Best girl soon!
Fire Force
Other urls found in this thread:
show me them titties
cute Maki
I really really like the op
you can't just fight fire with fire
>Best girl
>Can't crush you in your her elbow
Why not
She's literally cursed to get lewded right?
lucky lecher lure
>not using a controlled fire to stop a dangerous fire from spreading
I can respect her for chasing her dream, but Maki and Iris are superior.
That potato is too short, dropped
Best girl was already introduced back at ep1.
Who will make her into a bride?
Hinawa? That would just be my guess as an animeonly.
Trash and promare rip off!
Joker vs Burns soon.
I want to marry this girl
>Her Type: Someone cheerful and funny
No one here that's for damn sure.
>Best girl
>Not >
Taste almost as shit as Tamaki's gimmick.
Hinawa is like 75% confirmed gay.
Maki just needs to work her way into that 25%.
Its called being the token fanservice character. Also will never win the Shinrabowl because she is impure.
she's 19.
She is 19 retard.
She cute
but she was a kid once.
So was literally everyone ever. Your point?
Damn, I guess I'm a pedo
Maka negro
Question, so is Maki and Tamaki like two different people? And if yes, why did author made them not only have similar names, but for some reason similar character designs? Is it plot relevant or is it Ohkubo being a lazy shit?
Heh. Just fucking with you user
kys shes 19
>thought she looked cool based on the OP
>turns out she's just a fanservice character who doesn't do anything until like 200 chapters in
Her design really caught my eye but now I like Maki more.
I want her to body slam me
That way he can use the same character twice in case he wants to kill them off
Welcome to shonen, you should be happy she gets to be relevant at some point
Why did he get so angry? I don't get it, the cap¿s mostly a chill dude
Best girl appeared since ep 1 though.
Gives a whole new meaning to “siscon”.
But best girl Maki was in episode one though
When is the new chapter out?
Does the MC has any chance of getting this chick?
Anyone got high quality screenshots of the ending?
How many makis does this show have
Not really. The only one who really has a chance is Hinawa, but that's only if you squint really hard with the tightest shipping goggles you have.
For some reason we havent got new chapter this week, so for next one we have to wait to 22 of july. Probably?
I'm at chap 33. Does it get better? The world is interesting, but most of the characters are so unlikable
>fanservice in the middle of a serious fight and reveal
Ummmm no
That's bad taste
Why do people like Arthur again?
He's just Death the Kid tier autist with even less serious moments.
>fanservice in the middle of a serious fight and reveal
I'm literally anxious to see how many animeonlys who thought this would be some amazing compelling action series will drop it after Tamaki debuts and we see her repetive quirk every episode. I'm sure most people will find it annoying and will be disappointed that this series indulges in this sorta shit which you wouldn't expect making a lot of people feel uncomfortable causing them to stop watching.
very creative
Is this one of those manga that go literally nowhere plotwise and is just a different villain every couple arcs while the overall story and world stay the same?
The fact that trash like Fairy Tail got threads every week (even if just for the waifufags) but this never did makes me very cautious about its overall quality
As an anime only, it's not even about the discomfort, it's gonna be how out of place and unnecessary shit like that always feels
Fanservice on its own isn't that bad, the problem is if it shows up in places where it disrupts something happening for a 'heehee look she's naked now' moment
I really felt that SHAFT DNA last episode. I hope these guys to realize they don't have to go pure mouth flap on a budget just for the sake of their action scenes
Maki besto
>Does it get better?
Wait Juggernaut hair is not blonde?
So MC power is Bakugou feet version with no charisma with personality blander than Deku and Asta combined?
He has le epic evil devil grin he's not generic.
The anime is such a Soul Eater ripoff
trying tooo hard to fit in user
Holy fuck when will japan stop wasting money on garbage shounen and make a fire punch anime
>ummmmmm no
Did someone kill your dog?
When does this get good?
It doesn't.
The best arc in the series so far starts on 39
I like the ED most, except for the paching of the nun slides.
Cute chubby thighs.
>anime characters with actual believable weight
nani desu ka
I'm glad that only the good parts of Shaft (cinematic shots, cool colour pallete usage) are present and not the shit ones (talking heads with no animation, static text spam). I mean as far as shounenshit goes, it has decent direction (although webm related really shines with sound)
Well be prepared because it happens a lot to her. Also get ready for her to be fodder when she's not being just pointless fan service. That's basically her for the long run until the recent arc that finally had her be useful and power up.
He's chinese.
Cause he's what makes this manga worth reading.
