
Maki is now the best girl for /ouguy/, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Remember when this manga was good?

Yes it was last week

For the sake of a quality thread no one is allowed to talk about sex or women.

Before the kiss? Those were good times.

lol wouldn't it be funny if Tsubame graduates and then Ishigami receives a DVD in the mail a few months later of her getting railed by a dozen guys while giving double peace signs haha

We want to talk about Kaguya!

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live action seems doing really well..
ticket on some theaters even already out of stock.
they even preparing for resale.

the anime also get rebroadcast

also, around a month ago there's a broadcast on a channel that didn't air Kaguya yet. ( like they are buy license after winter 2019 ended. )
something like this probably just happen on popular show right ?


and the last, it seems Aka is not under 1stPlace anymore ? but he still working with them for IA related like for seasonal illustration and stuff..

it's also explined why he is not designing ONE.


I'm so happy Ishigami is a volcel like me. It's just strange being offered sex before marriage, it doesn't feel right to me. Although, I don't think Ishi cares about the marriage part, just the Love part.

>it's also explined why he is not designing ONE
It's impressive enough he's still doing anything at all considering how busy he must be.

desu they dragged the recent kagua and shirogane arc out a little bit too long, i'm glad they finally got together but some of the chapters building up to the kiss were a slog, this new arc however has been nice so far

ONE is out around 2014 i think (?) Aka still working on Ib back then, he is not that busy but yeah.. he still doing something like seasonal IA design until now so..

>actually thinking this
Brainlets should honestly just read Toubun it's more up their alley.

>everybody I don't like is a Toubun fag

More Rei when? Toubunbros are my frends

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shut up toubunfag

Wouldn't be a Kaguya thread without this dumb ass

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Good news, i really want season 2.

Eugh can you Imagine the sounds of Kaguya and Shirogane tongue fucking holy shit that makes me so hard.

isn't that already confirmed?

Wait. What happened to Onodera?

no, but Konomi Kohara is talking about VA audition for Miko before final episode aired.

they probably already planning about it, since it's also youngjump adaptation.

Remember when you weren't committed to posting this every damn time?

I would love it if they went the extra mile and did a 24 episode season that made it all the way to the school festival

when has a 12 episode series got a 24 on the second season?

im gonna go rewatch... thanks user

She doesn't count because she isn't really competing. She know's she's the winner.

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ishi goes full depression and only healed by the imouto of pres?... lino destroyed yet again

Kashiwagi is such a good girl

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she might end up pregnant soon though.

The pregnancy Arc cannot come soon enough

they already held hands, so....

>The student has become the master.

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Is this a thing that often happens in US?

Slut! She wants the sluttery infection to spread to every single person's friend and aunt! Sluuuut!

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It happend to me, but it was a email. and im in the uk.

What other manga overuses an omniscient narrator to explain shit to the readers?
I read the manga after dropping the anime thinking it'll be better since there was a jarring faggot explaining shit on what's supposed to be a visual medium. But no, there's the obnoxious narrator explaining everything as if the readers were mouth-breathing dumbasses.


its aimed at teenagers.
true but would argue Montagari is a special case

Is "Ara ara"ing a symptom?

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>If she rejects you I'll hang out with you
Was she just being nice or was she trying to move on from tsubasa?

Who cares? Everyone ignores the narrator as evidenced during the Ice Arc when he specifically stated Kaguya didn't have any mental disorders but everyone just kept saying she had multiple personality disorder

Ironically, you don't get his purpose because you're a mouth-breathing dumbass.

Yikes, The narrator is the best part of pre Ice Kaguya.

For Kaguya you mean? Kashiwagi is always safe enough but Kaguya doesn't care about safety and wants it raw.

>No relationship progress between Kaguya and Prez
>Otterposting, Nisekoi part 2, Hacka

>Manga went to shit after kiss, shit Iceguya, still Hacka

Kaguya will surpass her again once she'll start winning on the baby count.

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Iino will be the first to be preggos after an intense night of hate sex

When are the raws coming out?

If the narrator didn't specifically state that it wasn't a mental disorder, then would the readers still have a good reason to believe otherwise? If so, then it's a failure on the mangaka's part since he had to rely on an irrefutable source(a disembodied narrator) to clear things up instead of letting his art or characters convey the intent of his story properly.
I just felt insulted reading this. I'd rather read a book than a manga that tries to be one. Enjoy a work catered to disabled people, I guess.

What for?

In two weeks, Since it got axed yesterday Aka is going to release the rest of his rough drafts online.


>prez x kaguya
Vanilla, rape, femdom, rare fetish
>ishi x miko
Hate sex, vanilla, rape, smell fetish, cosplay
>chad x glasses
>who x kashiwagi
Femdom, rape

To see any possible mistakes on the korean and chinese translations. Especially on "that" line which we still don't know if it was said by Ishigami or Tsubame.

>Ishigami knocking up Iino
Will probably be alright, as long as he takes full legal responsibility
>Tsubasa knocking up Kashiwagi
He'll have to survive her onii-chan and dad's wrath, maybe some asspull where his grandpa did heart surgery on her dad or something. At least he's pretty much guaranteed to be a future great doctor so he's not a bad catch
>Prez knocking up Kaguya
certain death

>certain death
>when Kaguya and Prez are planning to raise a baseball team
Leave Ganan to me

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JB translator already confirmed it is Tsubame who said it.
No need to kick on a dead horse unless you are asking for more shitposting.

Fuck off we all know JB are going to rewrite the entire chapter to make Tsubame look good, We can all see the Slut Bias from 1000 miles away.

I see you are just shitposting then.
Shouldn't have wasted my time to reply you.

Something tells me Ishi x Maki is never happening

Bro... don't lose hope bros are eternal sluts are temporary.

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Maki exists to be humiliated
>imagine losing to Miko

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why are we still going the main plot wrapped up like 20 chapters ago I want off this train

remember when people thought you might make something of your life?

but I like talking about sex and women

>I just felt insulted reading this.
You wouldn't have been insulted if you didn't start by speaking like a haughty asshole that doesn't know what he's talking about.
Anyway, you're free to leave whenever if you don't enjoy works "catered to disabled people".

