9 hours until the episode 3 of anime original "Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru". What are your expectations, thoughts, and the kilos of the dumbbells you lift?
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru
I'm more surprised, like, two Danberu threads have been deleted for no reason I could see. Not that I had long to see: I hit refresh and the page can't be found anymore.
Anyway, I'll go to bed now (it's 11pm) and be back in the morning to make lots of webms.
>anime original
Who else here tried to watch this but figured this is even worse than the candy slut animu??
>two Danberu threads have been deleted for no reason
Huh? But I thought the mods like it (Because the way they made that sticky on /fit/.) Are you saying that the mods on /fit/ loved anime while the mods on Yea Forums hated anime?
>two Danberu threads have been deleted for no reason I could see
ptobably /fit/fags
>the mods on Yea Forums hated anime?
Have you been living under a rock?
ha, great. carry on.
It's not an original anime
This is the original adaptation of the manga. A show as successful as this will have numerous reboots in the coming decades.
Because they're literal off-topic cancer. Just look at this:
I guess the mods wanted to give a reminder for /fit/fags to fuck off
Stop fucking blogging about your life then maybe mods will stop deleting threads. I'm glad they're finally bringing the hammer down.
>anime is based around a certain topic
>said topic proliferates within the thread
>this cannot be allowed to continue, so the entire thread gets deleted
That is quite Orwellian. So... are they only supposed to talk about the animation? The anime staffs or the seiyuu? Because the animation is not that too superb to discuss about in lengths.
>are they only supposed to talk about the animation?
>The anime staffs or the seiyuu?
This is Yea Forums - Anime and manga, not /fit/ - how many repeats I'm doing of a particular exercise.
If you want to talk about your wicked gains or whatever the fuck go to /fit/, this isn't the board for that.
Why is going off on discussions tangentially related to the anime's topic only recently a problem? This was always fine on Yea Forums in the past.
God I hate modern Yea Forums.
Because not only they aren't on-topic and therefore against the rules, but they also invite and encourage more off-topic threads, especially blog-like threads. It wasn't a problem before because they were rare, but the current Yea Forums population wants to use every board as their personal "whatever the fuck I want to talk right now, mainly my feelings" facebook wall. Just look at Yea Forums.
Did steroids damage your brain so much that you're unable to understand such a simple concept?
Max rep?
Blogshit was never okay on this board. Nobody cares about your life fuck off.
i dunno ask /fit/
>I hate Yea Forums because it doesn't appeal to ME
Yea Forums isn't your blog, your fitness story isn't anime, fuck off. Go to /fit/
please be fit for your waifu.
I'd rather not look at Yea Forums. All I know is nuking entire threads over a derailment into a discussion about the show's topic/theme is a recent thing.
I hope you spill your protein shake.
So, if a thread becomes hijacked by blogposts, should I report the individual posts or can the thread itself can be reported, even twhen the topic is anime and manga related?
Swimming is objectively the best form of exercise. Prove me wrong
>work out all major muscles at once
>also cardio
>you don't get sweaty
No one seemed to care when /out/ was blogging in Yuru Camp threads. How about you fuck off?
Did they?
I would have reported them all the same, because it's off-topic shit.
>"Mr. officer, why did you arrest me for murdering this man, when that rapist fled without being caught?"
Yuru Camp threads had much more posting about the actual anime, and those threads weren't posted one after another immediately after the last one archived/404'd for the purpose of more blogging. Dumbbell threads are literally nothing but /fit/shit. Good difference.
Yes, there was even an entire thread about that mexican user that caused a wildfire trying to start a campfire.
But I suppose 500 posts saying some variant of
>I want to fuck Hibiki
would be better than talking about lifting in the thread for an anime literally called "How heavy are the dumbbells you lift?" right?
Yes. It would. Genuinely, it would. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.
Yeah, they would. Because they're discussing one of the characters of a particular anime show.
I don't understand why you're so butthurt about not being able to share your blogshit here when you have an entire board for that.
No, wait, I understand. Literal roid rage.
another thread filled with cringey fitshits trashing it
>Yea Forums w-wasnt like this two years ago
fuck off back to /fit/ newfag
is sensei ok?
I wonder if we'll get a scene like pic related since this show has so much armpit
I have made this point before, but no one bitched about there being camping discussion in Yuru Camp threads. Sure /out/ is a smaller board so it was less noticable, but if you have been on Yea Forums for more than 5 minutes you know that half the fun is how conversations evolve over the course of the thread. If you want to talk animation, talk animation. Everyone who likes your discussion points will give you (You)s. /fit/izens come with the territory of a /fit/ anime. Embrace it while it lasts.
>Embrace it while it lasts
If embrace means "reporting the shit out of those off-topic threads", yeah, I'll do.
>no one bitched about there being camping discussion in Yuru Camp threads
there was more actual anime discussion in Yuru Camp threads.
Go back to /fit/.
Sensei is craving the massive throbing cocks from the faggots over at /fit/ being absolute chads
>another fitard that has no idea what hes talking about
go back , sir
Sensei needs contacts.
