I'm making a team you in?

I'm making a team you in?

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missing one

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Me on the right.

>gay hiki
Is that really his name?

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Got room for one more?

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>Approving, I eat the well—cooked rice.
>I think alarm clocks are degenerate
These get me every time

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literally me

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Emiya "if she ain't in the kitchen she gets beaten" Shirou

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Say what you want about Hikigaya or oregairu but at least acknowledge it is a step ahead of the others since it isn't a harem.

Oregairu is even worse than a harem.

It's genuine

That's because it actually has good characters from its main cast and themes. That separates itself from the competition. WA2 came the closest to a bittersweet/tragic high school romance but its an unfinished product and only available in a machine translated eroge.

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Worst forced meme in the history of Yea Forums.

The quintessential litterally me quintuplets when?

who /tanaka/ here

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It's a one sided love triangle mostly, just the MC is too autistic to go with the girl who won on day one.

I’m in

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T-the manga is ending soon ;_;

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He is too expressive.

Ha ha that panel isn't funny anymore, just depressing

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>being this of a purityfag


So a second season of the anime is possible now, right? RIGHT?!

Kek, i love this

My sides

What is this image trying to say?

stealing this image to make a K-ON thread later, keep an eye out for it

I like literally me characters. Azusagawa was a fun character even if he and his friends were dumb.

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Yes, I too am a supergenius lab rat who escaped from captivity, how can you tell?

Wouldn't all of them be quite as fuck when placed in the same room. Probably will be an all monologue show (that would be hilarious as fuck I might say), with maybe some awkward attempts to socialise only by Azusagawa.

Both are looking at Yukino instead of Yui. Also Pan-san is a Destiny Land character who has ugly eyes but is caring and kind.

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just a photo of a samurai and his wives

look at the eyes, lad.

What about their girls interacting

No thanks, i want to save my energy.

>self-inserting as an autistic sword
For a self-insert, Shirou's fucking terrible. You're forced to go full retard most of the time. Rin is a better self-insert in fsn.

>le jaded "I hate everything please don't touch me" personality
as someone who was a bully in my teens I wish I could go back in time and beat the shit out of these pretentious """""""""depressed"""""" emo fucks instead of only verbally picking on them
oregairu and hyouka are fucking garbage

Someone is a miserable little shit.

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I'm in.

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Hey! This is a no bully zone!

I would love to get it but sadly I open up to people too fast

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You forgot someone

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Any of the points Oregairu autistically tries to convey can be countered with
“We live in a society”

other than oreki and 50%, the other are useless

>it isn't a harem.
It is a stealth harem.

>Any of the points Oregairu autistically tries to convey
talk about missing the point lmao

I'm in!

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>Tfw you still enjoy these MCs
Stay mad Yea Forums

I'm in.

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Of course the MCs are enjoyable, their ideas and actions are ok but the problem is how all the other characters are forcibly used by the plot when they were supposed to be realistic

You know spineless beta MC are the alternative, don't you?

If I want to watch a show about the edgy outcast loser being ignored and rejected completely I can just reminisce about my own high school days.

Except the entire story is about willing to put temporary superficial friendships on the line for a real love. Oregairu honestly does a better job (in the Light Novel) with the struggle of Hachiman wanting to grow closer and most of the time failing with Yukino, than say Eva does with Shinji and Asuka.

Good to know you enjoy my company

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I'd honestly take spineless beta MC over brooding bitter hikki"NEET" otaku types. At least it makes sense why girls, let alone anyone, would like generic nice guys. Not that I'm saying literally me types are the ones I'm referring to mind you.

Isn't it the opposite? girls like bad boy types like Ayanokoji over effeminate manlets who cry alot like Shinji.

I'm so witty

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Plenty of brooding sadboys get partners irl, its not that far fetched specially if they are good looking

making people laugh is fairly easy

Nah it's shit.
It kept dwell on that superficial muh genuine shit forever and pretend it is anything deep

The latter half of the story are also forced dramafest that can be simply solved by the autismo queen communicating with her family and the genki retard giving up the bowl she never had the chance to win.

Yeah that's why I mentioned it kind of being it's own thing. I think you know what I mean though. Those characters that bitch about "normies" all the time yet end up with a harem on their lap because of some asspull circumstance or they got trucked. These ones are more blatant wishfulfillment self inserts than actual literally me types.

co-dependency is not forced drama, it's a real problem.

Why yes, I am the best male MC of the decade. How could you tell?

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Someone post the "by the way I'm a virgin!" webm.

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I love Shirou's autistic rambling so much.

The more times I read this post, the more I think these words could easily be said (without the insults) by anyone from the outcast quartet
Congratulations user, you are literally them

Saekano > WA2 > Shit > Oregairu

Yeah it's funny how trying to parody the nihilistic outlook of edgy losers by having w*men act unrealistic toward them just ends up reinforcing it. Hikigaya and his kind are supposed to be wrong but the convoluted bullshit the authors have to come up with to jusfify this conclusion shows how right they are.

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Literally me myself and I

Holy shit! True alpha male!

Is Eren /ourguy/?

>For a self-insert, Shirou's fucking terrible
He has a harem, he fucks all the waifus and beat tons of heroic spirits.

pffft,adgy teenager protagonists !!!

underrated post

Literally me

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>I think alarm clocks are degenerate, so I haven't used one since I was a kid.

This shit cracks me up every single time.

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Call me a brainlet but what does this mean exactly?

I would guess he means you overly rely on them and become lazy.

But thats just autistic

Is the anime worth watching for the usagi girl?

The two on the left are high quality self inserts.



Elephant cock SNAFU?

I want to fuck him so bad anons....

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spotted the underage edgetard

Based. Thank you for your service. I wish we still had bullies to put these faggots in place.



I know nobody watched it but come on nigga

Literally me. Intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor.

Ok, I'm with you guys

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Shirou is autistic himself so it fits

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