How do you feel about girls that enjoy it in the butt?

How do you feel about girls that enjoy it in the butt?

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good as long as they wash their anus properly

anal feels like fucking a warm bag of gritty nothingness
ill still go for the pussy

It is great when someone embraces the things that make them feel good.

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I'll tell you Steve...I'm not a big fan

Putting it up someone’s butt causes ED and increases risk of disease/injury fivefold, promotion of hetero-sodomy is literally a psyop to make homosex seem the same as proper sex.
Stick with pussy, love the pussy. The mouth is an occasional treat, such as when your girl is on the rag.

Purest form of love

And behold I have caught up with the last 4 weeks of anime and manga.

Attached: Tejina senpai.png (1244x1184, 1.13M)

I ain't putting my dick in a nasty fucking poop chute when there's a vagina a few inches away.I do appreciate a nice thicc ass though,

I prefer smaller butts
Preferably small enough to single-handedly carry the girl by the butt