This. It shouldn't even have to be brought up. These meta-posting tranny mod dicksuckers are more annoying than /fit/ honestly.
"I looked the post credits of the recent danberu episode and now have started exercising for my 2D waifus. Thank you Japan, very cool"
Did I do good?
Fuck off Noafag I like you less than the metaposters.
3 sets of these were easy.
I could manage that but couldn't do the dragon flag shit at all.
Nice blog.
I'm gonna run to the store tomorrow and buy some dumbbells. Are 2x25lbs good to start with or are those too weak?
are you overweight?
/fit/ would be able to tell you.
dont buy static weight dumbbells. buy some with the screw where you can add more when you need to.
Stop samefagging, tool.
welcome to current year
/fit/ is Yea Forums now and Yea Forums is Yea Forums
because Yea Forums is a seething collective of buttergolems who feel exposed at the sight of a JK MC putting in the necessary effort to improve her life, knowing they will never muster up the courage to get out of their decrepit cumthrones
the show that could have saved Yea Forums from a life of misery is getting the SHUT IT DOWN treatment
it's literally just a bunch of bootlicking newfags trying to fit in even though the mods here are probably the least consistent about enforcing the rules out of any other board
pretty much every rule exclusive to Yea Forums only exists to give the mods an excuse to delete shit that they don't like
Friendly reminder to pig out tomorrow's Danberu episode. Cola, chips, ice cream, pudding, and other various junk foods go great with anime! Afterwards spend a few hours browsing Yea Forums, watching more anime, or even just playing a video game for maximum comfy.
Might have some chips while I watch tomorrow.
>goblin mods are macchio’s mortal enemies in life
I'll try my hardest to fit all these Oreos in my mouth.
>/fit/ homofags are finally being removed from Yea Forums
Now we can finally talk about cute girls in peace.
wtf I love the mods now
No they aren't.
People bitched and moaned enough that they managed to get a thread moved to /fit/ the other week so it's more likely than you think.
Nothing wrong with a cheat day as long as every day isn't cheat day.
your days are numbered /fit/shitter.
>cheat day
Sounds like a normal day to me, you gross /fit/man
So off topic threads here actually get deleted but at fit we have to deal your shilling and waifu faggotry on a daily?
>you will never claim your 2D waifu if you don’t leave humanity behind
Yea Forums will despair upon the cliffs of the fallen, only the chosen few will find their place amongst the gods
Yes, please get these /fit/fags talking about the topic of the show out of here so we can have more threads with substantial discussion such as
For all the faggots autistically screeching WAAAAAAAAH OFF-TOPIC OFF-TOPIC OFF-TOPOC just because they don't want to face the 500lb fatass staring them in the mirror every morning, riddle me this:
Where does a thread about an anime go? Hint: It isn't /fit/.
Yea Forums is just a higher tier of board, user
it's almost like you don't understand the history of this place
every other board is a containment board to keep shit off of Yea Forums
Yea Forums
considering there's regular dumbbell threads there as well as a literal sticky on the board discussing what was covered on the episodes so far, yes it can go on /fit/.
there was a literal sticky the day it aired
Yeah, this but without the sarcastic tone. You post that like that would be a bad thing.
I love armpits too user, good taste
Buy that $50 set of adjustables off of amazon.
Buy that $50 adjustable dumbell set off of amazon and spend another $50-75 on a pull-up bar you can hook on to a door frame. Work ALL the muscles.
not everyone that browses this board suffers from a terminal case of cumbrain like yourself
>threads discussing anime about fitness are allowed on /fit/
>threads discussing fitness that's shown in an anime aren't allowed on Yea Forums
Sounds like the /fit/ and Yea Forums mods have very different interpretations of the same set of rules.
Because they're different boards about different subjects so the shows will be discussed differently in threads or be deleted. Not hard to understand.
Yea Forums isn't your fitness blog.
>used to work out but grew lazy
>this anime motivates me to work out again
>learn about the existence of the dragon flag
>can't do it properly because no mat and my abs aren't strong enough for it
>am hype to continue doing the dragon flag
Nice blog but I never subscribed to it.
Just hit that bell notification.
>All the retarded /fit/ crossshitters blogging and derailing.
I did the same thing. Couldn't find anything enough like a pole to grab onto though.
It looked easy when she did it.
Because everyone on fit is a mouth breathing fucktard, now, please fuck off back there
if you follow that same line of logic then more than half the threads on this board should be moved to /c/ or /e/ instead
I tried to use the leg of my bed to replicate it, but then realized I was being dumb and just used the underside of the bed and it became much easier. Don't grip like a pole, grip like you're pushing against the bottom of it to keep your balance. Also get a mat, my hardwood floors destroyed my tailbone while after I was done with my reps.
Except most of those threads are inherently Yea Forums and have some form of discussion of the anime, mostly in the characters. Moe and CGDCT is core Yea Forums
No, you don't understand. If the fatass mods like it, it stays. If it bothers them (/fit/ threads), it gets moved.