Abe is like some sort of fertility god?

Aka I swear to god if this plotline turns into ishi killing himself I'll defend you as the greatest mangaka to ever live

Aka I swear to god if this plotline turns into ishi dating Maki I'll defend you as the greatest mangaka to ever live

Aka I swear to god if this plotline turns into ishi dating Hayasaka I'll defend you as the greatest mangaka to ever live

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Aka I swear to god if this plotline turns into ishi dating the reader I'll defend you as the greatest mangaka to ever live

I wasn't clear, but I meant that my intelligence was insulted by reading this manga. People enjoy reading shitty shonen so I suppose people enjoying shitty seinen isn't out of the norm.

>then would the readers still have a good reason to believe otherwise?
Yes. Yes they would.

You're still here? I said you could leave.
I should have figured you'd have trouble understanding: it was meant as an invitation to stay away from this thread for everyone's benefit
(Note: "everyone" includes you. Hopefully now that I pointed it out won't have to say it again).

Chapter hits the nips in a couple hours. Please stand by.

yes yes I'm sure 2ch or whatever will be on fire we've heard it all before

Well... more than for that uninteresting reason, it's relevant to us because of the translation.

I should probably check up on the 2ch threads, actually.


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Nips have both celebrators and doomposters from the Miko side. One thinks it's a victory flag the other thinks it's a setup to be SUBVERTED and actually a lose flag.

She'll be happy after the school shooting she'll inevitably cause.

Ishi is very clearly not her type, silly user.
Her happiness will have to wait approximately 17 years to become ripe.

>17 years
Kashiwagi's not pregnant yet.

Of course she is, Aka is simply waiting to point it out.

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Currently, I think I mostly see people discussing piracy, with a few posts about Miko in between.

now I'm interested to school shootings even happen in japan? I thought they're gun law changed and now it's just stabbings

So basically this whole subplot is about shitting on incels and purityfags rights? Using the Literally Me self insert to teach the most cancerous part of his fanbase a lesson. Bravo Aka

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Ishigami did nothing wrong. His goal was never just to get his dick wet.

He's probably a shitposter into making, ignore him.

are nip mikofags as cancerous as the ones here?

Has drinking cow juice ever worked for 2d girls?

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Well, they post pictures of Miko.

>cancerous as the ones here
What did we even do? Besides defend a character you don't like?

K-On. You've got a point, though, both this and Monogatari feel like special cases. For Monogatari it was also technically the third and fourth broadcast cours, not the second and third

I haven't checked every site, but Miko looks to be pretty popular actually. They think she's lewd and cute.

Why is K-On a special case again?

Of course not
Maki needs to take her life in her own hands to do something
Right now she is a cuck.

I just noticed that Maki has a fang


Like OG Kaguya
See the chapter of the roach.

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>Maki wants the Ishi cock too

I thought the author hated harems?

>Ishigami did nothing wrong.
If you can't see why this was neither the time nor place to vomit his feelings all over a girl who giving herself to him, then I'm not sure what I can say. He might not have done anything wrong, but he certainly didn't do anything right

Stop with this harem meme, I swear it's the hidden cause of half the shitposting.

Monogatari is more like an experience
so wait, if you have feelings for a girl, you wouldn't tell them you loved them during the most intimate act humans can have?


>so wait, if you have feelings for a girl, you wouldn't tell them you loved them during the most intimate act humans can have?
Don't be a fag, you know what that user means
Its only okay when the two people are madly in love
>Inb4 thats rl bullshit reeee
Thats sadly how the world works now.

Am I the only one her wants her to suffer more?

It was perfectly natural for him to assume that she was reciprocating his feelings. She even pointed out the love ring, that spelled out "I'm aware of your love for me".
It was mostly her fault for panicking and backpedaling.

We all do.

>It was mostly her fault for panicking and backpedaling.
It all boils down to that
Its her fault but the question is
Exactly for what reason?

>nymphomaniac with mental disorder and split personas
>craving for cock and constantly thinking about orgies
>confirmed lesbian
>teen mom

only Maki is pure

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She's desperate for dick she'd never ever get.

he was in love with her though?

Fujiwara hasn't cheated in a long time. Granted they haven't played any games in a long time. She didn't cheat during the Christmas party to get the gift she wanted, unlike what Kaguya tried to do

There used to be some legitimately obnoxious waifufagging around Miko.. I want to say before the Ice arc diverted people away from it. I find that and the obsessive Miko hating equally annoying but only the latter has really been prevalent recently.

Your obsession towards her and her fans is far more cancerous. Outside a few annoying fags and most of them are falseflaggers, most of them don't really do anything cancerous and are properly discussing the series.

Rumors at nipland are it'll be 24 episodes and it will end on Ice waking up. Auditionsd for Miko and Maki VA are almost done.

Isn't it pretty obvious?
She didn't say no to him at the festival because she thought she had time to give him an answer. She liked him enough at this point to mayyyybe give him a chance, even sleep with him. But now that he asked her out just 3 days later she won't say yes just to fuck him.

Imagine waifing up Miko lmao.

Maki is already voiced by Kana Ichinose.

Probably she wasn't very sure of her choice and so tried avoiding it for reasons, but she also wanted to "trap herself" into picking it because it was what she actually wanted. However, Ishigami innocently and clearly bringing up the choice again made her drop her spaghetti.
I'm starting to think it's something like this, at least.

Maki already has a voice actor, She's the cucked girl from Darling in the franxx.

This is without a doubt a stupid rumor because Maki already has a voice.

Likely because she had to face the fact that Ishigami is a hell of a lot more serious about her than she is about him currently, she likes him but also fears committing to a relationship.

>end on Ice
>Not on Kaguya telling Hayasaka she tongue-kissed Shirogane
Just imagine the rage/disappointment of animeonlys.

>Isn't it pretty obvious?
Yes but there are retards in this site and you know...

It would a little soon to aim so aggressively for sex if it was just a "mayyybe".
Probably she had already decided in her heart but didn't want to take the responsibiliity for her choice yet.

It would be better to end it at chapter 137 because it brings closure while making a sequel possible. Then if there is a season 3, it would start at the flashforward of chapter 152, but instead of continuing with Tsubame's party we go back to chapter 138 and we get the Iceguya arc. Knowing that they eventually end up being a loving couple would make the Iceguya arc far less frustrating for the animeonlies.