This needs to be a fat dyke tumblrina
It's sad that the characters here are just way weaker than Soul Eater's (I've read like half of the manga)
Maka > Shinra
Black Star > Maki
Death the Kid > Arthur
I didn't even put in the Weapons either, if then it'll just be a fucking slaughter. I'd say the Thompson sisters alone are better than Iris
Which lucky girl will win the Arthur bowl and become a princess?
when do the previews come out?
>As an anime only, it's not even about the discomfort, it's gonna be how out of place and unnecessary shit like that always feels
>Fanservice on its own isn't that bad, the problem is if it shows up in places where it disrupts something happening for a 'heehee look she's naked now' moment
To think even Fairy Tail does a better job than that
>Maka > Shinra
you mean soul
hes chinese
>Yea Forums complaining about fanservice
There's an art of well-placed fanservice
Death the Kidd has incredible autism regarding symmetry while Arthur is just a LARPER.
>and is just a different villain every couple arcs
No it only has one recurring villainous organization and is very centralized in plot.
He's a chuuni.
Reminder Tamaki is useless.
She’s good for lewds.
They said Friday.
This is not MHA thread though.
Looking forward to that one. If the reports were right there should be enough episodes to reach and cover it.
She's legal in all countries! I repeat, she is 100% legal.
I want her to break my cock with her warm walls.
shes literally older than half the people on Yea Forums kek
Benimaru's character design was released already even before the show began so rest assured
>Favourite music: Pop music
Why did they make her so breedable
What does Yea Forums think of the opening music?
Really catchy just like SE first OP.
Should I read the manga or stick to animeonly
Switch to the manga once the anime ends
>this complaining of fanservice
When did Yea Forums start hating tits and ass?
When did Yea Forums start hating lesbians?
Be honest, what the fuck is wrong with you?
wtf that eyes is not cute
I wonder what happened to Assault after meeting her again for a showdown. She's driven him to become a waifufag so he's already dead inside
Why don't they just use water lmoa?
I love how she looks important in the OP, but I'm on chapter 150 and she said something like about 10 times
She doesn't get better until her training and even then I doubt bit will mean much. But yeah the op is misleading as fuck.
The Tamaki pandering is real.
Blame Hiro Mashima's peer pressuring.
>an apple weighs 12 kg
>When did Yea Forums start hating lesbians?
forced dyke-shit. also, /u/-cancer.
I want her to strangle me!
Haumea isnt gay she likes big strong men who can force her.
150 chapters in and the only time i saw her fight was in the OP lol
If she is in a fight she always gets oneshoted and does nothing
Not that I care, Iris is way better, I wish she did more in the manga.
>Shoe size 10
She's an ogress alright.
They're American apples, friend.
Only if you're a manlet skeleton
The bigger her feet the better they are for stepping on my face
You can tell she was not suppose to be a main character.
At first she was going to be somewhat of a one and done character, however Hiro liked her and then she got popular so the author caved and made her appear more.
Not really, it feels like she was supposed to be there and just have an arc earlier. Maybe the manga sales started to drop at some point so they moved to bigger arcs, and left hers for later.
Actually according to the interview with both Hiro and the author of Fairy Tail, he was going to include her in the main cast anyways, Mashima made some compliments about how he liked her for being cute and Hiro agreed with him and then said the prior statement here
Sex with both of them would be amazing.
Too bad they would most likely belittle your sexual performance constantly and make you cry
Their feistyness only makes me harder.
yeah, user's no match for that bantz.
wait for the SJW fags complain about the show once the Tamaki fanservice starts
I know he's from the Chinese potato peninsula but I've always wondered, why does he have an ostensibly Japanese name?
>If the reports were right there should be enough episodes to reach and cover it.
How many chapters did people expect 24 episodes to cover? The only way they wouldn't reach that arc is if it was going Toei levels of snail pacing with half a chapter per episode
Tamaki is the pleb/normalfag filter so I am fine with it
Maki and iris are better. I wish she didn't exist.
animefag here
are you saying neko girl is a fucking jobber?
not him, but yeah she's just fanservice material till the author recently started to do something with her character.
This font triggers me.
>wait for the SJW fags complain about terrible fanservice
Or people who have more than 2 brain cells, retard.
As the other user said yep she is nothing but a jobber. That's all she does plus fan service. She's Fairy Tail Lucy levels of useless except far worse. Only recently she got a chapter where she does something and gets A power up. Probably won't amount much since mist do the team can do just fine. She's an accessory at best.
>She's an accessory at best.
Does the realize that?
Actually even her squad realizes that and want to get rid of her.
The MC didn't know why she was with them when they had just acquired another new member who's infinitely more helpful. Hell two new members they get are more helpful then her. She does nothing.
Vulcan is the engineer, and Lisa has a very good 3rd gen power fire tentacles.