Please understand.
I have never seen a single show make Yea Forums seethe this hard
>the fitlet is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a virgin, incel, faggot, weeb, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. but call him a dyel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>Moe and CGDCT is core Yea Forums
Can't argue with that, but since they regularly delete threads about loli anime, in reality they just prune whatever they want.
I honestly just wish the /fit/ crossboarders would leave. I want to discuss the show not their lives.
all mė btw
Please, stop spamming but if you must just
do it on your home board where
it belongs.
why are the crossboarders the worst?
Ugh, /fit/tards, everyone.
these threads still feature a form of discussion of the anime despite whatever preconceived notions you might have of what should belong on Yea Forums and what shouldn't
minimal discussion and are most of the time posted with OPs that are clearly more concerned about /fit/-talk than the actual anime or manga.
100% of the off-topic posts in every single thread are Yea Forums complaining that the existence of /fit/ triggers them
Can you not veer off topic for one post?
Can you keep the janny's dick out of your mouth for a single thread?
user the last thread was literally called "are you still lifting bros", if you're surprised it was deleted or think it's unfair that it was deleted, you're genuinely an idiot.
/fit/ has better threads on it anyway
I guess you can't, pity.
What colour are her eyes? They confuse me
my dumbells are out in the front yard and I think they are 15kg
yeah its been a while
Brown/hazel I think
>/fit/spergs wonders why his threads get 404'd
The episode will have a part about diet, that's gonna trigger landwhales even more than exercise.
Lol fag
Cannot fucking wait to see the sheer number of journalists seeking therapy from this one
it´s boring because I can´t listen to my idolshit underwater
*farts in OP's face*
>Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru
really trying hard to keep this shitty series dead threads alive, huh?
I want to be /fit/ and healthy until Elon Musk rolls out the first production model catgirls f/a/ggots. It's not like crossboarders from /fit/ are infesting every thread in the board.
lifting metal won't make you healthy nor will it increase your life span, but nice delusion there.
Stay mad and wage fat Jihad retard
It is the best form of exercise and its an exercise old people do the most as well.
The former first ever Prime Minister of Singapore regularly swam every night by the way before he passed away.
And he wasn't a buff guy at all. Just a normal body physique.
Speaking of the seiyuu, I was quite surprised to find out that she was a sandnigger ethnically. A damn shame too seeing as her voice fits the role perfectly. For once Doga hit the jackpot with their noname seiyuu shtick.
I just came here, what the fuck?
What's a good way to exercise at home? I'm not going back to the gym because people are going to make fun of me for throwing up in there.
Is this autist going to ruin the rest of the seasons threads?
2 hours.
When do we meet the other girls in the OP?
Heading off the gym now.
I'll be back in 2 hours, Yea Forums
She's gonna make it.
jannies do it for free
you know machio had to do it to them
Reminder that Hibiki's tits are going to become smaller when her weight loss program succeeded
A friend recommended the Mike Mentzer style of doing repetitions of a single set until muscle failure. Now I can't walk after doing squats until my legs gave in.
But her pecs will grow so they'll get perkier.
1 Hour.
ayaka a cute
Lee Kwan Yee?
15 mins.
I want to impregnate this retarded fatty, then dump her to the curb because she's too fat.
You can with waterproof earbuds / bone conduction.
4 mins
get in here niggas
Where are you guys watching?
that's because /fit/fags are fucking obnoxious cunts, unlike people into camping or whatever
my wife is so cute
In that idol segment they call themselves the dumb belles. Makes me wonder what the untranslated name was.
based kenshiro
you type like a faggot
awwwww yissssss
waiting on that ohys to join
I want calves like that
Made for face sitting
>You are already cum.
> tfw
> a frick'en CRAB,takes the workouts MORE seriously than EITHER thread?!
nice slutkaze
Depends on your goals. For general health it's better than other forms of cardio. Running messes up knee joints, cycling puts pressure on the dick veins potentially leading to ED and they both only hit the legs.
But you won't get biger or stronger from swimming, you need a way to use more force.
Did he make Akemi spontaneously ovulate there?
Oh, sensei is in to boy-love, huh? I'll keep it a secret, sensei, you dirty girl.
So every girl in the series have some unique traits?
>Glutton, Movie Buff
>Muscle Fetish
>The most normal of the bunch, Movie Buff
>Cosplayer, Cake
>Obsessed with Prime Minister Petin
He made me ovulate and I don't even have ovules!
Have any of the Kure appeared yet?
you will get bigger and stronger, if you didn't do any sport before, but will quickly hit a cap.
There are also ways to work more on muscle strenght during swimming, like using paddles, but it's also much more exhausting.
On the other hand doing some weight training will help you swim easier so if possible do some strenght training along with swimming.
