Can someone enlighten me how is this better than your average shounenshit? Why does Yea Forums like it so much?
What is so special about this again?
Can someone enlighten me how is this better than your average shounenshit? Why does Yea Forums like it so much?
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Watch the 99 version and get to at least the sushi exam. If it hasn’t caught your interest at all by then, it’s not for you.
>What is so special about this again?
Not much. My understanding is that the last arc is good. That's it.
I wouldn't know that since I only watched the '99 series growing up, and that doesn't get that far.
What I watched is as generic as a shounen can get, only on top of that the main cast is also boring and uninteresting.
Maybe an hunterchad can explain the appeal to you with one of their copypastas, but if you want my dispassionate opinon it definitely is not worth gettting into.
YYH is pretty good on the other hand.
Yea Forums doesn't like it -- it's just a small vocal clique of huntertards.
>small vocal
So small, it's practically a whisper
Whatever you do, DON’T watch 99 - the director turned it into the most basic, generic shounen shit imaginable by changing a lot of plot/character details. 2011 has some changes but is overall much more accurate to the manga.
I have no fucking idea why Yea Forums loves 99 so much, you guys have such shit taste.
It has a couple of real good arcs, yorkshin and the second part of CA, but everything else is absurdly boring and plain, but said arcs are so good they do carry the whole damn thing.
99's style makes it a much better fit for the story than 2011's generic bland shit.
It was generic light hearted shounen until the last 40 something episodes. Those were seared into my mind bc of how dark they were in comparison to the rest of the anime.
>Muh edgy-looking 99!!
This is such a terrible argument. 2011 has consistently incredible animation (aside from the non-canon, shit movies) and the color palette of 99 is so literally dark that it’s boring and most of the details on the screen are indistinguishable from each other.
If you choose “edgy-looking” 99 over actually-good 2011, you have shit taste and I’m embarrassed for you.
I like it so it's better.
high IQ anime
Friendly reminder that Netero did nothing wrong.
>the director turned it into the most basic, generic shounen shit imaginable by changing a lot of plot/character details.
This is how I know you that you never watched it faggot.
Netero did what he was supposed to do. Chimera ants may prove to be the superior race but as an old guy with plenty life under his belt Netero knew humans would be subjugated and he wouldn't let that happen. Imagine a world without this
>Chimera ants may prove to be the superior race
Fuck off antmen.
>Lea Seydoux
Based Hunterbro
we dont its one fag or 2 fags who are obsessed by it.
Does anyone actually argue that he’s evil? It’s pretty cut and dry why one might want the race of murdering baby eaters to die, regardless of whether or not one of them started to wax philosophical. Or is that side just another misunderstanding of “the boundless hatred within the human heart” or whatever he says?
>I have no fucking idea why Yea Forums loves 99 so much, you guys have such shit taste.
B-but muh cell animation has SOUL!
Meruemfags, redditors, ant sympathizers, brainlets, ect. Netero did a good job killing Meruem and the Royal Gaurds.
>Does anyone actually argue that he’s evil?
Retards who too low IQ to grasp themes of Chimera Ant arc
Meruem didn't even had a week of life and his IQ was already through the roof. Not only that he was already strong and getting stronger. Aside from aesthetics, they were the superior race.
>Does anyone actually argue that he’s evil?
Meruem or Netero?
Only because of phagogenesis and his Queen mother.
> they were the superior race.
They never were and in the end, they got defeated by humans.
They were infants. Meruem achieved Netero status arguably since birth and was getting not only stronger but smarter and wiser and at a faster pace any human ever could. Dude was only a few days old. Imagine the beast Meruem could become if he were to develop his nen? No human could stop him 1 on 1. They were the young superior upcoming boxer who got his career terminated by facing the top dog too early.
Thank god Meruem and his stoolies got poisoned and died.
This dude even found honor. Shiapouf was the worst royal guard. A manianical psycopath who was too obsessed with titles and heiarchies.