>watch first two episodes as blind anime-only
>"Hey this looks promising"
>visit threads
>everyone constantly shitting on how bad the manga gets
Just enjoy it while you do and drop it if it stops being enjoyable.
The manga didn't get bad, it was never good in the first place
The manga is fine, it hardly drags on when it comes to arcs.
>recently started to do something with her character.
Based Chink inspiring slutty fanservice girls to better themselves and contribute something to society
You forgot science boy who gives them info. all them contribute and she doesn't. Even nun tries her best and she can't fight. (Also realized she hasn't been near danger that much or hit once except one arc.)
The manga isn't terrible its just basic shonen. If you've seen Soul Eater or read it you've seen this show and know how it goes.
Tamaki doesnt do this by her own will shes literally cursed to being accidentally molested by the nearest guy to her and losing her clothes.
Did anichart lie to me?
Victor joined before Vulcan though.
first google result idk
They will, but Id say it will most likely be the last arc.
I mean victor when I said the new guy and the two later Vulcan and his girl. I just forgot his name.
How come Jugghead doesn't get hit with the lucky pervert syndrome when everyone else in the story can make her clothes disintegrate with a look?
She was losing her clothes during that entire fight.
Juggernaut is too pure
Anyone have pics of her in the shower? Or that scene where the cute nun was hitting her?
Thats a doubled gag, since he actually wants her so he dont get any.
If you find it enjoyable now, you'll never STOP enjoying it. It's frankly a really solid shounen, it's just getting shit on because shounen as a genre is held in low regard by the board and people that frequently post in other shounen threads have been stockholm-syndromed into thinking theirs is somehow special. Fire Force is just the new kid getting bullied. I found it quite enjoyable when I discovered it a few months ago, just ignore the thread cancer. You'll notice the only complaints are vague shit like "it's boring" or "it does nothing new", like, no shit.
>. Fire Force is just the new kid getting bullied.
No that would be Dr.Stone
I don't get it, do you like this or not? are you ashamed to openly admit you enjoy watching this?
She's a slut A SLUT
No, people have been shitting on Fire Force long before it was an anime. It comes from how much people enjoyed the creator's previous series, Soul Eater. I only read a bit of the series myself when it first came out, like the first arc or two I suppose, and while I didn't find it bad, it never captured my attention like Soul Eater did. I've been meaning to catch up on it for awhile, but again, people have been pretty down on its quality for years.
Yeah but none of the exposed flesh actually made contact with him.
>tfw Maki will never do this to you
He is layered in cloth, the curse probably only works when the chances of the dick touching her skin is high.
LICK that tummy
Sounds like an excuse a floozy would make.
Stop being influenced by this cesspool of a board. This place is filled with dead-eyed, joyless, soulless husks of people who can't have fun with anything and want others to be as miserable as them. Go read the mango or stick with the animu, both are enjoyable and worth your time.
>long before it was an anime
There were absolutely zero threads until a couple weeks ago. You can say it was slept on because it's lackluster compared to Soul Eater, and that's fair, but it's still just a comparative "it's uninteresting" criticism instead of the usual shitposting and serious discussion garbage series get. It's as if Shouboutai is the perfect level of mediocre quality to get neither threads because it's good nor threads because it's bad, which is a real shame since it's fairly enjoyable if not great.
Question to anons that have read Soul Eater; How does it hold up compared to SE?
Yeah its not as catching as soul eater. Caught back up a month ago and still wasn't feeling it like that series. Only a few times with certain character.(joker, the strong fucker from the village and the new crazy guy) otherwise only thing I'm there for now is art and just finishing. With occasional enjoyment.
Why is Maki such a degenerate slut?
Kimetsu was unheard of until the anime and so was Boku no SHit.
Objectively false newfag, both had threads for months upon months beforehand
>do i fit in yet???
>Seething Deku faggot
rent free
Boku was pushed as the NewRuto since ch1.
it only happens to people who have no interest in her and seems to scale with how little they want it to happen
You heard me
When will Arthur thing the gorilla witch into his princess
why doesnt Chadsault nail the huge milkers archer girl
Tamaki is unbearable but assault's bonus chapter was entertaining. I how he gets an actual fight.
>those hips
Very religious people no sex at all well Im sure Haumea has raped people before but I guess pillars are above the law.
>He trained himself by watching porn and becoming a pervert thanks to Tamaki's bullshit
Should we feel sorry or happy for him becoming one of us?
In retrospect it's basically the same.
Western media depiction of firefighters
>A bunch of males growing through the trauma of being responsable to save people and accept that some of them may die even if you try your best.
Weeb media depiction of firefighter
>Naruto with firefighter suit.
It was exceedingly hard to resist the urge to fap to that witch costume last episode. It's gonna kill me to try not fapping to this exhibitionist.