Yes Ichinose was already cast but what I meant was that Miko and Maki's VA auditions are one big audition event which is almost done. Maybe I should have said the VA auditions

"Kaguya's dad doesn't agree for marriage and tries to kill Prez" arc when?

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Which VA do you think miko will have?

Nip tsubamefags are basically non-existent, so mikofags are mikofagging in peace.

It's good to see that at least some nips have enough braincells to realize that Miko is going to be btfo.

Literally me.

Unfortunately, yes.
Shit taste and mental illness (being a waifunigger) know no limits.

She doesn't have mentally ill haters like you in Japan so you're wrong

Yeah, Zako-chan seems pretty popular over there.

>no one is allowed to talk about sex or women.
feminist much?

She wants to start a weird polyamorous relationship with Tsubaki and Maki, so Tsubaki will get 2 girls pregnant at the same time which means he needs to become twice as successful as his dad and gramps

As long as its not slutbame

hello, otternigger.
seems you forgot to post that pic you so fapped about.

Maki is pretty much a primary schooler and Ishi is not a pedo

Feminism is almost just about sex and women

I'll never know if they use that nickname as an insult or if it's affectionate. Probably both.


Pretty sure it's affectionate, considering the shit i find in Miko threads.

>Ishi is not a pedo

what are you talkng about, user? please, read the manga

How would ishigami and iino fall in love? ishigami has no interest in her and she is just a tsundere.

>The lewd, mentally-ill, big-tittied, small-bladdered, strongest pubescent public morals committee member heroine.
If I'm reading this right.

shes mini Kaguya.. I still think Ishi likes Kaguya even if he is scared

He won't.

Miko is nothing like Kaguya.

I have no idea how his feelings could change into love but I wouldn't say he has no interest in her, even if that interest isn't romantic. He actually respects her a lot and is very protective of her.

Miko is cute, stacked, and a genius.

user I think we can call it a given that Miko will be going through heavy development before this happens, I also imagine it being unrequited for a while because Ishigami thinks she hates him until she proves otherwise and he's gonna be reeling from what happened with Tsubame for a while.

Lol based

It's rare for the Japanese to so succinctly describe a manga best girl but here we are.

Maki the best
Senpai a shit
Iino a shit

>Thinking based ishi will immediately jump ship to the next girl

This thing with tsubame isn't over yet, although i think it's clear they won't end up together.

At the most she'll admit she likes him before leaving and tells him to find someone else and will probably hint at miko since there are a lot of pages where she notices how much he looks out for her.

>he STILL believes Ishigami and the goblin are ending up together
Hope you're ready to have your ass SUBVERTED by the man himself.

Imagine these threads if Miko never existed.

That annoying bitch is nothing like Kaguya. She has no tolerance and never uses her brain.
Ishigami doesn't sexually interested in Kaguya and he doesn't have guts for that so just forget it.

Imagine these threads if you and didn't exist, though you're probably that guy too.

Raws and 4-koma:

I don't think anyone but people baiting actually wants this to happen though.

They would find something else to endlessly shitpost about.

noice too bad I can't read

Seems like it's a question. I guess the Chinese made an opsie then?

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>literally Toradora's Minori
No fuck this

Not necessarily. Sometimes that just expresses uncertainty.

nip thread

My wife Miko's surprised face is really cute.

No, it's definitely Tsubame. The first black box doesn't have quote marks because it's Ishigami speaking while the other 2 have.
The question mark is because of

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Fug the look of defeat on Ishigami's face still hurts,
At this point is he disillusioned completely on Tsubame? sure looks like it.

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reminder that this manga is for OLs and slutbame-ishitgami is the best couple for those ladies to self-insert

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Jesus Christ if Ishigami's harem gets any bigger Japan might truly have the worst population crisis.

Agree, Ishi dating Hayasaka as a redemption would be poetic. Maybe their personalities match afterall

He's hurt for sure, but I doubt it'll erase his feelings towards her entirely just because of it. People don't usually let go that easily.

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While Ishigami and Miko is the preferred pairing for mentally ill waifufags.
It's crystal clear that Mikofags are the same kind of people who read harem manga and sadly for us they bring their shitposts over here

You are the one who acts the most like an harem manga reader in this thread, though.

Is there a single non psychotic girl in Kaguya?

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Onodera, Osaragi, Hayasaka's mom, Momo, Kei. Plenty of them.

Oh look, they're wondering if she's a slut now.

Thats before given spotlight
In the end all women are crazy in their own ways.

A lot of those don't get that much spotlight.

That would be too based of Aka
It would take a sudden turn of events
But im sure him could pull it off amazingly.


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Oh wow they are literally me

Oh god the nip twitter Miko lover community is exploding, I can't tell if they love the chapter or hate it.

All I can tell is there is a lot of sympathy for Ishigami.

What's the one realistic turn of event that would make you drop this manga in a heartbeat?

Tsubamebros, it has been an honor

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It's settled then. Tsubame is not even sure what the fuck she was trying to accomplish with this and realized pretty quickly how stupid it was.
For how long did she planned it though? Was it when she invitiedd him to the party? Was on the day of the party? Was it right the moment they were left alone?

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Doomposters are falseflagging forever alone end for Ishigami.

There is like one nip makifag that thinks it's his shit waifu's time to shine.

She's desperate for hand holding like all of us.

Damn dude I'm not even a Mikofag but seething this much just isn't healthy.

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It's a good thing that he finally sees her as a person instead of some glorious goddess.

No realistic turn of events would make me drop the manga.
Something unrealistic however, like Ishigami falling in love with Iino would.

>naive teenagers do stupid shit and don't really know their own motivations
Yeah seems pretty accurate.

I don't think I can talk about this manga for a while.

The first two black boxes are pretty much the same translation we got from gooks. The last is something like:

>"Thank you for liking me, I guess?"

>The first black box doesn't have quote marks because it's Ishigami speaking
I don't get the logic.

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Just like in real life

That was probably before the party because she would have no reason to lend a guest room otherwise.