Yup. They are all different from each other, each with multiple very different traits. They are individuals with a lifetime of experiences. Some share (cult movies, christmas cakes) some are way outside the others (extreme muscle fetish, extreme Russian nationalism) but they're all going to Silverman Gym to lose weight and get stronger.
ohys is up seed with me
Most likely in episode 10 if we go by 3 chapters per episode
She'll show immediately after Z/Gina appears in class. So, Episode 6. 7 at the latest.
Ain't Karla 16?
>she fell for it
I use that method 3 days a week. It saves a lot of time and you can make some great strength gains if you keep things heavy.
The Japanese just mentions "young beloved ones" it's just precious "baby" not "infant."
And she has two. 15-year-old and 16-year-old.
Wish I can do that, I'm alone and too embarassed to go to a swimming pool alone.
Every time I watch a new episode of this all I do is end up hurting myself. Why the hell do I even keep trying?
To get better, obviously.
I want to fuck Sensei's exposed bellybutton
Alright Yea Forums, do your worst
Looks like you already did your worst with that sloppy trimming.
Here's your VA's bro
>[HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 03 [720p].mkv
It's what they're coming to the gym for.
I wanna see this with the dub VAs
Who are you?
>Horie Yui
She's perfect.
Gym is heaven
Does the QR code work?
I don't think you saw the part when she punches a heavy bag clean off the chain into a wall user.
Reminder that hibiki has double fangs but only one shows at a time.
My dick.
>cheat day
Is this shit really helps?
No one will dub Ayaka because being a fat shaming bitch triggers them greatly
Nobody was against discussion of cute girls. The only one disturbing the peace are mod dicksuckers like you. Stop being a tool.
>spotting and lifting in your speedo thing
I seriously hope you dont do this anons.
Why is this thread so dead, subs out and there's no buzz at all.
No homo
Why no Ayaka cute face yet
Is that why they give me weird looks at the gym?
Well if you must overeat then it's better to do it one day a week, rather than 7.
>eating not often makes you fat
>eat more to eat less
>actually, stuff yourself with cake to get thin
You know what? Fuck diet advice.
Arnold got a cameo. Will Aniki get a cameo?
Confirmed for slut.
Uh huh.
Just like how /fit/ had every self improvement threads deleted on site.
Ain't Machio technically is one?
How the fuck is Machio in any way like Billy Herrington?
So did I
guilty because I know I do this shit when I'm hitting my limit
Haven't watch the newest episode yet, but
>50 kg
I-isn't that too m-much? I'm just accustoming myself 20s but 50s? Oh lawd
>I do shoulder heaving when I'm on the last two instead of resting for a few seconds.
Omai wa mo shinderu!
>OMAD is bad
But this is 100% false?
At least they didn't go into detail about the starvation mode meme. I fucking love the amount of bro science.
Am I supposed to believe cosplay photographers would go take pictures of a bodybuilder instead of skimpily-dressed woman?
Most likely depends on who they're aiming their pictures for, and their own fetish.
big guys that are the boss of the gym
Can´t go there today because of the rain, which one should I use for curls?
>Hibiki no longer cares
What's the fucking point of going to the gym then?
And who will be dead before they are 50.
Machio is not a mortal.
She is not very smart at all.
It is. Probably just threw out a number for comedy value.
Also according to later episodes of the manga he's the strongest man on earth.
Fuck, Hibiki is literally perfect. I just wanna push her down over a table and take that fat slut hard from behind until I'm satisfied, no matter how much she struggles. I'd violently breed that pig so hard she'd be sore for a week.
I love this show
that smooth square one in the center
too soon
Remember, its not always about going with the heaviest, its about correct posture, and reps!
I was more surprised by the lack of women photographers.
>tfw my job requires a lot of walking and standing... so I lost 10lbs this year without changing my diet or planning any exercise
I want Ayaka to beat me up
damn it, now I want something fried...
Looking at the calories, that's food for 3 days for me.
>that silhouette at the beggining
Totally ignoring the part where she punches a heavy bag clean into a wall. You're trying to rape Mike Tyson.
It was well executed Lifts of the North Star cosplay, you have to admire the dedication.
>high protein
>low calories
This shit exist? Damn, thought the two would be almost the same.
Hibiki should be going for the opposite.
I'm not raping her. She would struggle a bit but enjoy it.
>Thinking you could overpower her.
>2 lbs of chicken breast
>1497 kcal
>279 g protein
Gram of carbs or protein is 4 kcals, gram of fat is 9 kcals. Shows being dumb though, because optimal muscle growth requires all three macros.
I beat Mike Tyson in punch out!! How hard can it be to rape him?
>Doesn't even know Lifts with the Straight Bar
What a pleb.
Protein is 4 calories per gram while fat is 9 per gram
Low calories forces your fat stores to be used up
High protein promotes muscle growth
In what ratio to each other though?
poor sensei
I'm fucking massive, bro. Would you rather have the ability to do 30 situps in a row or would you rather be able to lift fucking an atlas stone?
So as this is the same universe as Kengan, he's canonically the strongest person in the world? (probably not the best fighter though)
How many Kengan wins does he have?