Anime only scum, pay attention the regular fire fighers exist the blue stripes are extermination squads for infernals.
Relax, Newfag. It's just Yea Forums lingo.
>I hope he gets an actual fight.
Aren't his power's just Juggernaut's, but less spam based?
Why? The pacing of those are fine. I interpreted as her think back and realizing all those happy times and everyone she cared about were gone in the blink of an eye.
She looks like she's hairy down there.
Assault's powers are just manifesting large anti tank rounds and shooting them. You could describe it like, using a pistol that shoots sniper rounds
>static text spam
Are there really that much text in their shows? i only remember it was alot in the monogatari and a bit in szs
>Her Type: Someone cheerful and funny
So Shinra? Don't know if he's funny but he is definitely the most cheerful lad around.
I feel like you missed quite a few of this anime's themes already, somehow. It was literally laid out for you in episode 2, verbatim that their job is essentiallly killing people who have lost themselves and dealing with those who have had their lives ruined by infernals.
This bitch is the personification of fanservice. Almost never fights and it doesn't even seem she'll end up with the MC so what's the point of her character?
>Caring about what Yea Forums says
Comic relief and being the sole source of fanservice
That's already two of their longest shows that have both multiple seasons and a lot of material.
It's not as prominent elsewhere, but it is still there as part of what Shaft just kind of does, much like the headtilt
Fuck the cursed fanservice girl I'm excited for the big potato.
Maki's getting fat
Who are you calling gorilla cyclops?!?!
"Are you gonna kill the 8th Brigade by yourself?"
Is this drawn on top of that "You promised to fuck my tits Zelda"?
BASED american retard
Poor assault would probably job in a straight fight with Maki or Arthur.
Assault has been infected by Tamaki, there's no hope for him now. Although it would be funny if he somehow got a hold of Tamaki's Lucky Leecher Lure condition
They post false information all the time. FF is listed at 24 episodes since it has 7 BDs listed. This was revealed on ANN.
Also people shit on it for being slow, having uninteresting characters and generally being boring as shit. The fact that NOBODY gave a shit about it before the anime says a lot since even shit like BC had threads before the anime.
Black Clover had threads because of how substandard it was you faggot, just like 60% of shounen threads. Yuno makes Arthur look as complex as someone out of Texhnolyze by comparison and 50% of Asta's fights have Deus Ex Asspulls. People like to talk about garbage. Also
>shounen genre
Yes, genre. The shounen demographic includes the shounen genre as a subset. What would you have me say, "genre where heroes operating under a power system fight progressively stronger groups of villains"? The trope set is distinct enough by now to give it that name.
>Black Clover had threads because of how substandard it was you faggot,
Which means that FF couldn't get threads despite being equally as substandard so it not getting threads for being a shounen isn't a fucking excuse.
>Yes, genre. The shounen demographic includes the shounen genre as a subset.
You are a fucking retard of the highest caliber.
>Black Clover had threads because of how substandard it was you faggot,
>Which means that FF couldn't get threads despite being equally as substandard so it not getting threads for being a shounen isn't a fucking excuse.
user what kind of mental gymnastics are you pulling to be able to think like this?
Yuno is boring as shit compared to Arthur, and Arthur's rivaly with Shinra has nothing to do with Shinra's dream he just wants to rub it in his face that knights are better.
yet this trash is barely getting 50 episodes
So why couldn't FF get threads while BC did
The manga is no worse than kimetsu and dr flop
>Fireshit barely getting 50 episodes
There could be multiple reasons, none of which I am entirely sure of, but they are most certainly not for your reasoning of. "X is being talked about for being bad, therefore Y must be bad because it isn't being talked about as much as X".
Why not watch Dr.stone? At least it isnt turn off your brain dumb and allows room for thinking.
not to mention the nice cinematographic shots
Big titty witch.
I am so grateful for Mashima
Where's her underwear?
Why are you so anti intellectualism?
What is the purpose of the fire ears?
come on now lil guy back to your Dr. Stone containment threads and rick and morty sub reddit :)
low cut
Maybe if she had more clothes on there would be less chance of them falling off. Seems like she enjoys getting into sexual situations.
I can assure you that they would not work
>To be a beautiful bride
My kind of girl.
Who here has sinned?
Where's the bush?!
Animeshitter here. Who is this whore and why does everyone use her as a disposable cumrag?
Squad 8's disposable cumrag
Gotta watch this for her.
I honestly can't wait for the Tamaki doujins just to see what kind of stupid shit that will happen.
>"Well looks like Tamaki is getting gangbanged in public again..."
>I am genius!
>Oh nooo
Would it really be considered rape when its done on Tamaki?
imagine her in coed gym class
>Tamaki loses her virginity by accident
"Teacher!, Tamaki tripped and her mouth is on my dick."