>But doesn't do anything to change her current situation
Just like us.

It's written different to indicate different speakers, and the other speaker isn't talking in a true question. If I said,
>It's thanks for you falling in love with me, I guess?
Is that actually a question?

No he's right, waifu cancer is even more annoying than the doomposting during the ice arc.

In the previous page all boxes have quotes because it's Tsubame speaking and on the next page there is a single box withouth quotes

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Oh god one of the twitter artists who mainly does Mikoishi stuff is fucking exploding on twitter right now,
The power Aka has is unimaginable someone needs to stop that madman.

Who the fuck cares about stupid nips.

THAT one?

>It's thanks for you falling in love with me, I guess?
There is nothing like 'I guess' in that line.

No it isn't, at all. There isn't a lot of them in the first place, and it's not like they are trying to shit on anybody by saying how much they like their girl, so you can ignore it easily.

Just checked the translations in mangadex and now they say "I guess it's a thank you for liking me this much?"

Sure, but that was an example. That sentence ends with a question mark, but it's not a question.

The one who does this fanart, Don't want to post their twitter since they are going through a breakdown but you can search for em.

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Gonna get 'em.

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It’s a question, so it’s implied

>Thank you for liking me...?

why specifically H?

>Kaguya sends Hayasaka to cheer up Ishigami
>She still desperate and steals a kiss from Ishigami
Would be pretty based

>did you guys fuck?

Is it so hard to understand now

>but it's not a question.
There is no particular difference between question mark and か.

えっち and H are pronounced the same

Yo, what does Aka want to do? He created so many lores for IshiMiko, and now are Ishi and Tsubame falling for each other. Aka, you are digging your own grave.

Trips of truth
Tsubame was too slow
Now Hayasaka AKA "Best girl" will steal the show and Ishigami in one strike.

>Artist who loves Ishigami and Iino shipping is having a breakdown from Tsubame having a falling out with Ishigami

A breakdown assumes it's something bad, are they like legit mad at the chapter despite it making his ship more possible, or is he mad that Ishigami got all intimate with Tsubame?

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Aka doesn't give a shit.
Most doesn't give a shit about overly bloated cast of side-characters either.

The question marks imply that Tsubame is uncertain about what the fuck she just said.
The ellipsis before this means that she just answer with whatever excuse that pop up on her mind.

It is not that hard to understand.

You'll have to point that out to me cause I don't see it, like I said
I hate both, but most of the legitimately annoying waifufagging from Miko fags that most importantly wasn't obviously bait, haven't been around much in these threads since the Ice arc started.

And actually fuck off the waifu wars at their worst aren't even remotely as bad as the shitposting during the Ice arc.

ah i see

Aka knows how to make a wild ride.

Depends on context. Sometimes there is a difference. Since Tsubame is talking there, this is one such context.

The limits of understanding what nips think through Google translate is too much for my mortal mind,
Maybe some TL'er will understand what they are raging about.

Anyone who isn't a fucking retard knows that she's just making excuses. She already said the distance was not really that big of an issue to Kaguya, it's like 28 minutes by bus, even quicker by train.
We'll probably get a chapter explaining what was going on with her thought process.

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Is all Michlan fault

The 2chan thread is going moderately fast.

At least there are still some sane minds in these threads, my brother.

>Why do I want to die
Some time after that he/she has realized IshiMiko might actually be a thing. Hahaha

They are seething or what?

>Why do I want to die
Some time after that, he/she has realized IshiMiko might actually be a thing. Hahaha

Post the link, want to see, senpai

You can post that as much as you want, but both those threads and the japanese threads prove that you're wrong and that most people do care about those side characters

>He created so many lores for IshiMiko
And that's EXACTLY WHY they are not going to become a couple.

Threads on imageboards are a very small percentage of overall Kaguya readerbase.
It's a pretty fucking popular manga.

Similar to our threads but more tame.
Some disappointment, some shock, people telling Tsubame isn't a virgin and people saying Ishigami should go for Maki


This but unironically.
Y’all wasted your time of doing productive thing on shitposting compulsively, admit it.

>Similar to our threads but more tame
A lot more tame


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what did they mean by this???

Yeah, the IshiMikofags on twitter are really hoping she doesn't wind up as his rebound girlfriend. That seems to be the source of their consternation.

That got a good laugh out of me.

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>People saying Ishigami should go for Maki
It seems elevens still have salvation.

Sure but it's not like anybody can know how the rest of the fanbase feels about them. If the visible part of the fanbase cares, the others are likely to care too.

You know what

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Glad to see they have more self-respect than Yea Forums shippers.

They sure are going to seethe once next chapter reveals that Miko's broken arm is due to Ishi's monster cock.

Michlan is the most obvious of the already obvious shitposters, people don't really care though if it gives them an opportunity to shit on [x] group of people they don't like.

>If the visible part of the fanbase cares, the others are likely to care too.
Loud minority (rabid shippers) is loud minority.

2chan is making jokes about that, I'm pretty sure.

I feel like this obviously won't be the case but I'm glad everyone is thinking it.

Let’s thank Aka for pausing last week. If he were to take a break here I would go crazy for real

>I am going to strongly push a ship and make sure they won't end together just to subvert expectations
Do you realize how stupid that sounds ?

>Nips knows about the Ishi feeds miko gif

I did read something about 同情手コキ.

>I am going to strongly push a ship and make sure they won't end together for character development
Sounds fine to me.

I don't think any IshiMiko shippers on Yea Forums are actually wishing for her to just be a rebound outside Michlan

>he doesn't know

Character development is what will bring them together, not the opposite.

Who cares? The anime wasn't that good.

You has to be joking.


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>Satan will impregnate this
How the demon did it?

break next week dum dum

>Kaguya is now a biweekly series
What went wrong?

Wrong, Miko's character development will come from her having her heart broken so she can finally get over her stupid delusions about love and grow up.

Anons being too gullible.

I feel like getting over her stupid love delusions and growing up would happen either way

Remember when this manga was weekly?

There is no break next week, you're being fucked with.

Axe soon

Why i would lie on the internet?

Erika's jealous of Ishigami because of all the "fun" he's having with Kaguya. It's a fun chapter.