There's a difference to, like, some chicken breast or a whey protein shake (with non-caloric sugar substitute) versus protein bars (which generally have fats and other caloric sources added in as filler and to make it more palatable; they're supposed to be more meal replacements) and a full steak (with fat trim). Or ironically, a lot of vegan/vegetarian protein sources outside of onions/pea/rice protein shakes (because they're relatively unpalatable and loaded with carbs or fat to make it taste better in processed foods).
However, unless you're a bodybuilder, you're generally getting more protein than you already need to maintain and even build muscle mass with a first world diet (i.e. a meat source at every meal). The body can only utilize so much protein at one time; excess not used for day-to-day metabolism (i.e. breakdown into amino acids and re-purposed for body proteins) and muscle-building is just used as a caloric source and wasted.
>older woman doing cosplay
Why is this so hot?
I see, so they are just the ratio but then I dont know what I was even comparing in the first place since I'm clueless about nutrition except the super basic protein is for muscle building, too much calories is fat.
Some stitches.
>somewhat cute older woman ganbare'ing herself in her hobby
Pretty much boner fuel to me.
>tough brown Shimarin
>thicc gyaru
>prim and proper girl who's secretly horny as fuck
>cake teacher who's into cosplay
it's like every girl in the series was designed to destroy my dick. The author has incredible taste
Better do it fast then.
She eventually gets to the point she can knockout two of the machos holding the bag at once.
Why is Sensei just showing off her pits like this?
Probably because they're not dumb highschoolers anymore. Anime needs more women.
What it feels like to cum inside of Hibiki?
Max cute.
And they didn't even show best girl yet.
RIP costume.
Old and busted. Girls need to be at most JK or younger.
10 years of anime and I still read JK as just kidding
Ayaka was systematically designed to destroy my dick and I'm not even that into tan or musclegirls
You can find various cosplay sluts all over in Japan and greater Asia.
It's rare to see a male cosplayer (as they probably assumed) to actually have the body to pull off the aesthetic of muscle and bulk that so many fighting series draw. It's worth the novelty to use camera space for a dude so blessed by the gods of /fit/.
I too am looking forward to Kure-sensei
You're joking, right? Who is that even, I meant Zina.
Good shit, learned some stuff about not over extending your elbow today.
False, he would be all over the internet by the next fucking hour IRL
I'm not a huge fan of brown or muscles individually, but brown and muscles is 10/10
Last one.
How do you respond?
Agree, but never get macho, just fit and healthy
y-you too
Is this true?
I'd be questioning why I'm in the girls locker room
Not that I'm complaining
Slutkaze is eternal.
Sit up guide when?
Is this true?
I tell her to fuck off.
>huge lunch
Is Shimakaze the most iconic design of the decade?
>come for the hot, thick prime breeding-age fertile JKs
>they add an ugly old hag nobody wants
I've set up a time list for more webms. Probably about 30 to go for this episode. This isn't as fast as I'd like it, but oh well.
>blogging about his mom walking into the room
I want to gorge myself once a day on Hibiki's ass.
>nobody wants
Speak for yourself, faggot.
fasting is good and cool but only if you actually eat healthy in your eating hours
Like getting eaten. When were you under the impression that she only fed through her mouth?
Why would you put your dick in a shriveled-up rotten high-mileage roast beef infested vagina when you can have a pure, fresh, perfect, meaty, piping-hot JK pussy that will make you feel like heaven?
Cakes are always in search of men. She's just trying to attract one, albeit in the wrong crowd.
>making a 6s webm of a basically static frame
Literally what are you doing? What is the point of this
I'd ask her if there is a way she can get my dick to be macho.
>29 yo virgin is a hag
Maybe he wants to rub in the lack of animation.
Nowhere was it stated any of the girls are virgins.
She's clearly not a virgin and she hit the wall about half her life ago.
She's an old hag. Some men will even prefer super muscular men over this.
It's a scene of characters talking, you don't need much animation in that. That idiot is just bored and spams his shitty webms in every thread
I want to blackmail her by threatening to expose her hobby to the school and get her fired
fuck this shit
I don't get it why did they say don't stretch but then they did toe touch and stuff? how is it different?
I want to blackmail a JK girl to suck me off in a public toilet after school.
How is this okay?
Uh oh, I'm being insulted! I better not contribute to the thread anymore! Have another!
If your gonna eat big meals avoid sugar and limit carbs.
it's pretty obvious she is
Good way to always feel hungry.
I bet 90% of this thread doesn't even lift
Hibiki's so cute.
>Dumbbell and Kengan Ashura are both written by the same author
>both of them also have a character named Soruyin
are they related?
I'll start tomorrow, get off my case. I still look good from my teen lift years.
Same universe
Why would I?
Me on the right.
Hibiki's brother basically calls her a wizard
You wanna be a pathetic to look at sack of shit for your entire life?
Post body
This hobby is highly inappropriate for a teacher. sexy nurse? sexy bunny girl? sexy cat girl?
I think the issue is the manga had underboob
I would go lifting if I wasn't autistic as hell.