>People constantly slip and fall from the trail of cum she leaves behind her
Already did and was forgiven. Látom.
Not that user but I googled it too, leddit and twitter seem to be convinced that it's true even though I haven't found a reliable source in any of those big threads. Wonder if they know something I don't.
>Little shit has the nerve to look at you like your trash
>30 seconds later she is butt ass naked in public and in front of everyone
The church is actually the bad guy aren't they?
Maki is that one girl you try to mating press and then you end up being the one getting pressed instead.
Yes and no, though the church has it's own shadow assassin force, they're not actually the bad guys. The real bad guys are the Evangalists, a doomsday cult that wants a second great cataclysm to destroy the Earth once and for all; unfortunately they've recently taken control the church (brainwash and manipulation) and are now in control of the city
but she still ends up cuddling with you anyways
Weak useless jobber.
Shes getting a power up at least this arc
Because one, it's incredibly mediocre, and two, it's not in Jump so it didn't get shilled with the Plebbit crowd until the anime PV. Yea Forums sleeps on anything that doesn't breed discussion, so if there's nothing to shitpost like with Toubun, it's not consistently generating buzz like Kaguya-sama, it's not a godawful seasonal bait show like Do You Love Your Mom, and it's not a terrible adaptation of something the board already discussed, it won't get threads no matter the quality of the narrative. Look at fucking Act Age, it's generally good, but it gets a single thread a week and never hits bump limit. This is because it's not exceptionally great or bad, has no resident shitposters, and the retard normie crowd doesn't know it exists. Surely you see the popularity fallacy here?
Glad to see Yea Forums continues to have good taste
Dr.stone has better memes desu this show sucks
Why are girls with black hair always the best girl?
The animation and the music in the OP don't match.
>i watch anime for the memes
I really like the OP until the part where the second drop is supposed to happen and it just kinda keeps going without hardly changing the percussion, volume, or background instrumentation
Because Dr. Stone is not actually promoting science instead proceeds to use just the same kind of brain dumb action constantly while spouting that it isn't fantasy it is science. When in reality it is just as fantastical arguably more so because they don't have magic in that world yet they do physically impossible things. It appeals to retards who think they are smarter than they really are and cant recognize how stupid it is.
The stonefags are true retards.
>Chink finally gets lucky lewded in the final arc of the manga
>Tamaki lands directly on his dick and is out of commission for the final battle due to teenage pregnancy
You you are an ugly gorilla ogre who needs to run away into the jungle where you belong FREAK!
Just because a show may introduce topics that you may not know about or just simply no understand, doesn't make you inferior. You can still enjoy it and not everyone will get some aspects of it and that's alright.
Jesus, I love this season where we have two girls, her and Momo, girls who would pound me (literally, not sexually) to death
>She's driven him to become a waifufag
Will Assault or Potato win the Makibowl?
Fuck why are even their names similar.
Potato, I have no idea what Assault will do anymore, all we know is that Assault will arrive
Assaults gonna realize that hes a waifu fag and is gonna have 100 wives
>It comes from how much people enjoyed the creator's previous series, Soul Eater.
Is SE still that highly regarded by most people? Gotta be honest and say that I never really followed the manga for whatever reason after the anime ended, but I remember Yea Forums threads when the final chapter came out about how it was basically a gag ending about tits or something.
Actually, Japan have delay the transmission of shows before due to events like this, this show might be moved to another season due to this, and for such a big project like this, oh boy, this is going to be the ride of our lives.
I only want to read this because of her, at which chapter should I start reading?
Chapter 5
I'll just leave this here:
Iris > Maki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tamaki
>September 16
That's my birthday too, nice.
Meh. Guess I will start with Chapter 1
Because the arcs are just "oh hey lets fight" the manga. Which is sorta fine for the series but it's still far from Soul Eater, probably because SE had a better cast and dynamic. Fire Force feels like it was made to be a weekly fight shonen.
Plus you have Tamaki's retarded ass who's more annoying than anything in Soul Eater, including Excalibur.
Maka was a better girl
What a bunch of bitches.
Go back
based Iris not betraying Shinra, confirmed best girl for the 917th time now
Confirmed cancelled. That was fast.
That's my fetish
The entire anime because of the KyoAni fire or just the airing of this week's episode?
It's better than BnHA
He's memeing. I think he's just saying it would be a little inappropriate to produce and air an anime about overwhelming flames and fire just days after a highly respected studio went into flames
>Tamaki wants to be a cat
>Is a slut
Cats are slutty by nature so Tamaki got her wish
Seems the normalfag filter is working as intended.
fuck, source?
