/read the show seriously.
There was no one else to vote.