Sure. Why should I care?
God, the things I'd do to this slam pig.
Fuck im doing it right now.
Why do you think she said she likes to keep her work life separate from her private life
eat less move more
Come on dude she cosplays at 30.
If she wasn't a nerd she'd have a husband by now
If you can't name them all, you're a pleb
Then lift at home. They should be doing an episode on calisthenics soon. Still way better than doing nothing.
Yes. Siblings.
who voiced sensei
My point still stands. She hit the wall 15 years ago.
because its normal? I dont do cosplay but I too have a strict seperation between job and personal life
user I'm pretty sure that other user was asking a hypothetical question in response to the user before him saying how inappropriate her cosplay is.
God, while watching the new episode I pulled the trigger and signed up for a gym.
Is that what they call failed successfuly?
It's just the beginning.
CGDCT is a hell of a drug.
I hope we will never get one about destuctive things.
I'm kind of impressed how they manage to consistently portray Hibiki as thicc without making her outright fat (or "chubby")
Girls und Panzer?
Lifting is actually very autistic hobby. You don't even need to interact with anyone, just follow the program like a robot.
You can do it user.
I hit a new record on jogging with the treadmill today, then did some strength training for another half hour. Every time I go, it gets a little easier and the fatigue is shorter.
We're all gonna make it
It does. Takes you to the anime's site
Pick one.
Me on the right
I was actually tank driver in my conscription time.
I was actually quite fit. So I hope I can receive the good old times.
>tfw no brown pudgy fit gf
Why live?
We need cosplayers to make cosplays about milfs too .
Reminder that Akemi will love your muscles no matter what. Just need to get some first.
I didn't like sensei that much. I hope she gets better with the next episodes.
I am literally Umaru.
>guy benching in the background doresn't even get close to touching his chest
I fucking hate this.
This show really cheers me up.
AOTS for me so far.
This. Thanks to this show, I'm glad I found another hobby to be autistic about, only this time it's actually beneficial to my body.
I mean if I got perfect grades and great at sports and can scarf down multiple bottles of cola and not be a landwhale why woudn't I be a himono-onna?
There's plenty of that, but mostly western stuff. Anime women seem to jump from looking like 18 straight to 50+.
imagine her shits
>starvation meme
Oh no it gets worse.
>tfw no qt /fit/ half-egyptian VA gf
>heart shaped pupils
What a slut.
Ayaka still remains the best girl by far
>delicious brown
>abs to lick for days
>great taste in kino, mentioned Jodorowsky, b movie connoisseur
>punch girl so she can punch your sides and cut your breath when you make her blush
That tamagoyaki looks terrible without the yolks.
I can live without that half egyptian part. It appears to be not a good mix.
Can webm have alpha channel?
How is she better then ayaka?
What do you mean I can eat snacks and still be thin??????
static dumbells are best for explosive movements, but not cost effective. If you're starting off, an adjustable set with plates is what you want. If you want to do ballistic exercises later on, you can do plenty with those plates.
yeah, the no yolks thing is a fucking meme and a half.
who said she is?
I keep hearing she's best girl in the manga
She is white
>wearing camisole
She supposed to be a gyaru.
Weather improved so I went out and did 3 sets of 20. Ended up picking a small one because it was easy to grip. Will probably try filling a bag next time so I can tell just how heavy are the dumbbells I lift
>cheat day
>cheat meal
Can help you if you're struggling mentally. i.e. "I can get through this diet if I'm allowed to eat a (1) twinkie each Thursday".
It's difficult to answer. Your blood sugar is 100% stable at all times until when you eat plus two hours after. Keep in mind digestion is still slow as all hell.
If your one meal is an actual, good meal with food that gets digested slowly? It's probably not worse, probably not better. If it helps you, do it e.g. you eat constantly, but small meals.
have they actually had a noname seiyuu that wasnt good?
>skipping breakfast (can) lead to eating a bigger lunch
Can be true, yes. Same logic as those people that "reward" a workout by eating. It completely negates the point.
>is it easier to eat smaller meals more often?
Probably but depends on the person.
I literally haven't had a conversation longer than "are you using this? Cool" or "can you spot me? Thanks"
>cheat day doesnt help
yes it does retard. Your metabolism crashes during a diet and your body adapts. I went from 240 to 150 by doing cheat days every 2 weeks and binging on pizza
your weight loss literally stops after awhile because your body starts thinking you are starving
>ywn have strong russian gf
She's lucky isn't only THAT fat eating like that.
I wanna fuck a short cow tit brown genki girl. What can I do?
>your weight loss literally stops after awhile because your body starts thinking you are starving
I will gladly explain how you're wrong, how insulin works and why the starvation meme is so stupid. It'll be some long posts so I'll only do it if you want to learn.
>I lost weight despite eating poorly one day
No shit. You were in an overall calorie deficit. That's how weightloss works. You could lose weight eating twinkies if you wanted to, as has been done in the past.
theres mexicans everywhere bro
>looking for a boy-friend
Oh come on, you're telling me nobody tried confessing to her?
