Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei

Six episodes into the first season and I'm loving it. Why does it not get more appreciation; is it just too surreal for normies?

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I've been meaning to read it. I'll do it now for u

dvd resolution

>SZS was 12 years ago

>Doesnt get appreciation

Guess that 13 years before this newfag came along doesnt count

Too japanese and good subs are a pain to find

Its old as fuck, already ended, and everyone was done flipping out over the twists.
Unlike powerlevel shounen fightan bullshit or waifuwars, there is no sustainable discussion to be had about a comedy series.
"Who would win in a standup comedy routine competition? Sensei with Chiri Kitsu, or Hayate with Aizawa Sakuya?"

Waifuwars is easier.

A factor is that Shaft's other works vastly overshadow it in terms of popularity. I agree that's it's quality, but if you're a newer guy Madoka, Monogatari, and Hidamari Sketch (though I prefer PPD) are some tough competition for attention.

Shaft animating the last season is my dream

glad you found it newfag.
but you're still a gigantic newfag and SZS is generally loved, but it's also complete so not much to talk about.

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>ending was 7 years ago
I'm not laughing bros...

Just a friendly reminder that I love all of you anons, and I hope you live the best life you possibly can!

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>Why does it not get more appreciation
Lurk moar

I know it won the Shogakukan Award but in general I think SZS is one of the better written manga to have ever existed, to be able to lampoon aspects of every day life and always segway into weirder territories for 30 volumes just show how much of a genius Kumeta is.

Unfortunately that will never happen. Even if SHAFT decided to suddenly stop sucking and get back to their old, talented days, the ending simply would not work without all of the girls present. Martini Miyu's death put the final nail in the coffin for this ever getting animated again.
You'll have better luck hoping for a Voynich Hotel adaptation.


>Martini Miyu
Well fuck me for phone posting I guess

>Voynich Hotel adaptation

God I wish.

thanks for reminding me to feel sad today

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We all do, user, but that won't happen either. And even if it did SHAFT just aren't good enough for it to really shine anymore.

Begone, devil.

Nisekoi is easily the third most popular SHAFT show, unfortunately.

It's a very hard anime to get into but it's widely considered a very good series
Especially the manga
The lewds of the girls are all fucking incredible but there's a horrific and downright depressing amount of doujins

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