Is it "I-ino" or "L-ino" ?

is it "I-ino" or "L-ino" ?

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It's 伊井野


It's 2nd best girl

it's shit.

"Eeh-no", fucking retards can't different an upper case letter to a lower case one.

So many people call her Lino that i just accepted they're doing it on purpose instead of thinking so many could be that dumb

her name is worst girl

It's ku-so.

It's "shit"

It's Cute

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It's "trash".

I can actually picture her in that situation.



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Its ino but I say Li ino

Riko Lino.

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It's Fatty

Can I explain why this particular character attract so many waifufaggotry?
If it is Hayasaka then I understand as she is a much a waifuable character.
I never saw anyone waifu Kaguya either.

Maybe those short midget characters and their design combining with Tsundereness (Iino, Taiga) are just not my type.

hol up, Miko == Taiga, Ishi == Ryuji ?????

Garbage characters attract garbage fans.

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I bet you dont even call Yukiko Larry

Why are you acting so surprised?
IshiMiko is just a boring rehash of Toradora.
People noticed that since day 1.


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Japanese don't even have an L sound in their alphabet

La Nina Rino

Lino is kino, as they say

No, Karen is kino

Loli starts with L

She attracts more hatred. The Iino waifuism is mainly a backlash to it.

lino of course.

No, Onodera is kino

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I mean if it's L-ino it would be R-ino because loljapan so I assume it's I-ino.

>Three Kaguya threads

Did slutbame just make this manga more famous?

lino sure is a doujin bait character

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So why did Jag (I suppose he was the one that first romanised her name) go with Iino? I remember that even the official romanization they went with Ino, and Viz also went with Ino, which will inevitably piss me off when subs put Ino everytime her name is pronounced in S2(if ever)

いいの みこ

They are actually roris

yeah, and how do you read it? Try saying it with a japanese accent

>this shitpost thread
>a kaguya thread

I thought it was 伊井野 ミコ? Or am I being meme'd on even in nihongo? AHHH DEKINAI-CHAN PLEASE NO

This 野 is の while the other two, 伊井, are いい. He's just spelling the phonetics in hiragana.

It's Guillotine Gorila


Oh yeah? Am l writing Iino or Iino then?

You're writing IINO.

>not opening Open Office/Word when entering Kaguya threads to check whether anons use an L or an I everytime her name is spelt in the threads


You didn't catch me writing "l" (L) in the "Am l", did you?

it's LLno


Mi negro

Basado y rikholinoempastillado

>tsubamlets are infuriated that Iino is now certain to win the Ishibowl



It's best girl.



Lino is the pet name I use for my cute wife.

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