I could see them delaying the airing of episodes but out of curiosity could a fiasco like this actually put an entire series out of production just for having fire-related content because of muh Japanese politeness?
Why didn't she save Kyoani?
welp, fire force is probably going to go on an indefinite haitus
>Fire Force, Promare, that porn show with firefighters and Ride Your Wave all in the same month
>Kyoani burns to the ground
This CAN'T be a coincidence.
No one gives a rat ass for kyonai
Yes. Japs will refuse to release entire episodes just because of some small coincidence. Pokemon episodes featuring a ground-type pokemon that used earthquake were banned permanently after the tsunami. Because coincidence.
The Japanese are big on respect and it would be pretty insensitive to air an anime about fire. I could see them doing like a 2 week delay and maybe airing Jojo earlier, but I doubt they would delay a 2 cour show that has been paid for and has undergone significant production and voice acting.
Are they gonna halt the production of all Promare related merchandise and arrest the thousands of twitter artists making lewds of Lio too?
What will I learn, that if you get turned to stone your bodily functions won't cease? Gtfo
There are still unaired Pokemon episodes due to natural disasters that happened years ago
If you like anyone, you're a pedo.
What a bunch of pussies
>it is now illegal to show even a flicker of flame in any piece of animated media ever again
Gee thanks KyoAni.
They care even less about you.
Weren't those on the scale of national tragedies that killed thousands of people? Does Japan as a whole care that much about KyoAni?
yes its the equivalent of like netflix getting fucked
I can't see many people respectfully mourning Netflix
full op out
Oh no no no
Your anime is kill
>50 episode
>already fucked after episode 2
Being Fire Force is suffering.
>50 episode
Is there any credible source for that?
they are just Memeing, but most likely fire force will be delayed for a week or two.
Hollywood's done it. after incidents they just cancel/delay or reshoot films.
This is probably getting (rightfully) canned.
>what is nice boat & madoka with the tohoku earthquake
>KyoAni killed Fire Force
I really doubt the anime will be canned and show is about battling fire, I see it getting delayed at best.
Tohoku was a significantly bigger scale which is what I was getting it, but I forgot about the origins of nice boat.
not only they're unaired. the move Earthquake and the entire Porygon line are banned from the anime.
About time this shitty show dies.
Gets kinda shitty near the end, disappointing
It's confirmed 4 cour. If you mean the cancellation, it's still only doomposting and speculation as far as I know
Do you not know the phrase "battle shonen"?
>guy character's entire schtick is that he's horny constantly
I was referring to the 4 cour part since the only source I've seen provided for that is some random guy on twitter.
I can't wait for not maka
I would be surprised if they didn't.
Back in the day Higurashi got delayed because there was an axe killing around the same time, and School days had a similar delay.
Not only that but it's possible people working on Fire Force might be emotionally affected because of connections in the industry. We don't know what will happen for sure but this is unprecedented.
*would be surprised if they didn't delay it
It wont be delayed at all. retard. kyoanus burning down was not a national tragedy.
But it is a big company related to the industry though
Shows have been delayed for lesser incidents than this.
>in a huge twist there is no delay because the industry is fed up and wants to show they won't give in to waifufag terrorists
I would be happy with my weekly sakuga dose not getting delayed but i can see it happen
Btw still sad for that guy, looked like a bro and more named characters in the other squads is always good
Just use water guys
Don't worry, it won't be delayed. They would need to delay every single episode of every show that featured fire in some way. Simply not gonna happen.
ITT posts that didn't age well
Ouch, what went wrong?
Poor pacing and the fact the whole conspiracy plot isn't running very well.
Also source, episode 3 airing tomorrow (jap time) as expected. kyonai fans need to learn that the industry doesnt revolve around their studio
>inb4 cancelled due to recent events
It's clearly saying that it's delayed.
>Being serious with shitposters
Leave kyoani to me.
Joker no! I thought you were a hero!
I don't claim to be an expert in moon but doesn't that tweet say it's being delayed by like 15 minutes from it's usual time (25:25 to 25:40)
Yes, it's delayed.
Because of the doomsday posting I just thought people were more concerned with week-long delays rather than a few minutes
I think his jokes went a bit too far this time
If Fire Force is so great why couldn't they stop the fire at KyoAni?
Ummmmmm, sweaty?? That's not Sister Hibana.
That tweet was posted 4 hours ago while the news about the fire started getting spammed on twitter 5 hours ago, how long does it take a station/whoever the fuck to decide what to delay?
It gets decided on the spot, they are not going to delay it. It wont even be mentioned
Gotta be honest OP this is a VERY disrespectful thread right now. I'm sure you like this show very much but can we maybe put the discussion on hold for a couple weeks to allow the anime community time to recover?