Youpi deserved to live and become bros with Knuckle und Morel. Hell, Youpi should have booked a passage to the DC and enjoy the ride on the Black Whale, either Tier 1 or 4.
>youpi baby
Don't make me rethink my admiration for ants.
Who the fuck is that bitch?
What do you mean who is she?
Oh never mind...she's a French actress.
>who is she
>the color palette of 99 is so literally dark that it’s boring
Hisoka will die of old age.
The character writing and scenarios, for the most part.
Protagonists and antagonists often have though decisions to make between their different objectives like "should I help my friend even if I think he is heading towards self-destruction" and antagonists are usually treated like characters with their own relationships and admirable traits instead of obstacles that the hero has to overcome.
The plot is the same shit. Theres literally only 4 filler episodes. Kurapika and Killua have small characterization changes.
If anything is basic, it's the 2011 version. The directing leaves much to be desired.
You 99 haters make it so obvious that u haven't the 99 version
It's average and mediocre. Even the "fabled" chimera arc has absolute dog shit writing
>2011 has consistently incredible animation
>and most of the details on the screen are indistinguishable from each other.
Glad to know you haven't watched 99. This rarely a problem in 99 and its overblown as all hell.
Any return date announcement for the manga yet?
>that entire image
Holy shit. That sounds so hilariously edgy!
"M-maybe this week...?" ~Huntercucks for the past 8 months
once togashi gets bored of games and jacking it
At least it's better than shingeki no kyoshit
>this is what hunterfags think is deep writing
never forget
Is this the fabled togashi's masterful writing?
Same 2 people refreshing Yea Forums all day looking for HxH threads just to repost garbage observations / screencaps that hold 0 actual evidence or constructive criticism mainly due to how easy it is to figure out that they didn't watch the show (or read) in the first place.
Rent free
Point these 2 people I want to know who they are
Whether you hate or love HxH, it's in your heart and mind. In the end, Togashi wins.
Asking is pointless since no one here knows your taste. Watch the first arc and decide for yourself if it's your thing.
B-But Togashi is a hack, his writing is edgy and bad, just look at this wiki with several chapters worth of content condensed by some random dude into a single paragraph.
Low IQ brains still rent free
Rent free
>t. brainlet
99 has objectively better color scheme,backgrounds and directing. 2011 is too bland. The story is pretty much the same with few changes. 2011 is arguably more generic shounen shit because it turns Gon into a "yey I love being good and helping everyone" type of character, he's not so different in the manga but in 2011 it's too extreme. Only 'bad' aspect of 99 is it's slower compared to 2011 but it's not much
It is much slower tho, Greed Island ends in episode 92 in 1999 vs episode 75 in 2011:
I still like both adaptations tho, don't understand why people are at each other's throats over which adaptation is better, it's the same fucking show.
Expect hiatuses every trap/shota/yaoi doujin boom.
This. 1999 is a gem
>Fug I run out of ideas, my back hurts for fapping to gay doujins ten times a day. What do?
>Oh! I know!
well, slow pacing isn't always a bad thing. Though Greed Island in 99 is too slow and it's bad overall. Other than that 99 doesn't really have slow pacing. The first arc is slower than 2011 but that's because 2011's pacing in that arc is too fast and it skips Kite
Are you implying that gif is bad animation?
cringe, atleast be funny
>never forget...
How ridiculous you are.
And here we go again.
You didn't realize it was /lgbt/ bait? o_0
actual cannibal shia lepouf?
>Shitpost in BnHA threads when they get bored of hiatus
Found the spastic BnHA fag
People think it's a smart shonen because the narrator has massive text walls of extraneous, convoluted info in each chapter. "Character A's motivations are driven by Outcome A, which were influenced by the actions of Characters B, C, and D. Character A reacts to Character B's (abilities/motives/presence) and responds with Action A, which is contingent on the abilities/motives/presence of Character E during timeframe X."