What's the title of the next chapter?

No it will come from her realizing her feelings and how she has been until now. Then Ishigami will fall for her but only when she will have grown up. It's not like she'll confess anytime soon, besides the Tsubame route just died and Ishigami won't move on before a while so Ishigami wouldn't get a girlfriend in a close future anyway.

Yu Ishigami wants to Rawdog a Hamster

Yuu Ishigami is Hard

user there totally is a break next week, Aka confirmed it

Miko Iino Wants to Touch It

Iino Miko wants to stop feeling it
>It can be Ishigami dick, the pain of the broken arm or just being wasted.

Please... stop reading this manga...

Negi that doesn’t make 5Toubun any more competitive


Attached: Dera2.png (109x162, 24K)

>Miko Iino Can't Ignore
She keeps getting distracted by Ishigami's dick and can't stop thinking about it, until she demands to see it

Toubun is outselling this series both in manga and anime


Attached: 1563058864273.jpg (180x213, 7K)

Literally where is the connection between knowing Ishigami is hard and wanting to see it?

>in manga

literelly who

You don't do that? Everyone does it.

As everyone on 2chan has been quick to point out, she's staring at his dick.

Manga is still ahead in total sales. Also pic related, BD sales don't matter shit anymore.

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Toubunfags although I hate you all, I am still sorry your anime is literally trash

Is it so difficult to talk about other manga in their respective threads and not failing for this forced fanbase war meme bait?

>only 22.25% of viewers liked the Kaguya anime
Oh no no no no hahaha


They're watching us. Hello!

Attached: 2 - vRGdNh6.jpg (1290x1821, 746K)

Fuck you Japan.
Miko is shit and I am sorry for your shit taste in generic tsundere cliche

I don't want them to watch us, nor the opposite.

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so that's the Ishigami fate huh? being a feeder to some fatty gnome

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Stop posting the inferior translation

>unironically being this delusional

>all that shit
Hey, it's just like Yea Forums!

Ironically, in this one panel Jaimini didn't get the full original nuance.
That said, of course generally a single translation will be better than a double translation.

>Then Ishigami will fall for her but only when she will have grown up.
Why would he?

You'll notice board culture between is pretty much exactly the same if you can read it, outside of possible culture perceptions, but even then, they make almost the same jokes, and same assumptions.

This is the most likely and logical development, that is way less delusional than your prediction that entirely relies on Aka being a contrarian.

He's right though, the death laser beam pretty much guarantees that Ishigami's second relationship (possibly with Miko) is doomed to fail too.
So, that only leaves Maki.

>Tsubame route just died
Not the guy you are replying to but that's where you are wrong.
Do you really think that she won't have a comeback and Aka will just handhold Miko to victory in the next 3 months?
It would be way too convenience for Miko.

Previous chapter already established that Tsubame is the clingy type once she fall in love,
after this chapter she won't be able to get Ishigami out of her mind anymore.

Beside, I don't see what IshiMiko can bring to Ishigami's development.
Ishigami still choosing to pursuit Tsubame. meaning that he get over he childish idea of love and accept Tsubame as a flawed person, as opposed to hang out like fellow austist like Miko and distrust normalfags again.
Miko's codependent issue aren't gonna get solved by being with Ishigami as well, it would only get worse.

Michlan said that Ishigami should end up with Miko because he needs to be her shiny whiteknight and protect her.
I am sure you are better than him and disagree what he said.


Nah, see, you don't get it. Ishigami and Miko are both in their prequel stages. When this story started, Kaguya had already changed her hairstyle, Prez had already become Prez.

We already know what Ishigami and Miko will look like when they develop a mutual attraction.

>This is the most likely and logical development
There's nothing logical in Ishigami going doki-doki for Lino.

>nothing new

Get back to work

>Yea Forums suddenly likes Miko
What happened?

This very chapter

no, his fate is feeding a very cute fatty

>in his prequel stage
Ok retard I mean I know waifufags aren't exactly the smartest posters in any given thread but this is too much.

>In any case, if there is such a woman in reality in any case because it is a story, it is definitely just Menhera, so it is the correct answer to take distance
Nips are right or wrong?

Tsubame is sluttier than Kashiwagi.
Hayasaka is best girl
Yea Forums is full of faggots

>Yea Forums suddenly learnt to stop replying to "suddenly " post
What happened?

look at that smug ass look.

>There are people who legitimately want Iino to win with a rebound
Do you faggots have no standards?

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>just remembered nips hate the idea of a rebound girlfriend

Ah, u guess this MIGHT actually tip the scale for a friendship end rather than a romantic end with Miko (the idea of rebound girlfriends are very much not like in Japan and characters who become rebounds for others are almost always made fun of there ), which might actually trigger the OTHER IshiMiko fanbase who wants them to be together. I guess Aka really subvert himself.

>the rebound meme is becoming real
Absolutely based. I guess this is how IshiMiko dies, huh?

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She is already a rebound no matter what.
In the Mikofags optimal scenario Ishigami would have rejected Tsubame's offer and escort Lino to the train instead.

I've accepted that she night end up forever alome but at the very least she has got to get rid of the pigtails. It's not doing her any good when she looks like a 9 year old while all her friends are semen demons

Attached: maki.jpg (501x577, 131K)

>and accept Tsubame as a flawed person,
But that's not the issue. The issue is that she doesn't want to date him. Even accepting that is already getting over his childish ideas about love. Being super determined to be with one particular girl you barely knew when you fell for her isn't particularly mature.
>Beside, I don't see what IshiMiko can bring to Ishigami's development.
Which direction do you want to take it? Didn't the Principal do his basic demonstration for how Miko was too uptight and Ishigami too slovenly? There are some good points they could learn from one another.
He hasn't gotten his foreshadowed new haircut yet.
It's pretty clear they aren't getting together immediately.

How the hell does one make gifs that smooth looking from manga panels?

I'm loving every laugh. when this actually happens i'll be dead

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A story that never "tells" but only "shows" would get very decompressed, very soon.

That's not what I mean. As in, they want Miko or Ishigami to suddenly realize they've been in love from the start or some shit, instead of having them get closer and closer and slowly build up affection for each other.