Dumb fucking mutt. This thread is 2 days old.
Its apples and oranges.
In SE the focus was on the characters while the plot was rather secondary, most didnt feel like happening because of a plotelement outside the characters influence.
The opposite is the case for FF, its a lot more plot-driven, the pverall narrative happens and characters get affected by it, their actions are either to go and prevent the big event or support(cause it to happen but they are not the origin of said big event).
So its different, imo it depends on what you like more, personally i like chars more so SE it is, however if its for plot and worldbuilding than definively FF takes it.
Full OP got released early apparently
Shame the song kinda sucks, hopefully OP2, 3 and 4 will be better.
It's happened before for one-off murders, natural disasters, and such.
I see Fire Force being delayed a week as the minimum, with up to a month being probable. If they REALLY want to go far it might be pushed to next season but I doubt that will happen just for economic reasons.
The Shirobako movie where their studio is meant to burn down is fucked though. Either getting canned entirely or pushed back a year for major rewrites and scene changes.
don't reply to shitpost
The delay will be by 15 minutes and is unrelated to the fire. End of the story.
>Look through Fire Force tag on Nip twitter
>some time ago the author/someone involved in the production of Fire Force said Promare plagiarized it
>arsonist says he's angry about plagiarism/rip offs
>mfw either a FF or Promare fan took matters into their own hands but got the wrong building
This shit is getting cancelled, who had the bright idea to make an anime about fire, specially when a tragedy just happened?
Fire Force confirmed for getting cancelled.
Not really.
I mean I love Mrs. Green Apple but this song is just way too fucking quiet for an OP that is literally a minute-long chase sequence with superpowers
It was a good run
>kyoanus lickers pretending their shitty ass studio burning was some sort of national tragedy
>terrorist attack
>death toll
>huge fire
>"I'm s-sure my pyromaniac firefighters anime will be ok, r-right?"
I guess my taste is defective because I love the song and how it accompanies the OP visuals
>Gets kinda shitty near the end, disappointing
Yeah they really put the best bits in the opening
>bass bass kick bass / bass kick bass bass / kick bass bass kick / bass bass kick kick
What the fuck
I feel bad for those who died but fuck respectful delays, I want to see if they're keeping Tamaki's LLL scenes with censors or removing them tomorrow, not next week or next month.
I don't speak moon what say?
Broadcast of episode 3 is 15 minutes late
>"fuck people I need muh shounenshit"
This is your brain turned off
>It's confirmed 4 cour.
no it's not
>The official website for the Fire Force anime announced on Friday that the anime will have 24 episodes. The anime will have seven home video volumes in Japan.
>terrorist attack
Overstatement of the century
Maki > the Gyaru captain with the flower flames > Iris > Tamaki > trash >>>>>>>>>>>> the female pillars
>July 13
Not related to today's fire, might actually be delayed further.
Hey, a literal terrorist attack (Sarin Gas Attack) has twice as less deaths as this one.
>has twice as less
I think you need to check the definition of terrorist attack.
Tick tock
My brain is very much on. Tamaki's ecchi > anything else x100 > japan's weird "don't air this thing related to recent tragedy for a day/week/forever farewell porygon".
If I died in a fire I doubt hollywood would cease screening their current thrillers for a day because of my unknown ass.
>Fire Force twitter sent out a tweet with that same broadcast time an hour after the fire started
The intern running that account won't bow down to terrorists
No. The only things delayed or cancelled will be kyoani projects like the VEGetable movie
Maybe if you died in a freak accident
But here, >20 people died in a premeditated arson
But the difference between you and kyoani is that people know kyoani.
This is like a mini 9/11 for Japan
Not that guy, but I saw from somewhere else that it's 4 cour with a 6 month break between the 2nd and 3rd.
Which one is that
Okay, I need confirmation. Is the next episode getting delayed because of KyoAni's fire accident or not?
I was gonna get into this, but after the kyoani fire I'm gonna have to pass
Every kyoani related anime is canceled until further notice
Could be a month break
Animating fire is now illegal in Japan.
Nothing from official twitter yet, probably have to wait until later today or tomorrow nip time
OK, what's happen next
Some random studio staff member get crushed by rock after an earthquake so they delay Dr Stone?
Imagine hating fire force so much you set up a studio on fire to delay the broadcast
Probably depends on the episode's content.
maybe a Dr. Stone or MHAfag?
>Einstein's Mass-Energy Equivalence (E=mc^2) theory challenged by Nobel Laureates and Science comittees, Broadcast of Dr Stone is delayed indefinitely
New wallpaper
to hear fire better
>no stink clouds
>no puffy nipples
shit art
But she is made in Kyoani
We finally have a photo of the arsonist
I kind of want to check this show out but madman are only simulcasting it dubbed since crunchy got the sub rights or something, is it worth going to the trouble of pirating the subs?