Fuck, i want to play fight with her
kin means muscle
Some of them tried
they weren't good enough
Vasya is based.
Artyom is literally me.
Can someone put "caught you peeking" by the guy benching
No energy starving mode will save your body from losing fat by a calory deficit.
Nor does it suddenly work more efficiently and use less calories for the same things.
>Has been playing HoMM3 for 16 years
This image truly understands the slavic lands.
How effective would a diet of nothing but human cum be?
Where are all Ikemen chads?
Its crazy how it only takes a single lewd scene for a character to become best girl and this doujin incarnate scenario wasn't even the same one.
you probably just pushed yourself too hard in the beginning, why not user, just go back and take it easy
There is actually hentai about this very concept.
Unless you can kick her ass her uncle Ivan's ass and then be approved by Prime Minister/President Petin, forget about it.
When will the silver haired chick show up? Is she as mentally deranged as the others?
>your life experience is wrong
no its not. You eat at a massive caloric deficit and you body adapts. Our body does not give a fuck about our muscle mass or our fat percentage. The only thing it cares about is surviving. If you have been eating like shit and suddenly cut your calories. Your body knows something is wrong and changes your metabolism to cope with it. This is why you stop losing weight around 3 weeks after you start a diet. Your metabolism slows down and you stall. All you need to do is do a cheat day and your body rebounds and you can continue losing weight. Its absolutely fact. I have seen it myself. Your scale doesnt move for a week after eating PERFECT and then you gorge on a pizza and 2 days later your scale drops 2-3 pounds
>You were on a caloric deficit so you lost weight
If losing weight was as simple as just not eating alot guess what? most diets would be extremely successful and obesity wouldnt be the problem it is today. Turns out the body is actually more complicated than calories in calories out.
Could Machio beat her?
Squeeze your butt and tighten your abs in order to anterior rotate your pelvis, this should make it a bit harder
It's same problem with ayaka not being able to find one.
Guy, you can't beat the law of thermodynamics. Eat consume fewer calories than you spend in any given set of time, there's energy transfer.
Weight loss is as simple as that. People fail because food is tasty and they eat lots of it.
Ep 4 or 5
Yeah she's really weird.
>Russian chick named Gina Boyd
the author has good taste in 3dpd porn
>If losing weight was as simple as just not eating alot guess what?
It's running a deficit - it's really that easy. There is no magical way for your body to ignore that simple concept.
top kek
Just go and look up porn of /fit/ women you fucking losers
I can't begin to know what you're talking about
>you cant beat the law of thermodynamics
Your body stores fat as energy and can also take muscle as energy. The concept that simply cutting calories will result in a straight line down is incorrect. Your body will adapt. Which is why alot of bodybuilders DO CHEAT DAYS. because its effective.
Do you NEED a cheat day? no. But it takes longer without it and you will be fucking miserable eating stale dry chicken for the rest of your life.
Gina Gerson and Krystal Boyd are both Russian porn stars
That's not how ketose works.
Cheat day is bruh science and at best a way to relieve some stress.
>your single, unreliable anecdote is worth less than knowledge of physiology and metabolism, including actual training in the fields
Yes. Beyond that, all your anecdote said is "I lost weight while eating pizza every two weeks". It does not say anything to confirm or deny the existing of the starvation meme.
>your body adapts to eating less
True. Mostly through decreasing things like NEAT, which would never be picked up by a calculator.
>Our body does not give a fuck about our muscle mass or our fat percentage.
That's just plain wrong. The leaner you get, the harder muscle retention is. What exactly did you mean with this?
>changes your metabolism
When you use that word, what exactly do you mean?
>you (magically) stop losing weight, irrespective of calorie consumption, after three weeks
How did you come up with that number? And since we're using anecdotes, I've personally lost weight for three months. Why didn't I suddenly stop losing weight after the first month? I haven't been using cheat meals.
>your metabolism slows down and stalls
You fundamentally don't understand the word.
>body rebounds
user please. Say the word and I'll explain how weight loss and insulin works.
If I'm eating 2500 kcalories when my body needs 3000 to maintain weight, where is it getting those kcalories from? If my TDEE dropped to 2500 (which it doesn't) and I ate at 2000 kcalories, would I still lose weight?
>scale doesn't move
Likely water retention/didn't shit.
>If losing weight was as simple as just not eating alot guess what?
It literally is. I have college textbooks that literally say "weight is a function of calories in versus calories out". Would you like a screenshot?
>diets are shit
Most diets are "crash diets". See juice cleanses and other shit that restricts food. People do it for a month, quit, eat like shit again and gain weight.
meatbolism slowing is a meme, it only decreases 200-300 cals at worst
>googled their names
>google video actually directs me to pornsites
How did the websites get past the google wall?
I want to FUCK this cake
>its bruh science
99% of science papers coming out of fitness is bullshit. If bodybuilders are doing something and its working guess what? thats hypothesis confirmed. Actual science
>but my body in starving mode can ignore all laws of thermodynamics!