I always thought that a friendship end would be more fitting for her and Ishigami. They discover they've been helping each other and gain a sense of camaraderie and respect for the other.

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>Do you really think that she won't have a comeback and Aka will just handhold Miko to victory in the next 3 months?
I never said that, of course Tsubame as a character isn't over. But I really don't think Ishigami can forget what happened in the next three months and Tsubame's obviously leaving the cast when she's graduating. And I do not think Miko will make any progress as a romantic interest to Ishigami as long as Tsubame is around. Maybe they will become friends but that's it and she won't realize she loves him too until that point.
>Michlan said that Ishigami should end up with Miko because he needs to be her shiny whiteknight and protect her.
>I am sure you are better than him and disagree what he said.
Do not associate me with that retard. I want IshiMiko to happen but I don't want that as long as she's still the childish helpless idiot she is right now.


>win this
>win that

Niggas. It's not a competition.

Who is 'they'? Am I 'they'? I've been Mikofagging in these threads, but I'm more interested in a slow burn. Handjob jokes are just jokes.

yes it is, brainlet.

Tell yourself that. Onedera will win the Ishibowl

Not that I think Tsubame's role in the plot is over but I don't see how she's comes back from this as anything but friends. What their interaction brings both of them is the opportunity to grow up, Ishigami at least mellowing out of his autistic ideals concerning love and recognizing the fact that no partner he's going to have is going to meet those expectations. Miko will be trying to improve herself in an attempt to end their silly rivalry, this includes becoming more independent, idk why there's an argument that she'll stay that pining for a better relationship with Ishigami won't lead to her improvement, whether you're a shipperfag or not.

And no literally no one agrees with the retarded shit Michlan says since he's blatantly shitposting.

This, it is the best possible outcome for everyone including the us, the readers.

They're the same, and he knows it.

This is what happens when you get too friendly wih haremfags. Reason won't be of use anymore.

I can deal with Tsubame being a whore, but Jesus Christ, "Guy's crush crashes and burns so he gets with the tsundere in the rebound" is the fucking worst. Ishigami offing himself like he always talks about might be the better alternative at that point.

Those are obviously jokes and I don't mean every single Ishigami + Iinofag, I mean those expect them to just be harboring feelings for each other all this time out of nowhere.

>intelligent and mature
>recognizes that everybody has different tastes and respects it
>high IQ and quality posts
>cares about Ishigami's happiness and wants his first love to succeed

>Miko should end up with Ishigami because she can't function without him!!!
>I want to mating press Miko!
>*image spamming*

Attached: Tsubame.png (455x456, 128K)

Who is saying this though? Not even the diehard Mikofags here want that to happen immediately. Being neutral in this argument, I do expect her to win but no one wants it to go down like that regardless of where one stands.

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>Miko or Ishigami to suddenly realize they've been in love from the start
Isn't that most of Mikofags fanarts are?
I always say that IshiMiko fanarts are OoC but people refused to listen.

>people forcing the "rebound" meme
Even if Miko do end with Ishigami, it won't be before a while, and at this point it won't be considered a rebound. Aka isn't retarded enough to make Ishigami switch love interest so easily.

>incels triggered because Ishigami and Tsubame almost had casual sex
>self-insert fags on suicide watch because Ishigami didn't get laid
>Mikofags absolutely seething at the idea of her being a shitty rebound and having mental breakdowns on twitter
How does Aka do it?

Can you update a bit because this chapter happens

Most fanart is nonsense and OoC to begin with user. It's just cute shit for people to look at.

Do you enjoy it anons

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>no partner he's going to have is going to meet those expectations
What? He wasn't expecting her to be the next Jesus, he just wanted to only have sex with a girl who loved him back.
When she rejected him, he didn't get pissy, nor did he attack her.

Don't think Tsubame's a whore, but god damn...

>"Guy's crush crashes and burns so he gets with the tsundere in the rebound" is the fucking worst.
This this this. Even I liked Miko and even if they had some kind of chemistry that would still be fucking disgusting.

I understand your point for some of them but for the others I don't really think they are, assuming they are already dating at this point, which is not something that has to happen anytime soon

I don't think it's going to be that quick. But Aka has been doing the unexpected, so actually using Miko as an actual rebound girlfriend could happen. But I doubt it.
Honestly, what I think they have is some emotional entanglement. Not romantic, not even positive, but still something. They aren't just any random person to one another. At the very least, they pay a lot of attention to one another. I think that could change into something else given enough time and right impetus, and that very much seems to be the case for Miko right now.

I don't think it's so much anger, as it is simple worry from a story perspective. The artists probably know better than to expect a straight up rebound, but they're voicing their worry anyway.

Attached: Choose your fighter.png (1976x2048, 2.8M)

Be prepared because these autists are 100% going to be forcing the rebound meme from now on

Best girl.


>guy gets rejected
>girl helps him
>I love her and have totally forgotten about the old girl
I s as rebound as it gets.

Fuck Incels and casual sex lovers.

P-Please Aka-sama
Don't subvert my expectations more than this
I can't hold it.

And when did this actually happen in the manga, user?

I more so meant that he has to deal with a future partner not meeting his ideal concept of love, (pure, loving commitment between two people) and that it's much more complicated than that. I'm mostly speculating with the assumption others here are making that he'll be disillusioned about all this for a while.

>bunch of people who have never dated talking about relationship like they master it

If this is Aka then who is that old man in a smock that gets posted sometimes?

Also Aka, apparently

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>Miko will be trying to improve herself in an attempt to end their silly rivalry
Yeah, as we've seen where she's literally guilt tripping him into being her manservant.
Truly a bright future ahead in her development.

Um, sweaty, I've read enough romcoms to know exactly how a relationship will turn out.

Reminder that this is also Aka

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That's only your assumption and we don't know what actually happened or what she's thinking. And it's not like it has to happen immediatly anyway

So Yea Forumsnons will have a chance to sleep with their high school popular girl but reject it, and a fat midget lust over their cocks

>and we don't know what actually happened
We know she's literally guilt tripping Ishigami into being her manservant
>or what she's thinking
I want Ishigami to be nice to me so I'll force him to!
She's a big fucking baby.