Have a lot of time to make these kind of images, huh?
Just 5 minutes to make that.
If you could stop using paint like a retarded, maybe things would have been a lot easier and faster.
What I like about it is that the characters don't seem to fit into exact archetypes, at least not the main characters anyway. Also it has a reduced emphasis on flashy fights which is neat.
t. never read HxH
The narrator isn't even around most of the time in the manga, and all instances of Wall of Text like Welfin, Shikaku, and Rihan are character thoughts.
I would hardly call that animation to begin with.
>If you could stop using paint like a retarded
Projecting much?
'99 Yorkshin is one of the greatest shounen arcs ever drawn to life for the small screen. What the fuck?
>I don't like the thing you like.
>YOU have shit taste.
Every single time.
It’s a delightful picture book about cute boys doing cute things and killing people. It’s beloved by fujoshi and shotacon everywhere.
Also, Shalnark deserved better.
Bisky's voice in 11 made me cum multiple times
imagine spending time making this
This shit honestly reminds why Togashi never bothered to give Pitou any fucking depth
>this is your average hunterkek
explains a lot that it's a bunch of kids from 2011 that are still with their parents. Literally every single one of them is using their don't wake mom voice
Confirmed falseflag operation by a bunch jealous Yea Forums cucks, your favorite anime will never be as good as HxH
Seethe harder
Pariston’s twinsister is the mother of Gon.
by that metric isn't bnha's writer the biggest winner in this board
He would be if anyone actually knew or cared to know his name or who he is.
How many people have to die in HxH before the ending?
He would be if the shitposters hate BnHA with a passion.
Based Togashi making haters waste hours of their life and energy on him.
the best part is that it's so easy to just change the filename so they think it's the same person.
Maybe Togashi is busy playing red dead redemption 2 while glitching Mexico & Guarma
Imagine literally spending months of your life posting always the same shit.
It's fine. I'll give you that it was the only arc that got me interested in the show when I first watched it, though I ended up being kind of bored by it the more it went on.
Seriously though, why don't I get the appeal of this show? I usually can tolerate battle shounen and the likes, but HxH bores me to tears.
>i-it wasn't us
Imagine being so delusional you think it's the same person
>better than your average shounenshit
Because it's seinen :^)
soft semen :^)
Yes. Imagine.
>Yea Forums is one person
Huntertards are spamming tree board constantly shilling their dead shitty manga. Don't listen to them.
>comparing pasta to searching the archive and making a compilation image of all the posts that upset you
I mean I guess if you like spending your time "ironically" acting retarded
they were in Yea Forums yesterday for some stupid reason as well until the mods finally woke up and brought the hammer down
Fucking never, hunterbros are dead. Togashi letting his fanbase die like rats. He will only release a chapter only to be a cliffhanger on the last days of his life.
isn't it all because he got the rights? Like as soon as he got them he just went on hiatus to spend all his tastes jacking off and playing video games
Ohnonono hunterchads this wasn't supposed to happen.
Rent free.
I just finished it and its actually good and kept my interest enough to keep watching it in the upcoming days but its less creative than naruto exam and power system so far. The only good advantage is the animation and maybe the fact the characters are not too whiny or explosive but just that.
user, Togashi is like 52 and the usual Hiatus time is 6 months between each 10 chapters. This time it probably extended to 9 months because he didn't wanto to work during August/July.
Because Togashi respects the intelligence of his fans
Hisoka will die of old age.
Is Machi Togashi's waifu? He admitted he bullshitted keeping her alive.
Machi is nothing more than angry skinny thot.
remember omokage?
Not wrong
Yeah but she cute.
''Even if there is a name for this emotion, I am the leg, and you are the head, right? Forevermore.''
Kurapika is a genius
It's not, don't listen to the shounenbabbies
Nothing. Don't read it, don't watch it and please go away.
Yea Forums doesn't like it. Yea Forums sure does though.
Cute boys