It's my body's fault that I can't lose fat and not the fact that I'm still eating too much!
it's beneficial to (((them)))
You can have a cheat day and still lose fat if the body deals with a long term deficit.
This fucking anime is gonna give me a goddamn armpit fetish
>not having an armpit fetish
The sheer fucking irony that Yea Forums watches a show about people that exercise.
best or worst part is they only do it because it stars a generic anime girl.
This show makes me HOT.
And to get rid of my family pack belly
When I lost 30kg in like 3-4 months (can't really pinpoint that timeframe anymore) I was eating a bar of chocolate or ice cream every second or third day.
The only thing I cared about was to take less than 2k kilocalories.
The fact that they're just sitting on the fucking floor like that annoys me for some reason
>The concept that simply cutting calories will result in a straight line down is incorrect
The body will cut fat for a long time before it starts eating up muscle. For starters because muscle has shit for calories. A kilo of fatty tissue has about 7500 kcalories (slightly less than the hypothetical 9000 kcalories, because cells have membranes and mitochondria and shit).
A kilo of muscle takes IIRC 2000 kcalories to make. Muscle is also a lot harder for the body to create than fat, which is literally designed to be stored temporarily and be burnt off when food is scarce.
Yes, your TDEE will drop when you lose weight. Because you're carrying less mass, and all movements are easier. So you adjust by eating slightly less.
You have failed to provide any reason why, supposedly, the body completely drops its metabolism after a mere "3 or so" weeks of eating less. Or provided any reason for any of your hypothesis, really.
>science isn't true you guys, trust these people who may or may not be on steroids
You are fundamentally wrong in everything you say. You are illiterate. Well done if you're a troll.
>the body will burn muscles before fat
That's maybe the biggest bruh science moment
>my body actually need that thing called sugar which it totally doesn't need at all
Is pretty high as well
That's basically how the "If it fits your macros" diet works: Eat well for most of your meals, and you can drink a coke/eat chocolate for the rest - as long as you eat at a deficit.
>science isnt true guys
if you were anywhere close to the scientific community , epsecially regarding fitness , you would know that every day papers come out that directly contredict each other.
The scientific community is a mountain of unread , unverified garbage that other people use to sell shit.
Science is falling apart right now and if you give it any credit you are a fucking idiot.
Address my points you coward. Post any proof or any evidence whatsoever to back up your claims rather than hide behind "da joos make da faek paepars!!"
I don't want to do it but OH MY STARVING MODE
>argument to authority
fitness science is a hilarious joke. Go fuck yourself and hide under a rock you stupid faggot.
listen to the people who actually accomplish something instead of some 90IQ faggot who decided to get a biology degree and needs to shit out papers to get career clout or is straight up being paid by a company to write it.
>hag's pits
Muh dick
I lost some weight playing on my wii. Don't tell anyone.
Cum target.
five of them, actually
Here you go: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
do it bruh, school user
Get with the times old man, she's old news, we're talking about how we want to fuck the hag now
>If I'm eating 2500 kcalories when my body needs 3000 to maintain weight
Then 3000 will drop to 2500. You will just lose your power output.
29 years isn't even New Year's Noodles age
Sensei is even better than I expected, but I can't resist a cute girl with glasses and a lab coat.
She really isn't.
Dumbells range between 2 - 75lb
what am I even looking at?
fat slut
you can't be this stupid
Which one would you pick Yea Forums?
Protein influencing thermogenesis and retention of lean muscle mass.
>law of thermodynamics
At the risk of getting pulled into this shitfest debate, I jsut want to mention we don't actually know the "calories out" part of the equation.
Some calories pass through the intestines and the body doesn't pick them up. Especially with contidions like lactose intolerance or other enzyme deficiencies, any form of diarrhea, acid reflux, etc.
Then there are those few % of NEAT.
Then finally any adjustments you make to your behaviour as a result of feeling hungry/sluggish/sleepy or anything else starving people might feel, changes to heart rate and thermal exchange with the environment, etc.
I don't know how these would apply to a diet, just saying we never have enough information to use simple thermodynamics.
The strongest
i wanna have sex diets with this gyaru
stag beetle hair
>How can Africans starving to dead
Don't they know about the starving mode of their bodies?
god it's so massive
I hate hair buns so much.
So, we're not allowed to make scientific conjecture? I didn't know that.
I want to sleep on it.
At th end of the day, if you don't eat you will lose body fat, and that's a fact.
literally me
>those pits
>that completely exposed midriff
>those vagina bones
>those thighs
Thank you genius who created Shimakaze's design and all the brilliant people who adapted it in different ways for the sake of parody.
One more to go, then I'll make a zip or something because I'm not going to fucking solve captcha for an hour.
I'll post some download link in some other danberu thread of all the webms
>10lbs in a year
Woah dude slow down, that's almost a pound per month. You're going to starve yourself if you work any harder
Kek those eyebrows. Looks spot on though
>I'll post some download link