I asked this a few threads ago but I'll ask again, what do you all consider a rebound to be?

Like in the ideal and imo expected scenario, the next three months are Miko and Ishigami becoming friends, and she takes the heart back at the end of it as a result of recognizing her feelings. Then only after a long while and lots of development do they actually get together. Is that still a rebound? How long does it take for it not to be?

Enough time so she doesn't feel like a band aid relationship.

What you mean tipsy, if Tsubame were tipsy she would have fucked ishigami on top of a sleeping miko and afterwards sit on miko's face for cleanup. But she was clearly not.

Ishigami sperged out so hard she sobered up.


As this user says that's an assumption that we really should wait for context for, either way yeah I'm certain she'll fuck up trying to do this but I'm speaking long term user. Hate her all you want, but she's not going to be the same person once this is all done. That's true for all our characters.

Aka singing the opening.

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I mean, by all appearances Ishi is the one who backs out. We haven't seen the end of that scene.

Well yeah that's what I mean, Ishigami is still focused on Tsubame right now regardless of his relationship with Miko, it happening any time soon, even immediately after the three months would be shit writing and I'll join people in saying that, but I really doubt it'll go down like that.

Now raws are out and there is nothing left to discuss. No more thread. Free at last! We are free at last!

Be honest now lads, among the girls who would you want to be your gf?

Did I forget anyone? Anyway, I sure as fuck would chose Tsubame over them all. Sweet, smart, athletic, and the most beautiful of them all. You know you would too.

>it never ends
I just want sluts and dense spergers to disappear, they're both missing the point and polarizing the discussions with their retardation and shitposting.

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Ideally, the series would end and they still wouldn't be together.
Maybe dubious of their feelings or something, but not as a couple.

>Sweet, smart, athletic, and the most beautiful of them all
also a whore

You wish, Jaimini's version isn't out yet.

You're here forever faggot. There's no escape.

Attached: I want it.jpg (754x719, 73K)

Chika, then I'd dump her for Toyomi whom you forgot along with Moeha

>not perpetuating the new meme hotness that is rebound shit

Oh god, please Aka next chapter less dramabombs

It's called being clingy user, try having friends or even a pet dog.

For me, it's Kaguya-sama.

Attached: 1563210547784.jpg (1910x2578, 583K)

Next chapter is how she broke her arm, HOPEFULLY, and we finally move on from this shitfest onto dates, comedy and unintentional yuri.

There more you complain about not making more threads the sooner some dipshit will make one when this thread dies.

Momo honestly

>try having friends

Hayasaka or Onodera.

Tsubame and Miko are both too high-maintenance.

What's with the rebound stuff, Is Iino more desperate for dick in the raws?

Chose Hayasaka even before Jag was here and I still do.

Gf would be Tsubame.
Wife would be Kaguya.
And Miko for hate sex.

Hayasaka for the easy life.
Or kaguya if I want to feel masochistic and kill myself overworking.

Hayasaka always

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I thought the best time for it would be during the next elections while she's running for Prez with Ishigami as her VP. It would conclude both of their arcs as far as I'm concerned and it would be one of the last things that happen anyway. I'd rather it not be open ended personally.

How is that possible if he was literally the first one to translate the manga to English?


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I'm not a Mikofag but I'm literally a moralfag, so she's a top contender: in the end I think agreeing on fundamental matters is the most important thing.
In second place, unironically F. I like how she's passionate about the most silly stuff and there's sure fun in a relationship with her.
It gets vague from the third place onwards.
Note that this list is different from my "top 3 female Kaguya characters".

>destroys your son
>takes away your daughter
>still wants to fuck her
I don't know what goes on in his mind.

Exactly why I post it. Nobody is escaping.

Let me guess, maybe I can read Japanese, no?

Yay, best girls are back

Well, the dream would be Chika or Kaguya, but I'd never be able to catch up with their pace.

I probably wouldn't be comfortable around social people like Tsubame and Onodera for long periods of time.

So realistically it'd be Maki or Miko.

You monster!

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it's called love, user, one day you'll get it who am I kidding you will never do. we are stuck on Yea Forums forever

No, any love I'd have for her would die right there.

>all these morons forgot Kei exists
Haha too late she's my wife now retards

Tsubame - 3
Chika - 2
Kaguya - 2
Momo - 1
Hayasaka - 4
Onodera - 1
Mamagane - 1
Miko - 2
Maki - 1
So we're almost bump limit, Hayasaka is best girl?

Is its safe to say now Karen and Erika are the self inserts for OL readers?

Not that user but, it's not as straight forward as you might think. You can rationalize "if they do X, I will love them no more", but usually you'll stupidly try to cling to the idea that maybe it was a mistake or some shit, or go into deep depression and denial, assuming you really like that person. Plus it doesn't erase all the happy times from your mind, which makes it even more annoying.

she might be your wife but she beats me up mercilessly every day

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Miko, Hayasaka, or Maki. It's a really hard decision between them.

But it's happened to me before, and I can tell you they are dead for me.
There are lines you don't cross and in this case completely fucking up one of your kids while you take the other because of money goes pretty high in the list.

Karen. Having a gf that can keep the bad press awat from you sounds great.

>muh genuine thing

wtf I thought Ishigami is better than 8man

Attached: much genuine.png (1319x742, 247K)

well or you come to realise you never loved them and you just settled out of not wanting to be alone, turns out you are more alone in that relationship than without it... go figure

>tallying at the end-life of a thread
Tsubame. No one else in that list is mentally stable except for her or Onodera and Osaragi and Tsubame is far better than both.

Tbf I say Momo but it would be Kaguya if I was heartless enough to cuck Shirogane out of his wife.

He is. 8 man wouldn't feed Iroha... oh wait he totally would... withdrawn

Same kind of character, the literally me self insert.
Oh so snarky otaku who was wronged in the past because he's totally misunderstood and whatever.
Annoying archetype, no wonder he only started existing in the weekly serialization.

Shitpost as much as you want, but Ishigami already existed when it was a monthly manga, as Prez mentioned him in the 20 questions chapter.

It took you loong to notice the similarities.

I seriously don't understand Ishimaki shippers at all. Like they're fine as bros already why the fuck do so many people unironically want this to actually turn into haremshit?