>trouble of pirating
in what shithole (america included) you live in that pirating gets you in trouble
>20/10 eyesight
Gary Stu?
>that height
>that weight
Wait what the fuck, Iris is even more IMAGINE tier
It'll be another Nice boat instead of the episode.
I want to pick her up and carry her around.
By trouble I mean effort, not actually getting in trouble for it
>calm women
Why did you guys tell me Hinawa was gay?
Pirating is literally easier than streaming, if you had a working HDD with space on it there's no reason not to.
Yeah you're right, I think I might just be looking for excuses not to watch it because I am already watching a lot of other stuff this season, I am gonna go pirate it right now
Obi is the gay one
>Someone with a strong sense of justice
>doesn't specify woman
Turns out it was the first thing, I was writing the jap title too precisly
winner of Tamaki bowl
It's a known trope for the cool-headed badass to dig the cool-headed beauty type
You can delete this post right now, she's for ME
Kuronos profile is out.
Yūichirō Kurono profile
Affiliation: Haijima Industries
Rank: Chief of the Power Development Facility
Ability: Third Generation Pyrokinetic (Suffering from severe Tephrosis, he can fight by creating weapons while making them spout with high temperature black smoke)
Height: 177cm
Weight: 69kg
Age: 29
Birth date: September 6th
Sign: Virgo
Blood type: A
Nickname: Death
Self-proclaimed: Wage slave
Favorite foods: Soft foods
Least favorite food: Hard foods
Favorite music: Doesn’t know the titles of old-fashioned children’s songs
Favorite animal: Children
Favorite color: Healthy red
His type: Weaks with no physical and mental resistance
Who he respects: Someone weak who works very hard
Who he has trouble around: Strong persons
Who he’s afraid of: His boss
Hobbies: Harrasment
Daily routine: Home-made boiled and muddled curry
Dream: A wage slave doesn’t have any dreams
Shoe size: 26.5cm
Eyesight: Right 0.9 Left 1.5
Favorite subjects: Logic
Least favorite subjects: History, Stories of Great Men
>favorite subject: math
what a fucking nerd
based chadra getting the 2 best girls
That's not Chink
Can you post Haumea's by any chance? I know it came out in Japanese, but I don't think the official translations have done it yet.
Hope next episode doesn't get delayed. The incident should be resolved well enough by tomorrow to air it.
It's not just about the incident itself, it's about being respectful. Around 30 people died in that fire and a good amount of those who survived are injured.
>She screams out Shinra's name
>Likes Fried Chicken
Delete this general please
Just watched the first episode
this shit is good enough it didn't NEED the fanservice to prop it up, it's an insult to the quality of the premise, writing and animation that they dragged it all down with fanservice shit, fanservice is for shows that need a little extra boost.
>least favorite food
As in, supplements? Does not compute. Also, even he's afraid of the lieutenant.
has this girl also a profile?
shut up retard
Japs ain't afraid of terrorist user.
Are they still gonna stream this even with what happened?
>I need my big boobies to entertain me
Why do people so often misuse the word terrorist
I assume so, how long for probably depends on the content of the episode
I saw a screenshot where some Cuttie Patootie shoves her ass into some guys face
What episode is that gonna happen in?
That's quite literally black haired Maka from Soul Eater.
Nah she got tits.
I hope they delayed the episode to put some sort of memorial at the end.
Ironic, isn't it.
You have to go back faggot. Tragedies happen, it's unfortunate but that doesn't mean we should censor everything.
Yea, but this isnt anime about arsonist but firefighters no? Do we ban crimi shows because some serial killer?
>chewing noodles
Wow. Just... wow.
I literally cannot believe this thread exists. You should all be f***ing ashamed of yourselves.
>fire force couldn't save kyoani
dare i say it, based?
Is this actually airing?
>I remember Yea Forums threads when the final chapter came out about how it was basically a gag ending about tits or something.
god the ending was so fucking bad
>not "everything is fine (fire)"
Did the show get delayed a week because some guy on twitter named jaymes hanson said it was delayed for a week, but I can't find any source on the delay.
for me it's the nun
please kill yourself promptly
nipponese men are horny retards. they legit cannot enjoy a piece of art without heaps of fanservice and pedophilic content
>any class where the girls and boys are seperated
Is this because her lewd curse thing, or does she not like guys?
lewd curse
But It's got such a tiny ammount of fanservice that it's not going to bring in anybody that is watching it for the fanservice.
may as well just have none at all
>tiny ammount of fanservice
or maybe if its so tiny there is no need to make such big deal out of it. those that dont like it can ignore it and those that do get a smirk tops