Fire Punch

Fire Punch has pretty much cemented its status as a timeless classic in the industry.

Prove me wrong

Pro tip : You can't.

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When are we getting Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Dynamic Punch?

Is all of this Fire Punch posting one guy trying to get people to hate it or something?

so is this actually good or is it a meme. i guess i should just read a few chapters

it IS actually good but the ending is terrible. mangaka had no idea what to do

It's both

It's not just the ending, he literally scrapped everything multiple times and started anew.

I'm almost convinced the guy making all the threads hasn't even read it.

It's... captivating. Not really sure what to make of it. Everybody's confused, stuff just sorta seems to happen, and then the protagonist takes a nap.

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thanks, i'll give it a go

I really like it, things happen regardless of the main character. He's akin to a force of nature, and the characters and the story react accordingly. The only thing that slightly bugged me is the space people and multiple blessings but overall, they didn't have that much of an impact on the grand scale of things, so it's fine in the end. I give it a 8.5/10

The first volume is a generic edgefest. The mangs shows its true colors past that.

It's an absolute plane crash of a ride. Not for everybody, but insane nonetheless.

After Shadow Punch and Sucker Punch

>discord tranny are spamming this so Yea Forums will hate it because they can't shitpost and make baits on Chainsaw man.

Fuck off tranny

where can i read the full thing ?

It starts out amazing then, like many anons already said, it turns into a ball of confusion and retardedness with a very, very bad ending.

>muh star wars

Just download it off of nyaa, read on whatever manga streaming site or buy it off comixology if you're a bourgeoisie.

The first 7 chapters are garbage

It's good but Chainsaw Man is better.

>terrible ending
Elaborate? I thought it was fine and bittersweet

Drain Punch is the Ecchi spinoff

it's a good movie.

Kino punch.

Certainly better than Hiatus X Hiatus.

Masterpiece. Such an odd structure. I was amazed while reading this but it was terribly bleak.


It was okay.

>t. has read 3 manga

Shit series for edgeniggers.

I've read it after people were gushing over it here. It's fucking art. The only piece of media I'd give 10/10 along with The Wall by Pink Floyd. It's not the type of story you read for the story or characters. It's hard to explain. Guess you can say you read it for taking something out of it. Recently I've recommended it to a friend and he read 20 or so chapter and didn't find anything noteworthy about it. Guess shit just needs to click with you like any abstract piece of media

>i am more of an autistic shut in than you, therefore my opinion is valid

The ending is kino, everyone have a happy ending

>10/10 along with The Wall by Pink Floyd
Nigga... that's literly when PF went to shit. Animals is the last and best album.

>i didnt like the ending
>therefore it must be that the mangaka had no idea what he was doing
>it is not possible he knew what he was doing and i simply didnt like it