Attached: Maki friends.jpg (568x364, 67K)

buddy cop spin off with maki and yu

Yeah, this. Every character doesn't need to get hooked up.

>school established since the beginning to house rich and powerful kids who think they're above the law
>it's unrealistic that bullying happens!!1!

Attached: tampering.jpg (834x1250, 307K)

But user it is harem shit

Attached: ishigamisverticalharem2.png (695x1106, 506K)

I forgot at this point, what was 8man's problem with Yukino and Yui again and how does it compare to pity sex?

A dash of netorare would really spice up this manga. Anyone else agree?

Ishigami self-inserters want their favourite otaku creep to have a harem so as to make up for their own dismal romantic lives.

Yep, they're similar if in the LNs Hachiman almost fucked Orimoto in bed and then yelled I WANT SOMETHING GENUINE and then she replied SORE ARU and refused to continue


maki exists

including characters that never interacted with ishigami for wishlisting,

Stop linking to your own posts


He autistically demands "something genuine", just like Ishigami demands love instead of pity sex

haha imagine that someone draw a doujin kudasai

Worst song from that movie, and that movie had more than a few bad songs.

That's not remotely the same thing and there is nothing autistic about it.

>Just a little of sex spiced threads to 11
You just want the threads going to utter shit right?

the chapter, JB, give it to me

>current date
>still needing jaimini jews

Hayasaka or Onodera

meme on them as you may, they're the only ones that use the Japanese raws rather than the Korean or Chinese ones

Are there better translations than Yea Forums's for chapters 73 to 89 anywhere, or did that get lost in all this scanlation drama?

What's wrong with Yea Forums's versions? Also, as far as i'm aware, the alternative would be Fans scans website or something.

>His goal was never just to get his dick wet
Now his dick is rock hard. And only female around is Iino.

Someone put Maki out of her misery
Someone else kiss Hayasaka

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Also kill Ishigami
This way no one else will hurt him anymore.

The fans scans translations have been lost because of the translation drama.
Jaimini has started to upload them on their site but they are slow.
Nothing wrong with them if you don't mind having Tsubame talk like a thug.

Dude. Read fucking title of the manga.

>I want to mating press Miko!
Nothing wrong with this one

How can I get some pity sex from tsubame?

>wants his first love to succeed
>"I can't take a 400 yen train to date you, sorry..."


sex god kashiwagi, because there are tons of them irl, higher chance tbqh

I still don't know what to think of this. Like it feels like that's actually supposed to be some insurmountable distance, but...it's not. Like, at all.

It's not gonna happen so soon, but I'm sure there'll be some humor to milk from this all.
>I asked this a few threads ago but I'll ask again, what do you all consider a rebound to be?
I think he needs to develop romantic interest in MIko on her own merits, not to get over some pain. But even if the rebound happens, that could be interesting too.

>higher chance

0% --> 0.00001%

She is a thug and a slut.

I'm not going to get in to that.

Really? They're not anywhere? That sucks a whole lot.

Stop with this meme

It has already been pointed out that it isn't up to date.

I think it could potentially fit great to have them gradually fall in love while consoling each other. It was even set up well by Maki offering to hang out with him if he got rejected.
But that's clearly not where Aka's planning to go from here, and I wouldn't want to see it happening alongside the current Miko setup. That would only end in Maki losing again anyway, she'd have to be his only love interest or nothing. As things are going now she should just stay out of it.

We need another main character to pair with hayasaka/maki. A chad preferably.

Hayasaka needs a boy she can bully and tease now that she can't do that to Chadguya

That would be a mutual rebound.

Emperor Mikado.

Miko because she appeals to practically all of my fetishes and I'm good at dealing with and circumventing her particular brand of superficial authority.

Probably Maki. For all the shit she gets for being a dumb tsundere it's not as though she's anywhere near as bad as Kaguya. She generally seems like a fun enough person to be worth putting up with some dumb tsundere shenanigans. Though she may also end up just being hung up over Tsubasa which obviously doesn't make a good time for anyone.

Nah she needs a chad that can keep up with her bullying and dominate her back

>she appeals to practically all of my fetishes
Please stop beating up females

>a boy
don't you mean a girl?

>it's not as though she's anywhere near as bad as Kaguya
She's literally as bad as her except she was rejected so she can't keep the smug tsundere act.

probaly Maki, Miko or Hayasaka. They would be too clingy and needy to abandon me

I agree. Bring back the mind games but with hayasaka and another guy

Kaguya tried to get closer to Shirogane, Maki just waited and sperged out when someone made a move on him.

Again that's what the time after the 3 months should be for, eventually when it's been long enough he starts reciprocating. I'd prefer it not happen at all otherwise but I'm at least fairly certain it won't be a rebound situation.

I really hate sluts, but I don't think Tsubame is actually one.
She made a mess and what she did was wrong if taken at it is, but I'm pretty sure there is an explaination (like some of those that were buried in a mountain of shitposting) and everyone is overreacting as usual. I mean, we got to know her a little already.
Anyway, the point of this post is that I don't want things to stay awkward between them for too long.We already know their issues won't be resolved in this arc, but I hope that will at least happen in the next one. I actually want them to at least show that they haven't given up on trying to be something, dropping everything all of a sudden would be kind of lame even if understandable.


Mikado is for Maki when it's revealed he's a hardcore siscon

After the sports day I think it really flat-lined.

Though I think she killed any chance of a romance I wouldn't say anything with this will be dropped. What she did was pretty crushing and it's not something that she can really change her mind about to make everything better. Can't predict exactly what'll happen but in the immediate future I see most of her chapters being about trying to reconcile to at least get back on normal terms.

>it's not something that she can really change her mind about to make everything better.
Well, assuming she actually wanted to give a positive response and her answers were just excuses to mask her fear and indecision, a relatively fool-proof embarassing solution would be to tell Ishigami the truth and the problem would disappear. The problem in this of course is that this would mean winning over said fear and indecision that caused the issue in the first place, wich is unlikely to happen very soon.
This assuming my assumption are correct.
As for Ishigami... I have no idea. He should definitely do something, but I don't know what the right move would be if I were in his shoes.

I hate these two