I xyz summon Number S0 Utopic Zexal!

Heh, heh. your move user.

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are they purposely trying to make card descriptions needlessly complex nowadays?

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I didn't watch Zexal, why is twink Syndrome in it?

no one can answer that question. the truth is no one's really watched zexal

how cute.

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My Grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, user. But it does have the unstoppable Exodia!

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new heisei needs twink as MC user. every new series from anime to tokusatsu got the twink syndrome from 2010 to now

Isn't it Hope?

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Syndrome as in the character. I was making a joke about the hair.

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I've assembled all five special cards, all five pieces of the puzzle!

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ive always wondered

what is spyro holding?

It's a glazing brush. Hes literally polishing a turd in a subway.

Nah dude, I think it's cheese. But it'd be funnier if it were a polishing brush.

The most skill intensive deck

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cringe and you miss on best spinoff

Is this as shit as it reads or am I just that behind in the game?